Exemple #1
 public Status(MessageHeader header, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, ErrorCode errorCode, string description)
     : base(header, CommandType.Status)
     Severity = errorSeverity;
     Code = errorCode;
     Description = description;
Exemple #2
 public AncestryException(ErrorSeverity severity, int errorCode, string message, Exception innerException)
     : base(message, innerException)
     _code = errorCode;
     _severity = severity;
     HResult = OR_E_EXCEPTION;
 public ValidationErrorBase(ITextRange range, string message, ErrorLocation location, ErrorSeverity severity) :
     Message = message;
     Severity = severity;
     Location = location;
Exemple #4
 public AncestryException(int errorCode, string message)
     : base(message)
     _code = errorCode;
     _severity = ErrorSeverity.Application;
     HResult = OR_E_EXCEPTION;
 public ProgramError(string message, ErrorSeverity sev, int line, int col) 
     : base(message) 
     Severity = sev;
     Line = line;
     Column = col;
     wasMessageGiven = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message);
 public void ShowPopup(Exception ex, ErrorSeverity severity)
     var exceptionViewModel = CreateExceptionViewModel(ex, severity);
     if(exceptionViewModel != null)
Exemple #7
 public SyntaxException(ErrorSeverity severity, int code, string message, string details, string serverContext, int line, int linePos, TokenType tokenType, string token, AncestryException innerException)
     : base(severity, code, message, details, serverContext, innerException)
     _line = line;
     _linePos = linePos;
     _tokenType = tokenType;
     _token = token;
Exemple #8
 public AutoCheckError(string FilePath, int LineNum, int StartIndex, int EndIndex, string Text, ErrorSeverity Severity)
     this.FilePath = FilePath;
     this.LineNum = LineNum;
     this.StartIndex = StartIndex;
     this.EndIndex = EndIndex;
     this.Text = Text;
     this.Severity = Severity;
Exemple #9
 public ErrorListItem(ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, string description, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
     ErrorSeverity = errorSeverity;
     Description = description;
     StartLine = startLine;
     StartColumn = startColumn;
     EndLine = endLine;
     EndColumn = endColumn;
Exemple #10
 public static void GenerateSecurityExceptionResponse(this HttpActionContext actionContext, Type responsePayloadType, string exceptionCode, string exceptionDescription, ErrorCategory category = ErrorCategory.Security, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error)
     GenerateExceptionResponse(actionContext, responsePayloadType, new ResponseMessage
         Code = exceptionCode,
         Description = exceptionDescription,
         Category = category,
         Severity = severity
Exemple #11
 protected static void AddSemanticError(ErrorHandler errs, string message, Position pos, ErrorSeverity severity)
     if (pos != null)
         errs.AddError(string.Format("Semantic error on line {0}: {1}", pos.StartLine, message),
             pos, severity);
         errs.AddError(string.Format("Semantic error: {0}", message), null, severity);
Exemple #12
        public void Notify (Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null)
            #if (!DEBUG)
            var extraData = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
            foreach (var item in extraMetadata) {
                if (item.Value != null) {
                    var data = item.Value.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>();
                    foreach (var i in data) {
                        extraData.Add ( item.Key + ":" + i.Key, i.Value);

            var tags = new List<string> { Enum.GetName (typeof (ErrorSeverity), severity) };
            RaygunClient.Current.SendInBackground (e, tags, extraData);
Exemple #13
 public AncestryException(Exception exception)
     : base(exception.Message)
     HResult = OR_E_EXCEPTION;
     AncestryException ancestryException = exception as AncestryException;
     _serverContext = exception.StackTrace;
     if (ancestryException != null)
         _code = ancestryException.Code;
         _severity = ancestryException.Severity;
         _details = ancestryException.GetDetails();
         _code = ApplicationError;
         _severity = ErrorSeverity.Application;
Exemple #14
        public void Notify (Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null)
            var extraData = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
            foreach (var item in extraMetadata) {
                if (item.Value != null) {
                    var data = item.Value.ToObject<Dictionary<string, string>>();
                    foreach (var i in data) {
                        extraData.Add ( item.Key + ":" + i.Key, i.Value);

            if (severity == ErrorSeverity.Info) {
                Insights.Track ("Info", extraData);
            } else {
                var reportSeverity = severity == ErrorSeverity.Warning
                                     ? Insights.Severity.Warning : Insights.Severity.Error;

