public VoronoiMap GimmesomeVeoroiois(List <VoronoiPoint> sites) { eventQ = new FastPriorityQueue <FastSiteQueueNode>(sites.Count + 1); circleQ = new FastPriorityQueue <FastCircleQueueNode>(sites.Count * sites.Count); foreach (VoronoiPoint pt in sites) { var pointasevent = new SiteEvent(pt); eventQ.Enqueue(new FastSiteQueueNode(pointasevent), pointasevent.NodePriority); } while (eventQ.Count != 0) { if (circleQ.Count != 0 && circleQ.First().point.circleLength <= eventQ.First().point.X) { ProcessCircleEvent(); } else { ProcessPointEvent(); } } while (circleQ.Count != 0) { ProcessCircleEvent(); } var finalmap = regionsT.FinishEdges(); return(finalmap); }
public DijkstraGraphDistance(int nMaxNodes, int nMaxID, IEnumerable <int> nodeIDs, Func <int, int, float> nodeDistanceF, Func <int, IEnumerable <int> > neighboursF, IEnumerable <Vector2d> seeds = null // these are pairs (index, seedval) ) { int initial_max = (nMaxNodes < 1024) ? nMaxNodes : nMaxNodes / 4; Queue = new FastPriorityQueue <GraphNode>(initial_max); NodeDistanceF = nodeDistanceF; NeighboursF = neighboursF; Nodes = new SparseObjectList <GraphNode>(nMaxID, nMaxNodes); Seeds = new List <int>(); max_value = float.MinValue; if (seeds != null) { foreach (var v in seeds) { AddSeed((int)v.x, (float)v.y); } } }
public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue) { // Free the platform station.Free(platform); // Reset ready for departure tram.ResetReadyForDeparture(); // Claim lane SwitchLane lane = Switch.ExitLaneFor(platform); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"DepartureStartstation: tram {}, station: {}, {platform}, {lane}, time: {state.time}"); // Clear the lane it's leaving over in 60s eventQueue.Enqueue(new ClearSwitchLane(station, lane), state.time + Config.c.switchClearanceTime); // Queue next arrival int stationIndex = state.stations.IndexOf(station); int newStationIndex = stationIndex + 1; // Make sure trams do not take over each other int drivingTime = Sampling.drivingTime(Config.c.transferTimes[stationIndex].averageTime); int arrivalTime = station.SignalNextArrival(state.time + drivingTime); eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedTramArrival(tram, newStationIndex), arrivalTime); }
/// <summary> /// Load the precomputed pathfinding graph from file. /// </summary> /// <param name="file"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool ReadGraph(string file) { if (!File.Exists(file)) { return(false); } try { Stream stream = File.Open(file, FileMode.Open); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); _graphFastMove = (List <PathNode>)formatter.Deserialize(stream); stream.Close(); _openSet = new FastPriorityQueue <PathNode>(_graphFastMove.Count + 1); if (SanityCheckGraph()) { return(true); } else { _graphFastMove = null; _openSet = null; return(false); } } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.Log("Error reading graph file: " + exception.Message); return(false); } }
private static FastPriorityQueue <Node> PopulateQueue2Y(List <Point2Y> points) { var queue = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(points.Count); Node prev = null; for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { var area = i == 0 || i == points.Count - 1 ? float.MaxValue : CalcArea2Y(points[i - 1], points[i], points[i + 1]); var node = new Node { Index = i, Point = points[i], Prev = prev }; if (prev != null) { prev.Next = node; } prev = node; queue.Enqueue(node, area); } return(queue); }
