//==================================================================================== // 関数 //==================================================================================== /// <summary> /// 更新される時に呼び出されます /// </summary> private void Update() { m_fPSCounter.Update(); m_timer += Time.unscaledDeltaTime; if (m_timer < INTERVAL) { return; } m_timer -= INTERVAL; // Note: Right shift 10 bits is a divide by 1024 and which first yields // the number of Kilobytes. Then divinding that result further by 1024f //yields a floating point number of total Megabytes. // GetMonoUsedSizeLong returns a raw bytecount. var monoUsed = (Profiler.GetMonoUsedSizeLong() >> 10) / 1024f; // convert byte count Megabytes (MB) var monoTotal = (Profiler.GetMonoHeapSizeLong() >> 10) / 1024f; var unityUsed = (Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong() >> 10) / 1024f; var unityTotal = (Profiler.GetTotalReservedMemoryLong() >> 10) / 1024f; m_fpsTextUI.SetText("{0}", (int)m_fPSCounter.Fps); m_gcTextUI.SetText("{0}", GC.CollectionCount(0)); m_monoUsedTextUI.SetText("{0}", (int)monoUsed); m_monoTotalTextUI.SetText("{0}", (int)monoTotal); m_unityUsedTextUI.SetText("{0}", (int)unityUsed); m_unityTotalTextUI.SetText("{0}", (int)unityTotal); }
private void OnEnable() { //var scale = Screen.dpi/160.0f; //if (scale != 0.0f && scale >= 1.1f) //{ // _scaled = true; // _guiScale.Set(scale, scale, scale); //} windowMethods = new GUI.WindowFunction[] { LogWindow, CopyLogWindow, WatchVarWindow }; _fps = new FPSCounter(); StartCoroutine(_fps.Update()); nameRect = messageLine; valueRect = messageLine; #if MOBILE this.useGUILayout = false; _windowRect = WindowRect; _fakeWindowRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, _windowRect.width, _windowRect.height); _fakeDragRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, _windowRect.width - 32, 24); #else _windowRect = WindowRect; #endif LogMessage(ConsoleMessage.Info(string.Format(" UtyMap, version {0}", EnvironmentApi.Version))); LogMessage(ConsoleMessage.Info(" type 'help' for available commands.")); LogMessage(ConsoleMessage.Info(" double tap or press tilda to show/hide console.")); LogMessage(ConsoleMessage.Info("")); }
public void Update(CanvasTimingInformation timing) { fpsCounter.Update(timing); InputManager.Update(); Matrix3x2.Invert(Camera.Transform, out Matrix3x2 inverse); if (LocalPlayer != null) { HandlePlayerInput(); } nowTime = timing.ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds; gameServer.ProcessMessages(); foreach (Message message in gameServer.ReceivedMessages) { if (message is InputAckMessage ackMessage) { lastProcessedInputSeqNumber = ackMessage.SequenceNumber; } } foreach (Message message in gameServer.ReceivedMessages) { HandleServerMessage(message); } EntityManager.Update((float)timing.ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds); Camera.Update(); InputManager.AfterUpdate(); if (nowTime - lastTimeProcessed > timeToDisconnect && timeToDisconnect > 1) { gameServer.Disconnect(); this.SetConnectScreen(); } }
private void Update() { if (showFPS) { fpsCounter.Update(); } }
void OnEnable() { windowMethods = new GUI.WindowFunction[] { LogWindow, CopyLogWindow, WatchVarWindow }; fps = new FPSCounter(); StartCoroutine(fps.Update()); nameRect = messageLine; valueRect = messageLine; Message.defaultColor = defaultColor; Message.warningColor = warningColor; Message.errorColor = errorColor; Message.systemColor = systemColor; Message.inputColor = inputColor; Message.outputColor = outputColor; _windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 300, 30, 960, 720); LogMessage(Message.System("输入 '/?' 显示帮助")); LogMessage(Message.Log("")); this.RegisterCommandCallback("close", CMDClose, "关闭调试窗口"); this.RegisterCommandCallback("clear", CMDClear, "清除调试信息"); this.RegisterCommandCallback("sys", CMDSystemInfo, "显示系统信息"); this.RegisterCommandCallback("/?", CMDHelp, "显示可用命令"); this.RegisterCommandCallback("openlog", CMDOpenLog, "打来Log显示"); this.RegisterCommandCallback("closelog", CMDCloseLog, "关闭Log显示"); }
