protected internal override void DoRead() { var respawnPoints = Level.NEIGHBOURS8.Select(t => CurUser.pos + t).Where(p => Actor.FindChar(p) == null && (Level.passable[p] || Level.avoid[p])).ToList(); var nImages = Nimages; while (nImages > 0 && respawnPoints.Count > 0) { var index = pdsharp.utils.Random.Index(respawnPoints); var mob = new MirrorImage(); mob.Duplicate(CurUser); GameScene.Add(mob); WandOfBlink.Appear(mob, respawnPoints[index]); respawnPoints.Remove(index); nImages--; } if (nImages < Nimages) { SetKnown(); } Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_READ); Invisibility.Dispel(); CurUser.SpendAndNext(TimeToRead); }
public static void Process(int pos) { if (spawned && given && !processed && (depth == Dungeon.Depth)) { if (alternative) { FetidRat rat = new FetidRat(); rat.pos = Dungeon.Level.RandomRespawnCell(); if (rat.pos != -1) { GameScene.Add(rat); processed = true; } } else { if (pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(left2kill) == 0) { Dungeon.Level.Drop(new DriedRose(), pos).Sprite.Drop(); processed = true; } else { left2kill--; } } } }
public override void Press(int cell, Character hero) { base.Press(cell, hero); if (enteredArena || !OutsideEntraceRoom(cell) || hero != Dungeon.Hero) { return; } enteredArena = true; var boss = Bestiary.Mob(Dungeon.Depth); boss.State = boss.HUNTING; do { boss.pos = pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(Length); }while (!passable[boss.pos] || !OutsideEntraceRoom(boss.pos) || Dungeon.Visible[boss.pos]); GameScene.Add(boss); Set(arenaDoor, Terrain.LOCKED_DOOR); GameScene.UpdateMap(arenaDoor); Dungeon.Observe(); }
public override int DefenseProc(Character enemy, int damage) { var spawnPoints = new List <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < Level.NEIGHBOURS8.Length; i++) { var p = pos + Level.NEIGHBOURS8[i]; if (FindChar(p) == null && (Level.passable[p] || Level.avoid[p])) { spawnPoints.Add(p); } } if (spawnPoints.Count <= 0) { return(base.DefenseProc(enemy, damage)); } var larva = new Larva(); larva.pos = Random.Element(spawnPoints); GameScene.Add(larva); AddDelayed(new Pushing(larva, pos, larva.pos), -1); return(base.DefenseProc(enemy, damage)); }
public override void Press(int cell, Character ch) { base.Press(cell, ch); if (ch != Dungeon.Hero || _enteredArena || !RoomExit.Inside(cell)) { return; } _enteredArena = true; int pos; do { pos = RoomExit.Random(); }while (pos == cell || Actor.FindChar(pos) != null); var boss = Bestiary.Mob(Dungeon.Depth); boss.State = boss.HUNTING; boss.pos = pos; GameScene.Add(boss); boss.Notice(); MobPress(boss); Set(_arenaDoor, Terrain.LOCKED_DOOR); GameScene.UpdateMap(_arenaDoor); Dungeon.Observe(); }
public override int DefenseProc(Character enemy, int damage) { if (HP < damage + 2) { return(damage); } var passable = Level.passable; int[] neighbours = { pos + 1, pos - 1, pos + Level.Width, pos - Level.Width }; var candidates = neighbours.Where(n => passable[n] && FindChar(n) == null).Select(n => n).ToList(); if (candidates.Count <= 0) { return(damage); } Swarm clone = Split(); clone.HP = (HP - damage) / 2; clone.pos = Random.Element(candidates); clone.State = clone.HUNTING; if ([clone.pos] == Terrain.DOOR) { Door.Enter(clone.pos); } GameScene.Add(clone, SplitDelay); AddDelayed(new Pushing(clone, pos, clone.pos), -1); HP -= clone.HP; return(damage); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { var localLevel = Level; for (var i = 1; i < Ballistica.Distance - 1; i++) { var c = Ballistica.Trace[i]; if (levels.Level.flamable[c]) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(c, 1, typeof(Fire))); } } GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(cell, 1, typeof(Fire))); var ch = Actor.FindChar(cell); if (ch == null) { return; } ch.Damage(pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(1, 8 + localLevel * localLevel), this); Buff.Affect <Burning>(ch).Reignite(ch); ch.Sprite.Emitter().Burst(FlameParticle.Factory, 5); if (ch != CurUser || ch.IsAlive) { return; } Dungeon.Fail(Utils.Format(ResultDescriptions.WAND, name, Dungeon.Depth)); GLog.Negative("You killed yourself with your own Wand of Firebolt..."); }
