コード例 #1
    IEnumerator JobsSpawnerCoroutine()
        // ensure that the headset is connected and ready before starting any recording
        var nextFrameAwaiter = new WaitForEndOfFrame();

        while (!FoveManager.IsHardwareConnected())
            yield return(nextFrameAwaiter);

        // if the recording rate is the same as the fove rendering rate,
        // we use a coroutine to be sure that recorded gazes are synchronized with frames
        if (recordingRate == RecordingRate._70FPS)
            // Coroutines give us a bit more control over when the call happens, and also simplify the code
            // structure. However they are only ever called once per frame -- they processing to happen in
            // pieces, but they shouldn't be confused with threads.
        else // otherwise we just start a vsynch asynchronous thread
            collectThread = new Thread(CollectThreadFunc);