/// <summary> /// Generates a NewsItem complying to the reference example LISTING_2-modPower_NewsML-G2_Text_Document.xml. /// The sequence of generating nodes/elements follows the sequence in the example XML document. /// </summary> private static void Test01() { // Generic variables Exception ex1; LxDateTime lxdt; ConceptNameTypeCt name; TruncatedDateTimeTypeUnion dtvaltdtt; NewsItemElm newsItem = new NewsItemElm(); newsItem.Standard = "NewsML-G2"; newsItem.Standardversion = "2.27"; newsItem.Guid = "urn:newsml:acmenews.com:20161121:US-FINANCE-FED"; newsItem.Version = 11; newsItem.Conformance = "power"; // Adding 2 catalogRef-s: CatalogRefElm catalogRef = new CatalogRefElm(); catalogRef.Href = "http://www.iptc.org/std/catalog/catalog.IPTC-G2-Standards_30.xml"; newsItem.CatalogRef.Add(catalogRef); catalogRef = new CatalogRefElm(); catalogRef.Href = "http://catalog.acmenews.com/news/ANM_G2_CODES_2.xml"; newsItem.CatalogRef.Add(catalogRef); // Adding rightsInfo - bubble up CopyrightHolderElm copyrightHolder = new CopyrightHolderElm(); copyrightHolder.Uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/about.html#copyright"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "Acme News and Media LLC"; copyrightHolder.Name.Add(name); CopyrightNoticeElm copyrightNotice = new CopyrightNoticeElm(); copyrightNotice.Add("Copyright 2016-17 Acme News and Media LLC"); RightsInfoTypeCt rightsInfo = new RightsInfoTypeCt(); rightsInfo.CopyrightHolder = copyrightHolder; rightsInfo.CopyrightNotice.Add(copyrightNotice); newsItem.RightsInfo.Add(rightsInfo); // Adding itemMeta properties newsItem.ItemMeta.ItemClass.Qcode = "ninat:text"; lxdt = LxDateTime.CreateDateTime(2017, 11, 21, 16, 25, 32, 0, 0, 0, -5, 0); newsItem.ItemMeta.VersionCreated.Value = lxdt; newsItem.ItemMeta.Provider.Uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/about/"; QualPropTypeCt pubStatus = new QualPropTypeCt(); pubStatus.Qcode = "stat:usable"; newsItem.ItemMeta.PubStatus = pubStatus; // Adding contentMeta properties ContentMetadataAfDTypeCt contentMeta = new ContentMetadataAfDTypeCt(); // = the wrapper if (LxDateTime.TryParseXSDDateTime("2016-11-21T15:21:06-05:00", out lxdt, out ex1)) { TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt contentCreated = new TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt(); dtvaltdtt = new TruncatedDateTimeTypeUnion(lxdt); contentCreated.Value = dtvaltdtt; contentMeta.ContentCreated = contentCreated; } if (LxDateTime.TryParseXSDDateTime("2017-11-21T16:22:45-05:00", out lxdt, out ex1)) { TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt contentModified = new TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt(); dtvaltdtt = new TruncatedDateTimeTypeUnion(lxdt); contentModified.Value = dtvaltdtt; contentMeta.ContentModified = contentModified; } FlexLocationPropTypeCt located = new FlexLocationPropTypeCt(); located.Qcode = "geoloc:NYC"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "New York, NY"; located.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Located.Add(located); FlexAuthorPropTypeCt creator = new FlexAuthorPropTypeCt(); creator.Uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/staff/mjameson"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "Meredith Jameson"; creator.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Creator1.Add(creator); // .Creator = @creator, .Creator1 = /creator Flex1PartyPropTypeCt infoSource = new Flex1PartyPropTypeCt(); infoSource.Qcode = "is:AP"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "Associcated Press"; infoSource.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.InfoSource.Add(infoSource); LanguageElm language = new LanguageElm(); language.Tag = "en-US"; contentMeta.Language.Add(language); // a sequence of subject elements SubjectElm subject = new SubjectElm(); subject.Qcode = "medtop:04000000"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "economy, business and finance"; subject.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Subject.Add(subject); subject = new SubjectElm(); subject.Qcode = "medtop:20000350"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "central bank"; subject.