コード例 #1
        private TextBox CreateTextBox <TValue>(FormatProperties formatProperties,
                                               Func <string, IFormatProvider, TValue> parse,
                                               Func <TValue, string, IFormatProvider, string> toString,
                                               string format)
            TextBox textBox = new TextBox();

            Func <string, TValue> parse2;
            Func <TValue, string> toString2;

            if (formatProperties != null)
                parse2    = (s) => parse(s, formatProperties.FormatProvider);
                toString2 = (v) => toString(v, formatProperties.Format ?? format, formatProperties.FormatProvider);
                parse2    = (s) => parse(s, null);
                toString2 = (v) => toString(v, format, null);

            //TextProperties textProperties = properties.OfType<TextProperties>().FirstOrDefault();

            ControlExchange.Set(textBox, new DelegateFormattableTextBoxExchange <TValue>(parse2, toString2));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Context.cs プロジェクト: meriaizen86/Vulpine
        internal void GenerateDepthStencilFormat()
            Format[] validFormats =

            Format?potentialFormat = validFormats.FirstOrDefault(
                validFormat =>
                FormatProperties formatProps = PhysicalDevice.GetFormatProperties(validFormat);
                return((formatProps.OptimalTilingFeatures & FormatFeatures.DepthStencilAttachment) > 0);

            if (!potentialFormat.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Required depth stencil format not supported.");

            DepthStencilFormat = potentialFormat.Value;
コード例 #3
        void AppDevDumpFormatProps(AppDev dev, Format fmt, StreamWriter output)
            FormatProperties props = dev.FormatProbs[(int)fmt];

            Feature[] features = new Feature[3];
            features[0].Name  = "linearTiling   FormatFeatureFlags";
            features[0].Flags = (FormatFeatureFlags)props.LinearTilingFeatures;
            features[1].Name  = "optimalTiling  FormatFeatureFlags";
            features[1].Flags = (FormatFeatureFlags)props.OptimalTilingFeatures;
            features[2].Name  = "bufferFeatures FormatFeatureFlags";
            features[2].Flags = (FormatFeatureFlags)props.BufferFeatures;

            output.Write("\nFORMAT_{0}:", GetVkName(fmt.ToString()));
            foreach (Feature feature in features)
                output.Write("\n\t{0}:", feature.Name);
                if (feature.Flags == 0)
                    foreach (FormatFeatureFlags flag in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FormatFeatureFlags)))
                        if ((feature.Flags & flag) == flag)
                            string name = GetVkName(flag.ToString(), "VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_", "_BIT");
                            output.Write("\n\t\t{0}", name);
コード例 #4
 private void Register <TValue>(Func <string, IFormatProvider, TValue> parse, Func <TValue, string, IFormatProvider, string> toString, string format)
         (type, properties, serviceProvider) =>
         FormatProperties formatProperties = properties.OfType <FormatProperties>().FirstOrDefault();
         return(this.CreateTextBox(formatProperties, parse, toString, format));
コード例 #5
        private ComboBox CreateList(Type valueType,
                                    IRefList refList,
                                    ViewProperties[] properties,
                                    IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            ComboBox combo = new ComboBox();

            combo.CausesValidation  = true;
            combo.Sorted            = false;
            combo.FormattingEnabled = true;
            combo.DropDownStyle     = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

            FormatProperties formatProperties = properties.OfType <FormatProperties>().FirstOrDefault();
            string           format           = formatProperties.With(x => x.Format);
            IFormatProvider  formatProvider   = formatProperties.With(x => x.FormatProvider);
            ICustomFormatter customFormatter  = formatProperties.With(x => x.CustomFormatter);

            combo.Format += (sender, args) =>
                if (!object.Equals(args.DesiredType, typeof(string)))
                    Log <DefaultEditorFactory> .Error("Se intenta convertir a un valor diferente de String.");

                    args.Value = null;

                // Se formatea.
                    object item = args.ListItem;
                    if (item is IFormattable)
                        args.Value = ((IFormattable)item).ToString(format, formatProvider);
                    else if (customFormatter != null)
                        args.Value = customFormatter.Format(format, item, formatProvider);
                        args.Value = item.ToString();
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log <DefaultEditorFactory> .Error("Excepcion al formatear.", e);

                    args.Value = null;