                Insights.Report (e, extraData, reportSeverity);
		public ErrorLogEntry Create(DateTime timeStamp, string message, string stackTrace, string data, ErrorSeverity severity)
			var errorID = 0;
			_sqlObjectFactory.GetConnection().Using(connection => errorID = Convert.ToInt32(connection.Command("INSERT INTO pf_ErrorLog (TimeStamp, Message, StackTrace, Data, Severity) VALUES (@TimeStamp, @Message, @StackTrace, @Data, @Severity)")
				.AddParameter("@TimeStamp", timeStamp)
				.AddParameter("@Message", message)
				.AddParameter("@StackTrace", stackTrace)
				.AddParameter("@Data", data)
				.AddParameter("@Severity", severity)
			var errorLog = new ErrorLogEntry
			               		ErrorID = errorID,
			               		TimeStamp = timeStamp,
			               		Message = message,
			               		StackTrace = stackTrace,
			               		Data = data,
			               		Severity = severity
			return errorLog;
Exemple #16
			/// <summary>
			/// Called when an error/warning should be reported.
			/// </summary>
			protected override bool Add(int id, string message, ErrorSeverity severity, int group, string fullPath, ErrorPosition pos)
				if (id >= 0)
					CompilerError error = new CompilerError();

					error.FileName = fullPath;
					error.Line = pos.FirstLine;
					error.Column = pos.FirstColumn;
					error.ErrorNumber = String.Format("PHP{0:d4}", id);
					error.ErrorText = message;
					error.IsWarning = (severity.Value == ErrorSeverity.Values.Warning);


				// build the output line
				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
				if (fullPath != null)
					sb.AppendFormat("{0}({1},{2}): ",

				if (id >= 0)
					sb.AppendFormat("{0} PHP{1:d4}: {2}",
				else sb.Append(message);


				return true;
 public void SetStatus(ErrorSeverity severity, string description, string code)
     this.Severity = severity;
     this.Description = description;
     this.Code = code;
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="severity"></param>
 public ErrorEventArgs(string message, ErrorType type, ErrorSeverity severity)
     Message = message;
     Type = type;
     Severity = severity;
 public void ClearStatus()
     this.Severity = ErrorSeverity.None;
     this.Code = null;
     this.Description = null;
 public DataSchemaError(string message, string document, int errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity)
     : this(message, document, 0, 0, DefaultPrefix, errorCode, severity)
Exemple #21
 public static void GenerateSecurityExceptionResponse(this HttpActionContext actionContext, Type responsePayloadType, string id, string exceptionCode, string exceptionDescription, ErrorCategory category = ErrorCategory.Security, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error)
     GenerateExceptionResponse(actionContext, responsePayloadType, new ResponseMessage
         Id          = id,
         Code        = exceptionCode,
         Description = exceptionDescription,
         Category    = category,
         Severity    = severity
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle and log the exception into a file and datbase.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">System.Exception</param>
        /// <param name="location">Location where exception has occurred, if not specified it will pick from CallerMemberName attribute</param>
        /// <param name="severity">CRITICAL, MAJOR, MODERATE, MINOR-Default, COSMETIC</param>
        /// <param name="code">You can specify a error code, if not this will be empty</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CIException HandleError(Exception ex, string parameters = "", [CallerMemberName] string location = "", ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.MINOR, string code = "", [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "")
            CIException CIEx = null;

            if (ex.GetType() == typeof(CIException))
                CIEx = ex as CIException;
                CIEx = new CIException(ex.Message, ex);

            if (severity != ErrorSeverity.COSMETIC)
                CIEx.Severity = severity;

            CIEx.Location = filePath + "-" + location;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters))
                CIEx.Parameters = parameters;

