public Status(MessageHeader header, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, ErrorCode errorCode, string description) : base(header, CommandType.Status) { Severity = errorSeverity; Code = errorCode; Description = description; }
public AncestryException(ErrorSeverity severity, int errorCode, string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { _code = errorCode; _severity = severity; HResult = OR_E_EXCEPTION; }
public ValidationErrorBase(ITextRange range, string message, ErrorLocation location, ErrorSeverity severity) : base(range) { Message = message; Severity = severity; Location = location; }
public AncestryException(int errorCode, string message) : base(message) { _code = errorCode; _severity = ErrorSeverity.Application; HResult = OR_E_EXCEPTION; }
public ProgramError(string message, ErrorSeverity sev, int line, int col) : base(message) { Severity = sev; Line = line; Column = col; wasMessageGiven = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message); }
public void ShowPopup(Exception ex, ErrorSeverity severity) { var exceptionViewModel = CreateExceptionViewModel(ex, severity); if(exceptionViewModel != null) { exceptionViewModel.Show(); } }
public SyntaxException(ErrorSeverity severity, int code, string message, string details, string serverContext, int line, int linePos, TokenType tokenType, string token, AncestryException innerException) : base(severity, code, message, details, serverContext, innerException) { _line = line; _linePos = linePos; _tokenType = tokenType; _token = token; }
public AutoCheckError(string FilePath, int LineNum, int StartIndex, int EndIndex, string Text, ErrorSeverity Severity) { this.FilePath = FilePath; this.LineNum = LineNum; this.StartIndex = StartIndex; this.EndIndex = EndIndex; this.Text = Text; this.Severity = Severity; }
public ErrorListItem(ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, string description, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) { ErrorSeverity = errorSeverity; Description = description; StartLine = startLine; StartColumn = startColumn; EndLine = endLine; EndColumn = endColumn; }
public static void GenerateSecurityExceptionResponse(this HttpActionContext actionContext, Type responsePayloadType, string exceptionCode, string exceptionDescription, ErrorCategory category = ErrorCategory.Security, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error) { GenerateExceptionResponse(actionContext, responsePayloadType, new ResponseMessage { Code = exceptionCode, Description = exceptionDescription, Category = category, Severity = severity }); }
protected static void AddSemanticError(ErrorHandler errs, string message, Position pos, ErrorSeverity severity) { if (pos != null) { errs.AddError(string.Format("Semantic error on line {0}: {1}", pos.StartLine, message), pos, severity); } else { errs.AddError(string.Format("Semantic error: {0}", message), null, severity); } }
public void Notify (Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null) { #if (!DEBUG) var extraData = new Dictionary<string, string> (); foreach (var item in extraMetadata) { if (item.Value != null) { var data = item.Value.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(); foreach (var i in data) { extraData.Add ( item.Key + ":" + i.Key, i.Value); } } } var tags = new List<string> { Enum.GetName (typeof (ErrorSeverity), severity) }; RaygunClient.Current.SendInBackground (e, tags, extraData); #endif }
public AncestryException(Exception exception) : base(exception.Message) { HResult = OR_E_EXCEPTION; AncestryException ancestryException = exception as AncestryException; _serverContext = exception.StackTrace; if (ancestryException != null) { _code = ancestryException.Code; _severity = ancestryException.Severity; _details = ancestryException.GetDetails(); } else { _code = ApplicationError; _severity = ErrorSeverity.Application; } }
public void Notify (Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null) { var extraData = new Dictionary<string, string> (); foreach (var item in extraMetadata) { if (item.Value != null) { var data = item.Value.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(); foreach (var i in data) { extraData.Add ( item.Key + ":" + i.Key, i.Value); } } } if (severity == ErrorSeverity.Info) { Insights.Track ("Info", extraData); } else { var reportSeverity = severity == ErrorSeverity.Warning ? Insights.Severity.Warning : Insights.Severity.Error; Insights.Report (e, extraData, reportSeverity); } }
public ErrorLogEntry Create(DateTime timeStamp, string message, string stackTrace, string data, ErrorSeverity severity) { var errorID = 0; _sqlObjectFactory.GetConnection().Using(connection => errorID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.Command("INSERT INTO pf_ErrorLog (TimeStamp, Message, StackTrace, Data, Severity) VALUES (@TimeStamp, @Message, @StackTrace, @Data, @Severity)") .AddParameter("@TimeStamp", timeStamp) .AddParameter("@Message", message) .AddParameter("@StackTrace", stackTrace) .AddParameter("@Data", data) .AddParameter("@Severity", severity) .ExecuteAndReturnIdentity())); var errorLog = new ErrorLogEntry { ErrorID = errorID, TimeStamp = timeStamp, Message = message, StackTrace = stackTrace, Data = data, Severity = severity }; return errorLog; }
/// <summary> /// Called when an error/warning should be reported. /// </summary> protected override bool Add(int id, string message, ErrorSeverity severity, int group, string fullPath, ErrorPosition pos) { if (id >= 0) { CompilerError error = new CompilerError(); error.FileName = fullPath; error.Line = pos.FirstLine; error.Column = pos.FirstColumn; error.ErrorNumber = String.Format("PHP{0:d4}", id); error.ErrorText = message; error.IsWarning = (severity.Value == ErrorSeverity.Values.Warning); results.Errors.Add(error); } // build the output line StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); if (fullPath != null) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}({1},{2}): ", fullPath, pos.FirstLine, pos.FirstColumn); } if (id >= 0) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} PHP{1:d4}: {2}", severity.ToCmdString(), id, message); } else sb.Append(message); results.Output.Add(sb.ToString()); return true; }
