public static IQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable source, string ordering, QueryResolver queryResolver) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); } if (ordering == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ordering"); } ParameterExpression[] parameters = new ParameterExpression[] { Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, "") }; ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(parameters, ordering, queryResolver); IEnumerable<DynamicOrdering> orderings = parser.ParseOrdering(); Expression queryExpr = source.Expression; string methodAsc = "OrderBy"; string methodDesc = "OrderByDescending"; foreach (DynamicOrdering o in orderings) { queryExpr = Expression.Call( typeof(Queryable), o.Ascending ? methodAsc : methodDesc, new Type[] { source.ElementType, o.Selector.Type }, queryExpr, Expression.Quote(DynamicExpression.Lambda(o.Selector, parameters))); methodAsc = "ThenBy"; methodDesc = "ThenByDescending"; } return source.Provider.CreateQuery(queryExpr); }
public double Calculate(string expressionString) { var parser = new ExpressionParser(expressionString); var expression = parser.Parse(); var result = expression.Evaluate(); return result; }
public void TestParse() { ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(); Node node = parser.Parse("1 + 2 * 3"); BinaryNode plusNode = node as BinaryNode; Assert.IsNotNull(plusNode); Assert.AreEqual(BinaryOperator.Add, plusNode.Operator); IntLiteralNode leftNode = plusNode.Left as IntLiteralNode; Assert.IsNotNull(leftNode); Assert.AreEqual(1, leftNode.Value); BinaryNode multiplyNode = plusNode.Right as BinaryNode; Assert.IsNotNull(multiplyNode); Assert.AreEqual(BinaryOperator.Multiply, multiplyNode.Operator); IntLiteralNode multLeftNode = multiplyNode.Left as IntLiteralNode; Assert.IsNotNull(multLeftNode); Assert.AreEqual(2, multLeftNode.Value); IntLiteralNode multRightNode = multiplyNode.Right as IntLiteralNode; Assert.IsNotNull(multRightNode); Assert.AreEqual(3, multRightNode.Value); }
private static Expression ParseTokens(CommonTokenStream input) { ExpressionParser.ExpressionContext startContext = new ExpressionParser(input).expression(); ExpressionVisitor visit = new ExpressionVisitor(); Expression expr = visit.Visit(startContext); return expr; }
public void Can_get_expression_path() { ExpressionParser<TestNestedObject, object> parser = new ExpressionParser<TestNestedObject, object>(); string path = parser.GetPropertyPathFromExpression(t => t.Name); Assert.AreEqual("Name", path); }
public void FloatsAreParsedToAConstExpression() { var parser = new ExpressionParser(new FakeScanner(new[] { new Token("FLOAT", "2.34", 0, 0, 0) })); var result = parser.ParseAll(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ConstantExpr), result.GetType()); }
public void TestVisitor() { var visitor = new WriterVisitor(); ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(); Node node = parser.Parse("1 + 2 * 3"); // ( 1 Plus ( 2 Multiply 3 )) node.Accept(visitor); }
public void IntegersAreParsedToAConstExpression() { var parser = new ExpressionParser(new FakeScanner(new [] { new Token("INTEGER", "1", 0, 0, 0) })); var result = parser.ParseAll(); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ConstantExpr), result.GetType()); }
public override void Initialize (IFormulaParent _parent) { base.Initialize (_parent); ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser (); Expression expression = parser.EvaluateExpression (mFormulaText); ApplyFormula = expression.ToDelegate(new List<string>(mParameters.Keys).ToArray()); }
private static void TestParse(string text) { var expression = new ExpressionParser().Parse(text); Console.WriteLine(text); Console.WriteLine(expression); Assert.That(expression.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(text)); }
public void StringAndCodeDomExpressionParserPerformanceCheck() { var stringExpressionParser = new ExpressionParser(); var codeDomExpressionParser = new CachedCodeDomExpressionParser(); CheckPerformance(stringExpressionParser, KnownExpressions.SingleProperty.Source); CheckPerformance(codeDomExpressionParser, KnownExpressions.SingleProperty.Compiled); }
//Source: void Start() { string s = "(4+1333)/1337+5-27*2"; string f = "(3*(2))/6+6"; var parser = new ExpressionParser(); Expression exp = parser.EvaluateExpression(s); print (exp.Value); exp = parser.EvaluateExpression(f); print (exp.Value); }
//Costritture public FormBase() { InitializeComponent(); par = new GraphParametr(); bpar = new BisezioneParametr(); spar = new SecantiParametr(); tpar = new TagentiParametr(); ipar = new IntegraliParametr(); _parser = new ExpressionParser(); }
public bool EvaluateAsBoolean (string source) { try { var el = new ExpressionParser ().Parse (source, ExpressionValidationType.StrictBoolean); if (el.Count () != 1) throw new InvalidProjectFileException ("Unexpected number of tokens: " + el.Count ()); return el.First ().EvaluateAsBoolean (CreateContext (source)); } catch (yyParser.yyException ex) { throw new InvalidProjectFileException (string.Format ("failed to evaluate expression as boolean: '{0}': {1}", source, ex.Message), ex); } }
public void ImplementsParse() { IParser target = new ExpressionParser(new FakeScanner(new []{ Token.Empty })); try { Expression actual = target.ParseAll();; Assert.Fail("No tokens to parse"); } catch (ParseException) { } }
public void Enter_ConstantWithValue3_MustReturn3() { // Arrange var input = "3"; var sut = new ExpressionParser(); // Act IExpression actual = sut.Parse(input); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(3, actual.Eval()); }
static void Main() { while (true) { var expressionString = Console.ReadLine(); var parser = new ExpressionParser(expressionString); var expression = parser.Parse(); var result = expression.Evaluate(); Console.WriteLine($"The outcome is {result}"); } }
public void Input_MulAndSum() { // Arrange var input = "1 2 + 3 *"; var sut = new ExpressionParser(); // Act IExpression actual = sut.Parse(input); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(9, actual.Eval()); }
public void Input_Sum() { // Arrange var input = "6 5 +"; var sut = new ExpressionParser(); // Act IExpression actual = sut.Parse(input); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(11, actual.Eval()); }
public void Parse_AString_Should_Return_Stacked_Parts() { // Arrange var sut = new ExpressionParser(); var input = "6 5 +"; // Act var actual = sut.Parse(input); // Assert Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(SumExpression)); }
public void Parse_AStringWithOnlyOneConstant_Should_Return_AConstantExpressionInTheStack() { // Arrange var sut = new ExpressionParser(); var input = "6"; // Act var actual = sut.Parse(input); // Assert Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(ConstantExpression)); }
public void calculate() { if (infocus) { try { var parser = new ExpressionParser (); Expression exp = parser.EvaluateExpression (expression); hasValue = true; vAnswer = (float)exp.Value; } catch (UnityException e) { print (e); hasValue = false; vAnswer = 0; } } }
public void Input_SumAndThenSum() { // Arrange var input = "1 2 3 * + "; var sut = new ExpressionParser(); // Act IExpression actual = sut.Parse(input); var v = new Visitor.Visitor(); ((BinaryExpression)actual).Accept(v); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(7, actual.Eval()); Assert.AreEqual("1 + 2 * 3", v.ToString()); }
public calcForm() { InitializeComponent(); factoryDataList = new List<dummyObject>(); //Populate list to simulate variables user will do calculations with factoryDataList.Add(new dummyObject(50, "R1")); factoryDataList.Add(new dummyObject(5.75, "R2")); factoryDataList.Add(new dummyObject(1000, "R3")); foreach (dummyObject d in factoryDataList) { listBox1.Items.Add(d); } parser = new ExpressionParser(factoryDataList); }
static void Main() { var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(@"_(){ () => 10; //i => ++i; //i => i; //()=> 3; //5+3; /*from method in type.GetMethods() let parameters = from p in method.GetParameters() select p.ParameterType where method.Name == name where method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute), false) where parameters.SequenceEqual(arguments, new ParameterComparer()) select method;*/ "); var p = new ExpressionParser(); var a = p.Parse<Func<int,int,int>>("(i,j)=>i=1").Compile(); var i = a(2,1); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void ExpressionParserAdditionParseTest() { CircuitTestSocket socket = null; ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(socket); TruthState state = new TruthState(0, 0); this.Valid(parser, state, 0, "0 + 0"); this.Valid(parser, state, 2, "1 + 1"); this.Valid(parser, state, 6, "1 + 2 + 3"); this.Valid(parser, state, -18, "10 + 2 - 30"); this.Valid(parser, state, 8, "10 - 2"); this.Valid(parser, state, -12, "-10 - 2"); this.Invalid(parser, state, "3 + "); this.Invalid(parser, state, "5 - "); this.Invalid(parser, state, "3 - 2 + "); this.Invalid(parser, state, "3 + 2 - "); // check priority of expressions this.Valid(parser, state, 7, "1 + 3 * 2"); this.Valid(parser, state, 8, "(1 + 3) * 2"); this.Valid(parser, state, 26, "2 * 3 + 5 * 4"); this.Valid(parser, state, -26, "-2 * 3 - 5 * 4"); }