            CIEx.Code = "HttpStatusCode: " + ((int)CIEx.StatusCode).ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                CIEx.Code = " ErrorCode: " + code;

            if (!CIEx.IsHandled)
                CIEx.IsHandled = true;

Exemple #23
 public SqlServerError(string message, string document, ErrorSeverity severity)
     : this(message, null, document, 0, 0, Constants.UndefinedErrorCode, severity)
Exemple #24
 bool INativeInterop.ChangeServiceConfigW(ServiceHandle service, ServiceType serviceType, ServiceStartType startType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, string binaryPath, string loadOrderGroup, IntPtr outUIntTagId, string dependencies, string serviceUserName, string servicePassword, string displayName)
     return(ChangeServiceConfigW(service, serviceType, startType, errorSeverity, binaryPath, loadOrderGroup, outUIntTagId, dependencies, serviceUserName, servicePassword, displayName));
Exemple #25
 public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, string AStatement, params object[] AParams) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, null, AParams)
     FStatement = AStatement;
 public ErrorDescriptor(ErrorSeverity severity, string message)
     Severity = severity;
     Message  = message;
Exemple #27
 ServiceHandle INativeInterop.CreateServiceW(ServiceControlManager serviceControlManager, string serviceName, string displayName,
                                             ServiceControlAccessRights desiredControlAccess, ServiceType serviceType, ServiceStartType startType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity,
                                             string binaryPath,
                                             string loadOrderGroup, IntPtr outUIntTagId, string dependencies, string serviceUserName, string servicePassword)
     return(CreateServiceW(serviceControlManager, serviceName, displayName, desiredControlAccess, serviceType, startType, errorSeverity,
                           binaryPath, loadOrderGroup, outUIntTagId, dependencies, serviceUserName, servicePassword));
Exemple #28
        public void RunAsyncTest(bool unicode)
            using (sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\\Logs\\RunAsyncTestLog.Txt", true))
            string serverAddr = "localhost:6666";
            string user       = "******";
            string pass       = string.Empty;
            string ws_client  = "admin_space";

            // turn off exceptions for this test
            ErrorSeverity oldExceptionLevel = P4Exception.MinThrowLevel;
            P4Exception.MinThrowLevel = ErrorSeverity.E_NOEXC;

            Process p4d = null;

                p4d = Utilities.DeployP4TestServer(TestDir, unicode, TestContext.TestName);
                using (serverMT = new P4ServerMT(serverAddr, user, pass, ws_client))
                    P4Server server = serverMT.getServer();
                    if (unicode)
                        Assert.IsTrue(server.UseUnicode, "Unicode server detected as not supporting Unicode");
                        Assert.IsFalse(server.UseUnicode, "Non Unicode server detected as supporting Unicode");

                    run = true;

                    Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc1));
                    t1.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t1";
                    Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc2));
                    t2.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t2";
                    Thread t3 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc3));
                    t3.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t3";

                    Thread t4 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc4));
                    t4.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t4";
                    Thread t5 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc5));
                    t5.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t5";
                    Thread t6 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc6));
                    t6.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t6";

                    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));                             // wait to start a 4th thread
                    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));                             // wait to start a 4th thread

                    run = false;

                    if (t1.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 1 did not cleanly exit");
                    if (t2.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 2 did not cleanly exit");
                    if (t3.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 3 did not cleanly exit");

                    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));                             // wait 15 seconds so will disconnect

                    run = true;;

                    t1      = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc1));
                    t1.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t1b";
                    t2      = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc2));
                    t2.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t2b";
                    t3      = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cmdThreadProc3));
                    t3.Name = "RunAsyncTest Thread t3b";

                    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));                             // wait to start a 4th thread

                    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));                             // wait to start a 5th thread
                    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));                             // wait to start a 6th thread

