public static Result DB2131108(DbConnections pDB) { Result res = new Result(); DbConnection con = null; try { con = pDB.BeginTransaction("core", "Start"); #region [ INSERT ] string sql = @"insert into pledgemain_Hist select * from pledgemain where status=1"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "DB2131108", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"insert into pledgedoc_Hist select * from pledgedoc where status=1"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "DB2131108", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } #endregion #region [ DELETE ] sql = @"delete from pledgemain where status=1"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.DELETE, "DB2131108", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"delete from pledgedoc where status=1"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.DELETE, "DB2131108", null); return(res); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { res.ResultNo = 9110001; res.ResultDesc = "Датабааз руу хандахад алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message; return(res); } finally { if (res.ResultNo == 0) { con.Commit(); } else { con.Rollback(); } } return(res); }
public Result FN105003(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { Result r = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { #region Preparing Parameters string tableprefix = (string)ri.ReceivedParam[0]; ulong recordid = (ulong)ri.ReceivedParam[1]; int objectid = (int)ri.ReceivedParam[2]; int prowno = (int)ri.ReceivedParam[3]; int rowno = (int)ri.ReceivedParam[4]; #endregion conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "FN105003"); #region Delete Row from Fixed table r = Main.DB105010(db, tableprefix, recordid, objectid, prowno, rowno); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { return(r); } #endregion #region Delete Rows from Dynamic Records r = Main.DB105009(db, tableprefix, recordid, objectid, prowno, rowno); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { r = new Result(9, ex.ToString()); } finally { if (r != null && conn != null) { if (r.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } OnExit: return(r); }
/// <summary> /// string tableprefix = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); /// ulong key = (ulong)ri.ReceivedParam[1]; /// object[] rows = (object[])ri.ReceivedParam[2]; /// ulong id = (ulong)Static.ToLong(row[0]); /// int type = Static.ToInt(row[1]); /// string value = Static.ToStr(row[2]); /// </summary> /// <param name="ci"></param> /// <param name="ri"></param> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="lg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result FN104002(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { Result r = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { string tableprefix = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); // Table name prefix of Dynamic Data ulong key = (ulong)ri.ReceivedParam[1]; // Dynamic data Record Key object[] rows = (object[])ri.ReceivedParam[2]; // Dynamic Data Rows conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "104002"); foreach (object[] row in rows) { ulong id = (ulong)Static.ToLong(row[0]); int type = Static.ToInt(row[1]); string value = Static.ToStr(row[2]); ulong attachid = (ulong)Static.ToLong(row[3]); r = Main.DB104002(db, tableprefix, key, id, value, attachid); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { r = new Result(9, ex.ToString()); } finally { if (r != null) { if (conn != null && r.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } return(r); }
public Result FN105002(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { Result r = null; DataTable dt1 = null; DbConnection conn = null; int START_INDEX_DYNAMIC_COL = 23; try { #region Preparing Parameters string tableprefix = (string)ri.ReceivedParam[0]; ulong recordid = (ulong)ri.ReceivedParam[1]; int objectid = (int)ri.ReceivedParam[2]; int prowno = (int)ri.ReceivedParam[3]; bool showfixed = (bool)ri.ReceivedParam[4]; dt1 = (DataTable)ri.ReceivedParam[5]; #endregion conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "FN105002"); int rn; foreach (DataRow row in dt1.Rows) { rn = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(row["rowno"]); if (showfixed) { #region Collectiong Values int status = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(row["status"]); DateTime startdate = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDate(row["startdate"]); DateTime enddate = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDate(row["enddate"]); int feetype = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(row["feetype"]); decimal feerate = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["feerate"]); decimal feeamount = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["feeamount"]); string feecurcode = ISM.Lib.Static.ToStr(row["feecurcode"]); decimal discountrate = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["discountrate"]); decimal discountamount = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["discountamount"]); string