コード例 #1
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
     SymbolEngine.PropertyExpEntry symProperty
     string stName = symProperty.Name;
     // Get class that we're defined in
     TypeBuilder bldClass = symProperty.SymbolClass.CLRType as TypeBuilder;
     Debug.Assert(bldClass != null);
     PropertyAttributes attrs = PropertyAttributes.None;
     // Create the property builder
     PropertyBuilder bld = bldClass.DefineProperty(
         new Type[0]
     // Create builders for the get / set accessors        
     if (symProperty.SymbolGet != null)
         bld.SetGetMethod(symProperty.SymbolGet.Info as MethodBuilder);
     if (symProperty.SymbolSet != null)
         bld.SetSetMethod(symProperty.SymbolSet.Info as MethodBuilder);
     return bld;
コード例 #2
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
        SymbolEngine.MethodExpEntry symBlueMethod
        // Call DefineMethod on the TypeBuilder to get a MethodBuilder
        // MethodBuilder derives from MethodInfo
        string stMethodName         = symBlueMethod.Name;

        Debug.Assert(symBlueMethod.Node != null);
        AST.Modifiers mods = symBlueMethod.Node.Mods;        
        MethodAttributes attrMethod = (MethodAttributes) 0;
        // Everything seems to have this; but what does it do?
        attrMethod = MethodAttributes.HideBySig;
        if (mods.IsPublic)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Public;
        else if (mods.IsProtected)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Family;
        else if (mods.IsPrivate)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Private;
        else if (mods.IsInternal)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Assembly;
        if (symBlueMethod.IsSpecialName)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName;
        if (mods.IsStatic)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Static;
        if (mods.IsVirtual)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot;
        if (mods.IsAbstract)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot;
        if (mods.IsOverride)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Virtual;
        if (mods.IsSealed)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.Final;
        // Overloaded operators have a magical bit sit
        if (symBlueMethod.Node.IsOpOverload)
            attrMethod |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName;
        // Get signature from the parameters        
        #if false
        Type [] alParamTypes = new Type[symBlueMethod.ParamCount];            
        for(int iParam = 0; iParam < symBlueMethod.ParamCount; iParam++)
            alParamTypes[iParam] = symBlueMethod.ParamCLRType(iParam);
        Type [] alParamTypes = symBlueMethod.ParamTypes(false);
        // Get class that we're defined in
        TypeBuilder bldClass = symBlueMethod.SymbolClass.CLRType as TypeBuilder;
        Debug.Assert(bldClass != null);
        bool fIsCtor = symBlueMethod.IsCtor;
        System.Reflection.MethodBase bld = null;           
        // Get the builder        
        if (fIsCtor)
            ConstructorBuilder bldCtor = bldClass.DefineConstructor(attrMethod, CallingConventions.Standard, alParamTypes);    

            if (AST.DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(symBlueMethod.SymbolClass.CLRType))
                bldCtor.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed);                

            //return bldCtor;        
            bld = bldCtor;
            Type typeReturn = symBlueMethod.RetType.CLRType;
            Debug.Assert(typeReturn != null, "Semantic check should catch null return type");
            MethodBuilder bldMethod = bldClass.DefineMethod(stMethodName, attrMethod, typeReturn, alParamTypes);
            // The members of a delegate are special because they're implemented by the runtime.
            if (AST.DelegateDecl.IsDelegate(symBlueMethod.SymbolClass.CLRType))
                bldMethod.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed);
            //return bldMethod;
            bld = bldMethod;
        // Double check that we set the attributes on the new CLR method properly.
        // Do this by converting back to blue modifier from CLR method and comparing
        // that modifier to the original.        
        #if DEBUG
        AST.Modifiers modsCheck = new AST.Modifiers(bld);
        string stPretty = symBlueMethod.PrettyDecoratedName;
        string stBlue = mods.ToString();
        string stCLR = modsCheck.ToString();
        // The 'new' modifier just tells the C# compiler to suppress warnings. There's
        // no IL bit for it, so we lose it when we roundtrip. So just add it to both
        // of them.
        Debug.Assert(modsCheck == mods, "Modifer mismatch in creating CLR method");
        return bld;
コード例 #3
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
        SymbolEngine.TypeEntry symBlueType
        // We call DefineType to get a TypeBuilder, which derives from Type
        // We have to pass DefineType all the interesting parameters (ie, we
        // have to know stuff like the base class now, not later)

