protected void ReportAutoDisable() { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("The image effect " + ToString() + " has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform."); } }
/// <summary> /// 断开 /// </summary> private void _close() { _isInitThreadStart = false; try { if (_clientSocket != null) { _clientSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _clientSocket.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (GLog.IsLogErrorEnabled) { GLog.LogException("socket 关闭 _clientSocket :" + e.Message); } } _clientSocket = null; CloseThread(_receiveThread); _receiveThread = null; CloseThread(_connectThread); _connectThread = null; _currDispatchSocketState = SocketState.NONE; if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("socket 关闭完成"); } }
public static List <string> GetTexturePathsInDirectory(string directoryPath) { if (texturePathsCache.ContainsKey(directoryPath)) { return(texturePathsCache[directoryPath]); } DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath); if (!directoryInfo.Exists) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning(directoryPath + " doesn't exist, please check directory path."); } return(null); } var fileInfos = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); List <string> texturePaths = new List <string>(); foreach (var fileInfo in fileInfos) { if (textureExtensions.Contains(fileInfo.Extension)) { string filePath = fileInfo.FullName; texturePaths.Add(filePath.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - "Assets".Length) .Replace('\\', '/')); } } texturePathsCache[directoryPath] = texturePaths; return(texturePaths); }
public static bool CreatePlayer(string category, bool ignoreClear = false) { if (playerMap.ContainsKey(category)) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Audio Player '" + category + "' already created! Returning original player!"); } return(false); } // Create new Audio Player var go = new GameObject("AudioPlayer " + category, typeof(AudioSource), typeof(AudioPlayer)); ResManager.DontDestroyOnLoad(go); if (!ignoreClear) { ResManager.CanDestroyAll(go); } var audioPlayer = go.GetComponent <AudioPlayer>(); audioPlayer.Category = category; audioPlayer.GlobalVolume = 1f; playerMap.Add(category, audioPlayer); return(true); }
public static void LogWarning(object message) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("DOTWEEN :: " + message); } }
LightmapData[] LoadLightmaps() { if (lightingScenariosData.lightmaps == null || lightingScenariosData.lightmaps.Length == 0) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("No lightmaps stored in scenario "); } return(null); } var newLightmaps = new LightmapData[lightingScenariosData.lightmaps.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < newLightmaps.Length; i++) { newLightmaps[i] = new LightmapData(); newLightmaps[i].lightmapColor = lightingScenariosData.lightmaps[i]; if (lightingScenariosData.lightmapsMode != LightmapsMode.NonDirectional) { newLightmaps[i].lightmapDir = lightingScenariosData.lightmapsDir[i]; } } return(newLightmaps); }
public Dictionary <string, object> ToDictionaryOfObj() { if (type == Type.OBJECT) { Dictionary <string, object> result = new Dictionary <string, object>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { JSONObject val = list[i]; switch (val.type) { case Type.STRING: result.Add(keys[i], val.str); break; case Type.NUMBER: result.Add(keys[i], val.n); break; case Type.BOOL: result.Add(keys[i], val.b); break; case Type.NULL: result.Add(keys[i], null); break; default: if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Omitting object: " + keys[i] + " in dictionary conversion"); } break; } } return(result); } if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Tried to turn non-Object JSONObject into a dictionary"); } return(null); }
public virtual bool CheckResources() { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("CheckResources () for " + ToString() + " should be overwritten."); } return(isSupported); }
/// <summary> /// 重连 /// </summary> private void _ReConnect() { if (GLog.IsLogErrorEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("socket 断开重连。。。"); } _close(); _onConnetThread(); }
