コード例 #1
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <ProductItemRow> > GetProductItemRowsAsync(int productId, int sectionId, int itemTypeId, string userId, ApplicationDbContext db = null)
            if (db == null)
                db = ApplicationDbContext.Create();

            var today = DateTime.Now.Date;

            var items = await(from i in db.Items
                              join it in db.ItemTypes on i.ItemTypeId equals it.Id
                              join pi in db.ProductItems on i.Id equals pi.ItemId
                              join sp in db.SubscriptionProducts on pi.ProductId equals sp.ProductId
                              join us in db.UserSubscriptions on sp.SubscriptionId equals us.SubscriptionId
                              where i.SectionId.Equals(sectionId) &&
                              //i.ItemTypeId.Equals(itemTypeId) &&
                              pi.ProductId.Equals(productId) &&
                              orderby i.PartId
                              select new ProductItemRow
                ItemId      = i.Id,
                Description = i.Description,
                Title       = i.Title,
                Link        = it.Title.Equals("Download") ? i.Url : "/ProductContent/Content/" + pi.ProductId + "/" + i.Id,
                ImageUrl    = i.ImageUrl,
                ReleaseDate = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(us.StartDate.Value.Year, us.StartDate.Value.Month, us.StartDate.Value.Day + i.WaitDays, 0, 0, 0),
                IsAvailable = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(today.Year, today.Month, today.Day, 0, 0, 0) >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(us.StartDate.Value.Year, us.StartDate.Value.Month, us.StartDate.Value.Day + i.WaitDays, 0, 0, 0),
                IsDownload  = it.Title.Equals("Download")

コード例 #2
        public void linqTest(DWH_REPLICAEntities db)
            db.Database.CommandTimeout = 180;

            var a =
                from s
                in db.FD_ACQ_D
                where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DT_REG.Year, s.DT_REG.Month, s.DT_REG.Day, 00, 00, 00)
                == DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(2016, 09, 01, 00, 00, 00)
                group s by new
                DATE = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DT_REG.Year, s.DT_REG.Month, s.DT_REG.Day, 01, 01, 01)
                PAY_SYS = s.PAY_SYS
                TRAN_TYPE = s.TYPE_TRANSACTION
                MERCH = s.MERCHANT
            } into g
                select new
                DATE = g.Key.DATE
                TRAN_TYPE = g.Key.TRAN_TYPE
                PAY_SYS = g.Key.PAY_SYS
                MERCH = g.Key.MERCH
                AMT = g.Sum(t => t.AMT)

            var b = a.Count();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Check1.cs プロジェクト: imp908/fileshare
 public IQueryable <table1> del_date()
     return(from s in db.table1
            where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.date1.Value.Year, s.date1.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00) >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(2016, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00) &&
            DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.date1.Value.Year, s.date1.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00) <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(2016, 02, 01, 00, 00, 00)
            select s);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a LINQ-to-entities compatible expression to group <see cref="SessionActivityData" /> by status.
        /// </summary>
        internal static Expression <Func <SessionActivityData, SessionActivityGroupKey> > CreateGroupKey(SessionActivityGroupFields fields)
            // Check the flags to see which fields should be grouped
            bool groupByName      = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.ActivityName);
            bool groupByType      = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.ActivityType);
            bool groupByUser      = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.UserName);
            bool groupByHost      = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.HostName);
            bool groupByStartTime = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.StartDateTime);
            bool groupByEndTime   = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.EndDateTime);
            bool groupByStatus    = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.Status);
            bool groupByMessage   = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.ResultMessage);
            bool groupByCategory  = fields.HasFlag(SessionActivityGroupFields.ResultCategory);