private void OnEnable() { var scale = Screen.dpi / 160.0f; if (scale != 0.0f && scale >= 1.1f) { _scaled = true; _guiScale.Set(scale, scale, scale); } windowMethods = new GUI.WindowFunction[] { LogWindow, CopyLogWindow, WatchVarWindow }; _fps = new FPSCounter(); StartCoroutine(_fps.Update()); nameRect = messageLine; valueRect = messageLine; #if MOBILE this.useGUILayout = false; _windowRect = new Rect(5.0f, 5.0f, 300.0f, 450.0f); _fakeWindowRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, _windowRect.width, _windowRect.height); _fakeDragRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, _windowRect.width - 32, 24); #else _windowRect = new Rect(30.0f, 30.0f, 300.0f, 450.0f); #endif LogMessage(ConsoleMessage.Info(string.Format(" ActionStreetMap Engine, version {0}", Version))); LogMessage(ConsoleMessage.Info(" type 'help' for available commands.")); LogMessage(ConsoleMessage.Info("")); //RegisterTerminalCommands(); }
private void Update() { HandleTargetedPlayerPanel(); HandleLeaderboardAndStatsPanel(); fpsCounter.Update(); ShowGameTechStats(); }
/// <summary> /// UnityEvent : Update /// </summary> void Update() { if (!this._entityManager.Exists(this._playerEntity) && !this._titleCanvas.enabled && !this._resultCanvas.enabled) { this.Result(); } FPSCounterInstance.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// Dibuja la escena actual. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Gestiona el dibujado del render grafico, el estado actual del juego y el contenido del grafo de escena.</param> public static void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GameTime = gameTime; Graphics.Begin(); { GameStates.Draw(gameTime); Scene.Draw(gameTime); PhysicEngine.Draw(gameTime); } Graphics.End(); fps.Update(gameTime); // Actualizamos la cuenta de fotogramas por segundo al finalizar las operaciones de dibujado. }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { mouse.Update(); keyboard.Update(gameTime); console.Update(); screenManager.Update(gameTime); fpsCounter.Update(gameTime); messageLog.Update(gameTime); camera.Update(gameTime); mouseRay = GMath.GetRayFromScreenPoint(mouse.ScreenPositionV, GraphicsDevice.Viewport, camera.Projection, camera.View); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { //if (!IsActive) // return; float deltaTime = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; fps.Update(deltaTime); UiManager.GetActiveUserInterface().Update(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); }
protected override void DebugDraw() { spriteBatch.Begin(); FPSCounter.Update(spriteBatch); Vector2 pos = DebugPos; Vector2 shadePos = pos + Vector2.One; if (debugObjects.Count > 0) { List <string> keys = debugObjects.Keys.ToList(); foreach (string key in keys) { string drawString = key + ": " + debugObjects[key].ToString(); pos.Y += 15; shadePos.Y += 15; spriteBatch.DrawString(DebugFont, drawString, shadePos, Color.Black); spriteBatch.DrawString(DebugFont, drawString, pos, DebugColor); } } if (debugValues.Count > 0) { List <string> keys = debugValues.Keys.ToList(); foreach (string key in keys) { string drawString = key + ": " + debugValues[key].ToString(); pos.Y += 15; shadePos.Y += 15; spriteBatch.DrawString(DebugFont, drawString, shadePos, Color.Black); spriteBatch.DrawString(DebugFont, drawString, pos, DebugColor); } } if (debugStrings.Count > 0) { foreach (string text in debugStrings) { pos.Y += 15; shadePos.Y += 15; spriteBatch.DrawString(DebugFont, text, shadePos, Color.Black); spriteBatch.DrawString(DebugFont, text, pos, DebugColor); } } spriteBatch.End(); }
void Update() { fpsCounter.Update(); CaptureAndPrepareTexture(camTexture, ref displayingTex); var boxes = yolo.Run(displayingTex); DrawBoundingBox(boxes); imageRenderer.texture = displayingTex; string resultText = ""; resultText = "FPS:" + fpsCounter.FPS.ToString("F2"); text.text = resultText; }
