private void LateUpdate() { if (mFog == null) { mFog = FOWSystem.Instance; if (mFog == null) { mFog = FindObjectOfType(typeof(FOWSystem)) as FOWSystem; } } if (mFog == null || !mFog.enabled) { enabled = false; return; } float invScale = 1f / mFog.worldSize; Transform t = mFog.transform; float x = t.position.x - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; float z = t.position.z - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; Vector4 p = new Vector4(x * invScale, z * invScale, invScale, mFog.blendFactor); mMat.SetColor("_Unexplored", mUnexploredColor); mMat.SetColor("_Explored", mExploredColor); mMat.SetVector("_Params", p); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex0", mFog.texture0); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex1", mFog.texture1); }
// Called by camera to apply image effect void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) { if (mFog == null) { mFog = FOWSystem.instance; if (mFog == null) { mFog = FindObjectOfType(typeof(FOWSystem)) as FOWSystem; } } if (mFog == null || !mFog.enabled) { enabled = false; return; } // Calculate the inverse modelview-projection matrix to convert screen coordinates to world coordinates mInverseMVP = (mCam.projectionMatrix * mCam.worldToCameraMatrix).inverse; float invScale = 1f / mFog.worldSize; Transform t = mFog.transform; float x = t.position.x - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; float z = t.position.z - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; if (mMat == null) { mMat = new Material(shader); mMat.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } Vector4 camPos = mCam.transform.position; // This accounts for Anti-aliasing on Windows flipping the depth UV coordinates. // Despite the official documentation, the following approach simply doesn't work: // if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 0) { RuntimePlatform pl = Application.platform; if (pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { camPos.w = 1f; } } Vector4 p = new Vector4(-x * invScale, -z * invScale, invScale, mFog.blendFactor); mMat.SetColor("_Unexplored", unexploredColor); mMat.SetColor("_Explored", exploredColor); mMat.SetVector("_CamPos", camPos); mMat.SetVector("_Params", p); mMat.SetMatrix("_InverseMVP", mInverseMVP); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex0", mFog.texture0); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex1", mFog.texture1); Graphics.Blit(source, destination, mMat); }
protected virtual void OnDestroy() { if (mRevealer != null) { FOWSystem.DeleteRevealer(mRevealer); mRevealer = null; } }
// Called by camera to apply image effect void OnRenderImage (RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) { if (mFog == null) { mFog = FOWSystem.instance; if (mFog == null) mFog = FindObjectOfType(typeof(FOWSystem)) as FOWSystem; } if (mFog == null || !mFog.enabled) { enabled = false; return; } // Calculate the inverse modelview-projection matrix to convert screen coordinates to world coordinates mInverseMVP = (mCam.projectionMatrix * mCam.worldToCameraMatrix).inverse; float invScale = 1f / mFog.worldSize; Transform t = mFog.transform; float x = t.position.x - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; float z = t.position.z - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; if (mMat == null) { mMat = new Material(shader); mMat.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } Vector4 camPos = mCam.transform.position; // This accounts for Anti-aliasing on Windows flipping the depth UV coordinates. // Despite the official documentation, the following approach simply doesn't work: // if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 0) { RuntimePlatform pl = Application.platform; if (pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer || pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer) { camPos.w = 1f; } } Vector4 p = new Vector4(-x * invScale, -z * invScale, invScale, mFog.blendFactor); mMat.SetColor("_Unexplored", unexploredColor); mMat.SetColor("_Explored", exploredColor); mMat.SetVector("_CamPos", camPos); mMat.SetVector("_Params", p); mMat.SetMatrix("_InverseMVP", mInverseMVP); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex0", mFog.texture0); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex1", mFog.texture1); Graphics.Blit(source, destination, mMat); }
