コード例 #1
ファイル: Extensions.cs プロジェクト: Gravemind2401/Reclaimer
        public static void WriteToTarga(this DdsImage dds, string fileName, DecompressOptions options, CubemapLayout layout)
            var source = dds.ToBitmapSource(options, layout);
            var format = options.HasFlag(DecompressOptions.Bgr24) ? Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb : Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;

            WriteToTarga(source, fileName, format);
コード例 #2
        private static int RunDecompressAndReturnExitCode(DecompressOptions options)
            var decompressor = new ConcurrentBlockDecompressor(
                new Compressor(),

            return(RunCommand(decompressor.Decompress, options.DecompressToFile));
コード例 #3
        static void applyOptions(jpeg_decompress_struct decompressor, DecompressOptions options)
            Debug.Assert(decompressor != null);
            Debug.Assert(options != null);

            if (options.QuantizeColors)
                decompressor.Quantize_colors          = true;
                decompressor.Desired_number_of_colors = options.DesiredNumberOfColors;

            decompressor.Dct_method  = options.DCTMethod;
            decompressor.Dither_mode = options.DitherMode;

            if (options.Debug)
                decompressor.Err.Trace_level = 1;

            if (options.Fast)
                /* Select recommended processing options for quick-and-dirty output. */
                decompressor.Two_pass_quantize = false;
                decompressor.Dither_mode       = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_ORDERED;
                if (!decompressor.Quantize_colors) /* don't override an earlier -colors */
                    decompressor.Desired_number_of_colors = 216;
                decompressor.Dct_method          = JpegConstants.JDCT_FASTEST;
                decompressor.Do_fancy_upsampling = false;

            if (options.Grayscale)
                decompressor.Out_color_space = J_COLOR_SPACE.JCS_GRAYSCALE;

            if (options.NoSmooth)
                decompressor.Do_fancy_upsampling = false;

            if (options.OnePass)
                decompressor.Two_pass_quantize = false;

            if (options.Scaled)
                decompressor.Scale_num   = options.ScaleNumerator;
                decompressor.Scale_denom = options.ScaleDenominator;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: rumkit/GZippy
        private static ErrorCode Decompress(DecompressOptions options)
                using (var source = File.OpenRead(options.SourceFileName))
                    using (var destination = File.Create(options.DestinationFileName))
                        var dispatcher = new Dispatcher(new GzipCompressionStrategy(),
                                                        new MultipartGzipFormatter());
                        dispatcher.Decompress(source, destination);
            catch (Exception e)
                return(HandleError((dynamic)e, options));

コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: yuxiliu/libjpeg.net
        static string m_programName;    /* program name for error messages */

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            m_programName = Path.GetFileName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]);

            Options options = parseArguments(args);

            if (options == null)

            /* Open the input file. */
            using (FileStream inputFile = openInputFile(options.InputFileName))
                if (inputFile == null)

                /* Open the output file. */
                using (FileStream outputFile = createOutputFile(options.OutputFileName))
                    if (outputFile == null)

                    CompressOptions compressOptions = options as CompressOptions;
                    if (compressOptions != null)
                        compress(inputFile, compressOptions, outputFile);

                    DecompressOptions decompressOptions = options as DecompressOptions;
                    if (decompressOptions != null)
                        decompress(inputFile, decompressOptions, outputFile);
コード例 #6
        private static void decompress(Stream input, DecompressOptions options, Stream output)
            Debug.Assert(input != null);
            Debug.Assert(options != null);
            Debug.Assert(output != null);

            /* Initialize the JPEG decompression object with default error handling. */
            jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo = new jpeg_decompress_struct(new cd_jpeg_error_mgr());

            /* Insert custom marker processor for COM and APP12.
             * APP12 is used by some digital camera makers for textual info,
             * so we provide the ability to display it as text.
             * If you like, additional APPn marker types can be selected for display,
             * but don't try to override APP0 or APP14 this way (see libjpeg.doc).
            cinfo.jpeg_set_marker_processor((int)JPEG_MARKER.COM, new jpeg_decompress_struct.jpeg_marker_parser_method(printTextMarker));
            cinfo.jpeg_set_marker_processor((int)JPEG_MARKER.APP0 + 12, printTextMarker);

            /* Specify data source for decompression */

            /* Read file header, set default decompression parameters */

            applyOptions(cinfo, options);