public void ExpressionParserConjunctionParseTest() { CircuitTestSocket socket = null; ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(socket); TruthState state = new TruthState(0, 0); this.Valid(parser, state, 0, "0 | 0"); this.Valid(parser, state, 1, "1 | 1"); this.Valid(parser, state, 7, "1 | 2 | 4"); this.Valid(parser, state, 1, "1 ^ 1 ^ 1"); this.Valid(parser, state, 0, "1 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ 1"); this.Valid(parser, state, 0, "1 ^ 1"); this.Valid(parser, state, 0, "198 ^ 198"); this.Valid(parser, state, 3, "1 | 2"); this.Invalid(parser, state, "3 | "); this.Invalid(parser, state, "5 ^ "); this.Invalid(parser, state, "3 | 2 ^ "); this.Invalid(parser, state, "3 ^ 2 | "); // check priority of expressions this.Valid(parser, state, 7, "7 | 2 & 1"); this.Valid(parser, state, 6, "7 ^ 3 & 1"); }
protected virtual void VisitValue( XElement element, XAttribute attribute, MSBuildElementSyntax resolvedElement, MSBuildAttributeSyntax resolvedAttribute, ITypedSymbol valueDescriptor, string value, int offset) { var kind = MSBuildCompletionExtensions.InferValueKindIfUnknown(valueDescriptor); if (!kind.AllowExpressions()) { VisitValueExpression( element, attribute, resolvedElement, resolvedAttribute, valueDescriptor, kind, new ExpressionText(offset, value, true)); return; } var expression = valueDescriptor?.ValueKind == MSBuildValueKind.Condition ? ExpressionParser.ParseCondition(value, offset) : ExpressionParser.Parse(value, kind.GetExpressionOptions(), offset); VisitValueExpression( element, attribute, resolvedElement, resolvedAttribute, valueDescriptor, kind, expression); }
private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // get Numbers collection List<double[]> collectSet = collectNumbers(); // Parse Expression ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(); parser.Values.Add("a", 1); parser.Values.Add("b", 1); parser.Values.Add("c", 1); string func = tbFormula.Text; parser.Parse(func); Expression expression = parser.Expressions[func]; // Reset if (statisticTable.Rows.Count > 0) statisticTable.Rows.Clear(); dataView.RowFilter = "1=1"; foreach (double[] arr in collectSet) { parser.Values["a"].SetValue(arr[0]); parser.Values["b"].SetValue(arr[1]); parser.Values["c"].SetValue(arr[2]); double result = parser.EvalExpression(expression); DataRow row = statisticTable.NewRow(); row["NumberA"] = arr[0]; row["NumberB"] = arr[1]; row["NumberC"] = arr[2]; row["Result"] = Math.Round(result, 4); statisticTable.Rows.Add(row); } // Fetch to DataGridView //dataGridView.DataSource = statisticTable; }
public void ResolveMethodArgumentsShouldReturnCorrectCollectionOfArgumentsInformation() { var requestModel = TestObjectFactory.GetValidRequestModel(); object obj = 1; Expression <Func <WebApiController, IHttpActionResult> > expression = c => c.OkResultActionWithRequestBody((int)obj, requestModel); var result = ExpressionParser.ResolveMethodArguments(expression); var arguments = result as IList <MethodArgumentInfo> ?? result.ToArray(); var firstArgument = arguments.First(); var secondArgument = arguments.Last(); var secondArgumentAsRequestModel = secondArgument.Value as RequestModel; Assert.AreEqual("id", firstArgument.Name); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), firstArgument.Type); Assert.AreEqual(1, firstArgument.Value); Assert.AreEqual("model", secondArgument.Name); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(RequestModel), secondArgument.Type); Assert.IsNotNull(secondArgumentAsRequestModel); Assert.AreEqual(2, secondArgumentAsRequestModel.Integer); Assert.AreEqual("Test", secondArgumentAsRequestModel.RequiredString); }
public void ParseDelegateTest_GenericList() { { string code = "(m)=>new List<string>(){ Capacity = m * 3 }.Capacity"; var expected = new List <string>() { Capacity = 3 * 3 }.Capacity; Func <int, int> func = ExpressionParser.Compile <Func <int, int> >(code, "System", "System.Collections.Generic"); var actual = func(3); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } { string code = "()=>new List<string>(){ \"abc\",\"def\" }[1]"; var expected = new List <string>() { "abc", "def" }[1]; var actual = ExpressionParser.Compile(code, "System", "System.Collections.Generic").DynamicInvoke(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } }
//Metodi /// <summary> /// Pulisce i parametri /// </summary> public void Clear() { _a = 0; //Settaggio di default delle variabili _b = 0; _fa = 0; _fb = 0; _inc = 0; _tan = ""; _x = 0; _parser = new ExpressionParser(); _funzione = ""; _precisione = 0; _cicli = 0; }
public static void RegisterServices(IServiceCollection services, [WebPartConfig("ContextSettings")] SecurityContextOptions contextOptions, [WebPartConfig("ActivationSettings")] ActivationOptions partActivation) { Type t = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contextOptions.ContextType)) { var dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); t = (Type)ExpressionParser.Parse(contextOptions.ContextType, dic); } if (partActivation.ActivateDbContext) { if (t != null) { services.UseDbIdentities(t, options => options.UseSqlServer(partActivation.ConnectionStringName)); } else { services.UseDbIdentities(options => options.UseSqlServer(partActivation.ConnectionStringName)); } } if (partActivation.UseNavigation) { if (t != null) { services.UseDbNavigation(t); } else { services.UseDbNavigation(); } } if (partActivation.UsePlugins) { services.UseDbPlugins(); } if (partActivation.UseGlobalSettings) { services.UseDbGlobalSettings(); } if (partActivation.UseTenantSettings) { services.UseTenantSettings(); } if (partActivation.UseLogAdapter) { services.UseDbLogAdapter(); } /*if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options?.ContextType)) * { * var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); * var t = (Type)ExpressionParser.Parse(options.ContextType, dic); * manager.EnableItvUserView(t); * } * else * { * manager.EnableItvUserView(); * }*/ }
public void GetMethodNameShouldThrowArgumentExceptionWithInvalidMethodCallExpression() { Expression <Func <int> > expression = () => 0; ExpressionParser.GetMethodName(expression); }
//private void Parse(string expression) //{ // ExpressionNode root = ExpressionParser.Parse(expression, false); // //validate name nodes // this.BeginUpdate(); // this.Clear(); // Stack<ExpressionNode> nodeStack = new Stack<ExpressionNode>(); // nodeStack.Push(root); // Stack<FilterExpressionCollection> collectionStack = new Stack<FilterExpressionCollection>(); // collectionStack.Push(this); // while (nodeStack.Count > 0) // { // ExpressionNode current = nodeStack.Pop(); // FilterExpressionCollection expressions = collectionStack.Pop(); // UnaryOpNode unaryNode = current as UnaryOpNode; // if (unaryNode != null) // { // if (unaryNode.Op == Operator.Noop) // { // nodeStack.Push(((UnaryOpNode)current).Right); // collectionStack.Push(expressions); // continue; // } // } // BinaryOpNode binaryNode = current as BinaryOpNode; // if (binaryNode != null) // { // if (this.IsPredicate(binaryNode)) // { // FilterExpression filterExpression = new FilterExpression(); // expressions.Add(filterExpression); // continue; // } // nodeStack.Push(binaryNode.Right); // FilterExpressionCollection collection = expressions; // if(!this.IsPredicate(binaryNode.Right)) // { // CompositeFilterExpression compositeExpression = new CompositeFilterExpression(); // expressions.Add(compositeExpression); // collection = compositeExpression.FilterExpressions; // } // collectionStack.Push(collection); // nodeStack.Push(binaryNode.Left); // collection = expressions; // if (!this.IsPredicate(binaryNode.Left)) // { // CompositeFilterExpression compositeExpression = new CompositeFilterExpression(); // compositeExpression.BinaryOperator = (binaryNode.Op == Operator.And) ? FilterExpression.BinaryOperation.AND : FilterExpression.BinaryOperation.OR; // expressions.Add(compositeExpression); // collection = compositeExpression.FilterExpressions; // } // collectionStack.Push(collection); // } // } // this.EndUpdate(); //} //private bool IsPredicate(ExpressionNode node) //{ // while (node is UnaryOpNode) // { // node = ((UnaryOpNode)node).Right; // } // BinaryOpNode binaryNode = node as BinaryOpNode; // if (binaryNode == null) // { // return false; // } // if (binaryNode.Left is NameNode || binaryNode.Right is NameNode) // { // return true; // } // return false; //} private void Parse(string expression) { ExpressionNode root = ExpressionParser.Parse(expression, false); //validate name nodes this.BeginUpdate(); this.Clear(); Stack <ExpressionNode> nodeStack = new Stack <ExpressionNode>(); nodeStack.Push(root); Stack <FilterDescriptorCollection> collectionStack = new Stack <FilterDescriptorCollection>(); collectionStack.Push(this); while (nodeStack.Count > 0) { ExpressionNode current = nodeStack.Pop(); FilterDescriptorCollection expressions = collectionStack.Pop(); UnaryOpNode unaryNode = current as UnaryOpNode; if (unaryNode != null) { if (unaryNode.Op == Operator.Noop) { nodeStack.Push(((UnaryOpNode)current).Right); collectionStack.Push(expressions); continue; } } BinaryOpNode binaryNode = current as BinaryOpNode; if (binaryNode != null) { if (this.IsPredicate(binaryNode)) { FilterDescriptor filterDescriptor = this.CreateFilterDescriptor(binaryNode); expressions.Add(filterDescriptor); continue; } nodeStack.Push(binaryNode.Right); FilterDescriptorCollection collection = expressions; if (!this.IsPredicate(binaryNode.Right)) { CompositeFilterDescriptor compositeExpression = new CompositeFilterDescriptor(); expressions.Add(compositeExpression); collection = compositeExpression.FilterDescriptors; } collectionStack.Push(collection); nodeStack.Push(binaryNode.Left); collection = expressions; if (!this.IsPredicate(binaryNode.Left)) { CompositeFilterDescriptor compositeExpression = new CompositeFilterDescriptor(); compositeExpression.LogicalOperator = (binaryNode.Op == Operator.And) ? FilterLogicalOperator.And : FilterLogicalOperator.Or; expressions.Add(compositeExpression); collection = compositeExpression.FilterDescriptors; } collectionStack.Push(collection); } } this.EndUpdate(); }