discountcurcode = ISM.Lib.Static.ToStr(row["discountcurcode"]); decimal currate = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["currate"]); decimal estimateamount = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["estimateamount"]); string estimatecurcode = ISM.Lib.Static.ToStr(row["estimatecurcode"]); int optionid = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(row["optionid"]); int selectstatus = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(row["selectstatus"]); int feediscounttype = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(row["feediscounttype"]); decimal feediscountamount = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["feediscountamount"]); decimal feediscountrate = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["feediscountrate"]); decimal calcamount = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["calcamount"]); decimal calcrate = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["calcrate"]); int unoptionid = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(row["unoptionid"]); decimal claimamount = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["claimamount"]); decimal marketvalue = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(row["marketvalue"]); #endregion #region Saving Fixed Values // Update Fixed Values r = Main.DB105005(db, tableprefix, recordid, objectid, prowno, rn , status, startdate, enddate, feetype, feerate, feeamount, feecurcode , discountrate, discountamount, discountcurcode, currate, estimateamount, estimatecurcode, optionid, selectstatus, feediscounttype, feediscountamount, feediscountrate, calcamount, calcrate, unoptionid, claimamount, marketvalue); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (r.AffectedRows <= 0) { // If there is no updated rows, then insert new row r = Main.DB105006(db, tableprefix, recordid, objectid, prowno, rn , status, startdate, enddate, feetype, feerate, feeamount, feecurcode , discountrate, discountamount, discountcurcode, currate, estimateamount, estimatecurcode, optionid, selectstatus, feediscounttype, feediscountamount, feediscountrate, calcamount, calcrate, unoptionid, claimamount, marketvalue); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } } #endregion } #region Saving Dynamic Values int startindex = showfixed ? START_INDEX_DYNAMIC_COL : 0; for (int c = startindex; c < dt1.Columns.Count; c++) { int itemid = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(dt1.Columns[c].ColumnName.Substring(1)); string value = ISM.Lib.Static.ToStr(row[c]); // Update Dynamic Values r = Main.DB105007(db, tableprefix, recordid, objectid, prowno, rn, itemid, value); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (r.AffectedRows <= 0) { // If there is no update rows, then insert new row r = Main.DB105008(db, tableprefix, recordid, objectid, prowno, rn, itemid, value); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } } } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { r = new Result(9, ex.ToString()); } finally { if (r != null && conn != null) { if (r.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } OnExit: return(r); }
public Result Txn601001(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { Result res = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { #region Prepare parameters string pledgeno = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); int typeid = Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[1]); string docno = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[2]); decimal custno = Static.ToDecimal(ri.ReceivedParam[3]); string custname = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[4]); string phone = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[5]); string memo = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[6]); #endregion #region New autonum for registeration IPos.Core.AutoNumEnum enums = new IPos.Core.AutoNumEnum(); enums.Y = Static.ToStr(Static.ToDate(DateTime.Now).Year); res = IPos.Core.SystemProp.gAutoNum.GetNextNumber(db, 8, enums); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.ResultDesc)) { res.ResultNo = 9110068; res.ResultDesc = "Автомат дугаарлалтын хөрвүүлэлт дээр алдаа гарлаа. [ID:12]["; res.Param = null; res.Data = null; } goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Барьцааг pledgedoc тэйбэлд бүртгэх pledgeno = res.ResultDesc; conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "Txn601001"); string sql = @"insert into pledgedoc (pledgeno,doctype,docno,holddate,holduser,status,custno,custname,contact,memo) values(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10)"; object[] param = new object[] { pledgeno, typeid, docno, DateTime.Now, ri.UserNo, 0, custno, custname, phone, memo }; res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601001", param); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Барьцааны үндсэн харилцагчийг холбоотой үйлчлүүлэгчийн тэйбэлд оруулах sql = "insert into pledgemain(custno,pledgeno) values(:1,:2)"; param = new object[] { custno, pledgeno }; res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601001", param); if (res.ResultNo == 0) { res.ResultDesc = pledgeno; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { res = new Result(9110002, "Програм руу нэвтрэхэд алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message); } finally { if (conn != null) { if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } OnExit: return(res); } //Барьцаа шинээр үүсгэх
