public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { if (attribute._label != null) label.text = attribute._label; if (attribute._target == null) { attribute._target = property.serializedObject.targetObject; attribute._propertyInfo = ReflectionKit.GetPropertyInfo(attribute._target, attribute._propertyName); } if (attribute._propertyInfo == null) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Can't find property"); return; } if (fieldInfo.FieldType != attribute._propertyInfo.PropertyType) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Mismatching property type"); return; } if (!attribute._propertyInfo.CanRead || !attribute._propertyInfo.CanWrite) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Property can't read or write"); return; } using (var scope = new ChangeCheckScope(property.serializedObject.targetObject)) { object value = attribute._propertyInfo.GetValue(attribute._target, null); switch (property.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.AnimationCurve: { value = EditorGUI.CurveField(position, label, (AnimationCurve)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean: { value = EditorGUI.Toggle(position, label, (bool)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Bounds: { value = EditorGUI.BoundsField(position, label, (Bounds)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Color: { value = EditorGUI.ColorField(position, label, (Color)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Enum: { value = EditorGUI.EnumPopup(position, label, (System.Enum)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Float: { value = EditorGUI.FloatField(position, label, (float)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Integer: { value = EditorGUI.IntField(position, label, (int)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference: { value = EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, label, value as Object, fieldInfo.FieldType, !EditorUtility.IsPersistent(attribute._target)); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Rect: { value = EditorGUI.RectField(position, label, (Rect)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.String: { value = EditorGUI.TextField(position, label, (string)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Vector2: { value = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(position, label, (Vector2)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Vector3: { value = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(position, label, (Vector3)value); break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Vector4: { value = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(position, label.text, (Vector4)value); break; } default: { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, label.text, "Type is not supported"); break; } } if (scope.changed) attribute._propertyInfo.SetValue(attribute._target, value, null); } } // OnGUI
private static void DrawColorField(SerializedProperty serializedProperty, float x, float y, float colorWidth, float height) { serializedProperty.colorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(x, y, colorWidth, height), GUIContent.none, serializedProperty.colorValue, false, false, false); }
private void OnGUIDrawItems(Rect rect, Func <Rect> next) { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Point Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUIChangeCheck(() => { // Mesh rect = next(); _property.baseMesh = (Mesh)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, "Target Mesh", _property.baseMesh, typeof(Mesh), true); // UV Type rect = next(); _property.uvType = (PointBuilder.UVType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rect, "UV Type", _property.uvType); }, OnChangeMeshUV); EditorGUIChangeCheck(() => { // uv interval rect = next(); _property.uvDivision = EditorGUI.Vector2IntField(rect, "UV Division", _property.uvDivision); rect = next(); rect = next(); _property.uvOffset = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(rect, "UV Offset", _property.uvOffset); }, OnChangePointBuilderSettings); // preview rect = next(); rect = next(); rect = next(); EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Preview", EditorStyles.boldLabel); /* * rect.y += itemHeight + 2; * _uvPreviewPosition = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(rect, "UV Position", _uvPreviewPosition); * * rect.y += itemHeight * 2 + 2; * _pointMeshPreviewPosition = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(rect, "Point Position", _pointMeshPreviewPosition); * * rect.y += itemHeight * 2 + 2; * _pointMeshPreviewEuler = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(rect, "Point Euler", _pointMeshPreviewEuler); */ EditorGUIChangeCheck(() => { rect = next(); _property.wireSize = EditorGUI.Slider(rect, "Wire Size", _property.wireSize, 0, 0.34f); //_pointSize = EditorGUI.IntSlider(rect, "Point Size", _pointSize, 1, 10); rect = next(); _property.wireColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, "Wire Color", _property.wireColor); rect = next(); _property.pointColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, "Point Color", _property.pointColor); }, OnChangePreviewMaterial); rect = next(); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Preview Camera Reset")) { OnClickPreviewResetButton(); } rect = next(); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Build Preview")) { OnClickPreviewButton(); } // Export EditorGUIChangeCheck(() => { rect = next(); rect = next(); EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Export", EditorStyles.boldLabel); rect = next(); _property.exportDir = EditorGUI.TextField(rect, "Export Dir", _property.exportDir); rect = next(); _property.exportNamePrefix = EditorGUI.TextField(rect, "Export Name Prefix", _property.exportNamePrefix); }, OnChangeProperty); rect = next(); if (GUI.Button(rect, "Export Point Mesh")) { OnClickExportPointMesh(); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //string renName = ""; //int setRename = 0; //int localPresetIndex = -1; //bool showErrors = false; //bool showPresets = false; //bool showSplash = false; //bool showWaves = false; //bool showGeneral = false; //bool showSurface = false; //bool showUnderwater = false; //bool showEffects = false; //bool showColor = false; //bool showReflect = false; //bool showFoam = false; Texture logoTex; Texture divTex; Texture divRevTex; //Texture divVertTex; //Texture divHorizTex; //Texture bgPreset; //Texture bgPresetSt; //Texture bgPresetNd; Color colorEnabled = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Color colorDisabled = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f); //Color colorEnabled = new Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); //Color colorDisabled = new Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.35f); //Color highlightColor2 = new Color(0.7f,1f,0.2f,0.6f); //Color highlightColor = new Color(1f,0.5f,0f,0.9f); float emMin = 1.0f; float emMax = 3.0f; float aMin = 0.9f; float aMax = 1.0f; float apMin = 0.9f; float apMax = 1.1f; float szMin = 0.5f; float szMax = 1.5f; Suimono.Core.fx_EffectObject script = (Suimono.Core.fx_EffectObject)target; Undo.RecordObject(target, "Changed Area Of Effect"); //load textures logoTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonologo_i") as Texture; divTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonodiv_i") as Texture; divRevTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonodivrev_i") as Texture; if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin == true) { divTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonodiv") as Texture; logoTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonologofx") as Texture; divRevTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonodivrev") as Texture; } //SUIMONO LOGO GUIContent buttonText = new GUIContent(""); GUIStyle buttonStyle = GUIStyle.none; Rect rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); int margin = 15; EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 36), logoTex); GUILayout.Space(25.0f); //SET TYPE rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); //EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x+margin,rt.y+30,387,24),divRevTex); //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x+margin,rt.y+12,192,24),"Particle Effect")) script.typeIndex = 0; //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x+margin+194,rt.y+12,192,24),"Audio Effect")) script.typeIndex = 1; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y + 12, 128, 24), "Particle Effect")) { script.typeIndex = 0; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 130, rt.y + 12, 128, 24), "Audio Effect")) { script.typeIndex = 1; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 130 * 2, rt.y + 12, 128, 24), "Event Trigger")) { script.typeIndex = 2; } GUILayout.Space(30.0f); //SET ACTION TYPE rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 12, 180, 18), "Action Type"); script.actionIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 110, rt.y + 12, 260, 18), "", script.actionIndex, script.actionOptions.ToArray()); if (script.actionIndex == 0 || script.actionIndex == 2) { EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 32, 90, 18), "Reset Time"); script.actionReset = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 110, rt.y + 32, 40, 18), "", script.actionReset); if (script.actionIndex == 2) { EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 225, rt.y + 32, 100, 18), "Repeat Number"); script.actionNum = EditorGUI.IntField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 325, rt.y + 32, 40, 18), "", script.actionNum); } GUILayout.Space(20.0f); } GUILayout.Space(20.0f); //SET EFFECT PARTICLE UI if (script.typeIndex == 0) { rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y + 139, 387, 24), divRevTex); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 15, 90, 18), "Particle Effect"); script.systemIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 110, rt.y + 15, 260, 18), "", script.systemIndex, script.sysNames.ToArray()); //script.systemIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(rt.x+margin+110, rt.y+15, 260, 18),"",script.systemIndex, script.sysNames); emMin = script.emitNum.x; emMax = script.emitNum.y; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 45, 130, 18), "Emit Number"); EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 115, rt.y + 45, 200, 18), ref emMin, ref emMax, 0.0f, 20.0f); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 340, rt.y + 45, 50, 18), Mathf.Floor(emMin) + " " + Mathf.Floor(emMax)); szMin = script.effectSize.x; szMax = script.effectSize.y; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 65, 130, 18), "Particle Size"); EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 115, rt.y + 65, 200, 18), ref szMin, ref szMax, 0.0f, 4.0f); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 340, rt.y + 65, 50, 18), szMin.ToString("F1") + " " + szMax.ToString("F1")); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 95, 130, 18), "Emission Speed"); script.emitSpeed = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 115, rt.y + 95, 60, 18), "", script.emitSpeed); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 210, rt.y + 95, 130, 18), "Directional Speed"); script.directionMultiplier = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 320, rt.y + 95, 40, 18), "", script.directionMultiplier); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 115, 130, 18), "Emit At Surface"); script.emitAtWaterLevel = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 115, rt.y + 114, 40, 18), "", script.emitAtWaterLevel); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 210, rt.y + 115, 130, 18), "Distance Range"); script.effectDistance = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 320, rt.y + 114, 40, 18), "", script.effectDistance); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 135, 130, 18), "Clamp Rotation"); script.clampRot = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 115, rt.y + 134, 40, 18), "", script.clampRot); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 155, rt.y + 135, 130, 18), "Tint Color"); script.tintCol = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 225, rt.y + 134, 140, 18), "", script.tintCol); script.emitNum.x = Mathf.Floor(emMin); script.emitNum.y = Mathf.Floor(emMax); script.effectSize.x = szMin; script.effectSize.y = szMax; GUILayout.Space(150.0f); } //SET EFFECT AUDIO UI if (script.typeIndex == 1) { rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y + 139, 387, 24), divRevTex); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 15, 130, 18), "Select Audio Sample"); script.audioObj = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 150, rt.y + 15, 220, 18), script.audioObj, typeof(AudioClip), true) as AudioClip; aMin = script.audioVol.x; aMax = script.audioVol.y; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 45, 130, 18), "Audio Volume Range"); EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 150, rt.y + 45, 230, 18), ref aMin, ref aMax, 0.0f, 1.0f); apMin = script.audioPit.x; apMax = script.audioPit.y; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 65, 130, 18), "Audio Pitch Range"); EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 150, rt.y + 65, 230, 18), ref apMin, ref apMax, 0.0f, 2.0f); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 90, 150, 18), "Audio Repeat Speed"); script.audioSpeed = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 145, rt.y + 90, 60, 18), "", script.audioSpeed); script.audioVol.x = aMin; script.audioVol.y = aMax; script.audioPit.x = apMin; script.audioPit.y = apMax; GUILayout.Space(150.0f); } //SET EVENT UI if (script.typeIndex == 2) { rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y + 139, 387, 24), divRevTex); GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 10, 387, 18), "*Event will be triggered REGARDLESS of action type*"); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 30, 130, 18), "Enable Event Broadcasting"); script.enableEvents = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 30, 40, 18), "", script.enableEvents); if (!script.enableEvents) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 60, 130, 18), "Interval(sec)"); script.eventInterval = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 115, rt.y + 60, 30, 18), "", script.eventInterval); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 80, 130, 18), "At Surface"); script.eventAtSurface = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 115, rt.y + 80, 40, 18), "", script.eventAtSurface); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; GUILayout.Space(150.0f); } //SET RULES rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y + 89f + (script.effectRule.Length * 20.0f), 387f, 24f), divRevTex); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 15, 387, 18), "SET ACTIVATION RULES"); if (script.effectRule.Length <= 0) { EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 50, rt.y + 35, 387, 18), "THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO RULES TO VIEW..."); } else { for (int rL = 0; rL < script.effectRule.Length; rL++) { if (rL < script.effectRule.Length) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10f, rt.y + 45f + (rL * 20.0f), 18f, 16f), "-")) { script.DeleteRule(rL); } if (rL >= script.effectRule.Length) { break; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 35f, rt.y + 45f + (rL * 20.0f), 70f, 18f), "RULE " + (rL + 1)); //----------------- if (script.ruleIndex[rL] > 3 && script.ruleIndex[rL] < 8) { script.ruleIndex[rL] = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 90f, rt.y + 45f + (rL * 20.0f), 246f, 18f), "", script.ruleIndex[rL], script.ruleOptions.ToArray()); script.effectData[rL] = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 340f, rt.y + 44f + (rL * 20.0f), 30f, 18f), "", script.effectData[rL]); } else { script.ruleIndex[rL] = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 90f, rt.y + 45f + (rL * 20.0f), 280f, 18f), "", script.ruleIndex[rL], script.ruleOptions.ToArray()); } //----------------- GUILayout.Space(20.0f); } } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 90f, rt.y + 60f + (script.effectRule.Length * 20.0f), 200f, 18f), "+ ADD NEW RULE")) { script.AddRule(); } GUILayout.Space(100.0f); EditorUtility.SetDirty(script); }
static void drawItem(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) { if (m_Attributes[index] == null) { var color = GUI.color; GUI.color =; EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "NULL OR DELETED"); GUI.color = color; return; } rect.yMin += 2; rect.height = 16; var namerect = rect; namerect.width = 100; m_Attributes[index].name = GUI.TextField(namerect, m_Attributes[index].name); var typerect = rect; typerect.xMin = rect.xMin + 108; typerect.width = 64; m_Attributes[index].type = (EventAttributeType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(typerect, m_Attributes[index].type); var valueRect = rect; valueRect.xMin = rect.xMin + 180; switch (m_Attributes[index].type) { case EventAttributeType.Bool: if (m_Attributes[index].value == null || !(m_Attributes[index].value is bool)) { m_Attributes[index].value = true; } m_Attributes[index].value = (bool)EditorGUI.Toggle(valueRect, (bool)m_Attributes[index].value); break; case EventAttributeType.Float: if (m_Attributes[index].value == null || !(m_Attributes[index].value is float)) { m_Attributes[index].value = 1.0f; } m_Attributes[index].value = (float)EditorGUI.FloatField(valueRect, (float)m_Attributes[index].value); break; case EventAttributeType.Vector2: if (m_Attributes[index].value == null || !(m_Attributes[index].value is Vector2)) { m_Attributes[index].value =; } m_Attributes[index].value = (Vector2)EditorGUI.Vector2Field(valueRect, "", (Vector2)m_Attributes[index].value); break; case EventAttributeType.Vector3: if (m_Attributes[index].value == null || !(m_Attributes[index].value is Vector3)) { m_Attributes[index].value =; } m_Attributes[index].value = (Vector3)EditorGUI.Vector3Field(valueRect, "", (Vector3)m_Attributes[index].value); break; case EventAttributeType.Color: if (m_Attributes[index].value == null || !(m_Attributes[index].value is Color)) { m_Attributes[index].value = Color.white; } m_Attributes[index].value = (Color)EditorGUI.ColorField(valueRect, (Color)m_Attributes[index].value); break; } }