            ControlExchange.Set(combo, TypeUtils.NewGeneric <ControlExchange>(typeof(ComboBoxExchange <>), valueType));
コード例 #6
 private Format GetBestDepthBufferFormat()
     foreach (var A in depthFormats)
         FormatProperties myProperties = GetFormatProperties(A);
         if ((myProperties.OptimalTilingFeatures & FormatFeatureFlags.DepthStencilAttachment) == FormatFeatureFlags.DepthStencilAttachment)
     throw new Exception("Could not find appropriate depth buffer!");
コード例 #7
        public static VulkanImage DepthStencil(VulkanContext device, int width, int height)
            Format[] validFormats =

            Format?potentialFormat = validFormats.FirstOrDefault(
                validFormat =>
                FormatProperties formatProps = device.PhysicalDevice.GetFormatProperties(validFormat);
                return((formatProps.OptimalTilingFeatures & FormatFeatures.DepthStencilAttachment) > 0);

            if (!potentialFormat.HasValue)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Required depth stencil format not supported.");

            Format format = potentialFormat.Value;

            Image image = device.Device.CreateImage(new ImageCreateInfo
                ImageType   = ImageType.Image2D,
                Format      = format,
                Extent      = new Extent3D(width, height, 1),
                MipLevels   = 1,
                ArrayLayers = 1,
                Samples     = SampleCounts.Count1,
                Tiling      = ImageTiling.Optimal,
                Usage       = ImageUsages.DepthStencilAttachment | ImageUsages.TransferSrc
            MemoryRequirements memReq = image.GetMemoryRequirements();
            int heapIndex             = device.MemoryProperties.MemoryTypes.IndexOf(
                memReq.MemoryTypeBits, MemoryProperties.DeviceLocal);
            DeviceMemory memory = device.Device.AllocateMemory(new MemoryAllocateInfo(memReq.Size, heapIndex));

            ImageView view = image.CreateView(new ImageViewCreateInfo(format,
                                                                      new ImageSubresourceRange(ImageAspects.Depth | ImageAspects.Stencil, 0, 1, 0, 1)));

            return(new VulkanImage(image, memory, view, format));
コード例 #8
ファイル: GLFBORTTManager.cs プロジェクト: axiom3d/axiom
        /// <summary>
        /// Get best depth and stencil supported for given internalFormat
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format"></param>
        /// <param name="depthFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="stencilFormat"></param>
        public void GetBestDepthStencil(PixelFormat format, out int depthFormat, out int stencilFormat)
            FormatProperties props = this._props[(int)format];

            /// Decide what stencil and depth formats to use
            /// [best supported for internal format]
            int bestmode  = 0;
            int bestscore = -1;

            for (int mode = 0; mode < props.Modes.Count; mode++)
                int desirability = 0;
                /// Find most desirable mode
                /// desirability == 0            if no depth, no stencil
                /// desirability == 1000...2000  if no depth, stencil
                /// desirability == 2000...3000  if depth, no stencil
                /// desirability == 3000+        if depth and stencil
                /// beyond this, the total numer of bits (stencil+depth) is maximised
                if (props.Modes[mode].Stencil != 0)
                    desirability += 1000;
                if (props.Modes[mode].Depth != 0)
                    desirability += 2000;
                if (this._depthBits[props.Modes[mode].Depth] == 24) // Prefer 24 bit for now
                    desirability += 500;
                if (this._depthFormats[props.Modes[mode].Depth] == GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT) // Prefer 24/8 packed
                    desirability += 5000;
                desirability += this._stencilBits[props.Modes[mode].Stencil] + this._depthBits[props.Modes[mode].Depth];

                if (desirability > bestscore)
                    bestscore = desirability;
                    bestmode  = mode;
            depthFormat   = this._depthFormats[props.Modes[bestmode].Depth];
            stencilFormat = this._stencilFormats[props.Modes[bestmode].Stencil];
コード例 #9
ファイル: GLESFBORTTManager.cs プロジェクト: bostich83/axiom
        /// <summary>
        ///   Get best depth and stencil supported for given internalFormat
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="internalFormat"> </param>
        /// <param name="depthFormat"> </param>
        /// <param name="stencilFormat"> </param>
        public override void GetBestDepthStencil(All internalFormat, out All depthFormat, out All stencilFormat)
            FormatProperties props = this._props[(int)internalFormat];
            /// Decide what stencil and depth formats to use
            /// [best supported for internal format]
            int bestmode  = 0;
            int bestscore = 1;