} //Барьцааны хамаарах түрээсийн хэрэгслүүд public Result Txn601005(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { #region Тооцоолол хийх дүрмийг заавал унш! бас бөглө! /************************************************************** * ТООЦООЛОЛ ХИЙХ ДҮРЭМ * Шалгалт: * 1. Хэрэв харилцагч барьцаанд холбогдсон л бол PledgeMain тэйбэлд бичлэг үүснэ. * 2. Мөн CustomerIdDevice тэйбэлд Харилцагчийн бичлэгийг давхар үүсгэнэ. * Энэ нь харилцагч ерөнхийдөө өөр барьцаанд давхар хамаарч байгаа эсэхийг шалгах, таг холбох зэргийг тэмдэглэнэ. * 3. Харилцагчийг барьцаанаас салгах үед CustomerIdDevice тэйблээс бичлэгийг устгана. * * Үйлдэл: * 1. pledgemain тэйбэлд харилцагчийн нэмэх * 2. CustomerIdDevice тэйбэлд уг харилцагчийн дугаараар шинээр харилцагч нэмэх ба өмнө нь бсн эсэхийг шалгана. * * **************************************************************/ #endregion Result res = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { #region Prepare parameters string pledgeno = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); decimal custno = Static.ToDecimal(ri.ReceivedParam[1]); #endregion conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "Txn601005"); #region Үйлдэл1 string sql = @"insert into pledgemain(custno,pledgeno) values(:1,:2)"; object[] param = new object[] { custno, pledgeno }; res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601005", param); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { if (res.ResultNo == 1) { res.ResultNo = 6010051; res.ResultDesc = string.Format("{0} дугаартай харилцагч холбоотой байна!", custno); } goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Үйлдэл2 sql = @"insert into customeriddevice(custno) values(:1)"; param = new object[] { custno, pledgeno }; res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601005", param); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { if (res.ResultNo == 1) { res.ResultNo = 6010052; res.ResultDesc = string.Format("{0} дугаартай харилцагч өөр барьцаанд холбоотой байна!", custno); } goto OnExit; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { res = new Result(9110002, "Програм руу нэвтрэхэд алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message); } finally { if (conn != null) { if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } OnExit: return(res); } //Барьцаанд үйлчлүүлэгч холбох
/// <summary> /// Бичиг баримт барьцаалах /// /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="pagenumber"></param> /// <param name="pagecount"></param> /// <param name="param"> custno, pledgeno, UserNo, docno, doctype</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Result DB500011(DbConnections db, object[] param) { DbConnection conn = null; Result res = null; try { #region Prepare parameters decimal custno = Static.ToDecimal(param[0]); string pledgeno = Static.ToStr(param[1]); int userno = Static.ToInt(param[2]); string docno = Static.ToStr(param[3]); int doctype = Static.ToInt(param[4]); #endregion #region Prepare query string sql1 = @" insert into pledgedoc(pledgeno,docno,doctype,holduser,holddate,status) values(:1,:2,:3,:4,sysdate,0) "; string sql2 = @" merge into pledgemain a using (select :1 custno,:2 pledgeno from dual) b on (a.custno=b.custno and a.pledgeno=b.pledgeno) when matched then update set a.status=0 when not matched then insert (custno,pledgeno,createdate,status) values(b.custno,b.pledgeno,sysdate,0) "; #endregion #region Execute query conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "DB500011"); res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql1, enumCommandType.UPDATE, "DB500011", pledgeno, docno, doctype, userno); if (res.ResultNo == 0) { res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql2, enumCommandType.UPDATE, "DB500011", custno, pledgeno); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { ISM.Lib.Static.WriteToLogFile("Error.log", ex.Message + ex.Source + ex.StackTrace); res = new Result(); res.ResultNo = 9110001; res.ResultDesc = "Датабааз руу хандахад алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message; } finally { if (conn != null) { if (res.