public override object[] Call(params object[] args) { if (L != IntPtr.Zero) { if (Refid != 0) { L.getref(Refid); return(L.PushArgsAndCall(args)); } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luafunc : null ref"); } } } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luafunc : null state."); } } return(null); }
public static void LogReport(object message) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("<color=#00B500FF>DOTWEEN :: " + message + "</color>"); } }
public override object[] Call(params object[] args) { if (L != IntPtr.Zero) { if (L.isfunction(StackPos)) { L.pushvalue(StackPos); return(L.PushArgsAndCall(args)); } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luafunc : the index is not a func."); } } } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luafunc : null state."); } } return(null); }
public static void Log(object message) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("DOTWEEN :: " + message); } }
protected internal override bool SetFieldImp(object key, object val) { if (_L != IntPtr.Zero) { if (_L.istable(StackPos)) { using (LuaStateRecover lr = new LuaStateRecover(_L)) { _L.pushvalue(StackPos); _L.PushLua(key); _L.PushLua(val); _L.rawset(-3); return(true); } } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luatable raw on stack: not a table."); } } } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luatable raw on stack: null state."); } } return(false); }
protected internal override object GetFieldImp(object key) { if (_L != IntPtr.Zero) { if (_L.istable(StackPos)) { using (LuaStateRecover lr = new LuaStateRecover(_L)) { _L.pushvalue(StackPos); _L.PushLua(key); _L.gettable(-2); return(_L.GetLua(-1)); } } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luatable on stack: not a table."); } } } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("luatable on stack: null state."); } } return(null); }
public void ApplyRendererInfo(RendererInfo[] infos) { try { for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) { var info = infos[i]; if (info != null && info.renderer != null) { info.renderer.lightmapIndex = infos[i].lightmapIndex; if (!info.renderer.isPartOfStaticBatch) { info.renderer.lightmapScaleOffset = infos[i].lightmapOffsetScale; } if (info.renderer.isPartOfStaticBatch && verbose == true) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Object " + + " is part of static batch, skipping lightmap offset and scale."); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (GLog.IsLogErrorEnabled) { GLog.LogError("Error in ApplyRendererInfo:" + e.GetType().ToString()); } } }
private bool IsTurnPage() { if (totalCount <= 0) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("error element Count =" + totalCount); } return(false); } var maxRoll = totalLines; if (!isLoop) { if (currentPageIndex < 0) { currentPageIndex = 0; return(true); } else if (currentPageIndex > (maxRoll - 1)) { currentPageIndex = maxRoll - 1; return(true); } } else { currentPageIndex = currentPageIndex % maxRoll; if (currentPageIndex < 0) { currentPageIndex += maxRoll; } } return(false); }
public override object[] Call(params object[] args) { Types types = new Types(); if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { types.Add(args[i].UnwrapDynamic() as Type); if (types[i] == null) { return(null); } } } UniqueCallableCore ucore = _Core.FindAppropriate(types); if (ucore == null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Cann't find method with appropriate params."); } return(null); } else { var rv = ObjectPool.GetReturnValueFromPool(1); rv[0] = ClrCallable.GetFromPool(ucore, Target); return(rv); } }
public void ScrollToNextGroup() { // 不能用itemIndex 会有小数点偏差,改用Round精确判断 if (totalCount <= 0) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("error element Count =" + totalCount); } return; } int pos = 0; pos = GetPageIndex(); pos = pos + 1; if (isLoop || Mathf.Abs(contentTransform.anchoredPosition[directionAxisIndex]) + Mathf.Abs(selfTransform.rect.size[directionAxisIndex]) < contentTransform.rect.size[directionAxisIndex]) { MoveOffset(pos); } else { var maxNextRoll = totalLines; if (currentPageIndex < (maxNextRoll - 1)) { currentPageIndex = currentPageIndex + 1; } OnItemIndexChanged(currentPageIndex); } }