/// <summary> /// 移除指定位置的一条数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="index">要移除的数据的位置</param> public virtual void RemoveDataAt(int index) { if (null == datas) { GLog.LogWarning("Failed to remove data at " + index + "because scroll list doesn't has any data"); return; } datas.RemoveAt(index); CalculateSize(index); }
public static int ClrFuncPrintWarning(IntPtr l) { using (var lr = new LuaStateRecover(l)) { var obj = l.GetLua(1).UnwrapDynamic(); if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning(obj); } } return(0); }
public static void InitData() { langDict.Clear(); string jsonText = null; // 该路径下的语言包是为了翻译公司可以方便查看翻译后的效果 string topPriorityJsonPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "languagePack.json"); if (File.Exists(topPriorityJsonPath)) { jsonText = File.ReadAllText(topPriorityJsonPath); } else { TextAsset jsonAsset = ResManager.LoadRes(JSONPATH, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; if (jsonAsset != null) { jsonText = jsonAsset.text; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonText)) { return; } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonText); for (int i = 0, len = json.list.Count; i < len; i++) { string key = json.keys[i]; string val = json.list[i].str; if (langDict.ContainsKey(key)) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning(string.Format("Dupliciate key in langDict: {0}", key)); } } else { langDict.Add(key, val); } } isInitialized = true; }
public static void DestroyPlayer(string category) { if (!playerMap.ContainsKey(category)) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Audio Player '" + category + "' not exist!"); } return; } if (playerMap[category]) { playerMap[category].Stop(); Object.Destroy(playerMap[category]); } playerMap.Remove(category); }
public static void RemoveInstance <T> () where T : class, new () { if (m_Container != null && m_SingletonMap.ContainsKey(typeof(T).ToString())) { string name = typeof(T).ToString(); IDisposable dispose = m_SingletonMap[name] as IDisposable; if (null != dispose) { dispose.Dispose(); } if (typeof(T).IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(m_SingletonMap[name] as UnityEngine.Component); } m_SingletonMap.Remove(name); GLog.LogWarning("Singleton REMOVE! (" + name + ")"); } }
/// <summary> /// For capslua call xlua, TODO: REMOVE AFTER CAPSLUA IS DELETED /// </summary> public object[] CallLuaFunc(string funcName, params object[] args) { if (lua != null) { var func = lua.Get <LuaFunction>(funcName); if (func != null) { return(func.Call(lua, args)); } else { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Cannot find lua function '" + funcName + "'."); } } } return(null); }
private void DispatchCheckSocketState() { if (_currDispatchSocketState == _currSocketState || _luaCallback == null) { return; } try { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("socket DispatchCheckSocketState 派发事件 currDispatchSocketState :[" + _currDispatchSocketState + "] _currSocketState :" + _currSocketState); } _currDispatchSocketState = _currSocketState; _luaCallback((int)_currSocketState); } catch (Exception e) { GLog.LogException("DispatchCheckSocketState ==> " + e.Message); } }
public void SelectDefaultToggle(int tag) { m_cache_tag = tag; isTriggerLuaListener = false; LuaTable lua = gameObject.GetComponent <LuaBehaviour>().lua; for (int i = 0; i < Toggles.Count; i++) { int toggleTag = i + 1; GameObject obj = Toggles[i]; LuaTable btnLua = obj.GetComponent <LuaBehaviour>().lua; if (btnLua == null) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("CommonToggle.SelectDefaultToggle: btnLua is null !!!"); } } if (toggleTag == tag) { obj.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn = true; if (onToggleSelected != null) { onToggleSelected(lua, btnLua, tag); } if (onTagSwitched != null) { onTagSwitched(lua, tag); } } else { obj.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn = false; if (onToggleDeselected != null) { onToggleDeselected(lua, btnLua, tag); } } } isTriggerLuaListener = true; }
