public override bool ReloadData(Hashtable table) { #if true //正常代码 if ( == null) { return(true); } CacheManager.GetCacheManager().Global_Args_Table = table["globe_args"] as Hashtable; ActionExp[] exps = ( as ActionData).ActionExpArray; if (exps != null) { foreach (ActionExp exp in exps) { ExpManager.ReloadExp(exp); } } ScanConst(table); return(true); #else //兼容代码 if ( == null) { return(true); } ActionExp[] exps = as ActionExp[]; if (exps != null) { foreach (ActionExp exp in exps) { ExpManager.ReloadExp(exp); } } ScanConst(table); return(true); #endif }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.m_actexp == null || this.m_actexp.ReturnType == null || this.m_actexp.ReturnType.DBID == FixedValueProvider.TYPE_NIL_ID) { MessageBox.Show("先输入条件表达式", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } //选中填充API默认值 ActionExp expa = ExpManager.CreateNewActionExp(new GameAPIDefine(FixedValueProvider.COMPARE_API_ID)); expa.API.ArgValues[0] = m_Vexp; //左值为可变类型 expa.API.ArgValues[1] = ExpManager.CreateUnknownExp(); //右值为空类型 m_Vexp.ReturnType = expa.API.ArgValues[1].ReturnType = this.m_actexp.ReturnType; //让自动填充的左右两个表达式,类型和上面一致 ExpForm expform = new ExpForm(expa, this.m_gameEvent, true, expa.ReturnType, m_Vexp); expform.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (expform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.listBox1.Items.Add(expform.RusultExp); this.m_bChanged = true; } }
private void HandleSeedPlanting() { // plant the flower that will bloom Instantiate(plant, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); _audioSource.PlayOneShot(_audioClip); //disable the mesh gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <MeshRenderer>().enabled = false; gameObject.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = false; // update our XP switch ((int)mySeedType) { case 0: ExpManager.UpdateXP(100); break; // flower sprouted case 1: ExpManager.UpdateXP(50); break; // coins sprouted case 2: ExpManager.UpdateXP(1000); break; // crystals sprouted case 3: ExpManager.UpdateXP(2500); break; // tree sprouted case 4: ExpManager.UpdateXP(250); break; // spidertrap sprouted } // destroy the seed Destroy(gameObject, _audioClip.length); }
private void Start() { instance = this; // if (HandleFirebase.instance != null) // { // myRanking = (Ranking)HandleFirebase.instance.thisPlayer.rank; // } savingText.text = ""; }
private void ScanConst(Hashtable table) { Exp exp = as Exp; if (exp != null) { ExpManager.ScanConstantIntoHistory(exp); } }
private static void Initialize(CultureInfo sysDefault) { System.Drawing.Graphics g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero); DpiFactor = g.DpiX / 96.0; g.Dispose(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = sysDefault; expManager = new ExpManager(); }
private void Awake() { if (m_experiencePointsManager == null) { m_experiencePointsManager = this; } else if (m_experiencePointsManager != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { DestroyImmediate(gameObject); } }
public override bool ReloadData(Hashtable table) { CacheManager.GetCacheManager().Global_Args_Table = table["globe_args"] as Hashtable; Exp exp = as Exp; if (exp != null) { ExpManager.ReloadExp(exp); } ScanConst(table); return(true); }
// Start is called before the first frame update private void Awake() { if (expmanager == null) { expmanager = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); return; } DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); }
private void ScanConst(Hashtable table) { CacheManager.GetCacheManager().Global_Args_Table = table["globe_args"] as Hashtable; GameEvent gameevent = as GameEvent; foreach (Exp exp in gameevent.GetEventAPI().ArgValues) { if (exp != null) { ExpManager.ScanConstantIntoHistory(exp); } } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // 添加 { Exp expa = ExpManager.CreateNewExp(TypeDefine.NilType); ExpForm expform = new ExpForm(expa, this.m_evt, true, expa.ReturnType, null); expform.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (expform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { this.listBox1.Items.Add(expform.RusultExp); //this.listBox1.Items.Insert(this.listBox1.SelectedIndex+1, ); UpdateUnsavedActionList(); this.m_bChanged = true; } }