public void SetStatus(ErrorSeverity severity, string description, string code) { this.Severity = severity; this.Description = description; this.Code = code; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="severity"></param> public ErrorEventArgs(string message, ErrorType type, ErrorSeverity severity) { Message = message; Type = type; Severity = severity; }
public void ClearStatus() { this.Severity = ErrorSeverity.None; this.Code = null; this.Description = null; }
public DataSchemaError(string message, string document, int errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity) : this(message, document, 0, 0, DefaultPrefix, errorCode, severity) { }
public static void GenerateSecurityExceptionResponse(this HttpActionContext actionContext, Type responsePayloadType, string id, string exceptionCode, string exceptionDescription, ErrorCategory category = ErrorCategory.Security, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error) { GenerateExceptionResponse(actionContext, responsePayloadType, new ResponseMessage { Id = id, Code = exceptionCode, Description = exceptionDescription, Category = category, Severity = severity }); }
/// <summary> /// Handle and log the exception into a file and datbase. /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">System.Exception</param> /// <param name="location">Location where exception has occurred, if not specified it will pick from CallerMemberName attribute</param> /// <param name="severity">CRITICAL, MAJOR, MODERATE, MINOR-Default, COSMETIC</param> /// <param name="code">You can specify a error code, if not this will be empty</param> /// <returns></returns> public static CIException HandleError(Exception ex, string parameters = "", [CallerMemberName] string location = "", ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.MINOR, string code = "", [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "") { CIException CIEx = null; if (ex.GetType() == typeof(CIException)) { CIEx = ex as CIException; } else { CIEx = new CIException(ex.Message, ex); } if (severity != ErrorSeverity.COSMETIC) { CIEx.Severity = severity; } CIEx.Location = filePath + "-" + location; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters)) { CIEx.Parameters = parameters; } CIEx.Code = "HttpStatusCode: " + ((int)CIEx.StatusCode).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { CIEx.Code = " ErrorCode: " + code; } if (!CIEx.IsHandled) { ErrorLogDatabase(CIEx); ErrorLogText(CIEx); CIEx.IsHandled = true; } return(CIEx); }
public SqlServerError(string message, string document, ErrorSeverity severity) : this(message, null, document, 0, 0, Constants.UndefinedErrorCode, severity) { }
bool INativeInterop.ChangeServiceConfigW(ServiceHandle service, ServiceType serviceType, ServiceStartType startType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, string binaryPath, string loadOrderGroup, IntPtr outUIntTagId, string dependencies, string serviceUserName, string servicePassword, string displayName) { return(ChangeServiceConfigW(service, serviceType, startType, errorSeverity, binaryPath, loadOrderGroup, outUIntTagId, dependencies, serviceUserName, servicePassword, displayName)); }
public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, string AStatement, params object[] AParams) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, null, AParams) { FStatement = AStatement; }
public ErrorDescriptor(ErrorSeverity severity, string message) { Severity = severity; Message = message; }
ServiceHandle INativeInterop.CreateServiceW(ServiceControlManager serviceControlManager, string serviceName, string displayName, ServiceControlAccessRights desiredControlAccess, ServiceType serviceType, ServiceStartType startType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, string binaryPath, string loadOrderGroup, IntPtr outUIntTagId, string dependencies, string serviceUserName, string servicePassword) { return(CreateServiceW(serviceControlManager, serviceName, displayName, desiredControlAccess, serviceType, startType, errorSeverity, binaryPath, loadOrderGroup, outUIntTagId, dependencies, serviceUserName, servicePassword)); }
public void RunAsyncTest(bool unicode) { #if _LOG_TO_FILE using (sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\\Logs\\RunAsyncTestLog.Txt", true)) { LogFile.SetLoggingFunction(LogFn); #endif string serverAddr = "localhost:6666"; string user = "******"; string pass = string.Empty; string ws_client = "admin_space"; // turn off exceptions for this test ErrorSeverity oldExceptionLevel = P4Exception.MinThrowLevel; P4Exception.MinThrowLevel = ErrorSeverity.E_NOEXC; Process p4d = null; try { p4d = Utilities.DeployP4TestServer(TestDir, unicode, TestContext.TestName); using (serverMT = new P4ServerMT(serverAddr, user, pass, ws_client)) { P4Server server = serverMT.getServer(); if (unicode) { Assert.IsTrue(server.UseUnicode, "Unicode server detected as not supporting Unicode"); } else { Assert.IsFalse(server.UseUnicode, "Non Unicode server detected as supporting Unicode"); } run = true; Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc1)); t1.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t1"; Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc2)); t2.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t2"; Thread t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc3)); t3.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t3"; Thread t4 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc4)); t4.