public static Color ParseColorString(string colorString) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(colorString)) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("colorString is null or empty"); } return(; } string[] rgba = colorString.Split(','); if (rgba.Length == 3) { return(new Color(float.Parse(rgba[0]), float.Parse(rgba[1]), float.Parse(rgba[2]))); } else if (rgba.Length == 4) { return(new Color(float.Parse(rgba[0]), float.Parse(rgba[1]), float.Parse(rgba[2]), float.Parse(rgba[3]))); } throw new Exception("Illegal color string length!"); }
public static JSONObject TOJSON(object obj) //For a generic guess { if (touched.Add(obj)) { JSONObject result = JSONObject.obj; //Fields FieldInfo[] fieldinfo = obj.GetType().GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo fi in fieldinfo) { JSONObject val = JSONObject.nullJO; if (!fi.GetValue(obj).Equals(null)) { MethodInfo info = typeof(JSONTemplates).GetMethod("From" + fi.FieldType.Name); if (info != null) { object[] parms = new object[1]; parms[0] = fi.GetValue(obj); val = (JSONObject)info.Invoke(null, parms); } else if (fi.FieldType == typeof(string)) { val = JSONObject.CreateStringObject(fi.GetValue(obj).ToString()); } else { val = JSONObject.Create(fi.GetValue(obj).ToString()); } } if (val) { if (val.type != JSONObject.Type.NULL) { result.AddField(fi.Name, val); } else if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Null for this non-null object, property " + fi.Name + " of class " + obj.GetType().Name + ". Object type is " + fi.FieldType.Name); } } } //Properties PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propertyInfo) { //This section should mirror part of AssetFactory.AddScripts() JSONObject val = JSONObject.nullJO; if (!pi.GetValue(obj, null).Equals(null)) { MethodInfo info = typeof(JSONTemplates).GetMethod("From" + pi.PropertyType.Name); if (info != null) { object[] parms = new object[1]; parms[0] = pi.GetValue(obj, null); val = (JSONObject)info.Invoke(null, parms); } else if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { val = JSONObject.CreateStringObject(pi.GetValue(obj, null).ToString()); } else { val = JSONObject.Create(pi.GetValue(obj, null).ToString()); } } if (val) { if (val.type != JSONObject.Type.NULL) { result.AddField(pi.Name, val); } else if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Null for this non-null object, property " + pi.Name + " of class " + obj.GetType().Name + ". Object type is " + pi.PropertyType.Name); } } } return(result); } if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("trying to save the same data twice"); } return(JSONObject.nullJO); }
public void OnSceneGUI() { Lightbeam lightBeam = (target as Lightbeam); if (lightBeam.IsModifyingMesh == true && IsLightBeamMesh() == false) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Exited lightbeam modification mode. No valid lightbeam mesh was found."); } lightBeam.IsModifyingMesh = false; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand) { if (Event.current.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed") { if (IsLightBeamMesh()) { lightBeam.GenerateBeam(); } } } if (lightBeam.IsModifyingMesh) { // Register the undos when we press the Mouse button. if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(lightBeam.Settings, "Modify Lightbeam Mesh"); Undo.CreateSnapshot(); Undo.RegisterSnapshot(); Undo.ClearSnapshotTarget(); } // red radius circles Handles.matrix = lightBeam.transform.localToWorldMatrix; Handles.color =; Handles.DrawWireDisc(new Vector3(0, -lightBeam.Length, 0), Vector3.up, lightBeam.RadiusBottom); Handles.DrawWireDisc(, Vector3.up, lightBeam.RadiusTop); // handle positions and sizes Vector3 rTopPos = new Vector3(-lightBeam.RadiusTop, 0, 0); Vector3 rBottomPos = new Vector3(-lightBeam.RadiusBottom, -lightBeam.Length, 0); Vector3 lengthPos = new Vector3(0, -lightBeam.Length, 0); float rTopSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(lightBeam.transform.TransformDirection(rTopPos)); float rBottomSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(lightBeam.transform.TransformDirection(rBottomPos)); float lengthSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(lightBeam.transform.TransformDirection(lengthPos)); // yellow radius handles Handles.color = Color.yellow; lightBeam.RadiusTop = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(lightBeam.RadiusTop, rTopPos, Quaternion.identity, rTopSize, Handles.CylinderCap, 2); lightBeam.RadiusBottom = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(lightBeam.RadiusBottom, rBottomPos, Quaternion.identity, rBottomSize, Handles.CylinderCap, 2); lightBeam.Length = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(lightBeam.Length, lengthPos, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.up), lengthSize, Handles.CubeCap, 0); if (lightBeam.RadiusTop <= 0.01f) { lightBeam.RadiusTop = 0.01f; } if (lightBeam.RadiusBottom <= 0.01f) { lightBeam.RadiusBottom = 0.01f; } if (GUI.changed) { lightBeam.GenerateBeam(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(lightBeam); } } }