public override void Press(int cell, Character hero) { base.Press(cell, hero); if (enteredArena || !outsideEntraceRoom(cell) || hero != Dungeon.Hero) { return; } enteredArena = true; var boss = Bestiary.Mob(Dungeon.Depth); boss.State = boss.HUNTING; do { boss.pos = Random.Int(Length); }while (!passable[boss.pos] || !outsideEntraceRoom(boss.pos) || Dungeon.Visible[boss.pos]); GameScene.Add(boss); Set(arenaDoor, Terrain.WALL); GameScene.UpdateMap(arenaDoor); Dungeon.Observe(); CellEmitter.Get(arenaDoor).Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.ROCK), 0.07f, 10); Camera.Main.Shake(3, 0.7f); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_ROCKS); }
private static readonly Mob Dummy; // = new Mob(); // 0x770088 public static void Trigger(int pos, Character c) { if (Dungeon.BossLevel()) { return; } if (c != null) { Actor.OccupyCell(c); } var nMobs = 1; if (Random.Int(2) == 0) { nMobs++; if (Random.Int(2) == 0) { nMobs++; } } // It's complicated here, because these traps can be activated in chain var candidates = new List <int>(); foreach (var neighbour in Level.NEIGHBOURS8) { var p = pos + neighbour; if (Actor.FindChar(p) == null && (Level.passable[p] || Level.avoid[p])) { candidates.Add(p); } } var respawnPoints = new List <int>(); while (nMobs > 0 && candidates.Count > 0) { var index = Random.Index(candidates); Dummy.pos = candidates[index]; Actor.OccupyCell(Dummy); var cand = candidates[index]; candidates.RemoveAt(index); respawnPoints.Add(cand); nMobs--; } foreach (var point in respawnPoints) { var mob = Bestiary.Mob(Dungeon.Depth); mob.State = mob.WANDERING; GameScene.Add(mob, Delay); WandOfBlink.Appear(mob, point); } }
public override void Activate(Character ch) { base.Activate(ch); if (ch != null) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(Pos, 300 + 20 * Dungeon.Depth, typeof(ConfusionGas))); } }
public override void Move(int step) { if (State == FLEEING) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(pos, Random.Int(5, 7), typeof(Web))); } base.Move(step); }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { var localLevel = Level; var n = localLevel + 2; if (Actor.FindChar(cell) != null && Ballistica.Distance > 2) { cell = Ballistica.Trace[Ballistica.Distance - 2]; } var passable = BArray.or(levels.Level.passable, levels.Level.avoid, null); foreach (var actor in Actor.All.OfType <Character>()) { passable[(actor).pos] = false; } PathFinder.BuildDistanceMap(cell, passable, n); var dist = 0; if (Actor.FindChar(cell) != null) { PathFinder.Distance[cell] = int.MaxValue; dist = 1; } float lifespan = localLevel + 3; sheepLabel: for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { do { for (var j = 0; j < levels.Level.Length; j++) { if (PathFinder.Distance[j] != dist) { continue; } var sheep = new Sheep(); sheep.Lifespan = lifespan; sheep.pos = j; GameScene.Add(sheep); Dungeon.Level.MobPress(sheep); CellEmitter.Get(j).Burst(Speck.Factory(Speck.WOOL), 4); PathFinder.Distance[j] = int.MaxValue; goto sheepLabel; } dist++; } while (dist < n); } }
protected internal override void Shatter(int cell) { SetKnown(); splash(cell); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_SHATTER); GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(cell, 1000, typeof(ParalyticGas))); }
protected override bool Act() { foreach (var neighbour in Level.NEIGHBOURS9) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(pos + neighbour, 2, typeof(Fire))); } return(base.Act()); }
protected internal override void Shatter(int cell) { SetKnown(); splash(cell); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_SHATTER); var fire = Blob.Seed(cell, 2, typeof(Fire)); GameScene.Add(fire); }