// 기본공격 protected override void Start() { equipedItems = new List <ItemType>(); equipedItems.Clear(); expRequired = new float[levelMax]; expRequired[0] = 200; expRequired[1] = 200; for (int i = 2; i < levelMax; i++) { expRequired[i] = 500 * (i + 1); } animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); level = 0; exp = 0; expMgr = FindObjectOfType <ExpManager>(); firePos = weapon.firePos; attackSkills = new AttackSkill[(int)AttackType.MAX]; attackSkills[(int)AttackType.DefaulAttack] = new AttackSkill() { name = "NormalAttack", skill = new NormalAttack(), isActive = true }; attackSkills[(int)AttackType.FireBall] = new AttackSkill() { name = "FireBall", skill = new FireBallAttack(), isActive = false }; attackSkills[(int)AttackType.MagicBall] = new AttackSkill() { name = "MagicBall", skill = new MagicBallAttack(), isActive = false }; attackSkills[(int)AttackType.Cycle] = new AttackSkill() { name = "Cycle", skill = new CycleMagic(), isActive = false }; attackSkills[(int)AttackType.DefaulAttack].skill.Initialize(this); attackSkills[(int)AttackType.FireBall].skill.Initialize(this); attackSkills[(int)AttackType.MagicBall].skill.Initialize(this); attackSkills[(int)AttackType.Cycle].skill.Initialize(this); spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); jsMove = FindObjectOfType <Virtualjoystick3>(); spd = 2.5f; //NormalAttack normalAttack = new NormalAttack(); //normalAttack.Initialize(this, ) //attackSkills.Add(NormalAttack ); }
private void EventListForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GameEvent[] events = ExpManager.GetGameEventList(); //用带数据的事件替换事件列表中的事件 for (int i = 0; i < events.Length; i++) { if (selectedEvent != null && events[i].DBID == selectedEvent.DBID) { events[i] = selectedEvent.Clone() as GameEvent; break; } } this.comboBox1.Items_AddRange(events); //自动选中 foreach (GameEvent i_event in comboBox1.Items_All) { if (selectedEvent != null && i_event != null && selectedEvent.DBID == i_event.DBID) { comboBox1.Items_SelectedItem = i_event; break; } } if (comboBox1.Items_SelectedItem == null && comboBox1.Items_Count > 0) { comboBox1.Items_SelectedItem = comboBox1.Items_All[0]; } //自动选中全部/指定 GameEvent selEvent = this.comboBox1.Items_SelectedItem as GameEvent; if (selEvent != null) { EventAPI api = selEvent.GetEventAPI(); bool isNull = false; for (int i = 0; i < api.ArgValues.Count; i++) { if (api.ArgValues[i] != null) { isNull = true; } } if (isNull) { this.radioButtonCustom.Checked = true; } } }
private void FoundMysteryChest(int itemIndex) { switch (itemIndex) { case 0: { SetPoisoned(false); //potion break; } case 1: { EnableHalo(); //halo break; } case 2: { hasStamina = false; //jug break; } case 3: { //coins levelCoinCount += 1000; break; } case 4: { //gems levelGemCount += 200; break; } case 5: { //XP ExpManager.UpdateXP(100); break; } } // respawn the chests SpawnMysteryChests(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(this); } DontDestroyOnLoad(this); subjectCheck = false; protocol = new List <ProtocolElement>(); Invoke("FetchHistory", 0); }
private void ScanConst(Hashtable table) { //扫描常量至缓存 if ( == null) { return; } ActionExp[] exps = ( as ActionData).ActionExpArray; foreach (ActionExp exp in exps) { if (exp != null) { ExpManager.ScanConstantIntoHistory(exp); } } }
private void ScanConst(Hashtable table) { ConditionData cd = as ConditionData; if (cd != null) { object[] olist = cd.datalist; if (olist != null) { Exp exp = olist[0] as Exp; if (exp != null) { ExpManager.ScanConstantIntoHistory(exp); } } } }