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Барьцаалсан бичиг баримтыг олгох /// /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="pagenumber"></param> /// <param name="pagecount"></param> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Result DB500012(DbConnections db, object[] param) { DbConnection conn = null; Result res = null; try { #region Prepare parameters decimal custno = Static.ToDecimal(param[0]); string pledgeno = Static.ToStr(param[1]); string rowid = Static.ToStr(param[2]); int userno = Static.ToInt(param[3]); #endregion #region Prepare query string sql1 = @" update pledgedoc set status=1,unholduser=:2,unholddate=sysdate where rowid=:1 "; string sql2 = @" update pledgemain pm set status = ( select min(pd.status) status from pledgedoc pd where pd.pledgeno=:2 ) where pm.custno=:1 and pm.pledgeno=:2 "; #endregion #region Execute query conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "DB500012"); res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql1, enumCommandType.UPDATE, "DB500012", rowid, userno); if (res.ResultNo == 0) { res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql2, enumCommandType.UPDATE, "DB500012", custno, pledgeno); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { ISM.Lib.Static.WriteToLogFile("Error.log", ex.Message + ex.Source + ex.StackTrace); res = new Result(); res.ResultNo = 9110001; res.ResultDesc = "Датабааз руу хандахад алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message; } finally { if (conn != null) { if (res.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } return(res); }
} //Таг салгах public Result Txn601010(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { #region Тооцоолол хийх дүрмийг заавал унш! бас бөглө! /************************************************************** * ТООЦООЛОЛ ХИЙХ ДҮРЭМ * Шалгалт: * 1. Холбоотой харилцагчид дотор таг уягдсан бол чөлөөлөхгүй. PledgeMain, CustomerIdDevice-ээс шалгана. * 2. Түрээсийн хэрэгслүүд бүгд буцаагдсан, эсвэл төлбөр хийгдсэн бх * 3. Борлуулалтын Төлбөр нь бүрэн хийгдсэн бх. * * Үйлдэл: * 1. pledgedoc тэйбэлд төлвийг чөлөөлсөн болгох. Status=1 * 2. CustomerIdDevice тэйбэлд үүссэн холбоотой харилцагчдийг цэвэрлэх. * 3. pledgemain тэйбэлд бга холбоостой харилцагчдийг цэвэрлэх. * * **************************************************************/ #endregion Result res = null; DbConnection conn = null; string sql = null; DataTable dtSales = null; try { #region Prepare parameters string pledgeno = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); #endregion #region Шалгалт1 - Төлөв шалгах res = PledgeStatusCheck(db, pledgeno); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Шалгалт2 - Таг холбоотойг шалгах sql = @"select count(p.custno) tagcount from pledgemain p left join customeriddevice d on d.custno=p.custno where p.pledgeno=:1 and d.serialno is not null"; object[] param = new object[] { pledgeno }; res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.SELECT, "Txn601010", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } DataTable dt = res.Data.Tables[0]; int tagcount = Static.ToInt(dt.Rows[0]["tagcount"]); if (tagcount > 0) { res.ResultNo = 6010101; res.ResultDesc = string.Format("Бүртгэлд {0} ширхэг таг холбоотой үлдсэн байна!", tagcount); res.Data = null; goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Борлуулалтын дугааруудыг олох sql = @"select distinct s.salesno ,decode(c.classcode,1,c.corporatename, c.lastname||' '||c.firstname) custname from sales s left join customer c on c.customerno=s.custno where custno in ( select custno from pledgedoc where pledgeno=:1 union all select custno from pledgemain where pledgeno=:1 )"; res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.SELECT, "Txn601010", pledgeno); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (res.AffectedRows > 0) { dtSales = res.Data.Tables[0]; } #endregion #region Шалгалт3 - Борлуулалтын төлбөр бүрэн төлөгдсөн эсэх if (dtSales != null) { Sales CSales = new Sales(); foreach (DataRow r in dtSales.Rows) { string salesno = Static.ToStr(r["SALESNO"]); string custname = Static.ToStr(r["CUSTNAME"]); res = CSales.GetPaymentBalance(db, salesno); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (res.AffectedRows > 0) { dt = res.Data.Tables[0]; decimal ta = Static.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["TOTALAMOUNT"]); decimal pa = Static.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["PAID"]); if (ta > 0 && ta > pa) { res = new Result(6010102, string.Format("[{0}] Борлуулалтын төлбөр бүрэн төлөгдөөгүй байна.\r\nҮйлчлүүлэгч={1}\r\nҮлдэгдэл={2}", salesno, custname, ta - pa)); goto OnExit; } } } } #endregion #region Шалгалт4 - Түрээсийн торгууль төлөгдсөн эсэх sql = @"select * from ( select p.pledgeno,p.custno,sr.salesno,sr.rentstatus status,sr.itemno,sr.prodno, ,decode(c.classcode,1,c.corporatename, c.lastname||' '||c.firstname) custname ,case when nvl(sr.rentstatus,0)=2 and ((nvl(sr.servicetime,0)>0 and round((sr.rentendtime-sr.rentstarttime)*(24*60),2)-nvl(sr.servicetime,0)>0) or sr.damagetype is not null) then 1 else 0 end fined ,case when nvl(sr.servicetime,0)>0 and (sr.rentendtime-sr.rentstarttime)*(24*60)-nvl(sr.servicetime,0)>0 then round((sr.rentendtime-sr.rentstarttime)*(24*60)-nvl(sr.servicetime,0),2) else 0 end rentminutes from pledgemain p left join customeriddevice d on d.custno=p.custno inner join sales s on s.custno=p.custno left join salesrent sr on sr.salesno=s.salesno left join invmain im on im.invid=sr.prodno left join customer c on c.customerno=sr.custno where p.pledgeno=:1 ) a where a.fined=1 or a.status=1"; param = new object[] { pledgeno }; res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.SELECT, "Txn601010", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (res.AffectedRows > 0) { res = new Result(6010103, "Түрээсийн хэрэгсэлийг бүрэн хүлээж аваагүй эсвэл торгууль төлөгдөөгүй байна."); goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Холбогдсон харилцагчдийн бичлэгийг устгах conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "Txn601010"); sql = @"delete from pledgemain where pledgeno=:1"; param = new object[] { pledgeno }; res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.DELETE, "Txn601010", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (res.AffectedRows <= 0) { //res = new Result(6010091, string.Format("[{0}] дугаартай тагийн мэдээлэл олдсонгүй!", tagno)); } #endregion #region Барьцааны бичлэгийн төлвийг чөлөөлсөн төлөвт оруулах sql = @"update pledgedoc set status=1,unholduser=:2,unholddate=:3 where pledgeno=:1"; param = new object[] { pledgeno, ri.UserNo, DateTime.Now }; res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.UPDATE, "Txn601010", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { res = new Result(9110002, "Програм руу нэвтрэхэд алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message); } finally { if (conn != null) { if (res != null && res.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } OnExit: return(res); } //Барьцааг чөлөөлөх
} //Барьцааны хамаарах түрээсийн хэрэгслүүд public Result Txn601005(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { #region Тооцоолол хийх дүрмийг заавал унш! бас бөглө! /************************************************************** * ТООЦООЛОЛ ХИЙХ ДҮРЭМ * Шалгалт: * 1. Харилцагч барьцаанд холбогдсон л бол CustomerIdDevice тэйбэлд бичлэг үүснэ. * 2. Харилцагчийг барьцаанаас салгах үед CustomerIdDevice тэйблээс бичлэгийг устгана. * * Үйлдэл: * 1. CustomerIdDevice тэйбэлд харилцагчийн холбоос бичлэг нэмэх. CustNo * * **************************************************************/ #endregion Result res = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { #region Prepare parameters string pledgeno = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); decimal pledgecustno = Static.ToDecimal(ri.ReceivedParam[1]); decimal custno = Static.ToDecimal(ri.ReceivedParam[2]); #endregion #region Шалгалт1 - Төлөв шалгах res = PledgeStatusCheck(db, pledgeno, pledgecustno); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Шалгалт2 - Харилцагч өөр этгээдэд холбогдсон эсэх string sql = @"select p.custno,p.pledgeno ,decode(c.classcode,1,c.corporatename, c.lastname||' '||c.firstname) custname from pledgemain p left join customer c on c.customerno=p.custno where p.custno=:1"; object[] param = new object[] { custno }; res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.SELECT, "Txn601005", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (res.AffectedRows > 0) { DataTable dt = res.Data.Tables[0]; decimal parentno = Static.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["CUSTNO"]); string custname = Static.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["CUSTNAME"]); string serialno = Static.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["PLEDGENO"]); res.ResultNo = 6010051; res.ResultDesc = string.Format("[{0}-{1}] харилцагч [{2}] дугаартай барьцаан дээр холбоотой байна! ", custno, custname, pledgeno); res.Data = null; goto OnExit; } #endregion conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "Txn601005"); #region Үйлдэл1 //sql = @"insert into customeriddevice(custno, parentno) values(:1, :2)"; sql = @"insert into pledgemain(custno, pledgeno) values(:1, :2)"; param = new object[] { custno, pledgeno }; res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601005", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { if (res.ResultNo == 1) { res.ResultNo = 6010052; res.ResultDesc = string.Format("{0} дугаартай харилцагч өөр харилцагч дээр холбоотой байна!", custno); res.Data = null; } goto OnExit; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { res = new Result(9110002, "Програм руу нэвтрэхэд алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message); } finally { if (conn != null) { if (res != null && res.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } OnExit: return(res); } //Барьцаанд үйлчлүүлэгч холбох
} //Барьцаа хайж жагсаалт авах public Result Txn601001(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { Result res = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { #region Prepare parameters string pledgeno = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); int typeid = Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[1]); string docno = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[2]); decimal custno = Static.ToDecimal(ri.ReceivedParam[3]); string custname = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[4]); string phone = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[5]); string memo = Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[6]); #endregion #region Шалгалт1 string sql = @"select p.pledgeno, p.custname, from pledgedoc p where p.custno=:1 and status=0"; object[] param = new object[] { custno }; res = db.