public AStarGrid(byte[,] map, ByteVector2 from, ByteVector2 to) { // Check params if (map[from.Y, from.X] != 0) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Cannot path to full space"); return; } if (map[to.Y, to.X] != 0) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Cannot path from full space."); return; } // Initialize grid state // Invert destination for 'cavern optimization' destination = from; byteMap = map; nodeTracker = new TileNode[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(0)]; nodeQueue = new FastPriorityQueue <TileNode>(map.GetLength(0) * map.GetLength(0)); // Calculate shortest path // Start from destination for 'cavern optimization' -- prevents scanning of larger territories AStar(to, from); }
public AStar(int maxNodesToExpand = 1000) { frontier = new FastPriorityQueue <INode <T>, T>(maxNodesToExpand); stateToNode = new Dictionary <T, INode <T> >(); explored = new Dictionary <T, INode <T> >(); // State -> node createdNodes = new List <INode <T> >(maxNodesToExpand); }
// A* pathfinding on tilemap public static List <Vector3> FindPath(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Tilemap t, bool useDiagonals) { List <Vector3> ret = new List <Vector3>(); Dictionary <Vector2, Vector2> cameFrom = new Dictionary <Vector2, Vector2>(); Dictionary <Vector2, float> cost = new Dictionary <Vector2, float>(); Vector2 current; float newcost = 0; float dist = 0; FastPriorityQueue <QueueNode> queue = new FastPriorityQueue <QueueNode>(64); queue.Enqueue(new QueueNode(start), 0); cost.Add(start, 0); while (queue.Count != 0) { current = queue.Dequeue().data; if (Vector2.SqrMagnitude(end - current) < 0.5f) { if (!cameFrom.ContainsKey(end) && cameFrom.ContainsKey(current)) { cameFrom.Add(end, cameFrom[current]); } break; } List <Vector3> neighbors; if (useDiagonals) { neighbors = GetTileNeighborDiagonal(t, current); } else { neighbors = GetTileNeighbor(t, current); } foreach (Vector3 neighbor in neighbors) { newcost = cost[current] + 0.5f; if (!cost.ContainsKey(neighbor) || newcost < cost[neighbor]) { cost[neighbor] = newcost; if (useDiagonals) { dist = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(neighbor.x - end.x), Mathf.Abs(neighbor.y - end.y)); } else { dist = Vector2.Distance(neighbor, end); } queue.Enqueue(new QueueNode(neighbor), newcost + dist); cameFrom[neighbor] = current; } } } TraverseCameFrom(end, cameFrom, ret); return(ret); }
protected void AddToFastOpen(Node child, Node parent, FastPriorityQueue <Node> list) { double newFValue, gValue; if (!useThetaStar) { newFValue = CalculateFValue(child, parent, out gValue); } else { newFValue = CalculateFValue(child, parent, out gValue, out parent); } if (newFValue == Mathf.Infinity) { return; } if (!list.Contains(child)) //if child is not already in open list { list.Enqueue(child, (float)newFValue); //add to open list SetValues(child, parent, gValue); } else //child is already in open list { float oldFValue = child.Priority; if (newFValue < oldFValue) //if f-value of child in open list is greather than current f-value { list.UpdatePriority(child, (float)newFValue); SetValues(child, parent, gValue); } } }
public Node(int gIndex, int depth, int x, int y, FastPriorityQueue <Option> unvisited) { GIndex = gIndex; Erosion = (gIndex + depth) % 20183; Type = Erosion % 3; AllowedTools = new HashSet <Option>(); if (x == 0 && y == 0) { AllowedTools.Add(new Option(x, y, Tool.Torch, Type)); } else if (Type == 0) { AllowedTools.Add(new Option(x, y, Tool.Climbing, Type)); AllowedTools.Add(new Option(x, y, Tool.Torch, Type)); } else if (Type == 1) { AllowedTools.Add(new Option(x, y, Tool.Climbing, Type)); AllowedTools.Add(new Option(x, y, Tool.Nothing, Type)); } else { AllowedTools.Add(new Option(x, y, Tool.Torch, Type)); AllowedTools.Add(new Option(x, y, Tool.Nothing, Type)); } foreach (var tool in AllowedTools) { unvisited.Enqueue(tool, tool.Distance); } }