// Use this for initialization protected void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager> (); m_agent = this.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); if (m_agent != null) { m_originalMoveSpeed = m_agent.speed; } m_expManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ExpManager>(); m_damageNumbersManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <DamageNumberManager>(); m_statusEffectManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <StatusEffectManager>(); m_explosionManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ExplosionManager>(); m_killStreakManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <KillStreakManager>(); LevelUpdate(); m_oldHealth = m_currHealth; }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player") { _audioSource.PlayOneShot(_audioClip); EnableThisObject(false); // if this is a collectible trigger differently if (myCollectible != CollectibleType.None) { InteractionManager.SetItemFound((int)myCollectible, true, false); print("Collectible points" + collectiblePoints[(int)myCollectible]); ExpManager.UpdateXP(collectiblePoints[(int)myCollectible]); } else if (myType == ItemType.Chest) { InteractionManager.SetItemFound((int)myMysteryIndex, false, true); ExpManager.UpdateXP(itemPoints[(int)myType]); } else if (myType == ItemType.Shroom) { // if this is a shroom, we also need to pass the number of seeds to add InteractionManager.instance.currentSeedCount += seedCount; InteractionManager.SetItemFound((int)myType, false, false); ExpManager.UpdateXP(itemPoints[(int)myType]); } else if (myType == ItemType.IslandHeart) { // make sure the player has found the mountain blood first if (InteractionManager.foundMountainBlood) { InteractionManager.SetItemFound((int)myType, false, false); ExpManager.UpdateXP(itemPoints[(int)myType]); } } else { InteractionManager.SetItemFound((int)myType, false, false); ExpManager.UpdateXP(itemPoints[(int)myType]); } HandleRemoval(); } }
protected virtual void Start() { // //Debug.Log("BTL Start"); uiBtl = UIBTL.instance; enemySpawner = EnemySpawner.instance; expManager = ExpManager.instance; uiBtl.numberOfEnemies = numberOfEnemies = enemySpawner.numberOfEnemies; ////Debug.Log("____ " + numberOfEnemies); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { enemySpawner.AddPos(enemyPos[i], i); } //Each player and enemy would have an index that stores their information //Get player stats from partystats file for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { UpdatePlayerStats(i); } }
//public Button m_fireSelect; //public Button m_iceSelect; //public Button m_lightningSelect; void Awake() { m_levelUpUI = FindObjectOfType <LevelUpUI>(); m_XpManager = FindObjectOfType <ExpManager>(); m_player = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <Player>(); if (m_player != null) { m_playerMana = m_player.gameObject.GetComponent <Mana>(); } m_levelUpUI.setClassSelectUI(true); //showPerk(m_StartingPerks[0], 0); //showPerk(m_StartingPerks[1], 1); //showPerk(m_StartingPerks[2], 2); //m_levelUpUI.showUI(); //m_ShowingUI = true; m_UpgradeAvailableText.SetActive(false); }
public override bool ReloadData(Hashtable table) { ConditionData cd = as ConditionData; CacheManager.GetCacheManager().Global_Args_Table = table["globe_args"] as Hashtable; if (cd != null) { object[] olist = cd.datalist; if (olist != null) { Exp exp = olist[0] as Exp; List <Exp> elist = olist[1] as List <Exp>; ExpManager.ReloadExp(exp); foreach (Exp ex in elist) { ExpManager.ReloadExp(ex); } } } ScanConst(table); return(true); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (ControlFreak2.CF2Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && canShoot) { projectile = seedsToLaunch[seedIndex].GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Rigidbody bulletInstance = Instantiate(projectile, projectileSpawnPoint.position, Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, transform.localEulerAngles.z))) as Rigidbody; bulletInstance.