public static void LogWarning(this object obj) { GLog.LogWarning(obj); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector(); Lightbeam lightBeam = (target as Lightbeam); if (lightBeam.IsModifyingMesh == true && IsLightBeamMesh() == false) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Escaped lightbeam modification mode. No valid lightbeam mesh was found."); } lightBeam.IsModifyingMesh = false; } if (lightBeam.IsModifyingMesh == false) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (IsLightBeamMesh()) { if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Modify", "Modify the lightbeam mesh."))) { Undo.RegisterUndo(lightBeam, "Modify light beam"); ModifyMesh(lightBeam); EditorUtility.SetDirty(lightBeam); } } else { GUI.enabled = false; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Modify", "Missing a valid lightbeam mesh."))) { } GUI.enabled = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("New Lightbeam Mesh", "Create a new lightbeam mesh for this object."))) { int result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Duplicate material", "Do you want to duplicate the material?\nIf you don't duplicate the same material will be used.", "Yes", "No", "Cancel"); if (result == 0) // ok { Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("New Lightbeam Mesh"); SaveNewAsset(lightBeam, true); ModifyMesh(lightBeam); EditorUtility.SetDirty(lightBeam); } if (result == 1) // no { Undo.RegisterSceneUndo("New Lightbeam Mesh"); SaveNewAsset(lightBeam, false); ModifyMesh(lightBeam); EditorUtility.SetDirty(lightBeam); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); string RadiusTopTooltip = "The top radius of the lightbeam."; string RadiusBottomTooltip = "The bottom radius of the lightbeam."; string LengthTooltip = "Length of the lightbeam."; string SubdivisionsTooltip = "Horizontal Subdivisions\n\nIncreasing this will smoothen the lightbeam by adding vertices."; string SubdivisionsHeightTooltip = "Vertical Subdivisions\n\nIncreasing this will smoothen the lightbeam by adding vertices."; lightBeam.RadiusTop = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Radius Top", RadiusTopTooltip), lightBeam.RadiusTop); lightBeam.RadiusBottom = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Radius Bottom", RadiusBottomTooltip), lightBeam.RadiusBottom); lightBeam.Length = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Length", LengthTooltip), lightBeam.Length); lightBeam.Subdivisions = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(new GUIContent("Subdivisions", SubdivisionsTooltip), lightBeam.Subdivisions, 3, 50); lightBeam.SubdivisionsHeight = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(new GUIContent("Subdivisions Height", SubdivisionsHeightTooltip), lightBeam.SubdivisionsHeight, 1, 10); if (lightBeam.RadiusTop <= 0.01f) { lightBeam.RadiusTop = 0.01f; } if (lightBeam.RadiusBottom <= 0.01f) { lightBeam.RadiusBottom = 0.01f; } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Done", "Finish modifying the lightbeam mesh."))) { Undo.RegisterUndo(lightBeam, "Finished Modifying Lightbeam Mesh"); lightBeam.IsModifyingMesh = false; EditorUtility.SetDirty(lightBeam); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (GUI.changed) { Undo.SetSnapshotTarget(lightBeam.Settings, "Modify Lightbeam Mesh"); Undo.CreateSnapshot(); Undo.RegisterSnapshot(); lightBeam.GenerateBeam(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(lightBeam); } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); LuaTable lua = gameObject.GetComponent <LuaBehaviour>().lua; lua.Get("onToggleSelected", out onToggleSelected); lua.Get("onToggleDeselected", out onToggleDeselected); lua.Get("onToggleCreated", out