public override void Activate(Character ch) { base.Activate(ch); GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(Pos, 2, typeof(Fire))); if (Dungeon.Visible[Pos]) { CellEmitter.Get(Pos).Burst(FlameParticle.Factory, 5); } }
public override int Proc(Armor armor, Character attacker, Character defender, int damage) { var level = Math.Max(0, armor.level); if (Level.Adjacent(attacker.pos, defender.pos) && pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(level + 5) >= 4) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(attacker.pos, 20, typeof(ToxicGas))); } return(damage); }
public override void Activate(Character ch) { base.Activate(ch); GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(Pos, 100, typeof(ToxicGas))); Dungeon.Level.Drop(new Seed(), Pos).Sprite.Drop(); if (ch != null) { buffs.Buff.Prolong <Roots>(ch, Tick * 3); } }
private void Summon() { _nextPedestal = !_nextPedestal; Sprite.CenterEmitter().Start(Speck.Factory(Speck.SCREAM), 0.4f, 2); Sample.Instance.Play(Assets.SND_CHALLENGE); var passable = (bool[])Level.passable.Clone(); foreach (var actor in All.OfType <Character>()) { passable[(actor).pos] = false; } var undeadsToSummon = maxArmySize() - Undead.count; PathFinder.BuildDistanceMap(pos, passable, undeadsToSummon); PathFinder.Distance[pos] = int.MaxValue; var dist = 1; undeadLabel: for (var i = 0; i < undeadsToSummon; i++) { do { for (var j = 0; j < Level.Length; j++) { if (PathFinder.Distance[j] != dist) { continue; } var undead = new Undead(); undead.pos = j; GameScene.Add(undead); WandOfBlink.Appear(undead, j); new Flare(3, 32).Color(0x000000, false).Show(undead.Sprite, 2f); PathFinder.Distance[j] = int.MaxValue; goto undeadLabel; } dist++; }while (dist < undeadsToSummon); } Yell("Arise, slaves!"); }
public virtual void SpawnFists() { var fist1 = new RottingFist(); var fist2 = new BurningFist(); do { fist1.pos = pos + Level.NEIGHBOURS8[Random.Int(8)]; fist2.pos = pos + Level.NEIGHBOURS8[Random.Int(8)]; }while (!Level.passable[fist1.pos] || !Level.passable[fist2.pos] || fist1.pos == fist2.pos); GameScene.Add(fist1); GameScene.Add(fist2); }
public virtual Plant Plant(Plant.Seed seed, int pos) { var plant = plants[pos]; if (plant != null) { plant.Wither(); } plant = seed.Couch(pos); plants.Add(pos, plant); GameScene.Add(plant); return(plant); }
public override void Press(int cell, Character hero) { base.Press(cell, hero); if (_enteredArena || hero != Dungeon.Hero || cell == entrance) { return; } _enteredArena = true; for (var i = RoomLeft - 1; i <= RoomRight + 1; i++) { DoMagic((RoomTop - 1) * Width + i); DoMagic((RoomBottom + 1) * Width + i); } for (var i = RoomTop; i < RoomBottom + 1; i++) { DoMagic(i * Width + RoomLeft - 1); DoMagic(i * Width + RoomRight + 1); } DoMagic(entrance); GameScene.UpdateMap(); Dungeon.Observe(); var boss = new Yog(); do { boss.pos = Random.Int(Length); }while (!passable[boss.pos] || Dungeon.Visible[boss.pos]); GameScene.Add(boss); boss.SpawnFists(); _stairs = entrance; entrance = -1; }
protected override bool Act() { if (_level.mobs.Count < _level.NMobs()) { var mob = Bestiary.Mutable(Dungeon.Depth); mob.State = mob.WANDERING; mob.pos = _level.RandomRespawnCell(); if (Dungeon.Hero.IsAlive && mob.pos != -1) { GameScene.Add(mob); if (Statistics.AmuletObtained) { mob.Beckon(Dungeon.Hero.pos); } } } Spend(Dungeon.NightMode || Statistics.AmuletObtained ? Level.TimeToRespawn / 2 : Level.TimeToRespawn); return(true); }
public static Wraith SpawnAt(int pos) { if (!levels.Level.passable[pos] || FindChar(pos) != null) { return(null); } var w = new Wraith(); w.AdjustStats(Dungeon.Depth); w.pos = pos; w.State = w.HUNTING; GameScene.Add(w, SpawnDelay); w.Sprite.Alpha(0); w.Sprite.Parent.Add(new AlphaTweener(w.Sprite, 1, 0.5f)); w.Sprite.Emitter().Burst(ShadowParticle.Curse, 5); return(w); }
protected override void OnThrow(int cell) { var enemy = Actor.FindChar(cell); if (enemy == null || enemy == CurUser) { if (Level.flamable[cell]) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(cell, 4, typeof(Fire))); } else { base.OnThrow(cell); } } else { if (!CurUser.Shoot(enemy, this)) { Dungeon.Level.Drop(this, cell).Sprite.Drop(); } } }