public void drawUI(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime) { spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.Opaque, Settings.SAMPLER_STATE, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone, Settings.GLOBAL_SHADER, Camera.Main.Transform); healthBar.Draw(spriteBatch, Camera.Main); fpsCounter.Update(gameTime); fpsCounter.Draw(spriteBatch, Camera.Main); spriteBatch.End(); }
void OnEnable() { var scale = Screen.dpi / 160.0f; if (scale != 0.0f && scale >= 1.1f) { _scaled = true; _guiScale.Set(scale, scale, scale); } windowMethods = new GUI.WindowFunction[] { LogWindow, CopyLogWindow, WatchVarWindow }; fps = new FPSCounter(); StartCoroutine(fps.Update()); nameRect = messageLine; valueRect = messageLine; Message.defaultColor = defaultColor; Message.warningColor = warningColor; Message.errorColor = errorColor; Message.systemColor = systemColor; Message.inputColor = inputColor; Message.outputColor = outputColor; #if MOBILE this.useGUILayout = false; _windowRect = new Rect(5.0f, 5.0f, 300.0f, 450.0f); _fakeWindowRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, _windowRect.width, _windowRect.height); _fakeDragRect = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, _windowRect.width - 32, 24); #else _windowRect = new Rect(30.0f, 30.0f, 300.0f, 450.0f); #endif LogMessage(Message.System(string.Format(" DebugConsole version {0}", VERSION))); LogMessage(Message.System(" Copyright 2008-2010 Jeremy Hollingsworth ")); LogMessage(Message.System(" Ennanzus-Interactive.com ")); LogMessage(Message.System(" type '/?' for available commands.")); LogMessage(Message.Log("")); this.RegisterCommandCallback("close", CMDClose); this.RegisterCommandCallback("clear", CMDClear); this.RegisterCommandCallback("sys", CMDSystemInfo); this.RegisterCommandCallback("/?", CMDHelp); }
void OnEnable() { fps = new FPSCounter(); StartCoroutine(fps.Update()); Message.defaultColor = defaultColor; Message.warningColor = warningColor; Message.errorColor = errorColor; Message.systemColor = systemColor; Message.inputColor = inputColor; Message.outputColor = outputColor; _windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 200, 30, 400, 320); //LogMessage(Message.System("输入 '/?' 显示帮助")); this.RegisterCommandCallback("clear", CMD_Clear, "清除调试信息"); this.RegisterCommandCallback("sys", CMD_SystemInfo, "显示系统信息"); this.RegisterCommandCallback("/?", CMD_Help, "显示可用命令"); }
public virtual void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { Level.GetCurrentLevel().Draw(); if (FpsEnabled) { _frameCounter.Update((float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds); var fps = string.Format("FPS: {0}", _frameCounter.AverageFramesPerSecond); _spriteBatch.Begin(); _spriteBatch.DrawString(_spriteFont, fps, new Vector2(10, 10), Color.Black); _spriteBatch.End(); } if (ToylandSiege.GetInstance().configurationManager.DebugDraw) { DebugUtilities.DrawColliderWireframes(); } DrawUI(); }
public void Update(Time Elapsed) { fpsCounter.Update(Elapsed); input.Update(Elapsed); musicPlayer.Update(Elapsed); background.Update(Elapsed); if (currentScreen != null) { currentScreen.Update(Elapsed); } if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Escape)) { currentScreen.DeActivate(); currentScreen = mainScreen; currentScreen.Activate(); } Console.Title = "fps: " + fpsCounter.FPS; }
/// <summary> /// This is called when the game should draw itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); // TODO: Add your drawing code here spriteBatch.Begin(); foreach (var b in balls) { b.Draw(spriteBatch, ballTexture, hitboxColor); } fps.Update((float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds); spriteBatch.DrawString(debugFont, $"FPS: {fpsCounter}", new Vector2(20, 20), Color.White); spriteBatch.DrawString(debugFont, $"Counter: {ballCounter}", new Vector2(20, 40), Color.White); crosshair.Draw(spriteBatch); spriteBatch.End(); base.Draw(gameTime); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { fpsCounter.Update(gameTime); if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } gameWorld.Update(gameTime); renderer.UpdateCameraPosition(gameWorld.LocalPlayer.Position.X, gameTime); eventAggregationManager.SendMessage(new CheckGameStateMessage()); if (Config.EditMode) { LevelEditor.Update(); } base.Update(gameTime); }