onToggleCreated); lua.Get("onTagSwitched", out onTagSwitched); if (ButtonGroupType == ButtonGroupType.Dynamic) { Toggles = new List <GameObject>(); GameObject prefabObj = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TogglePrefab)) { prefabObj = Capstones.UnityFramework.ResManager.LoadRes(TogglePrefab) as GameObject; } for (int i = 0; i < TogglesCount; i++) { var obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabObj != null ? prefabObj : ToggleObj, transform); if (obj) { if (!obj.activeSelf) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("CommonToggle.Awake: obj is not active !!!"); } obj.FastSetActive(true); } Toggles.Add(obj); } } } for (int i = 0; i < Toggles.Count; i++) { int tag = i + 1; GameObject obj = Toggles[i]; Debug.Assert(obj.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Toggle>(), "Toggle object must has a toggle compoment"); LuaTable btnLua = obj.GetComponent <LuaBehaviour>().lua; if (btnLua == null) { if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("CommonToggle.Awake: btnLua is null !!!"); } } if (onToggleCreated != null) { onToggleCreated(lua, btnLua, tag); } Toggle t = obj.GetComponent <Toggle>(); = this; t.onValueChanged = new Toggle.ToggleEvent(); t.onValueChanged.AddListener((bool active) => { if (isTriggerLuaListener) { LuaTable btnLua2 = Toggles[tag - 1].GetComponent <LuaBehaviour>().lua; if (active) { if (AllowReselect) { m_cache_tag = tag; } else if (tag == m_cache_tag) { return; } else { m_cache_tag = tag; } if (onToggleSelected != null) { onToggleSelected(lua, btnLua2, tag); } if (onTagSwitched != null) { onTagSwitched(lua, tag); } } else { if (onToggleDeselected != null) { onToggleDeselected(lua, btnLua2, tag); } } } }); } }
static void VerifyActiveTweensList() { int nullTweensWithinLookup = 0, inactiveTweensWithinLookup = 0, activeTweensAfterNull = 0; List <int> activeTweensAfterNullIds = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < _maxActiveLookupId + 1; ++i) { Tween t = _activeTweens[i]; if (t == null) { nullTweensWithinLookup++; } else if (! { inactiveTweensWithinLookup++; } } int len = _activeTweens.Length; int firstNullIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (firstNullIndex == -1 && _activeTweens[i] == null) { firstNullIndex = i; } else if (firstNullIndex > -1 && _activeTweens[i] != null) { activeTweensAfterNull++; activeTweensAfterNullIds.Add(i); } } if (nullTweensWithinLookup > 0 || inactiveTweensWithinLookup > 0 || activeTweensAfterNull > 0) { string s = "VerifyActiveTweensList WARNING:"; if (isUpdateLoop) { s += " - UPDATE LOOP (" + updateLoopCount + ")"; } if (nullTweensWithinLookup > 0) { s += " - NULL Tweens Within Lookup (" + nullTweensWithinLookup + ")"; } if (inactiveTweensWithinLookup > 0) { s += " - Inactive Tweens Within Lookup (" + inactiveTweensWithinLookup + ")"; } if (activeTweensAfterNull > 0) { string indexes = ""; len = activeTweensAfterNullIds.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (i > 0) { indexes += ","; } indexes += activeTweensAfterNullIds[i]; } s += " - Active tweens after NULL ones (" + (firstNullIndex - 1) + "/" + activeTweensAfterNull + "[" + indexes + "]" + ")"; } if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning(s); } } }
public static T getInstance <T> (T obj = default(T)) where T : class, new () { if (Application.isPlaying && m_IsDestroying) { GLog.LogWarning("SingletonObject is mark as Destroy! Can not get instance any more!"); return(null); } if (m_Container == null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { while (true) { m_Container = GameObject.Find(m_Name); if (null != m_Container) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(m_Container); } else { break; } } } #endif m_Container = new GameObject(); = m_Name; m_Container.AddComponent(typeof(SingletonObject)); Debug.Log("Create Singleton from:" + typeof(T).ToString()); } string name = typeof(T).ToString(); if (!m_SingletonMap.ContainsKey(name)) { if (System.Type.GetType(name) != null) { if (null != obj) { m_SingletonMap.Add(name, obj); if (typeof(T).IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))) { Component c = obj as Component; DontDestroyOnLoad(c.transform.root.gameObject); } } else { if (typeof(T).IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component))) { // Awake -> Init -> Start -> Update ···· m_SingletonMap.Add(name, m_Container.AddComponent(typeof(T))); } else { m_SingletonMap.Add(name, new T()); } ISingletonInit sInit = m_SingletonMap[name] as ISingletonInit; if (null != sInit) { sInit.Init(); } } } else { GLog.LogWarning("Singleton Type ERROR! (" + name + ")"); } } return(m_SingletonMap[name] as T); }