private void OnEnable() { Action <ReorderableList, SerializedProperty> fnAssetDropDown = delegate(ReorderableList list, SerializedProperty property) { var existingAttribute = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < property.arraySize; ++i) { existingAttribute.Add(property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).FindPropertyRelative("attribute.m_Name").stringValue); } var menu = new GenericMenu(); foreach (var attributeName in VFXAttribute.AllIncludingVariadicReadWritable.Except(existingAttribute).OrderBy(o => o)) { var attribute = VFXAttribute.Find(attributeName); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(, false, () => { serializedObject.Update(); property.arraySize++; var newElement = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(property.arraySize - 1); newElement.FindPropertyRelative("attribute.m_Name").stringValue =; newElement.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue = (int)attribute.type; var size = VFXExpression.TypeToSize(attribute.type); var values = newElement.FindPropertyRelative("values"); values.arraySize = size; var initialValues = new float[size]; if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <float>(); } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float2) { var v = attribute.value.Get <Vector2>(); initialValues[0] = v.x; initialValues[1] = v.y; } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float3) { var v = attribute.value.Get <Vector3>(); initialValues[0] = v.x; initialValues[1] = v.y; initialValues[2] = v.z; } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Float4) { var v = attribute.value.Get <Vector4>(); initialValues[0] = v.x; initialValues[1] = v.y; initialValues[2] = v.z; initialValues[3] = v.w; } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Int32) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <int>(); } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Uint32) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <uint>(); } else if (attribute.type == VFXValueType.Boolean) { initialValues[0] = attribute.value.Get <bool>() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { values.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).floatValue = initialValues[i]; } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }); } menu.ShowAsContext(); }; Action <Rect, SerializedProperty, int> fnDrawElement = delegate(Rect r, SerializedProperty property, int index) { var element = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); var label = element.FindPropertyRelative("attribute.m_Name").stringValue; var labelWidth = 110;// GUIContent(label)); //Should be maximized among all existing property, for now, angularVelocity is considered as maximum EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(r.x, r.y, labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), label); var valueType = (VFXValueType)element.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue; var valueSize = VFXExpression.TypeToSize(valueType); var fieldWidth = (r.width - labelWidth) / valueSize; var emptyGUIContent = new GUIContent(string.Empty); var valuesProperty = element.FindPropertyRelative("values"); if (valueType == VFXValueType.Float || valueType == VFXValueType.Float2 || valueType == VFXValueType.Float3 || valueType == VFXValueType.Float4) { if (label.Contains("color") && valueType == VFXValueType.Float3) { var oldColor = new Color(valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue, valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(1).floatValue, valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(2).floatValue); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var newColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(r.x + labelWidth, r.y, fieldWidth * 3, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), oldColor); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue = newColor.r; valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(1).floatValue = newColor.g; valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(2).floatValue = newColor.b; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < valueSize; ++i) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(r.x + labelWidth + fieldWidth * i, r.y, fieldWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight), valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i), emptyGUIContent); } } } else if (valueType == VFXValueType.Int32 || valueType == VFXValueType.Uint32 || valueType == VFXValueType.Boolean) { var oldValue = valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue; float newValue; var currentRect = new Rect(r.x + labelWidth, r.y, fieldWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (valueType == VFXValueType.Boolean) { newValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(currentRect, emptyGUIContent, oldValue != 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } else { newValue = (float)EditorGUI.LongField(currentRect, emptyGUIContent, (long)oldValue); newValue = newValue < 0.0f ? 0.0f : newValue; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { valuesProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).floatValue = newValue; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } }; onClipEnterProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.onClipEnter.m_Name"); onClipExitProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.onClipExit.m_Name"); var clipEnterAttributesProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.clipEnterEventAttributes"); var clipExitAttributesProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("activationBehavior.clipExitEventAttributes"); clipEnterAttributesPropertyList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, clipEnterAttributesProperty, true, true, true, true); clipExitAttributesPropertyList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, clipExitAttributesProperty, true, true, true, true); clipEnterAttributesPropertyList.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect r) => { EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "Enter Event Attributes"); }; clipExitAttributesPropertyList.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect r) => { EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "Exit Event Attributes"); }; clipEnterAttributesPropertyList.onAddDropdownCallback += (Rect buttonRect, ReorderableList list) => fnAssetDropDown(list, clipEnterAttributesProperty); clipExitAttributesPropertyList.onAddDropdownCallback += (Rect buttonRect, ReorderableList list) => fnAssetDropDown(list, clipExitAttributesProperty); clipEnterAttributesPropertyList.drawElementCallback = (Rect r, int index, bool active, bool focused) => fnDrawElement(r, clipEnterAttributesProperty, index); clipExitAttributesPropertyList.drawElementCallback = (Rect r, int index, bool active, bool focused) => fnDrawElement(r, clipExitAttributesProperty, index); }
private void OnEnable() { MemoryItems = serializedObject.FindProperty("MemoryItems"); memoryfield = MoonReflection.GetField("memory", target); MemoryList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, MemoryItems, true, true, true, true); MemoryList.elementHeight = 50; MemoryList.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect r) => { EditorGUI.LabelField(r, new GUIContent("Memory Elements", "User pre-defined memory elements")); }; MemoryList.drawElementCallback = (Rect rect, int index, bool isactive, bool isfocused) => { SerializedProperty current = MemoryItems.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); Rect toprect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + 2, rect.width, 20); SerializedProperty type = current.FindPropertyRelative("type"); ItemType itype = (ItemType)type.enumValueIndex; // key gui GUI.BeginGroup(toprect); GUIContent labelcont = new GUIContent(MemoryItem.ConvertType(itype).Name); float w ="AssetLabel").CalcSize(labelcont).x; GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, w, 16), labelcont,"AssetLabel")); GUI.Label(new Rect(w + 5, 0, 30, 16), "key:"); SerializedProperty key = current.FindPropertyRelative("Key"); key.stringValue = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(w + 40, 0, toprect.width - (w + 40), 16), key.stringValue); GUI.EndGroup(); // value gui Rect buttunrect = new Rect(rect.x, toprect.yMax + 2, rect.width, 20); GUI.BeginGroup(buttunrect); GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 50, 15), "Value"); Rect ValueRect = new Rect(60, 0, buttunrect.width - 60, 16); switch (itype) { case ItemType.BOOLEAN: SerializedProperty BoolValue = current.FindPropertyRelative("BoolValue"); BoolValue.boolValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(ValueRect.position, * 16), BoolValue.boolValue); break; case ItemType.STRING: SerializedProperty StringValue = current.FindPropertyRelative("StringValue"); StringValue.stringValue = EditorGUI.TextField(ValueRect, StringValue.stringValue); break; case ItemType.FLOAT: SerializedProperty floatValue = current.FindPropertyRelative("floatValue"); floatValue.floatValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(ValueRect, floatValue.floatValue); break; case ItemType.INT: SerializedProperty intValue = current.FindPropertyRelative("intValue"); intValue.intValue = EditorGUI.IntField(ValueRect, intValue.intValue); break; case ItemType.VECTOR2: SerializedProperty Vector2Value = current.FindPropertyRelative("Vector2Value"); Vector2Value.vector2Value = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(ValueRect, "", Vector2Value.vector2Value); break; case ItemType.VECTOR3: SerializedProperty Vector3Value = current.FindPropertyRelative("Vector3Value"); Vector3Value.vector3Value = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(ValueRect, "", Vector3Value.vector3Value); break; case ItemType.VECTOR4: SerializedProperty Vector4Value = current.FindPropertyRelative("Vector4Value"); Vector4Value.vector4Value = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(ValueRect, "", Vector4Value.vector4Value); break; case ItemType.COLOR: SerializedProperty ColorValue = current.FindPropertyRelative("ColorValue"); ColorValue.colorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(ValueRect, ColorValue.colorValue); break; case ItemType.OBJECT: SerializedProperty objectValue = current.FindPropertyRelative("objectValue"); objectValue.objectReferenceValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(ValueRect, "", objectValue.objectReferenceValue, typeof(Object), true); break; case ItemType.LAYERMASK: SerializedProperty LayerValue = current.FindPropertyRelative("LayerValue"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(ValueRect, LayerValue, GUIContent.none, true); break; } GUI.EndGroup(); }; MemoryList.onAddDropdownCallback = (Rect btnrect, ReorderableList list) => { int targetindex = list.serializedProperty.arraySize; GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); string[] opcs = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemType)); for (int i = 0; i < opcs.Length; i++) { string elementName = opcs[i]; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(elementName), false, new GenericMenu.MenuFunction(() => { list.serializedProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(targetindex); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); SerializedProperty current = MemoryItems.GetArrayElementAtIndex(targetindex); SerializedProperty type = current.FindPropertyRelative("type"); for (int j = 0; j < type.enumNames.Length; j++) { if (string.Equals(elementName, type.enumNames[j])) { list.serializedProperty.serializedObject.Update(); type.enumValueIndex = j; current.FindPropertyRelative("Key").stringValue = string.Empty; list.serializedProperty.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); break; } } })); } menu.DropDown(btnrect); }; }
/// <summary> /// 绘制object /// </summary> /// <param name="showName"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object DrawValue(Rect rect, object data, GUIStyle style) { if (data == null) { return(data); } Type type = data.GetType(); object obj = data; if (type == typeof(int)) { obj = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, (int)data, style); } else if (type == typeof(short)) { obj = (short)EditorGUI.IntField(rect, (short)data, style); } else if (type == typeof(long)) { obj = EditorGUI.LongField(rect, (long)data, style); } else if (type == typeof(double)) { obj = EditorGUI.DoubleField(rect, (double)data, style); } else if (type == typeof(float)) { obj = EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, (float)data, style); } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, (bool)data, "BoldToggle"); } else if (type == typeof(string)) { obj = EditorGUI.TextArea(rect, data.ToString(), style); } else if (type == typeof(AnimationClip) || type == typeof(Texture2D) || type == typeof(Texture) || type == typeof(Sprite) || type == typeof(AnimatorController) || type.BaseType == typeof(UnityEngine.Object) || type.BaseType == typeof(Component) || type.BaseType == typeof(MonoBehaviour)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, (UnityEngine.Object)data, type, true); } else if (type.BaseType == typeof(Enum)) { obj = EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rect, "", (Enum)Enum.Parse(type, data.ToString()), style); } else if (type == typeof(Vector3)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(rect, "", (Vector3)data); } else if (type == typeof(Vector2)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(rect, "", (Vector2)data); } else if (type == typeof(Vector3Int)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.Vector3IntField(rect, "", (Vector3Int)data); } else if (type == typeof(Vector2Int)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.Vector2IntField(rect, "", (Vector2Int)data); } else if (type == typeof(Vector4)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(rect, "", (Vector4)data); } else if (type == typeof(Color)) { GUI.Box(rect, "", style); obj = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, (Color)data); } //else if (type.Name == typeof(List<>).Name) //{ //} //else if (type.Name == typeof(Dictionary<,>).Name) //{ //} //else if (type.IsArray) //{ //} //else if ((type.IsClass && type != typeof(string)) || type.IsValueType) //{ //} return(obj); }
/// <summary> /// 绘制字段 /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">区域</param> /// <param name="type">类型</param> /// <param name="value">值</param> /// <param name="label">名</param> /// <returns></returns> public static object DrawField(Rect rect, Type type, object value, GUIContent label) { if (value == null) { if (!typeof(UnityObject).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { value = CreateInstance(type); } } if (!IsSupport(type)) { return(null); } if (type.IsEnum) { return(EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rect, label, (Enum)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(bool))) { return(EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, label, value == null ? false : (bool)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(short)) || type.Equals(typeof(ushort)) || type.Equals(typeof(int)) || type.Equals(typeof(uint))) { return(EditorGUI.IntField(rect, label, value == null ? 0 : (int)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(long)) || type.Equals(typeof(ulong))) { return(EditorGUI.LongField(rect, label, value == null ? 0 : (long)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(float))) { return(EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, value == null ? 0 : (float)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(double))) { return(EditorGUI.DoubleField(rect, label, value == null ? 0 : (double)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(string))) { return(EditorGUI.TextField(rect, label, value == null ? "" : (string)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Vector2))) { return(EditorGUI.Vector2Field(rect, label, value == null ? : (Vector2)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Vector2Int))) { return(EditorGUI.Vector2IntField(rect, label, value == null ? : (Vector2Int)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Vector3))) { return(EditorGUI.Vector3Field(rect, label, value == null ? : (Vector3)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Vector3Int))) { return(EditorGUI.Vector3IntField(rect, label, value == null ? : (Vector3Int)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Vector4))) { return(EditorGUI.Vector4Field(rect, label, value == null ? : (Vector4)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Quaternion))) { Quaternion quaternion = value == null ? Quaternion.identity : (Quaternion)value; Vector4 vector = new Vector4(quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w); vector = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(rect, label, vector); quaternion.Set(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z, vector.w); return(quaternion); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Color))) { return(EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, label, value == null ? : (Color)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(Rect))) { return(EditorGUI.RectField(rect, label, value == null ? : (Rect)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(AnimationCurve))) { return(EditorGUI.CurveField(rect, label, value == null ? AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f) : (AnimationCurve)value)); } if (type.Equals(typeof(LayerMask))) { return((LayerMask)EditorGUI.LayerField(rect, label, (LayerMask)(value == null ? (-1) : value))); } if (typeof(UnityObject).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return(EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, label, (UnityObject)value, type, true)); } if (ObjectDrawer.CheckHasCustomDrawer(type)) { ObjectDrawer objectDrawer = ObjectDrawer.CreateEditor(value); return(objectDrawer.OnGUI(rect, label)); } return(null); }