protected void HandleInput(string source) { List <string> x; List <string> y; List <string> z; List <string> umin = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); List <string> umax = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); List <string> tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); List <string> tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); List <string> vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); List <string> vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); List <string> wmin = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); List <string> wmax = ExpressionParser.Parse(""); ExpressionSet expressionSet = calcManager.expressionSet; switch (source) { default: x = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*sin(2*pi*v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(pi*u)*(1.5+0.75*cos(2*pi*v))"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos(pi*u)*(1.5+0.75*cos(2*pi*v))"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("1.5"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2.5"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); List <string> x2 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*cos(pi*u)"); List <string> y2 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*sin(pi*u)*cos(2*pi*v)+2.4"); List <string> z2 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*sin(pi*u)*sin(2*pi*v)+2.6"); List <string> umin2 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); List <string> umax2 = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); List <string> vmin2 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); List <string> vmax2 = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); List <string> x3 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*sin(2*pi*u)"); List <string> y3 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*cos(2*pi*u)+1.5*cos(pi/8*v)"); List <string> z3 = ExpressionParser.Parse("-1.5*sin(pi/8*v)"); List <string> umin3 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); List <string> umax3 = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); List <string> vmin3 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); List <string> vmax3 = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); List <string> x4 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*sin(2*pi*u)"); List <string> y4 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.75*cos(2*pi*u)-1.5*cos(pi/8*v)"); List <string> z4 = ExpressionParser.Parse("-1.5*sin(pi/8*v)"); List <string> umin4 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); List <string> umax4 = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); List <string> vmin4 = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); List <string> vmax4 = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); Expression X = new Expression(x); Expression Y = new Expression(y); Expression Z = new Expression(z); Expression X2 = new Expression(x2); Expression Y2 = new Expression(y2); Expression Z2 = new Expression(z2); Expression X3 = new Expression(x3); Expression Y3 = new Expression(y3); Expression Z3 = new Expression(z3); Expression X4 = new Expression(x4); Expression Y4 = new Expression(y4); Expression Z4 = new Expression(z4); Range zeroRange = new Range(ExpressionParser.Parse("0")); Range oneRange = new Range(ExpressionParser.Parse("1")); Range onePointFive = new Range(ExpressionParser.Parse("1.5")); Range twoPointFive = new Range(ExpressionParser.Parse("2.5")); RangePair zeroToZero = new RangePair(zeroRange, zeroRange); RangePair zeroToOne = new RangePair(zeroRange, oneRange); List <RangePair> rangePairs = new List <RangePair>() { zeroToZero, new RangePair(onePointFive, twoPointFive), zeroToOne, zeroToOne }; List <RangePair> rangePairs2 = new List <RangePair>() { zeroToZero, zeroToOne, zeroToOne, zeroToZero }; ExpressionSet expSet = new ExpressionSet(new string[] { "t", "u", "v", "w" }, rangePairs, new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" }, new List <Expression>() { X, Y, Z }); ExpressionSet expSet2 = new ExpressionSet(new string[] { "t", "u", "v", "w" }, rangePairs2, new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" }, new List <Expression>() { X2, Y2, Z2 }); ExpressionSet expSet3 = new ExpressionSet(new string[] { "t", "u", "v", "w" }, rangePairs2, new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" }, new List <Expression>() { X3, Y3, Z3 }); ExpressionSet expSet4 = new ExpressionSet(new string[] { "t", "u", "v", "w" }, rangePairs2, new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" }, new List <Expression>() { X4, Y4, Z4 }); List <ExpressionSet> nanomeLogo = new List <ExpressionSet>() { expSet, expSet2, expSet3, expSet4 }; CalcManager.Instance.LoadSavedExpressionSets(nanomeLogo); print("unknown preset pressed"); return; //R1 -> R1 case "Cinquefoil Knot": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos(t)*(2-cos(2*t/5))"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)*(2-cos(2*t/5))"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("-sin(2*t/5)"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("10*pi"); break; case "Circle": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos(t)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Sphere Outline": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)*cos(32*t)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)*sin(32*t)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos(t)"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); break; case "Hypocloid": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos(t)^3"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)^3"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("4pi"); break; case "Hypocloid Surface": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("10*cos(t*32)^3"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("10*sin(t*32)^3"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("t-2*pi"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("4pi"); break; case "Trefoil Knot": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)+2*sin(2*t)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos(t)-2*cos(2*t)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("-sin(3*t)"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2*pi"); break; case "Turnip": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(sin(t/16)^2)*cos(8*t)*8*pi"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(sin(t/16))^2*sin(8*t)*8*pi"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("8*pi-t"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("16pi"); break; case "Wavy Surface": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(sin(t/2)^(1/2)*cos(256*t)*pi)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(sin(t/2))^(1/2)*sin(64*t)*pi"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi-t"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "High-res Sphere": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)*cos(1024*t)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(t)*sin(1024*t)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos(t)"); tmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); tmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); break; //R2->R3 case "Astroidal Ellipse": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(2*cos(u)*cos(v))^3"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(2*sin(u)*cos(v))^3"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(2*sin(v))^3"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2*pi"); break; case "Bumpy Sphere": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("5*sin(u)*sin(v)+cos(30*v)*0.15"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("5*cos(u)*sin(v)+cos(30*u)*0.15"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("5*cos(v)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2*pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); break; case "Dini's Surface": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("3*cos(u)*sin(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("3*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("3*(cos(v)+log(tan(0.5*v)))+0.4*u"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("-4*pi"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("4*pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0.005"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("3.135"); break; case "Figure-8": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3+cos(u/2)*sin(v)-sin(u/2)*sin(2*v))*cos(u)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3+cos(u/2)*sin(v)-sin(u/2)*sin(2*v))*sin(u)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(u/2)*sin(v)-cos(u/2)*sin(2*v)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2*pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2*pi"); break; case "Gray's Surface": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3+cos(3*u/2)*sin(v)-sin(3*u/2)*sin(2*v))*cos(u/2)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3+cos(3*u/2)*sin(v)-sin(3*u/2)*sin(2*v))*sin(u/2)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(3*u/2)*sin(v)+cos(3*u/2)*sin(2*v)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("4*pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Knot": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("3*sin(3*u)/2+cos(v)))"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("3*(sin(u)+2*sin(2*u))/(2+cos(v+pi*2/3))"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("3/2*(cos(u)-2*cos(2*u))*(2+cos(v))*(2+cos(v+pi*2/3))/4"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("-pi"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("-pi"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Mobius": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(5+u*cos(0.5*v))*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(5+u*cos(0.5*v))*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("u*sin(0.5*v)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("-1"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2*pi"); break; case "Radial Wave": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("u"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("v"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("cos((u^2+v^2)^0.5)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("-10"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("10"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("-10"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("10"); break; case "Torus": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(5+cos(v))*cos(u)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(5+cos(v))*sin(u)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("sin(v)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; //R3->R3 case "Cone": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("ucos(v)w"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("usin(v)w"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("w"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); wmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); wmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); break; case "Cube": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("u"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("v"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("w"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); wmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); wmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); break; case "Cylinder": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("ucos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("usin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("w"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); wmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); wmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); break; case "Sphere": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("ucos(v)sin(w)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("usin(v)sin(w)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("ucos(w)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); wmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); wmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Tetrahedron": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("u(1-v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("uv(1-w)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("uvw"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); wmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); wmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("1"); break; // Orbitals case "S": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(1/2*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(1/2*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(1/2*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Px": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(v))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(v))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(v))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Py": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(v))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(v))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(v))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Pz": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(3^(1/2)/2*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Dz\x00B2": goto case "Dz2"; case "Dz2": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(5^(1/2)/4*(3*((cos(u))^2)-1)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(5^(1/2)/4*(3*((cos(u))^2)-1)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(5^(1/2)/4*(3*((cos(u))^2)-1)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Dxz": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(v))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(v))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(v))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Dyz": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(v))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(v))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/2*sin(u)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(v))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Dxy": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(2v))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(2v))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*1/pi^(1/2)*sin(2v))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Dx\x00B2-y\x00B2": goto case "Dx2-y2"; case "Dx2-y2": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(2v))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(2v))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(15^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*1/pi^(1/2)*cos(2v))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Fz\x00B3": goto case "Fz3"; case "Fz3": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(7^(1/2)/4*(5*((cos(u))^2)-3)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(7^(1/2)/4*(5*((cos(u))^2)-3)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(7^(1/2)/4*(5*((cos(u))^2)-3)*cos(u)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Fxz\x00B2": goto case "Fxz2"; case "Fxz2": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(42^(1/2)/8*(5*((cos(u))^2)-1)*sin(u)*sin(v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(42^(1/2)/8*(5*((cos(u))^2)-1)*sin(u)*sin(v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(42^(1/2)/8*(5*((cos(u))^2)-1)*sin(u)*sin(v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Fyz\x00B2": goto case "Fyz2"; case "Fyz2": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(42^(1/2)/8*(5*((cos(u))^2)-1)*sin(u)*cos(v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(42^(1/2)/8*(5*((cos(u))^2)-1)*sin(u)*cos(v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(42^(1/2)/8*(5*((cos(u))^2)-1)*sin(u)*cos(v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Fxyz": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(105^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*cos(u)*cos(2v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(105^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*cos(u)*cos(2v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(105^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*cos(u)*cos(2v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Fz\x0028x\x00B2-y\x00B2\x0029": goto case "Fzx2y2"; case "Fzx2y2": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(105^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*cos(u)*sin(2v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(105^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*cos(u)*sin(2v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(105^(1/2)/4*sin(u)^2*cos(u)*sin(2v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Fx\x0028x\x00B2-3y\x00B2\x0029": goto case "Fxx23y2"; case "Fxx23y2": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(70^(1/2)/8*sin(u)^3*sin(3v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(70^(1/2)/8*sin(u)^3*sin(3v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(70^(1/2)/8*sin(u)^3*sin(3v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; case "Fy\x00283x\x00B2-y\x00B2\x0029": goto case "Fy3x2y2"; case "Fy3x2y2": x = ExpressionParser.Parse("(70^(1/2)/8*sin(u)^3*cos(3v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*cos(v)"); y = ExpressionParser.Parse("(70^(1/2)/8*sin(u)^3*cos(3v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*sin(u)*sin(v)"); z = ExpressionParser.Parse("(70^(1/2)/8*sin(u)^3*cos(3v)*1/pi^(1/2))^2*cos(u)"); umin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); umax = ExpressionParser.Parse("pi"); vmin = ExpressionParser.Parse("0"); vmax = ExpressionParser.Parse("2pi"); break; } expressionSet.AddExpression("X", x); expressionSet.AddExpression("Y", y); expressionSet.AddExpression("Z", z); expressionSet.AddRange("t", tmin, tmax); expressionSet.AddRange("u", umin, umax); expressionSet.AddRange("v", vmin, vmax); expressionSet.AddRange("w", wmin, wmax); calcManager.PresetPressed(); }