void Parse(string str, int maxDepth = -2, bool storeExcessLevels = false, bool strict = false) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { str = str.Trim(WHITESPACE); if (strict) { if (str[0] != '[' && str[0] != '{') { type = Type.NULL; if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("Improper (strict) JSON formatting. First character must be [ or {"); } return; } } if (str.Length > 0) { #if (UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_METRO) && !UNITY_EDITOR if (str.Length == 4 && string.Compare(str.ToLower(), "true") == 0) { type = Type.BOOL; b = true; } else if (str.Length == 5 && string.Compare(str.ToLower(), "false") == 0) { type = Type.BOOL; b = false; } else if (str.Length == 4 && string.Compare(str.ToLower(), "null") == 0) { #else if (string.Compare(str, "true", true) == 0) { type = Type.BOOL; b = true; } else if (string.Compare(str, "false", true) == 0) { type = Type.BOOL; b = false; } else if (string.Compare(str, "null", true) == 0) { #endif type = Type.NULL; //#if USEFLOAT // } else if(str == INFINITY) { // type = Type.NUMBER; // n = float.PositiveInfinity; // } else if(str == NEGINFINITY) { // type = Type.NUMBER; // n = float.NegativeInfinity; // } else if(str == NaN) { // type = Type.NUMBER; // n = float.NaN; //#else } else if (str == INFINITY) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = double.PositiveInfinity; } else if (str == NEGINFINITY) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = double.NegativeInfinity; } else if (str == NaN) { type = Type.NUMBER; n = double.NaN; //#endif } else if (str[0] == '"') { type = Type.STRING; this.str = FromJSONString(str.Substring(1, str.Length - 2)); } else { int tokenTmp = 1; /* * Checking for the following formatting ( * object - {"field1":value,"field2":value} * array - [value,value,value] * value - string - "string" * - number - 0.0 * - bool - true -or- false * - null - null */ int offset = 0; switch (str[offset]) { case '{': type = Type.OBJECT; keys = new List <string>(); list = new List <JSONObject>(); break; case '[': type = Type.ARRAY; list = new List <JSONObject>(); break; default: try { //#if USEFLOAT // n = System.Convert.ToSingle(str); //#else n = System.Convert.ToDouble(str); //#endif type = Type.NUMBER; } catch (System.FormatException) { type = Type.NULL; if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogWarning("improper JSON formatting:" + str); } } return; } string propName = ""; bool openQuote = false; bool inProp = false; int depth = 0; while (++offset < str.Length) { if (System.Array.IndexOf(WHITESPACE, str[offset]) > -1) { continue; } if (str[offset] == '\\') { offset += 1; continue; } if (str[offset] == '"') { if (openQuote) { if (!inProp && depth == 0 && type == Type.OBJECT) { propName = FromJSONString(str.Substring(tokenTmp + 1, offset - tokenTmp - 1)); } openQuote = false; } else { if (depth == 0 && type == Type.OBJECT) { tokenTmp = offset; } openQuote = true; } } if (openQuote) { continue; } if (type == Type.OBJECT && depth == 0) { if (str[offset] == ':') { tokenTmp = offset + 1; inProp = true; } } if (str[offset] == '[' || str[offset] == '{') { depth++; } else if (str[offset] == ']' || str[offset] == '}') { depth--; } //if (encounter a ',' at top level) || a closing ]/} if ((str[offset] == ',' && depth == 0) || depth < 0) { inProp = false; string inner = str.Substring(tokenTmp, offset - tokenTmp).Trim(WHITESPACE); if (inner.Length > 0) { if (type == Type.OBJECT) { keys.Add(propName); } if (maxDepth != -1) //maxDepth of -1 is the end of the line { list.Add(Create(inner, (maxDepth < -1) ? -2 : maxDepth - 1)); } else if (storeExcessLevels) { list.Add(CreateBakedObject(inner)); } } tokenTmp = offset + 1; } } } } else { type = Type.NULL; } } else { type = Type.NULL; //If the string is missing, this is a null } //Profiler.EndSample(); }