            for (int mode = 0; mode < props.Modes.Count; mode++)
                int desirability = 0;
                /// Find most desirable mode
                /// desirability == 0            if no depth, no stencil
                /// desirability == 1000...2000  if no depth, stencil
                /// desirability == 2000...3000  if depth, no stencil
                /// desirability == 3000+        if depth and stencil
                /// beyond this, the total numer of bits (stencil+depth) is maximised
                if (props.Modes[mode].Stencil != 0)
                    desirability += 1000;
                if (props.Modes[mode].Depth != 0)
                    desirability += 2000;
                if (DepthBits[props.Modes[mode].Depth] == 24)                       // Prefer 24 bit for now
                    desirability += 500;
                if (DepthFormats[props.Modes[mode].Depth] == All.Depth24Stencil8Oes)                       // Prefer 24/8 packed
                    desirability += 5000;
                desirability += StencilBits[props.Modes[mode].Stencil] + DepthBits[props.Modes[mode].Depth];

                if (desirability > bestscore)
                    bestscore = desirability;
                    bestmode  = mode;
            }             //end for mode
            depthFormat   = DepthFormats[props.Modes[bestmode].Depth];
            stencilFormat = StencilFormats[props.Modes[bestmode].Stencil];
コード例 #10
        void AppDevInitFormats(AppDev dev)
            int formatCount = 0;

            foreach (Format f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Format)))
                int fi = (int)f;
                formatCount = formatCount < fi ? fi : formatCount;

            FormatProperties[] formatList = new FormatProperties[formatCount + 1];
            foreach (Format f in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Format)))
                int index = (int)f;
                formatList[index] = (dev.Gpu.Obj.GetFormatProperties(f));

            dev.FormatProbs = formatList;
コード例 #11
 private void UpdateControl()
         string          format         = "";
         IFormatProvider formatProvider = null;
         if (this.context.PropertiesProvider != null)
             FormatProperties props = this.context.PropertiesProvider.FindProperties <FormatProperties>(this.Item) ?? FormatProperties.Empty;
             format         = props.Format;
             formatProvider = props.FormatProvider;
         this.TSItem.Value = this.Item.ToString(format, formatProvider);
     catch (Exception e)
         Log <TSIRenderProperty> .Warn(e);
コード例 #12
ファイル: GLES2FBOManager.cs プロジェクト: bostich83/axiom
        public override void GetBestDepthStencil(GLenum internalColorFormat, ref OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All depthFormat, ref OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All stencilFormat)
            FormatProperties prop = this.props[(int)internalColorFormat];
            int bestmode          = 0;
            int bestscore         = -1;

            for (int mode = 0; mode < prop.Modes.Count; mode++)
                int desirability = 0;
                /// Find most desirable mode
                /// desirability == 0            if no depth, no stencil
                /// desirability == 1000...2000  if no depth, stencil
                /// desirability == 2000...3000  if depth, no stencil
                /// desirability == 3000+        if depth and stencil
                /// beyond this, the total numer of bits (stencil+depth) is maximised
                if (prop.Modes[mode].Stencil > 0)
                    desirability += 1000;
                if (prop.Modes[mode].Depth > 0)
                    desirability += 2000;
                if (depthBits[prop.Modes[mode].Depth] == 24)                       //Prefer 24 bit for now
                    desirability += 500;
                if (depthFormats[prop.Modes[mode].Depth] == GLenum.Depth24Stencil8Oes)                       //Prefer 24/8 packed
                    desirability += 5000;

                desirability += stencilBits[prop.Modes[mode].Stencil] + depthBits[prop.Modes[mode].Depth];

                if (desirability > bestscore)
                    bestscore = desirability;
                    bestmode  = mode;
            depthFormat   = depthFormats[prop.Modes[bestmode].Depth];
            stencilFormat = stencilFormats[prop.Modes[bestmode].Stencil];
コード例 #13
ファイル: GLFBORTTManager.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		internal GLFBORTTManager( BaseGLSupport glSupport, bool atiMode )
			: base( glSupport )
			for ( int x = 0; x < _props.GetLength( 0 ); x++ )
				_props[ x ] = new FormatProperties();
			_atiMode = atiMode;


