public static bool WriteDump(int pid, int threadWithExceptionId, string filename, DumpOptions options, bool hasException) { using (FileStream dumpFile = File.OpenWrite(filename)) { SafeHandle fileHandle = dumpFile.SafeFileHandle; //Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Process currentProcess = Process.GetProcessById(pid); IntPtr currentProcessHandle = currentProcess.Handle; uint currentProcessId = (uint)currentProcess.Id; MiniDumpExceptionInformation exp; exp.ThreadId = threadWithExceptionId;//GetCurrentThreadId(); exp.ClientPointers = false; exp.ExceptionPointers = IntPtr.Zero; if (hasException) { exp.ExceptionPointers = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetExceptionPointers(); } bool bRet = false; if (exp.ExceptionPointers == IntPtr.Zero) { bRet = MiniDumpWriteDump(currentProcessHandle, currentProcessId, fileHandle, (uint)options, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } else { bRet = MiniDumpWriteDump(currentProcessHandle, currentProcessId, fileHandle, (uint)options, ref exp, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } return bRet; } }
public static string Dump <T>(ref T value, DumpOptions options, InspectorOptions options2) { switch (options) { case DumpOptions.Info: // var addrTable = new ConsoleTable("Addresses", ""); var addr = Mem.AddressOf(ref value); addrTable.AddRow("Address", addr); if (Mem.TryGetAddressOfHeap(value, out var heap)) { addrTable.AddRow("Address (heap)", heap); } addrTable.Write(ConsoleTableFormat.Minimal); // var infoTable = new ConsoleTable("Sizes", ""); infoTable.AddRow("Intrinsic", Mem.SizeOf <T>()); infoTable.AddRow("Auto", Mem.SizeOf(value, SizeOfOptions.Auto)); infoTable.Write(ConsoleTableFormat.Minimal); // var propTable = new ConsoleTable("Runtime info", ""); propTable.AddRow("Pinnable", RuntimeProperties.IsPinnable(value)); propTable.AddRow("Blittable", RuntimeProperties.IsBlittable(value)); propTable.AddRow("Boxed", RuntimeProperties.IsBoxed(value)); propTable.AddRow("Nil", RuntimeProperties.IsDefault(value)); propTable.AddRow("Uninitialized", RuntimeProperties.IsNullMemory(value)); propTable.AddRow("In GC heap", GCHeap.IsHeapPointer(Mem.AddressOfData(ref value))); return(propTable.ToMinimalString()); case DumpOptions.Sizes: var layoutTable = new ConsoleTable("Size Type", "Value"); var options1 = Enum.GetValues <SizeOfOptions>().ToList(); options1.Remove(SizeOfOptions.Heap); foreach (var option in options1) { var sizeOf = Mem.SizeOf(value, option); if (sizeOf == Native.INVALID) { continue; } layoutTable.AddRow(Enum.GetName(option), sizeOf); } var mt = value.GetMetaType(); if (!mt.RuntimeType.IsValueType) { layoutTable.AddRow(nameof(SizeOfOptions.Heap), Mem.SizeOf(value, SizeOfOptions.Heap)); } return(layoutTable.ToString()); case DumpOptions.Layout: var layoutTable1 = new ConsoleTable(); var flags = EnumHelper.GetSetFlags(options2); if (options2 == InspectorOptions.All) { flags.Remove(InspectorOptions.All); } layoutTable1.AddColumn(flags.Select(Enum.GetName)); // Rewrite options options2 = default; foreach (var flag in flags) { options2 |= flag; } var mt1 = value.GetMetaType(); var fields = mt1.Fields.Where(x => !x.IsStatic); int s = Mem.SizeOf(value, SizeOfOptions.Auto); var p = Mem.AddressOf(ref value); foreach (var metaField in fields) { var rowValues = new List <object>(); if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Offset)) { rowValues.Add($"{metaField.Offset:X}"); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Size)) { rowValues.Add(metaField.Size); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Type)) { rowValues.Add(metaField.FieldType.Name); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Name)) { rowValues.Add(metaField.Name); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Address)) { var addr1 = Mem.AddressOfData(ref value) + metaField.Offset; rowValues.Add(addr1.ToString()); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Value)) { object fieldVal; if (!mt1.RuntimeType.IsConstructedGenericType) { fieldVal = metaField.Info.GetValue(value); } else { fieldVal = "?"; } rowValues.Add($"{fieldVal}"); } layoutTable1.AddRow(rowValues.ToArray()); } if (value is string str) { for (int i = 1; i < str.Length; i++) { char c = str[i]; var rowValues = new List <object>(); int offsetBase = (i * sizeof(char)); if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Offset)) { rowValues.Add($"{offsetBase + RuntimeProperties.StringOverhead - sizeof(char):X}"); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Size)) { rowValues.Add(sizeof(char)); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Type)) { rowValues.Add(nameof(Char)); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Name)) { rowValues.Add($"Char #{i + 1}"); } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Address)) { if (Mem.TryGetAddressOfHeap(value, OffsetOptions.StringData, out var addr2)) { addr2 += offsetBase; rowValues.Add(addr2.ToString()); } } if (options2.HasFlag(InspectorOptions.Value)) { rowValues.Add($"{c}"); } layoutTable1.AddRow(rowValues.ToArray()); } } return(layoutTable1.ToString()); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(options)); } }
public static TextBuilder AppendDump(this TextBuilder textBuilder, MemberInfo?member, DumpOptions options = default) { if (member is null) { if (options.Verbose) { return(textBuilder.Append("(MemberInfo)null")); } return(textBuilder); } if (member is FieldInfo fieldInfo) { return(AppendDump(textBuilder, fieldInfo, options)); } // Fallback return(textBuilder.Append(member)); }
public static TextBuilder AppendDump(this TextBuilder textBuilder, PropertyInfo?property, DumpOptions options = default) { if (property is null) { if (options.Verbose) { return(textBuilder.Append("(PropertyInfo)null")); } return(textBuilder); } if (options.Verbose) { var fieldAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(property, true); if (fieldAttributes.Length > 0) { textBuilder.AppendDelimit(Environment.NewLine, fieldAttributes, (tb, attr) => tb.Append('[').Append(attr).Append(']')) .AppendLine(); } var visibility = property.GetVisibility(); if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Private)) { textBuilder.Write("private "); } if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Protected)) { textBuilder.Write("protected "); } if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Internal)) { textBuilder.Write("internal "); } if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Public)) { textBuilder.Write("public "); } if (property.IsStatic()) { textBuilder.Write("static "); } } textBuilder.AppendDump(property.PropertyType, options) .Append(' ') .Append(property.Name); var indexParams = property.GetIndexParameters(); if (indexParams.Length > 0) { textBuilder.Append('[') .AppendDelimit(", ", indexParams, (tb, pi) => tb.AppendDump(pi, options)) .Append(']'); } // Getter + Setter textBuilder.Append(" { "); var getter = property.GetGetter(); if (getter != null) { if (options.Verbose) { } else { textBuilder.Append("get; "); } } var setter = property.GetSetter(); if (setter != null) { if (options.Verbose) { } else { textBuilder.Append("set; "); } } return(textBuilder.Append(" }")); }
public string DumpWithOptions(object obj, DumpOptions options) { return(Debug.Dump(obj, options)); }
public ObjectDumperConsole(DumpOptions dumpOptions) : base(dumpOptions) { }
public static TextBuilder AppendDump(this TextBuilder builder, TimeSpan timeSpan, DumpOptions options = default) { string?format = options.Format; if (format.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { if (options.Verbose) { format = "G"; } else { format = "g"; } } if (timeSpan.TryFormat(builder.Available, out int charsWritten, format, options.FormatProvider)) { builder.Length += charsWritten; return(builder); } return(builder.Append(timeSpan.ToString(format, options.FormatProvider))); }
public JEmptyArrayDumper(BaseJsonDumper parent, JArray instance, int depth, DumpOptions options) : base(parent, instance, depth, options) { }
public static TextBuilder AppendDump(this TextBuilder textBuilder, object?obj, DumpOptions options = default) { return(obj switch { // Big ol' switch statement null when options.Verbose => textBuilder.Append("null"), null => textBuilder, Type type => AppendDump(textBuilder, type, options), Array array => AppendDump(textBuilder, array, options), string str => textBuilder.Append(str), IEnumerable enumerable => AppendDump(textBuilder, enumerable, options), TimeSpan timeSpan => textBuilder.AppendDump(timeSpan, options), DateTime dateTime => textBuilder.AppendDump(dateTime, options), Guid guid => textBuilder.AppendDump(guid, options), _ => textBuilder.Append(obj) });