                    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));                             // run all threads for 15 seconds

                    run = false;

                    if (t1.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 1 did not cleanly exit");
                    if (t2.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 2 did not cleanly exit");
                    if (t3.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 3 did not cleanly exit");
                    if (t4.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 4 did not cleanly exit");
                    if (t5.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 5 did not cleanly exit");
                    if (t6.Join(1000) == false)
                        WriteLine("Thread 6 did not cleanly exit");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Test threw an exception: {0}\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                Utilities.RemoveTestServer(p4d, TestDir);

            // reset the exception level
            P4Exception.MinThrowLevel = oldExceptionLevel;
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Logs only the errors caught directly in user implementations, and with access the method that triggered the exception (extensibilityException.Method)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
 /// <param name="extensibilityExceptions">The exceptions holding the methods being executed as an object</param>
 /// <param name="errorSeverity">The error severity.</param>
 public void LogErrors(string message, List <ExtensibilityException> extensibilityExceptions, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity = ErrorSeverity.Normal)
     LogErrors(message, extensibilityExceptions.Select(p => p.Exception).ToList(), errorSeverity);
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Logs only the errors caught directly in user implementations, and with access the method that triggered the exception (extensibilityException.Method)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
 /// <param name="extensibilityException">The exception holding the method being executed as an object</param>
 /// <param name="errorSeverity">The error severity.</param>
 public void LogError(string message, ExtensibilityException extensibilityException, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity = ErrorSeverity.Normal)
     LogError(message, extensibilityException.Exception, errorSeverity);
Exemple #31
 public abstract bool DetatchStream(LogStream stream, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Debugging | ErrorSeverity.Err | ErrorSeverity.Warn | ErrorSeverity.Info);
 public DataSchemaError(string message, Exception innerException, ErrorSeverity severity)
     : this(message, innerException, string.Empty, 0, severity)
Exemple #33
 public ScanException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, params object[] paramsValue) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, null, paramsValue)
 public static void ReportError(ErrorSeverity severity, Exception e, string description, string className, string method, string line, int serviceId, string userName = "******")
     LogError(severity, className, method, line, userName, serviceId, description, e);
 private void ReportError(string errorMessage, ErrorType errorType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity)
     _errorStore.ReportError(errorMessage, errorType, errorSeverity);
 public DataSchemaError(DataSchemaError source, ErrorSeverity severity)
     : this(source.Message, source.Document, source.Line, source.Column, source.Prefix, source.ErrorCode, severity)
Exemple #37
 public ScanException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, null, null)
Exemple #38
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="severity"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 public void Error(object sender, ErrorType type, ErrorSeverity severity, String message)
     Error(sender, new ErrorEventArgs(message, type, severity));
Exemple #39
 public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException, string AStatement) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, null)
     FStatement = AStatement;
 public void logerror(string message, string details, ErrorType errorType, ErrorSeverity errorSeverity)
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
 public DataSchemaError(string message, ErrorSeverity severity)
     : this(message, string.Empty, severity)
Exemple #42
 protected ConnectionException(ResourceManager AResourceManager, int AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException, params object[] AParams) : base(AResourceManager, AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, AParams)
Exemple #43
 public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, null)
Exemple #44
 // Constructors
 protected QPException(ResourceManager resourceManager, int errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException, params object[] paramsValue)
     : base(resourceManager, errorCode, severity, innerException, paramsValue)
Exemple #45
        public void Notify (Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null)
            if (!ShouldNotify)
            if (IgnoredExceptions != null && IgnoredExceptions.Contains (e.GetType ()))

            var md = new Metadata (metadata);
            if (extraMetadata != null) {
                md.Merge (extraMetadata);

            var ev = new Event () {
                User = userInfo,
                App = GetAppInfo (),
                AppState = GetAppState (),
                System = GetSystemInfo (),
                SystemState = GetSystemState (),
                Context = Context,
                Severity = severity,
                Exceptions = ConvertExceptionTree (e),
                Metadata = md,