            /* Initialize the output module now to let it override any crucial
             * option settings (for instance, GIF wants to force color quantization).
            djpeg_dest_struct dest_mgr = null;

            switch (options.OutputFormat)
                case IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_BMP:
                    dest_mgr = new bmp_dest_struct(cinfo, false);
                case IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_OS2:
                    dest_mgr = new bmp_dest_struct(cinfo, true);

            dest_mgr.output_file = output;

            /* Start decompressor */

            /* Write output file header */

            /* Process data */
            while (cinfo.Output_scanline < cinfo.Output_height)
                int num_scanlines = cinfo.jpeg_read_scanlines(dest_mgr.buffer, dest_mgr.buffer_height);

            /* Finish decompression and release memory.
             * I must do it in this order because output module has allocated memory
             * of lifespan JPOOL_IMAGE; it needs to finish before releasing memory.

            /* All done. */
            if (cinfo.Err.Num_warnings != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Corrupt-data warning count is not zero");
コード例 #7
        static void applyOptions(jpeg_decompress_struct decompressor, DecompressOptions options)
            Debug.Assert(decompressor != null);
            Debug.Assert(options != null);

            if (options.QuantizeColors)
                decompressor.Quantize_colors = true;
                decompressor.Desired_number_of_colors = options.DesiredNumberOfColors;

            decompressor.Dct_method = options.DCTMethod;
            decompressor.Dither_mode = options.DitherMode;

            if (options.Debug)
                decompressor.Err.Trace_level = 1;

            if (options.Fast)
                /* Select recommended processing options for quick-and-dirty output. */
                decompressor.Two_pass_quantize = false;
                decompressor.Dither_mode = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_ORDERED;
                if (!decompressor.Quantize_colors) /* don't override an earlier -colors */
                    decompressor.Desired_number_of_colors = 216;
                decompressor.Dct_method = JpegConstants.JDCT_FASTEST;
                decompressor.Do_fancy_upsampling = false;

            if (options.Grayscale)
                decompressor.Out_color_space = J_COLOR_SPACE.JCS_GRAYSCALE;

            if (options.NoSmooth)
                decompressor.Do_fancy_upsampling = false;

            if (options.OnePass)
                decompressor.Two_pass_quantize = false;

            if (options.Scaled)
                decompressor.Scale_num = options.ScaleNumerator;
                decompressor.Scale_denom = options.ScaleDenominator;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse optional switches.
        /// Returns argv[] index of first file-name argument (== argc if none).
        /// Any file names with indexes <= last_file_arg_seen are ignored;
        /// they have presumably been processed in a previous iteration.
        /// (Pass 0 for last_file_arg_seen on the first or only iteration.)
        /// for_real is false on the first (dummy) pass; we may skip any expensive
        /// processing.
        /// </summary>
        private static DecompressOptions parseSwitchesForDecompression(string[] argv)
            Debug.Assert(argv != null);
            if (argv.Length <= 1)
                return null;

            DecompressOptions result = new DecompressOptions();

            int lastFileArgSeen = -1;

            /* Scan command line options, adjust parameters */
            string arg;
            for (int argn = 1; argn < argv.Length; argn++)
                arg = argv[argn];
                if (arg[0] != '-')
                    /* Not a switch, must be a file name argument */
                    lastFileArgSeen = argn;

                arg = arg.Substring(1);

                if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "bmp", 1))
                    result.OutputFormat = IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_BMP;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "colors", 1) ||
                         cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "colours", 1) ||
                         cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "quantize", 1) ||
                         cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "quantise", 1))
                    /* Do color quantization. */

                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */
                        return null;

                        result.QuantizeColors = true;
                        result.DesiredNumberOfColors = int.Parse(argv[argn]);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        return null;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "dct", 2))
                    /* Select IDCT algorithm. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */
                        return null;

                    if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "int", 1))
                        result.DCTMethod = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_ISLOW;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "fast", 2))
                        result.DCTMethod = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_IFAST;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "float", 2))
                        result.DCTMethod = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_FLOAT;
                        return null;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "dither", 2))
                    /* Select dithering algorithm. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */
                        return null;

                    if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "fs", 2))
                        result.DitherMode = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_FS;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "none", 2))
                        result.DitherMode = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_NONE;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "ordered", 2))
                        result.DitherMode = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_ORDERED;
                        return null;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "debug", 1) || cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "verbose", 1))
                    /* Enable debug printouts. */
                    result.Debug = true;