public static TextBuilder AppendDump(this TextBuilder builder, DateTime dateTime, DumpOptions options = default) { string?format = options.Format; if (format.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { if (options.Verbose) { format = "O"; } else { format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; } } if (dateTime.TryFormat(builder.Available, out int charsWritten, format, options.FormatProvider)) { builder.Length += charsWritten; return(builder); } return(builder.Append(dateTime.ToString(format, options.FormatProvider))); }
public static void DumpIt(Vtero vtero, ConfigOptions co, DumpOptions dmpo) { var Version = vtero.Version; Mem.InitMem(co.FileName, vtero.MRD); // Extract Address Spaces verifies the linkages between // process<->CR3<->EPTP(if there is one) // and that they are functional var vetted = vtero.ExtrtactAddressSpaces(null, null, Version); // leaving this in as an example maybe? ;) //WriteLine("enter a group ID: "); //input = ReadLine(); //int Grp = int.Parse(input); //WriteLine("enter a process ID: "); //input = ReadLine(); //long procID = long.Parse(input, NumberStyles.HexNumber); //var proc = (from procz in vtero.ASGroups[Grp] // where procz.CR3Value == procID // select procz).First(); //int i = 1; //DetectedProc dp = proc; //while(dp == null) // dp = vtero.GetKernelRangeFromGroup(i++); // Scan for kernel // NT kernel may be in 0xFFFFF80000000 to 0xFFFFF8800000 range long KernVAStart = 0xF80000000000; long KernVAEnd = KernVAStart + (0x8000000000 - 0x1000); string input = string.Empty; var Detections = new Dictionary <long, Extract>(); DetectedProc LikelyKernel = null; bool Decoded = false; // were doing this in nested loops to brute force our way past any errors // but only need the first set of detections per group foreach (var grpz in vtero.ASGroups) { foreach (var vm in vtero.VMCSs.Values) { WriteColor(ConsoleColor.White, $"Group ID: {grpz.Key}"); foreach (var p in grpz.Value) { WriteLine($"Proc: {p.CR3Value:X}"); Detections = Detections.Concat( vtero.ModuleScan(p, KernVAStart, KernVAEnd).Where(x => !Detections.ContainsKey(x.Key))) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); if (Detections.Count() > 0) { LikelyKernel = p; if (vm.EPTP == 0) { p.vmcs = null; } else { p.vmcs = vm; } // scan for kernel foreach (var detected in Detections) { WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Green, $"Attempting to parse detected PE module loaded @ {detected.Key:X}"); WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, detected.Value.ToString()); if (detected.Value.ToString().Contains("POOLCODE")) { WriteColor(ConsoleColor.White, "Likely Kernel analyzing for CV data"); var cv_data = vtero.ExtractCVDebug(LikelyKernel, detected.Value, detected.Key); if (cv_data != null) { var sympath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sympath)) { sympath = "SRV*"; } if (vtero.TryLoadSymbols(LikelyKernel, detected.Value, cv_data, detected.Key, sympath)) { Decoded = vtero.GetKernelDebuggerData(LikelyKernel, detected.Value, cv_data, sympath); } } } } } if (Decoded) { break; } } if (Decoded) { break; } } if (Decoded) { break; } } ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}Final analysis completed, address spaces extracted. {QuickOptions.Timer.Elapsed} {QuickOptions.FormatRate(vtero.FileSize * 3, QuickOptions.Timer.Elapsed)}"); // do a test dump // extract & dump could be done at the same time if (!dmpo.ListOnly) { vtero.DumpASToFile(); } //if (Vtero.VerboseOutput) //vtero.DumpFailList(); return; }
public JEmptyObjectDumper(BaseJsonDumper parent, JObject instance, int depth, DumpOptions options) : base(parent, instance, depth, options) { }
public string DumpAndDie(object obj, DumpOptions options) { return(Debug.DumpAndDie(obj, options)); }
public static bool WriteDump(int pid, SafeHandle fileHandle, DumpOptions dumpType) { return(WriteDump(pid, 0, fileHandle, dumpType, false)); }
protected BaseJsonDumper(BaseJsonDumper parent, int depth, DumpOptions options) { Parent = parent; Depth = depth; Options = options; }
