コード例 #1
ファイル: CapClrStats.cs プロジェクト: Mattlk13/perfview-1
 public JitCapCollector(ETLDataFile etlDataFile)
     this.EtlDataFile = etlDataFile;
     this.TraceLog    = EtlDataFile.TraceLog;
     this.Source      = TraceLog.Events.GetSource();
     this.Report      = new ClrCap.JitCapAnalysis();
コード例 #2
        public static ClrCap.JitCapAnalysis CreateJITCap(string etlFile, int methodCount = 20)
            ETLDataFile         EtlDataFile = new ETLDataFile(etlFile);
            TraceLog            TraceLog    = EtlDataFile.TraceLog;
            TraceLogEventSource Source      = TraceLog.Events.GetSource();

            using (ETLDataFile etlDataFile = new ETLDataFile(etlFile))
                TraceLog            traceLog = etlDataFile.TraceLog;
                TraceLogEventSource source   = traceLog.Events.GetSource();

                using (ETWTraceEventModelSource model = new ETWTraceEventModelSource(source))

                    ClrCap.JitCapAnalysis report = new ClrCap.JitCapAnalysis();

                    SetupCapCollectors(model.Source, report);
                    //UpdateCommonInfo(etlFile, model.Source, report);

                    ClrCap.CAP.GenerateJITCAPReport(model.Processes, report, methodCount);

コード例 #3
    public void CalculateStatistics(string etlFileName, string providerName, string startEvent, string stopEvent, string outputReport = "report.xlsx")
        Parser parser = new Parser(GetViewer(outputReport));

        using (ETLDataFile etlFile = OpenETLFile(etlFileName))
            ParserArguments arguments = new ParserArguments
                ProviderName = providerName,
                StartEvent   = startEvent,
                StopEvent    = stopEvent,
                OutputReport = outputReport

            TraceEvents events = GetTraceEventsWithProcessFilter(etlFile);
            parser.Parse(events, arguments);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Commands.cs プロジェクト: zsybupt/perfview
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the TraceEvents list of events from etlFile, applying a process filter if the /process argument is given.
    /// </summary>
    private TraceEvents GetTraceEventsWithProcessFilter(ETLDataFile etlFile)
        // If the user asked to focus on one process, do so.
        TraceEvents events;

        if (CommandLineArgs.Process != null)
            var process = etlFile.Processes.LastProcessWithName(CommandLineArgs.Process);
            if (process == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not find process named " + CommandLineArgs.Process);
            events = process.EventsInProcess;
            events = etlFile.TraceLog.Events;           // All events in the process.
コード例 #5
ファイル: Commands.cs プロジェクト: begemod/dotNext2016spb
    public void OpenWcfEventsView(string etlFileName, string viewName)
        ETLDataFile etlFile  = OpenETLFile(etlFileName);
        TraceLog    traceLog = etlFile.TraceLog;

        var eventSource = traceLog.Events.GetSource();
        var stackSource = new InternStackSource();
        StackSourceModuleIndex emptyModuleIdx = stackSource.Interner.ModuleIntern("");

        var mySample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

        var operations        = new List <OperationData>();
        var opStartTimeStamps = new Dictionary <int, double>();
        var pendingOps        = new Dictionary <int, OperationData>();

        eventSource.Dynamic.All += x => OnNewEvent(operations, opStartTimeStamps, pendingOps, x);

        foreach (var op in operations)
            mySample.TimeRelativeMSec = op.TimeStamp;
            mySample.Metric           = (float)op.Duration.TotalMilliseconds;
            mySample.StackIndex       =
                    stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(op.Contract, emptyModuleIdx), StackSourceCallStackIndex.Invalid);
            mySample.StackIndex =
                    stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern(op.Name, emptyModuleIdx), mySample.StackIndex);


        Stacks stacksForViewer = new Stacks(stackSource, viewName, etlFile);

コード例 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// If you place a file called PerfViewExtensions\PerfViewStartup next to the PerfView.exe it will
    /// run execute commands in that file.  If you put
    /// DeclareFileView .etl "Demo View In Etl File" DemoDeclareFileView
    /// It will create a child node for all .etl files called 'Demo View In Etl File'  If you click
    /// on this node it will execute this user command.  It is passed the name of the file that was
    /// opened and the name of the view that was opened (in this case 'Demo View In Etl File').
    /// </summary>
    public void DemoDeclareFileView(string fileName, string viewName)
        // This demo creates a view that shows you all the START events in a stack view.
        LogFile.WriteLine("************ In DemoDeclareFileView file = {0} view = {1}", fileName, viewName);

        // This is an example of opening an ETL file.
        ETLDataFile etlFile = OpenETLFile(fileName);

        // An ETLData file is a high level construct that knows about high level 'views' of the data (CPU stacks, thread time Stacks ...)

        // However if you want to create a new view, you probably want a TraceLog which is the underlying ETW data.
        TraceLog traceLog = etlFile.TraceLog;

        // A tracelog represent the whole ETL file (which has process, images, threads etc), we want events, and we want callbacks
        // for each event which is what GetSource() does.   THus we get a source (which we can add callbacks to)
        var eventSource = traceLog.Events.GetSource();

        // At this point create the 'output' of our routine.  Our goal is to produce stacks that we will view in the
        // stack viewer.   Thus we create an 'empty' one fo these.
        var stackSource = new MutableTraceEventStackSource(traceLog);
        // A stack source is  list of samples.  We create a sample structure, mutate it and then call AddSample() repeatedly to add samples.
        var sample = new StackSourceSample(stackSource);

        // Setup the callbacks, In this case we are going to watch for stacks where GCs happen
        eventSource.Clr.GCStart += delegate(GCStartTraceData data)
            // An TraceLog should have a callstack associated with this event;
            CallStackIndex callStackIdx = data.CallStackIndex();
            if (callStackIdx != CallStackIndex.Invalid)
                // Convert the TraceLog call stack to a MutableTraceEventStackSource call stack
                StackSourceCallStackIndex stackCallStackIndex = stackSource.GetCallStack(callStackIdx, data);

                // Add a pseudo frame on the bottom of the stack
                StackSourceFrameIndex frameIdxForName = stackSource.Interner.FrameIntern("GC Gen " + data.Depth + "Reason " + data.Reason);
                stackCallStackIndex = stackSource.Interner.CallStackIntern(frameIdxForName, stackCallStackIndex);

                // create a sample with that stack and add it to the stack source (list of samples)
                sample.Metric           = 1;
                sample.TimeRelativeMSec = data.TimeStampRelativeMSec;
                sample.StackIndex       = stackCallStackIndex;
        // You can set up other callback for other events.

        // This causes the TraceLog source to actually spin through all the events calling our callbacks as requested.

        // We are done adding sample to our stack Source, so we tell the MutableTraceEventStackSource that.
        // after that is becomes viewable (and read-only).

        // Take the stack source (raw data) and make it into a 'Stacks' allows you to add filtering to and send to 'OpendStackViewer'
        Stacks stacksForViewer = new Stacks(stackSource, viewName, etlFile);

        // Set any filtering options here.

        // Now we can display the viewer.