public SubscriptionHandler(GameSession session) { session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 314, OnUtilSubscribe, "OnUtilSubscribe"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 228, OnCloseAll, "OnCloseAll"); Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120); }
public FlagDroppedEvent(GamePlayState _game, int droppedId, VTankObject.Point where, GameSession.Alliance flagColor) : base(_game) { this.droppedId = droppedId; this.where = where; this.flagColor = flagColor; }
private void OnEnable() { _session = GameSession.CURRENT; _session.ServerConnection.OtherJoinedRoom += ServerConnection_OtherJoinedRoom; _session.ServerConnection.OtherLeftRoom += ServerConnection_OtherLeftRoom; _session.ServerConnection.OtherChangedSetup += ServerConnection_OtherChangedSetup; _header.text = _session.ServerConnection.ConnectedRoom.Name; // Load current setup foreach (RoomPlayerInfo info in _session.ServerConnection.ConnectedRoom.Players) { if (info.PlayerID == _session.ServerConnection.PlayerID) { _setup = info.Setup; _boatInput.value = _setup.BoatID; _colorInput.value = _setup.FlagColorID; _readyInput.isOn = _setup.Ready; break; } } if (_setup == null) { Debug.Log("Failed to load player setup."); gameObject.SetActive(false); } _updateList = true; }
public SetBaseHealthEvent(GameSession.Alliance color, int eventId, int health, VTankBot _game) : base(_game) { this.baseColor = color; this.baseEventId = eventId; this.newBaseHealth = health; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Player object. /// </summary> /// <param name="_tank">Tank identifying this player.</param> public Player(GameSession.Tank _tank) { tank = _tank; MovementDirection = VTankObject.Direction.NONE; RotationDirection = VTankObject.Direction.NONE; Angle = _tank.angle; Weapon = WeaponLoader.GetWeapon(tank.attributes.weaponID); }
private byte[] OnAssetsVersion(GameSession session, byte[] body) { PegasusUtil.AssetsVersionResponse response = new PegasusUtil.AssetsVersionResponse() { Version = 0 }; return response.EncodeResponse(304); }
public Base(int baseId, Point _position, GameSession.Alliance _team) { const int OFFSET = 8; // Offset the base ID for zero-based indexing. BaseID = baseId - OFFSET; health = DEFAULT_BASE_HEALTH; position = _position; Team = _team; }
private void OnEnable() { _session = GameSession.CURRENT; _joined = false; _session.ServerConnection.ReceivedRooms += ServerConnection_ReceivedRooms; _session.ServerConnection.JoinedRoom += ServerConnection_JoinedRoom; _session.ServerConnection.RequestRooms(); }
private byte[] OnGetBattlePayStatus(GameSession session, byte[] body) { BattlePayStatusResponse response = new BattlePayStatusResponse() { Status = BattlePayStatusResponse.PurchaseState.PS_READY, BattlePayAvailable = false }; return response.EncodeResponse(265); }
private void OnDisable() { if (_session != null) { _session.ServerConnection.OtherJoinedRoom -= ServerConnection_OtherJoinedRoom; _session.ServerConnection.OtherLeftRoom -= ServerConnection_OtherLeftRoom; _session = null; } }
public static Game CreateGame() { var session = new GameSession {Setup = new GameSetup()}; var player = new Player(null, MockRepository.GenerateStub<IPlayerView>()); session.Join(player); var game = new Game(); game.Initialize(session); return game; }
// new world with the game public World(string filename, Drawing.DrawHandler drawHandler, GameEventHandler aiEventHandler, GameSession session, PlayMode playMode) : this(playMode) { this.DrawHandler = drawHandler; this.fileName = filename; this.aiEventHandler = aiEventHandler; this.session = session; Deserialize(); }
private void OnDisable() { if (_session != null) { _session.ServerConnection.CreatedRoom -= ServerConnection_CreatedRoom; _session.ServerConnection.JoinedRoom -= ServerConnection_JoinedRoom; _session = null; } }
private byte[] OnAckCardSeen(GameSession session, byte[] body) { AckCardSeen request = new AckCardSeen(); using(Stream stream = new MemoryStream(body)) { request.Deserialize(stream); } return null; }
public BaseCapturedEvent(int eventId, GameSession.Alliance newBaseColor, int capturerId, GameSession.Alliance oldBaseColor, GamePlayState _game) : base(_game) { this.baseEventId = eventId; this.newBaseColor = newBaseColor; this.capturerId = capturerId; this.oldBaseColor = oldBaseColor; }
private void OnDisable() { if (_session != null) { _session.ServerConnection.ReceivedRooms -= ServerConnection_ReceivedRooms; _session.ServerConnection.JoinedRoom -= ServerConnection_JoinedRoom; _session = null; } _roomListView.Clear(); }