                    /* On first -d, print version identification */
                    if (!m_printedVersion)
                        Console.Write(string.Format("Bit Miracle's DJPEG, version {0}\n{1}\n", jpeg_common_struct.Version, jpeg_common_struct.Copyright));
                        m_printedVersion = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "fast", 1))
                    result.Fast = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "grayscale", 2) || cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "greyscale", 2))
                    /* Force monochrome output. */
                    result.Grayscale = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "nosmooth", 3))
                    /* Suppress fancy upsampling */
                    result.NoSmooth = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "onepass", 3))
                    /* Use fast one-pass quantization. */
                    result.OnePass = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "os2", 3))
                    /* BMP output format (OS/2 flavor). */
                    result.OutputFormat = IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_OS2;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "outfile", 4))
                    /* Set output file name. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */
                        return null;

                    result.OutputFileName = argv[argn];   /* save it away for later use */
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "scale", 1))
                    /* Scale the output image by a fraction M/N. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */
                        return null;

                    int slashPos = argv[argn].IndexOf('/');
                    if (slashPos == -1)
                        return null;

                        string num = argv[argn].Substring(0, slashPos);
                        string denom = argv[argn].Substring(slashPos + 1);
                        result.Scaled = true;
                        result.ScaleNumerator = int.Parse(num);
                        result.ScaleDenominator = int.Parse(denom);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        return null;
                else /* bogus switch */
                    return null;

            /* Must have either -outfile switch or explicit output file name */
            if (result.OutputFileName.Length == 0)
                // file_index should point to input file 
                if (lastFileArgSeen != argv.Length - 2)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: must name one input and one output file.", m_programName));
                    return null;

                // output file comes right after input one
                result.InputFileName = argv[lastFileArgSeen];
                result.OutputFileName = argv[lastFileArgSeen + 1];
                // file_index should point to input file
                if (lastFileArgSeen != argv.Length - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: must name one input and one output file.", m_programName));
                    return null;

                result.InputFileName = argv[lastFileArgSeen];

            return result;
コード例 #9
        private static void decompress(Stream input, DecompressOptions options, Stream output)
            Debug.Assert(input != null);
            Debug.Assert(options != null);
            Debug.Assert(output != null);

            /* Initialize the JPEG decompression object with default error handling. */
            jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo = new jpeg_decompress_struct(new cd_jpeg_error_mgr());

            /* Insert custom marker processor for COM and APP12.
             * APP12 is used by some digital camera makers for textual info,
             * so we provide the ability to display it as text.
             * If you like, additional APPn marker types can be selected for display,
             * but don't try to override APP0 or APP14 this way (see libjpeg.doc).
            cinfo.jpeg_set_marker_processor((int)JPEG_MARKER.COM, new jpeg_decompress_struct.jpeg_marker_parser_method(printTextMarker));
            cinfo.jpeg_set_marker_processor((int)JPEG_MARKER.APP0 + 12, printTextMarker);

            /* Specify data source for decompression */

            /* Read file header, set default decompression parameters */

            applyOptions(cinfo, options);

            /* Initialize the output module now to let it override any crucial
             * option settings (for instance, GIF wants to force color quantization).
            djpeg_dest_struct dest_mgr = null;

            switch (options.OutputFormat)
            case IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_BMP:
                dest_mgr = new bmp_dest_struct(cinfo, false);

            case IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_OS2:
                dest_mgr = new bmp_dest_struct(cinfo, true);


            dest_mgr.output_file = output;

            /* Start decompressor */

            /* Write output file header */

            /* Process data */
            while (cinfo.Output_scanline < cinfo.Output_height)
                int num_scanlines = cinfo.jpeg_read_scanlines(dest_mgr.buffer, dest_mgr.buffer_height);

            /* Finish decompression and release memory.
             * I must do it in this order because output module has allocated memory
             * of lifespan JPOOL_IMAGE; it needs to finish before releasing memory.