static MarchingCubesDispatcher instance; // just used to make sure only one of these at once void Awake() { if (!SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders) { Debug.LogError("THIS IS BAD"); DestroyImmediate(gameObject); return; } if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { DestroyImmediate(this); return; } queue = new FastPriorityQueue <ChunkRequest>(10000); kernelMC = MarchingCubesCS.FindKernel("MarchingCubes"); //kernelTripleCount = MarchingCubesCS.FindKernel("TripleCount"); MarchingCubesCS.SetInt("_gridSize", resolution); MarchingCubesCS.SetFloat("_isoLevel", 0.0f); // halfway point for noise in range [-1, 1] workers = new MarchingCubesWorker[numWorkers]; for (int i = 0; i < workers.Length; ++i) { workers[i] = new MarchingCubesWorker(resolution, kernelMC, MarchingCubesCS, noiseMat); } }
public void SolveContinuumCrowdsForTile(CC_Tile tile, List <Location> goal) { f = tile.f; C = tile.C; g = tile.g; N = f.GetLength(0); M = f.GetLength(1); if (N == 0 || M == 0) { Debug.Log("Eikonal Solver initiated with 0-dimension"); } Phi = new float[N, M]; dPhi = new Vector2[N, M]; velocity = new Vector2[N, M]; accepted = new bool[N, M]; this.goal = new bool[N, M]; considered = new FastPriorityQueue <FastLocation>(N * M); neighbor = new FastLocation(0, 0); computeContinuumCrowdsFields(goal); }
public static void InitializeThreadStatics() { distances = new Dictionary <T, float>(); queue = new FastPriorityQueue <KeyValuePair <T, float> >(new DistanceComparer()); singleNodeList = new List <T>(); tmpResult = new List <KeyValuePair <T, float> >(); }
public static void Initialize(Grid targetGrid) { grid = targetGrid; openListPriorityQueue = new FastPriorityQueue <Tile>(grid.GridSizeX * grid.GridSizeY); finalPath = new List <Tile>((int)Math.Round(grid.Tiles.Length * 0.1f)); closeDictionary = new Dictionary <int, Tile>((int)Math.Round(grid.Tiles.Length * 0.1f)); }
public ThreadPool(string logFilePath, int minThreads, int maxThreads, int cleanupInterval = 200) { if (logFilePath == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logFilePath)); } _logger = new FileLogger(logFilePath); if (!(_logger as FileLogger).CheckPath()) { throw new ArgumentException("Bad path."); } if (minThreads < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Need more min threads."); } if (maxThreads < minThreads || maxThreads == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Need more max threads."); } MinThreads = minThreads; MaxThreads = maxThreads; _userTaskQueue = new FastPriorityQueue <ProrityContainer>(maxThreads); _lastTaskCleanup = DateTime.Now; _cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval; lock (_taskList) { AddTasks(MinThreads); } _logger.writeMessage($"Created {MinThreads} threads."); }
public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ExpectedDepartureStartstation: tram {}, station: {}, {platform}, Timetable: {timeTableTime}, time: {state.time}"); // Close doors if it is time to leave if (state.time >= timeTableTime) { // Mark tram as ready for departure tram.ReadyForDeparture(); // Start leaving directly when possible SwitchLane lane = Switch.ExitLaneFor(platform); bool isFirst = station.first == platform; if (isFirst && station._switch.SwitchLaneFree(lane)) { station._switch.UseSwitchLane(lane); eventQueue.Enqueue(new DepartureStartstation(tram, station, platform), state.time); } } // Otherwise let extra passengers enter else { (int pInExtra, List <int> e) = station.BoardPassengers(tram); entrances = e; int extraTime = Sampling.passengerExchangeTime(0, pInExtra); eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedDepartureStartstation(tram, station, platform, timeTableTime), state.time + extraTime); } }
