IEnumerator _Load() { if (!EditCheck()) { yield break; } while (currentSong.isSaving) { yield return(null); } if (errorManager.HasErrorToDisplay()) { yield break; } Song backup = currentSong; if (!FileExplorer.OpenFilePanel(new ExtensionFilter("Chart files", "chart", "mid"), "chart,mid", out currentFileName)) { currentSong = backup; // Immediate exit yield break; } Debug.Log("Loading song: " + System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(currentFileName)); yield return(StartCoroutine(_Load(currentFileName))); selectedObjectsManager.currentSelectedObject = null; }
string GetAudioFile() { string audioFilepath = string.Empty; FileExplorer.OpenFilePanel(audioExFilter, "mp3,ogg,wav", out audioFilepath); return(audioFilepath); }
IEnumerator _Load() { if (!EditCheck()) { yield break; } while (currentSong.isSaving) { yield return(null); } if (SaveErrorCheck()) { yield break; } Song backup = currentSong; try { currentFileName = FileExplorer.OpenFilePanel("Chart files (*.chart, *.mid)\0*.chart;*.mid", "chart,mid"); } catch (FileExplorer.FileExplorerExitException e) { // Most likely closed the window explorer, just ignore for now. currentSong = backup; Debug.Log(e.Message); // Immediate exit yield break; } catch (System.Exception e) { currentSong = backup; Logger.LogException(e, "Error when getting file to open"); // Immediate exit yield break; } Debug.Log("Loading song: " + System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(currentFileName)); yield return(StartCoroutine(_Load(currentFileName))); currentSelectedObject = null; }
string GetAudioFile() { string audioFilepath = string.Empty; string defExt = string.Empty; foreach (string extention in validAudioExtensions) { if (defExt != string.Empty) { defExt += ","; } defExt += extention; } FileExplorer.OpenFilePanel(audioExFilter, defExt, out audioFilepath); return(audioFilepath); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(_inputProperties, true); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); InputConfigBuilder.InputProperties inputProperties = ((InputConfigBuilder)target).inputProperties; if (s_shouldReset) { inputProperties.shortcutInputs = new ShortcutInputConfig[0]; s_shouldReset = false; } if (GUILayout.Button("Load Config From File")) { string filename; if (FileExplorer.OpenFilePanel(new ExtensionFilter("Config files", "json"), "json", out filename)) { InputConfig inputConfig = new InputConfig(); InputConfig.LoadFromFile(filename, inputConfig); inputProperties.shortcutInputs = inputConfig.shortcutInputs; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Save Config To File")) { string filename; if (inputProperties.shortcutInputs.Length > 0) { if (FileExplorer.SaveFilePanel(new ExtensionFilter("Config files", "json"), "InputPropertiesConfig", "json", out filename)) { InputConfig inputConfig = new InputConfig(); inputConfig.shortcutInputs = inputProperties.shortcutInputs; InputConfig.Save(inputConfig, filename); } } else { Debug.LogError("Trying to save empty input properties. This is not allowed."); } } }