        // We get namespaces for free by using the full name
        // We also handle nested classes here.
        string stClassName = symBlueType.FullName;
        System.Type typeBaseClass = null;
        TypeAttributes attrClass = (TypeAttributes) 0;                           

        SymbolEngine.TypeEntry [] arBlueInterfaces = symBlueType.BaseInterfaces;
        System.Type [] arClrInterfaces = new System.Type[arBlueInterfaces.Length];
        for(int i =0; i < arClrInterfaces.Length; i++)
            arClrInterfaces[i] = arBlueInterfaces[i].CLRType;
            Debug.Assert(arClrInterfaces[i] != null);
        // Setup modifiers
        AST.Modifiers mods = symBlueType.Mods;
        TypeBuilder bldClass;
        if (symBlueType.IsInterface)        
            attrClass |= TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.Abstract;
            typeBaseClass = symBlueType.Super.CLRType;
            Debug.Assert(typeBaseClass != null);
        if (mods.IsSealed)
            attrClass |= TypeAttributes.Sealed;
        if (mods.IsAbstract)
            attrClass |= TypeAttributes.Abstract;
        if (mods.IsSealed)
            attrClass |= TypeAttributes.Sealed;            
        // Handle nesting
        SymbolEngine.TypeEntry tParent = symBlueType.GetContainingType();
        if (tParent == null)
            // Not nested
            if (mods.IsPublic)
                attrClass |= TypeAttributes.Public;
                attrClass |= TypeAttributes.NotPublic;                    
            Log.WriteLine(Log.LF.CodeGen, "Define type:{0}", stClassName);                
            bldClass = m_bldModule.DefineType(
        } else {
            // Nested
            if (mods.IsPublic)
                attrClass |= TypeAttributes.NestedPublic;
            else if (mods.IsPrivate)
                attrClass |= TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate;
            else if (mods.IsProtected)
                attrClass |= TypeAttributes.NestedFamily;
            else if (mods.IsInternal)
                attrClass |= TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly;   
            Log.WriteLine(Log.LF.CodeGen, "Define nested type:{0}", stClassName);                
            TypeBuilder bldParent = tParent.CLRType as TypeBuilder;
            bldClass = bldParent.DefineNestedType(symBlueType.Name, attrClass, typeBaseClass, arClrInterfaces);       
        Debug.Assert(bldClass != null, "Should have TypeBuilder by now");
        // Make sure that we can lookup the type that we just created
        #if DEBUG                
        System.Type tNatural = this.FindType(stClassName);
        Debug.Assert(tNatural == bldClass);
        // Sanity check that the type builder is complete enough to do
        // clr inheritence checks
        #if DEBUG
        if (typeBaseClass != null)

        foreach(System.Type t in arClrInterfaces)
            bool f1 = SymbolEngine.TypeEntry.IsAssignable(bldClass, t);

        // Return the type and the symbol engine will set it
        return bldClass;
コード例 #4
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
     SymbolEngine.EventExpEntry symEvent
     string stName = symEvent.Name;
     // Get class that we're defined in
     TypeBuilder bldClass = symEvent.SymbolClass.CLRType as TypeBuilder;
     Debug.Assert(bldClass != null);
     EventAttributes attrs = EventAttributes.None;
     AST.Modifiers mods = symEvent.Node.Mods;
     EventBuilder bld = bldClass.DefineEvent(
         stName, attrs, symEvent.EventType.CLRType
     Debug.Assert(bld != null);
     return null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
        SymbolEngine.LiteralFieldExpEntry sym)
        Type t = sym.SymbolClass.CLRType;
#if Bug_In_EnumBuilder
        TypeBuilder bld = t as TypeBuilder;
        Debug.Assert(bld != null);
        FieldAttributes mods = FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.Literal;
        FieldBuilder f = bld.DefineField(sym.Name, bld, mods);                
        if (t is EnumBuilder)
            EnumBuilder bld = t as EnumBuilder;
            f = bld.DefineLiteral(sym.Name, sym.Data);
        else if (t is TypeBuilder)
           Debug.Assert(false, "Literals not supported on non-enum Types");
        // The new field should have the following properties:
        Debug.Assert(f.FieldType == bld); // this is where the EnumBuilder breaks

        return f;
コード例 #6
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
    * EmitCodeGen.CreateCLREnumType
    public virtual System.Type CreateCLREnumType(SymbolEngine.EnumTypeEntry symEnum)
        TypeAttributes mods = TypeAttributes.Sealed;
#if Bug_In_EnumBuilder

        string stName = symEnum.FullName;

