protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { m_refMsg = m_refApi.EkMsgRef; AppImgPath = m_refApi.AppImgPath; AppPath = m_refApi.AppPath; m_strPageAction = Request.QueryString["action"]; Utilities.SetLanguage(m_refApi); TaxonomyLanguage = m_refApi.ContentLanguage; if ((TaxonomyLanguage == -1)) { TaxonomyLanguage = m_refApi.DefaultContentLanguage; } if ((Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"] != null)) { TaxonomyId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"]); } if ((Request.QueryString["parentid"] != null)) { TaxonomyParentId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["parentid"]); if ((TaxonomyParentId > 0)) { TitleLabel = "categorytitle"; DescriptionLabel = "categorydescription"; } } if ((Page.IsPostBack)) { TaxonomyData taxonomy_data = new TaxonomyData(); taxonomy_data.TaxonomyType = Ektron.Cms.Common.EkEnumeration.TaxonomyType.Locale; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyDescription = Request.Form[taxonomydescription.UniqueID]; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyName = Request.Form[taxonomytitle.UniqueID]; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyLanguage = TaxonomyLanguage; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyParentId = TaxonomyParentId; // taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage = Request.Form[taxonomy_image.UniqueID]; // taxonomy_data.CategoryUrl = Request.Form[categoryLink.UniqueID]; //if (tr_enableDisable.Visible == true) //{ // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkEnableDisable.UniqueID])) // { // taxonomy_data.Visible = true; // } // else // { // taxonomy_data.Visible = false; // } //} //else //{ // taxonomy_data.Visible = true; //} //if ((Request.Form[inherittemplate.UniqueID] != null)) //{ // taxonomy_data.TemplateInherited = true; //} //if ((Request.Form[taxonomytemplate.UniqueID] != null)) //{ // taxonomy_data.TemplateId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form[taxonomytemplate.UniqueID]); //} //else //{ // taxonomy_data.TemplateId = 0; //} //If (TaxonomyId <> 0) Then // taxonomy_data.TaxonomyId = TaxonomyId //End If m_refContent = m_refApi.EkContentRef; TaxonomyId = m_refContent.CreateTaxonomy(taxonomy_data); //add the default language by Default. TaxonomyRequest item_request = new TaxonomyRequest(); item_request.TaxonomyId = TaxonomyId; item_request.TaxonomyIdList =Convert.ToString(TaxonomyLanguage); item_request.TaxonomyItemType = EkEnumeration.TaxonomyItemType.Locale; item_request.TaxonomyLanguage = TaxonomyLanguage; m_refContent.AddTaxonomyItem(item_request); if (Request.Form[alllanguages.UniqueID] == "false") { m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomyVisible(TaxonomyId, -1, false); } if ((TaxonomyParentId == 0)) { string strConfig = string.Empty; //if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigContent.UniqueID]))) //{ // strConfig = "0"; //} //if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigUser.UniqueID]))) //{ // if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig))) // { // strConfig = "1"; // } // else // { // strConfig = strConfig + ",1"; // } //} //if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigGroup.UniqueID]))) //{ // if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig))) // { // strConfig = "2"; // } // else // { // strConfig = strConfig + ",2"; // } //} if ((!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig)))) { m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomyConfig(TaxonomyId, strConfig); } } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //+++++++++ Adding MetaData Information '+++++++++ //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //Commeneted as per Doug suggestion //AddCustomProperties(); if ((Request.QueryString["iframe"] == "true")) { Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.CloseChildPage();</script>"); } else { //this should jump back to taxonomy that was added //Response.Redirect("taxonomy.aspx?rf=1", True) Response.Redirect("LocaleTaxonomy.aspx?action=view&view=locale&taxonomyid=" + TaxonomyId + "&rf=1", true); } } else { m_refContent = m_refApi.EkContentRef; TaxonomyRequest req = new TaxonomyRequest(); req.TaxonomyId = TaxonomyParentId; req.TaxonomyLanguage = TaxonomyLanguage; if (TaxonomyParentId > 0) { m_bSynchronized = m_refContent.IsSynchronizedTaxonomy(TaxonomyParentId, TaxonomyLanguage); } else if (TaxonomyId > 0) { m_bSynchronized = m_refContent.IsSynchronizedTaxonomy(TaxonomyId, TaxonomyLanguage); } //if (!m_bSynchronized) //{ // tr_enableDisable.Visible = false; //} TaxonomyBaseData data = m_refContent.ReadTaxonomy(ref req); if ((data == null)) { EkException.ThrowException(new Exception("Invalid taxonomy ID: " + TaxonomyId + " parent: " + TaxonomyParentId)); } language_data = (new SiteAPI()).GetLanguageById(TaxonomyLanguage); if (((language_data != null) && (m_refApi.EnableMultilingual == 1))) { lblLanguage.Text = "[" + language_data.Name + "]"; } // taxonomy_image_thumb.ImageUrl = m_refApi.AppImgPath + "spacer.gif"; m_strCurrentBreadcrumb = data.TaxonomyPath.Remove(0, 1).Replace("\\", " > "); if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strCurrentBreadcrumb))) { m_strCurrentBreadcrumb = "Root"; } //if ((TaxonomyParentId == 0)) //{ // inherittemplate.Visible = false; // lblInherited.Text = "No"; //} //else //{ // inherittemplate.Checked = true; // taxonomytemplate.Enabled = false; // inherittemplate.Visible = true; // lblInherited.Text = ""; //} // TemplateData[] templates = null; // templates = m_refApi.GetAllTemplates("TemplateFileName"); //taxonomytemplate.Items.Add(new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem("-select template-", "0")); //if ((templates != null && templates.Length > 0)) //{ // for (int i = 0; i <= templates.Length - 1; i++) // { // taxonomytemplate.Items.Add(new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem(templates[i].FileName, templates[i].Id.ToString())); // } //} // inherittemplate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "OnInheritTemplateClicked(this)"); // inherittemplate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "OnInheritTemplateClicked(this)"); //if ((TaxonomyParentId == 0)) //{ // tr_config.Visible = true; //} //else //{ // tr_config.Visible = false; //} // chkConfigContent.Checked = true; //LoadCustomPropertyList(); TaxonomyToolBar(); } } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { //Do nothing } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect(AppPath + "reterror.aspx?info=" + EkFunctions.UrlEncode(ex.Message + ".") + "&LangType=" + TaxonomyLanguage, false); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { m_refMsg = m_refApi.EkMsgRef; AppImgPath = m_refApi.AppImgPath; m_strPageAction = Request.QueryString["action"]; object refAPI = m_refApi as object; Utilities.SetLanguage(m_refApi); TaxonomyLanguage = m_refApi.ContentLanguage; if (TaxonomyLanguage == -1) { TaxonomyLanguage = m_refApi.DefaultContentLanguage; } if (Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"] != null) { TaxonomyId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"]); hdnTaxonomyId.Value = TaxonomyId.ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["parentid"] != null) { TaxonomyParentId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["parentid"]); } m_refContent = m_refApi.EkContentRef; if (Request.QueryString["reorder"] != null) { m_strReorderAction = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["reorder"]); } chkApplyDisplayAllLanguages.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("lbl apply display taxonomy languages"); chkConfigContent.Text = chkConfigContent.ToolTip = m_refMsg.GetMessage("content text"); chkConfigUser.Text = chkConfigUser.ToolTip = m_refMsg.GetMessage("generic user"); chkConfigGroup.Text = chkConfigGroup.ToolTip = m_refMsg.GetMessage("lbl group"); if (Page.IsPostBack) { if (m_strPageAction == "edit") { taxonomy_data.TaxonomyLanguage = TaxonomyLanguage; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyParentId = TaxonomyParentId; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyId = TaxonomyId; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyDescription = Request.Form[taxonomydescription.UniqueID]; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyName = Request.Form[taxonomytitle.UniqueID]; taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage = Request.Form[taxonomy_image.UniqueID]; taxonomy_data.CategoryUrl = Request.Form[categoryLink.UniqueID]; if (tr_enableDisable.Visible == true) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkEnableDisable.UniqueID])) { taxonomy_data.Visible = true; } else { taxonomy_data.Visible = false; } } else { taxonomy_data.Visible = Convert.ToBoolean(Request.Form[visibility.UniqueID]); } if (Request.Form[inherittemplate.UniqueID] != null) { taxonomy_data.TemplateInherited = true; } if (Request.Form[taxonomytemplate.UniqueID] != null) { taxonomy_data.TemplateId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form[taxonomytemplate.UniqueID]); } else { taxonomy_data.TemplateId = 0; } try { m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomy(taxonomy_data); } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.ShowError(ex.Message); } if ((!(Request.Form[chkApplyDisplayAllLanguages.UniqueID] == null)) && (Request.Form[chkApplyDisplayAllLanguages.UniqueID].ToString().ToLower() == "on")) { m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomyVisible(TaxonomyId, -1, taxonomy_data.Visible); } m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomySynchronization(TaxonomyId, GetCheckBoxValue(chkTaxSynch)); //else //{ // m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomyVisible(TaxonomyId, TaxonomyLanguage, taxonomy_data.Visible); //} if (TaxonomyParentId == 0) { string strConfig = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigContent.UniqueID])) { strConfig = "0"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigUser.UniqueID])) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig)) { strConfig = "1"; } else { strConfig = strConfig + ",1"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigGroup.UniqueID])) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig)) { strConfig = "2"; } else { strConfig = strConfig + ",2"; } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig))) { m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomyConfig(TaxonomyId, strConfig); } } UpdateCustomProperties(); if (Request.QueryString["iframe"] == "true") { Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.CloseChildPage();</script>"); } else { if ((Request.QueryString["backaction"] != null) && Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["backaction"]).ToLower() == "viewtree") { Response.Redirect((string)("taxonomy.aspx?action=viewtree&taxonomyid=" + TaxonomyId + "&LangType=" + TaxonomyLanguage), true); } else { Response.Redirect("taxonomy.aspx?action=view&view=item&taxonomyid=" + TaxonomyId + "&rf=1", true); } } } else { if (Request.Form[LinkOrder.UniqueID] != "") { taxonomy_request = new TaxonomyRequest(); taxonomy_request.TaxonomyId = TaxonomyId; taxonomy_request.TaxonomyLanguage = TaxonomyLanguage; taxonomy_request.TaxonomyIdList = Request.Form[LinkOrder.UniqueID]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkOrderAllLang.UniqueID])) { if (m_strReorderAction == "category") { m_refContent.ReOrderAllLanguageCategories(taxonomy_request); } else if (m_strReorderAction == "users") { taxonomy_request.TaxonomyItemType = EkEnumeration.TaxonomyItemType.User; m_refContent.ReOrderTaxonomyItems(taxonomy_request); } } else { if (m_strReorderAction == "category") { m_refContent.ReOrderCategories(taxonomy_request); } else { if (m_strReorderAction == "users") { taxonomy_request.TaxonomyItemType = EkEnumeration.TaxonomyItemType.User; } m_refContent.ReOrderTaxonomyItems(taxonomy_request); } } } if (Request.QueryString["iframe"] == "true") { Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">parent.CloseChildPage();</script>"); } else { if(m_strReorderAction == "category") Response.Redirect("taxonomy.aspx?action=view&taxonomyid=" + TaxonomyId + "&rf=1&reloadtrees=Tax", true); else Response.Redirect("taxonomy.aspx?action=view&taxonomyid=" + TaxonomyId + "&rf=1", true); } } } else { ltr_sitepath.Text = m_refApi.SitePath; taxonomy_request = new TaxonomyRequest(); taxonomy_request.TaxonomyId = TaxonomyId; taxonomy_request.TaxonomyLanguage = TaxonomyLanguage; if (m_strPageAction == "edit") { taxonomy_data = m_refContent.ReadTaxonomy(ref taxonomy_request); taxonomydescription.Text = taxonomy_data.TaxonomyDescription; taxonomydescription.ToolTip = taxonomydescription.Text; taxonomytitle.Text = taxonomy_data.TaxonomyName; taxonomytitle.ToolTip = taxonomytitle.Text; taxonomy_image.Text = taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage; taxonomy_image.ToolTip = taxonomy_image.Text; taxonomy_image_thumb.ImageUrl = taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage; categoryLink.Text = taxonomy_data.CategoryUrl; visibility.Value = taxonomy_data.Visible.ToString(); if (Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"] != null) { TaxonomyId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"]); } if (TaxonomyParentId > 0) { m_bSynchronized = m_refContent.IsSynchronizedTaxonomy(TaxonomyParentId, TaxonomyLanguage); if (TaxonomyId > 0) chkTaxSynch.Checked = m_refContent.IsSynchronizedTaxonomy(TaxonomyId, TaxonomyLanguage); } else if (TaxonomyId > 0) { m_bSynchronized = m_refContent.IsSynchronizedTaxonomy(TaxonomyId, TaxonomyLanguage); chkTaxSynch.Checked = m_bSynchronized; } if (taxonomy_data.Visible == true) { chkEnableDisable.Checked = true; } else { chkEnableDisable.Checked = false; } if (taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage != "") { taxonomy_image_thumb.ImageUrl = (taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage.IndexOf("/") == 0) ? taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage : m_refApi.SitePath + taxonomy_data.TaxonomyImage; } else { taxonomy_image_thumb.ImageUrl = m_refApi.AppImgPath + "spacer.gif"; } language_data = (new SiteAPI()).GetLanguageById(TaxonomyLanguage); if (taxonomy_data.TaxonomyParentId == 0) { inherittemplate.Visible = false; lblInherited.Text = "No"; lblInherited.ToolTip = lblInherited.Text; inherittemplate.Checked = taxonomy_data.TemplateInherited; } else { inherittemplate.Visible = true; lblInherited.Text = ""; inherittemplate.Checked = taxonomy_data.TemplateInherited; if (taxonomy_data.TemplateInherited) { taxonomytemplate.Enabled = false; } } TemplateData[] templates = null; templates = m_refApi.GetAllTemplates("TemplateFileName"); taxonomytemplate.Items.Add(new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem("- " + m_refMsg.GetMessage("generic select template") + " -", "0")); if ((templates != null) && templates.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= templates.Length - 1; i++) { taxonomytemplate.Items.Add(new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem(templates[i].FileName, templates[i].Id.ToString())); if (taxonomy_data.TemplateId == templates[i].Id) { taxonomytemplate.SelectedIndex = i + 1; } } } if ((language_data != null) && (m_refApi.EnableMultilingual == 1)) { lblLanguage.Text = "[" + language_data.Name + "]"; lblLanguage.ToolTip = lblLanguage.Text; } m_strCurrentBreadcrumb = (string)(taxonomy_data.TaxonomyPath.Remove(0, 1).Replace("\\", " > ")); if (m_strCurrentBreadcrumb == "") { m_strCurrentBreadcrumb = "Root"; } inherittemplate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "OnInheritTemplateClicked(this)"); if (TaxonomyParentId == 0) { tr_config.Visible = true; List<int> config_list = m_refApi.EkContentRef.GetAllConfigIdListByTaxonomy(TaxonomyId, TaxonomyLanguage); for (int i = 0; i <= config_list.Count - 1; i++) { if (config_list[i] == 0) { chkConfigContent.Checked = true; } else if (config_list[i] == 1) { chkConfigUser.Checked = true; } else if (config_list[i] == 2) { chkConfigGroup.Checked = true; } } } else { tr_config.Visible = false; } LoadCustomPropertyList(); } else { if (m_strReorderAction == "category") { taxonomy_request.PageSize = 99999999; // pagesize of 0 used to mean "all" taxonomy_arr = m_refContent.ReadAllSubCategories(taxonomy_request); if (taxonomy_arr != null) { TotalItems = taxonomy_arr.Length; } else { TotalItems = 0; } if (TotalItems > 1) { td_msg.