            /* All done. */
            if (cinfo.Err.Num_warnings != 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Corrupt-data warning count is not zero");
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse optional switches.
        /// Returns argv[] index of first file-name argument (== argc if none).
        /// Any file names with indexes <= last_file_arg_seen are ignored;
        /// they have presumably been processed in a previous iteration.
        /// (Pass 0 for last_file_arg_seen on the first or only iteration.)
        /// for_real is false on the first (dummy) pass; we may skip any expensive
        /// processing.
        /// </summary>
        private static DecompressOptions parseSwitchesForDecompression(string[] argv)
            Debug.Assert(argv != null);
            if (argv.Length <= 1)

            DecompressOptions result = new DecompressOptions();

            int lastFileArgSeen = -1;

            /* Scan command line options, adjust parameters */
            string arg;

            for (int argn = 1; argn < argv.Length; argn++)
                arg = argv[argn];
                if (arg[0] != '-')
                    /* Not a switch, must be a file name argument */
                    lastFileArgSeen = argn;

                arg = arg.Substring(1);

                if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "bmp", 1))
                    result.OutputFormat = IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_BMP;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "colors", 1) ||
                         cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "colours", 1) ||
                         cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "quantize", 1) ||
                         cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "quantise", 1))
                    /* Do color quantization. */

                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */

                        result.QuantizeColors        = true;
                        result.DesiredNumberOfColors = int.Parse(argv[argn]);
                    catch (Exception e)
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "dct", 2))
                    /* Select IDCT algorithm. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */

                    if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "int", 1))
                        result.DCTMethod = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_ISLOW;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "fast", 2))
                        result.DCTMethod = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_IFAST;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "float", 2))
                        result.DCTMethod = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_FLOAT;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "dither", 2))
                    /* Select dithering algorithm. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */

                    if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "fs", 2))
                        result.DitherMode = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_FS;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "none", 2))
                        result.DitherMode = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_NONE;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "ordered", 2))
                        result.DitherMode = J_DITHER_MODE.JDITHER_ORDERED;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "debug", 1) || cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "verbose", 1))
                    /* Enable debug printouts. */
                    result.Debug = true;

                    /* On first -d, print version identification */
                    if (!m_printedVersion)
                        Console.Write(string.Format("Bit Miracle's DJPEG, version {0}\n{1}\n", jpeg_common_struct.Version, jpeg_common_struct.Copyright));
                        m_printedVersion = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "fast", 1))
                    result.Fast = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "grayscale", 2) || cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "greyscale", 2))
                    /* Force monochrome output. */
                    result.Grayscale = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "nosmooth", 3))
                    /* Suppress fancy upsampling */
                    result.NoSmooth = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "onepass", 3))
                    /* Use fast one-pass quantization. */
                    result.OnePass = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "os2", 3))
                    /* BMP output format (OS/2 flavor). */
                    result.OutputFormat = IMAGE_FORMATS.FMT_OS2;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "outfile", 4))
                    /* Set output file name. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */

                    result.OutputFileName = argv[argn];   /* save it away for later use */
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "scale", 1))
                    /* Scale the output image by a fraction M/N. */
                    if (++argn >= argv.Length) /* advance to next argument */

                    int slashPos = argv[argn].IndexOf('/');
                    if (slashPos == -1)

                        string num   = argv[argn].Substring(0, slashPos);
                        string denom = argv[argn].Substring(slashPos + 1);
                        result.Scaled           = true;
                        result.ScaleNumerator   = int.Parse(num);
                        result.ScaleDenominator = int.Parse(denom);
                    catch (Exception e)
                else /* bogus switch */

            /* Must have either -outfile switch or explicit output file name */
            if (result.OutputFileName.Length == 0)
                // file_index should point to input file
                if (lastFileArgSeen != argv.Length - 2)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: must name one input and one output file.", m_programName));

                // output file comes right after input one
                result.InputFileName  = argv[lastFileArgSeen];
                result.OutputFileName = argv[lastFileArgSeen + 1];
                // file_index should point to input file
                if (lastFileArgSeen != argv.Length - 1)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: must name one input and one output file.", m_programName));

                result.InputFileName = argv[lastFileArgSeen];

コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="DdsOutputArgs"/> with the specified parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">Options to use when decompressing the image.</param>
 /// <param name="layout">The layout of the cubemap. Has no effect if the DDS cubemap flags are not set.</param>
 /// <param name="slice">The slice index for 3d textures, or the array index for array textures.</param>
 /// <param name="mip">The mipmap index.</param>
 public DdsOutputArgs(DecompressOptions options = DecompressOptions.Default, CubemapLayout layout = null)
     Options = options;
     Layout  = layout ?? CubemapLayout.NonCubemap;
コード例 #12
        private static void Decompress(DecompressOptions options)
            IStrategy strategy = new DecompressStrategy(options.Poolsize);

            Work(strategy, options);