            // Create a new group key that includes or ignores fields depending on whether the flag was set.
            // StartDateTime and EndDateTime use a DbFunction to create a new DateTime that rounds down to the nearest minute.
            return(n => new SessionActivityGroupKey
                ActivityName = groupByName ? n.ActivityName : null,
                ActivityType = groupByType ? n.ActivityType : null,
                UserName = groupByUser ? n.UserName : null,
                HostName = groupByHost ? n.HostName : null,
                Status = groupByStatus ? n.Status : null,
                ResultMessage = groupByMessage ? n.ResultMessage : null,
                ResultCategory = groupByCategory ? n.ResultCategory : null,
                StartDateTime = groupByStartTime ? DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(n.StartDateTime.Value.Year, n.StartDateTime.Value.Month, n.StartDateTime.Value.Day, n.StartDateTime.Value.Hour, n.StartDateTime.Value.Minute, 0) : null,
                EndDateTime = groupByEndTime ? DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(n.EndDateTime.Value.Year, n.EndDateTime.Value.Month, n.EndDateTime.Value.Day, n.EndDateTime.Value.Hour, n.EndDateTime.Value.Minute, 0) : null
コード例 #5
        public List <CompanyHolidayView> CompanyHolidays(int companyId)
            List <CompanyHolidayView> companyHolidays;

            using (UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork())
                companyHolidays = (from h in unitOfWork.HolidayRepository.Get()
                                   join t in unitOfWork.HolidayTypeHolidayRepository.Get() on h.Id equals t.HolidayId
                                   join ht in unitOfWork.HolidayTypeRepository.Get() on t.TypeId equals ht.Id
                                   from ch in unitOfWork.CompanyHolidayRepository.Get(x => x.HolidayId == h.Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                                   where ch.CompanyId == companyId || ch.CompanyId == 0
                                   select new CompanyHolidayView
                    CompanyId = ch.CompanyId,
                    HolidayId = h.Id,
                    HolidayName = h.Name,
                    HolidayType = ht.Name,
                    HolidayDate = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(
                        h.HolidayDay, 0, 0, 0)
コード例 #6
        public void GetACQbyMonth(DWH_REPLICAEntities db, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo)
            DateTime fromDate = dateFrom.Date;
            DateTime toDate   = dateTo.Date;

            FD_ACQ = new List <FD_ACQ_DTO>();

            var a =
                from s in db.FD_ACQ_D
                where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DT_REG.Year, s.DT_REG.Month, 01, 0, 0, 0) ==
                DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(fromDate.Year, fromDate.Month, 01, 0, 0, 0)
                group s by new
                DT_REG = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DT_REG.Year, s.DT_REG.Month, 01, 0, 0, 0)
                PAY_SYSTEM       = s.PAY_SYS
            } into g
                select new
                DT_REG           = g.Key.DT_REG,
                PAY_SYSTEM       = g.Key.PAY_SYSTEM,
                AMT = g.Sum(s => s.AMT)

            foreach (var b in a)
                this.FD_ACQ.Add(new FD_ACQ_DTO {
コード例 #7
ファイル: Check1.cs プロジェクト: imp908/fileshare
        public void Lmbda()
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            BI_test  db = new BI_test();

            //var a = GetByRegionID(orcl_db.COUNTRIES, 1);

            //var arr = del.Invoke(db, new DateTime(2016, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00), new DateTime(2016, 02, 01, 00, 00, 00));

            IQueryable <table1DTO> arr3 =
                from s in db.table1
                where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.date1.Value.Year, s.date1.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00) >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(2016, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00) &&
                DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.date1.Value.Year, s.date1.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00) <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(2016, 02, 01, 00, 00, 00)
                group s by new { DATE = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.date1.Value.Year, s.date1.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00), range = s.range1 } into g
                                   select new table1DTO {
                DATE = g.Key.DATE, RANGE = g.Key.range, AMT = g.Sum(s => s.value1)

            var arr4 = del_table1_group();

            int cnt = arr3.Count();

