public JsonNetResult GetRankQualifications(int rankID = 0) { try { var response = Exigo.GetCustomerRankQualifications(new GetCustomerRankQualificationsRequest { CustomerID = Identity.Current.CustomerID, PeriodTypeID = PeriodTypes.Default, RankID = rankID }); var html = (!response.IsUnavailable) ? this.RenderPartialViewToString("_RankQualificationDetail", response) : ""; return(new JsonNetResult(new { result = response, html = html })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonNetResult(new { success = false, message = ex.Message })); } }
public ActionResult RankAdvancement(int id) { var currentPeriod = Exigo.GetCurrentPeriod(PeriodTypes.Default); int result; using (var context = Exigo.Sql()) { result = context.Query <int>(@" SELECT ISNULL(pv.PaidRankID, 1) FROM PeriodVolumes pv WHERE pv.CustomerID = @customerid AND pv.PeriodTypeID = @periodtypeid AND pv.PeriodID = @periodid ", new { customerid = id, periodtypeid = currentPeriod.PeriodTypeID, periodid = currentPeriod.PeriodID }).FirstOrDefault(); } var paidRankID = 1; if (result > 0) { paidRankID = result; } var ranks = Exigo.GetRanks().ToList(); if (ranks.Last().RankID != paidRankID) { paidRankID = ranks.OrderBy(c => c.RankID).Where(c => c.RankID > paidRankID).FirstOrDefault().RankID; } var model = Exigo.GetCustomerRankQualifications(new GetCustomerRankQualificationsRequest { CustomerID = id, PeriodTypeID = PeriodTypes.Default, RankID = paidRankID }); return(PartialView("Partials/RankAdvancement", model)); }
public ActionResult GetRankAdvancementCard(int rankid) { var ranks = Exigo.GetRanks().ToList(); var customerID = Identity.Current.CustomerID; GetCustomerRankQualificationsResponse model = null; // Check to ensure that the rank we are checking is not the last rank. // If so, return a null. Our view will take care of nulls specially. if (ranks.Last().RankID != rankid) { var nextRankID = ranks.OrderBy(c => c.RankID).Where(c => c.RankID > rankid).FirstOrDefault().RankID; model = Exigo.GetCustomerRankQualifications(new GetCustomerRankQualificationsRequest { CustomerID = Identity.Current.CustomerID, PeriodTypeID = PeriodTypes.Default, RankID = nextRankID }); } return(PartialView("Cards/RankAdvancement", model)); }