public override object Part2() { var map = Parse(); var queue = new FastPriorityQueue <QueueNode>(20000); queue.Enqueue(new QueueNode((0, 0), Tool.Torch, 0), 0); var shortestPath = new Dictionary <(int x, int y, Tool tool), int>(); while (true) { var cur = queue.Dequeue(); if (shortestPath.TryGetValue(cur.Key, out var shortest) && shortest <= cur.Len) { continue; } shortestPath[cur.Key] = cur.Len; if (cur.Key == map.Target) { return(cur.Len); } foreach (var t in map.Tools(cur.Coord).Where(x => x != cur.Tool)) { queue.Enqueue(new QueueNode(cur.Coord, t, cur.Len + 7), cur.Len + 7); } foreach (var nc in cur.Neighbours().Where(nc => map.Tools(nc).Contains(cur.Tool))) { queue.Enqueue(new QueueNode(nc, cur.Tool, cur.Len + 1), cur.Len + 1); } } }
// Private constructor that does work of others #pragma warning disable CS8618 // _heuristic is initialized via Heuristic so ignore erroneous warning private AStar(IGridView <bool> walkabilityView, Distance distanceMeasurement, Func <Point, Point, double>?heuristic = null, IGridView <double>?weights = null, double minimumWeight = 1.0) #pragma warning restore CS8618 { Weights = weights; WalkabilityView = walkabilityView; DistanceMeasurement = distanceMeasurement; MinimumWeight = minimumWeight; _cachedMinWeight = minimumWeight; MaxEuclideanMultiplier = MinimumWeight / Point.EuclideanDistanceMagnitude(new Point(0, 0), new Point(WalkabilityView.Width, WalkabilityView.Height)); Heuristic = heuristic !; // Handles null and exposes as non-nullable since it will never allow null var maxSize = walkabilityView.Width * walkabilityView.Height; _nodes = new AStarNode?[maxSize]; _closed = new BitArray(maxSize); _cachedWidth = walkabilityView.Width; _cachedHeight = walkabilityView.Height; _openNodes = new FastPriorityQueue <AStarNode>(maxSize); }
private Node <T> BuildGraphAndReturnGoalNode(T startPosition, T goalPosition) { _frontier = new FastPriorityQueue <Node <T> >(150); _graph = new Node <T> [_maxNumberOfNodes]; var heuristic = new Func <T, float>(position => _heuristic(position, goalPosition)); var initial = new Node <T>(startPosition, _indexMap(startPosition)); _frontier.Enqueue(initial, 0); _graph[initial.Index] = initial; while (_frontier.Count > 0) { var current = _frontier.Dequeue(); if (current.Position.Equals((goalPosition))) { return(current); } AddNeighbours(current, heuristic); _debug?.Invoke(_graph); } return(null); }
public override IEnumerable <Node> AStar(Node from, Node to) { var openSet = new FastPriorityQueue <Node>(Width * Height); openSet.Enqueue(from, 0f); while (openSet.Count > 0) { var currentNode = openSet.Dequeue(); if (currentNode == to) { var path = ReconstructPath(currentNode); foreach (var node in this) { node.Reset(); } return(path); } currentNode.InClosedSet = true; foreach (var neighbor in currentNode.Neighbors) { if (neighbor.InClosedSet) { continue; } var tentativeGScore = currentNode.GScore + currentNode.Distance(neighbor); if (openSet.Contains(neighbor) && tentativeGScore >= neighbor.GScore) { continue; } neighbor.CameFrom = currentNode; neighbor.GScore = tentativeGScore; var fs = tentativeGScore + HeuristicCostEstimate(neighbor, to); if (openSet.Contains(neighbor)) { openSet.UpdatePriority(neighbor, fs); } else { openSet.Enqueue(neighbor, fs); } } } foreach (var node in this) { node.Reset(); } return(new List <Node>()); }
public static bool Pop(FastPriorityQueue <KeyValuePair <IntVec3, float> > __instance) { lock (innerList(__instance)) { KeyValuePair <IntVec3, float> result = innerList(__instance)[0]; int num = 0; int count = innerList(__instance).Count; innerList(__instance)[0] = innerList(__instance)[count - 1]; innerList(__instance).RemoveAt(count - 1); count = innerList(__instance).Count; for (; ;) { int num2 = num; int num3 = 2 * num + 1; int num4 = num3 + 1; if (num3 < count && CompareElements(__instance, num, num3) > 0) { num = num3; } if (num4 < count && CompareElements(__instance, num, num4) > 0) { num = num4; } if (num == num2) { break; } SwapElements(__instance, num, num2); } } return(false); }
