private void DevList_ItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { if (e.Item is DeviceWithValue dev) { Console.WriteLine(DeviceLogics.Get(dev.Dev.ProductID)); } }
public App(SparkVial sv) { = sv; Console.WriteLine($"--- SparkVial App v0.1.0 / libsv v{SparkVial.MajorVersion}.{SparkVial.MinorVersion}.{SparkVial.PatchVersion} ---"); // When an interface is connected enable it, scan it, and create an entry for it in the UI. sv.OnInterfaceAdded += (Interface inf) => { Console.WriteLine($"- Interface of type {inf.type} added: {}"); inf.Enable().ContinueWith((Task <bool> success) => { if (success.Result) { new Thread(() => { sv.ScanInterface(inf); }).Start(); } }); Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { var newInf = new InterfaceWithStatus(inf); infMap[inf] = newInf; infMap[inf].Status = "Enabling..."; infs.Add(newInf); }); }; // When an interface starts/stops scanning update it on the UI. sv.OnInterfaceScanning += async(inf, tsk) => { Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { infMap[inf].Status = "Scanning..."; }); await tsk; Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { infMap[inf].Status = "Active"; }); }; // When an interface gets removed update it on the UI. sv.OnInterfaceRemoved += (inf) => { Console.WriteLine($"- Interface of type {inf.type} removed: {}"); infs.Remove(infMap[inf]); infMap.Remove(inf); }; // When a device gets added spawn a graph node for it and start sampling it at 10hz. sv.OnDeviceAdded += (inf, dev) => { Console.WriteLine($"- Device '{}' added with serial number {dev.uniqueID:X8}"); if (dev is PeripheralDevice pdev) { Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { devMap[pdev] = new DeviceWithValue(pdev); infMap[inf].Add(devMap[pdev]); var randX = pseudoRandomGen.Next(-200, 200); var randY = pseudoRandomGen.Next(-200, 200); devNodesMap[pdev] = new SensorNode(pdev.Name, "Number", "Units", devMap[pdev].Tape, graphEditor.Graph) { pos = new SKPoint(300 + randX, 200 + randY) }; graphEditor.Graph.nodes.Add(devNodesMap[pdev]); }); } dev.AdjustInterval(100 /*ms*/); }; // When a device gets removed remove it's graph node. sv.OnDeviceRemoved += (inf, dev) => { Console.WriteLine($"- Device '{}' with serial number {dev.uniqueID:X8} removed"); if (dev is PeripheralDevice pdev) { Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { graphEditor.Graph.connections.RemoveAll(c => c.sink == devNodesMap[pdev] || c.source == devNodesMap[pdev]); graphEditor.Graph.nodes.Remove(devNodesMap[pdev]); devNodesMap.Remove(pdev); infMap[inf].Remove(devMap[pdev]); devMap.Remove(pdev); }); } }; // When a sample occurs update it's value on the UI and in the sensor node. sv.OnSample += (inf, dev, smp) => { //Console.WriteLine($"- Value from {} ({dev.uniqueID:X8}) with {smp.values.Count} fields at {smp.timestamp}ms:"); string formattedValue = DeviceLogics.Get(dev.productID).FormatValue(smp); if (devMap.ContainsKey(dev)) { Xamarin.Forms.Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { devMap[dev].Value = formattedValue; }); devMap[dev].Tape.Add(smp); } }; InitializeComponent(); MainPage = new MainPage(); devList = MainPage.FindByName <DevicesPage>("DevPage").FindByName <ListView>("DevList"); devList.ItemsSource = infs; graphEditor = MainPage.FindByName <GraphPage>("GraphPage").FindByName <GraphEditor>("GraphEditor"); graphEditor.Graph.nodes.Add(new AddNode(graphEditor.Graph) { pos = new SKPoint(600, 200) }); graphEditor.Graph.nodes.Add(new ChartNode(graphEditor.Graph) { pos = new SKPoint(750, 300) }); graphEditor.Graph.connections.CollectionChanged += ConnectionsChanged; new Thread(UIRefresherThread).Start(); }