        TypeBuilder bld;
        // Handle nesting
        SymbolEngine.TypeEntry tParent = symEnum.GetContainingType();
        if (tParent == null)
            if (symEnum.Mods.IsPublic)
                mods |= TypeAttributes.Public;
                mods |= TypeAttributes.NotPublic;
            Log.WriteLine(Log.LF.CodeGen, "Define enum:{0}", stName);
            bld = m_bldModule.DefineType(stName, mods, typeof(System.Enum));
        } else {
            if (symEnum.Mods.IsPublic)
                mods |= TypeAttributes.NestedPublic;
            else if (symEnum.Mods.IsPrivate)
                mods |= TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate;
            else if (symEnum.Mods.IsProtected)
                mods |= TypeAttributes.NestedFamily;
            else if (symEnum.Mods.IsInternal)
                mods |= TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly;                                
            Log.WriteLine(Log.LF.CodeGen, "Define nested enum:{0}", stName);
            TypeBuilder bldParent = tParent.CLRType as TypeBuilder;
            bld = bldParent.DefineNestedType(symEnum.Name, mods, typeof(System.Enum));
            // DefineNestedType says it wants the 'full name', but name Name can't inclue [,],\,+            
            // So we're in a pickle. And then when the TypeResolve event is fired, we don't
            // get enough info (we just get the short name).
            //string stName2 = symEnum.FullName.Replace('+', '\\');            
            //bld = bldParent.DefineNestedType(stName2, mods, typeof(System.Enum));
        // Enums have a default magical field: 
        bld.DefineField("value__", typeof(int), 
            FieldAttributes.Public | FieldAttributes.SpecialName | FieldAttributes.RTSpecialName);
        #error - need a DefineNestedEnum()
        EnumBuilder bld = m_bldModule.DefineEnum(stName, mods, typeof(int));
        return bld;
コード例 #7
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
        SymbolEngine.ArrayTypeEntry symBlueType
        // Get name of an array, like T[], T[,,][,][]
        string st = symBlueType.ToString();

        System.Type t = this.FindType(st);

        // Semantic checking should have caught this.
        Debug.Assert(t != null);

        return t;
コード例 #8
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
        SymbolEngine.FieldExpEntry symBlueField
        FieldAttributes attr = (FieldAttributes) 0;
        AST.Modifiers mods = symBlueField.Node.Mods;
        if (mods.IsPublic)
            attr |= FieldAttributes.Public;
        else if (mods.IsProtected)
            attr |= FieldAttributes.Family;
        else if (mods.IsPrivate)
            attr |= FieldAttributes.Private;
        else if (mods.IsInternal)
            attr |= FieldAttributes.Assembly;
        if (mods.IsReadOnly)
            attr |= FieldAttributes.InitOnly;
        if (mods.IsStatic)
            attr |= FieldAttributes.Static;
        // Get class that we're defined in
        TypeBuilder bldClass = symBlueField.SymbolClass.CLRType as TypeBuilder;
        Debug.Assert(bldClass != null);

        // Create the field
        FieldInfo f = bldClass.DefineField(symBlueField.Name, symBlueField.FieldType.CLRType, attr);
        Debug.Assert(f != null);

        return f;
コード例 #9
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
    // Emit a call/callvirt to the specified symbol
    void EmitCall(SymbolEngine.MethodExpEntry sym)
        Debug.Assert(sym != null);

        MethodInfo mdInfo = sym.Info as MethodInfo;
        Debug.Assert(mdInfo != null);
        if (mdInfo.IsVirtual && !sym.SymbolClass.CLRType.IsValueType)
            m_ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, mdInfo);
            m_ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, mdInfo);
コード例 #10
ファイル: EmitCodeGen.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
    void EmitNonPolymorphicCall(SymbolEngine.MethodExpEntry sym)
        Debug.Assert(sym != null);

        MethodInfo mdInfo = sym.Info as MethodInfo;
        Debug.Assert(mdInfo != null);
        m_ilGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, mdInfo);          
コード例 #11
ファイル: ObjExpAST.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
 public NamespaceExp(
     SymbolEngine.NamespaceEntry symbol
     m_symbol = symbol;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ObjExpAST.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
 public ParamExp(
     SymbolEngine.ParamVarExpEntry symbol
     m_symbol = symbol;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ObjExpAST.cs プロジェクト: chenzuo/blue
 public LocalExp(
     SymbolEngine.LocalVarExpEntry symbol
     m_symbol = symbol;