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(projectileSpawnPoint.right * projectileVelocity); InteractionManager.instance.currentSeedCount--; ExpManager.UpdateXP(25);//points for each seed thrown, regardless of type canShoot = false; } if (!canShoot) { timeBetweenShotsCounter -= Time.deltaTime; if (timeBetweenShotsCounter <= 0) { canShoot = true; timeBetweenShotsCounter = timeBetweenShots; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { instance = this; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { m_xpManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ExpManager>(); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; }
public static void SetItemFound(int itemFound, bool isCollectible, bool isChest) { Collectible newCollectible; if (isCollectible) { if (!instance.finalSpecialPanel.activeInHierarchy) { instance.finalSpecialPanel.SetActive(true); } int bonusAmount = 0; switch (itemFound) { case 1: { bonusAmount = 1000; instance.gamePlayer.XP += 1000; ExpManager.UpdateXP(1000); newCollectible = new Collectible("Wooden Horse", 1); instance.gamePlayer.collection.Add(newCollectible); break; } case 2: { bonusAmount = 2500; instance.gamePlayer.XP += 2500; ExpManager.UpdateXP(2500); // found the bear newCollectible = new Collectible("Toy Bear", 2); instance.gamePlayer.collection.Add(newCollectible); break; } case 3: { bonusAmount = 5000; instance.gamePlayer.XP += 5000; ExpManager.UpdateXP(5000); // found the ornament newCollectible = new Collectible("Ornament", 3); instance.gamePlayer.collection.Add(newCollectible); break; } case 4: { bonusAmount = 10000; instance.gamePlayer.XP += 10000; ExpManager.UpdateXP(10000); // found the starfish newCollectible = new Collectible("Starfish", 4); instance.gamePlayer.collection.Add(newCollectible); break; } } instance.specialPoints = instance.specialPoints + bonusAmount; instance.specialText.text = "Special:" + instance.specialPoints; } else { // if this was a chest, then we need to use the itemFound differently if (isChest) { instance.FoundMysteryChest(itemFound); } else { switch (itemFound) { // main level items case 0: { // mountain blood instance.mainItemSprite.sprite = instance.foundSprite; foundMountainBlood = true; instance.gamePlayer.XP += 1000; ExpManager.UpdateXP(1000); instance.gamePlayer.availableLevels[(int)instance.thisLevel].hasCompleted = true; break; } case 1: { instance.gamePlayer.XP += 500; ExpManager.UpdateXP(500); instance.levelBonusItemScore++; instance.bonusItem1Sprite.sprite = instance.foundSprite; instance.foundBonus1 = true; instance.gamePlayer.availableLevels[(int)instance.thisLevel].foundCrystal1 = true; break; } case 2: { instance.gamePlayer.XP += 500; ExpManager.UpdateXP(500); instance.levelBonusItemScore++; instance.bonusItem2Sprite.sprite = instance.foundSprite; instance.foundBonus2 = true; instance.gamePlayer.availableLevels[(int)instance.thisLevel].foundCrystal2 = true; break; } // collectibles case 3: { instance.gamePlayer.XP += 1; ExpManager.UpdateXP(1); instance.levelCoinCount++; break; } case 4: { instance.gamePlayer.XP += 5; ExpManager.UpdateXP(5); instance.levelGemCount++; break; } //case 5: { instance.FoundMysteryChest(itemFound); break; }//found the chest case 6: { instance.SetPoisoned(false); break; } //potion case 7: { break; } //jug case 8: { instance.EnableHalo(); break; } //halo enabled case 9: { instance.EnableThrow(true); break; } // found the shroom case 10: LevelCompleted(); break; default: { break; } } } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { m_playerLevelDisplay = this.GetComponent <Text>(); m_expManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ExpManager>(); }