public void ScrollToPosImmediate(float normalizedPos) { if (totalCount <= 0) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("error element Count =" + totalCount); } return; } float dst = (normalizedPos * otherDirectionAxisIndex + (1 - normalizedPos) * directionAxisIndex) * contentTransform.sizeDelta[directionAxisIndex]; currentPageIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(dst / cellSizeWithSpace[directionAxisIndex]); currentInternalIndex = currentPageIndex; IsTurnPage(); contentTransform.anchoredPosition = GetVector2WithDirection( FixContentPos(-dst * directionSign[directionAxisIndex]), contentTransform.anchoredPosition[otherDirectionAxisIndex] ); itemIndex = int.MaxValue; OnItemIndexChanged(currentPageIndex); SetCurrentScrollPosition(contentTransform.anchoredPosition[directionAxisIndex]); OnValueChange(; }
public override object[] Call(params object[] args) { Type[] types = null; if (args != null) { types = ObjectPool.GetParamTypesFromPool(args.Length); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { types[i] = args[i].UnwrapDynamic() as Type; if (types[i] == null) { return(null); } } } ICallableCore ucore = null; if (!_Core._CallableGroups.TryGetValue(types.GetParamsCode(), out ucore)) { ObjectPool.ReturnParamTypesToPool(types); if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Cann't find method with appropriate params."); } return(null); } else { ObjectPool.ReturnParamTypesToPool(types); return(ucore.CreateOverloadSelector(Target).Call(args)); } }
private void ResetBaseItemData(int index, ScorllItemData itemBase) { int adjustIndex = index; if (isLoop) { adjustIndex = adjustIndex % totalCount; if (adjustIndex < 0) { adjustIndex += totalCount; } } itemBase.index = index; var rectTransf = itemBase.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rectTransf.anchoredPosition = GetPosition(index); if (adjustIndex < totalCount) { ResetItemLuaFunc(itemBase.gameObject, index, adjustIndex); } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("index is more than totalCount : " + adjustIndex); } } }
public object[] Call(object target, params object[] args) { Types types = new Types(); if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { if (args[i] != null) { types.Add(args[i].GetType()); } else { types.Add(null); } } } UniqueCallableCore ucore = FindAppropriate(types); if (ucore == null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Cann't find method with appropriate params."); } return(null); } return(ucore.Call(target, args)); }
public static JSONObject Create() { #if POOLING JSONObject result = null; while (result == null && releaseQueue.Count > 0) { result = releaseQueue.Dequeue(); #if DEV //The following cases should NEVER HAPPEN (but they do...) if (result == null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("wtf " + releaseQueue.Count); } else if (result.list != null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("wtflist " + result.list.Count); } } } #endif } if (result != null) { return(result); } #endif return(new JSONObject()); }
protected Material CreateMaterial(Shader s, Material m2Create) { if (!s) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Missing shader in " + ToString()); } return(null); } if (m2Create && (m2Create.shader == s) && (s.isSupported)) { return(m2Create); } if (!s.isSupported) { return(null); } m2Create = new Material(s); createdMaterials.Add(m2Create); m2Create.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor | HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.NotEditable; return(m2Create); }
protected Material CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(Shader s, Material m2Create) { if (!s) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Missing shader in " + ToString()); } enabled = false; return(null); } if (s.isSupported && m2Create && m2Create.shader == s) { return(m2Create); } if (!s.isSupported) { NotSupported(); if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("The shader " + s.ToString() + " on effect " + ToString() + " is not supported on this platform!"); } return(null); } m2Create = new Material(s); createdMaterials.Add(m2Create); m2Create.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor | HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.NotEditable; return(m2Create); }