            SendEvent (ev);
        public void Notify(Exception e, ErrorSeverity severity = ErrorSeverity.Error, Metadata extraMetadata = null)
            if (!ShouldNotify)
            if (IgnoredExceptions != null && IgnoredExceptions.Contains (e.GetType ()))

            var md = new Metadata (metadata);
            if (extraMetadata != null) {
                md.Merge (extraMetadata);

            notifier.Notify (new Event () {
                User = GetUserInfo (),
                App = state.GetApplicationInfo (),
                AppState = state.GetApplicationState (),
                System = state.GetSystemInfo (),
                SystemState = state.GetSystemState (),
                Context = Context,
                Severity = severity,
                Exceptions = exceptionConverter.Convert (e),
                Metadata = md,
Exemple #47
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="severity"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 /// <param name="parameters"></param>
 public void Error(object sender, ErrorType type, ErrorSeverity severity, String message, params object[] parameters)
     Error(sender, type, severity, String.Format(message, parameters));
 public DataSchemaError(string message, string document, int line, int column, ErrorSeverity severity)
     : this(message, document, line, column, DefaultPrefix, UndefinedErrorCode, severity)
 public ErrorStatus(ErrorSeverity severity, string description, string code)
     this.SetStatus(severity, description, code);
Exemple #50
 public SQLException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException, params object[] paramsValue) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, innerException, paramsValue)
 public void SetErrorCode(HResult hr)
     if (hr.Succeeded)
         this.Severity = ErrorSeverity.Error;
         this.Code = hr.ErrorCodeAsString;
         this.Description = hr.DetailedMessage;
Exemple #52
 protected SQLException(ResourceManager resourceManager, int errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException, params object[] paramsValue) : base(resourceManager, errorCode, severity, innerException, paramsValue)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the exception view model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The exception for this viewmodel.</param>
        /// <param name="environmentModel">The environment model.</param>
        /// <param name="isCritical">The severity of the error.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <date>2013/01/16</date>
        /// <author>
        /// Jurie.smit
        /// </author>
        public static IExceptionViewModel CreateViewModel(Exception e, IEnvironmentModel environmentModel, ErrorSeverity isCritical = ErrorSeverity.Default)
            // PBI 9598 - 2013.06.10 - TWR : added environmentModel parameter
            var vm = new ExceptionViewModel
                    OutputText = CreateStringValue(e, null, true).ToString(),
                    StackTrace = e.StackTrace,
                    OutputPath = GetUniqueOutputPath(".txt"),
                    DisplayName = isCritical == ErrorSeverity.Critical ? StringResources.CritErrorTitle : StringResources.ErrorTitle,

            var attachedFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            vm.Exception.Add(Create(e, isCritical == ErrorSeverity.Critical));
            return vm;
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the error severity of service failures.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="errorSeverity">The new error severity of service failures.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the current instance</returns>
 public ServiceDefinitionBuilder WithErrorSeverity(ErrorSeverity errorSeverity)
     ErrorSeverity = errorSeverity;
Exemple #55
 public ConnectionException(Codes AErrorCode, ErrorSeverity ASeverity, Exception AInnerException, params object[] AParams) : base(FResourceManager, (int)AErrorCode, ASeverity, AInnerException, AParams)
Exemple #56
 public ScanException(ErrorSeverity severity, int code, string message, string details, string serverContext, DataphorException innerException)
     : base(severity, code, message, details, serverContext, innerException)
Exemple #57
 protected QPException(ErrorSeverity severity, int code, string message, string details, string serverContext, AncestryException innerException)
     : base(severity, code, message, details, serverContext, innerException)
Exemple #58
 public bool TryGetErrorSeverity(out ErrorSeverity edOrgType)
     return(Enum.TryParse(Severity.CodeValue, true, out edOrgType));
 /// <summary>
 /// Error handling for P4 messages
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ErrorMessage"></param>
 /// <param name="Severity"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool ReportP4Error(string ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity Severity)
     if (Severity == ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL || Severity == ErrorSeverity.E_UNKNOWN || Severity == ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED)
         return false;
         return true;
Exemple #60
 public SQLException(Codes errorCode, ErrorSeverity severity, Exception innerException) : base(_resourceManager, (int)errorCode, severity, innerException, null)