コード例 #1
        //based on the function above, this function cacluates parameteres of a new global transfrom from a moved target
        static public NcTransform GetNewGlobalTransformData(NcTransform trModel, NcTransform trTarget, NcTransform trMovedTarget)
            ////// position calculation
            //the local positions of the model in both original and moved target transfrom are the same.
            Vector3 localPos_in_originalTarget = TranslateGlobalPosToLocal(trModel, trTarget);
            //print("translatedLocal : " + localPos_in_originalTarget.ToString("F6"));

            // now we translate  the calculated local position in the moved target space to global
            // This is equivalent to " trMovedTarget.transform.TransformPoint ( localPosInTarget )"
            // ?? operator is needed because local scale of the moved target may not have a local scale if the NcTransform instance was not initiated from Transfrom class.
            // However, it will have a value because the we will make the instance from a transform of the moved target.
            Vector3 newGlobalPos = trMovedTarget.rotation * Vector3.Scale(localPos_in_originalTarget, trMovedTarget.localScale ?? default) + trMovedTarget.position;
            //print("newGlobalPos : " + newGlobalPos.ToString("F6"));

            ////// rotation calculation
            //this translates the global rotation of the model to the local rotation in the target space.
            Quaternion localRot_in_originalTarget = Quaternion.Inverse(trTarget.rotation) * trModel.rotation;

            //this translates the local rotation of model in the *MOVED* target space to a global rotation.
            Quaternion newGlobalRot = trMovedTarget.rotation * localRot_in_originalTarget;

            ////// scale calculation
            //This calcualtes the local scale of the model in the original target space
            Vector3 newLocalScale = new Vector3(trTarget.lossyScale.x / trModel.lossyScale.x, trTarget.lossyScale.y / trModel.lossyScale.y, trTarget.lossyScale.z / trModel.lossyScale.z);
            //this caclulates the global scale of the model in the moved target space
            Vector3 newGlobalScale = new Vector3(trMovedTarget.lossyScale.x / newLocalScale.x, trMovedTarget.lossyScale.y / newLocalScale.y, trMovedTarget.lossyScale.z / newLocalScale.z);

            return(new NcTransform(newGlobalPos, newGlobalRot, newGlobalScale));
コード例 #2
    public static void TestMovetransform()
        foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects)
            //Debug.Log(Selection.gameObjects.Length + ":" +  go.name);

        modeltr = GetModelByNameFromSelection("model");
        Transform targettr      = GetModelByNameFromSelection("target");
        Transform movedTargettr = GetModelByNameFromSelection("movedTarget");

        NcTransform newGlobalTransform = GetNewGlobalTransformData2(modeltr, targettr, movedTargettr);

        Undo.RecordObject(modeltr.gameObject.transform, "-moved");
        modeltr.position = newGlobalTransform.position;

        Undo.RecordObject(modeltr.gameObject.transform, "-rotated");
        modeltr.rotation = newGlobalTransform.rotation;

        Undo.RecordObject(modeltr.gameObject.transform, "-scaled");
        modeltr.localScale = newGlobalTransform.lossyScale;

        //Undo.RecordObject(modeltr.gameObject, "4");

        //GetNewGlobalTransformData2(modeltr, targettr, movedTargettr);
コード例 #3
    public NcTransform(NcTransform tr)
        name       = tr.name;
        position   = tr.position;
        rotation   = tr.rotation;
        lossyScale = tr.lossyScale;
        //lossyScale = Vector3.one;

        localPosition = tr.localPosition;
        localRotation = tr.localRotation;
        localScale    = tr.localScale;
        //localScale = Vector3.one;
コード例 #4
    //this function translate the global position of a model to a local position in the target space. Technically equivalent to InverseTransfromPoint.
    //reference:: https://answers.unity.com/questions/186252/multiply-quaternion-by-vector.html
    //reference:: https://answers.unity.com/questions/601062/what-inversetransformpoint-does-need-explanation-p.html
    static public Vector3 TranslateGlobalPosToLocal(NcTransform model, NcTransform target)
        //this part is inverse of local to global (inverse function of TransformPoint)
        Quaternion target_rot   = target.rotation;
        Vector3    target_scale = target.lossyScale;
        Vector3    target_pos   = target.position;
        Vector3    model_pos    = model.position;

        var diference = (model_pos - target_pos);
        //var finalPos = Quaternion.Inverse(target_rot) * new Vector3(diference.x / target_scale.x, diference.y / target_scale.y, diference.z / target_scale.z); // This is wrong
        var finalPos = Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(1 / target_scale.x, 1 / target_scale.y, 1 / target_scale.z), Quaternion.Inverse(target_rot) * diference);

コード例 #5
    public NcTransform GetSwappedYZTransform()
        Vector3 originalScale      = this.lossyScale;
        Vector3 originalLocalScale = this.localScale ?? default(Vector3);

        Vector3 newScale      = originalScale;
        Vector3 newLocalScale = originalLocalScale;

        newScale.y      = originalScale.z;
        newScale.z      = originalScale.y;
        newLocalScale.y = originalLocalScale.z;
        newLocalScale.z = originalLocalScale.y;

        NcTransform res = new NcTransform(this);

        res.lossyScale = newScale;
        res.localScale = newLocalScale;
コード例 #6
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Awake()
     OriginalTransformData = new NcTransform(transform);
     InitialParent         = transform.parent;