			Gl.glGenFramebuffersEXT( 1, out _tempFBO );
コード例 #14
ファイル: GLESFBOManager.cs プロジェクト: WolfgangSt/axiom
		/// <summary>
		/// Detect which internal formats are allowed as RTT
		/// Also detect what combinations of stencil and depth are allowed with this internal
		/// format.
		/// </summary>
		private void DetectFBOFormats()
			// Try all formats, and report which ones work as target
			int fb = 0, tid = 0;
			All target = All.Texture2D;

			for ( int x = 0; x < (int)Media.PixelFormat.Count; x++ )
				_props[ x ] = new FormatProperties();
				_props[ x ].IsValid = false;
				_props[ x ].Modes = new List<FormatProperties.Mode>();
				// Fetch GL format token
				All fmt = GLESPixelUtil.GetClosestGLInternalFormat( (Media.PixelFormat)x );
				if ( fmt == 0 && x != 0 )

				// No test for compressed formats
				if ( PixelUtil.IsCompressed( (Media.PixelFormat)x ) )

				// Create and attach framebuffer
				OpenGLOES.GenRenderbuffers( 1, ref fb );
				GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
				OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer( All.FramebufferOes, fb );
				GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
				if ( fmt != 0 )
					// Create and attach texture
					OpenGL.GenTextures( 1, ref tid );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
					OpenGL.BindTexture( target, tid );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );

					// Set some default parameters
					OpenGL.TexParameterx( target, All.TextureMinFilter, (int)All.LinearMipmapNearest );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
					OpenGL.TexParameterx( target, All.TextureMagFilter, (int)All.Nearest );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
					OpenGL.TexParameterx( target, All.TextureWrapS, (int)All.ClampToEdge );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
					OpenGL.TexParameterx( target, All.TextureWrapT, (int)All.ClampToEdge );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );

					OpenGL.TexImage2D( target, 0, (int)fmt, ProbeSize, ProbeSize, 0, fmt, All.UnsignedByte, IntPtr.Zero );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
					OpenGLOES.FramebufferTexture2D( All.FramebufferOes, All.ColorAttachment0Oes,
						target, tid, 0 );
					GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );

				// Check status
				All status = OpenGLOES.CheckFramebufferStatus( All.FramebufferOes );
				GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );

				// Ignore status in case of fmt==GL_NONE, because no implementation will accept
				// a buffer without *any* attachment. Buffers with only stencil and depth attachment
				// might still be supported, so we must continue probing.
				if ( fmt == 0 || status == All.FramebufferCompleteOes )
					_props[ x ].IsValid = true;
					StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
					str.Append( "FBO " + PixelUtil.GetFormatName( (Media.PixelFormat)x ) +
							   " depth/stencil support: " );

					// For each depth/stencil formats
					for ( int depth = 0; depth < DepthFormatCount; ++depth )
						if ( DepthFormats[ depth ] != All.Depth24Stencil8Oes )
							// General depth/stencil combination
							for ( int stencil = 0; stencil < StencilFormatCount; ++stencil )
								if ( TryFormat( DepthFormats[ depth ], StencilFormats[ stencil ] ) )
									/// Add mode to allowed modes
									str.Append( "D" + DepthBits[ depth ] + "S" + StencilBits[ stencil ] + " " );
									FormatProperties.Mode mode = new FormatProperties.Mode();
									mode.Depth = depth;
									mode.Stencil = stencil;
									_props[ x ].Modes.Add( mode );

							}//end for stencil
						}//end if
							// Packed depth/stencil format
							if ( TryPacketFormat( DepthFormats[ depth ] ) )
								/// Add mode to allowed modes
								str.Append( "Packed-D" + DepthBits[ depth ] + "S8" + " " );
								FormatProperties.Mode mode = new FormatProperties.Mode();
								mode.Depth = depth;
								mode.Stencil = 0;//unused
								_props[ x ].Modes.Add( mode );
					}//end for depth
					LogManager.Instance.Write( str.ToString() );
				}//end if
				// Delete texture and framebuffer
				 // The screen buffer is 1 on iPhone
				OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, 1);
				OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer( All.FramebufferOes, 0 );
				GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
				OpenGLOES.DeleteFramebuffers( 1, ref fb );
				GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
				if ( fmt != 0 )
					OpenGL.DeleteTextures( 1, ref tid );
			}//end for pixelformat count