private void btnExp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ExpForm expform = new ExpForm(this.m_actexp, this.m_gameEvent, true, null, null); expform.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (expform.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { if (this.m_actexp.ReturnType != null && this.m_actexp.ReturnType.DBID != expform.RusultExp.ReturnType.DBID) { //清空连接线 this.listBox1.Items.Clear(); } this.m_actexp = expform.RusultExp; this.m_Vexp.ReturnType = this.m_actexp.ReturnType; //可变类型的返回值和表达式一致 this.textBoxX1.Text = this.m_actexp.ToString(); this.m_bChanged = true; } else { return; } //自动添加分支 if (this.m_actexp != null && this.m_actexp.ReturnType != null) { //尝试添加枚举的所有类型 if (this.m_actexp.ReturnType.isEnum) { ConstExp[] cexpArray = ExpManager.GetConstExpByReturnType(this.m_actexp.ReturnType); if (cexpArray != null) { foreach (ConstExp cexp in cexpArray) { ActionExp expa = ExpManager.CreateNewActionExp(new GameAPIDefine(FixedValueProvider.COMPARE_API_ID)); expa.API.ArgValues[0] = m_Vexp; //左值为可变类型 expa.API.ArgValues[1] = cexp; //右值为常数值 expa.strText = m_Vexp.ToString() + "==" + cexp.ToString(); if (!listBox1.Items.Contains(expa)) { this.listBox1.Items.Add(expa); this.m_bChanged = true; } } } } //尝试添加OpenWindow的选项 if (this.m_actexp is ActionExp) { ActionExp aexp = this.m_actexp as ActionExp; if (aexp.API.DBID == FixedValueProvider.OPENWINDOW_ID) //多选项窗口 { Exp dialogExp = aexp.API.ArgValues[2]; //第三个参数 if (dialogExp is ConstExp) //如果格式文本输入的是常数才处理 { string strDialog = (dialogExp as ConstExp).DBValue; Regex reg = new Regex(@"(?!=<)\$[^>]*(?=>)"); foreach (Match mat in reg.Matches(strDialog)) { string strSelection = mat.Value.TrimStart(new char[] { '$', 'C', ' ' }); ActionExp expa = ExpManager.CreateNewActionExp(new GameAPIDefine(FixedValueProvider.COMPARE_API_ID)); expa.API.ArgValues[0] = m_Vexp; //左值为可变类型 ConstExp cexp = new ConstExp(strSelection, new TypeDefine(FixedValueProvider.TYPE_STRING_ID)); m_Vexp.ReturnType = cexp.ReturnType; expa.API.ArgValues[1] = cexp; //右值为字符串 expa.strText = m_Vexp.ToString() + "==" + cexp.ToString(); if (!listBox1.Items.Contains(expa)) { this.listBox1.Items.Add(expa); this.m_bChanged = true; } } } } } } }
public override bool EditData(System.Collections.Hashtable table) { BindDelegate(); Trace.Assert(table != null); Trace.Assert(table.ContainsKey("data")); Trace.Assert(table.ContainsKey("event_data")); Trace.Assert(table.ContainsKey("prev_data")); Trace.Assert(table.ContainsKey("next_data")); Trace.Assert(table.ContainsKey("flowchart_name")); Trace.Assert(table.ContainsKey("map_name")); LuaManager.GetLuaManager().InitOther("flowchart_name", table["flowchart_name"].ToString()); LuaManager.GetLuaManager().InitOther("map_name", table["map_name"].ToString()); LuaManager.GetLuaManager().InitOther("client_dir", table["client_dir"].ToString()); //初始化历史表 CacheManager.GetCacheManager().Global_Args_Table = table["globe_args"] as Hashtable; Exp exp; List <Exp> elist; if (table["data"] == null) { exp = ExpManager.CreateUnknownExp(); elist = new List <Exp>(); } else { ConditionData cd = table["data"] as ConditionData; object[] olist = cd.datalist; exp = olist[0] as Exp; elist = olist[1] as List <Exp>; } ConditionForm expform = new ConditionForm(exp, table["event_data"] as GameEvent, elist); //conForm.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterParent; //ExpForm expform = new ExpForm(exp, table["event_data"] as GameEvent, true, null); expform.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterParent; if (expform.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { //清空连接线 Hashtable outlineList = (table["next_data"] as Hashtable); foreach (DataElement de in outlineList.Values) { if (!elist.Contains(de.Data as Exp)) { de.Data = null; de.Text = ""; de.TooltipText = ""; } } ConditionData cd = new ConditionData(); cd.datalist = new object[] { expform.ResultExp, expform.LineExpList }; = cd; this.text = expform.ResultExp.ToString(); if (this.text.Length > 15) { this.text = this.text.Substring(0, 13) + "..."; } if (expform.ResultExp is ActionExp) { this.TooltipText = (expform.ResultExp as ActionExp).strFullText; } ScanConst(table); return(true); } return(false); }