static void ImportActor(CommandTerminal.CommandArg[] args) { CreationLibrarySidebar inst = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CreationLibrarySidebar>(); if (inst == null) { GameBuilderConsoleCommands.Log($"Please open the custom actor library (via Creation Library) before using this command."); return; } string path = GameBuilderConsoleCommands.JoinTailToPath(args); if (path != null) { inst.ImportFromPath(path); } }
static void ImportCards(CommandTerminal.CommandArg[] args) { CardLibrary inst = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CardLibrary>(); if (inst == null) { GameBuilderConsoleCommands.Log($"Please open the card library (via Logic Tool) before using this command."); return; } string path = GameBuilderConsoleCommands.JoinTailToPath(args); if (path != null) { inst.ImportLocalByPath(new string[] { path }); } }
static void CommandWorkshopTest(CT.CommandArg[] args) { var source = FindObjectOfType <WorkshopAssetSource>(); var dir = Util.CreateTempDirectory(); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(dir, "hello.txt"), "hellllo world"); source.Put(dir, "test from console", "this is just a test", SteamUtil.GameBuilderTags.FBX, null, null, maybeId => { GameBuilderConsoleCommands.Log($"Put result: {maybeId}"); if (!maybeId.IsEmpty()) { source.Get(maybeId.Value, maybePath => { GameBuilderConsoleCommands.Log($"Get result: {maybePath}"); if (!maybePath.IsEmpty()) { var actual = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(maybePath.Value, "hello.txt")); GameBuilderConsoleCommands.Log($"actual contents: {actual}"); } }); } }); }