コード例 #1
        public void Solution()
             * What is the largest 1 to 9 pandigital 9-digit number that can be formed as the concatenated product of an integer with (1,2, ... , n) where n > 1?

            var sut = new E038Pandigitalmultiples();

            Assert.Equal(932718654, sut.LargestPandigital9DigitNumber());

             *  Congratulations, the answer you gave to problem 38 is correct.
             *  You are the 55311th person to have solved this problem.
コード例 #2
        public void Test1()
             * Take the number 192 and multiply it by each of 1, 2, and 3:
             * 192 × 1 = 192
             * 192 × 2 = 384
             * 192 × 3 = 576
             * By concatenating each product we get the 1 to 9 pandigital, 192384576. We will call 192384576 the concatenated product of 192 and (1,2,3)
             * The same can be achieved by starting with 9 and multiplying by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, giving the pandigital, 918273645, which is the concatenated product of 9 and (1,2,3,4,5).

            var sut = new E038Pandigitalmultiples();

            Assert.True(sut.HasPandigital9DigitNumberProduct(9) > 0);
            Assert.True(sut.HasPandigital9DigitNumberProduct(192) > 0);
            Assert.False(sut.HasPandigital9DigitNumberProduct(193) > 0);