public WorldVehiclePathfinder(World world) : base(world) { = world; calcGrid = new PathFinderNodeFast[Find.WorldGrid.TilesCount]; openList = new FastPriorityQueue <CostNode>(new CostNodeComparer()); Instance = this; }
public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue) { // Clear switch (no lane cleared if coming from depot) SwitchLane lane = fromDepot ? SwitchLane.None : Switch.ArrivalLaneFor(platform); eventQueue.Enqueue(new ClearSwitchLane(station, lane), state.time + Config.c.switchClearanceTime); // Log System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"ArrivalEndstation: tram {}, station: {}, {platform}, {lane}, time: {state.time}"); // Check if tram can do another round trip if it is at endstation with depot if (!station.TramToDepot(state.time)) { // Board and unboard (int pOut, int pIn, List <int> e) = station.UnboardAndBoard(tram, tram.passengerCount); entrances = e; // Calculate when to schedule departure // If boarding/unboarding takes shorter than the turnaround, take the turnaround time int passengerTransferTime = state.time + Math.Max(Sampling.passengerExchangeTime(pOut, pIn), Config.c.turnAroundTimeFor(station)); int nextDepartureTime = station.NextDeparture(); int nextEventTime = Math.Max(passengerTransferTime, nextDepartureTime); // Queue event eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedDepartureStartstation(tram, station, platform, nextDepartureTime), nextEventTime); } // Transfer tram to depot else { station.Free(platform); } }
void InitPQ() { uf = VertexNode.MakeUnionFind(heMesh); for (int i = 0; i < uf.NumNodes; i++) { uf[i].Quadric = vertQuadrics[i]; } PQ = new FastPriorityQueue <FaceNode>(heMesh.Faces.Length); nodes = new FaceNode[heMesh.Faces.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < heMesh.Faces.Length; i++) { Face f = heMesh.Faces[i]; if (f.IsBoundary) { continue; } nodes[i] = new FaceNode(f); Edge lowestCost = OptimalEdge(f); float cost = Cost(lowestCost); PQ.Enqueue(nodes[i], cost); } }
private static void SetOriginOpenListForCanonicalDijkstra(FastPriorityQueue <PathNode> openList, MapColliderInfo map, int2 origin, int2 dir) { int2 next = origin + dir; if (MapColliderUtils.UnReachable(map, next.x, next.y)) { return; } float cost = 1f; if (dir.x != 0 && dir.y != 0) { if (MapColliderUtils.UnReachable(map, origin + new int2(dir.x, 0)) && MapColliderUtils.UnReachable(map, origin + new int2(0, dir.y))) { return; } cost = 1.5f; } map.IntegrationField[next.x, next.y] = cost; openList.Enqueue(new PathNode(next, dir), cost); }
public override void Execute(State state, FastPriorityQueue <Event> eventQueue) { var station = state.stations[stationIndex]; station.Free(); // Enqueue current tram if (station.HasQueue()) { Tram newOccupant = station.OccupyFromQueue(); eventQueue.Enqueue(new TramArrival(newOccupant, stationIndex), state.time + Config.c.stationClearanceTime); } // Schedule arrival at next station int newStationIndex = stationIndex + 1 == state.stations.Count ? 0 : stationIndex + 1; int drivingTime = Sampling.drivingTime(Config.c.transferTimes[stationIndex].averageTime); Debug.WriteLine($"TramDeparture: tram {}: {}, dir: {station.direction}, time: {state.time}"); // Make sure trams do not take over each other int arrivalTime = station.SignalNextArrival(state.time + drivingTime); if (state.stations[newStationIndex] is Endstation endstation) { eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedArrivalEndstation(tram, endstation), arrivalTime); } else { eventQueue.Enqueue(new ExpectedTramArrival(tram, newStationIndex), arrivalTime); } }
private static int CompareElements(FastPriorityQueue <KeyValuePair <int, float> > __instance, int i, int j) { lock (innerList(__instance)) { return(comparer(__instance).Compare(innerList(__instance)[i], innerList(__instance)[j])); } }