            List <string> str = table1Condition.propertiesList;
コード例 #8
        public Visit GetLastVisit()
            DateTime date = DateTime.Today;

            return(Table.Include(v => v.Person).Where(v => v.Date >= date)
                   .OrderByDescending(v => DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, v.Person.DateOfBirth.Hour, v.Person.DateOfBirth.Minute, v.Person.DateOfBirth.Second))
コード例 #9
        public List <Visit> GetVisitsToday()
            DateTime date = DateTime.Today;

            return(Table.Include(v => v.Person).Where(v => v.Date >= date)
                   .OrderByDescending(v => DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, v.Person.DateOfBirth.Hour, v.Person.DateOfBirth.Minute, v.Person.DateOfBirth.Second))
コード例 #10
ファイル: Check1.cs プロジェクト: imp908/fileshare
        public IQueryable <table1DTO> del_table1_group()
            del_table1 dt1 = del_date;

            return(from s in dt1()
                   group s by new { DATE = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.date1.Value.Year, s.date1.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00), range = s.range1 } into g
                   select new table1DTO {
                DATE = g.Key.DATE, RANGE = g.Key.range, AMT = g.Sum(s => s.value1)
コード例 #11
ファイル: QueryTests.cs プロジェクト: dant02/NETProvider
 public void QueryTestDbFunctionsCreateDateTime1()
     using (var c = GetDbContext <DbFunctionsContext>())
         var q = c.Quxs
                 .Where(x => x.QuxDateTime == DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(2020, 3, 19, 14, 12, 0))
         StringAssert.Contains("CAST('2020-3-19 14:12:00' AS TIMESTAMP)", q.ToString());
コード例 #12
ファイル: QueryTests.cs プロジェクト: dant02/NETProvider
 public void QueryTestDbFunctionsCreateDateTime2()
     using (var c = GetDbContext <DbFunctionsContext>())
         var q = c.Quxs
                 .Where(x => x.QuxDateTime == DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(2020, 3, 19, 14, 12, 36))
         StringAssert.Contains("DATEADD(SECOND, CAST(36 AS DOUBLE PRECISION), CAST('2020-3-19 14:12:00' AS TIMESTAMP))", q.ToString());
コード例 #13
ファイル: QueryTests.cs プロジェクト: dant02/NETProvider
 public void QueryTestDbFunctionsCreateDateTime4()
     using (var c = GetDbContext <DbFunctionsContext>())
         var q = c.Quxs
                 .Where(x => x.QuxDateTime == DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.QuxYear, x.QuxMonth, x.QuxDay, null, null, null))
         StringAssert.Contains("DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, -1, DATEADD(YEAR, -1, DATEADD(DAY, \"B\".\"QuxDay\", DATEADD(MONTH, \"B\".\"QuxMonth\", DATEADD(YEAR, \"B\".\"QuxYear\", CAST('0001-01-01 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP)))))))", q.ToString());
コード例 #14
        internal List <ShiftChangeRequest> ShiftChangeRequestList(List <Guid> mgrBusIdList)
            DateTime datetimeNow = WebUI.Common.Common.DateTimeNowLocal();

            return((from sr in db.ShiftChangeRequests
                    where sr.Status == RequestStatus.Pending &&
                    mgrBusIdList.Contains(sr.Shift.InternalLocation.BusinessLocation.Id) &&
                    DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(sr.Shift.StartTime.Year, sr.Shift.StartTime.Month, sr.Shift.StartTime.Day, sr.Shift.StartTime.Hour, sr.Shift.StartTime.Minute, sr.Shift.StartTime.Second) >= datetimeNow         //Only get change requests which are in the future.
                    select sr).ToList());
コード例 #15
        public void DbFunctionsTests_CreateDateTime_Test()
            var result = this.GetOrderQuery().Select(x => (DateTime)DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND)).First();

