private void Process_MoveMultiContent() { long intMoveFolderId = 0; string strContentIds = ""; string[] arrArray; int i = 0; string strContentLanguages = ""; string[] arrLanguages; Ektron.Cms.Content.EkContent m_refContent; string FolderPath; int contCount = 0; SiteAPI m_refsite = new SiteAPI(); try { m_refContent = m_refContentApi.EkContentRef; m_intFolderId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form[folder_id.UniqueID]); intMoveFolderId = m_refContent.GetFolderID(Request.Form["move_folder_id"]); arrArray = Strings.Split(Request.Form[contentids.UniqueID], ",", -1, 0); for (i = 0; i <= (arrArray.Length - 1); i++) { if ((Request.Form["id_" + arrArray[i]]).ToString().IndexOf("on") + 1 > 0) { strContentIds = strContentIds + arrArray[i] + ","; } } if (strContentIds != "") { strContentIds = strContentIds.Substring(0, strContentIds.Length - 1); } arrLanguages = Strings.Split(Request.Form[contentlanguages.UniqueID], ",", -1, 0); for (i = 0; i <= (arrArray.Length - 1); i++) { if ((Request.Form["id_" + arrArray[i]]).ToString().IndexOf("on") + 1 > 0) { strContentLanguages = strContentLanguages + arrLanguages[i] + ","; } } if (strContentLanguages != "") { strContentLanguages = strContentLanguages.Substring(0, strContentLanguages.Length - 1); } if (Request.Form[hdnCopyAll.UniqueID] == "true") { bool publishContent = false; if (! (Request.Form["btn_PublishCopiedContent"] == null) && Request.Form["btn_PublishCopiedContent"].ToString() == "on") { publishContent = true; } var countContentIds = strContentIds.Split(",".ToCharArray()); for (contCount = 0; contCount <= countContentIds.Length - 1; contCount++) { m_refContent.CopyAllLanguageContent(System.Convert.ToInt32(countContentIds[contCount]), intMoveFolderId, publishContent); } } else { if (! (Request.Form[RadBtnMoveCopyValue.UniqueID] == null) && Request.Form[RadBtnMoveCopyValue.UniqueID].ToString() == "copy") { bool bPublish = false; if (! (Request.Form["btn_PublishCopiedContent"] == null) && Request.Form["btn_PublishCopiedContent"].ToString() == "on") { bPublish = true; } m_refContent.CopyContentByID(strContentIds, strContentLanguages, intMoveFolderId, bPublish); } else { m_refContent.MoveContent(strContentIds, strContentLanguages, intMoveFolderId); } } FolderPath = m_refContent.GetFolderPath(intMoveFolderId); if ((FolderPath.Substring(FolderPath.Length - 1, 1) == "\\")) { FolderPath = FolderPath.Substring(FolderPath.Length - FolderPath.Length - 1, FolderPath.Length - 1); } FolderPath = FolderPath.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); Response.Redirect((string) ("content.aspx?LangType=" + ContentLanguage + "&action=ViewContentByCategory&id=" + intMoveFolderId + "&reloadtrees=Forms,Content,Library&TreeNav=" + FolderPath), false); } catch (Exception ex) { int intError; string strError; strError = "because a record with the same title exists in the destination folder"; intError = ex.Message.IndexOf(strError); if (intError > -1) { strError = ex.Message.Substring(0, intError + strError.Length); Response.Redirect((string) ("reterror.aspx?info=" + EkFunctions.UrlEncode(strError + ".")), false); } else { Response.Redirect((string) ("reterror.aspx?info=" + EkFunctions.UrlEncode(ex.Message)), false); } } }