public override void DrawProp(Rect position, MaterialProperty prop, GUIContent label, MaterialEditor editor) { Stack <MaterialProperty> cProps = new Stack <MaterialProperty>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i == 0) { cProps.Push(prop); continue; } var p = SimpleShaderGUI.FindProp(colorStr[i - 1], props); if (p != null && p.type == MaterialProperty.PropType.Color) { cProps.Push(p); } } int count = cProps.Count; var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); var p1 = cProps.Pop(); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = p1.hasMixedValue; editor.ColorProperty(rect, p1, label.text); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { var cProp = cProps.Pop(); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = cProp.hasMixedValue; Rect r = new Rect(rect); var interval = 13 * i * (-0.25f + EditorGUI.indentLevel * 1.25f); float w = propRight * (0.8f + EditorGUI.indentLevel * 0.2f); r.xMin += r.width - w * (i + 1) + interval; r.xMax -= w * i - interval; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Color src, dst; if (isHSV) { src = Func.HSVToRGB(cProp.colorValue.linear).gamma; } else { src = cProp.colorValue; } var hdr = (prop.flags & MaterialProperty.PropFlags.HDR) != MaterialProperty.PropFlags.None; dst = EditorGUI.ColorField(r, GUIContent.none, src, true, true, hdr); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (isHSV) { cProp.colorValue = Func.RGBToHSV(dst.linear).gamma; } else { cProp.colorValue = dst; } } } EditorGUI.showMixedValue = false; Func.SetShaderKeyWord(editor.targets, preHSVKeyWord, isHSV); }
private void DrawValueFieldInValueMode(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, VariantReference.EditorHelper helper) { if (helper.Target == null) { return; } var variant = helper.Target; if (this.RestrictVariantType && helper._type != this.VariantTypeRestrictedTo) { helper.PrepareForValueTypeChange(this.VariantTypeRestrictedTo); GUI.changed = true; //force change } var r0 = new Rect(position.xMin, position.yMin, 90.0f, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); var r1 = new Rect(r0.xMax, position.yMin, position.xMax - r0.xMax, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); var cache = SPGUI.DisableIf(this.RestrictVariantType); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var valueType = (VariantType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(r0, GUIContent.none, variant.ValueType); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { helper.PrepareForValueTypeChange(valueType); } cache.Reset(); if (_typeRestrictedTo.IsEnum) { variant.IntValue = ConvertUtil.ToInt(EditorGUI.EnumPopup(r1, ConvertUtil.ToEnumOfType(_typeRestrictedTo, variant.IntValue))); } else { switch (valueType) { case VariantType.Null: cache = SPGUI.Disable(); EditorGUI.TextField(r1, "Null"); cache.Reset(); break; case VariantType.String: variant.StringValue = EditorGUI.TextField(r1, variant.StringValue); break; case VariantType.Boolean: variant.BoolValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(r1, variant.BoolValue); break; case VariantType.Integer: variant.IntValue = EditorGUI.IntField(r1, variant.IntValue); break; case VariantType.Float: variant.FloatValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(r1, variant.FloatValue); break; case VariantType.Double: variant.DoubleValue = ConvertUtil.ToDouble(EditorGUI.TextField(r1, variant.DoubleValue.ToString())); break; case VariantType.Vector2: variant.Vector2Value = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(r1, GUIContent.none, variant.Vector2Value); break; case VariantType.Vector3: variant.Vector3Value = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(r1, GUIContent.none, variant.Vector3Value); break; case VariantType.Vector4: variant.Vector4Value = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(r1, (string)null, variant.Vector4Value); break; case VariantType.Quaternion: variant.QuaternionValue = SPEditorGUI.QuaternionField(r1, GUIContent.none, variant.QuaternionValue); break; case VariantType.Color: variant.ColorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(r1, variant.ColorValue); break; case VariantType.DateTime: variant.DateValue = ConvertUtil.ToDate(EditorGUI.TextField(r1, variant.DateValue.ToString())); break; case VariantType.GameObject: variant.GameObjectValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(r1, variant.GameObjectValue, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject; break; case VariantType.Component: { _selectComponentDrawer.AllowNonComponents = false; _selectComponentDrawer.RestrictionType = ComponentUtil.IsAcceptableComponentType(_forcedObjectType) ? _forcedObjectType : typeof(Component); _selectComponentDrawer.ShowXButton = true; var targProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(PROP_UNITYOBJREF); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); _selectComponentDrawer.OnGUI(r1, targProp); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { variant.ComponentValue = targProp.objectReferenceValue as Component; } } break; case VariantType.Object: { var obj = variant.ObjectValue; if (ComponentUtil.IsAcceptableComponentType(_forcedObjectType)) { if (obj is GameObject || obj is Component) { _selectComponentDrawer.AllowNonComponents = false; _selectComponentDrawer.RestrictionType = _forcedObjectType; _selectComponentDrawer.ShowXButton = true; var targProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(PROP_UNITYOBJREF); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); _selectComponentDrawer.OnGUI(r1, targProp); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { variant.ObjectValue = targProp.objectReferenceValue as Component; } } else { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); obj = EditorGUI.ObjectField(r1, obj, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), true); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (obj == null) { variant.ObjectValue = null; } else if (TypeUtil.IsType(obj.GetType(), _forcedObjectType)) { variant.ObjectValue = obj; } else { var go = GameObjectUtil.GetGameObjectFromSource(obj); if (go != null) { variant.ObjectValue = go.GetComponent(_forcedObjectType); } else { variant.ObjectValue = null; } } } } } else { variant.ObjectValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(r1, obj, _forcedObjectType, true); } } break; case VariantType.LayerMask: { variant.LayerMaskValue = SPEditorGUI.LayerMaskField(r1, GUIContent.none, (int)variant.LayerMaskValue); } break; case VariantType.Rect: { variant.RectValue = EditorGUI.RectField(r1, variant.RectValue); } break; } } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { using (var propScope = Disposables.PropertyScope(position, label, property)) { label = propScope.content; var rect = position; rect.height = SingleLine; rect.y += 1; var colour = GetTargetObject(property); if (colour == null) { return; } var rect2 = rect; rect2.width = IndentSize; property.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(rect2, property.isExpanded, ""); rect2 = rect; using (var ChangeCheck = Disposables.ChangeCheck()) { var col = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect2, new GUIContent(property.displayName, property.displayName), colour); colour.SetColor(col); if (!property.isExpanded) { return; } using (Disposables.Indent()) { rect.y += 1 + SingleLine; var A = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, new GUIContent("Alpha", "Alpha"), colour.A); rect.y += 1 + SingleLine; var R = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, new GUIContent("Red", "Red"), colour.R); rect.y += 1 + SingleLine; var G = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, new GUIContent("Green", "Green"), colour.G); rect.y += 1 + SingleLine; var B = EditorGUI.IntField(rect, new GUIContent("Blue", "Blue"), colour.B); rect.y += 1 + SingleLine; if (GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("Randomize Colour", "Randomizes the Colour"))) { var colHSV = Random.ColorHSV(); colour.SetColor(colHSV); return; } if (A >= 255) { colour.A = 255; } else if (A <= 0) { colour.A = 0; } else { colour.A = (byte)A; } if (R >= 255) { colour.R = 255; } else if (R <= 0) { colour.R = 0; } else { colour.R = (byte)R; } if (G >= 255) { colour.G = 255; } else if (G <= 0) { colour.G = 0; } else { colour.G = (byte)G; } if (B >= 255) { colour.B = 255; } else if (B <= 0) { colour.B = 0; } else { colour.B = (byte)B; } if (ChangeCheck.changed) { Undo.RecordObject(property.serializedObject.targetObject, "ColourChange"); } } } } }
public static bool SinglePropertyField(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { //PropertyDrawer drawer = PropertyDrawer.GetDrawer(property); //if (drawer != null) //{ // EditorLook look = EditorGUIUtility.look; // float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; // float fieldWidth = EditorGUI.kNumberW; // drawer.OnGUI(position, property.Copy(), label ?? EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(property.displayName)); // if (EditorGUIUtility.look != look) // { // if (look == EditorLook.LikeControls) // { // EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(labelWidth, fieldWidth); // } // else // { // EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector(); // } // } // EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth; // EditorGUI.kNumberW = fieldWidth; // return false; //} label = EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); SerializedPropertyType propertyType = property.propertyType; bool flag = false; if (!HasVisibleChildFields(property)) { switch (propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.Integer: { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int intValue = EditorGUI.IntField(position, label, property.intValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { property.intValue = intValue; } goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean: { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); bool boolValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(position, label, property.boolValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { property.boolValue = boolValue; } goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.Float: { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); float floatValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(position, label, property.floatValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { property.floatValue = floatValue; } goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.String: { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); string stringValue = EditorGUI.TextField(position, label, property.stringValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { property.stringValue = stringValue; } goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.Color: { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Color colorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(position, label, property.colorValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { property.colorValue = colorValue; } goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference: ObjectReferenceField(position, property, label); goto IL_326; case SerializedPropertyType.LayerMask: LayerMaskField(position, property, label); goto IL_326; case SerializedPropertyType.Enum: Popup(position, property, label); goto IL_326; case SerializedPropertyType.Vector3: Vector3Field(position, property, label); goto IL_326; case SerializedPropertyType.Rect: RectField(position, property, label); goto IL_326; case SerializedPropertyType.ArraySize: { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int intValue2 = ArraySizeField(position, label, property.intValue, EditorStyles.numberField); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { property.intValue = intValue2; } goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.Character: { char[] value = new char[] { (char)property.intValue }; bool changed = GUI.changed; GUI.changed = false; string text = EditorGUI.TextField(position, label, new string(value)); if (GUI.changed) { if (text.Length == 1) { property.intValue = (int)text[0]; } else { GUI.changed = false; } } GUI.changed |= changed; goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.AnimationCurve: { int controlID = GetControlID(s_CurveHash, EditorGUIUtility.native, position); DoCurveField(EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, controlID, label), controlID, null, kCurveColor, default(Rect), property); goto IL_326; } case SerializedPropertyType.Bounds: BoundsField(position, property, label); goto IL_326; case SerializedPropertyType.Gradient: { int controlID2 = GetControlID(s_CurveHash, EditorGUIUtility.native, position); DoGradientField(EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, controlID2, label), controlID2, null, property); goto IL_326; } } int controlID3 = GetControlID(s_GenericField, FocusType.Keyboard, position); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, controlID3, label); IL_326 :; } else { int controlID4 = GetControlID(s_FoldoutHash, FocusType.Passive, position); EventType type = Event.current.type; if (type != EventType.DragUpdated && type != EventType.DragPerform) { if (type == EventType.DragExited) { if (GUI.enabled) { HandleUtility.Repaint(); } } } else { if (position.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && GUI.enabled) { Object[] objectReferences = DragAndDrop.objectReferences; Object[] array = new Object[1]; bool flag2 = false; Object[] array2 = objectReferences; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { Object @object = array2[i]; array[0] = @object; Object object2 = ValidateObjectFieldAssignment(array, null, property); if (object2 != null) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; if (Event.current.type == EventType.DragPerform) { property.AppendFoldoutPPtrValue(object2); flag2 = true; DragAndDrop.activeControlID = 0; } else { DragAndDrop.activeControlID = controlID4; } } } if (flag2) { GUI.changed = true; DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); Event.current.Use(); } } } flag = property.isExpanded; if (lookLikeInspector) { int num = EditorStyles.foldout.padding.left - EditorStyles.label.padding.left; position.x -= (float)num; position.width += (float)num; } GUI.enabled &= property.editable; GUIStyle style = (DragAndDrop.activeControlID != -10) ? EditorStyles.foldout : EditorStyles.foldoutPreDrop; bool flag3 = EditorGUI.Foldout(position, flag, s_PropertyFieldTempContent, true, style); if (flag3 != flag) { if (Event.current.alt) { SetExpandedRecurse(property, flag3); } else { property.isExpanded = flag3; } } flag = flag3; } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand || Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand) { if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == lastControlID && (Event.current.commandName == "Delete" || Event.current.commandName == "SoftDelete")) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) { property.DeleteCommand(); } Event.current.Use(); } if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == lastControlID && Event.current.commandName == "Duplicate") { if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) { property.DuplicateCommand(); } Event.current.Use(); } } return(flag); }
override public void OnInspectorGUI() { GA_HeatMapRenderer render = target as GA_HeatMapRenderer; if (render == null || render.Histogram == null) { return; } if (!EditorUtility.IsPersistent(target)) { PrefabUtility.DisconnectPrefabInstance(render.gameObject); } EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(); EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1; EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (render.transform.position != { // not placed in zero and heatmap data is off. It might be useful to move the heatmap to create layers, but we should warn the user. EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Heatmap is not in (0,0,0) - the visualization will be offset!"); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset position")) { render.transform.position =; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Histogram of dataset", EditorStyles.largeLabel); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Shows the data point count for event occurrences in the dataset", EditorStyles.miniLabel); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box("", GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Width(20)); //layout hack GUILayout.Box("", GUILayout.MinWidth(50), GUILayout.MaxWidth(700), GUILayout.MinHeight(200)); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { lastrect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); } GUILayout.Box("", GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Width(15)); //layout hack to get right margin if (render.Histogram != null && (render.Histogram.Data == null || render.Histogram.Data.Length == 0)) { GUI.Label(new Rect(lastrect.x + lastrect.width / 2 - 50, lastrect.y + lastrect.height / 2, 100, 40), "No data loaded", EditorStyles.largeLabel); } else if (render.Histogram != null && render.Histogram.Data != null && render.Histogram.Data.Length < 3) { GUI.Label(new Rect(lastrect.x + lastrect.width / 2 - 105, lastrect.y + lastrect.height / 2, 300, 40), "Not enough data to show histogram", EditorStyles.largeLabel); } Vector2 textPos = new Vector2(lastrect.xMin + lastrect.height / 2 - 63, lastrect.yMax - 20); Vector2 textGuiPos = EditorGUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(textPos); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-90f, new Vector2(lastrect.xMin, lastrect.yMax)); if (textGuiPos.y > 125) { int maxChars = ((int)textGuiPos.y - 125) / 5; GUI.Label(new Rect(textPos.x, textPos.y, 200, 20), "Number of data points".Substring(0, Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(maxChars, 21))), EditorStyles.label); } GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(90f, new Vector2(lastrect.xMin, lastrect.yMax)); GUI.Label(new Rect(lastrect.xMin + lastrect.width / 2 - 85, lastrect.yMax + 40, 200, 20), "Frequency / event occurrences", EditorStyles.label); if (render.Histogram.Data != null && render.Histogram.Data.Length >= 3) { float margin = lastrect.width / (render.Histogram.Data.Length); int numLabels = 10; int labelInterval = Mathf.FloorToInt(render.Histogram.Data.Length / (float)numLabels); labelInterval = Mathf.Max(1, labelInterval); for (int i = 0; i < render.Histogram.Data.Length; i++) { float lineWidth = Mathf.Max(2, margin - 2); if (Screen.width > 90 + i * lineWidth) { float c = render.Histogram.Data[i] * lastrect.height; float x = lastrect.x + (i + 0.5f) * margin; float y = lastrect.y + lastrect.height; float pct = i / (float)render.Histogram.Data.Length; Color nonSelectedColor = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.3f); float rangePct = (pct - render.RangeMin) / (render.RangeMax - render.RangeMin); float line, linePct, colorPct, barHeight; Color color = Color.white; for (int xline = 0; xline < lineWidth; xline++) { Vector2 guiPos = EditorGUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(new Vector2(x, y)); barHeight = Mathf.Min(c, guiPos.y - 93); //cut bar height if too high for inspector window barHeight = Mathf.Max(0f, barHeight); line = x - lineWidth / 2 + xline; linePct = pct + 1f / render.Histogram.Data.Length * (xline / lineWidth); if (render.Histogram.RealDataMin >= 0) { colorPct = rangePct + 1f / render.Histogram.Data.Length * (xline / lineWidth); color = Color.Lerp(render.MinColor, render.MaxColor, colorPct); } else { float zeroNorm = (0 - render.Histogram.RealDataMin) / (render.Histogram.RealDataMax - render.Histogram.RealDataMin); if (pct >= zeroNorm * 0.9f && pct <= zeroNorm * 1.1f) { color = Color.white; } else if (pct < zeroNorm) { float newNorm = pct / zeroNorm * (1 - render.RangeMin / zeroNorm); color = Color.Lerp(render.MinColor, Color.white, newNorm); } else { float newNorm = zeroNorm / pct * render.RangeMax; color = Color.Lerp(Color.white, render.MaxColor, 1 - newNorm); } } if (linePct <= render.RangeMin || linePct >= render.RangeMax) { color = nonSelectedColor; } GA_GUIHelper.DrawLine(new Vector2(line, y), new Vector2(line, y - barHeight), color); } } } } /// 0% label Vector2 label = new Vector2(lastrect.xMin, lastrect.yMax + 10); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(50f, label); GUI.Label(new Rect(label.x, label.y, 40, 20), "0%", EditorStyles.miniLabel); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-50f, label); // 50% label label = new Vector2(, lastrect.yMax + 10); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(50f, label); GUI.Label(new Rect(label.x, label.y, 40, 20), "50%", EditorStyles.miniLabel); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-50f, label); // 100% label label = new Vector2(lastrect.xMax - 14, lastrect.yMax + 10); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(50f, label); GUI.Label(new Rect(label.x, label.y, 40, 20), "100%", EditorStyles.miniLabel); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-50f, label); // 100% label. real value label = new Vector2(lastrect.xMax - (10 + Mathf.Pow(render.Histogram.RealDataMax, 0.25f)), lastrect.yMin - 15); GUI.Label(new Rect(label.x, label.y, 75, 20), render.Histogram.RealDataMax.ToString("G5"), EditorStyles.miniLabel); // 0% label. real value label = new Vector2(lastrect.xMin, lastrect.yMin - 15); GUI.Label(new Rect(label.x, label.y, 75, 20), render.Histogram.RealDataMin.ToString("G5"), EditorStyles.miniLabel); /*if (render.Histogram.RealDataMin < 0) * { * // if minimum count is below zero then also show zero real value point * float zeroNorm = (0 - render.Histogram.RealDataMin) / (render.Histogram.RealDataMax - render.Histogram.RealDataMin); * label = new Vector2((zeroNorm * lastrect.xMax),lastrect.yMin-15); * GUI.Label(new Rect(label.x,label.y,75,20),"0",EditorStyles.miniLabel); * }*/ GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box("", GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Width(8)); //layout hack EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(ref render.RangeMin, ref render.RangeMax, 0f, 1f, GUILayout.Width(lastrect.width + 15)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); render.MinColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(lastrect.xMin - 10, lastrect.yMax + 44, 50, 18), render.MinColor); render.MaxColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(lastrect.xMax - 45, lastrect.yMax + 44, 50, 18), render.MaxColor); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box("", GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Height(70)); //layout hack GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Show heatmap:"); if (render.BillBoard != null) { render.BillBoard.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(render.BillBoard.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled); } else { EditorGUILayout.Toggle(true); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Preset Colors:", GUILayout.Width(155)); if (GUILayout.Button("Select Color Preset")) { GA_HeatmapColorPresetPicker colorpresetpicker = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <GA_HeatmapColorPresetPicker>(); colorpresetpicker.ShowUtility(); Vector2 pos = EditorGUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(new Vector2(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().x + 150, Event.current.mousePosition.y - 25)); colorpresetpicker.position = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, 180, 145); colorpresetpicker.OnPicked += HandleColorPresetPicker; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Histogram scale:"); GA_Histogram.HistogramScale oldScale = render.HistogramScale; render.HistogramScale = (GA_Histogram.HistogramScale)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(render.HistogramScale); if (render.HistogramScale != oldScale) { render.OnScaleChanged(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Render model:"); GA_HeatMapRenderer.RenderModel oldRenderModel = render.CurrentRenderModel; render.CurrentRenderModel = (GA_HeatMapRenderer.RenderModel)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(render.CurrentRenderModel); if (render.CurrentRenderModel != oldRenderModel) { render.RenderModelChanged(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Point radius:"); float oldMaxRadius = render.MaxRadius; render.MaxRadius = EditorGUILayout.Slider(render.MaxRadius, 0f, 10f); if (render.MaxRadius != oldMaxRadius) { render.SetMaterialVariables(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Show values (slow):"); render.ShowValueLabels = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(render.ShowValueLabels); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUI.changed) { if (SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel < 20) { GA.Log("GameAnalytics: GPU does not support shader needed"); } EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); render.SetMaterialVariables(); } }
// Draw the settings toolbar // Return true if image rects need to be updated. public static bool DrawToolbar(Rect window) { bool updateRects = false; // Draw toolbar bg EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, 0, window.width, 40), toolbarColor); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 4, 50, 30), "New")) { UPAImageCreationWindow.Init(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(60, 4, 50, 30), "Open")) { CurrentImg = UPASession.OpenImage(); if (CurrentImg == null) { return(false); } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(115, 4, 50, 30), "Export")) { UPAExportWindow.Init(CurrentImg); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(179, 6, 25, 25), "+")) { CurrentImg.gridSpacing *= 1.5f; updateRects = true; } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(209, 6, 25, 25), "-")) { CurrentImg.gridSpacing *= 0.5f; updateRects = true; } CurrentImg.selectedColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(250, 7, 70, 25), CurrentImg.selectedColor); EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(303, 7, 20, 25), toolbarColor); //bgColor = EditorGUI.ColorField (new Rect (400, 4, 70, 25), bgColor); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; if (CurrentImg.tool == UPATool.PaintBrush) { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(320, 4, 60, 30), "Paint")) { CurrentImg.tool = UPATool.PaintBrush; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; if (CurrentImg.tool == UPATool.BoxBrush) { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(450, 4, 60, 30), "Box Fill")) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "In Development", "This feature is currently being developed.", "Get it done please"); //tool = UPATool.BoxBrush; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; if (CurrentImg.tool == UPATool.Eraser) { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(385, 4, 60, 30), "Erase")) { CurrentImg.tool = UPATool.Eraser; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; style.normal.textColor = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); GUI.Label(new Rect(525, 11, 150, 30), "Use WASD to navigate.", style); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(670, 4, 80, 30), "Center View")) { CurrentImg.gridOffsetX = 0; CurrentImg.gridOffsetY = 0; } CurrentImg.gridBGIndex = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(760, 4, 90, 30), CurrentImg.gridBGIndex, gridBGStrings); if (CurrentImg.gridBGIndex == 0) { gridBGColor =; } else { gridBGColor = Color.white; } return(updateRects); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //bool isPro = true; //bool showErrors = false; //bool showUnderwater = false; Color colorEnabled = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Color colorDisabled = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f); //Color colorWarning = new Color(0.9f,0.5f,0.1f,1.0f); Texture logoTexb; Texture divTex; //Texture divRevTex; //Texture divVertTex; Texture divHorizTex; //bool showCaustic = false; int verAdd = 0; Suimono.Core.SuimonoModule script = (Suimono.Core.SuimonoModule)target; Undo.RecordObject(target, "Changed Area Of Effect"); //load textures logoTexb = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonologob_i") as Texture; divTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonodiv_i") as Texture; //divRevTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonodivrev") as Texture; //divVertTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimono_divvert") as Texture; divHorizTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimono_divhorz") as Texture; if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin == true) { divTex = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonodiv") as Texture; logoTexb = Resources.Load("textures/gui_tex_suimonologob") as Texture; } //int setWidth = Screen.width-220; //if (setWidth < 120) setWidth = 120; //SET SCREEN WIDTH int setWidth = (int)EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 220; if (setWidth < 120) { setWidth = 120; } //SUIMONO LOGO GUIContent buttonText = new GUIContent(""); GUIStyle buttonStyle = GUIStyle.none; Rect rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); int margin = 15; //start menu GUI.contentColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 2, rt.y + 37, 50, 18), "Version"); GUI.contentColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f); Rect linkVerRect = new Rect(rt.x + margin + 51, rt.y + 37, 90, 18); EditorGUI.LabelField(linkVerRect, script.suimonoVersionNumber); //if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && linkVerRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) Application.OpenURL(""); GUI.contentColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); GUI.contentColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); Rect linkHelpRect = new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165, rt.y + 37, 28, 18); Rect linkBugRect = new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165 + 42, rt.y + 37, 65, 18); Rect linkURLRect = new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165 + 120, rt.y + 37, 100, 18); if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && linkHelpRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Application.OpenURL(""); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && linkBugRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Application.OpenURL(""); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && linkURLRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Application.OpenURL(""); } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165 + 30, rt.y + 37, 220, 18), "|"); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165 + 110, rt.y + 37, 220, 18), "|"); GUI.contentColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); EditorGUI.LabelField(linkHelpRect, "help"); EditorGUI.LabelField(linkBugRect, "report bug"); EditorGUI.LabelField(linkURLRect, ""); // end menu GUI.contentColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 36), logoTexb); GUILayout.Space(40.0f); rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); verAdd = 0; GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.Label(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 5, 300, 20), new GUIContent("CONFIGURATION")); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 25, 180, 18), "Camera Mode"); script.cameraTypeIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165, rt.y + 25, 150, 18), "", script.cameraTypeIndex, script.cameraTypeOptions.ToArray()); if (script.cameraTypeIndex == 0) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + verAdd + 45, 140, 18), "Scene Camera Object"); script.manualCamera = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165, rt.y + verAdd + 45, setWidth, 18), "", script.manualCamera, typeof(Transform), true) as Transform; GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + verAdd + 75, 140, 18), "Scene Track Object"); script.setTrack = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165, rt.y + verAdd + 75, setWidth, 18), "", script.setTrack, typeof(Transform), true) as Transform; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + verAdd + 95, 140, 18), "Scene Light Object"); script.setLight = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165, rt.y + verAdd + 95, setWidth, 18), "", script.setLight, typeof(Light), true) as Light; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + verAdd + 120, 140, 18), "Set Automatic Layers"); script.autoSetLayers = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + verAdd + 120, 140, 18), "", script.autoSetLayers); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 220, rt.y + verAdd + 120, 140, 18), "Set Automatic FX"); script.autoSetCameraFX = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 200, rt.y + verAdd + 120, 140, 18), "", script.autoSetCameraFX); GUILayout.Space(130.0f + verAdd); rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 407, 24), divTex); script.showGeneral = EditorGUI.Foldout(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 3, rt.y + 5, 10, 20), script.showGeneral, ""); GUI.Label(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 5, 300, 20), new GUIContent("GENERAL SETTINGS")); GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 0.0f); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 5, 370, 20), "")) { script.showGeneral = !script.showGeneral; } GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 1.0f); if (script.showGeneral) { EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 30, 140, 18), "Enable Sounds"); script.playSounds = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 30, setWidth, 18), "", script.playSounds); if (!script.playSounds) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 50, 140, 18), "Max Sound Volume"); script.maxVolume = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 165, rt.y + 50, setWidth, 18), "", script.maxVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 70, 160, 18), "Enable Underwater Sound"); script.playSoundBelow = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 70, 20, 18), "", script.playSoundBelow); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 220, rt.y + 70, 160, 18), "Enable Above-Water Sound"); script.playSoundAbove = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 200, rt.y + 70, 20, 18), "", script.playSoundAbove); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 95, 372, 1), divHorizTex); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 100, 140, 18), "Enable Underwater FX"); script.enableUnderwaterFX = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 100, 130, 18), "", script.enableUnderwaterFX); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 120, 140, 18), "Enable Transition FX"); script.enableTransition = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 120, 130, 18), "", script.enableTransition); script.transitionStrength = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 170, rt.y + 120, 200, 18), "", script.transitionStrength, 0.0f, 2.0f); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 140, 110, 18), "Enable Interaction"); script.enableInteraction = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 140, 130, 18), "", script.enableInteraction); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 160, 380, 18), "Disable MSAA (fixes display errors in Forward Rendering)"); script.disableMSAA = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 160, 130, 18), "", script.disableMSAA); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 180, 380, 18), "Underwater Transition Threshold"); script.underwaterThreshold = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 210, rt.y + 180, 50, 18), "", script.underwaterThreshold); GUILayout.Space(180.0f); } GUILayout.Space(10.0f); rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); script.showPerformance = EditorGUI.Foldout(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 3, rt.y + 5, 10, 20), script.showPerformance, ""); GUI.Label(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 5, 300, 20), new GUIContent("ADVANCED WATER SETTINGS")); GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 0.0f); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 5, 370, 20), "")) { script.showPerformance = !script.showPerformance; } GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 1.0f); if (script.showPerformance) { GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; script.enableTransparency = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 30, 20, 18), "", script.enableTransparency); if (!script.enableTransparency) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 30, 160, 18), "WATER TRANSPARENCY"); if (!script.enableTransparency) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 230, rt.y + 47, 180, 18), "Render Layers"); if (script.