コード例 #1
ファイル: ScaleInText.cs プロジェクト: swipswaps/UnityGUI
        public override void UpdateVertexEffect(TMP_CharacterInfo charInfo, ref EffectData data)
            var t = Mathf.Clamp01(progress - data.Index);

            t = EaseFunctions.Ease(easeType, t);
            var delta = endScale - startScale;

            data.LocalScale = startScale + delta * t;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MoveInText.cs プロジェクト: takaaptech/UnityGUI
        public void UpdateVertexEffect(TMP_CharacterInfo charInfo, ref EffectData data)
            var t = Mathf.Clamp01(progress - data.index);

            t = EaseFunctions.Ease(easeType, t);
            var delta = endOffset - startOffset;

            data.localPosition = startOffset + delta * t;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ScaleInText.cs プロジェクト: takaaptech/UnityGUI
        public void UpdateVertexEffect(TMP_CharacterInfo charInfo, ref EffectData data)
            var t = Mathf.Clamp01(progress - data.index);

            t = EaseFunctions.Ease(easeType, t);
            var delta = endScale - startScale;

            data.localScale = startScale + delta * t; //Vector3.Lerp(startScale, endScale, t );
コード例 #4
    private void Update()
        if (state == GateStates.Closed || state == GateStates.Open)

        elapsed += Time.deltaTime;

        if (elapsed >= currentDuration)
            if (state != GateStates.Holding)
                transform.position = new Vector3(targetPosition.x, targetPosition.y, ZValue);

            elapsed -= currentDuration;

            switch (state)
            case GateStates.Stutter:
                state           = GateStates.Holding;
                currentDuration = holdTime;


            case GateStates.Holding:
                state           = GateStates.Opening;
                basePosition    = targetPosition;
                targetPosition  = originalPosition + new Vector2(0, height);
                currentDuration = openDuration;


            case GateStates.Opening:
                state = GateStates.Open;


        if (state != GateStates.Holding)
            float amount = elapsed / currentDuration;

            EaseTypes easeType = state == GateStates.Stutter ? EaseTypes.CubicOut : EaseTypes.CubicIn;

            Vector2 p = Vector2.Lerp(basePosition, targetPosition, EaseFunctions.Ease(amount, easeType));

            // Adding a small Z value causes gates to render behind the tilemap as they open.
            transform.position = new Vector3(p.x, p.y, ZValue);
コード例 #5
    void FixedUpdate()
        TweenMoveDir = EaseFunctions.Ease(EaseFunctions.Type.Linear, TweenValue, TweenMoveDir, MoveDir - TweenMoveDir, 1.0f);
        RaycastHit2D[] results = new RaycastHit2D[10];
        Vector3        newPos  = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y);

        RaycastHit2D result = Physics2D.BoxCast(new Vector2(newPos.x + boxCollider.size.x / 4f * (TweenMoveDir.x > 0 ? 1 : -1), newPos.y + boxCollider.offset.y), new Vector2(boxCollider.size.x / 2f, boxCollider.size.y * .5f), 0, Vector2.right, TweenMoveDir.x * speed * MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER, StopMovementMask);

        if (result.collider != null)
            if (TweenMoveDir.x > 0)
                newPos.x = result.collider.bounds.center.x - result.collider.bounds.extents.x - boxCollider.size.x / 2f;
            else if (TweenMoveDir.x < 0)
                newPos.x = result.collider.bounds.center.x + result.collider.bounds.extents.x + boxCollider.size.x / 2f;
            newPos.x += TweenMoveDir.x * speed * MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER;

        result = Physics2D.BoxCast(new Vector2(newPos.x, newPos.y + boxCollider.offset.y + boxCollider.size.y / 4f * (TweenMoveDir.y > 0 ? 1 : -1)), new Vector2(boxCollider.size.x * .5f, boxCollider.size.y / 2f), 0, Vector2.up, TweenMoveDir.y * speed * MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER, StopMovementMask);
        if (result.collider != null)
            if (TweenMoveDir.y > 0)
                newPos.y = result.collider.bounds.center.y - result.collider.bounds.extents.y - boxCollider.offset.y - boxCollider.size.y / 2f;
            else if (TweenMoveDir.y < 0)
                newPos.y = result.collider.bounds.center.y + result.collider.bounds.extents.y - boxCollider.offset.y + boxCollider.size.y / 2f;
            newPos.y += TweenMoveDir.y * speed * MOVEMENT_MULTIPLIER;
        transform.position = newPos;