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Subject.Add(subject); subject = new SubjectElm(); subject.Qcode = "medtop:20000379"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "money and monetary policy"; subject.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Subject.Add(subject); SluglineElm slugline = new SluglineElm(); slugline.Value = "US-Finance-Fed"; contentMeta.Slugline.Add(slugline); HeadlineElm headline = new HeadlineElm(); headline.Value = "Fed to halt QE to avert \"bubble\""; contentMeta.Headline.Add(headline); // finally: add the filled contentMeta instance to the newsItem newsItem.ContentMeta = contentMeta; // Adding contentSet ContentSetElm contentSet = new ContentSetElm(); // (create the XML tree outside the NewsML-G2 schema - in the IPTC NITF namespace XNamespace nitfNs = "http://iptc.org/std/NITF/2006-10-18/"; XElement nitf = new XElement(nitfNs + "nitf", new XElement(nitfNs + "body", new XElement(nitfNs + "body.head", new XElement(nitfNs + "hedline", new XElement(nitfNs + "hl1", new XText("Fed to halt QE to avert \"bubble\"")) ), new XElement(nitfNs + "byline", new XText("By Meredith Jameson, Staff Reporter")) ), new XElement(nitfNs + "body.content", new XElement(nitfNs + "p", new XText("(New York, NY - October 21) Et, sent luptat luptat, commy Nim zzriureet vendreetue modo etc")), new XElement(nitfNs + "p", new XText("Ugiating ea feugait utat, venim velent nim quis nulluptat num Volorem inci enim dolobor eetuer sendre ercin utpatio dolorpercing")) ) ) ); ContentSetElm.InlineXMLElm inlineXml = new ContentSetElm.InlineXMLElm(); inlineXml.AnyElement = nitf; contentSet.InlineXML.Add(inlineXml); newsItem.ContentSet = contentSet; // final action of the test procedure: serialized the XML document and create an output LxSerializer <NewsItemElm> serializer1 = new LxSerializer <NewsItemElm>(); using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { serializer1.Serialize(sw, newsItem); Console.WriteLine(sw.ToString()); } using (StreamWriter outputSw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(testOutputDir, "test01-LISTING_2-generated.xml"))) { serializer1.Serialize(outputSw, newsItem); Console.WriteLine("!! Test results file test01-LISTING_2-generated.xml was generated"); } Console.WriteLine("!!!!! Test01 closes"); } // Test01
} // Test02 /// <summary> /// Generates a NewsItem based on the reference example LISTING_2-modPower_NewsML-G2_Text_Document.xml. /// It tests adding metadata properties to a wrapper after having added the wrapper to the node tree. /// </summary> private static void Test03() { // Generic variables Exception ex1; LxDateTime lxdt; ConceptNameTypeCt name; TruncatedDateTimeTypeUnion dtvaltdtt; NewsItemElm newsItem = new NewsItemElm(); newsItem.Standard = "NewsML-G2"; newsItem.Standardversion = "2.27"; newsItem.Guid = "urn:newsml:acmenews.com:20161121:US-FINANCE-FED"; newsItem.Version = 11; newsItem.Conformance = "power"; // Adding 2 catalogRef-s: CatalogRefElm catalogRef = new CatalogRefElm(); catalogRef.Href = "http://www.iptc.org/std/catalog/catalog.IPTC-G2-Standards_30.xml"; newsItem.CatalogRef.Add(catalogRef); catalogRef = new CatalogRefElm(); catalogRef.Href = "http://catalog.acmenews.com/news/ANM_G2_CODES_2.xml"; newsItem.CatalogRef.Add(catalogRef); // Adding rightsInfo - bubble up CopyrightHolderElm copyrightHolder = new CopyrightHolderElm(); copyrightHolder.Uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/about.html#copyright"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "Acme News and Media LLC"; copyrightHolder.Name.Add(name); CopyrightNoticeElm copyrightNotice = new CopyrightNoticeElm(); copyrightNotice.Add("Copyright 2016-17 Acme News and Media LLC"); RightsInfoTypeCt rightsInfo = new RightsInfoTypeCt(); rightsInfo.CopyrightHolder = copyrightHolder; rightsInfo.CopyrightNotice.Add(copyrightNotice); newsItem.RightsInfo.Add(rightsInfo); // Adding itemMeta properties newsItem.ItemMeta.ItemClass.Qcode = "ninat:text"; lxdt = LxDateTime.CreateDateTime(2017, 11, 21, 16, 25, 32, 0, 0, 0, -5, 0); newsItem.ItemMeta.VersionCreated.Value = lxdt; newsItem.ItemMeta.Provider.Uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/about/"; QualPropTypeCt pubStatus = new QualPropTypeCt(); pubStatus.Qcode = "stat:usable"; newsItem.ItemMeta.PubStatus = pubStatus; // Adding contentMeta properties ContentMetadataAfDTypeCt contentMeta = new ContentMetadataAfDTypeCt(); // = the wrapper if (LxDateTime.TryParseXSDDateTime("2016-11-21T15:21:06-05:00", out lxdt, out ex1)) { TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt contentCreated = new TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt(); dtvaltdtt = new TruncatedDateTimeTypeUnion(lxdt); contentCreated.Value = dtvaltdtt; contentMeta.ContentCreated = contentCreated; } if (LxDateTime.TryParseXSDDateTime("2017-11-21T16:22:45-05:00", out lxdt, out ex1)) { TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt contentModified = new TruncatedDateTimePropTypeCt(); dtvaltdtt = new TruncatedDateTimeTypeUnion(lxdt); contentModified.Value = dtvaltdtt; contentMeta.ContentModified = contentModified; } FlexLocationPropTypeCt located = new FlexLocationPropTypeCt(); located.Qcode = "geoloc:NYC"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "New York, NY"; located.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Located.Add(located); FlexAuthorPropTypeCt creator = new FlexAuthorPropTypeCt(); creator.Uri = "http://www.acmenews.com/staff/mjameson"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "Meredith Jameson"; creator.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Creator1.Add(creator); // .Creator = @creator, .Creator1 = /creator Flex1PartyPropTypeCt infoSource = new Flex1PartyPropTypeCt(); infoSource.Qcode = "is:AP"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "Associcated Press"; infoSource.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.InfoSource.Add(infoSource); LanguageElm language = new LanguageElm(); language.Tag = "en-US"; contentMeta.Language.Add(language); // only 1 subject element SubjectElm subject = new SubjectElm(); subject.Qcode = "medtop:04000000"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "economy, business and finance"; subject.Name.Add(name); contentMeta.Subject.Add(subject); SluglineElm slugline = new SluglineElm(); slugline.Value = "US-Finance-Fed"; contentMeta.Slugline.Add(slugline); HeadlineElm headline = new HeadlineElm(); headline.Value = "Fed to halt QE to avert \"bubble\""; contentMeta.Headline.Add(headline); // add the filled contentMeta instance to the newsItem newsItem.ContentMeta = contentMeta; // Adding an empty contentSet wrapper ContentSetElm contentSet = new ContentSetElm(); // TEST: 2nd round of metadata activities: // remove a subject from contentMeta newsItem.ContentMeta.Subject.RemoveAt(0); // TEST: Now add contentMeta properties subject = new SubjectElm(); subject.Qcode = "medtop:20000350"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "central bank"; subject.Name.Add(name); newsItem.ContentMeta.Subject.Add(subject); subject = new SubjectElm(); subject.Qcode = "medtop:20000379"; name = new ConceptNameTypeCt(); name.Value = "money and monetary policy"; subject.Name.Add(name); newsItem.ContentMeta.Subject.Add(subject); // TEST: Now add itemMeta properties BlockTypeCt edNote = new BlockTypeCt(); edNote.Value = "Hello, dear NewsML-G2 testers. We hope you enjoy the results."; newsItem.ItemMeta.EdNote.Add(edNote); // final action of the test procedure: serialized the XML document and create an output LxSerializer <NewsItemElm> serializer1 = new LxSerializer <NewsItemElm>(); using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { serializer1.Serialize(sw, newsItem); Console.WriteLine(sw.ToString()); } using (StreamWriter outputSw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(testOutputDir, "test03-generated.xml"))) { serializer1.Serialize(outputSw, newsItem); Console.WriteLine("!! Test results file test03-generated.xml was generated"); } Console.WriteLine("!!!!! Test03 closes"); } // Test03