public static void Initialize(GridController targetGridController) { gridController = targetGridController; openListPriorityQueue = new FastPriorityQueue <Tile>(gridController.GridSizeX * gridController.GridSizeY); finalPath = new List <Tile>(Mathf.RoundToInt(gridController.Tiles.Length * 0.1f)); closeDictionary = new Dictionary <int, Tile>(Mathf.RoundToInt(gridController.Tiles.Length * 0.1f)); }
static void TestCase4() { var random = new Random(); var myHeap = new FibonacciHeap<double>(int.MinValue, Comparer<double>.Default); var thirdPartyHeap = new FastPriorityQueue<FastPriorityQueueNode>(1000); for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (random.Next(3) == 0 && thirdPartyHeap.Any()) { var myResult = myHeap.ExtractMin(); var otherResult = thirdPartyHeap.Dequeue(); Assert(myResult.Item1); Assert(Math.Abs(myResult.Item2 - otherResult.Priority) < double.Epsilon); } else { var value = random.NextDouble()*10; myHeap.Insert(value); thirdPartyHeap.Enqueue(new FastPriorityQueueNode(), value); } } while (thirdPartyHeap.Any()) { var myResult = myHeap.ExtractMin(); var otherResult = thirdPartyHeap.Dequeue(); Assert(myResult.Item1); Assert(Math.Abs(myResult.Item2 - otherResult.Priority) < double.Epsilon); } }
public Path GetShortestPath(string from, string to) { if (!_nodes.TryGetValue(from, out var fromNode)) { throw new Exception("from node not exist"); } if (!_nodes.TryGetValue(to, out var toNode)) { throw new Exception("to node not exist"); } var distances = new Dictionary <Node, int>(); foreach (var node in _nodes.Values) { distances.Add(node, int.MaxValue); } distances.Remove(fromNode); distances.Add(fromNode, 0); var visited = new HashSet <Node>(); var privouseNode = new Dictionary <Node, Node>(); var queue = new FastPriorityQueue <NodeEntry>(10); queue.Enqueue(node: new NodeEntry(fromNode, 0), priority: 0); while (queue.Any()) { var current = queue.Dequeue().GetNode(); visited.Add(current); foreach (var edge in current.GetEdges()) { var edgeTo = Get(edge.To()); if (visited.Contains(edgeTo)) { continue; } var newDistance = distances[current] + edge.GetWeight(); if (newDistance >= distances[edgeTo]) { continue; } distances.Remove(edgeTo); distances.Add(edgeTo, newDistance); if (privouseNode.TryGetValue(edgeTo, out var currentNode)) { privouseNode.Remove(edgeTo); } privouseNode.Add(edgeTo, current); queue.Enqueue(new NodeEntry(edgeTo, newDistance), newDistance); } } return(BuildPath(privouseNode, toNode)); }
private List <NavPath> Dijkstra(Node s) { Dictionary <long, QueueNode> touched = new Dictionary <long, QueueNode>(); HashSet <long> done = new HashSet <long>(); FastPriorityQueue <QueueNode> pq = new FastPriorityQueue <QueueNode>(map.Nodes.Count); List <NavPath> ret = Enumerable.Repeat(NavPath.NoPath, intersections.Count).ToList(); QueueNode start = new QueueNode(; start.path = new NavPath(); touched[] = start; pq.Enqueue(start, 0); while (pq.Count != 0) { QueueNode qn = pq.Dequeue(); float distance = qn.Priority; NavPath p = qn.path; Node n = map.Nodes[]; done.Add(; ret[pathMapping[]] = p; foreach (var edgeId in n.Edges) { Way edge = map.Ways[edgeId]; if (edge.GetNext( != -1) { Node next = map.Nodes[edge.GetNext(]; float newWeight = distance + edge.weight; if (!done.Contains( { List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>(edge.waypoints); if (edge.isBack( { points.Reverse(); } if (touched.ContainsKey( { qn = touched[]; if (qn.Priority > newWeight) { pq.UpdatePriority(qn, newWeight); qn.path = new NavPath(p.getPoints()); qn.path.Add(points); } } else { qn = new QueueNode(; qn.path = new NavPath(p.getPoints()); qn.path.Add(points); touched[] = qn; pq.Enqueue(qn, newWeight); } } } } } return(ret); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { currentState = BattleState.START; battleGenerator = new BattleGenerator(); this.turnQueue = battleGenerator.generateBattle(); this.alliedCharacters = battleGenerator.alliedCharacters; this.enemies = battleGenerator.enemies; currentState = BattleState.START; }