        //        Debug.Log(boxCollider.Cast(TweenMoveDir, results));// (f, results));
コード例 #6
        public void UpdateColorEffect(TMP_CharacterInfo charInfo, ref EffectData data)
            var left = EaseFunctions.Ease(easeType, 1 - Mathf.Clamp01(data.index - (progress - 0.5f)));

            data.color0.a = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * left);
            data.color1.a = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * left);

            if (smooth)
                var right = EaseFunctions.Ease(easeType, 1 - Mathf.Clamp01(data.index - (progress - 1f)));
                data.color2.a = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * right);
                data.color3.a = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * right);
                data.color2.a = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * left);
                data.color3.a = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * left);
コード例 #7
    private void Launch()
        Vector2 v = body.velocity;

        float angle             = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Atan2(launchVector.y, launchVector.x));
        float halfReversalRange = forcedReversalRange / 2;

        if (angle > Mathf.PI / 2)
            angle = Mathf.PI - angle;

        float t     = EaseFunctions.Ease(elapsed / maximumChargeTime, EaseTypes.QuadraticOut);
        float force = (maximumForce - minimumForce) * t + minimumForce;

        // This correction mean it's easier to quickly reverse X direction through a quick, weak launch.
        if (Math.Sign(v.x * launchVector.x) <= 0 && angle <= halfReversalRange)
            v.x = 0;

            // This spin correction is comparable to the special case in FixedUpdate.
            body.angularVelocity = -launchVector.x * force * launchAngularVelocityFactor;

        // If a launch is aimed upwards while falling, the falling speed is negated. This makes it easier to stay
        // airborne.
        if (launchVector.y > 0 && v.y < 0)
            v.y = 0;

        body.velocity = v;
        body.AddForce(launchVector * force);
        justLaunched       = true;
        charging           = false;
        chargeBar.Charge   = 0;
        spring.targetValue = 1;

        launchSound.pitch = t * (maximumPitch - minimumPitch) + minimumPitch;
コード例 #8
        public void UpdateColorEffect(TMP_CharacterInfo charInfo, ref EffectData data)
            var left      = EaseFunctions.Ease(easeType, 1 - Mathf.Clamp01(data.Index - (progress - 0.5f)));
            var leftAlpha = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * left);

            data.SetAlpha(0, leftAlpha);
            data.SetAlpha(1, leftAlpha);

            if (smooth)
                var right      = EaseFunctions.Ease(easeType, 1 - Mathf.Clamp01(data.Index - (progress - 1f)));
                var rightAlpha = (byte)Mathf.Round(255 * right);
                data.SetAlpha(2, rightAlpha);
                data.SetAlpha(3, rightAlpha);
                data.SetAlpha(2, leftAlpha);
                data.SetAlpha(3, leftAlpha);
コード例 #9
    private void FixedUpdate()
        // Moving platforms start stationary, then, when activated, move towards their target location over a preset
        // duration, hold the target position, then cycle back.
        if (!active)

        elapsed += Time.deltaTime;

        if (moving)
            Vector2 start = movingAway ? spawnPosition : targetPosition;
            Vector2 end   = movingAway ? targetPosition : spawnPosition;

            if (elapsed >= movementDuration)
                body.position = end;
                moving        = false;
                active        = movingAway;
                movingAway    = !movingAway;
                elapsed       = 0;
                body.position = Vector2.Lerp(start, end, EaseFunctions.Ease(elapsed / movementDuration,
        else if (elapsed > stallDuration)
            elapsed = 0;
            moving  = true;
コード例 #10
    private void Update()
        // Quitting code would ordinarily be managed in a menu, but for this project, it's easier to put it here (since
        // there's one persistent copy of the player and the player is present in every scene).
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        if (inputLocked)

        justLaunched = false;

        Vector2 mousePosition  = Input.mousePosition;
        Vector2 playerPosition = transform.position;

        // The mouse overrides joystick aim if the mouse was moved this frame.
        if (mousePosition != previousMouseScreenPosition)
            Vector2 worldPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePosition);

            previousMouseScreenPosition = mousePosition;
            launchVector = (worldPosition - playerPosition).normalized;
            Vector2 joystickVector = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Joystick X"), -Input.GetAxis("Joystick Y"));

            if (joystickVector != Vector2.zero)
                launchVector = joystickVector.normalized;

        if (charging)
            elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
            elapsed  = Mathf.Min(elapsed, maximumChargeTime);

            float t = EaseFunctions.Ease(elapsed / maximumChargeTime, EaseTypes.QuadraticOut);

            chargeBar.Charge   = t;
            spring.targetValue = 1 - maximumSquishiness * t;

            if (Input.GetButtonUp("Launch") && launchVector != Vector2.zero)
        else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Launch"))
            elapsed  = 0;
            charging = true;

        float launchRotation = Mathf.Atan2(launchVector.y, launchVector.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        Vector2 barPosition = playerPosition + launchVector * barOffset;

        Transform arrowTransform = chargeBar.transform;

        arrowTransform.position = new Vector3(barPosition.x, barPosition.y, BarZ);
        arrowTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, launchRotation);

        transform.localScale = new Vector3(spring.value, spring.value, 1);