コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetItemList(FilterationListViewModel model)
                //to get userid from access token
                string UId  = User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == "UserID").Value;
                var    user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(UId);

                string parentUserId = user.Id;
                if (User.IsInRole(Constants.isSubAdmin))
                    parentUserId = user.ParentUserId;
                var userstatus = user.UserStatus;
                var itemList   = _managementService.GetItemList(model, parentUserId);
                if (itemList == null)
                    return(Ok(new { status = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, success = false, message = ResponseMessages.msgNotFound + "item.", userstatus = false }));
                return(Ok(new { status = StatusCodes.Status200OK, success = true, message = "item" + ResponseMessages.msgListFoundSuccess, userstatus, itemList }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Ok(new { status = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, success = false, message = ResponseMessages.msgSomethingWentWrong + ex.Message, userstatus = false }));
コード例 #2
        public ResponseModel <CustomerListViewModel> GetCustomerList(FilterationListViewModel model, string UserId)
            if (db != null)
                var source = (from c in db.Customers
                              join cntry in db.Countries
                              on c.CountryId equals cntry.CountryId into ctryGroup
                              from cntry in ctryGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              join s in db.States
                              on c.StateId equals s.StateId into sGroup
                              from s in sGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              where c.UserId == UserId && (c.IsDeleted == false || c.IsDeleted == null)
                              orderby c.CustomerId descending
                              select new CustomerListViewModel
                    CustomerId = c.CustomerId,
                    FirstName = c.FirstName,
                    LastName = c.LastName,
                    BussinessName = c.BussinessName,
                    Phone = c.Phone,
                    Fax = c.Fax,
                    Mobile = c.Mobile,
                    CountryName = cntry.Name,
                    StateName = s.Name,
                    City = c.City,
                    Postalcode = c.Postalcode,
                    Address1 = c.Address1,
                    PersonalEmail = c.PersonalEmail,
                    BussinessEmail = c.BussinessEmail,
                    Gender = c.Gender,
                    Dob = (c.Dob != null) ? c.Dob.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "",
                    Gstin = c.Gstin,
                    AccountNumber = c.AccountNumber.ToString(),
                    PosoNumber = c.PosoNumber,
                    Website = c.Website,
                    IsActive = Convert.ToBoolean(c.IsActive)

                // searching
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.searchQuery))
                    var search = model.searchQuery.ToLower();
                    source = source.Where(x =>
                                          x.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.LastName.ToLower().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Phone.ToLower().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Fax.ToLower().Contains(search) ||

                // Get's No of Rows Count
                int count = source.Count();

                // Parameter is passed from Query string if it is null then it default Value will be pageNumber:1
                int CurrentPage = model.pageNumber;

                // Parameter is passed from Query string if it is null then it default Value will be pageSize:20
                int PageSize = model.pageSize;

                // Display TotalCount to Records to User
                int TotalCount = count;

                // Calculating Totalpage by Dividing (No of Records / Pagesize)
                int TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (double)PageSize);

                // Returns List of Customer after applying Paging
                var items = source.Skip((CurrentPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList();

                // if CurrentPage is greater than 1 means it has previousPage
                var previousPage = CurrentPage > 1 ? "Yes" : "No";

                // if TotalPages is greater than CurrentPage means it has nextPage
                var nextPage = CurrentPage < TotalPages ? "Yes" : "No";

                // Returing List of Customers Collections
                ResponseModel <CustomerListViewModel> obj = new ResponseModel <CustomerListViewModel>();
                obj.totalCount   = TotalCount;
                obj.pageSize     = PageSize;
                obj.currentPage  = CurrentPage;
                obj.totalPages   = TotalPages;
                obj.previousPage = previousPage;
                obj.nextPage     = nextPage;
                obj.searchQuery  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.searchQuery) ? "no parameter passed" : model.searchQuery;
                obj.dataList     = items.ToList();
コード例 #3
        public ResponseModel <ItemViewModel> GetItemList(FilterationListViewModel model, string UserId)
            if (db != null)
                //Return Lists
                var source = (from c in db.Items
                              where c.UserId == UserId && (c.IsDeleted == false || c.IsDeleted == null)
                              orderby c.ItemId descending
                              select new ItemViewModel
                    ItemId = c.ItemId,
                    Name = c.Name,
                    Description = c.Description,
                    Quantity = c.Quantity,
                    Price = c.Price,
                    Tax = c.Tax,
                    UserId = c.UserId

                //Search Parameter With null checks
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.searchQuery))
                    var search = model.searchQuery.ToLower();
                    source = source.Where(x =>
                                          x.Name.ToLower().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Description.ToLower().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Quantity.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Price.ToString().Contains(search) ||

                // Get's No of Rows Count
                int count = source.Count();

                // Parameter is passed from Query string if it is null then it default Value will be pageNumber:1
                int CurrentPage = model.pageNumber;

                // Parameter is passed from Query string if it is null then it default Value will be pageSize:20
                int PageSize = model.pageSize;

                // Display TotalCount to Records to User
                int TotalCount = count;

                // Calculating Totalpage by Dividing (No of Records / Pagesize)
                int TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (double)PageSize);

                // Returns List of Customer after applying Paging
                var items = source.Skip((CurrentPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList();

                // if CurrentPage is greater than 1 means it has previousPage
                var previousPage = CurrentPage > 1 ? "Yes" : "No";