            Assert.AreEqual(YEAR, result.Year);
            Assert.AreEqual(MONTH, result.Month);
            Assert.AreEqual(DAY, result.Day);
            Assert.AreEqual(HOUR, result.Hour);
            Assert.AreEqual(MINUTE, result.Minute);
            Assert.AreEqual(SECOND, result.Second);
コード例 #16
 public IEnumerable <EpisodeDTO> FutureEpisodes()
     using (var context = new TvShowOrganizerContext())
         var date = DateTime.Now;
                .Where(e => DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(e.FirstAired.Value.Year, e.FirstAired.Value.Month, e.FirstAired.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0) >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 0, 0, 0) || !e.FirstAired.HasValue).ToList()
                .Select(e => new EpisodeDTO(e)));
コード例 #17
        public IEnumerable <EpisodeDTO> NotDownloadedEpisodes()
            var date = DateTime.Now;

            using (var context = new TvShowOrganizerContext())
                       .Where(e => !e.Downloaded && DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(e.FirstAired.Value.Year, e.FirstAired.Value.Month, e.FirstAired.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0) < DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 0, 0, 0)).ToList()
                       .Select(e => new EpisodeDTO(e)));
コード例 #18
ファイル: REPO.cs プロジェクト: imp908/fileshare
        public Repository <T> SQLFilterByMonth(DateTime DateFrom_, DateTime DateTo_)
            QueryResult = from s in QueryResult
                          where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DATE.Value.Year, s.DATE.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00) >=
                          DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(DateFrom_.Year, DateFrom_.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00)
                          DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DATE.Value.Year, s.DATE.Value.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00) <=
                          DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(DateTo_.Year, DateTo_.Month, 01, 00, 00, 00)
                          select s;

コード例 #19
ファイル: BaseDateBLL.cs プロジェクト: wxh1903999894/IFMP
        public ApiResult GetAll(ClassTypeEnums?ClassType = 0, TableTypeEnums?TableType = 0, DateTime?BeginDate = null, DateTime?EndDate = null, int pageindex = 1, int pagesize = 10)
            ApiResult result  = new ApiResult();
            string    message = string.Empty;

                using (FLDbContext db = new FLDbContext())
                    BaseUtils bu = new BaseUtils();
                    BeginDate = bu.InitDate(BeginDate, true);
                    EndDate   = bu.InitDate(EndDate, false);
                    int total = db.BaseDateFlow.Where(t => t.BeginDate > DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(t.BeginDate.Year, t.BeginDate.Month, t.BeginDate.Day, BeginDate.Value.Hour, BeginDate.Value.Minute, BeginDate.Value.Second) &&
                                                      t.EndDate < DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(t.EndDate.Year, t.EndDate.Month, t.EndDate.Day, EndDate.Value.Hour, EndDate.Value.Minute, EndDate.Value.Second) &&
                                                      (ClassType == 0 || t.ClassType == ClassType) &&
                                                      (TableType == 0 || t.TableType == TableType)).Count();
                    List <BaseDateFlow> bdfList = db.BaseDateFlow.Where(t => t.BeginDate > DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(t.BeginDate.Year, t.BeginDate.Month, t.BeginDate.Day, BeginDate.Value.Hour, BeginDate.Value.Minute, BeginDate.Value.Second) &&
                                                                        t.EndDate < DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(t.EndDate.Year, t.EndDate.Month, t.EndDate.Day, EndDate.Value.Hour, EndDate.Value.Minute, EndDate.Value.Second) &&
                                                                        (ClassType == 0 || t.ClassType == ClassType) &&
                                                                        (TableType == 0 || t.TableType == TableType)).OrderBy(t => t.TableType).ThenBy(t => t.FlowID).Skip((pageindex - 1) * pagesize).Take(pagesize).ToList();
                    List <object> returnlist = new List <object>();
                    foreach (BaseDateFlow bdf in bdfList)
                            TableType  = Enum.GetName(typeof(TableTypeEnums), bdf.TableType),
                            ClassType  = Enum.GetName(typeof(ClassTypeEnums), bdf.ClassType),
                            BeginDate  = bdf.BeginDate.ToString("HH:mm"),
                            EndDate    = bdf.EndDate.ToString("HH:mm"),
                            RemindDate = bdf.RemindDate.ToString("HH:mm"),