protected internal override void OnZap(int cell) { for (var i = 1; i < Ballistica.Distance - 1; i++) { var p = Ballistica.Trace[i]; var c1 =[p]; if (c1 == Terrain.EMPTY || c1 == Terrain.EMBERS || c1 == Terrain.EMPTY_DECO) { levels.Level.Set(p, Terrain.GRASS); } } var c =[cell]; if (c == Terrain.EMPTY || c == Terrain.EMBERS || c == Terrain.EMPTY_DECO || c == Terrain.GRASS || c == Terrain.HIGH_GRASS) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(cell, (Level + 2) * 20, typeof(Regrowth))); } else { GLog.Information("nothing happened"); } }
public override int Proc(Armor armor, Character attacker, Character defender, int damage) { var level = Math.Max(0, armor.level); if (pdsharp.utils.Random.Int(level / 2 + 6) < 5) { return(damage); } var respawnPoints = new List <int>(); for (var i = 0; i < Level.NEIGHBOURS8.Length; i++) { var p = defender.pos + Level.NEIGHBOURS8[i]; if (Actor.FindChar(p) == null && (Level.passable[p] || Level.avoid[p])) { respawnPoints.Add(p); } } if (respawnPoints.Count <= 0) { return(damage); } var mob = new MirrorImage(); mob.Duplicate((Hero)defender); GameScene.Add(mob); WandOfBlink.Appear(mob, pdsharp.utils.Random.Element(respawnPoints)); defender.Damage(pdsharp.utils.Random.IntRange(1, defender.HT / 6), this); //attacker CheckOwner(defender); return(damage); }
public void AddCard(CardInfo?info) { // Add card to scene and hand this.onHand.Add(game.Add(new Card(info.Value))); }
protected override bool Act() { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(pos, 30, typeof(ToxicGas))); return(base.Act()); }
public override void Enter() { models = new Models(Program.Instance.content, Program.Instance.Device); var interfaceManager = Program.Instance.InterfaceManager; interfaceManager.Add(new WorldSceneControl(interfaceManager, Program.Instance.content) { Scene = GameScene = new GameScene(Program.Instance), Size = ((Control)interfaceManager.Root).Size }); GameScene.Camera = new LookatCamera(Program.Instance); HUD = new Client.Interface.HUD(interfaceManager) { Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 10) }; interfaceManager.Add(HUD); Console.WriteLine("Client inited"); Program.Instance.KeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(OnKeyDown); Program.Instance.KeyUp += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(OnKeyUp); Server.Log.Output += new Action<string>((s) => Console.WriteLine(s)); var m = Program.Instance.Map; worldwidth = m.Width; worldheight = m.Height; motionSimulation = new Common.Motion.Simulation(0, 0, m.Width, m.Height, (x, y) => { return Common.Math.GetHeight(m.Heightmap, m.Width, m.Height, new SlimDX.Vector3(x, y, 0)); }); foreach (Common.Entities.Prop prop in m.PropEntities) { GameScene.Add(new WorldEntity() { Model = models.GetModel(m.PropClasses[prop.Class].Model), Translation = prop.Position, Rotation = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, prop.Rotation), Scale = new Vector3(prop.Scale, prop.Scale, prop.Scale), Name = prop.Name, }); motionSimulation.CreateStatic(prop.Position, prop.Rotation, prop.Scale, m.PropClasses[prop.Class].CollisionRadius); } SlimDX.Direct3D9.Mesh ground_mesh = Ground.CreateMesh(Program.Instance.Device, m); ground_mesh.ComputeNormals(); GameScene.View.content.Register("groundmesh", ground_mesh); terrainTexture = Program.Instance.content.Get<Texture>("ground.jpg"); //terrainTexture = Program.Instance.content.Get<Texture>("robber1.png"); GameScene.Add(new WorldEntity() { Model = new Model() { XMesh = ground_mesh, Texture = terrainTexture, IsBillboard = false, Effect = Program.Instance.content.Get<SlimDX.Direct3D9.Effect>("ground.fx") } }); GameState.InitTextures(); }
public override int DefenseProc(Character enemy, int damage) { GameScene.Add(Blob.Seed(pos, 20, typeof(ParalyticGas))); return(base.DefenseProc(enemy, damage)); }