                // if TotalPages is greater than CurrentPage means it has nextPage
                var nextPage = CurrentPage < TotalPages ? "Yes" : "No";

                // Returing List of Customers Collections
                ResponseModel <ItemViewModel> obj = new ResponseModel <ItemViewModel>();
                obj.totalCount   = TotalCount;
                obj.pageSize     = PageSize;
                obj.currentPage  = CurrentPage;
                obj.totalPages   = TotalPages;
                obj.previousPage = previousPage;
                obj.nextPage     = nextPage;
                obj.searchQuery  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.searchQuery) ? "no parameter passed" : model.searchQuery;
                obj.dataList     = items.ToList();
コード例 #4
        public ResponseModel <InvoiceListViewModel> GetInvoiceList(FilterationListViewModel model, string UserId)
            if (db != null)
                //Return Lists
                var source = (from i in db.Invoices
                              join c in db.Currencies
                              on i.CurrencyId equals c.CurrencyId into cGroup
                              from c in cGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              join cst in db.Customers
                              on i.CustomerId equals cst.CustomerId into cstGroup
                              from cst in cstGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                              where i.UserId == UserId && (i.IsDeleted == false || i.IsDeleted == null)
                              orderby i.InvoiceId descending
                              select new InvoiceListViewModel
                    InvoiceId = i.InvoiceId,
                    Title = i.Title,
                    Description = i.Description,
                    InvoiceNumber = i.InvoiceNumber,
                    PosoNumber = i.PosoNumber,
                    Date = (i.Date != null) ? i.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "",
                    DueDate = (i.DueDate != null) ? i.DueDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "",
                    ItemList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <InvoiceItemsViewModel> >(i.ItemList),
                    Status = i.Status,
                    Type = i.Type,
                    Subtotal = i.Subtotal,
                    Tax = i.Tax,
                    Total = i.Total,
                    IsSent = i.IsSent,
                    UserId = i.UserId,
                    Notes = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.Notes) ? i.Notes : "",
                    TermsAndConditions = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.TermsAndConditions) ? i.TermsAndConditions : "",
                    ConvertedDate = (i.ConvertedDate != null) ? i.ConvertedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "",
                    IsPaid = i.IsPaid,
                    PaymentDate = (i.PaymentDate != null) ? i.PaymentDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "",
                    PaymentMode = (i.PaymentMode != null) ? i.PaymentMode : "",
                    CurrencyId = i.CurrencyId,
                    CurrencyName = c.Name,
                    CurrencyCode = c.Code,
                    CurrencySymbol = c.Symbol,
                    CustomerId = i.CustomerId,
                    FirstName = cst.FirstName,
                    LastName = cst.LastName,
                    BussinessName = cst.BussinessName,
                    Phone = cst.Phone,
                    Mobile = cst.Mobile,
                    Address1 = cst.Address1,
                    PersonalEmail = cst.PersonalEmail,
                    BussinessEmail = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cst.BussinessEmail) ? cst.BussinessEmail : "",
                    Gstin = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cst.Gstin) ? cst.Gstin : "",
                    AccountNumber = cst.AccountNumber.ToString(),
                    Website = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cst.Website) ? cst.Website : ""

                //Filter Parameter With null checks
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.filterBy))
                    var filterBy = model.filterBy.ToLower();
                    source = source.Where(m => m.Type.ToLower().Contains(filterBy) ||

                //Search Parameter With null checks
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.searchQuery))
                    var search = model.searchQuery.ToLower();
                    source = source.Where(x =>
                                          x.Title.ToLower().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Description.ToLower().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.InvoiceNumber.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.PosoNumber.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Tax.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.CurrencyCode.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.CurrencySymbol.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.FirstName.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.LastName.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.BussinessName.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Phone.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Mobile.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.PersonalEmail.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.BussinessEmail.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.Gstin.ToString().Contains(search) ||
                                          x.AccountNumber.ToString().Contains(search) ||

                // Get's No of Rows Count
                int count = source.Count();

                // Parameter is passed from Query string if it is null then it default Value will be pageNumber:1
                int CurrentPage = model.pageNumber;

                // Parameter is passed from Query string if it is null then it default Value will be pageSize:20
                int PageSize = model.pageSize;

                // Display TotalCount to Records to User
                int TotalCount = count;

                // Calculating Totalpage by Dividing (No of Records / Pagesize)
                int TotalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / (double)PageSize);

                // Returns List of Customer after applying Paging
                var items = source.Skip((CurrentPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList();

                // if CurrentPage is greater than 1 means it has previousPage
                var previousPage = CurrentPage > 1 ? "Yes" : "No";

                // if TotalPages is greater than CurrentPage means it has nextPage
                var nextPage = CurrentPage < TotalPages ? "Yes" : "No";

                // Returing List of Customers Collections
                ResponseModel <InvoiceListViewModel> obj = new ResponseModel <InvoiceListViewModel>();
                obj.totalCount   = TotalCount;
                obj.pageSize     = PageSize;
                obj.currentPage  = CurrentPage;
                obj.totalPages   = TotalPages;
                obj.previousPage = previousPage;
                obj.nextPage     = nextPage;
                obj.searchQuery  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.searchQuery) ? "no parameter passed" : model.searchQuery;
                obj.dataList     = items.ToList();