public DamageBaseByEnvironmentEvent(VTankBot _game, GameSession.Alliance baseColor, int baseId, int envId, int damage, bool isDestroyed) : base(_game) { this.baseColor = baseColor; this.baseId = baseId; this.environmentEffectId = envId; this.damage = damage; this.isDestroyed = isDestroyed; }
public void DespawnFlag(GameSession.Alliance alliance) { if (!flags.ContainsKey(alliance)) { this.AddFlag(alliance, Vector3.Zero); } flags[alliance].Unattach(); flags[alliance].ParticleEmitter0.Emitting = false; flags[alliance].ParticleEmitter1.Emitting = false; flags[alliance].Hidden = true; }
private byte[] OnCloseAll(GameSession session, byte[] body) { PegasusUtil.ClientTracking request = new PegasusUtil.ClientTracking(); using(Stream stream = new MemoryStream(body)) { request.Deserialize(stream); } foreach (PegasusUtil.OneClientTracking tracking in request.Info.Where(t => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Message))) { Debug.WriteLine("INFO OnCloseAll {0} {1}", tracking.Level_, tracking.Message); } return null; }
public AccountHandler(GameSession session) { session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 201, OnGetAccountInfo, "OnGetAccountInfo"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 205, OnUpdateLogin, "OnUpdateLogin"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 223, OnAckCardSeen, "OnAckCardSeen"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 239, OnSetOptions, "OnSetOptions"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 240, OnGetOptions, "OnGetOptions"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 253, OnGetAchieves, "OnGetAchieves"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 267, OnCheckAccountLicenses, "OnCheckAccountLicenses"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(1, 276, OnCheckGameLicenses, "OnCheckGameLicenses"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 284, OnValidateAchieve, "OnValidateAchieve"); session.RegisterUtilHandler(0, 305, OnGetAdventureProgress, "OnGetAdventureProgress"); }
public override bool OnFarmWork(GameSession session) { if (!Program.Instance.Config.ReadCustomBool("superplow", "maintainplots", false)) return true; List<PlotDefinition> toPlot = new List<PlotDefinition>(); foreach (PlotDefinition plotSetting in _plotDefinitions) { string hashKey = plotSetting.X.ToString() + "," + plotSetting.Y.ToString(); if (session.World.SuperPlots.ContainsKey(hashKey)) { int leftOver = plotSetting.PlotCount - session.World.SuperPlots[hashKey].Count; if ( leftOver > 0 ) toPlot.Add(new PlotDefinition() { PlotCount = leftOver, X = plotSetting.X, Y = plotSetting.Y }); } } if ( toPlot.Count == 0 ) return true; foreach ( PlotDefinition plot in toPlot ) { int plotCount = plot.PlotCount; string hashKey = plot.X.ToString() + "," + plot.Y.ToString(); for ( int x = 0; x< plotCount; x++ ) { Game.Objects.PlotObject newplot = new Game.Objects.PlotObject(); newplot.ClassName = "Plot"; newplot.Giftable = false; newplot.GiftSenderId = ""; newplot.HasGiftRemaining = false; newplot.Id = 0; newplot.IsBigPlot = false; newplot.IsJumbo = false; newplot.IsProduceItem = false; newplot.ItemName = ""; newplot.State = "plowed"; newplot.UsesAltGraphic = false; newplot.PlantTime = float.NaN; newplot.Position = new Game.Classes.ObjectPosition() { X = plot.X, Y = plot.Y, Z = 0 }; if ( !newplot.Plow() ) return false; session.World.ObjectsArray.Add(newplot); if ( !session.World.SuperPlots.ContainsKey( hashKey ) ) session.World.SuperPlots.Add( hashKey, new List<Game.Objects.PlotObject>() ); session.World.SuperPlots[hashKey].Add(newplot); } } return true; }
public void FlagPickedUp(GameSession.Alliance alliance, Object3 tank) { if (!flags.ContainsKey(alliance)) { this.AddFlag(alliance, tank.Position); } flags[alliance].ParticleEmitter0.Emitting = true; flags[alliance].ParticleEmitter1.Emitting = true; flags[alliance].MimicPosition(tank, new Vector3(0,0,70)); flags[alliance].Hidden = false; //TODO add continuous particle emitter to flag //TODO stop emitter from base }
private byte[] OnUtilSubscribe(GameSession session, byte[] body) { if(session.Route == 0) { session.Route = 1; } Subscribed = DateTime.Now; PegasusUtil.SubscribeResponse response = new PegasusUtil.SubscribeResponse() { Route = session.Route, SupportedFeatures = 3, KeepAliveSecs = (ulong)Timeout.Seconds }; return response.EncodeResponse(315); }
private void OnEnable() { _session = GameSession.CURRENT; if (_session.ServerConnection.IsConnected) { _session = null; _loginMenu.Show(this); return; } _session.ServerConnection.Connected += ServerConnection_Connected; _session.ServerConnection.ConnectFailed += ServerConnection_ConnectFailed; _session.ServerConnection.ConnectionSecured += ServerConnection_ConnectionSecured; if (!_session.ServerConnection.IsConnecting) _session.ServerConnection.Connect(ClientToServerConnection.DEFAULT_IP, ClientToServerConnection.DEFAULT_PORT); }