public virtual ICallableCore BindTypes(Types genericTypes) { if (genericTypes.Count == _GenericParams.Count) { UniqueCallableCore core = null; _BindedGenericCache.TryGetValue(genericTypes, out core); if (core != null) { return(core); } else { MethodInfo mi = null; try { mi = ((MethodInfo)Method).MakeGenericMethod(genericTypes.ToArray()); } catch { } if (mi != null) { core = new UniqueCallableCore(mi); _BindedGenericCache[genericTypes] = core; return(core); } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Unable to bind types to generic method."); } } } } return(null); }
private static int PrintBase(RealStatePtr L, UnityEngine.LogType type) { try { int n = LuaAPI.lua_gettop(L); string s = String.Empty; if (0 != LuaAPI.xlua_getglobal(L, "tostring")) { return(LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "can not get tostring in print:")); } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* function to be called */ LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, i); /* value to print */ if (0 != LuaAPI.lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0)) { return(LuaAPI.lua_error(L)); } s += LuaAPI.lua_tostring(L, -1); if (i != n) { s += "\t"; } LuaAPI.lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop result */ } switch (type) { case UnityEngine.LogType.Error: if (GLog.IsLogErrorEnabled) { GLog.LogError("LUA: " + s); } break; case UnityEngine.LogType.Warning: if (GLog.IsLogWarningEnabled) { GLog.LogError("LUA: " + s); } break; default: if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("LUA: " + s); } break; } return(0); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception in print:" + e)); } }
internal protected virtual IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <object, object> > GetEnumeratorImp() { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("no enum on fields provider"); } yield break; }
internal protected virtual object GetValueImp(object key) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("no getter on fields provider"); } return(null); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (lastHeartBeatTime == 0) { lastHeartBeatTime = Time.unscaledTime; } if (lastPongTime == 0) { lastPongTime = Time.unscaledTime; } // 检测网络状态 if ((Time.unscaledTime - lastPongTime) >= PONG_INTERVAL) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("SocketDispatch Update step 1 NETWORK_ERR"); } SocketManager.Instance.OnChanageSocketState(SocketState.NETWORK_ERR); lastPongTime = 0; } if ((Time.unscaledTime - lastHeartBeatTime >= HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL) && (ClientSocket.GetSocketConnectState())) { ClientSocket.Send(2, "{}"); lastHeartBeatTime = Time.unscaledTime; } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (lastCheckTime == 0) { lastCheckTime = Time.unscaledTime; } if (Time.unscaledTime - lastCheckTime >= Check_Time) { if (!ClientSocket.GetSocketConnectState()) { if (GLog.IsLogErrorEnabled) { GLog.LogError("SocketDispatch step 2 socket DisConnect !!!"); } } else { //if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) GLog.LogInfo("SocketDispatch step 2 "); } lastCheckTime = Time.unscaledTime; } #endif ClientSocket.Update(); }
private void _onConnetThread() { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("SocketManager _onConnetThread step 1"); } _connectThread = new Thread(_onConnet); _connectThread.IsBackground = true; _connectThread.Start(); }
public override object[] Call(object target, params object[] args) { if (args == null || args.Length <= 0) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Unable to determine types of the generic method from the calling args - empty args."); } } else { if (args.Length == _GenericParams.Count) { Types types = new Types(); bool allTypes = true; foreach (var arg in args) { if (!(arg is Type)) { allTypes = false; break; } } if (allTypes) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { types.Add(args[i] as Type); } ICallableCore core = BindTypes(types); if (core != null) { var rv = ObjectPool.GetReturnValueFromPool(1); rv[0] = ClrCallable.GetFromPool(core, target); return(rv); } } } // try to determine generic type params. var cored = this.DetermineGenericTypeArg(args); if (cored != null) { return(cored.Call(target, args)); } else { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Unable to determine types of the generic method from the calling args."); } } } return(null); }
