コード例 #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     //at start, subscribe to NPC inorder to to recieve when to display dialogue
     NPC.SendDialogue += DialogueStart;//problematic when used in another scene
     //create an empty queue to store dialogue sequence
     qDialogueQueue = new Queue <string>();
     dialogueState  = Dialogue_State.WAITING;
     pc             = player.GetComponent <PlayerController2D>();
コード例 #2
 public void End_Dialogue()
     //reset the queue
     qDialogueQueue = new Queue <string>();
     //diable the textBox ui element
     //stop listening to the player
     PlayerController2D.Interact -= Control_Dialogue;
     //set the player to grounded so that the player can regain controls
     pc.Player_state = Player_State.GROUNDED;
     //reset the dialogue manager's state back to waiting for notification to begin
     dialogueState = Dialogue_State.WAITING;
コード例 #3
    public void DialogueStart(string Dialoguetext)
        //todo: fix, not dynamically setting pc correct on scene load or restart
        //initalize dialogue UI if the player exists and if the player isn't already listening to dialogue
        if (pc != null && dialogueState != Dialogue_State.CONTROLING_DIALOGUE)
            //split string and add each index to queue
            string[] textArr = Dialoguetext.Split('\n');
            foreach (string text in textArr)
            if (qDialogueQueue.Count > 0)
                //enable dialogue textbox
                //set the text component to the first line
                textBox.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = qDialogueQueue.Dequeue();
                //--wait for player to control--
                //when the dialogue manager recieves a notification that it needs to display dialouge,
                //subscirbe to the playercontroller in order to be notified when the user inputs the interaction button
                PlayerController2D.Interact += Control_Dialogue;
                //after subsribing, set the dialogue manager's state to controlling dialogue to lock another instance from being initialzed
                dialogueState = Dialogue_State.CONTROLING_DIALOGUE;
                print("started dialogue with empty log");
            //error statement
            if (pc == null)
                print("player not set");

             * if(dialogueState == Dialogue_State.CONTROLING_DIALOGUE)
             * {
             *  print("player already in dialogue");
             * }