private void Awake() { if (Application.isEditor) _remotePort = 20001; CURRENT = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); _localIP = GetIPAddress(); UPnPHelper.RESULT += BindUPnPResult; ClientConnection = new ClientToClient(); _clientManager = GetComponent<ClientManager>(); ServerConnection = new ClientToServerConnection(ClientConnection); ServerConnection.GameLoad += LoadGame; ServerConnection.GameStart += StartGame; BindUPnP(); }
public void AddFlag(GameSession.Alliance alliance, Vector3 spawnPosition) { if (!flags.ContainsKey(alliance)) { string a = Enum.GetName(typeof(GameSession.Alliance), alliance); a = a.ToLower(); Model mBase = ServiceManager.Resources.GetModel("events\\" + a + "_flag_spawn"); Flag nFlag = new Flag(ServiceManager.Resources.GetModel("events\\flag_" + a), spawnPosition); //setup emitters nFlag.ParticleEmitter0 = new ParticleEmitter(a + "_flag"); nFlag.ParticleEmitter0.Attach(nFlag, "Emitter0"); ServiceManager.Scene.Add(nFlag.ParticleEmitter0, 3); nFlag.ParticleEmitter1 = new ParticleEmitter(a + "_flag"); nFlag.ParticleEmitter1.Attach(nFlag, "Emitter1"); ServiceManager.Scene.Add(nFlag.ParticleEmitter1, 3); //end emitters flags.Add(alliance, nFlag); flags[alliance].RenderID = ServiceManager.Scene.Add(flags[alliance], 0); nFlag.BaseRenderID = ServiceManager.Scene.Add(mBase, spawnPosition+ new Vector3(0,0,0.1f), 0); } }
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder) { builder.Register<GameSessionController>().SingletonScoped(); builder.Register<GameSessionView>().SingletonScoped(); if (IsAServer) { builder.Register((c, p) => { IGameSession gameSession = new GameSession(); var gameSessionController = c.Resolve<GameSessionController> ( new TypedParameter(typeof(IPlayer), null), new TypedParameter(typeof(ICamera), null), new TypedParameter(typeof(bool), true) ); var gameSessionView = c.Resolve<GameSessionView>(); gameSession.GameSessionController = gameSessionController; gameSession.GameSessionView = gameSessionView; return gameSession; }); } else { builder.Register((c, p) => { IGameSession gameSession = new GameSession(); var gameSessionController = c.Resolve<GameSessionController> ( new TypedParameter(typeof(IPlayer), c.Resolve<IPlayer>(new NamedParameter("LocalPlayer", true))), new TypedParameter(typeof(bool), false) ); var gameSessionView = c.Resolve<GameSessionView>(); gameSession.GameSessionController = gameSessionController; gameSession.GameSessionView = gameSessionView; return gameSession; }); } }
public ChessGameBoard() : base() { boardWidget = new CairoViewerBoard (ChessGamePlayer. GetDefaultPosition ()); gameSession = new GameSession (); bottomLabel = new Label (); topLabel = new Label (); bottomLabel.UseMarkup = true; topLabel.UseMarkup = true; topLabel.Yalign = 1; // bottom bottomLabel.Yalign = 0; // top PackStart (topLabel, false, false, 2); PackStart (boardWidget, true, true, 2); PackStart (bottomLabel, false, false, 2); UpdateLabels (null); ShowAll (); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for a Base /// </summary> /// <param name="color">The team color of the base</param> /// <param name="position">The position to place the base at</param> /// <param name="eventId">The event ID of the base</param> /// <param name="_model">The model of the base.</param> public Base(GameSession.Alliance color, Vector3 position, int eventId, Model _model) : base(_model, position) { this.originalOwner = color; this.BaseColor = color; this.Position = position; this.eventId = eventId; = Constants.MAX_BASE_HEALTH; this.destroyed = false; previousDamageState = DamageState.None; ParticleEmitter0 = new ParticleEmitter("DamagedBaseFire"); ParticleEmitter1 = new ParticleEmitter("DamagedBaseFire"); ParticleEmitter2 = new ParticleEmitter("DamagedBaseFire"); ParticleEmitter3 = new ParticleEmitter("DamagedBaseFire"); StopEmitters(); ServiceManager.Scene.Add(ParticleEmitter0, 3); ServiceManager.Scene.Add(ParticleEmitter1, 3); ServiceManager.Scene.Add(ParticleEmitter2, 3); ServiceManager.Scene.Add(ParticleEmitter3, 3); }
//public TextMeshProUGUI ContinueText; private void Start() { gSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); loadScene = FindObjectOfType <LoadScene>(); }
private static void HandleTrophy(GameSession session) { session.Send(UserEnvPacket.UpdateTrophy()); }