public void DoDestroy() { if (this.onlygrass) { return; } FOWSystem.DeleteRevealer(this.mRevealer); this.mRevealer = null; }
private void Start() { this.instance = base.GetComponent <FOWSystem>(); this.instance.CreateInstance(); this.instance.enableFog(true); this.instance.Init(); FOWEffect fOWEffect = this.instance.BindCam(; fOWEffect.manualstart(); this.instance.DoStart("map16"); }
public void AddTempRevealer(Vector3 position, float radius, int leftMS) { if (leftMS <= 0) { return; } FOWTempRevealer tmpRevealer = new FOWTempRevealer(); tmpRevealer.InitInfo(position, radius, leftMS); FOWSystem.AddRevealer(tmpRevealer); m_revealers.Add(tmpRevealer); }
public void AddCharactor(int charaID) { if (!FOWCharactorRevealer.Contains(charaID)) { if (FOWCharactorRevealer.CheckIsValid(charaID)) { FOWCharactorRevealer revealer = new FOWCharactorRevealer(); revealer.InitInfo(charaID); FOWSystem.AddRevealer(revealer); m_revealers.Add(revealer); } } }
protected void UpdateRevealers(int deltaMS) { for (int i = m_revealers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IFOWRevealer revealer = m_revealers[i]; revealer.Update(deltaMS); if (!revealer.IsValid()) { m_revealers.RemoveAt(i); FOWSystem.RemoveRevealer(revealer); revealer.Release(); } } }
public void Create(Transform transform, float rad, FOWSystem.LOSChecks typ = FOWSystem.LOSChecks.EveryUpdate, bool _onlygrass = false) { this.mTrans = transform; this.onlygrass = _onlygrass; if (!_onlygrass) { this.range.y = rad; this.range.x = 2f; this.lineOfSightCheck = typ; this.mRevealer = FOWSystem.CreateRevealer(typ); this.mRevealer.outer = rad; this.mRevealer.los = typ; this.mRevealer.pos = transform.position; this.mRevealer.prvpos = this.mRevealer.pos; this.mRevealer.isActive = true; this.isActive = true; } this.unit = transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Units>(); }
void LateUpdate() { if (mNextUpdate < Time.time) { mNextUpdate = Time.time + 0.075f + Random.value * 0.05f; if (FOWSystem.instance == null) { enabled = false; return; } if (mUpdate) { mRenderers = GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); } bool visible = FOWSystem.IsVisible(mTrans.position); if (mUpdate || mIsVisible != visible) { mUpdate = false; mIsVisible = visible; for (int i = 0, imax = mRenderers.Length; i < imax; ++i) { Renderer ren = mRenderers[i]; if (ren) { ren.enabled = mIsVisible; } else { mUpdate = true; mNextUpdate = Time.time; } } } } }
public short[,] GetMapHeightInfo(FOWSystem self) { Vector3 origin = self.transform.position - new Vector3(self.mapSize / 2f, 0, self.mapSize / 2f); Vector3 pos = origin; int heightRange = (int)(self.heightRange.y - self.heightRange.x); pos.y += heightRange; bool useSphereCast = self.raycastRadius > 0f; int textureSize = self.mapSize / self.pixScale; short[,] heights = new short[textureSize, textureSize]; for (int z = 0; z < textureSize; ++z) { pos.z = origin.z + z * self.pixScale; for (int x = 0; x < textureSize; ++x) { pos.x = origin.x + x * self.pixScale; RaycastHit hit; if (useSphereCast) { if (Physics.SphereCast(new Ray(pos, Vector3.down), self.raycastRadius, out hit, heightRange, self.raycastMask)) { heights[x, z] = WorldToGridHeight(pos.y - hit.distance - self.raycastRadius); continue; } } else if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(pos, Vector3.down), out hit, heightRange, self.raycastMask)) { heights[x, z] = WorldToGridHeight(pos.y - hit.distance); continue; } heights[x, z] = 0; } } return(heights); }