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("generic first msg"); OrderList.DataSource = taxonomy_arr; OrderList.DataTextField = "TaxonomyName"; OrderList.DataValueField = "TaxonomyId"; OrderList.DataBind(); OrderList.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple; OrderList.CssClass = "width: 100%; border-style: none; border-color: White; font-family: Verdana;font-size: x-small;"; if (TotalItems > 20) { OrderList.Rows = 20; } else { OrderList.Rows = TotalItems; } OrderList.Width = 300; if (TotalItems > 0) { loadscript.Text = "document.forms[0].taxonomy_OrderList[0].selected = true;"; } for (int i = 0; i <= taxonomy_arr.Length - 1; i++) { if (LinkOrder.Value == "") { LinkOrder.Value = Convert.ToString(taxonomy_arr[i].TaxonomyId); } else { LinkOrder.Value = Convert.ToString(taxonomy_arr[i].TaxonomyId) + ","; } } } else { LoadNoItem(); } } else if (m_strReorderAction == "users") { DirectoryUserRequest uReq = new DirectoryUserRequest(); DirectoryAdvancedUserData uDirectory = new DirectoryAdvancedUserData(); uReq.GetItems = true; uReq.DirectoryId = TaxonomyId; uReq.DirectoryLanguage = TaxonomyLanguage; uReq.PageSize = 99999; uReq.CurrentPage = 1; uDirectory = this.m_refContent.LoadDirectory(ref uReq); TotalItems = uDirectory.DirectoryItems.Count(); if (TotalItems > 1) { td_msg.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("generic first msg"); OrderList.DataSource = uDirectory.DirectoryItems; OrderList.DataTextField = "Username"; OrderList.DataValueField = "Id"; OrderList.DataBind(); OrderList.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple; OrderList.CssClass = "width: 100%; border-style: none; border-color: White; font-family: Verdana;font-size: x-small;"; if (TotalItems > 20) { OrderList.Rows = 20; } else { OrderList.Rows = TotalItems; } OrderList.Width = 300; if (TotalItems > 0) { loadscript.Text = "document.forms[0].taxonomy_OrderList[0].selected = true;"; } for (int i = 0; i <= TotalItems - 1; i++) { if (LinkOrder.Value == "") { LinkOrder.Value = Convert.ToString(uDirectory.DirectoryItems[i].Id); } else { LinkOrder.Value = Convert.ToString(uDirectory.DirectoryItems[i].Id) + ","; } } } else { LoadNoItem(); } } else { AllLangForm.Visible = false; // the all languages checkbox is only valid for categories taxonomy_request.PageSize = 99999999; taxonomy_request.IncludeItems = true; taxonomy_data = m_refContent.ReadTaxonomy(ref taxonomy_request); tr_ordering.Visible = true; //Not showing for items if (taxonomy_data.TaxonomyItems != null) { TotalItems = taxonomy_data.TaxonomyItems.Length; if (TotalItems > 1) { td_msg.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("generic first msg"); OrderList.DataSource = taxonomy_data.TaxonomyItems; OrderList.DataTextField = "TaxonomyItemTitle"; OrderList.DataValueField = "TaxonomyItemId"; OrderList.DataBind(); OrderList.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple; OrderList.CssClass = "width: 100%; border-style: none; border-color: White; font-family: Verdana;font-size: x-small;"; if (TotalItems > 20) { OrderList.Rows = 20; } else { OrderList.Rows = TotalItems; } OrderList.Width = 300; if (TotalItems > 0) { loadscript.Text = "document.forms[0].taxonomy_OrderList[0].selected = true;"; } foreach (TaxonomyItemData taxonomy_item in taxonomy_data.TaxonomyItems) { if (LinkOrder.Value == "") { LinkOrder.Value = Convert.ToString(taxonomy_item.TaxonomyItemId); } else { LinkOrder.Value = Convert.ToString(taxonomy_item.TaxonomyItemId) + ","; } } } else { LoadNoItem(); } } } } TaxonomyToolBar(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { CurrentUserId = m_refCommon.RequestInformationRef.UserId; m_refMsg = m_refCommon.EkMsgRef; Utilities.ValidateUserLogin(); if (m_refCommon.RequestInformationRef.IsMembershipUser > 0 || CurrentUserId == 0) { Response.Redirect(m_refCommon.ApplicationPath + "reterror.aspx?info=" + Server.UrlEncode(m_refMsg.GetMessage("msg login cms user")), false); return; } else { AppImgPath = (string)m_refCommon.AppImgPath; EnableMultilingual = System.Convert.ToInt32(m_refCommon.EnableMultilingual); displaystylesheet.Text = m_refStyle.GetClientScript(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["action"])) { m_strPageAction = Request.QueryString["action"].ToLower(); } Utilities.SetLanguage(m_refCommon); m_refContent = m_refCommon.EkContentRef; TaxonomyLanguage = System.Convert.ToInt32(m_refCommon.ContentLanguage); RegisterResources(); SetJsServerVariables(); TaxonomyRequest taxonomy_request_data = null; if (Page.IsPostBack) { string xml = ""; string title = ""; title = (string)txttitle.Text; if (textimport.