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t4"; Thread t5 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc5)); t5.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t5"; Thread t6 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc6)); t6.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t6"; t1.Start(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // wait to start a 4th thread t2.Start(); t3.Start(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // wait to start a 4th thread run = false; if (t1.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 1 did not cleanly exit"); t1.Abort(); } if (t2.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 2 did not cleanly exit"); t2.Abort(); } if (t3.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 3 did not cleanly exit"); t3.Abort(); } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)); // wait 15 seconds so will disconnect run = true;; t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc1)); t1.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t1b"; t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc2)); t2.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t2b"; t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc3)); t3.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t3b"; t1.Start(); t2.Start(); t3.Start(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // wait to start a 4th thread t4.Start(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // wait to start a 5th thread t5.Start(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); // wait to start a 6th thread t6.Start(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)); // run all threads for 15 seconds run = false; if (t1.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 1 did not cleanly exit"); t1.Abort(); } if (t2.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 2 did not cleanly exit"); t2.Abort(); } if (t3.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 3 did not cleanly exit"); t3.Abort(); } if (t4.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 4 did not cleanly exit"); t4.Abort(); } if (t5.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 5 did not cleanly exit"); t5.Abort(); } if (t6.Join(1000) == false) { WriteLine("Thread 6 did not cleanly exit"); t6.Abort(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Test threw an exception: {0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { Utilities.RemoveTestServer(p4d, TestDir); } // reset the exception level P4Exception.MinThrowLevel = oldExceptionLevel; #if _LOG_TO_FILE } #endif }
/// <summary> /// Logs only the errors caught directly in user implementations, and with access the method that triggered the exception (extensibilityException.Method) /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> /// <param name="extensibilityExceptions">The exceptions holding the methods being executed as an object</param> /// <param name="errorSeverity">The error severity.</param> public void LogErrors(string message, List <ExtensibilityException> extensibilityExceptions, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity = ErrorSeverity.Normal) { LogErrors(message, extensibilityExceptions.Select(p => p.Exception).ToList(), errorSeverity); }
/// <summary> /// Logs only the errors caught directly in user implementations, and with access the method that triggered the exception (extensibilityException.Method) /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> /// <param name="extensibilityException">The exception holding the method being executed as an object</param> /// <param name="errorSeverity">The error severity.</param> public void LogError(string message, ExtensibilityException extensibilityException, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity = ErrorSeverity.Normal) { LogError(message, extensibilityException.Exception, errorSeverity); }
public abstract bool DetatchStream(LogStream stream, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Debugging | ErrorSeverity.Err | ErrorSeverity.Warn | ErrorSeverity.Info);
public DataSchemaError(string message, Exception innerException, ErrorSeverity severity) : this(message, innerException, string.Empty, 0, severity) { }
public ScanException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, params object[] paramsValue) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, null, paramsValue) { }
public static void ReportError(ErrorSeverity severity, Exception e, string description, string className, string method, string line, int serviceId, string userName = "******") { LogError(severity, className, method, line, userName, serviceId, description, e); }
private void ReportError(string errorMessage, ErrorType errorType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity) { _errorStore.ReportError(errorMessage, errorType, errorSeverity); }
public DataSchemaError(DataSchemaError source, ErrorSeverity severity) : this(source.Message, source.Document, source.Line, source.Column, source.Prefix, source.ErrorCode, severity) { }
public ScanException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, null, null) { }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="severity"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> public void Error(object sender, ErrorType type, ErrorSeverity severity, String message) { Error(sender, new ErrorEventArgs(message, type, severity)); }
public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException, string AStatement) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, null) { FStatement = AStatement; }
public void logerror(string message, string details, ErrorType errorType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public DataSchemaError(string message, ErrorSeverity severity) : this(message, string.Empty, severity) { }
