private void Awake() { selectedIndexes = new List <int>(); duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); vtc = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Resources/VuforiaToolsConfiguration.asset", typeof(VuforiaToolsConfiguration)) as VuforiaToolsConfiguration; vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); UpdateAccountSummary(); if (vtc.accountSummary.result_code == "Success") { accountConnected = true; } else { accountConnected = false; } }
void showDuplicatesAction_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) { Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (Book book in View.CollectionSource.List) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.Title)) { if (dictionary.ContainsKey(book.Title)) { dictionary[book.Title]++; } else { dictionary.Add(book.Title, 1); } } } DuplicatesList duplicateList = new DuplicatesList(); int duplicateId = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> record in dictionary) { if (record.Value > 1) { duplicateList.Duplicates.Add( new Duplicate() { Id = duplicateId, Title = record.Key, Count = record.Value }); duplicateId++; } } e.View = Application.CreateDetailView(Application.CreateObjectSpace(), duplicateList); e.DialogController.SaveOnAccept = false; e.DialogController.CancelAction.Active["NothingToCancel"] = false; }
public bool Listen() { if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { switch (Event.current.keyCode) { case KeyCode.DownArrow: if (selectedIndex == vtc.targetSummaryList.Count - 1) { selectedIndex = -1; } duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndexes = new List <int>(); selectedIndex++; selectedIndexes.Add(selectedIndex); if (selectedIndex > -1) { if ((selectedIndex + 1) * 20 > (scrollPos.y + 300)) { scrollPos = new Vector2(scrollPos.x, (selectedIndex + 1) * 20 + 150); } if ((selectedIndex) * 20 < (scrollPos.y)) { scrollPos = new Vector2(scrollPos.x, (selectedIndex) * 20 - 150); } } return(true); case KeyCode.UpArrow: if (selectedIndex <= 0) { selectedIndex = vtc.targetSummaryList.Count; } duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndexes = new List <int>(); selectedIndex--; selectedIndexes.Add(selectedIndex); if (selectedIndex > -1) { if ((selectedIndex + 1) * 20 > (scrollPos.y + 300)) { scrollPos = new Vector2(scrollPos.x, (selectedIndex + 1) * 20 + 150); } if ((selectedIndex) * 20 < (scrollPos.y)) { scrollPos = new Vector2(scrollPos.x, (selectedIndex) * 20 - 150); } } return(true); case KeyCode.Escape: duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndexes = new List <int>(); selectedIndex = -1; return(true); default: return(false); } } return(false); }
void SelectItem() { //Sets up button color and style options Color color_default = GUI.backgroundColor; Color text_default = GUI.contentColor; Color color_selected = new Color(0, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1); GUIStyle itemStyle = new GUIStyle(; //make a new GUIStyle itemStyle.fixedHeight = 20; itemStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; //align text to the left = itemStyle.normal.background; //gets rid of button click background style. itemStyle.margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); //removes the space between items (previously there was a small gap between GUI which made it harder to select a desired item) //Iterates through the targetsummary list for (int i = 0; i < vtc.targetSummaryList.Count; i++) { Color button_color; if (vtc.targetSummaryList[i].active_flag) { button_color = new Color(0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 1); } else { button_color = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1); } Color text_color; if (vtc.targetSummaryList[i].tracking_rating == -1) { text_color = new Color(0, 0.917f, 0.921f, 1); } else if (vtc.targetSummaryList[i].tracking_rating == -2) { text_color = new Color(0.921f, 0.105f, 0.039f, 1); } else { text_color = text_default; } //Only displays the button if the search field is empty, or if the name of the target contains the letter string searched for. if (searchField == null || searchField == "" || vtc.targetSummaryList[i].target_name.ToLower().Contains(searchField.ToLower())) { GUI.contentColor = text_color; GUI.backgroundColor = (selectedIndexes.Contains(i)) ? color_selected : button_color; //show a button using the new GUIStyle if (GUILayout.Button(vtc.targetSummaryList[i].target_name, itemStyle)) { //If the item has already been selected, it will remove it from the list. if (selectedIndex == i) { duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndex = -1; selectedIndexes.Remove(i); } //If the item has already been selected, it will remove it from the list. else if (selectedIndexes.Contains(i)) { duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndexes.Remove(i); } else { //If the item isn't already selected, it will be added to the list. if (selectedIndex == -1) { duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndex = i; selectedIndexes.Add(i); } //If the item isn't already selected, and either the command, control, or shift buttons are pressed, it will be added to the list of selected indexes. else if (Event.current.modifiers == EventModifiers.Command || Event.current.modifiers == EventModifiers.Control || Event.current.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) { duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndex = i; selectedIndexes.Add(i); } //It will be selected, and the list of selected will be started over. else { selectedIndex = i; duplicatesList = new DuplicatesList(); selectedIndexes = new List <int>(); selectedIndexes.Add(i); } //Scrolls down the selected items list to always display the most recent item that has been added to the list. if (selectedIndexes.Count > 15) { scrollPos2 = new Vector2(0, selectedIndexes.Count * 18); } } //do something else (e.g ping an object) } GUI.backgroundColor = color_default; //this is to avoid affecting other GUIs outside of the list GUI.contentColor = text_default; } } }
void DisplayAccount() { //Listens for up&down arrows as well as the escape key, calls Listen() method if (Event.current.isKey && Listen() && selectedIndex >= 0) { Event.current.Use(); Repaint(); } //sets default color.. this is mostly to set the color back to normal after making the red delete button Color color_default = GUI.backgroundColor; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Account Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh", GUILayout.Width(65))) { UpdateAccountSummary(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Database Name: " +, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Active_Images: " + vtc.accountSummary.active_images, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Inactive_Images: " + vtc.accountSummary.inactive_images, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Failed_Images: " + vtc.accountSummary.failed_images, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Target List", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh", GUILayout.Width(65))) { Debug.Log("The Refresh Button was pressed."); vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); RefreshList(); } if (vtc.targetSummaryList.Count > 0) { if (GUILayout.Button("Add New Target", GUILayout.Width(100))) { ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard <AddVuforiaTarget>("Add Vuforia Target", "Finish", "Select Meta Data File"); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.Label("Searach Field", EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); searchField = GUILayout.TextField(searchField, GUILayout.Width(200)); if (GUILayout.Button("Clear", GUILayout.Width(60))) { searchField = ""; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); //WideMode if (vtc.wideMode) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } if (vtc.targetSummaryList.Count > 0) { scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUILayout.Height(300), GUILayout.Width(300)); //Changes the color of the button if the button is a selected item SelectItem(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } //For displaying the target settings if the image target is selected and it's the only one selected if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndexes.Count == 1) { GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Target Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Label("Name: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].target_name, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Target_ID: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].target_id, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Upload_Date: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].upload_date, EditorStyles.label); if (vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].tracking_rating == -2) { GUILayout.Label("Tracking_Rating: Failed, Delete and Retry", EditorStyles.label); } else if (vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].tracking_rating == -1) { GUILayout.Label("Tracking_Rating: Processing, Refresh in a bit", EditorStyles.label); } else { GUILayout.Label("Tracking_Rating: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].tracking_rating, EditorStyles.label); } GUILayout.Label("Active_Flag: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].active_flag, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Current_Month_Recos: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].current_month_recos, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Previous_Month_Recos: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].previous_month_recos, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Label("Total_Recos: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].total_recos, EditorStyles.label); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh", GUILayout.Width(65))) { vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); vuforiaTools.UpdateTargetInformation(vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].target_id); UpdateAccountSummary(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Modify", GUILayout.Width(65))) { ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard <ModifyVuforiaTarget>(vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].target_id, "Finish", "Select Meta Data File"); } if (GUILayout.Button("Check Similar", GUILayout.Width(95))) { vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); string jsonString = vuforiaTools.CheckDuplicates(vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].target_id); duplicatesList = JsonUtility.FromJson <DuplicatesList>(jsonString); } GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.Width(65))) { bool delete = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm Delete", "Are you sure you want to delete the " + vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].target_name + " image target from your cloud database?", "Ok", "Cancel"); if (delete) { vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); string result = vuforiaTools.DeleteTarget(vtc.targetSummaryList[selectedIndex].target_id); if (result != "fail") { if (selectedIndex == vtc.targetSummaryList.Count - 1) { selectedIndex--; selectedIndexes.Remove(selectedIndex + 1); UpdateAccountSummary(); } else { selectedIndexes.Remove(selectedIndex); UpdateAccountSummary(); } } delete = false; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (selectedIndexes.Count == 1 && duplicatesList.similar_targets.Count > 0) { GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Similar Image Targets", EditorStyles.boldLabel); scrollPos3 = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos3, GUILayout.Height(200), GUILayout.Width(300)); foreach (string duplicateID in duplicatesList.similar_targets) { int index = vtc.targetSummaryList.FindIndex(item => item.target_id == duplicateID); GUILayout.Label(vtc.targetSummaryList[index].target_name, EditorStyles.label); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } } //Displays a list of the currently selected images targets instead of the target summary if more than one image target is selected. else if (vtc.targetSummaryList.Count > 1 && selectedIndexes.Count > 1) { GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("Selected Targets List (Batch Edit): " + selectedIndexes.Count + "/" + vtc.targetSummaryList.Count, EditorStyles.boldLabel); scrollPos2 = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos2, GUILayout.Height(selectedIndexes.Count < 16?18 * selectedIndexes.Count + 5:300), GUILayout.Width(300)); foreach (int index in selectedIndexes) { GUILayout.Label(vtc.targetSummaryList[index].target_name + ", Curr: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[index].current_month_recos + ", Prev: " + vtc.targetSummaryList[index].previous_month_recos, EditorStyles.label); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Batch Deactivate", GUILayout.Width(100))) { vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); foreach (int index in selectedIndexes) { vuforiaTools.UpdateImageTarget(vtc.targetSummaryList[index].target_id, null, 1, null, false, null); } UpdateAccountSummary(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Batch Activate", GUILayout.Width(100))) { vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); foreach (int index in selectedIndexes) { vuforiaTools.UpdateImageTarget(vtc.targetSummaryList[index].target_id, null, 1, null, true, null); } UpdateAccountSummary(); } GUI.backgroundColor =; if (GUILayout.Button("Batch Delete", GUILayout.Width(100))) { bool delete = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm Delete", "Are you sure you want to delete the selected image targets from your cloud database?", "Ok", "Cancel"); if (delete) { vuforiaTools = new VuforiaTools(); List <VtTargetSummary> summariesToDelete = new List <VtTargetSummary>(); foreach (int index in selectedIndexes) { summariesToDelete.Add(vtc.targetSummaryList[index]); } foreach (VtTargetSummary summary in summariesToDelete) { vuforiaTools.DeleteTarget(summary.target_id); vtc.targetSummaryList.Remove(summary); } selectedIndexes = new List <int>(); selectedIndex = -1; UpdateAccountSummary(); } } GUI.backgroundColor = color_default; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (vtc.wideMode) { GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUI.backgroundColor = color_default; }