/// <summary> /// when a team is selected, it will display the members in it /// </summary> /// <param name="team"></param> public void ShowTeamMemberLists(string team) { foreach (var item in pImpl.GetCurrentList()) { if (item.TeamGS.Equals(team)) { MemberListBox.Items.Add(item.NameGS); } } }
/* * SubmitParticipant (submits participant to created participants through several checks and procedures) * NewTeamWindow (shows a small window.. normally hidden behind a small picture.. that let's you create a new ally team * SubmitTeam..creates the new ally team * InsertImage (opens dialog window to choose image for team) * ToPreviousWindow * ToMenuWindow */ #region buttons /// <summary> /// Takes all inputs and creates a participant and adds it to a team /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void SubmitParticipant_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <int> parsedTP = new List <int>(); List <string> tp = new List <string>(); //tp = tryParse tp.Add(HealthTextBox.Text); tp.Add(OffenceTextBox.Text); tp.Add(DefenceTextBox.Text); tp.Add(MoveTextBox.Text); parsedTP = pImpl.ParseInts(tp); if (NameTextBox.Text == "" || HealthTextBox.Text == "" || OffenceTextBox.Text == "" || DefenceTextBox.Text == "" || MoveTextBox.Text == "" || StrongAgainstFirstChoice.SelectedIndex == -1 || StrongAgainstSecondChoice.SelectedIndex == -1 || WeakAgainstFirstChoice.SelectedIndex == -1 || WeakAgainstSecondChoice.SelectedIndex == -1 || ImmuneAgainstFirstChoice.SelectedIndex == -1 || ImmuneAgainstSecondChoice.SelectedIndex == -1 || TeamNameChoice.SelectedIndex == -1) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Please fill out and pick something from all boxes"); } else if (parsedTP.Count < 4) { Console.WriteLine(parsedTP.Count); MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Please fix the errors that was shown"); } else { Fighter_DTO pDTO = new Fighter_DTO(); //only needed here locally RetrieveInput(pDTO, parsedTP); foreach (var item in pImpl.GetCurrentList()) { StrongAgainstFirstChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); StrongAgainstSecondChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); WeakAgainstFirstChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); WeakAgainstSecondChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); ImmuneAgainstFirstChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); ImmuneAgainstSecondChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); } } }
//Constructor to take two kinds of windows public ParticipantCreateWindow(MainWindow mw, Window w, Fighter_Impl pImpl, Team_Impl tImpl) { this.pImpl = pImpl; this.tImpl = tImpl; exitApp = true; //used for closing app this.w = w; this.mw = mw; InitializeComponent(); Closed += new EventHandler(App_exit); //subscribing to closed event /*Test section (new team box) START */ CreateTeamBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; // Inserts image into site. (not sure how the path works) CoverTeamCanvasImage.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; CoverTeamCanvasImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName + "\\Sources\\SlimeBlack.png")); CoverTeamCanvasImage.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; CoverTeamCanvasImage.Margin = new Thickness(556, 358, 0, 0); /*Test section (new team box) END */ //List<Participant_DTO> participantList = pImpl.GetCurrentList(); foreach (var item in pImpl.GetCurrentList()) { StrongAgainstFirstChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); StrongAgainstSecondChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); WeakAgainstFirstChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); WeakAgainstSecondChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); ImmuneAgainstFirstChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); ImmuneAgainstSecondChoice.Items.Add(item.NameGS); } foreach (var item in tImpl.GetAllyTeamList()) { TeamNameChoice.Items.Add(item.Key); } }