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { script.transLayer = EditorGUI.MaskField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 230, rt.y + 67, 150, 18), "", script.transLayer, script.suiLayerMasks.ToArray()); } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 110, rt.y + 47, 180, 18), "Use Resolution"); if (script.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { script.transResolution = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 110, rt.y + 67, 100, 18), "", script.transResolution, script.resOptions.ToArray()); } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 47, 100, 18), "Distance"); script.transRenderDistance = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 67, 60, 18), "", script.transRenderDistance); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 95, 372, 1), divHorizTex); script.enableReflections = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 103, 20, 18), "", script.enableReflections); if (!script.enableReflections) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 103, 160, 18), "WATER REFLECTIONS"); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 50, rt.y + 123, 170, 18), "Enable Dynamic Reflections"); script.enableDynamicReflections = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 123, setWidth, 18), "", script.enableDynamicReflections); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 145, 372, 1), divHorizTex); script.enableCaustics = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 150, 20, 18), "", script.enableCaustics); if (!script.enableCaustics) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 150, 160, 18), "CAUSTIC FX"); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 170, 140, 18), "FPS"); script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticFPS = EditorGUI.IntField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 185, 30, 18), "", script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticFPS); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 90, rt.y + 170, 140, 18), "Caustic Tint"); script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticTint = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 90, rt.y + 187, 120, 14), "", script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticTint); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 230, rt.y + 170, 100, 18), "Render Layers"); if (script.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { script.causticLayer = EditorGUI.MaskField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 230, rt.y + 187, 155, 18), "", script.causticLayer, script.suiLayerMasks.ToArray()); } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 210, 100, 18), "Bright"); script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticIntensity = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 90, rt.y + 210, 120, 18), "", script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticIntensity, 0.0f, 3.0f); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 230, rt.y + 210, 80, 18), "Scale"); script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticScale = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 275, rt.y + 210, 115, 18), "", script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.causticScale, 0.5f, 15.0f); if (script.setLight == null) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.inheritLightColor = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 235, 120, 18), "", script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.inheritLightColor); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 50, rt.y + 235, 140, 18), "Inherit Light Color"); script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.inheritLightDirection = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 200, rt.y + 235, 120, 18), "", script.suimonoModuleLibrary.causticObject.inheritLightDirection); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 220, rt.y + 235, 140, 18), "Inherit Light Direction"); if (script.enableCaustics) { GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; } script.enableCausticsBlending = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 255, 120, 18), "", script.enableCausticsBlending); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 50, rt.y + 255, 320, 18), "Enable Advanced Caustic FX (effects performance)"); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 285, 372, 1), divHorizTex); script.enableAdvancedDistort = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 290, 20, 18), "", script.enableAdvancedDistort); if (!script.enableAdvancedDistort) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 290, 340, 18), "ADVANCED WAKE AND DISTORTION EFFECTS"); GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 305, 340, 18), "Enables rendering of advanced scene effects such as wake"); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 317, 340, 18), "and boat trail generation and water ripple distortion fx."); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 340, 372, 1), divHorizTex); script.enableAutoAdvance = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 345, 20, 18), "", script.enableAutoAdvance); if (!script.enableAutoAdvance) { GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 345, 340, 18), "AUTO-ADVANCE SYSTEM TIMER"); script.systemTime = EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 260, rt.y + 345, 120, 18), "", script.systemTime); GUI.contentColor = colorDisabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorDisabled; EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 360, 340, 18), "the 'systemTime' variable is automatically advanced by"); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 372, 340, 18), "default. This variable can be shared across a network to"); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 30, rt.y + 384, 340, 18), "sync wave positions between client and server computers."); GUI.contentColor = colorEnabled; GUI.backgroundColor = colorEnabled; GUILayout.Space(390.0f); } GUILayout.Space(10.0f); if (script.useTenkoku == 1.0f) { rt = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(buttonText, buttonStyle); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(new Rect(rt.x + margin, rt.y, 387, 24), divTex); script.showTenkoku = EditorGUI.Foldout(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 3, rt.y + 5, 20, 20), script.showTenkoku, ""); GUI.Label(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 20, rt.y + 5, 300, 20), new GUIContent("TENKOKU SKY SYSTEM - INTEGRATION")); if (script.showTenkoku) { EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 10, rt.y + 30, 140, 18), "Use Wind Settings"); script.tenkokuUseWind = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 125, rt.y + 30, setWidth, 18), "", script.tenkokuUseWind); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 195, rt.y + 30, 150, 18), "Calculate Sky Reflections"); script.tenkokuUseReflect = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(rt.x + margin + 350, rt.y + 30, setWidth, 18), "", script.tenkokuUseReflect); } GUILayout.Space(50.0f); } GUILayout.Space(10.0f); if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); SwiftShadow.LightVectorSourceEnum lightVectorSource = (SwiftShadow.LightVectorSourceEnum)DoFieldProperty <int>( _lightVectorSource, new GUIContent( "Light direction from: ", "" ), "LightVectorSource", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.Popup(rect, label, property.enumValueIndex, EditorGUIUtilityInternal.TempContent(new string[] { "Static vector", "Light source object" }))); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; if (lightVectorSource == SwiftShadow.LightVectorSourceEnum.StaticVector) { DoFieldProperty( _lightVector, new GUIContent( "Direction vector: ", "Light direction vector relative to the object. For example, (0, -1, 0) means the light always come from right above." ), "LightVector", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.Vector3Field(rect, label.text, property.vector3Value)); } else { Transform lightSourceObject = DoFieldProperty <Transform>( _lightSourceObject, new GUIContent( "Light source: ", "The GameObject that'll be used as point light source for this shadow." ), "LightSourceObject", (rect, label, property) => (Transform)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, label, property.objectReferenceValue, typeof(Transform), true)); if (lightSourceObject == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No light source selected. Shadow will use the static vector instead.", MessageType.Warning, false); } } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; DoFieldProperty <LayerMask>( _layerMask, new GUIContent( "Raycast layer mask: ", "Layers to cast shadows on. " + "You must to exclude the layer of the object " + "itself if it has a collider attached to it, otherwise shadow may behave strange." ), "LayerMask", (rect, label, property) => { EditorGUIInternal.LayerMaskField(rect, property, label); return(0); }); if (_layerMask.intValue == 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No layer mask is set. Shadows won't project on anything.", MessageType.Warning, false); } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Shadow", MessageType.None, true); Material shadowMaterial = DoFieldProperty( _material, new GUIContent( "Material: ", "Material that'll be used for rendering the shadow." ), "Material", (rect, label, property) => (Material)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, label, property.objectReferenceValue, typeof(Material), false)); if (shadowMaterial == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No material assigned. Shadow will use the default blob shadow.", MessageType.Info, false); } DoFieldProperty( _color, new GUIContent( "Shadow color: ", "The color of the shadow." ), "Color", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, label, property.colorValue)); DoFieldProperty( _shadowSize, new GUIContent( "Shadow size: ", "Scale of shadow relative to object's max dimensions." ), "ShadowSize", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, property.floatValue)); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); #if !UNITY_3_5 GUILayout.Space(EditorGUIUtilityInternal.labelWidth); #else GUILayout.Space(EditorGUIUtilityInternal.labelWidth + 4f); #endif if (GUILayout.Button("Estimate size")) { GUI.changed = true; foreach (Object targetObject in _shadowSize.serializedObject.targetObjects) { SwiftShadow shadow = (SwiftShadow)targetObject; GameObject go = shadow.gameObject; Quaternion goRotation = go.transform.rotation; go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(go.transform.position,; foreach (Renderer renderer in go.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { bounds.Encapsulate(renderer.bounds); } if (bounds.size.magnitude > Vector3.kEpsilon) { float scaleMin = Mathf.Min(go.transform.lossyScale.x, go.transform.lossyScale.y, go.transform.lossyScale.z); shadow.ShadowSize = Mathf.Max(bounds.size.x, bounds.size.y, bounds.size.z) / scaleMin; shadow.ShadowSize = (float)Math.Round(shadow.ShadowSize, 5); } go.transform.rotation = goRotation; } _shadowSize.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); _shadowSize.serializedObject.SetIsDifferentCacheDirty(); Repaint(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.enabled = lightVectorSource == SwiftShadow.LightVectorSourceEnum.GameObject; DoFieldProperty( _isPerspectiveProjection, new GUIContent( "Perspective projection: ", "Makes shadows bigger as they move away from the light source. " + "This usually looks more realistic, but may result in artifacts at extreme angles." ), "IsPerspectiveProjection", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, label, property.boolValue)); GUI.enabled = true; DoFieldProperty( _projectionDistance, new GUIContent( "Projection distance: ", "Maximal distance from the transform position to the surface shadow will fall on." ), "ProjectionDistance", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, property.floatValue)); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(100f)); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Fading", MessageType.None, true); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); DoFieldProperty( _fadeDistance, new GUIContent( "Fade distance: ", "Distance at which shadow will start fading out. Used for smooth transition to \"Projection distance\"" ), "FadeDistance", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, property.floatValue)); DoFieldProperty( _angleFadeMin, new GUIContent( "Angle fade from: ", "The angle at which the shadow will start fading out. Used for smooth transition to \"Max angle\"" ), "AngleFadeMin", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, property.floatValue)); DoFieldProperty( _angleFadeMax, new GUIContent( "Max angle: ", "The maximum angle at which the shadow is allowed to fall on surface. " + "It it falls at a bigger angle, no shadow will be rendered." ), "AngleFadeMax", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, property.floatValue)); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(100f)); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Static", MessageType.None, true); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); DoFieldProperty( _isStatic, new GUIContent( "Static: ", "If checked, the shadow will be calculated only at the creation. " + "Use this for shadows that do not move for a huge perfomance boost."), "IsStatic", (rect, label, property) => { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); Rect labelRect = rect; labelRect.width = + EditorGUILayoutExtensions.kIndentationWidth; labelRect.xMin += EditorGUILayoutExtensions.kIndentationWidth; rect.xMin = labelRect.xMax; GUI.Label(labelRect, label); bool result = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, property.boolValue); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return(result); }); DoFieldProperty( _autoStaticTime, new GUIContent( "Set to static if not moving for", "Makes shadow static if it hasn't moved for X seconds. " + "Shadow will return to non-static state when moving or rotating. " + "This is useful for optimizing performance if you have shadow that " + "only move from time to time. Value of 0 disables this setting." ), "AutoStaticTime", (rect, label, property) => { GUIContent secText = new GUIContent("sec."); Rect labelRect = rect; labelRect.width = + EditorGUILayoutExtensions.kIndentationWidth; labelRect.xMin += EditorGUILayoutExtensions.kIndentationWidth; rect.xMin = labelRect.xMax; GUI.Label(labelRect, label); labelRect = rect; labelRect.xMin = rect.xMax -; rect.xMax = labelRect.xMin; float result = EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, property.floatValue); GUI.Label(labelRect, secText); return(result); } ); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Advanced", MessageType.None, true); DoFieldProperty( _textureUVRect, new GUIContent( "Texture coordinates: ", "The texture coordinates of shadow. Change this to use multiple shadow cookies within the material texture." ), "TextureUVRect", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.RectField(rect, label, property.rectValue)); DoFieldProperty( _aspectRatio, new GUIContent("Aspect ratio: ", "The width/height aspect ratio of shadow."), "AspectRatio", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, property.floatValue)); DoFieldProperty( _shadowOffset, new GUIContent( "Shadow offset: ", "The distance at which the shadow hovers above the surface. " + "Increase this value if you see shadows flickering due to Z-fighting" ), "ShadowOffset", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.FloatField(rect, label, property.floatValue)); DoFieldProperty( _frameSkip, new GUIContent( "Frame skip: ", "Skip N frames before updating the shadow. " + "Can be useful if you don't need to update shadow too often." ), "FrameSkip", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.IntSlider(rect, label, property.intValue, 0, 50)); DoFieldProperty( _cullInvisible, new GUIContent( "Ignore culling: ", "If selected, the camera culling will be disabled. " + "Check this for a small performance gain if shadow is always in sight." ), "CullInvisible", (rect, label, property) => !EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, label, !property.boolValue)); bool useForceLayer = DoFieldProperty( _useForceLayer, new GUIContent( "Shadow layer: ", "The layer at which the shadow will be rendered." ), "UseForceLayer", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.Popup(rect, label, property.boolValue ? 1 : 0, EditorGUIUtilityInternal.TempContent(new string[] { "Same as GameObject", "Manual" })) == 1); if (useForceLayer) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; DoFieldProperty( _forceLayer, new GUIContent( "Layer: ", "" ), "ForceLayer", (rect, label, property) => EditorGUI.LayerField(rect, label, _forceLayer.intValue)); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect pRect, SerializedProperty pProperty, GUIContent pLabel) { GUI.enabled = false; switch (pProperty.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.Integer: EditorGUI.LabelField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.intValue.ToString()); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean: EditorGUI.LabelField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.boolValue.ToString()); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Float: EditorGUI.LabelField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.floatValue.ToString("0.00000")); break; case SerializedPropertyType.String: case SerializedPropertyType.Character: EditorGUI.LabelField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.stringValue); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Color: EditorGUI.ColorField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.colorValue); break; case SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference: EditorGUI.ObjectField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.objectReferenceValue, typeof(System.Object), true); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Vector2: EditorGUI.Vector2Field(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.vector2Value); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Vector3: EditorGUI.Vector3Field(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.vector3Value); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Vector4: EditorGUI.Vector4Field(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.vector4Value); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Quaternion: EditorGUI.LabelField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.quaternionValue.ToString()); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Rect: EditorGUI.RectField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.rectValue); break; case SerializedPropertyType.ArraySize: EditorGUI.LabelField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.arraySize.ToString()); break; case SerializedPropertyType.AnimationCurve: EditorGUI.CurveField(pRect, pLabel.text, pProperty.animationCurveValue); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Bounds: EditorGUI.BoundsField(pRect, pProperty.boundsValue); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Gradient: default: EditorGUI.LabelField(pRect, pLabel.text, "(not supported)"); break; } GUI.enabled = true; }