public ExpressionParserTests() { _expressionParser = new ExpressionParser( () => _searchParameterDefinitionManager, _searchParameterExpressionParser); }
public QueryProvider(ExpressionParser expressionParser, IDataQueryExecutor executor) { _expressionParser = expressionParser ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expressionParser)); _executor = executor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(executor)); }
public void Do() { if (targetPropertyExpression != null) { PropertyInfo property = ExpressionParser.GetPropertyInfo(targetPropertyExpression); if (!property.CanWrite) { return; } P value = create(); bool success = true; if (autoMapping) { success = ModelMapper <P> .Map(value, row, validColumnNames, prefixColumnName, columnNamePropertyMap, ignoreCase); } if (success) { DynamicMethodBuilder <T, P> .CreateSetMethod(property)(model, value); if (mapAction != null) { mapAction(value); } } } else if (targetListPropertyExpression != null) { PropertyInfo property = ExpressionParser.GetPropertyInfo(targetListPropertyExpression); if (!property.CanWrite || !property.CanRead) { return; } Func <T, List <P> > getMethod = DynamicMethodBuilder <T, List <P> > .CreateGetMethod(property); List <P> list = getMethod(model); if (list == null) { list = new List <P>(); DynamicMethodBuilder <T, List <P> > .CreateSetMethod(property)(model, list); } P value; if (list.Count != 0 && row.PrevRow != null && uniqueColumnNames.Length > 0 && row.Compare(row.PrevRow, uniqueColumnNames)) { value = list[list.Count - 1]; if (mapAction != null) { mapAction(value); } } else { value = create(); bool success = true; if (autoMapping) { success = ModelMapper <P> .Map(value, row, validColumnNames, prefixColumnName, columnNamePropertyMap, ignoreCase); } if (success) { list.Add(value); if (mapAction != null) { mapAction(value); } } } } }
public static LambdaExpression ParseLambda(ParameterExpression[] parameters, Type resultType, string expression, params object[] values) { ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(parameters, expression, values); return(Expression.Lambda(parser.Parse(resultType), parameters)); }
public void SetUp() { _parser = new ExpressionParser(); }
public void TestLiteral(string expression) { var expr = ExpressionParser.Parse(expression, ExpressionOptions.Metadata); Assert.IsInstanceOf <ExpressionLiteral> (expr); }
internal ExecutionInfo Bind() { ExecutionInfo retVal = new ExecutionInfo(); // IQueryable impl if (this.Expression != null) { Dictionary <Expression, Expression> normalizerRewrites = new Dictionary <Expression, Expression>(ReferenceEqualityComparer <Expression> .Instance); // Step 1. Evaluate any local evaluatable expressions ( lambdas etc) Expression partialEvaluatedExpression = Evaluator.PartialEval(this.Expression); // Step 2. Normalize expression, replace String Comparisons etc. Expression normalizedExpression = ExpressionNormalizer.Normalize(partialEvaluatedExpression, normalizerRewrites); // Step 3. Bind Expression, Analyze predicates and create query option expressions. End result is a single ResourceSetExpression Expression boundExpression = ResourceBinder.Bind(normalizedExpression); // Step 4. Parse the Bound expression into sub components, i.e. take count, filter, select columns, request options, opcontext, etc. ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(); parser.Translate(boundExpression); // Step 5. Store query components & params this.TakeCount = parser.TakeCount; this.FilterString = parser.FilterString; this.SelectColumns = parser.SelectColumns; retVal.RequestOptions = parser.RequestOptions; retVal.OperationContext = parser.OperationContext; // Step 6. If projection & no resolver then generate a resolver to perform the projection if (parser.Resolver == null) { if (parser.Projection != null && parser.Projection.Selector != ProjectionQueryOptionExpression.DefaultLambda) { Type intermediateType = parser.Projection.Selector.Parameters[0].Type; // Convert Expression to take type object as input to allow for direct invocation. ParameterExpression paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); Func <object, TElement> projectorFunc = Expression.Lambda <Func <object, TElement> >( Expression.Invoke(parser.Projection.Selector, Expression.Convert(paramExpr, intermediateType)), paramExpr).Compile(); // Generate a resolver to do the projection. retVal.Resolver = (pk, rk, ts, props, etag) => { // Parse to intermediate type ITableEntity intermediateObject = (ITableEntity)EntityUtilities.InstantiateEntityFromType(intermediateType); intermediateObject.PartitionKey = pk; intermediateObject.RowKey = rk; intermediateObject.Timestamp = ts; intermediateObject.ReadEntity(props, parser.OperationContext); intermediateObject.ETag = etag; // Invoke lambda expression return(projectorFunc(intermediateObject)); }; } else { // No op - No resolver or projection specified. } } else { retVal.Resolver = (EntityResolver <TElement>)parser.Resolver.Value; } } retVal.RequestOptions = TableRequestOptions.ApplyDefaults(retVal.RequestOptions, this.queryProvider.Table.ServiceClient); retVal.OperationContext = retVal.OperationContext ?? new OperationContext(); return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// Ripulisce i dati /// </summary> public void Clear() { _a = 0; //Valori di default _b = 0; _fa = 0; _fb = 0; _divisioni = 0; _retMax = false; _retMin = false; _trap = false; _funzione = ""; _parser = new ExpressionParser(); }
public static StaticsDB Load(IEnumerable <TracableStream> dataSources) { //TODO(v0.8) update IKON with HasNext with tag //TODO(v0.8) support nested subformulas var subformulas = new Dictionary <string, Formula>(); foreach (var source in dataSources) { try { var queue = new Parser(source.Stream).ParseAll(); while (queue.CountOf("Subformulas") > 0) { var data = queue.Dequeue("Subformulas").To <IkonComposite>(); foreach (var key in data.Keys) { subformulas[key] = data[key].To <Formula>(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException(source.SourceInfo, e); } catch (FormatException e) { throw new FormatException(source.SourceInfo, e); } } subformulas = ExpressionParser.ResloveSubformulaNesting(subformulas); var db = new StaticsDB(); foreach (var source in dataSources) { var parser = new Parser(source.Stream, subformulas); try { foreach (var data in parser.ParseAll().Select(x => x.Value.To <IkonComposite>())) { switch ((string)data.Tag) { case "Building": db.Buildings.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadBuilding(data)); break; case "ColonyFormulas": db.ColonyFormulas = loadColonyFormulas(data); break; case "Constructable": db.Constructables.Add(loadConstructable(data)); break; case "DevelopmentFocusOptions": db.DevelopmentFocusOptions.AddRange(loadFocusOptions(data)); break; case "DevelopmentTopic": db.DevelopmentTopics.Add(loadDevelopmentTopic(data)); break; case "Subformulas": //TODO(v0.8) remove after IKON update break; case "Natives": db.loadNatives(data.To <IkonComposite>()); break; case "PlanetFormulas": var formulaSet = loadPlanetFormulas(data); db.PlanetForumlas[formulaSet.Key] = formulaSet.Value; break; case "PlayerFormulas": db.PlayerFormulas = loadPlayerFormulas(data); break; case "SystemPolicy": db.Policies.Add(loadPolicy(data)); break; case "PredefinedDesign": db.PredeginedDesigns.Add(loadDesignTemplate(data)); break; case "ResearchTopic": db.ResearchTopics.Add(loadResearchTopic(data)); break; case "ShipFormulas": db.ShipFormulas = loadShipFormulas(data); break; case "StarFormulas": db.StellarisFormulas = loadStarFormulas(data); break; case "PlanetTrait": db.PlanetTraits.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadPlanetTrait(data)); break; case "StarTrait": db.StarTraits.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadStarTrait(data)); break; case ArmorTag: db.Armors.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadArmor(data)); break; case HullTag: db.Hulls.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadHull(data)); break; case IsDriveTag: db.IsDrives.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadIsDrive(data)); break; case MissionEquipmentTag: db.MissionEquipment.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadMissionEquiptment(data)); break; case ReactorTag: db.Reactors.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadReactor(data)); break; case SensorTag: db.Sensors.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadSensor(data)); break; case ShieldTag: db.Shields.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadShield(data)); break; case SpecialEquipmentTag: db.SpecialEquipment.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadSpecialEquiptment(data)); break; case ThrusterTag: db.Thrusters.Add(data[GeneralCodeKey].To <string>(), loadThruster(data)); break; default: throw new FormatException("Invalid game data object with tag " + data.Tag); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException(source.SourceInfo, e); } catch (FormatException e) { throw new FormatException(source.SourceInfo, e); } } foreach (var research in db.ResearchTopics) { for (int level = 0; level <= research.MaxLevel; level++) { foreach (var unlock in research.Unlocks[level]) { db.DevelopmentRequirements[unlock] = new DevelopmentRequirement(research.IdCode, level); } } } return(db); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StaticChecker"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="templates">Templates wihch would be checked.</param> public StaticChecker(Templates templates) { _templates = templates; _baseExpressionParser = templates.ExpressionParser; }