			string fmtstring = string.Empty;
			for ( int x = 0; x < (int)Media.PixelFormat.Count; x++ )
				if ( _props[ x ].IsValid )
					fmtstring += PixelUtil.GetFormatName( (Media.PixelFormat)x );
            LogManager.Instance.Write("[GL] : Valid FBO targets " + fmtstring);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Functions.cs プロジェクト: jwollen/SharpVulkan
 public unsafe void GetFormatProperties(Format format, out FormatProperties formatProperties)
     fixed (FormatProperties* __formatProperties__ = &formatProperties)
         vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(this, format, __formatProperties__);
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect which internal formats are allowed as RTT
        /// Also detect what combinations of stencil and depth are allowed with this internal
        /// format.
        /// </summary>
        private void DetectFBOFormats()
            // Try all formats, and report which ones work as target
            int fb = 0, tid = 0;
            All target = All.Texture2D;

            for (int x = 0; x < (int)Media.PixelFormat.Count; x++)
                _props[x]         = new FormatProperties();
                _props[x].IsValid = false;
                _props[x].Modes   = new List <FormatProperties.Mode>();
                // Fetch GL format token
                All fmt = GLESPixelUtil.GetClosestGLInternalFormat((Media.PixelFormat)x);
                if (fmt == 0 && x != 0)

                // No test for compressed formats
                if (PixelUtil.IsCompressed((Media.PixelFormat)x))

                // Create and attach framebuffer
                OpenGLOES.GenRenderbuffers(1, ref fb);
                OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, fb);
                if (fmt != 0)
                    // Create and attach texture
                    OpenGL.GenTextures(1, ref tid);
                    OpenGL.BindTexture(target, tid);

                    // Set some default parameters
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureMinFilter, (int)All.LinearMipmapNearest);
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureMagFilter, (int)All.Nearest);
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureWrapS, (int)All.ClampToEdge);
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureWrapT, (int)All.ClampToEdge);

                    OpenGL.TexImage2D(target, 0, (int)fmt, ProbeSize, ProbeSize, 0, fmt, All.UnsignedByte, IntPtr.Zero);
                    OpenGLOES.FramebufferTexture2D(All.FramebufferOes, All.ColorAttachment0Oes,
                                                   target, tid, 0);

                // Check status
                All status = OpenGLOES.CheckFramebufferStatus(All.FramebufferOes);

                // Ignore status in case of fmt==GL_NONE, because no implementation will accept
                // a buffer without *any* attachment. Buffers with only stencil and depth attachment
                // might still be supported, so we must continue probing.
                if (fmt == 0 || status == All.FramebufferCompleteOes)
                    _props[x].IsValid = true;
                    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
                    str.Append("FBO " + PixelUtil.GetFormatName((Media.PixelFormat)x) +
                               " depth/stencil support: ");

                    // For each depth/stencil formats
                    for (int depth = 0; depth < DepthFormatCount; ++depth)
                        if (DepthFormats[depth] != All.Depth24Stencil8Oes)
                            // General depth/stencil combination
                            for (int stencil = 0; stencil < StencilFormatCount; ++stencil)
                                if (TryFormat(DepthFormats[depth], StencilFormats[stencil]))
                                    /// Add mode to allowed modes
                                    str.Append("D" + DepthBits[depth] + "S" + StencilBits[stencil] + " ");
                                    FormatProperties.Mode mode = new FormatProperties.Mode();
                                    mode.Depth   = depth;
                                    mode.Stencil = stencil;
                            }                    //end for stencil
                        }                        //end if
                            // Packed depth/stencil format
                            if (TryPacketFormat(DepthFormats[depth]))
                                /// Add mode to allowed modes
                                str.Append("Packed-D" + DepthBits[depth] + "S8" + " ");
                                FormatProperties.Mode mode = new FormatProperties.Mode();
                                mode.Depth   = depth;
                                mode.Stencil = 0;                                //unused
                    }            //end for depth
                }                //end if
                                 // Delete texture and framebuffer
                // The screen buffer is 1 on iPhone
                OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, 1);
                OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, 0);
                OpenGLOES.DeleteFramebuffers(1, ref fb);
                if (fmt != 0)
                    OpenGL.DeleteTextures(1, ref tid);
            }            //end for pixelformat count

            string fmtstring = string.Empty;
            for (int x = 0; x < (int)Media.PixelFormat.Count; x++)
                if (_props[x].IsValid)
                    fmtstring += PixelUtil.GetFormatName((Media.PixelFormat)x);
            LogManager.Instance.Write("[GL] : Valid FBO targets " + fmtstring);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Functions.cs プロジェクト: jwollen/SharpVulkan
 internal static unsafe extern void vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties(PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, Format format, FormatProperties* formatProperties);