/// <summary> /// 还未连接上路由服情况处理 /// </summary> public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ProcessNotReady(RequestPackage package, GameSession session) { if (package == null) { return; } try { ActionGetter actionGetter; byte[] data = new byte[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.RouteName)) { actionGetter = ActionDispatcher.GetActionGetter(package, session); if (CheckRemote(package.RouteName, actionGetter)) { MessageStructure response = new MessageStructure(); OnCallRemote(package.RouteName, actionGetter, response); data = response.PopBuffer(); } else { return; } } else { SocketGameResponse response = new SocketGameResponse(); response.WriteErrorCallback += ActionDispatcher.ResponseError; actionGetter = ActionDispatcher.GetActionGetter(package, session); response.WriteError(actionGetter, Language.Instance.ErrorCode, Language.Instance.ServerBusy); data = response.ReadByte(); } try { if (session != null && data.Length > 0) { await session.SendAsync(actionGetter.OpCode, data, 0, data.Length, OnSendCompleted); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLog.WriteError("PostSend error:{0}", ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLog.WriteError("Task error:{0}", ex); } finally { if (session != null) { session.ExitSession(); } } }
//Main map gen method public string GenerateGameField(GameLevelType type, string seed = " ") { Vector2 playerSpawn =; myMapStyle = Resources.Load <GameMapStyle>(Path.Combine("MapStyles", mapStyles.GetCurrentMapStyle(Relocation.CurrentDungeonLevel))); postProccesing.profile = myMapStyle.levelPostProccess; CreateMapHolders(); bool useRandomSeed = seed.Equals(" ") ? true : false; if (type == GameLevelType.SimpleLevel) { //Map base gen GenerateMap(useRandomSeed, seed); //Noise generation int noiseSeed = Random.Range(0, 999999); Vector2 noiseOffset = new Vector2(Random.Range(-9999, 9999), Random.Range(-9999, 9999)); float[,] noise = Noise.GenerateNoiseMap(mapSize.xMapSize, mapSize.yMapSize, noiseSeed, scale, octaves, persistance, lacunarity, noiseOffset); var groundRegions = Noise.GetClearNoiseRegions(noise, myMapStyle.GetGroundSize(), mapMask); for (int i = 0; i < groundRegions.Length; i++) { var region = groundRegions[i]; for (int k = 0; k < region.tiles.Count; k++) { Vector2Int pos = region.tiles[k]; int sum = 0; if (region.tiles.Contains(new Vector2Int(pos.x, pos.y + 1))) { sum += 1; } if (region.tiles.Contains(new Vector2Int(pos.x + 1, pos.y))) { sum += 2; } if (region.tiles.Contains(new Vector2Int(pos.x, pos.y - 1))) { sum += 4; } if (region.tiles.Contains(new Vector2Int(pos.x - 1, pos.y))) { sum += 8; } SpawnGround(pos.x, pos.y, region.groundLayerIndex, sum); } } for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.xMapSize; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.yMapSize; y++) { if (mapMask[x, y] == 1) //if walls { bool canSpawnWall = false; for (int k = x - 1; k <= x + 1; k++) { for (int j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++) { try{ if (mapMask[k, j] == 0) { canSpawnWall = true; break; } }catch (Exception ex) { continue; } } if (canSpawnWall) { break; } } if (canSpawnWall) { SpawnWall(x, y); } } } } playerSpawn = GeneratePlayerPos(); SpawnLevelMobs(playerSpawn); SpawnBuildings(playerSpawn); SpawnProps(playerSpawn); SpawnBlocks(); SpawnPlayerDeathPoint(); } else if (type == GameLevelType.CheckPoint) { SpawnCheckPointRoom(); playerSpawn =; } else if (type == GameLevelType.BossLevel) { SpawnBossLevel(); } GameSession.SpawnPlayer(new Vector3(playerSpawn.x, playerSpawn.y, 0f)); return(this.seed); }
public void UpdateTurn(GameSession game, int id) { NeutronStarInfo nsi = game.GameDatabase.GetNeutronStarInfo(id); FleetInfo fleetInfo = nsi != null?game.GameDatabase.GetFleetInfo(nsi.FleetId) : (FleetInfo)null; if (fleetInfo == null) { game.GameDatabase.RemoveEncounter(id); } else { MissionInfo missionByFleetId = game.GameDatabase.GetMissionByFleetID(fleetInfo.ID); if (game.GameDatabase.GetMoveOrderInfoByFleetID(fleetInfo.ID) != null) { FleetLocation fl = game.GameDatabase.GetFleetLocation(fleetInfo.ID, false); if (!nsi.DeepSpaceSystemId.HasValue || game.GameDatabase.GetStarSystemInfos().Any <StarSystemInfo>((Func <StarSystemInfo, bool>)(x => { if (x.ID != nsi.DeepSpaceSystemId.Value) { return((double)(game.GameDatabase.GetStarSystemOrigin(x.ID) - fl.Coords).LengthSquared < 9.99999974737875E-05); } return(false); }))) { return; } game.GameDatabase.UpdateStarSystemOrigin(nsi.DeepSpaceSystemId.Value, fl.Coords); } else { if (missionByFleetId != null) { game.GameDatabase.RemoveMission(missionByFleetId.ID); } StarSystemInfo starSystemInfo = game.GameDatabase.GetStarSystemInfo(fleetInfo.SystemID); foreach (int standardPlayerId in game.GameDatabase.GetStandardPlayerIDs()) { if (StarMap.IsInRange(game.GameDatabase, standardPlayerId, game.GameDatabase.GetFleetLocation(fleetInfo.ID, false).Coords, 1f, (Dictionary <int, List <ShipInfo> >)null)) { game.GameDatabase.InsertTurnEvent(new TurnEvent() { EventType = TurnEventType.EV_NEUTRON_STAR_DESTROYED_SYSTEM, EventMessage = TurnEventMessage.EM_NEUTRON_STAR_DESTROYED_SYSTEM, SystemID = starSystemInfo.ID, PlayerID = this.PlayerID, TurnNumber = game.GameDatabase.GetTurnCount() }); } } if (nsi.DeepSpaceSystemId.HasValue) { game.GameDatabase.RemoveFleet(fleetInfo.ID); game.GameDatabase.RemoveEncounter(id); game.GameDatabase.DestroyStarSystem(game, nsi.DeepSpaceSystemId.Value); } if (fleetInfo.SystemID != 0) { game.GameDatabase.DestroyStarSystem(game, starSystemInfo.ID); } if (!(game.App.CurrentState is StarMapState)) { return; } ((StarMapState)game.App.CurrentState).ClearSelectedObject(); ((StarMapState)game.App.CurrentState).RefreshStarmap(StarMapState.StarMapRefreshType.REFRESH_ALL); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { scoreText = GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); scoreText.text = gameSession.GetCurrentScore().ToString(); }
private void Start() { _gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
public void Execute(GameSession parentSession, bool visited) { parentSession.SendText("\nHello adventurer. Have you seen my brother Gymir? I haven't heard from him in ages... "); parentSession.SendText("In any case, I'm pretty busy right now, so perhaps you can come back later."); }
public ElfCave(GameSession session) : base(session) { Name = "interaction0011"; }
public WindowAlertModuleReloadingInProgress(IModule module, GameSession gameSession) { InitializeComponent(); txtMessage.Text = $@"RELOAD WILL BE COMPLETE IN {Math.Round(module.ReloadTime - module.Reloading, 2)} SECONDS"; }
public void Send() { CharacterManager.Spawn(GameSession.GetOnlineAll()); }
private static void HandleOpenSidebar(GameSession session) { session.Send(NewsNotificationPacket.OpenSidebar()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { scoreText = GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
private void AddEasterEggs( Random random, GameDatabase gamedb, AssetDatabase assetdb, GameSession game, NamesPool namesPool, GameSetup gameSetup) { List <StarSystemInfo> list1 = gamedb.GetStarSystemInfos().ToList <StarSystemInfo>(); foreach (StarSystemInfo starSystemInfo in new List <StarSystemInfo>((IEnumerable <StarSystemInfo>)list1)) { List <OrbitalObjectInfo> list2 = gamedb.GetStarSystemOrbitalObjectInfos(starSystemInfo.ID).ToList <OrbitalObjectInfo>(); if (list2.Count <OrbitalObjectInfo>() == 0) { list1.Remove(starSystemInfo); } bool flag = false; foreach (OrbitalObjectInfo orbitalObjectInfo in list2) { if (gamedb.GetColonyInfoForPlanet(orbitalObjectInfo.ID) != null) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { list1.Remove(starSystemInfo); } } using (List <StarSystemInfo> .Enumerator enumerator = list1.GetEnumerator()) { label_43: while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { StarSystemInfo current = enumerator.Current; foreach (OrbitalObjectInfo orbit in gamedb.GetStarSystemOrbitalObjectInfos(current.ID).ToList <OrbitalObjectInfo>()) { PlanetInfo planetInfo = gamedb.GetPlanetInfo(orbit.ID); if (planetInfo != null && !(planetInfo.Type == "gaseous") && (gamedb.GetLargeAsteroidInfo(orbit.ID) == null && gamedb.GetAsteroidBeltInfo(orbit.ID) == null) && random.CoinToss((double)assetdb.RandomEncOddsPerOrbital * ((double)gameSetup._randomEncounterFrequency / 100.0))) { int maxValue = game.GetAvailableEEOdds().Sum <KeyValuePair <EasterEgg, int> >((Func <KeyValuePair <EasterEgg, int>, int>)(x => x.Value)); if (maxValue == 0) { return; } int num1 = random.Next(maxValue); int num2 = 0; EasterEgg easterEgg = EasterEgg.EE_SWARM; foreach (KeyValuePair <EasterEgg, int> easterEggOdd in assetdb.EasterEggOdds) { num2 += easterEggOdd.Value; if (num2 > num1) { easterEgg = easterEggOdd.Key; break; } } App.Log.Warn(string.Format("Spawning {0} at {1}", (object)easterEgg.ToString(), (object)current.ID), nameof(game)); switch (easterEgg) { case EasterEgg.EE_SWARM: if (this.Swarmers != null) { this.Swarmers.AddInstance(gamedb, assetdb, current.ID, orbit.ID); goto label_43; } else { goto label_43; } case EasterEgg.EE_ASTEROID_MONITOR: if (this.AsteroidMonitor != null) { this.AsteroidMonitor.AddInstance(gamedb, assetdb, current.ID, orbit.ID); goto label_43; } else { goto label_43; } case EasterEgg.EE_PIRATE_BASE: if (this.Pirates != null) { this.Pirates.AddInstance(gamedb, assetdb, game, current.ID, orbit.ID); goto label_43; } else { goto label_43; } case EasterEgg.EE_VON_NEUMANN: if (this.VonNeumann != null) { this.VonNeumann.AddInstance(gamedb, assetdb, namesPool); goto label_43; } else { goto label_43; } case EasterEgg.EE_GARDENERS: if (this.Gardeners != null) { this.Gardeners.AddInstance(gamedb, assetdb, current.ID); goto label_43; } else { goto label_43; } case EasterEgg.EE_INDEPENDENT: ScriptModules.InsertIndependentSystem(random, current, orbit, gamedb, assetdb); goto label_43; case EasterEgg.EE_MORRIGI_RELIC: if (this.MorrigiRelic != null) { this.MorrigiRelic.AddInstance(gamedb, assetdb, current.ID, orbit.ID); goto label_43; } else { goto label_43; } default: goto label_43; } } } } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _scoreText = GetComponent <Text>(); _gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
public void UpdateEasterEggs(GameSession game) { foreach (EncounterInfo encounterInfo in game.GameDatabase.GetEncounterInfos().ToList <EncounterInfo>()) { switch (encounterInfo.Type) { case EasterEgg.EE_SWARM: if (this.Swarmers != null) { this.Swarmers.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.EE_ASTEROID_MONITOR: if (this.AsteroidMonitor != null) { this.AsteroidMonitor.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.EE_VON_NEUMANN: if (this.VonNeumann != null) { this.VonNeumann.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.EE_GARDENERS: case EasterEgg.GM_GARDENER: if (this.Gardeners != null) { this.Gardeners.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.EE_MORRIGI_RELIC: if (this.MorrigiRelic != null) { this.MorrigiRelic.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.GM_SYSTEM_KILLER: if (this.SystemKiller != null) { this.SystemKiller.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.GM_LOCUST_SWARM: if (this.Locust != null) { this.Locust.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.GM_NEUTRON_STAR: if (this.NeutronStar != null) { this.NeutronStar.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; case EasterEgg.GM_SUPER_NOVA: if (this.SuperNova != null) { this.SuperNova.UpdateTurn(game, encounterInfo.Id); continue; } continue; default: continue; } } }
private void OnHttpRequest(IAsyncResult result) { try { HttpListener listener = (HttpListener)result.AsyncState; HttpListenerContext context = listener.EndGetContext(result); listener.BeginGetContext(OnHttpRequest, listener); RequestPackage package; if (!ActionDispatcher.TryDecodePackage(context, out package)) { return; } GameSession session; if (package.ProxySid != Guid.Empty) { session = GameSession.Get(package.ProxySid) ?? GameSession.CreateNew(package.ProxySid, context.Request); session.ProxySid = package.ProxySid; } else { session = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.SessionId) ? GameSession.GetSessionByCookie(context.Request) : GameSession.Get(package.SessionId)) ?? GameSession.CreateNew(Guid.NewGuid(), context.Request); } package.Bind(session); ActionGetter httpGet = ActionDispatcher.GetActionGetter(package, session); if (package.IsUrlParam) { httpGet["UserHostAddress"] = session.RemoteAddress; httpGet["ssid"] = session.KeyCode.ToString("N"); httpGet["http"] = "1"; } //set cookie var cookie = context.Request.Cookies["sid"]; if (cookie == null) { cookie = new Cookie("sid", session.SessionId); cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5); context.Response.SetCookie(cookie); } var httpresponse = new SocketGameResponse(); httpresponse.WriteErrorCallback += new ScutActionDispatcher().ResponseError; var clientConnection = new HttpClientConnection { Context = context, Session = session, ActionGetter = httpGet, GameResponse = httpresponse }; var section = GetSection(); clientConnection.TimeoutTimer = new Timer(OnHttpRequestTimeout, clientConnection, section.HttpRequestTimeout, Timeout.Infinite); byte[] respData = new byte[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.RouteName)) { if (CheckRemote(package.RouteName, httpGet)) { MessageStructure response = new MessageStructure(); OnCallRemote(package.RouteName, httpGet, response); respData = response.PopBuffer(); } } else { DoAction(httpGet, httpresponse); respData = httpresponse.ReadByte(); } OnHttpResponse(clientConnection, respData, 0, respData.Length); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLog.WriteError("OnHttpRequest error:{0}", ex); } }
void Start() { textBox = GetComponent <Text>(); gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
public static bool IsLoggedIn(this GameSession session) { return(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(session?.Player?.Account.Nickname) && session.IsConnected); }
[SerializeField] int timesHit; // TODO, serialized only for debugging purpose private void Start() { CountBreakableBlocks(); gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
