コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Auto stanza play of.
    /// calls on mouse down of each text to play its respective animation if present
    /// zoomin and zoomout of texts with delays acoordinf to the start and end time of texts
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="startingTinkerText">Starting tinker text.</param>
    public IEnumerator AutoPlay(GTinkerText startingTinkerText = null)
        //{   stanzaNarrate = true;
        Debug.Log("auto play");
        int startingTinkerTextIndex = 0;

        if (startingTinkerText != null)
            startingTinkerTextIndex = tinkerTexts.IndexOf(startingTinkerText);

        for (int i = startingTinkerTextIndex; i < tinkerTexts.Count; i++)
            //link the corresponding paried animation during auto play
            GTinkerText t = null;
            if (tinkerTexts[i] != null)
                t = tinkerTexts[i];
            if (t.star)
                for (int j = 0; j < t.pairedGraphics.Count; j++)
                    t.pairedGraphics [j].PlayCompleteAnim();
            //GTinkerGraphic link = t.GetComponent<GTinkerText> ().pairedGraphic;
            //if paired graphic is present
            //if (link != null) {
            //GSManager scenescript = stanzaManager.sceneManager;
            //call its respective scene onmousedown
            //scenescript.OnMouseUp (t.gameObject);


            Animator anim = t.GetComponent <Animator>();

            if (anim != null)
                anim.speed = 1 / t.playTime;

            // If we aren't on last word, delay before playing next word
            if (i < tinkerTexts.Count - 1)
                // delay according to timing data
                float pauseDelay = tinkerTexts[i + 1].GetStartTime() - tinkerTexts[i].GetEndTime();
                if (anim != null)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(t.playTime / 2));

                if (anim != null)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(t.playTime / 2));

                if (pauseDelay != 0)
                    if (anim != null)
                        anim.speed = 1 / pauseDelay;
                    if (anim != null && anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("idle"))
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(pauseDelay));
            else             // Delay before next stanza
                if (anim != null)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(t.playTime / 2));

                if (anim != null)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(t.playTime / 2));

                if (anim != null && endDelay != 0)
                    anim.speed = 1 / endDelay;

                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(endDelay));

            // Abort early?
            if (stanzaManager.CancelAutoPlay())
                yield break;

        // Stop the coroutine
        yield break;