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { xml = (string)textimport.Text; } else { System.IO.Stream stream = fileimport.FileContent; stream.Flush(); stream.Position = 0; int FileLen = fileimport.PostedFile.ContentLength; byte[] byteArr = new byte[FileLen + 1]; //= stream.ToArray stream.Read(byteArr, 0, FileLen); xml = System.Convert.ToBase64String(byteArr, 0, byteArr.Length); UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(); xml = utf8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(xml)); } if (xml.Trim().Length > 0 && title.Trim().Length > 0) { if (xml.IndexOf("<ArrayOfTaxonomyData ") != -1) { m_intTaxonomyId = m_refContent.ImportTaxonomyCollection(xml.Trim(), title); } else { m_intTaxonomyId = m_refContent.ImportTaxonomy(xml.Trim(), title); } string strConfig = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigContent.UniqueID])) { strConfig = "0"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigUser.UniqueID])) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig)) { strConfig = "1"; } else { strConfig = strConfig + ",1"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form[chkConfigGroup.UniqueID])) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig)) { strConfig = "2"; } else { strConfig = strConfig + ",2"; } } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConfig))) { m_refContent.UpdateTaxonomyConfig(m_intTaxonomyId, strConfig); } } if (m_intTaxonomyId > 0) { Response.Redirect("taxonomy.aspx?reloadtrees=tax", false); } else { textimport.Text = xml; textimport.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "ClearErr();"); textimport.Focus(); } } else { if (m_strPageAction == "export") { Response.Clear(); Response.Charset = ""; Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"])) { m_intTaxonomyId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["taxonomyid"]); } TaxonomyDataCollection col = new TaxonomyDataCollection(); LanguageData[] langList = (new SiteAPI()).GetAllActiveLanguages(); foreach (LanguageData langitem in langList) { taxonomy_request_data = new TaxonomyRequest(); taxonomy_request_data.TaxonomyId = m_intTaxonomyId; taxonomy_request_data.TaxonomyLanguage = langitem.Id; taxonomy_request_data.Depth = -1; taxonomy_request_data.IncludeItems = false; taxonomy_request_data.ReadCount = false; TaxonomyData data = m_refContent.LoadTaxonomy(ref taxonomy_request_data); if (data != null) { col.Add(data); } } string returnXml = (string)(EkXml.Serialize(typeof(TaxonomyDataCollection), col)); XmlDocument doc; try { doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(returnXml); string[] removablenode = new string[] { "TaxonomyParentId", "TaxonomyLevel", "TaxonomyPath", "TaxonomyCreatedDate", "TaxonomyItemCount", "TaxonomyHasChildren", "TemplateId", "TemplateName", "TemplateInherited", "TemplateInheritedFrom", "TaxonomyType", "Visible", "TaxonomyImage", "TaxonomyItems", "CategoryUrl", "FolderId" }; XmlNodeList nodelist = doc.GetElementsByTagName("TaxonomyData"); for (int i = 0; i <= nodelist.Count - 1; i++) { XmlNode node = nodelist[i]; for (int j = 0; j <= removablenode.Length - 1; j++) { XmlNode n = node.SelectSingleNode(removablenode[j]); try { n.ParentNode.RemoveChild(n); } catch (Exception) { } } } returnXml = doc.InnerXml; } catch (Exception) { } Response.Write(returnXml); Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=taxonomy_" + m_intTaxonomyId + ".xml"); } ViewImportToolBar(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect((string)("reterror.aspx?info=" + EkFunctions.UrlEncode(ex.Message + ".") + "&LangType=" + TaxonomyLanguage), false); } }