public static ILogger ForAccount(this ILogger logger, GameSession session) { return(session.IsLoggedIn() ? logger.ForAccount(session.Player) : logger); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { theGameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); theBall = FindObjectOfType <Ball>(); }
public static Packet UpdateGuild(GameSession session, Guild guild) { PacketWriter pWriter = PacketWriter.Of(SendOp.GUILD); pWriter.WriteEnum(GuildPacketMode.UpdateGuild); pWriter.WriteLong(guild.Id); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(guild.Name); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(""); // guildMark Url pWriter.WriteByte(0x3C); // guild.Capacity pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(""); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(""); // guild.Notice pWriter.WriteLong(guild.Leader.AccountId); pWriter.WriteLong(guild.Leader.CharacterId); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(guild.Leader.Name); pWriter.WriteLong(guild.CreationTimestamp); // guild creation timestamp pWriter.WriteByte(0x0); pWriter.WriteInt(1000); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteByte(0x1); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(guild.Exp); pWriter.WriteInt(guild.Funds); pWriter.WriteByte(0x0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteByte((byte)guild.Members.Count); foreach (Player member in guild.Members) { pWriter.WriteByte(0x3); pWriter.WriteByte(3); // rank pWriter.WriteLong(1); // guildmember UID? pWriter.WriteLong(member.AccountId); pWriter.WriteLong(member.CharacterId); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(member.Name); pWriter.WriteByte(); pWriter.WriteEnum(member.Job); pWriter.WriteEnum(member.JobCode); pWriter.WriteShort(member.Levels.Level); pWriter.WriteInt(member.MapId); pWriter.WriteInt(); // last seen mapID? pWriter.WriteShort(); // pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(member.ProfileUrl); pWriter.WriteInt(); // member house mapId pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteLong(); // member house plot expiration timestamp pWriter.WriteInt(); // combat trophy count pWriter.WriteInt(); // adventure trophy count pWriter.WriteInt(); // lifestyle trophy count pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(""); pWriter.WriteLong(); // joined timestamp pWriter.WriteLong(); // last seen timestamp pWriter.WriteLong(); pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteLong(); pWriter.WriteInt(); pWriter.WriteByte(); // 00 = online, 01 = offline } pWriter.WriteByte(0x6); // loop for guild ranks ? pWriter.WriteByte(0x0); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString("Leader"); pWriter.WriteInt(4095); pWriter.WriteByte(0x1); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString("Jr.Leader"); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteByte(0x2); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString("Member"); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteByte(0x3); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString("NewMember"); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteByte(0x4); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString("Member2"); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteByte(0x5); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString("NewMember2"); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteByte(0x9); // loop for all guild skills pWriter.WriteInt(1); // guild skill ID pWriter.WriteInt(1); // guild skill level pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(2); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(3); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(4); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(10001); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(10002); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(10003); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(10004); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(10005); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteByte(0x4); // another loop. unk pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(2); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(3); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(4); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteInt(1); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteByte(0x0); pWriter.WriteByte(0x1); pWriter.WriteShort(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteUnicodeString(""); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteLong(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); pWriter.WriteInt(0); return(pWriter); }