                    result = ApiResult.NewSuccessJson(new
                        Total = total,
                        List  = returnlist
                result = ApiResult.NewErrorJson("请检查网络状态或联系系统管理员");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                result = ApiResult.NewErrorJson(message);
コード例 #20
ファイル: FnCommon.cs プロジェクト: sf-solutionfactory/TAT004
        public static int ObtenerPeriodoCalendario445(TAT001Entities db, string sociedad_id, string tsol_id, string usuario_id = null)
            //PRE = PreCierre
            //CI =  Cierre
            DateTime      fechaActual  = DateTime.Now;
            short         ejercicio    = short.Parse(fechaActual.Year.ToString());
            CALENDARIO_AC calendarioAc = null;
            CALENDARIO_EX calendarioEx = null;

            calendarioAc = db.CALENDARIO_AC.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                           x.ACTIVO &&
                                                           x.SOCIEDAD_ID == sociedad_id &&
                                                           x.TSOL_ID == tsol_id &&
                                                           x.EJERCICIO == ejercicio &&
                                                           (fechaActual >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.PRE_FROMF.Year, x.PRE_FROMF.Month, x.PRE_FROMF.Day, x.PRE_FROMH.Hours, x.PRE_FROMH.Minutes, x.PRE_FROMH.Seconds) &&
                                                            fechaActual <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.PRE_TOF.Year, x.PRE_TOF.Month, x.PRE_TOF.Day, x.PRE_TOH.Hours, x.PRE_TOH.Minutes, x.PRE_TOH.Seconds)));
            if (calendarioAc != null)
            if (usuario_id != null)
                calendarioEx = db.CALENDARIO_EX.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                               x.ACTIVO &&
                                                               x.SOCIEDAD_ID == sociedad_id &&
                                                               x.TSOL_ID == tsol_id &&
                                                               x.USUARIO_ID == usuario_id &&
                                                               x.EJERCICIO == ejercicio &&
                                                               (fechaActual >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.EX_FROMF.Year, x.EX_FROMF.Month, x.EX_FROMF.Day, x.EX_FROMH.Hours, x.EX_FROMH.Minutes, x.EX_FROMH.Seconds) &&
                                                                fechaActual <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.EX_TOF.Year, x.EX_TOF.Month, x.EX_TOF.Day, x.EX_TOH.Hours, x.EX_TOH.Minutes, x.EX_TOH.Seconds)));
                if (calendarioEx != null)

            calendarioAc = db.CALENDARIO_AC.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                           x.ACTIVO &&
                                                           x.SOCIEDAD_ID == sociedad_id &&
                                                           x.TSOL_ID == tsol_id &&
                                                           x.EJERCICIO == ejercicio &&
                                                           (fechaActual >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.CIE_FROMF.Year, x.CIE_FROMF.Month, x.CIE_FROMF.Day, x.CIE_FROMH.Hours, x.CIE_FROMH.Minutes, x.CIE_FROMH.Seconds) &&
                                                            fechaActual <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.CIE_TOF.Year, x.CIE_TOF.Month, x.CIE_TOF.Day, x.CIE_TOH.Hours, x.CIE_TOH.Minutes, x.CIE_TOH.Seconds)));
            if (calendarioAc != null)

コード例 #21
ファイル: FnCommon.cs プロジェクト: sf-solutionfactory/TAT004
        public static bool  ValidarPeriodoEnCalendario445(TAT001Entities db, string sociedad_id, string tsol_id, int periodo_id, string tipo, string usuario_id = null)
            //PRE = PreCierre
            //CI =  Cierre
            bool     esPeriodoAbierto = false;
            DateTime fechaActual      = DateTime.Now;
            short    ejercicio        = short.Parse(fechaActual.Year.ToString());