protected virtual void DrawEvent(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) { var pListener = m_ListenersArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); rect.y++; Rect[] subRects = GetRowRects(rect); Rect enabledRect = subRects[0]; Rect goRect = subRects[1]; Rect functionRect = subRects[2]; Rect argRect = subRects[3]; // find the current event target... var callState = pListener.FindPropertyRelative(kCallStatePath); var mode = pListener.FindPropertyRelative(kModePath); var arguments = pListener.FindPropertyRelative(kArgumentsPath); var listenerTarget = pListener.FindPropertyRelative(kInstancePath); var methodName = pListener.FindPropertyRelative(kMethodNamePath); Color c = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; EditorGUI.PropertyField(enabledRect, callState, GUIContent.none); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { GUI.Box(goRect, GUIContent.none); EditorGUI.PropertyField(goRect, listenerTarget, GUIContent.none); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { methodName.stringValue = null; } } SerializedProperty argument; var modeEnum = GetMode(mode); //only allow argument if we have a valid target / method if (listenerTarget.objectReferenceValue == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName.stringValue)) { modeEnum = UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.Void; } System.Type desiredDataType = null; switch (modeEnum) { case UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.Float: argument = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kFloatArgument); break; case UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.Int: argument = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kIntArgument); break; case UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.Object: argument = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kObjectArgument); break; case UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.String: { var desiredDataTypeName = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kSerializedDataArgumentAssemblyTypeName).stringValue; desiredDataType = typeof(object); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desiredDataTypeName)) { desiredDataType = Type.GetType(desiredDataTypeName, false) ?? typeof(string); } else { desiredDataType = typeof(string); } if (desiredDataType != null && desiredDataType != typeof(string)) { argument = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kSerializedDataArgument); } else { argument = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kStringArgument); } break; } case UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.Bool: argument = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kBoolArgument); break; default: argument = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kIntArgument); break; } var desiredArgTypeName = arguments.FindPropertyRelative(kObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName).stringValue; var desiredType = typeof(Object); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desiredArgTypeName)) { desiredType = Type.GetType(desiredArgTypeName, false) ?? typeof(Object); } if (modeEnum == UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.Object) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var result = EditorGUI.ObjectField(argRect, GUIContent.none, argument.objectReferenceValue, desiredType, true); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { argument.objectReferenceValue = result; } } else if (modeEnum != UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.Void && modeEnum != UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.EventDefined) { var drawDefault = false; if (modeEnum == UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.String && desiredDataType != null && desiredDataType != typeof(string)) { try { if (desiredDataType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Color)) || desiredDataType == typeof(Color) || desiredDataType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Color32)) || desiredDataType == typeof(Color32)) { var color = string.IsNullOrEmpty(argument.stringValue) ? Color.clear : (Color)ArgumentCacheEx.FromJson(argument.stringValue, desiredDataType); var newColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(argRect, color); if (color != newColor) { argument.stringValue = ArgumentCacheEx.ToJson(newColor); } } else if (desiredDataType.IsEnum) { var enumValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(argument.stringValue) ? (System.Enum)System.Enum.ToObject(desiredDataType, 0) : (System.Enum)ArgumentCacheEx.FromJson(argument.stringValue, desiredDataType); var newValue = EditorGUI.EnumPopup(argRect, enumValue); if (enumValue != newValue) { argument.stringValue = ArgumentCacheEx.ToJson(newValue); } } else { drawDefault = true; } } catch (UnityEngine.ExitGUIException) { throw; } catch { argument.stringValue = ""; drawDefault = true; } } else { drawDefault = true; } if (drawDefault) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(argRect, argument, GUIContent.none); } } using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(listenerTarget.objectReferenceValue == null)) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(functionRect, GUIContent.none, methodName); { GUIContent buttonContent; if (EditorGUI.showMixedValue) { buttonContent = s_MixedValueContent; } else { var buttonLabel = new StringBuilder(); if (listenerTarget.objectReferenceValue == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName.stringValue)) { buttonLabel.Append(kNoFunctionString); } else if (!IsPersistantListenerValid(m_DummyEvent, methodName.stringValue, listenerTarget.objectReferenceValue, GetMode(mode), GetMode(mode) == UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode.String? desiredDataType : desiredType)) { var instanceString = "UnknownComponent"; var instance = listenerTarget.objectReferenceValue; if (instance != null) { instanceString = instance.GetType().Name; } buttonLabel.Append(string.Format("<Missing {0}.{1}>", instanceString, methodName.stringValue)); } else { buttonLabel.Append(listenerTarget.objectReferenceValue.GetType().Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName.stringValue)) { buttonLabel.Append("."); if (methodName.stringValue.StartsWith("set_")) { buttonLabel.Append(methodName.stringValue.Substring(4)); } else { buttonLabel.Append(methodName.stringValue); } } } buttonContent = new GUIContent(buttonLabel.ToString()); } if (GUI.Button(functionRect, buttonContent, EditorStyles.popup)) { BuildPopupList(listenerTarget.objectReferenceValue, m_DummyEvent, pListener).DropDown(functionRect); } } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); } GUI.backgroundColor = c; }
static void DisplayProperty(ref VFXParameterInfo parameter, GUIContent nameContent, SerializedProperty overridenProperty, SerializedProperty valueProperty) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); var height = 16f; if (EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth < 333f && GenerateMultipleField(ref parameter, valueProperty)) { height *= 2.0f; } var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, height); var toggleRect = rect; toggleRect.x += EditorGUI.indentLevel * 16; toggleRect.yMin += 1.0f; toggleRect.width = 18; overridenProperty.boolValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(toggleRect, overridenProperty.hasMultipleDifferentValues ? false : overridenProperty.boolValue, overridenProperty.hasMultipleDifferentValues ? Styles.toggleMixedStyle : Styles.toggleStyle); rect.xMin += overrideWidth + EditorGUI.indentLevel * 16; int saveIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; // since we already applied the indentLevel to the rect reset it to zero. EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; EditorGUI.BeginProperty(rect, nameContent, valueProperty); if (parameter.min != Mathf.NegativeInfinity && parameter.max != Mathf.Infinity) { if (valueProperty.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Float) { EditorGUI.Slider(rect, valueProperty, parameter.min, parameter.max, nameContent); } else { EditorGUI.IntSlider(rect, valueProperty, (int)parameter.min, (int)parameter.max, nameContent); } } else if (parameter.realType == typeof(Color).Name) { Vector4 vVal = valueProperty.vector4Value; Color c = new Color(vVal.x, vVal.y, vVal.z, vVal.w); c = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, nameContent, c, true, true, true); if (GUI.changed) { valueProperty.vector4Value = new Vector4(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); } } else if (parameter.realType == typeof(Gradient).Name) { Gradient newGradient = EditorGUI.GradientField(rect, nameContent, valueProperty.gradientValue, true); if (GUI.changed) { valueProperty.gradientValue = newGradient; } } else if (valueProperty.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Vector4) { SerializedProperty copy = valueProperty.Copy(); copy.Next(true); EditorGUI.MultiPropertyField(rect, new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("X"), new GUIContent("Y"), new GUIContent("Z"), new GUIContent("W") }, copy, nameContent); } else if (valueProperty.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference) { Type objTyp = typeof(UnityObject); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.realType)) { if (parameter.realType.StartsWith("Texture") || parameter.realType.StartsWith("Cubemap")) { objTyp = typeof(Texture); } else if (parameter.realType == "Mesh") { objTyp = typeof(Mesh); } } EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, valueProperty, objTyp, nameContent); } else { EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, valueProperty, nameContent, true); } EditorGUI.indentLevel = saveIndent; EditorGUI.EndProperty(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
// 类别列表信息 private void InitTab() { menuReorderableList = new ReorderableList(CurBackupDataLst, CurBackupDataLst.GetType()) { elementHeight = 20, drawElementCallback = (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) => { if (index >= CurBackupDataLst.Count || CurBackupDataLst[index] == null) { return; } var labelRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 60, 20); GUI.Label(labelRect, "数量-" + CurBackupDataLst[index].TileDataLst.Count.ToString()); var iconTipRect = new Rect(rect.x + 60, rect.y, 50, 15); GUI.Label(iconTipRect, "图标-"); var iconNameRect = new Rect(rect.x + 110, rect.y, 30, 15); CurBackupDataLst[index].IconName = EditorGUI.TextField(iconNameRect, CurBackupDataLst[index].IconName); var sizeLabelRect = new Rect(rect.x + 140, rect.y, 40, 15); GUI.Label(sizeLabelRect, "点大小-"); var pointRect = new Rect(rect.x + 180, rect.y, 40, 15); CurBackupDataLst[index].PointSize = EditorGUI.FloatField(pointRect, CurBackupDataLst[index].PointSize); var longTipRect = new Rect(rect.x + 220, rect.y, 40, 15); GUI.Label(longTipRect, "范围-"); var longXRect = new Rect(rect.x + 260, rect.y, 20, 15); var longYRect = new Rect(rect.x + 280, rect.y, 20, 15); // 范围 CurBackupDataLst[index].LongX = EditorGUI.IntField(longXRect, CurBackupDataLst[index].LongX); CurBackupDataLst[index].LongY = EditorGUI.IntField(longYRect, CurBackupDataLst[index].LongY); var colorRect = new Rect(rect.x + 300, rect.y, 50, 15); var btnRect = new Rect(rect.x + 370, rect.y, 80, 15); CurBackupDataLst[index].Color = EditorGUI.ColorField(colorRect, CurBackupDataLst[index].Color); if (GUI.Button(btnRect, "详细列表O")) { // 设置正在使用的列表 CurChooseIndex = index; } }, // 添加类别 onAddCallback = delegate { CurBackupDataLst.Add( new TileTarget { TileDataLst = new List <TileData>(), }); }, // 删除 onRemoveCallback = delegate { var isDelete = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Tip", "Do you want to delete it?", "Delete", "Cancle"); if (isDelete) { CurBackupDataLst.RemoveAt(menuReorderableList.index); CurChooseIndex = Mathf.Max(0, CurBackupDataLst.Count - 1); } }, // 修改 onChangedCallback = (list) => { _isReorderableListChange = true; } }; menuReorderableList.drawHeaderCallback = (Rect rect) => { GUI.Label(rect, RECORED_TITLE); }; menuReorderableList.onSelectCallback = (list) => { int index = menuReorderableList.index; }; }
/// <summary> /// Handles draw list element. /// </summary> /// <param name="rect">Rect.</param> /// <param name="index">Index.</param> /// <param name="isActive">If set to <c>true</c> is active.</param> /// <param name="isFocused">If set to <c>true</c> is focused.</param> private static void onDrawElement(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused) { EditorClipBinding clipBindingCurrent = __gameObjectClipList.list [index] as EditorClipBinding; if (clipBindingCurrent == null) { return; } float width = rect.xMax; rect.xMax = 200f; ///////////// ADD GAMEOBJECT TO CLIPBINDING ///////// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GameObject gameObjectHolderBinded = EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, clipBindingCurrent.gameObject, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && gameObjectHolderBinded != null && gameObjectHolderBinded.transform.childCount == 1) { clipBindingCurrent.gameObject = gameObjectHolderBinded; clipBindingCurrent.positionOffset = Quaternion.Inverse(__spaceGameObject.transform.rotation) * (clipBindingCurrent.gameObject.transform.position - __spaceGameObject.transform.position); clipBindingCurrent.rotationOffset = Quaternion.Inverse(__spaceGameObject.transform.rotation) * gameObjectHolderBinded.transform.rotation; } rect.xMin = rect.xMax + 2; rect.xMax = width - 100f; ///////////// ADD ANIMATION CLIP TO CLIPBINDING ///////// clipBindingCurrent.clip = EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, clipBindingCurrent.clip, typeof(AnimationClip), true) as AnimationClip; if (clipBindingCurrent.clip == null) { rect.xMin = rect.xMax + 2; rect.xMax = rect.xMin + 30f; if (GUI.Button(rect, "New Clip")) { string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( "Create New Clip", "Assets", "", "anim"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip(); //UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AllocateAnimatorClip (); = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, AssetDatabaseUtility.AbsoluteUrlToAssets(path)); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); clipBindingCurrent.clip = clip; clipBindingCurrent.clip.frameRate = __spaceGameObjectAnimationClip.frameRate; } } } ///////////// COLOR PATH CLIPBINDING ///////// rect.xMin = rect.xMax + 2f; rect.xMax = rect.xMin + 30f; clipBindingCurrent.color = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, clipBindingCurrent.color); ///////////// CLIPBINDING PATH SHOW/HIDE ///////// rect.xMin = rect.xMax + 2f; rect.xMax = width; clipBindingCurrent.visible = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, clipBindingCurrent.visible); }
private void RenderField(Rect rect, WeatherMakerPropertyTransition t, MemberInfo member, float textFieldWidth) { if (t == null || member == null) { return; } string tooltip = null; RangeAttribute range = null; SingleLineClampAttribute clamp = null; object[] attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes(false); foreach (object obj in attributes) { if (obj is TooltipAttribute) { tooltip = (obj as TooltipAttribute).tooltip; } else if (obj is SingleLineAttribute) { tooltip = (obj as SingleLineAttribute).Tooltip; } else if (obj is RangeAttribute) { range = obj as RangeAttribute; } else if (obj is SingleLineClampAttribute) { clamp = obj as SingleLineClampAttribute; } } GUIContent label = new GUIContent("Value", tooltip); EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 70.0f; Type type = member.GetUnderlyingType(); if (type == typeof(float)) { RenderFloatField(rect, t, label, member, range, clamp); } else if (type == typeof(int)) { RenderIntField(rect, t, label, member, range, clamp); } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { t.Value = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, label, (bool)GetMemberValue(member, t)); } else if (type == typeof(Color)) { t.Value = EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, label, (Color)GetMemberValue(member, t)); } else if (type == typeof(Vector2)) { t.Value = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(rect, label, (Vector2)GetMemberValue(member, t)); } else if (type == typeof(Vector3)) { t.Value = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(rect, label, (Vector3)GetMemberValue(member, t)); } else if (type == typeof(Vector4)) { t.Value = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(rect, label, (Vector4)GetMemberValue(member, t)); } else if (type == typeof(RangeOfFloats)) { RenderRangeOfFloats(rect, t, member, clamp); } else if (type == typeof(RangeOfIntegers)) { RenderRangeOfInts(rect, t, member, clamp); } else if (type.IsEnum) { t.Value = EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rect, label, (System.Enum)GetMemberValue(member, t)); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Unsupported field type " + type); } }