public void Awake() { entity = GetComponent<Entity>(); decisions = new List<Decision>(); scoreQueue = new FastPriorityQueue<ScoreNode>(1000); if (packageCreator != null) { package = packageCreator.Create(); decisions.AddRange(package.decisions); } }
static void TestCase2() { var random = new Random(); var myHeap = new BinomialHeap<double>(double.MinValue, Comparer<double>.Default); var otherQueue = new FastPriorityQueue<FastPriorityQueueNode>(10000); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { if (otherQueue.Any() && random.Next(3) == 0) { Assert(Math.Abs(myHeap.ExtractMin().Item2 - otherQueue.Dequeue().Priority) < double.Epsilon); } else { var newValue = random.NextDouble()*10; myHeap.Insert(newValue); otherQueue.Enqueue(new FastPriorityQueueNode(), newValue); } } while(otherQueue.Any()) Assert(Math.Abs(myHeap.ExtractMin().Item2 - otherQueue.Dequeue().Priority) < double.Epsilon); }
public static void RunExample() { //First, we create the priority queue. We'll specify a max of 10 users in the queue FastPriorityQueue<User> priorityQueue = new FastPriorityQueue<User>(MAX_USERS_IN_QUEUE); //Next, we'll create 5 users to enqueue User user1 = new User("1 - Jason"); User user2 = new User("2 - Tyler"); User user3 = new User("3 - Valerie"); User user4 = new User("4 - Joseph"); User user42 = new User("4 - Ryan"); //Now, let's add them all to the queue (in some arbitrary order)! priorityQueue.Enqueue(user4, 4); priorityQueue.Enqueue(user2, 0); //Note: Priority = 0 right now! priorityQueue.Enqueue(user1, 1); priorityQueue.Enqueue(user42, 4); priorityQueue.Enqueue(user3, 3); //Change user2's priority to 2. Since user2 is already in the priority queue, we call UpdatePriority() to do this priorityQueue.UpdatePriority(user2, 2); //Finally, we'll dequeue all the users and print out their names while(priorityQueue.Count != 0) { User nextUser = priorityQueue.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine(nextUser.Name); } //Output: //1 - Jason //2 - Tyler //3 - Valerie //4 - Joseph //4 - Ryan //Notice that when two users with the same priority were enqueued, they were dequeued in the same order that they were enqueued. }
public void WriteMIDI(string path) { HashSet<Note>.Enumerator enumerator = notes.GetEnumerator(); FastPriorityQueue<Note> startQueue = new FastPriorityQueue<Note>(numNotes); FastPriorityQueue<Note> endQueue = new FastPriorityQueue<Note>(numNotes); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { startQueue.Enqueue(enumerator.Current, enumerator.Current.Priority); } using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(path+trackName + ".mid", FileMode.Create))) { writer.Write(OneTrackHeader()); writer.Write(StandardTrackHeader()); long deltaStart = 0; do { if (endQueue.Peek() == null) { Note note = startQueue.Dequeue(); writer.Write(note.MidiStart(deltaStart)); deltaStart = (long) note.Priority; endQueue.Enqueue(note, note.Priority+note.GetDuration()); } else if (startQueue.Peek() == null) { Note note = endQueue.Dequeue(); writer.Write(note.MidiEnd(deltaStart)); deltaStart = (long) note.Priority; } else { if (endQueue.Peek().Priority > startQueue.Peek().Priority) { Note note = startQueue.Dequeue(); writer.Write(note.MidiStart(deltaStart)); deltaStart = (long)note.Priority; endQueue.Enqueue(note, note.Priority+note.GetDuration()); } else { Note note = endQueue.Dequeue(); writer.Write(note.MidiEnd(deltaStart)); deltaStart = (long)note.Priority; } } } while (startQueue.Count + endQueue.Count > 0); writer.Write(TrackEnd()); } }
public BattleGenerator() { pq = new FastPriorityQueue<QueuedEntity>(MAX_NUMBER_ENTITIES); alliedCharacters = GameInformation.alliedCharacters; }