/// <summary> /// Checks to see if the specified position has been explored. /// </summary> static public bool IsExplored(Vector3 pos) { FOWSystem sys = instance; if (sys == null) { return(true); } if (sys.mBuffer0 == null) { return(false); } pos -= sys.mOrigin; float worldToTex = (float)sys.textureSize / sys.worldSize; int cx = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x * worldToTex); int cy = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.z * worldToTex); cx = Mathf.Clamp(cx, 0, sys.textureSize - 1); cy = Mathf.Clamp(cy, 0, sys.textureSize - 1); return(sys.mBuffer0[cx + cy * sys.textureSize].g > 0); }
/// <summary> /// Ensure that the thread gets terminated. /// </summary> void OnDestroy() { if (mThread != null) { mThread.Abort(); while (mThread.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(1); } mThread = null; } // Save the Fog of War data if (onSave != null) { onSave(); } // Clear the callback and the instance reference onLoad = null; onSave = null; instance = null; }
public override void PreDeath(Units attacker) { this.m_CoroutineManager.StopAllCoroutine(); base.EnableAction(false);; this.surface.OnDeath(attacker); this.animController.OnDeath(attacker); if (this.aiManager != null) { this.aiManager.OnDeath(attacker); } if (this.moveController != null) { this.moveController.OnStop(); } if (this.atkController != null) { this.atkController.OnStop(); } Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendUnitStateEvent(UnitEvent.UnitPrognosisDeath, this, null, null); if (attacker != null && (attacker.isHero || attacker.isPlayer) && attacker.unique_id != this.unique_id) { base.LastHurtHero = attacker; } if (base.isLocalUnit) { if (GlobalSettings.FogMode >= 2) { FOWSystem.CreateStaticTimeRevealer(base.transform.position, 1f, 3f); } else if (GlobalSettings.FogMode == 1) { FogMgr.Instance.AddFogItem(base.transform.position, 1f, 3f); } } }
public void CreateInstance() { FOWSystem.instance = this; }
void OnDestroy() { FOWSystem.DeleteRevealer(mRevealer); mRevealer = null; }
void Awake() { mTrans = transform; mRevealer = FOWSystem.CreateRevealer(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mWorldSize, new GUIContent("地图刷新尺寸")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mHeightRange, new GUIContent("地图高度范围")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mPixScale, new GUIContent("像素缩放")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mUpdateFrequency, new GUIContent("刷新间隔")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mTextureBlendTime, new GUIContent("渐变时间")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mBlurIterations, new GUIContent("模糊强度")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mMapSize, new GUIContent("地图总尺寸")); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); FOWSystem fow = target as FOWSystem; _heightRange = Mathf.RoundToInt(fow.heightRange.y - fow.heightRange.x); mAssPath = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("替换的文件", mAssPath, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; if (GUILayout.Button("生成地图高度数据")) { string path = "D:\\mapheight.bytes"; if (mAssPath != null) { path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mAssPath); } mHeights = GetMapHeightInfo(fow); WriteToFile(path, fow.mapSize, mHeights); Debug.Log("生成bytes成功:" + path); } if (GUILayout.Button("导出当且数据到JPG")) { mHeights = GetMapHeightInfo(fow); Color[] colors = new Color[fow.mapSize * fow.mapSize]; for (int y = 0, sizeY = fow.mapSize; y < sizeY; y++) { int yw = y * sizeY; for (int x = 0, sizeX = fow.mapSize; x < sizeX; x++) { int pix = mHeights[x, y]; if (pix < 8) { colors[x + yw] = Color.white; } else if (pix < 16) { colors[x + yw] =; } else if (pix < 24) { colors[x + yw] =; } else { colors[x + yw] =; } } } Texture2D tt2d = new Texture2D(fow.mapSize, fow.mapSize); tt2d.SetPixels(colors); tt2d.Apply(); byte[] imageBytes = tt2d.EncodeToJPG(); using (FileStream file = new FileStream("D:\\mapheight.jpg", FileMode.Create)) { file.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length); file.Close(); Debug.Log("生成jpg成功:D:\\mapheight.jpg"); } } }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
protected virtual void Start() { mTrans = transform; mRevealer = FOWSystem.CreateRevealer(); }