protected void DrawValue(Rect rect, SerializedProperty Target) { if (Target.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.Generic) { Color backgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor *= new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f); switch (Target.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.Float: GUI.Box(rect, Target.floatValue.ToString(), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Integer: GUI.Box(rect, Target.intValue.ToString(), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; case SerializedPropertyType.String: GUI.Box(rect, new GUIContent("\"" + Target.stringValue + "\"", Target.stringValue), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean: GUI.Box(rect, Target.boolValue.ToString(), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Color: { using (var disable = new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(true)) { var n = rect.height - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; rect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; rect.y += n * 0.5f; EditorGUI.ColorField(rect, Target.colorValue); } break; } case SerializedPropertyType.Enum: if (Target.enumValueIndex < Target.enumDisplayNames.Length && Target.enumValueIndex >= 0) { GUI.Box(rect, Target.enumDisplayNames[Target.enumValueIndex].ToString(), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); } else { GUI.Box(rect, new GUIContent(Drawer.miniErrorIcon, "The enum value set on prefab is missing, please check the component."), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); } break; case SerializedPropertyType.LayerMask: GUI.Box(rect, Target.intValue.ToString(), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Vector3: GUI.Box(rect, Target.vector3Value.ToString(), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; case SerializedPropertyType.Vector2: GUI.Box(rect, Target.vector2Value.ToString(), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; case SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference: using (var disable = new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(true)) { var n = rect.height - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; rect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; rect.y += n * 0.5f; if (Target.objectReferenceValue) { EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, Target.objectReferenceValue, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false); } else { GUI.Box(rect, new GUIContent("null", "null"), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); } } break; default: GUI.Box(rect, new GUIContent(Target.propertyType.ToString(), Target.propertyType.ToString()), Drawer.valueBoxStyle); break; } GUI.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, prop); position.height = base.GetPropertyHeight(prop, label); Rect basePosition = position; int originalIndentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel; if (!readonlyPropertiesAttribute.HideVariable) { EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, prop); } else { basePosition.y -= position.height; } for (int i = 0; i < propertyInfos.Count; ++i) { basePosition.y += position.height; position = basePosition; Rect boxPos = position; boxPos.width = Screen.width; boxPos.x = 0; if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Rect) || propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Vector4) || (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Vector3) && Screen.width < 335)) { boxPos.height = 2 * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; } boxPos.height += 1; GUI.color = Color.gray; EditorGUI.HelpBox(boxPos, "", MessageType.None); GUI.color = Color.white; Rect lockPosition = position; lockPosition.width = lockPosition.height; lockPosition.y += 1; lockPosition.x -= 13; GUI.Toggle(lockPosition, true, "", "IN LockButton"); if (propertyTypes[i] != typeof(Quaternion) && propertyTypes[i] != typeof(Vector2) && propertyTypes[i] != typeof(Vector3) && propertyTypes[i] != typeof(Vector4)) { position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, EditorGUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), new GUIContent(FormatLikeInspector(readonlyPropertiesAttribute.Properties[i]))); } if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(AnimationCurve)) { EditorGUI.CurveField(position, (AnimationCurve)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(bool)) { EditorGUI.Toggle(position, (bool)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Bounds)) { EditorGUI.BoundsField(position, (Bounds)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Color)) { EditorGUI.ColorField(position, (Color)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(float)) { EditorGUI.SelectableLabel(position, ((float)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)).ToString()); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(int)) { EditorGUI.SelectableLabel(position, ((int)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)).ToString()); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Quaternion)) { EditorGUI.Vector3Field(position, new GUIContent(FormatLikeInspector(readonlyPropertiesAttribute.Properties[i])), ((Quaternion)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)).eulerAngles); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Rect)) { EditorGUI.RectField(position, (Rect)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); basePosition.y += position.height; } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(string)) { EditorGUI.SelectableLabel(position, (string)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Vector2)) { EditorGUI.Vector2Field(position, new GUIContent(FormatLikeInspector(readonlyPropertiesAttribute.Properties[i])), (Vector2)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Vector3)) { EditorGUI.Vector3Field(position, new GUIContent(FormatLikeInspector(readonlyPropertiesAttribute.Properties[i])), (Vector3)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); if (Screen.width < 335) { basePosition.y += position.height; } } else if (propertyTypes[i] == typeof(Vector4)) { EditorGUI.Vector4Field(position, FormatLikeInspector(readonlyPropertiesAttribute.Properties[i]), (Vector4)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null)); basePosition.y += position.height; } else if (typeof(UnityEngine.Object).IsAssignableFrom(propertyTypes[i])) { EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, (UnityEngine.Object)propertyInfos[i].GetGetMethod().Invoke(prop.serializedObject.targetObject, null), propertyTypes[i], true); } } EditorGUI.indentLevel = originalIndentLevel; EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
private static void PropertyFieldExtendedValue(Rect position, SerializedPropertyX property, GUIContent label = null, GUIStyle style = null) { Type type = property.type; if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UnityEngine.Object))) { property.Value = EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, label, (UnityEngine.Object)property.Value, type, true); } else if (type.IsArray) { if (property.Value == null) { property.Value = Array.CreateInstance(type.GetElementType(), 1); } //int ctrlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard); property.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(position, property.isExpanded, label); if (property.isExpanded) { position.y += 16f; position.height -= 16f; EditorGUI.indentLevel++; Array array = (Array)property.Value; int length = array.Length; int newLength = 0; z = EditorGUI.IntField(position, new GUIContent("Size"), z); if (newLength < 0) { newLength = 0; } if (length != newLength) { var newArray = Array.CreateInstance(type.GetElementType(), newLength); for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i++) { if (i == array.Length) { break; } newArray.SetValue(array.GetValue(i), i); } array.CopyTo(newArray, 0); array = newArray; } position.y += 16f; position.height -= 16f; Type elementType = array.GetType().GetElementType(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (array.GetValue(i) == null) { array.SetValue(CreateInstance(elementType), i); } //array.SetValue(PropertyFieldExtendedValue(position, elementType, array.GetValue(i), new GUIContent("Element " + i), null), i); //position.y += 48f; //needs to be += getheight } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } } else if (type.IsEnum) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.popup; //todo unity default is popup field } property.Value = EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(position, label, (Enum)property.Value, style); } else if (type == typeof(Color)) { property.Value = EditorGUI.ColorField(position, label, (Color)property.Value); } else if (type == typeof(Bounds)) { Bounds b = (Bounds)property.Value; position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label); position.x -= 48f; EditorGUI.LabelField(position, new GUIContent("Center:")); position.x += 53f; position.width -= 5f; = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(position, GUIContent.none,; position.y += 16f; position.x -= 53f; EditorGUI.LabelField(position, new GUIContent("Extents:")); position.x += 53f; b.extents = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(position, GUIContent.none, b.extents); property.Value = b; } else if (type == typeof(AnimationCurve)) { if (property.Value == null) { property.Value = new AnimationCurve(); } position.width = 200f; property.Value = EditorGUI.CurveField(position, label, (AnimationCurve)property.Value); } else if (type == typeof(double)) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.numberField; } property.Value = EditorGUI.DoubleField(position, label, (double)property.Value, style); } else if (type == typeof(float)) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.numberField; } property.Value = EditorGUI.FloatField(position, label, (float)property.Value, style); } else if (type == typeof(int)) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.numberField; } property.Value = EditorGUI.IntField(position, label, (int)property.Value, style); } else if (type == typeof(long)) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.numberField; } property.Value = EditorGUI.LongField(position, label, (long)property.Value, style); } else if (type == typeof(Rect)) { property.Value = EditorGUI.RectField(position, label, (Rect)property.Value); } else if (type == typeof(bool)) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.toggle; } property.Value = EditorGUI.Toggle(position, label, (bool)property.Value, style); } else if (type == typeof(Vector2)) { property.Value = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(position, label, (Vector2)property.Value); } else if (type == typeof(Vector3)) { property.Value = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(position, label, (Vector3)property.Value); } else if (type == typeof(Vector4)) { property.Value = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(position, label.text, (Vector4)property.Value); } else if (type == typeof(string)) { if (style == null) { style = EditorStyles.textField; } property.Value = EditorGUI.TextField(position, label, (string)property.Value, style); } else { property.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(position, property.isExpanded, label); if (property.isExpanded) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; position.y += 16f; position.height -= 16f; for (int i = 0; i < property.ChildCount; i++) { SerializedPropertyX child = property.GetChildAt(i); PropertyField(position, child); float propHeight = EditorGUIUtilityX.GetHeight(child, child.label, child.isExpanded); position.y += propHeight; position.height -= propHeight; } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { var nameProperty = property.GetMemberProperty <TweenShaderProperty>(p =>; var typeProperty = property.GetMemberProperty <TweenShaderProperty>(p => p.type); var curveProperty = property.GetMemberProperty <TweenShaderProperty>(p => p.curve); var fromProperty = property.GetMemberProperty <TweenShaderProperty>(p => p.from); var toProperty = property.GetMemberProperty <TweenShaderProperty>(p =>; var mainRow = position.Row(0); var fromRect = position.Row(1).Right(-FromToPadding); var toRect = position.Row(2).Right(-FromToPadding); Rect nameRect, typeRect, curveRect; nameRect = mainRow.Right(CurveWidth, out curveRect).Right(TypeWidth, out typeRect); var tweenShader = property.serializedObject.targetObject as TweenShader; var targetRenderer = tweenShader.targetRenderer; if (targetRenderer == null) { nameProperty.stringValue = EditorGUI.TextField(nameRect, nameProperty.stringValue); typeProperty.enumValueIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(typeRect, typeProperty.enumValueIndex, typeProperty.enumDisplayNames); } else { TweenShaderPropertiesCache cache; if (!propertiesCache.TryGetValue(targetRenderer, out cache)) { cache = new TweenShaderPropertiesCache(); propertiesCache.Add(targetRenderer, cache); } cache.UpdateProperties(tweenShader); int index = System.Array.IndexOf(cache.propertyNameOptions, nameProperty.stringValue); index = EditorGUI.Popup(nameRect, index, cache.propertyNameOptions); nameProperty.stringValue =[index].name; typeProperty.enumValueIndex = ( int )[index].type; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(true); EditorGUI.Popup(typeRect, typeProperty.enumValueIndex, typeProperty.enumDisplayNames); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } curveProperty.animationCurveValue = EditorGUI.CurveField(curveRect, curveProperty.animationCurveValue); EditorHelper.BeginChangeLabelWidth(FromToLabelWidth); Vector4 fromVector = fromProperty.vector4Value; Vector4 toVector = toProperty.vector4Value; var type = (TweenShaderProperty.Type)typeProperty.enumValueIndex; switch (type) { case TweenShaderProperty.Type.Float: fromVector.x = EditorGUI.FloatField(fromRect, fromLabel, fromVector.x); fromProperty.vector4Value = fromVector; toVector.x = EditorGUI.FloatField(toRect, toLabel, toVector.x); toProperty.vector4Value = toVector; break; case TweenShaderProperty.Type.Vector: float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; EditorGUI.LabelField(fromRect.Left(labelWidth), fromLabel); fromVector = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(fromRect.Right(-labelWidth).Row(-1), "", fromVector); fromProperty.vector4Value = fromVector; EditorGUI.LabelField(toRect.Left(labelWidth), toLabel); toVector = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(toRect.Right(-labelWidth).Row(-1), "", toVector); toProperty.vector4Value = toVector; break; case TweenShaderProperty.Type.Color: fromVector = EditorGUI.ColorField(fromRect, fromLabel, fromVector, true, true, true, colorPickerConfig); fromProperty.vector4Value = fromVector; toVector = EditorGUI.ColorField(toRect, toLabel, toVector, true, true, true, colorPickerConfig); toProperty.vector4Value = toVector; break; } EditorHelper.EndChangeLabelWidth(); property.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