// Return value of given expression. public static String ExpressionToString(String expression) { Object value = ExpressionNotFoundError(); try { if (expression == null) { return(Error("null expression")); } ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(expression); String name; String[] args; // Parse start of the expression. if (!parser.Read(out name, out args)) { return(value.ToString()); } // Check for constant if (Char.IsDigit(name, 0)) { return(name); } // Find matching local variable/function parameter value = GetLocal(name); // Try instance members if (value == error) { Object instance = GetLocal("this"); if (instance != error) { value = GetNonStaticMemberValue(instance, name, null); } else { error = value; // restore last error } } // Call indexer if local variable found // and arguments were specified if (value != error) { if (args != null) { value = GetNonStaticMemberValue(value, "get_Item", args); } } else { // Check for static member Type matchingType = FindType(name); // Parse member name or try current method owner if (matchingType != null) { parser.Read(out name, out args); } else { matchingType = methodOwner; } // Find matching static field/method/property if (matchingType != null) { value = GetStaticMemberValue(matchingType, name, args); } } // Expression was not found if (value == error) { return(value.ToString()); } // Iterate until the leftmost member reference while (parser.Read(out name, out args) && value != error) { value = GetNonStaticMemberValue(value, name, args); } return(ObjectToString(value)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Error(ex.Message)); } }
public static bool ParseSharpLine(FunctionLabelLine label, StringStream st, ScriptPosition position, List <string> OnlyLabel) { st.ShiftNext(); //'#'を飛ばす var token = LexicalAnalyzer.ReadSingleIdentifier(st); //#~自体にはマクロ非適用 if (Config.ICFunction) { token = token.ToUpper(); } //#行として不正な行でもAnalyzeに行って引っかかることがあるので、先に存在しない#~は弾いてしまう if (token == null || token != "SINGLE" && token != "LATER" && token != "PRI" && token != "ONLY" && token != "FUNCTION" && token != "FUNCTIONS" && token != "LOCALSIZE" && token != "LOCALSSIZE" && token != "DIM" && token != "DIMS") { ParserMediator.Warn("解釈できない#行です", position, 1); return(false); } try { var wc = LexicalAnalyzer.Analyse(st, LexEndWith.EoL, LexAnalyzeFlag.AllowAssignment); switch (token) { case "SINGLE": if (label.IsMethod) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#SINGLEは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (!label.IsEvent) { ParserMediator.Warn("イベント関数以外では#SINGLEは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsSingle) { ParserMediator.Warn("#SINGLEが重複して使われています", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsOnly) { ParserMediator.Warn("#ONLYが指定されたイベント関数では#SINGLEは機能しません", position, 1); break; } label.IsSingle = true; break; case "LATER": if (label.IsMethod) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#LATERは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (!label.IsEvent) { ParserMediator.Warn("イベント関数以外では#LATERは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsLater) { ParserMediator.Warn("#LATERが重複して使われています", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsOnly) { ParserMediator.Warn("#ONLYが指定されたイベント関数では#LATERは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsPri) { ParserMediator.Warn("#PRIと#LATERが重複して使われています(この関数は2度呼ばれます)", position, 1); } label.IsLater = true; break; case "PRI": if (label.IsMethod) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#PRIは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (!label.IsEvent) { ParserMediator.Warn("イベント関数以外では#PRIは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsPri) { ParserMediator.Warn("#PRIが重複して使われています", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsOnly) { ParserMediator.Warn("#ONLYが指定されたイベント関数では#PRIは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsLater) { ParserMediator.Warn("#PRIと#LATERが重複して使われています(この関数は2度呼ばれます)", position, 1); } label.IsPri = true; break; case "ONLY": if (label.IsMethod) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#ONLYは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (!label.IsEvent) { ParserMediator.Warn("イベント関数以外では#ONLYは機能しません", position, 1); break; } else if (label.IsOnly) { ParserMediator.Warn("#ONLYが重複して使われています", position, 1); break; } else if (OnlyLabel.Contains(label.LabelName)) { ParserMediator.Warn("このイベント関数\"@" + label.LabelName + "\"にはすでに#ONLYが宣言されています(この関数は実行されません)", position, 1); } OnlyLabel.Add(label.LabelName); label.IsOnly = true; if (label.IsPri) { ParserMediator.Warn("このイベント関数には#PRIが宣言されていますが無視されます", position, 1); label.IsPri = false; } if (label.IsLater) { ParserMediator.Warn("このイベント関数には#LATERが宣言されていますが無視されます", position, 1); label.IsLater = false; } if (label.IsSingle) { ParserMediator.Warn("このイベント関数には#SINGLEが宣言されていますが無視されます", position, 1); label.IsSingle = false; } break; case "FUNCTION": case "FUNCTIONS": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.LabelName) && char.IsDigit(label.LabelName[0])) { ParserMediator.Warn("#" + token + "属性は関数名が数字で始まる関数には指定できません", position, 1); label.IsError = true; label.ErrMes = "関数名が数字で始まっています"; break; } if (label.IsMethod) { if (label.MethodType == typeof(long) && token == "FUNCTION" || label.MethodType == typeof(string) && token == "FUNCTIONS") { ParserMediator.Warn("関数" + label.LabelName + "にはすでに#" + token + "が宣言されています(この行は無視されます)", position, 1); return(false); } if (label.MethodType == typeof(long) && token == "FUNCTIONS") { ParserMediator.Warn("関数" + label.LabelName + "にはすでに#FUNCTIONが宣言されています", position, 2); } else if (label.MethodType == typeof(string) && token == "FUNCTION") { ParserMediator.Warn("関数" + label.LabelName + "にはすでに#FUNCTIONSが宣言されています", position, 2); } return(false); } if (label.Depth == 0) { ParserMediator.Warn("システム関数に#" + token + "が指定されています", position, 2); return(false); } label.IsMethod = true; label.Depth = 0; if (token == "FUNCTIONS") { label.MethodType = typeof(string); } else { label.MethodType = typeof(long); } if (label.IsPri) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#PRIは機能しません", position, 1); label.IsPri = false; } if (label.IsLater) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#LATERは機能しません", position, 1); label.IsLater = false; } if (label.IsSingle) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#SINGLEは機能しません", position, 1); label.IsSingle = false; } if (label.IsOnly) { ParserMediator.Warn("式中関数では#ONLYは機能しません", position, 1); label.IsOnly = false; } break; case "LOCALSIZE": case "LOCALSSIZE": { if (wc.EOL) { ParserMediator.Warn("#" + token + "の後に有効な数値が指定されていません", position, 2); break; } //イベント関数では指定しても無視される if (label.IsEvent) { ParserMediator.Warn( "イベント関数では#" + token + "による" + token.Substring(0, token.Length - 4) + "のサイズ指定は無視されます", position, 1); break; } var arg = ExpressionParser.ReduceIntegerTerm(wc, TermEndWith.EoL); var sizeTerm = arg.Restructure(null) as SingleTerm; if (sizeTerm == null || sizeTerm.GetOperandType() != typeof(long)) { ParserMediator.Warn("#" + token + "の後に有効な定数式が指定されていません", position, 2); break; } if (sizeTerm.Int <= 0) { ParserMediator.Warn("#" + token + "に0以下の値(" + sizeTerm.Int + ")が与えられました。設定は無視されます", position, 1); break; } if (sizeTerm.Int >= int.MaxValue) { ParserMediator.Warn("#" + token + "に大きすぎる値(" + sizeTerm.Int + ")が与えられました。設定は無視されます", position, 1); break; } var size = (int)sizeTerm.Int; if (token == "LOCALSIZE") { if (GlobalStatic.IdentifierDictionary.getLocalIsForbid("LOCAL")) { ParserMediator.Warn("#" + token + "が指定されていますが変数LOCALは使用禁止されています", position, 2); break; } if (label.LocalLength > 0) { ParserMediator.Warn("この関数にはすでに#LOCALSIZEが定義されています。(以前の定義は無視されます)", position, 1); } label.LocalLength = size; } else { if (GlobalStatic.IdentifierDictionary.getLocalIsForbid("LOCALS")) { ParserMediator.Warn("#" + token + "が指定されていますが変数LOCALSは使用禁止されています", position, 2); break; } if (label.LocalsLength > 0) { ParserMediator.Warn("この関数にはすでに#LOCALSSIZEが定義されています。(以前の定義は無視されます)", position, 1); } label.LocalsLength = size; } } break; case "DIM": case "DIMS": { var data = UserDefinedVariableData.Create(wc, token == "DIMS", true, position); if (!label.AddPrivateVariable(data)) { ParserMediator.Warn("変数名" + data.Name + "は既に使用されています", position, 2); return(false); } break; } default: ParserMediator.Warn("解釈できない#行です", position, 1); break; } if (!wc.EOL) { ParserMediator.Warn("#の識別子の後に余分な文字があります", position, 1); } } catch (Exception e) { ParserMediator.Warn(e.Message, position, 2); goto err; } return(true); err: return(false); }