public static int ClrFuncPrint(IntPtr l) { using (var lr = new LuaStateRecover(l)) { var obj = l.GetLua(1).UnwrapDynamic(); if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo(obj); } } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// 连接服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="ip"></param> /// <param name="port"></param> /// <param name="callBack">回调函数,成功/失败都回调</param> public static void Connect(string ip, int port, Action <int> callBack) { if ("".Equals(ip) || ip == null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("ClientSocket Connect step 1"); } return; } NetReceiver.Init(); SocketManager.Instance.Connect(ip, port, callBack); }
private void Update() { if ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastTime) < interval) { return; } // 如果socket还没有连接,则不发送安全sdk数据 if (!Capstones.UnityFramework.Network.ClientSocket.GetSocketConnectState()) { return; } lastTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; IntPtr addr = TssSdk.tss_get_report_data(); if (addr != IntPtr.Zero) { TssSdk.AntiDataInfo info = new TssSdk.AntiDataInfo(); if (TssSdk.Is64bit()) { short anti_data_len = Marshal.ReadInt16(addr, 0); Int64 anti_data = Marshal.ReadInt64(addr, 2); info.anti_data_len = (ushort)anti_data_len; info.anti_data = new IntPtr(anti_data); } else if (TssSdk.Is32bit()) { short anti_data_len = Marshal.ReadInt16(addr, 0); Int32 anti_data = Marshal.ReadInt32(addr, 2); info.anti_data_len = (ushort)anti_data_len; info.anti_data = new IntPtr(anti_data); } // 数据长度大于1024的直接丢弃 if (info.anti_data_len > 1024) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Tsssdk上报数据长度大于1024,丢弃"); } TssSdk.tss_del_report_data(addr); return; } if (SendDataToServer(info)) { TssSdk.tss_del_report_data(addr); } } }
void Awake() { ProfilerUtl.Init(); Capstones.PlatExt.PlatDependant.Init(); if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 1"); } if (dynRoot != null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 2"); } dynRoot.ApplySource(); if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 3"); } var go = dynRoot._Child; if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 4"); } if (go != null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 5"); } var datacomp = go.GetComponent <LuaBehaviour>(); if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 6"); } if (datacomp != null) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 7"); } dataDict = datacomp.ExpandExVal(); } } } if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Awake run 8"); } textDesc.text = GetDataStr("DescStr"); }
/// <summary> /// 连接操作完成 /// 可能成功,可能失败 /// </summary> /// <param name="iar"></param> private void _onConnect_complete(IAsyncResult iar) { try { Socket client = (Socket)iar.AsyncState; client.EndConnect(iar); if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("_onConnect_complete step 1"); } var clientSocket = _clientSocket; if (clientSocket != null && !clientSocket.Connected) { if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("_onConnect_complete step 2"); } OnChanageSocketState(SocketState.CONNECT_FAIL); _close(); return; } _isInitThreadStart = true; _receiveThread = new Thread(_onReceiveSocket); _receiveThread.IsBackground = true; _receiveThread.Start(); if (connetcSuccess != null) { connetcSuccess(); } OnChanageSocketState(SocketState.SUCCESS); } catch (Exception e) { if (GLog.IsLogErrorEnabled) { GLog.LogException("_onConnect_complete = " + e.Message); } if (e is ThreadAbortException) { // ThreadAbortException异常比较特殊,只要Abort一定会抛出此异常,属于正常现象,不需要记录错误。 // 但是,ThreadAbortException即便被catch了,也会再次抛出,然而抛出异常可能导致游戏闪退,所以必须阻止此异常再次抛出。 // 因此,这里调用Thread.ResetAbort阻止线程被中止,并且break跳出循环以便线程正常结束。 Thread.ResetAbort(); return; } _close(); } }
public void BuildLightingScenario(string ScenarioName) { //Remove reference to LightingDataAsset so that Unity doesn't delete the previous bake Lightmapping.lightingDataAsset = null; if (GLog.IsLogInfoEnabled) { GLog.LogInfo("Baking" + ScenarioName); } EditorSceneManager.OpenScene("Assets/CapstonesRes/Game/Models/Scene/LightingMapData/" + ScenarioName + ".unity", OpenSceneMode.Additive); EditorSceneManager.SetActiveScene(EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath("Assets/CapstonesRes/Game/Models/Scene/LightingMapData/" + ScenarioName + ".unity")); StartCoroutine(BuildLightingAsync(ScenarioName)); }