/////////////////////////// OnGUI ///////////////////////////////////////////// protected override void OnGUI(Rect position, GUIContent label) { // Start block #if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER BeginBlock(metadata, position); #else BeginBlock(metadata, position, GUIContent.none); #endif if (!initialised) { UpdatePalette(); // Probably not required with Scriptable ************** } xWidth = position.width; xFieldRatio = (xWidth < 336 ? ((335 - xWidth) / xFieldDivision) + xFieldDivision / 10f : 0) + ((xWidth - 335) / xFieldDivision); unit = (CommentNode)metadata.value; // Initially copy settings to selected unit if Copy is Active if (copyACTIVE && copyUnit != null) { if (copyColor) { unit.color = copyUnit.color; } if (copyFontColor) { unit.fontColor = copyUnit.fontColor; } if (copyFontSize) { unit.fontSize = copyUnit.fontSize; } if (copyFontStyle) { unit.fontBold = copyUnit.fontBold; unit.fontItalic = copyUnit.fontItalic; unit.hasOutline = copyUnit.hasOutline; } if (copyLockToFontColor) { unit.fontColorize = copyUnit.fontColorize; } if (copyLockToPalette) { unit.lockedToPalette = copyUnit.lockedToPalette; unit.paletteSelection = copyUnit.paletteSelection; unit.customPalette = copyUnit.customPalette; } if (copyMaxWidth) { unit.maxWidth = copyUnit.maxWidth; unit.autoWidth = copyUnit.autoWidth; } if (copyTitle) { unit.title = copyUnit.title; unit.hasTitle = copyUnit.hasTitle; } if (copyContent) { unit.comment = copyUnit.comment; } } /////////////////////////// Section - Color Palette ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Header GUI.contentColor = new Color(1, 1, 0.6f); GUI.Label(GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentA, yMargin: position.y, w: xIndentC, h: 20), "Color Palette", sectionGUI); // View custom palette? ToggleButtonColor(unit.customPalette, alwaysVisible: true); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentC, w: 60, h: 18), "Custom", buttonGUI)) { unit.customPalette = !unit.customPalette; } if (unit.lockedToPalette) { unit.paletteSelection.palette = unit.customPalette ? 1 : 0; } // Copy current unit colors to a custom color ToggleButtonColor(customAddColor, red: true); if (unit.customPalette) { if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 65), "Add Color", buttonGUI)) { unit.customPalette = true; customAddColor = !customAddColor; } } // Separator EditorGUI.DrawRect(GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentA, down: 20, w: xWidth, h: 1), new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1)); // Palette initial start point GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentB, down: 10, w: xWidth / columns - 1f, h: 30); // Draw palette for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) { GUI.backgroundColor = colorPalette[unit.customPalette ? 1 : 0, row, col]; GUI.contentColor = fontPalette[(unit.customPalette ? 2 : unit.fontColorize ? 1 : 0), row, col]; if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(x: (xWidth - xIndentA) / columns * col), "Aa")) { // If adding custom color, set selected custom palette color to current color if (customAddColor) { customAddColor = unit.fontColorize = false; colorPalette[1, row, col] = unit.color * 3f; fontPalette[2, row, col] = unit.fontColor; } // Else set current unit color to selected palette color else { unit.color = GUI.backgroundColor / 3f; unit.fontColor = GUI.contentColor; } unit.paletteSelection = (unit.customPalette ? 1 : 0, row, col); } // If lockToPalette draw selection box if (row == unit.paletteSelection.row && col == unit.paletteSelection.col && unit.lockedToPalette) { GUI.DrawTexture(GUIRect(x: (xWidth - xIndentA) / columns * col, w: xWidth / columns - 1f), Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop, false, 0, fontPalette[1, row, col], 3f, 6f); } } GUIRect(down: 30); } ResetGUI(); // Lock to palette? ToggleButtonColor(unit.lockedToPalette); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(x: (xWidth - xIndentA) / columns * 0, down: 10, w: xWidth / columns * 2f - 4, h: 18), "Lock Palette", buttonGUI)) { unit.lockedToPalette = !unit.lockedToPalette; } ResetGUI(); // + Draw current color picker var tempColor = unit.color; ToggleButtonColor(customAddColor, red: true); unit.color = EditorGUI.ColorField(GUIRect(x: (xWidth - xIndentA) / columns * 2), new GUIContent(""), unit.color, true, false, false); ResetGUI(); if (unit.customPalette && unit.lockedToPalette && tempColor != unit.color) { colorPalette[1, unit.paletteSelection.row, unit.paletteSelection.col] = (unit.color * 3f).WithAlpha(3f); } // + Draw current font color tempColor = unit.fontColor; GUI.Label(GUIRect(x: (xWidth - xIndentA) / columns * 5f - 25, w: 23), "Aa", commentGUI); ToggleButtonColor(customAddColor, red: true); unit.fontColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(GUIRect(x: (xWidth - xIndentA) / columns * 5, w: xWidth / columns * 2f - 4f), new GUIContent(""), unit.fontColor, true, false, false); ResetGUI(); if (unit.customPalette && unit.lockedToPalette && tempColor != unit.fontColor) { fontPalette[2, unit.paletteSelection.row, unit.paletteSelection.col] = unit.fontColor; // } // + Colorize font? ToggleButtonColor(unit.fontColorize); if (unit.lockedToPalette && !unit.customPalette) { if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(x: (xWidth - xIndentA) / columns * 7, w: xWidth / columns * 2f - 2), "Colorize", buttonGUI)) { unit.fontColorize = !unit.fontColorize; UpdatePalette(); } } ResetGUI(); /////////////////////////// Section - Settings ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Header GUI.contentColor = new Color(1, 1, 0.6f); GUI.Label(GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentA, down: 33, w: xIndentC, h: 20), "Settings", sectionGUI); EditorGUI.DrawRect(GUIRect(down: 20, w: xWidth, h: 1), new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1)); ResetGUI(); // Color Spread tempFloat = style.colorSpread; GUI.Label(GUIRect(xMargin: 0, x: xIndentB, down: 10, w: xIndentC, h: 18), "Color Spread", inspectorGUI); style.colorSpread = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUI.FloatField(GUIRect(x: xIndentC + xFieldOffset - xFieldRatio, w: xIndentC + xFieldWidth + xFieldRatio - 5), " ", style.colorSpread * 10f, titleGUI) / 10f, 0f, 3f); if (style.colorSpread != tempFloat) { UpdatePalette(); } // + Toggle greyscale? ToggleButtonColor(style.greyScale); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: xIndentC + 50, w: 40), "Grey", buttonGUI)) { style.greyScale = !style.greyScale; UpdatePalette(); } ResetGUI(); // + 3 palette presets if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 42), "Mars", buttonGUI)) { style.colorSpread = 1.5f; style.colorOffset = 0f; UpdatePalette(); } if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 42), "Pastel", buttonGUI)) { style.colorSpread = 1.5f; style.colorOffset = 0.4f; UpdatePalette(); } if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 42), "Vivid", buttonGUI)) { style.colorSpread = 2.5f; style.colorOffset = 0.4f; UpdatePalette(); } // Color Contrast tempFloat = style.colorHeight; GUI.Label(GUIRect(xMargin: 0, x: xIndentB, down: 22, w: xIndentC), "Color Offset", inspectorGUI); style.colorHeight = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUI.FloatField(GUIRect(x: xIndentC + xFieldOffset - xFieldRatio, w: xIndentC + xFieldWidth + xFieldRatio - 5), " ", style.colorHeight * 10f, titleGUI) / 10f, 0.6f, 9.8f); if (style.colorHeight != tempFloat) { UpdatePalette(); } // Color Offset tempFloat = style.colorOffset; GUI.Label(GUIRect(xMargin: 0, x: xIndentB, down: 22, w: xIndentC), "Color Height", inspectorGUI); style.colorOffset = Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUI.FloatField(GUIRect(x: xIndentC + xFieldOffset - xFieldRatio, w: xIndentC + xFieldWidth + xFieldRatio - 5), " ", style.colorOffset * 10f, titleGUI) / 10f, 0f, 1.5f); if (style.colorOffset != tempFloat) { UpdatePalette(); } // Font Size + Bold? Italic? Outline? Centre? GUI.Label(GUIRect(x: xIndentB, down: 22, w: xIndentC), "Font Size", inspectorGUI); unit.fontSize = EditorGUI.IntField(GUIRect(right: xIndentC, x: xFieldOffset - xFieldRatio, w: xIndentC + xFieldWidth + xFieldRatio - 5), " ", unit.fontSize, titleGUI); ToggleButtonColor(unit.fontBold); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 50, w: 40), "Bold", buttonGUI)) { unit.fontBold = !unit.fontBold; } ToggleButtonColor(unit.fontItalic); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 42), "Italic", buttonGUI)) { unit.fontItalic = !unit.fontItalic; } ToggleButtonColor(unit.hasOutline); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 42), "Outline", buttonGUI)) { unit.hasOutline = !unit.hasOutline; } ToggleButtonColor(unit.alignCentre); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 42), "Centre", buttonGUI)) { unit.alignCentre = !unit.alignCentre; } ResetGUI(); // Max Width + Auto? GUI.Label(GUIRect(xMargin: 0, x: xIndentB, down: 22, w: xIndentC), "Max Width", inspectorGUI); unit.maxWidth = EditorGUI.IntField(GUIRect(x: xIndentC + xFieldOffset - xFieldRatio, w: xIndentC + xFieldWidth + xFieldRatio - 5), " ", unit.maxWidth, titleGUI); ToggleButtonColor(unit.autoWidth); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(x: xIndentC + 50, w: 40), "Auto", buttonGUI)) { unit.autoWidth = !unit.autoWidth; } ResetGUI(); // Comment Title GUI.Label(GUIRect(x: xIndentB, down: 33), "Title", inspectorGUI); unit.hasTitle = GUI.Toggle(GUIRect(x: xIndentC, w: 20), unit.hasTitle, ""); if (unit.hasTitle) { unit.title = GUI.TextField(GUIRect(x: xIndentC + 20, w: xWidth - xIndentC - 10, h: 16), unit.title, titleGUI); } // Comment Contents var textHeight = commentGUI.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(unit.comment), xWidth - xIndentC + 10); GUI.Label(GUIRect(x: xIndentB, down: 22, w: xWidth, h: 18), "Comment", inspectorGUI); unit.comment = GUI.TextArea(GUIRect(x: xIndentC, w: xWidth - xIndentC + 10, h: textHeight + 2), unit.comment, commentGUI); /////////////////////////// Section - Copy ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Header GUI.contentColor = new Color(1, 1, 0.6f); GUI.Label(GUIRect(right: xIndentA, down: textHeight + 2 - 18 + 33, w: xWidth, h: 20), "Copy Painter", sectionGUI); EditorGUI.DrawRect(GUIRect(down: 20, h: 1), new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1)); ResetGUI(); // Toggle Copy ACTIVE + show active at the top of inspector ToggleButtonColor(copyACTIVE, red: true); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(xMargin: 0, x: xIndentB, down: 10, w: xIndentC - xIndentB - 10, h: 18), "ACTIVE", buttonGUI)) { copyACTIVE = !copyACTIVE; } if (copyACTIVE) { if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(x: xIndentA + xWidth - 100, y: position.y - yCurrent, w: 100), "COPY ACTIVE", buttonGUI)) { copyACTIVE = !copyACTIVE; } } ResetGUI(); // If Copy is ACTIVE show other buttons if (copyACTIVE) { // All ToggleButtonColor(copyAll, alwaysVisible: true); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: xIndentC, w: 50), "All", buttonGUI)) { copyAll = !copyAll; copyCOLORS = copyLOCK = copyFONT = copyColor = copyFontColor = copyLockToPalette = copyLockToFontColor = copyFontSize = copyFontStyle = copyMaxWidth = copyTitle = copyContent = copyAll; } // Colors ToggleButtonColor(copyCOLORS, alwaysVisible: true); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(down: 22), "Colors", buttonGUI)) { copyCOLORS = !copyCOLORS; copyColor = copyFontColor = copyCOLORS; } ToggleButtonColor(copyColor); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Box", buttonGUI)) { copyColor = !copyColor; } ToggleButtonColor(copyFontColor); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Font", buttonGUI)) { copyFontColor = !copyFontColor; } // Locks ToggleButtonColor(copyLOCK, alwaysVisible: true); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentC, down: 22), "Locks", buttonGUI)) { copyLOCK = !copyLOCK; copyLockToPalette = copyLockToFontColor = copyLOCK; } ToggleButtonColor(copyLockToPalette); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Palette", buttonGUI)) { copyLockToPalette = !copyLockToPalette; } ToggleButtonColor(copyLockToFontColor); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Colorize", buttonGUI)) { copyLockToFontColor = !copyLockToFontColor; } // Font ToggleButtonColor(copyFONT, alwaysVisible: true); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentC, down: 22), "Font", buttonGUI)) { copyFONT = !copyFONT; copyFontSize = copyFontStyle = copyMaxWidth = copyFONT; } ToggleButtonColor(copyFontSize); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Size", buttonGUI)) { copyFontSize = !copyFontSize; } ToggleButtonColor(copyFontStyle); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Style", buttonGUI)) { copyFontStyle = !copyFontStyle; } ToggleButtonColor(copyMaxWidth); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Width", buttonGUI)) { copyMaxWidth = !copyMaxWidth; } // Text ToggleButtonColor(copyTEXT, alwaysVisible: true); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(xMargin: xIndentC, down: 22), "Text", buttonGUI)) { copyTEXT = !copyTEXT; } ToggleButtonColor(copyTitle); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Title", buttonGUI)) { copyTitle = !copyTitle; } ToggleButtonColor(copyContent); if (GUI.Button(GUIRect(right: 55), "Content", buttonGUI)) { copyContent = !copyContent; } copyCOLORS = copyColor && copyFontColor; copyLOCK = copyLockToPalette && copyLockToFontColor; copyFONT = copyFontSize && copyFontStyle && copyMaxWidth; copyTEXT = copyTitle && copyContent; copyAll = copyCOLORS && copyLOCK && copyFONT && copyTEXT; } ResetGUI(); // Copy the current unit to copyUnit, to use during copy copyUnit = unit; // EndBlock, record Undo, and write back unit details to the actual unit if (EndBlock(metadata)) { metadata.RecordUndo(); metadata.value = unit; } }
/// <summary> /// Shows an object field editor for object types that do no derive from UnityEngine.Object. /// </summary> /// <typeparam Name="T">Type of the object to modify.</typeparam> /// <param Name="position">The region to show the UI.</param> /// <param Name="label">Label to show.</param> /// <param Name="value">Current value to show.</param> /// <param Name="allowSceneObjects">Whether scene objects should be allowed in the set of field choices.</param> /// <returns>The new value.</returns> public static T ObjectField <T>(Rect position, GUIContent label, T value, bool allowSceneObjects) { object objValue = value; Type valueType = objValue.GetType(); if (valueType == typeof(Bounds)) { objValue = EditorGUI.BoundsField(position, label, (Bounds)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(Color)) { objValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(position, label, (Color)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(Material)) { objValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, (Material)objValue, typeof(Material), allowSceneObjects); } else if (valueType == typeof(AnimationCurve)) { objValue = EditorGUI.CurveField(position, label, (AnimationCurve)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(float)) { objValue = EditorGUI.FloatField(position, label, (float)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(int)) { objValue = EditorGUI.IntField(position, label, (int)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(LayerMask)) { objValue = EditorGUI.MaskField(position, label, (LayerMask)objValue, LayerMaskExtensions.LayerMaskNames); } else if (valueType.IsEnum) { if (valueType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagsAttribute), true).Length > 0) { #if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER objValue = EditorGUI.EnumFlagsField(position, label, (Enum)objValue); #else objValue = EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(position, label, (Enum)objValue); #endif } else { objValue = EditorGUI.EnumPopup(position, label, (Enum)objValue); } } else if (valueType == typeof(Rect)) { objValue = EditorGUI.RectField(position, label, (Rect)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(string)) { objValue = EditorGUI.TextField(position, label, (string)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(Vector2)) { objValue = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(position, new GUIContent(), (Vector2)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(Vector3)) { objValue = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(position, new GUIContent(), (Vector3)objValue); } else if (valueType == typeof(Vector4)) { if (label.image != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Images not supported for labels of Vector4 fields.", "label"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.tooltip)) { throw new ArgumentException("Tool-tips not supported for labels of Vector4 fields.", "label"); } objValue = EditorGUI.Vector4Field(position, label.text, (Vector4)objValue); } else if (Equals(objValue, typeof(SceneAsset))) { objValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, (SceneAsset)objValue, typeof(SceneAsset), allowSceneObjects); } else if (objValue is UnityEngine.Object) { objValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, label, (UnityEngine.Object)objValue, valueType, allowSceneObjects); } else { throw new ArgumentException( string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unimplemented value type: {0}.", valueType), "value"); } return((T)objValue); }
void OnModuleWindowCB(int id) { // something happened in the meantime? if (id >= Modules.Count || mModuleCount != Modules.Count) { return; } CGModule mod = Modules[id]; //if (LMB && Sel.SelectedModules.Count<=1) if (EV.type == EventType.MouseUp && !Sel.SelectedModules.Contains(mod)) { Sel.Select(Modules[id]); } Rect winRect = mod.Properties.Dimensions; // Draw Title Buttons // Enabled EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); mod.Active = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(2, 2, 16, 16), mod.Active, ""); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(Generator); } //Edit Title & Color if (editTitleModule == mod) { GUI.SetNextControlName("editTitle" + id); mod.ModuleName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(30, 5, winRect.width - 120, 16), mod.ModuleName); mod.Properties.BackgroundColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(new Rect(winRect.width - 70, 5, 32, 16), mod.Properties.BackgroundColor); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(winRect.width - 32, 6, 16, 16), new GUIContent(CurvyStyles.EditTexture, "Rename"), CurvyStyles.BorderlessButton)) { editTitleModule = mod; Sel.Select(mod); EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl("editTitle" + id); } // Help if (GUI.Button(new Rect(winRect.width - 16, 6, 16, 16), new GUIContent(CurvyStyles.HelpTexture, "Help"), CurvyStyles.BorderlessButton)) { var url = DTUtility.GetHelpUrl(mod); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { Application.OpenURL(url); } } // Check errors if (mod.CircularReferenceError) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Circular Reference", MessageType.Error); } // Draw Slots DTGUI.PushColor(mod.Properties.BackgroundColor.SkinAwareColor(true)); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(CurvyStyles.ModuleWindowSlotBackground); DTGUI.PopColor(); OnModuleWindowSlotGUI(mod); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); var ed = GetModuleEditor(mod); if (ed && != null) { if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(mShowDebug.faded)) { ed.OnInspectorDebugGUIINTERNAL(Repaint); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); // Draw Module Options mod.Properties.Expanded.valueChanged.RemoveListener(Repaint); mod.Properties.Expanded.valueChanged.AddListener(Repaint); if (!CurvyProject.Instance.CGAutoModuleDetails) { = GUILayout.Toggle(, new GUIContent( ? CurvyStyles.CollapseTexture : CurvyStyles.ExpandTexture, "Show Details"), EditorStyles.toolbarButton); } // === Module Details === // Handle Auto-Folding if (DTGUI.IsLayout && CurvyProject.Instance.CGAutoModuleDetails) { = (mod == Sel.SelectedModule); } if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(mod.Properties.Expanded.faded)) { EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = (mod.Properties.LabelWidth); // Draw Inspectors using Modules Background color DTGUI.PushColor(ed.Target.Properties.BackgroundColor.SkinAwareColor(true)); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(CurvyStyles.ModuleWindowBackground); DTGUI.PopColor(); ed.RenderGUI(true); if (ed.NeedRepaint) { mDoRepaint = true; } GUILayout.Space(2); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup(); } // Make it dragable GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, winRect.width, CurvyStyles.ModuleWindowTitleHeight)); }