protected ConnectionException(ResourceManager AResourceManager, int AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException, params object[] AParams) : base(AResourceManager, AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, AParams) { }
public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, null) { }
// Constructors protected QPException(ResourceManager resourceManager, int errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException, params object[] paramsValue) : base(resourceManager, errorCode, severity, innerException, paramsValue) { }
public void Notify (Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null) { if (!ShouldNotify) return; if (IgnoredExceptions != null && IgnoredExceptions.Contains (e.GetType ())) return; var md = new Metadata (metadata); if (extraMetadata != null) { md.Merge (extraMetadata); } var ev = new Event () { User = userInfo, App = GetAppInfo (), AppState = GetAppState (), System = GetSystemInfo (), SystemState = GetSystemState (), Context = Context, Severity = severity, Exceptions = ConvertExceptionTree (e), Metadata = md, }; SendEvent (ev); }
public void Notify(Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null) { if (!ShouldNotify) return; if (IgnoredExceptions != null && IgnoredExceptions.Contains (e.GetType ())) return; var md = new Metadata (metadata); if (extraMetadata != null) { md.Merge (extraMetadata); } notifier.Notify (new Event () { User = GetUserInfo (), App = state.GetApplicationInfo (), AppState = state.GetApplicationState (), System = state.GetSystemInfo (), SystemState = state.GetSystemState (), Context = Context, Severity = severity, Exceptions = exceptionConverter.Convert (e), Metadata = md, }); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="severity"></param> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <param name="parameters"></param> public void Error(object sender, ErrorType type, ErrorSeverity severity, String message, params object[] parameters) { Error(sender, type, severity, String.Format(message, parameters)); }
public DataSchemaError(string message, string document, int line, int column, ErrorSeverity severity) : this(message, document, line, column, DefaultPrefix, UndefinedErrorCode, severity) { }
public ErrorStatus(ErrorSeverity severity, string description, string code) { this.SetStatus(severity, description, code); }
public SQLException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException, params object[] paramsValue) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, innerException, paramsValue) { }
public void SetErrorCode(HResult hr) { if (hr.Succeeded) { ClearStatus(); } else { this.Severity = ErrorSeverity.Error; this.Code = hr.ErrorCodeAsString; this.Description = hr.DetailedMessage; } }
protected SQLException(ResourceManager resourceManager, int errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException, params object[] paramsValue) : base(resourceManager, errorCode, severity, innerException, paramsValue) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates the exception view model. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">The exception for this viewmodel.</param> /// <param name="environmentModel">The environment model.</param> /// <param name="isCritical">The severity of the error.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <date>2013/01/16</date> /// <author> /// Jurie.smit /// </author> public static IExceptionViewModel CreateViewModel(Exception e, IEnvironmentModel environmentModel, ErrorSeverity isCritical = ErrorSeverity.Default) { // PBI 9598 - 2013.06.10 - TWR : added environmentModel parameter var vm = new ExceptionViewModel { OutputText = CreateStringValue(e, null, true).ToString(), StackTrace = e.StackTrace, OutputPath = GetUniqueOutputPath(".txt"), DisplayName = isCritical == ErrorSeverity.Critical ? StringResources.CritErrorTitle : StringResources.ErrorTitle, }; var attachedFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>(); vm.Exception.Clear(); vm.Exception.Add(Create(e, isCritical == ErrorSeverity.Critical)); return vm; }
/// <summary> /// Changes the error severity of service failures. /// </summary> /// <param name="errorSeverity">The new error severity of service failures.</param> /// <returns>Returns the current instance</returns> public ServiceDefinitionBuilder WithErrorSeverity(ErrorSeverity errorSeverity) { ErrorSeverity = errorSeverity; return(this); }
public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException, params object[] AParams) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, AParams) { }
public ScanException(ErrorSeverity severity, int code, string message, string details, string serverContext, DataphorException innerException) : base(severity, code, message, details, serverContext, innerException) { }
protected QPException(ErrorSeverity severity, int code, string message, string details, string serverContext, AncestryException innerException) : base(severity, code, message, details, serverContext, innerException) { }
public bool TryGetErrorSeverity(out ErrorSeverity edOrgType) { return(Enum.TryParse(Severity.CodeValue, true, out edOrgType)); }
/// <summary> /// Error handling for P4 messages /// </summary> /// <param name="ErrorMessage"></param> /// <param name="Severity"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool ReportP4Error(string ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity Severity) { if (Severity == ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL || Severity == ErrorSeverity.E_UNKNOWN || Severity == ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED) { log.Error(ErrorMessage); return false; } else { return true; } }
public SQLException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, innerException, null) { }