//==================================================================================== // 関数 //==================================================================================== /// <summary> /// 更新される時に呼び出されます /// </summary> private void Update() { m_fPSCounter.Update(); m_timer += Time.unscaledDeltaTime; if (m_timer < INTERVAL) { return; } m_timer -= INTERVAL; var monoUsed = (Profiler.GetMonoUsedSizeLong() >> 10) / 1024f; var monoTotal = (Profiler.GetMonoHeapSizeLong() >> 10) / 1024f; var unityUsed = (Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong() >> 10) / 1024f; var unityTotal = (Profiler.GetTotalReservedMemoryLong() >> 10) / 1024f; m_fpsTextUI.SetText("{0}", ( int )m_fPSCounter.Fps); m_gcTextUI.SetText("{0}", GC.CollectionCount(0)); m_monoUsedTextUI.SetText("{0}", ( int )monoUsed); m_monoTotalTextUI.SetText("{0}", ( int )monoTotal); m_unityUsedTextUI.SetText("{0}", ( int )unityUsed); m_unityTotalTextUI.SetText("{0}", ( int )unityTotal); }
void OnEnable() { var scale = Screen.dpi / 160.0f; if (scale != 0.0f && scale >= 1.1f) { m_scaled = true; m_guiScale.Set(scale, scale, scale); } windowMethods = new GUI.WindowFunction[] { LogWindow, WatchVarWindow, CommandWindow }; m_fps = new FPSCounter(); StartCoroutine(m_fps.Update()); nameRect = messageLine; valueRect = messageLine; Message.defaultColor = defaultColor; Message.warningColor = warningColor; Message.errorColor = errorColor; Message.systemColor = systemColor; Message.inputColor = inputColor; Message.outputColor = outputColor; #if MOBILE this.useGUILayout = false; #endif m_windowRect = new Rect(m_windowRect.x, m_windowRect.y, m_windowRect.width, m_windowRect.height); CommandMessage(Message.System(" Click the left commands.")); CommandMessage(Message.Normal("")); // this.RegisterCommandCallback("Close", CMDClose); this.RegisterCommandCallback("Clear", CMDClear); this.RegisterCommandCallback("SystemInfo", CMDSystemInfo); this.RegisterCommandCallback("PathInfo", CMDSystemPathInfo); this.RegisterCommandCallback("CameraInfo", CMDSystemCameraInfo); }
private void Update() { fpsCounter.Update(); }
public void Update() { NodeEditor.Update(); FPSCounter.Update(); }
/// <summary> /// 允许游戏允许逻辑例如更新地图, 检查碰撞, 收集输入, 或者播放音效. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">提供一个游戏时间快照.</param> public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { // 获取键盘状态 lastKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState; currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.F, Keys.Escape); // 当按下 F 键时 if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.F) && lastKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.F)) { GameSettings.ShowFPS = !(GameSettings.ShowFPS); } // 开始状态循环 if (State == GameState.Menu) { playerSettings.Update(gameTime); } else if (State == GameState.StartLoad) { loading.Initialize(); loading.Update(gameTime); board.Initialize(); State = GameState.Loading; } else if (State == GameState.Loading) { loading.Update(gameTime); } else if (State == GameState.CheckLoaded) { if (board.IsInitializing) { loading.Initialize(); loading.Update(gameTime); State = GameState.Loading; } else { board.Update(gameTime); State = GameState.InGame; } } else if (State == GameState.InGame) { // 当按下 Escape 键时 if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Escape) && lastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { if (board.CurrentBoardState == BoardState.GameOver) { State = GameState.Menu; playerSettings.Show(SettingType.Start); } else { State = GameState.Pause; playerSettings.Show(SettingType.Pause); } playerSettings.Update(gameTime); } board.Update(gameTime); } else if (State == GameState.Pause) { playerSettings.Update(gameTime); } else if (State == GameState.Over) { } if (GameSettings.ShowFPS) { fpsCounter.Update(gameTime); } base.Update(gameTime); }
public void Update() { FPSCounter.Update(); }
public void Update() { fpsCounter.Update(Time.deltaTime); fpsText.text = "Fps: " + fpsCounter.GetAverageFps(1f).ToString("###"); }