[SerializeField] int timesHit; //only serialized for debug pruposes private void Start() { CountBreakable(); gameStatus = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
public override bool OnFarmWork(GameSession session) { if (!Program.Instance.Config.ReadCustomBool("neighborlynx", "active", false)) return true; string[] rewardGiftTypes = new string[] { "CollectionsFriendReward", "DairyFarmFertilizerFriendReward", "EggFriendReward", "FlowerFriendReward", "HolidayTreeFriendReward", "HorseStableFriendReward", "lonelyAnimals", "StorageExpansionFriendReward", "ValentineFriendReward", "ValentineRedeemFriendReward" }; string[] rewardCoinTypes = new string[] { "AchievementFriendReward", "CoinFriendReward", "FertilizeThankFriendReward", "MasteryFriendReward" }; Dictionary<string, List<string>> links = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); // if (!Program.Instance.Config.ReadCustomBool("neighborlinks", "active", false)) // return true; int x = 0; int y = 0; foreach (string info in Program.Instance.GameSession.Player.Neighbors) { Program.Instance.Logger.Log(Everworld.Logging.Logger.LogLevel.Info, "NeighborLynx", "Visiting {0} of {1}", ++x, Program.Instance.GameSession.Player.Neighbors.Count); Game.Requests.BatchRequest req = new Game.Requests.BatchRequest("test") { SessionInfo = new Game.Requests.BasicSessionInfo(float.NaN, Program.Instance.GameSession.ServerSession.Token, Program.Instance.GameSession.ServerSession.FlashRevision, Program.Instance.GameSession.ServerSession.FbId) }; Game.Requests.LoadWorldRequest loadWorld = new Game.Requests.LoadWorldRequest(1, info); req.BatchedRequests.Add(loadWorld); Server.ServerSession.BlockingCallback callback = Program.Instance.GameSession.ServerSession.MakeBlockingRequest(req); object[] data; if (callback.Success == false || !Server.ServerSession.GetRequestData(callback, out data)) return false; FluorineFx.ASObject dataObj = data[0] as FluorineFx.ASObject; dataObj = dataObj["data"] as FluorineFx.ASObject; FluorineFx.ASObject playerObj = dataObj["player"] as FluorineFx.ASObject; FluorineFx.ASObject friendRewards = playerObj["friendRewards"] as FluorineFx.ASObject; if (friendRewards != null) { foreach (string key in friendRewards.Keys) { if (!rewardGiftTypes.Contains(key)) Console.WriteLine("found unknown: " + key); } foreach (string reward in rewardGiftTypes) { if (friendRewards.ContainsKey(reward)) { FluorineFx.ASObject theobj = friendRewards[reward] as FluorineFx.ASObject; foreach (string key in theobj.Keys) { FluorineFx.ASObject rewardData = theobj[key] as FluorineFx.ASObject; FluorineFx.ASObject helpers = rewardData["helpers"] as FluorineFx.ASObject; if (reward == "FlowerFriendReward" && helpers != null && helpers.Count >= ((int)rewardData["m_numItems"])) continue; else if (rewardData.ContainsKey("helpers") && helpers != null && helpers.Count >= 10) continue; if (reward == "EggFriendReward" && helpers != null && helpers.Count >= 3) continue; if (reward == "ValentineRedeemFriendReward" && helpers != null && helpers.Count >= 1) continue; if (helpers == null || !helpers.ContainsKey(Program.Instance.GameSession.ServerSession.FbId)) { if (_visitedLinks.ContainsKey(key)) continue; _visitedLinks.Add(key, key); // we haven't helped. string like = string.Format("{0}&frId={1}&frType={2}", info, key, reward); if (!links.ContainsKey(reward)) links.Add(reward, new List<string>()); links[reward].Add(like); } y++; } } } } } Program.Instance.Logger.Log(Everworld.Logging.Logger.LogLevel.Info, "NeighborLynx", "{0} links generated.", y); y = 0; using (System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(string.Format("{0}.links.html", Everworld.Utility.Time.UnixTime()))) { foreach (string key in links.Keys) { List<string> linkslist = links[key]; linkslist.Sort(); tw.WriteLine(key+"<br />"); foreach (string str in linkslist) tw.WriteLine("<a href=\"" + str + "\">" + (y++) + "</a><br />"); } tw.Flush(); tw.Close(); } return false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { score = GetComponent <Text>(); game = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Start() { gameStatus = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); CountBreaklableBlocks(); }
void Start() { gameSession = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); ammos = GetComponentsInChildren <Image>(); }
public void ClientAction(GameSession gameSession) { FighterGame.Map.GameMap.SERVERCP = portablePolygon.DeployPolygon(); }
private void Start() { session = FindObjectOfType <GameSession>(); ball = FindObjectOfType <Ball>(); }