// 用相机呼叫来应用图像效果 void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) { if (mFog == null) { mFog = FOWSystem.instance; if (mFog == null) { mFog = FindObjectOfType(typeof(FOWSystem)) as FOWSystem; } } if (mFog == null || !mFog.enabled) { enabled = false; return; } // 计算逆模型-投影矩阵,将屏幕坐标转换为世界坐标 mInverseMVP = (mCam.projectionMatrix * mCam.worldToCameraMatrix).inverse; float invScale = 1f / mFog.worldSize; Transform t = mFog.transform; float x = t.position.x - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; float z = t.position.z - mFog.worldSize * 0.5f; if (mMat == null) { mMat = new Material(shader); mMat.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } Vector4 camPos = mCam.transform.position; // 这是反锯齿的窗口翻转的深度UV坐标 // 尽管有官方文件,以下方法根本不起作用: // if (QualitySettings.antiAliasing > 0) { RuntimePlatform pl = Application.platform; if (pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer || pl == RuntimePlatform.WindowsWebPlayer) { camPos.w = 1f; } } Vector4 p = new Vector4(-x * invScale, -z * invScale, invScale, mFog.blendFactor); mMat.SetColor("_Unexplored", unexploredColor); mMat.SetColor("_Explored", exploredColor); mMat.SetVector("_CamPos", camPos); mMat.SetVector("_Params", p); mMat.SetMatrix("_InverseMVP", mInverseMVP); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex0", mFog.texture0); mMat.SetTexture("_FogTex1", mFog.texture1); Graphics.Blit(source, destination, mMat); }
/// <summary> /// Set the instance. /// </summary> void Awake () { instance = this; }
/// <summary> /// Set the instance. /// </summary> void Awake() { mInstance = this; }
private void DoEventDispatch(SkillDataKey skill_key, Units targetUnit, Units casterUnit) { if (targetUnit == null || casterUnit == null) { return; } SkillData data = GameManager.Instance.SkillData.GetData(skill_key); if (data == null) { return; } Skill skillOrAttackById = casterUnit.getSkillOrAttackById(data.skillId); if (skillOrAttackById == null) { return; } if (skillOrAttackById.IsAttack) { targetUnit.SetAttackedYouTarget(casterUnit); Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendUnitStateEvent(UnitEvent.UnitAttackHitOther, casterUnit, null, null); } if (skillOrAttackById.IsSkill) { if (targetUnit.unique_id != base.unit.unique_id) { casterUnit.SetSkillHitedTarget(targetUnit); } if (casterUnit.isEnemy) { targetUnit.SetSkillHitedYouTarget(casterUnit); } Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendUnitStateEvent(UnitEvent.UnitSkillHitOther, casterUnit, null, null); if (skillOrAttackById.skillIndex != 3) { Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendUnitStateEvent(UnitEvent.UnitConjureQWE_HitOther, casterUnit, null, null); } } Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendUnitStateEvent(UnitEvent.UnitHit, targetUnit, null, null); if (skillOrAttackById.IsAttack) { Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendUnitStateEvent(UnitEvent.UnitBeAttackHit, targetUnit, null, null); } if (skillOrAttackById.IsSkill) { Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendUnitStateEvent(UnitEvent.UnitBeSkillHit, targetUnit, null, null); } if (StringUtils.CheckValid(base.unit.attackForTargetBuff)) { ActionManager.AddBuff(base.unit.attackForTargetBuff, targetUnit, casterUnit, true, string.Empty); casterUnit.attackForTargetBuff = string.Empty; } if (!casterUnit.isLocalUnit && targetUnit != null && targetUnit.isLocalUnit) { if (casterUnit.m_nVisibleState >= 2) { casterUnit.m_fVisibleTimer = 3f; } if (GlobalSettings.FogMode == 1) { if (casterUnit != null && FogMgr.Instance.IsInFog(casterUnit) && targetUnit.isLocalUnit) { FogMgr.Instance.AddFogItem(casterUnit, 1f, 3f); } } else if (GlobalSettings.FogMode >= 2 && casterUnit != null && !FOWSystem.Instance.IsVisible(casterUnit.transform.position) && targetUnit.isLocalUnit) { FOWSystem.CreateStaticTimeRevealer(casterUnit.transform.position, 1f, 3f); } } if (targetUnit == PlayerControlMgr.Instance.GetPlayer()) { Singleton <TriggerManager> .Instance.SendGameStateEvent(GameEvent.MainPlayerHitted); } }