public static ExpressionParsedRouteContext Parse( LambdaExpression actionCallExpression, object additionalRouteValues = null, bool considerParameterDescriptors = false) { var methodCallExpression = ExpressionParser.GetMethodCallExpression(actionCallExpression); var methodInfo = methodCallExpression.Method; var controllerType = methodCallExpression.Object?.Type; if (controllerType == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Method {methodInfo.Name} is static and it is not a valid controller action."); } var controllerActionDescriptorCache = TestServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IControllerActionDescriptorCache>(); var controllerActionDescriptor = controllerActionDescriptorCache.GetActionDescriptor(methodInfo); if (controllerActionDescriptor == null) { var declaringType = methodInfo.DeclaringType; var classNameMessage = declaringType != null ? $"in class {declaringType.Name} " : string.Empty; throw new InvalidOperationException($"Method {methodInfo.Name} {classNameMessage}is not a valid controller action."); } var controllerName = controllerActionDescriptor.ControllerName; var actionName = controllerActionDescriptor.ActionName; var routeValues = GetRouteValues( methodInfo, methodCallExpression, controllerActionDescriptor, considerParameterDescriptors); // If there is a required route value, add it to the result. foreach (var requiredRouteValue in controllerActionDescriptor.RouteValues) { var routeKey = requiredRouteValue.Key; var routeValue = requiredRouteValue.Value; if (string.Equals(routeKey, RouteGroupKey)) { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeValue)) { // Override the 'default' values. if (string.Equals(routeKey, "controller", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { controllerName = routeValue; } else if (string.Equals(routeKey, "action", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { actionName = routeValue; } else { routeValues[routeKey] = routeValue; } } } routeValues.Add(additionalRouteValues); return(new ExpressionParsedRouteContext( controllerType, controllerName, actionName, routeValues)); }
/// <summary>Compile the code or expression and return a TDelegate of type Func or Action to execute.</summary> /// <typeparam name="TDelegate">Type of the delegate (Func or Action) to use to compile the code or expression.</typeparam> /// <param name="context">The eval context used to compile the code or expression.</param> /// <param name="code">The code or expression to compile.</param> /// <param name="parameterTypes">The dictionary of parameter (name / type) used in the code or expression to compile.</param> /// <param name="resultType">Type of the compiled code or expression result.</param> /// <param name="parameterKind">The parameter kind for the code or expression to compile.</param> /// <returns>A TDelegate of type Func or Action that represents the compiled code or expression.</returns> internal static TDelegate Compile <TDelegate>(EvalContext context, string code, IDictionary <string, Type> parameterTypes, Type resultType, EvalCompilerParameterKind parameterKind) { var cacheKey = context.UseCache ? ResolveCacheKey(context, typeof(TDelegate), code, parameterTypes) : ""; if (context.UseCache) { var item = EvalManager.Cache.Get(cacheKey); if (item != null) { return((TDelegate)item); } } // Options var scope = new ExpressionScope { AliasExtensionMethods = context.AliasExtensionMethods, //AliasGlobalConstants = context.AliasGlobalConstants, //AliasGlobalVariables = context.AliasGlobalVariables, AliasNames = context.AliasNames, AliasStaticMembers = context.AliasStaticMembers, AliasTypes = context.AliasTypes, BindingFlags = context.BindingFlags, UseCaretForExponent = context.UseCaretForExponent }; // Resolve Parameter var parameterExpressions = ResolveParameter(scope, parameterKind, parameterTypes); // ADD global constants if (context.AliasGlobalConstants.Count > 0) { scope.Constants = new Dictionary <string, ConstantExpression>(context.AliasGlobalConstants); } // ADD global variables if (context.AliasGlobalVariables.Count > 0) { foreach (var keyValue in context.AliasGlobalVariables) { scope.CreateLazyVariable(keyValue.Key, new Lazy <Expression>(() => { var innerParameter = scope.CreateVariable(keyValue.Value.GetType(), keyValue.Key); var innerExpression = Expression.Assign(innerParameter, Expression.Constant(keyValue.Value)); scope.Expressions.Add(innerExpression); return(innerParameter); })); } } // CodeAnalysis var syntaxRoot = SyntaxParser.ParseText(code); // CodeCompiler var expression = ExpressionParser.ParseSyntax(scope, syntaxRoot, resultType); // Compile the expression var compiled = Expression.Lambda <TDelegate>(expression, parameterExpressions).Compile(); if (context.UseCache) { EvalManager.Cache.AddOrGetExisting(new CacheItem(cacheKey, compiled), new CacheItemPolicy()); } return(compiled); }
public bool TryGetHint(ExpressionParser parser, Expression expression, out string hint) { var binaryExpression = expression as BinaryExpression; if (binaryExpression != null && binaryExpression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Equal) { var left = binaryExpression.Left as MemberExpression; if (left != null) { if (CheckValues(parser, out hint, left, binaryExpression.Right)) { return(true); } } var right = binaryExpression.Right as MemberExpression; if (right != null) { if (CheckValues(parser, out hint, right, binaryExpression.Left)) { return(true); } } } var methE = expression as MethodCallExpression; if (methE != null) { if (EqualsMethodInfos.Any(x => x == methE.Method)) { var objectToCheck = methE.Object as MemberExpression; if (objectToCheck != null) { if (CheckValues(parser, out hint, objectToCheck, methE.Arguments.Single())) { return(true); } } var argToCheck = methE.Arguments.Single() as MemberExpression; if (argToCheck != null) { if (CheckValues(parser, out hint, argToCheck, methE.Object)) { return(true); } } } else if (StaticEqualsMethodInfos.Any(x => x == methE.Method)) { // this gets a little hairy as there is a conversion to object before the Equals method is called var leftOuter = methE.Arguments[0] as UnaryExpression; if (leftOuter != null && leftOuter.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert) { var leftInner = leftOuter.Operand as MemberExpression; if (leftInner != null) { if (CheckValues(parser, out hint, leftInner, methE.Arguments[1])) { return(true); } } } var rightOuter = methE.Arguments[1] as UnaryExpression; if (rightOuter != null && rightOuter.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert) { var rightInner = rightOuter.Operand as MemberExpression; if (rightInner != null) { if (CheckValues(parser, out hint, rightInner, methE.Arguments[0])) { return(true); } } } } } hint = null; return(false); }
public bool IsSatisfied(CasePlanInstanceExecutionContext executionContext) { return(ExpressionParser.IsValid(Expression.Body, executionContext)); }
public void GetPropertyNameShouldThrowExceptionWithInvalidMemberExpression() { Expression <Func <WebApiController, object> > expression = c => c.OkResultWithResponse(); ExpressionParser.GetPropertyName(expression); }
public JSONQuerySelector() { parser = new ExpressionParser(); }
public void ResolveMethodArgumentsShouldThrowArgumentExceptionWithInvalidMethodCallExpression() { Expression <Func <int> > expression = () => 0; ExpressionParser.ResolveMethodArguments(expression); }
internal SqlServerFhirStorageTestsFixture(int maximumSupportedSchemaVersion, string databaseName, IOptions <CoreFeatureConfiguration> coreFeatures = null) { var initialConnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SqlServer:ConnectionString") ?? LocalConnectionString; _maximumSupportedSchemaVersion = maximumSupportedSchemaVersion; _databaseName = databaseName; TestConnectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(initialConnectionString) { InitialCatalog = _databaseName }.ToString(); var schemaOptions = new SqlServerSchemaOptions { AutomaticUpdatesEnabled = true }; var config = Options.Create(new SqlServerDataStoreConfiguration { ConnectionString = TestConnectionString, Initialize = true, SchemaOptions = schemaOptions, StatementTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10) }); SchemaInformation = new SchemaInformation(SchemaVersionConstants.Min, maximumSupportedSchemaVersion); var scriptProvider = new ScriptProvider <SchemaVersion>(); var baseScriptProvider = new BaseScriptProvider(); var mediator = Substitute.For <IMediator>(); var sqlSortingValidator = new SqlServerSortingValidator(SchemaInformation); var sqlConnectionStringProvider = new DefaultSqlConnectionStringProvider(config); SqlConnectionFactory = new DefaultSqlConnectionFactory(sqlConnectionStringProvider); var schemaManagerDataStore = new SchemaManagerDataStore(SqlConnectionFactory, config, NullLogger <SchemaManagerDataStore> .Instance); _schemaUpgradeRunner = new SchemaUpgradeRunner(scriptProvider, baseScriptProvider, NullLogger <SchemaUpgradeRunner> .Instance, SqlConnectionFactory, schemaManagerDataStore); _schemaInitializer = new SchemaInitializer(config, schemaManagerDataStore, _schemaUpgradeRunner, SchemaInformation, SqlConnectionFactory, sqlConnectionStringProvider, mediator, NullLogger <SchemaInitializer> .Instance); _searchParameterDefinitionManager = new SearchParameterDefinitionManager(ModelInfoProvider.Instance, _mediator, () => _searchService.CreateMockScope(), NullLogger <SearchParameterDefinitionManager> .Instance); _searchParameterDefinitionManager.