            switch (tipo)
            case "PRE":
                esPeriodoAbierto = db.CALENDARIO_AC.Any(x =>
                                                        x.ACTIVO &&
                                                        x.SOCIEDAD_ID == sociedad_id &&
                                                        x.TSOL_ID == tsol_id &&
                                                        x.PERIODO == periodo_id &&
                                                        x.EJERCICIO == ejercicio &&
                                                        (fechaActual >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.PRE_FROMF.Year, x.PRE_FROMF.Month, x.PRE_FROMF.Day, x.PRE_FROMH.Hours, x.PRE_FROMH.Minutes, x.PRE_FROMH.Seconds) &&
                                                         fechaActual <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.PRE_TOF.Year, x.PRE_TOF.Month, x.PRE_TOF.Day, x.PRE_TOH.Hours, x.PRE_TOH.Minutes, x.PRE_TOH.Seconds)));
                if (!esPeriodoAbierto && usuario_id != null)
                    esPeriodoAbierto = db.CALENDARIO_EX.Any(x =>
                                                            x.ACTIVO &&
                                                            x.SOCIEDAD_ID == sociedad_id &&
                                                            x.TSOL_ID == tsol_id &&
                                                            x.PERIODO == periodo_id &&
                                                            x.USUARIO_ID == usuario_id &&
                                                            x.EJERCICIO == ejercicio &&
                                                            (fechaActual >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.EX_FROMF.Year, x.EX_FROMF.Month, x.EX_FROMF.Day, x.EX_FROMH.Hours, x.EX_FROMH.Minutes, x.EX_FROMH.Seconds) &&
                                                             fechaActual <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.EX_TOF.Year, x.EX_TOF.Month, x.EX_TOF.Day, x.EX_TOH.Hours, x.EX_TOH.Minutes, x.EX_TOH.Seconds)));

            case "CI":
                esPeriodoAbierto = db.CALENDARIO_AC.Any(x =>
                                                        x.ACTIVO &&
                                                        x.SOCIEDAD_ID == sociedad_id &&
                                                        x.TSOL_ID == tsol_id &&
                                                        x.PERIODO == periodo_id &&
                                                        x.EJERCICIO == ejercicio &&
                                                        (fechaActual >= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.CIE_FROMF.Year, x.CIE_FROMF.Month, x.CIE_FROMF.Day, x.CIE_FROMH.Hours, x.CIE_FROMH.Minutes, x.CIE_FROMH.Seconds) &&
                                                         fechaActual <= DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.CIE_TOF.Year, x.CIE_TOF.Month, x.CIE_TOF.Day, x.CIE_TOH.Hours, x.CIE_TOH.Minutes, x.CIE_TOH.Seconds)));


コード例 #22
ファイル: REPO.cs プロジェクト: imp908/fileshare
        public void SQL_cehck()
            SQL_entity ent             = new SQL_entity();
            Repository <TEMP_ACQ_D> rp = new Repository <TEMP_ACQ_D>(ent);

            var a = from s in rp.SQLGetByMonth(st, fn) select s;
            int b = a.Count();

            var a_ = from s in ent.TEMP_ACQ_D
                     where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DATE.Value.Year, s.DATE.Value.Month, s.DATE.Value.Day, 00, 00, 00) == st
                     select s;

            int b_ = a_.Count();
コード例 #23
ファイル: REPO.cs プロジェクト: imp908/fileshare
        public IQueryable <T> SQLGetByYear(DateTime DateFrom_, DateTime DateTo_)
            var a =
                from s in this.dbSet
                where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DATE.Value.Year, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00) >=
                DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(DateFrom_.Year, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00)
                DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DATE.Value.Year, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00) <=
                DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(DateTo_.Year, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00)
                select s;

            this.QueryResult = a;
コード例 #24
        public IList <CaseAppointment> DueCases(int days)
            //Use DbFunctikons.AddDays to get rid of limitation in linq to entities that it does not support
            //DataTime.AddDays, instead of loading all the store data then filter using linq to objects.
            //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            DateTime dueDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(days);
            var      s       = Query(x =>
                                     DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.AppointmentGregDate.Year, x.AppointmentGregDate.Month, x.AppointmentGregDate.Day, 0, 0, 0) >= DateTime.Now
                                     DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.AppointmentGregDate.Year, x.AppointmentGregDate.Month, x.AppointmentGregDate.Day, 0, 0, 0) <= dueDate

