protected override GestureState OnActive( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { if( touches.Count != RequiredFingerCount ) { // all fingers lifted - fire the tap event if( touches.Count == 0 ) { RaiseOnTap(); return GestureState.Recognized; } // either lifted off some fingers or added some new ones return GestureState.Failed; } // check if the gesture timed out if( MaxDuration > 0 && ElapsedTime > MaxDuration ) return GestureState.Failed; // check if finger moved too far from start position float sqrDist = Vector3.SqrMagnitude( touches.GetAveragePosition() - StartPosition ); if( sqrDist >= MoveTolerance * MoveTolerance ) return GestureState.Failed; return GestureState.InProgress; }
protected override GestureState OnActive( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { if( touches.Count != RequiredFingerCount ) { // fingers were lifted off if( touches.Count < RequiredFingerCount ) { RaiseOnDragEnd(); return GestureState.Recognized; } return GestureState.Failed; } Position = touches.GetAveragePosition(); MoveDelta = Position - lastPos; if( MoveDelta.sqrMagnitude > 0 ) { RaiseOnDragMove(); lastPos = Position; } return GestureState.InProgress; }
protected override void OnBegin( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { Position = touches.GetAveragePosition(); StartPosition = Position; lastTapTime = Time.time; //Debuger.Log( this + " OnBegin @ " + StartPosition ); }
protected override void OnBegin( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { Position = touches.GetAveragePosition(); StartPosition = Position; MoveDelta =; lastPos = Position; RaiseOnDragBegin(); }
protected override void OnBegin( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { Position = touches.GetAveragePosition(); StartPosition = Position; }
protected override GestureState OnActive( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { wasDown = down; down = false; if( touches.Count == RequiredFingerCount ) { down = true; lastDownTime = Time.time; } else if( touches.Count == 0 ) { down = false; } else { // some fingers were lifted off if( touches.Count < RequiredFingerCount ) { // give a bit of buffer time to lift-off the remaining fingers if( Time.time - lastDownTime > 0.25f ) return GestureState.Failed; } else // fingers were added { if( !Young( touches ) ) return GestureState.Failed; } } if( HasTimedOut() ) { // if we requested unlimited taps and landed at least one, consider this a success if( RequiredTaps == 0 && Taps > 0 ) { // if we didn't raise a tap event on each tap, at least raise the event once at the end of the tap sequence if( !RaiseEventOnEachTap ) RaiseOnTap(); return GestureState.Recognized; } // else, timed out return GestureState.Failed; } if( down ) { // check if finger moved too far from start position float sqrDist = Vector3.SqrMagnitude( touches.GetAveragePosition() - StartPosition ); if( sqrDist >= MoveTolerance * MoveTolerance ) return GestureState.Failed; } if( wasDown != down ) { // fingers were just released if( !down ) { ++taps; lastTapTime = Time.time; // If the requested tap count has been reached, validate the gesture and stop if( RequiredTaps > 0 && taps >= RequiredTaps ) { RaiseOnTap(); return GestureState.Recognized; } if( RaiseEventOnEachTap ) RaiseOnTap(); } } return GestureState.InProgress; }
protected override void OnBegin( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { Position = touches.GetAveragePosition(); StartPosition = Position; direction = FingerGestures.SwipeDirection.None; }
protected override GestureState OnActive( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { if( touches.Count != RequiredFingerCount ) { // fingers were lifted off if( touches.Count < RequiredFingerCount ) { if( direction != FingerGestures.SwipeDirection.None ) { if( OnSwipe != null ) OnSwipe( this ); return GestureState.Recognized; } } return GestureState.Failed; } Position = touches.GetAveragePosition(); Move = Position - StartPosition; float distance = Move.magnitude; // didnt move far enough if( distance < MinDistance ) return GestureState.InProgress; if( ElapsedTime > 0 ) velocity = distance / ElapsedTime; else velocity = 0; // we're going too slow if( velocity < MinVelocity ) return GestureState.Failed; FingerGestures.SwipeDirection newDirection = FingerGestures.GetSwipeDirection( Move.normalized, DirectionTolerance ); // we went in a bad direction if( !IsValidDirection( newDirection ) || ( direction != FingerGestures.SwipeDirection.None && newDirection != direction ) ) return GestureState.Failed; direction = newDirection; return GestureState.InProgress; }
protected override void OnBegin( FingerGestures.IFingerList touches ) { Position = touches.GetAveragePosition(); StartPosition = Position; lastTapTime = Time.time; startTime = Time.time; }