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None); _filebasedSearchParameterStatusDataStore = new FilebasedSearchParameterStatusDataStore(_searchParameterDefinitionManager, ModelInfoProvider.Instance); var securityConfiguration = new SecurityConfiguration { PrincipalClaims = { "oid" } }; var sqlServerFhirModel = new SqlServerFhirModel( SchemaInformation, _searchParameterDefinitionManager, () => _filebasedSearchParameterStatusDataStore, Options.Create(securityConfiguration), SqlConnectionFactory, Substitute.For <IMediator>(), NullLogger <SqlServerFhirModel> .Instance); SqlServerFhirModel = sqlServerFhirModel; var searchParameterToSearchValueTypeMap = new SearchParameterToSearchValueTypeMap(); var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection(); serviceCollection.AddSqlServerTableRowParameterGenerators(); serviceCollection.AddSingleton(sqlServerFhirModel); serviceCollection.AddSingleton <ISqlServerFhirModel>(sqlServerFhirModel); serviceCollection.AddSingleton(searchParameterToSearchValueTypeMap); ServiceProvider serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider(); var upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV6 = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <V6.UpsertResourceTvpGenerator <ResourceMetadata> >(); var upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV7 = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <V7.UpsertResourceTvpGenerator <ResourceMetadata> >(); var upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV13 = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <V13.UpsertResourceTvpGenerator <IReadOnlyList <ResourceWrapper> > >(); var upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV17 = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <V17.UpsertResourceTvpGenerator <IReadOnlyList <ResourceWrapper> > >(); var upsertResourceTvpGeneratorVLatest = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <VLatest.UpsertResourceTvpGenerator <IReadOnlyList <ResourceWrapper> > >(); var reindexResourceTvpGeneratorV17 = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <V17.ReindexResourceTvpGenerator <IReadOnlyList <ResourceWrapper> > >(); var bulkReindexResourceTvpGeneratorV17 = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <V17.BulkReindexResourcesTvpGenerator <IReadOnlyList <ResourceWrapper> > >(); var reindexResourceTvpGeneratorVLatest = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <VLatest.ReindexResourceTvpGenerator <IReadOnlyList <ResourceWrapper> > >(); var bulkReindexResourceTvpGeneratorVLatest = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <VLatest.BulkReindexResourcesTvpGenerator <IReadOnlyList <ResourceWrapper> > >(); var upsertSearchParamsTvpGenerator = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <VLatest.UpsertSearchParamsTvpGenerator <List <ResourceSearchParameterStatus> > >(); _supportedSearchParameterDefinitionManager = new SupportedSearchParameterDefinitionManager(_searchParameterDefinitionManager); SqlTransactionHandler = new SqlTransactionHandler(); SqlConnectionWrapperFactory = new SqlConnectionWrapperFactory(SqlTransactionHandler, new SqlCommandWrapperFactory(), SqlConnectionFactory); SqlServerSearchParameterStatusDataStore = new SqlServerSearchParameterStatusDataStore( () => SqlConnectionWrapperFactory.CreateMockScope(), upsertSearchParamsTvpGenerator, () => _filebasedSearchParameterStatusDataStore, SchemaInformation, sqlSortingValidator, sqlServerFhirModel, _searchParameterDefinitionManager); IOptions <CoreFeatureConfiguration> options = coreFeatures ?? Options.Create(new CoreFeatureConfiguration()); _fhirDataStore = new SqlServerFhirDataStore( sqlServerFhirModel, searchParameterToSearchValueTypeMap, upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV6, upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV7, upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV13, upsertResourceTvpGeneratorV17, upsertResourceTvpGeneratorVLatest, reindexResourceTvpGeneratorV17, reindexResourceTvpGeneratorVLatest, bulkReindexResourceTvpGeneratorV17, bulkReindexResourceTvpGeneratorVLatest, options, SqlConnectionWrapperFactory, new CompressedRawResourceConverter(), NullLogger <SqlServerFhirDataStore> .Instance, SchemaInformation); _fhirOperationDataStore = new SqlServerFhirOperationDataStore(SqlConnectionWrapperFactory, NullLogger <SqlServerFhirOperationDataStore> .Instance); _fhirRequestContextAccessor.RequestContext.CorrelationId.Returns(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); _fhirRequestContextAccessor.RequestContext.RouteName.Returns("routeName"); var searchableSearchParameterDefinitionManager = new SearchableSearchParameterDefinitionManager(_searchParameterDefinitionManager, _fhirRequestContextAccessor); var searchParameterExpressionParser = new SearchParameterExpressionParser(new ReferenceSearchValueParser(_fhirRequestContextAccessor)); var expressionParser = new ExpressionParser(() => searchableSearchParameterDefinitionManager, searchParameterExpressionParser); var searchOptionsFactory = new SearchOptionsFactory( expressionParser, () => searchableSearchParameterDefinitionManager, options, _fhirRequestContextAccessor, sqlSortingValidator, NullLogger <SearchOptionsFactory> .Instance); var searchParamTableExpressionQueryGeneratorFactory = new SearchParamTableExpressionQueryGeneratorFactory(searchParameterToSearchValueTypeMap); var sqlRootExpressionRewriter = new SqlRootExpressionRewriter(searchParamTableExpressionQueryGeneratorFactory); var chainFlatteningRewriter = new ChainFlatteningRewriter(searchParamTableExpressionQueryGeneratorFactory); var sortRewriter = new SortRewriter(searchParamTableExpressionQueryGeneratorFactory); var partitionEliminationRewriter = new PartitionEliminationRewriter(sqlServerFhirModel, SchemaInformation, () => searchableSearchParameterDefinitionManager); _searchService = new SqlServerSearchService( searchOptionsFactory, _fhirDataStore, sqlServerFhirModel, sqlRootExpressionRewriter, chainFlatteningRewriter, sortRewriter, partitionEliminationRewriter, SqlConnectionWrapperFactory, SchemaInformation, _fhirRequestContextAccessor, new CompressedRawResourceConverter(), NullLogger <SqlServerSearchService> .Instance); ISearchParameterSupportResolver searchParameterSupportResolver = Substitute.For <ISearchParameterSupportResolver>(); searchParameterSupportResolver.IsSearchParameterSupported(Arg.Any <SearchParameterInfo>()).Returns((true, false)); _searchParameterStatusManager = new SearchParameterStatusManager( SqlServerSearchParameterStatusDataStore, _searchParameterDefinitionManager, searchParameterSupportResolver, mediator, NullLogger <SearchParameterStatusManager> .Instance); _testHelper = new SqlServerFhirStorageTestHelper(initialConnectionString, MasterDatabaseName, sqlServerFhirModel, SqlConnectionFactory); }
void TestParse(string expression, ExpressionNode expected, ExpressionOptions options = ExpressionOptions.None, int baseOffset = 0) { var expr = ExpressionParser.Parse(expression, options, baseOffset); AssertEqual(expected, expr); }
public static Expression Parse(Type resultType, string expression, params object[] values) { ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(null, expression, values); return(parser.Parse(resultType)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override IEnumerable <TokenPair> Tokenize(TokenInfo token, ParserOptions options) { var trim = token.Token; if (trim.StartsWith(TagOpen, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { yield return(new TokenPair(TagOpen.Trim(), token.TokenizerContext.CurrentLocation, ExpressionParser.ParseExpression(trim.Remove(0, OpenTag.Length).Trim(), token.TokenizerContext))); } if (string.Equals(trim, TagClose, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { yield return(new TokenPair(TagClose, trim, token.TokenizerContext.CurrentLocation)); } }
/// <summary>Parses a lambda expression.</summary> /// <param name="service">Service with data and configuration.</param> /// <param name="setForIt">Resource set for "it" contextual variable.</param> /// <param name="typeForIt">Type for "it" contextual variable.</param> /// <param name="queryElementType">Actual (clr) element type for the sequence</param> /// <param name="expression">Expression to parse.</param> /// <returns>The parsed expression.</returns> private static LambdaExpression ParseLambdaForWhere(IDataService service, ResourceSetWrapper setForIt, ResourceType typeForIt, Type queryElementType, string expression) { Debug.Assert(service != null, "service != null"); Debug.Assert(typeForIt != null, "typeForIt != null"); Debug.Assert(typeForIt.ResourceTypeKind != ResourceTypeKind.EntityType || setForIt != null, "setForIt cannot be null if typeForIt is an entity type."); Debug.Assert(queryElementType != null, "queryElementType != null"); Debug.Assert(expression != null, "expression != null"); Debug.Assert(typeForIt.InstanceType == queryElementType, "typeForIt.InstanceType == queryElementType"); ParameterExpression parameterForIt = Expression.Parameter(queryElementType, "it"); ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(service, setForIt, typeForIt, parameterForIt, expression); return Expression.Lambda(parser.ParseWhere(), parameterForIt); }