コード例 #25
        internal IEnumerable <ContentBytesChartDataItem> AggregateContentBytesChartData(
            IQueryable <DbRequestLogEntry> query, TimeFrame timeFrame)
            var groupedQuery = GetGrouping(query, timeFrame.Resolution);

                   .Select(group => new ContentBytesChartDataItem()
                In = group.Sum(entry => entry.ContentBytesIn),
                Out = group.Sum(entry => entry.ContentBytesOut),
                Key = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(group.Key.Year, group.Key.Month ?? 1, group.Key.Day ?? 1, 0, 0, 0).Value,
                   .OrderBy(entry => entry.Key)
コード例 #26
        public void CreateDateTime()
#if !EFOLD
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Select(x => DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.DateTime.Year, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0));
            var q = this.Entities
                    .Select(x => EntityFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.DateTime.Year, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0));

            var q2 = q.AsEnumerable()
                     .Where(x => x.Value.Month == 5);

コード例 #27
ファイル: Northwind.cs プロジェクト: tckhanh/Vilas103
        public static IEnumerable GetCustomerReports()
            var maxOrderDate         = DB.Orders.Max(o => o.OrderDate) ?? DateTime.Today;
            var actualOrderYearDelta = DateTime.Today.Year - maxOrderDate.Year;
            var query = from customer in DB.Customers
                        join order in DB.Orders on customer.CustomerID equals order.CustomerID
                        join order_detail in DB.Order_Details on order.OrderID equals order_detail.OrderID
                        join product in DB.Products on order_detail.ProductID equals product.ProductID
                        select new {
                OrderDate     = DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(order.OrderDate.Value.Year + actualOrderYearDelta, order.OrderDate.Value.Month, order.OrderDate.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0),
                ProductAmount = (float)(order_detail.UnitPrice * order_detail.Quantity) * (1 - order_detail.Discount / 100) * 100

コード例 #28
 public static IQueryable <FD_ACQ_DTO> list_d(Parameters parameters_)
     return(from s in list_bool(parameters_)
            where DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DT_REG.Value.Year, s.DT_REG.Value.Month, s.DT_REG.Value.Day, 00, 00, 00) >=
            DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(parameters_.dateFrom.Year, parameters_.dateFrom.Month, parameters_.dateFrom.Day, 00, 00, 00)
            DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(s.DT_REG.Value.Year, s.DT_REG.Value.Month, s.DT_REG.Value.Day, 00, 00, 00) <=
            DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(parameters_.dateTo.Year, parameters_.dateTo.Month, parameters_.dateTo.Day, 00, 00, 00)
            select new FD_ACQ_DTO
         DT_REG = s.DT_REG,
         PAY_SYS = s.PAY_SYS,
         AMT = s.AMT
コード例 #29
        public EpisodeDTO GetLastEpisodeBySeasonAndFirstAired(Guid serieID)
            using (var context = new TvShowOrganizerContext())
                var date    = DateTime.Now;
                var episode = context
                              .Where(e => e.TvShowId.Equals(serieID))
                              .OrderByDescending(e => e.Season).ThenByDescending(e => e.Number)
                              .FirstOrDefault(e => DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(e.FirstAired.Value.Year, e.FirstAired.Value.Month, e.FirstAired.Value.Day, 0, 0, 0) < DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 0, 0, 0));

                if (episode != null)
                    return(new EpisodeDTO(episode));

コード例 #30
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var ctx = new MyHotelDbContext();

            var dates = ctx.Reservations.Select(x => DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(x.CheckinDate.Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0));

            foreach (var date in dates)
                Console.WriteLine("Normal:" + date);

            var datesDynamic = ctx.Reservations.Select("DbFunctions.CreateDateTime(CheckinDate.Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)");

            foreach (var date in datesDynamic)
                Console.WriteLine("Dynamic:" + date);