public static bool WriteDump(int pid, int threadWithExceptionId, SafeHandle fileHandle, DumpOptions options, bool hasException) { IntPtr processHandle; uint processId = (uint)pid; try { Process currentProcess = Process.GetProcessById(pid); processHandle = currentProcess.Handle; } catch (Exception) { return(false); } MiniDumpExceptionInformation exp; exp.ThreadId = threadWithExceptionId; exp.ClientPointers = false; exp.ExceptionPointers = IntPtr.Zero; if (hasException) { exp.ExceptionPointers = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetExceptionPointers(); } bool bRet = false; if (exp.ExceptionPointers == IntPtr.Zero) { bRet = MiniDumpWriteDump(processHandle, processId, fileHandle, (uint)options, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } else { bRet = MiniDumpWriteDump(processHandle, processId, fileHandle, (uint)options, ref exp, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } return(bRet); }
internal static BaseJsonDumper GetWrapperFor(BaseJsonDumper parent, JToken instance, int depth, DumpOptions options) { switch (instance) { case JObject jObject when jObject.Count == 0: return(new JEmptyObjectDumper(parent, jObject, depth, options)); case JObject jObject: return(new JObjectDumper(parent, jObject, depth, options)); case JArray jArray when jArray.Count == 0: return(new JEmptyArrayDumper(parent, jArray, depth, options)); case JArray jArray: return(new JArrayDumper(parent, jArray, depth, options)); case JValue jValue: return(new JTokenDumper(parent, jValue, depth, options)); default: return(new JTokenDumper(parent, instance, depth, options)); } }
public ObjectDumperCSharp(DumpOptions dumpOptions) : base(dumpOptions) { }
public JTokenDumper(BaseJsonDumper parent, JToken instance, int depth, DumpOptions options) : base(parent, instance, depth, options) { }
public void ShouldDumpExceptionAfterThrow() { // Arrange Exception ex; try { throw new KeyNotFoundException("message text"); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } var options = new DumpOptions { IgnoreDefaultValues = true, ExcludeProperties = { "CustomAttributes", "Module", "StackTrace", "MetadataToken" } }; // Act var dump = ObjectDumperConsole.Dump(ex, options); // Assert this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine(dump); dump.Should().NotBeNull(); #if NETCORE dump.Should().Be( "{KeyNotFoundException}\r\n" + " TargetSite: {RuntimeMethodInfo}\r\n" + " Name: \"ShouldDumpExceptionAfterThrow\"\r\n" + " DeclaringType: ObjectDumperConsoleTests\r\n" + " ReflectedType: ObjectDumperConsoleTests\r\n" + " MemberType: MemberTypes.Method\r\n" + " IsSecurityCritical: true\r\n" + " MethodHandle: {RuntimeMethodHandle}\r\n" + " Value: {IntPtr}\r\n" + "\r\n" + " Attributes: PrivateScope | Public | HideBySig\r\n" + " CallingConvention: Standard | HasThis\r\n" + " ReturnType: void\r\n" + " ReturnTypeCustomAttributes: {RuntimeParameterInfo}\r\n" + " ParameterType: void\r\n" + " HasDefaultValue: true\r\n" + " Member: null --> Circular reference detected\r\n" + " Position: -1\r\n" + " ReturnParameter: null --> Circular reference detected\r\n" + " IsHideBySig: true\r\n" + " IsPublic: true\r\n" + " Message: \"message text\"\r\n" + " Data: ...\r\n" + " Source: \"ObjectDumper.Tests\"\r\n" + " HResult: -2146232969"); #endif }
public static TextBuilder AppendDump(this TextBuilder textBuilder, FieldInfo?field, DumpOptions options = default) { if (field is null) { if (options.Verbose) { return(textBuilder.Append("(FieldInfo)null")); } return(textBuilder); } if (options.Verbose) { var fieldAttributes = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(field, true); if (fieldAttributes.Length > 0) { textBuilder.AppendDelimit(Environment.NewLine, fieldAttributes, (tb, attr) => tb.Append('[').Append(attr).Append(']')) .AppendLine(); } var visibility = field.GetVisibility(); if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Private)) { textBuilder.Write("private "); } if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Protected)) { textBuilder.Write("protected "); } if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Internal)) { textBuilder.Write("internal "); } if (visibility.HasFlag <Visibility>(Visibility.Public)) { textBuilder.Write("public "); } if (field.IsStatic) { textBuilder.Write("static "); } } return(textBuilder.AppendDump(field.FieldType, options) .Append(' ') .Append(field.Name)); }
public static bool WriteDump(int pid, string filename, DumpOptions dumpType) { return WriteDump(pid, 0, filename, dumpType, false); }
public string Dump(Exception exception, DumpOptions options) { return(Debug.Dump(exception, options)); }