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.SELECT, "Txn601001", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (res.AffectedRows > 0) { DataTable dt = res.Data.Tables[0]; pledgeno = Static.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["pledgeno"]); custname = Static.ToStr(dt.Rows[0]["custname"]); res.ResultNo = 6010011; res.ResultDesc = string.Format("[{0}] харилцагч [{1}-{2}] барьцаан дээр холбоотой байна! ", custno, pledgeno, custname); res.Data = null; goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Барьцааны шинэ дугаарлалт авах IPos.Core.AutoNumEnum enums = new IPos.Core.AutoNumEnum(); enums.Y = Static.ToStr(Static.ToDate(DateTime.Now).Year); enums.L = Static.ToStr(typeid); res = IPos.Core.SystemProp.gAutoNum.GetNextNumber(db, 8, "", enums); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.ResultDesc)) { res.ResultNo = 9110068; res.ResultDesc = "Автомат дугаарлалтын хөрвүүлэлт дээр алдаа гарлаа. [ID:12]["; res.Param = null; res.Data = null; } goto OnExit; } pledgeno = res.ResultDesc; #endregion #region Барьцааг pledgedoc тэйбэлд бүртгэх conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "Txn601001"); sql = @"insert into pledgedoc (pledgeno,doctype,docno,holddate,holduser,status,custno,custname,contact,memo) values(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10)"; param = new object[] { pledgeno, typeid, docno, DateTime.Now, ri.UserNo, 0, custno, custname, phone, memo }; res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601001", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Харилцагчийг pledgemain тэйбэлд бүртгэх sql = @"insert into pledgemain (custno,pledgeno) values(:1,:2)"; param = new object[] { custno, pledgeno }; res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601001", param); if (res != null && res.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } #endregion #region Барьцааны үндсэн харилцагчийг холбоотой үйлчлүүлэгчийн тэйбэлд оруулах ////sql = "insert into pledgemain(custno,pledgeno) values(:1,:2)"; //sql = "insert into customeriddevice(custno,parentno) values(:1,:2)"; //param = new object[] { custno, custno }; //res = conn.ExecuteQuery(sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "Txn601001", param); //if (res.ResultNo == 1) //{ // //Хэрэв өмнө нь бичлэг үүссэн бол шууд ашиглана. // res.ResultNo = 0; // res.ResultDesc = ""; //} if (res.ResultNo == 0) { res.ResultDesc = pledgeno; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { res = new Result(9110002, "Програм руу нэвтрэхэд алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message); } finally { if (conn != null) { if (res != null && res.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } OnExit: return(res); } //Барьцаа шинээр үүсгэх
public static Result DB2131109(DbConnections pDB) { Result res = new Result(); DbConnection con = null; try { con = pDB.BeginTransaction("core", "Start"); #region [ INSERT ] string sql = @"insert into ContractMain_Hist select * from ContractMain where ValidEndDate<sysdate "; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "DB2131109", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"insert into ContractProd_Hist select P.* from ContractProd P left join ContractMain M on M.ContractNo=P.ContractNo where M.ValidEndDate<sysdate "; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "DB2131109", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"insert into ContractAcnt_Hist select A.* from ContractAcnt A left join ContractMain M on M.ContractNo=A.ContractNo where M.ValidEndDate<sysdate"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "DB2131109", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"insert into DepSchedule_Hist select A.* from DepSchedule A left join ContractMain M on M.ContractNo=A.ContractNo where M.ValidEndDate<sysdate"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.INSERT, "DB2131109", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } #endregion #region [ DELETE ] sql = @"Delete from ContractProd where contractno in (select contractno from ContractMain where ValidEndDate<sysdate)"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.DELETE, "DB2131109", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"Delete from ContractAcnt where contractno in (select contractno from ContractMain where ValidEndDate<sysdate)"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.DELETE, "DB2131109", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"Delete from DepSchedule where contractno in (select contractno from ContractMain where ValidEndDate<sysdate)"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.DELETE, "DB2131109", null); if (res.ResultNo != 0) { return(res); } sql = @"Delete from ContractMain where ValidEndDate<sysdate"; res = pDB.ExecuteQuery("core", sql, enumCommandType.DELETE, "DB2131109", null); return(res); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { res.ResultNo = 9110001; res.ResultDesc = "Датабааз руу хандахад алдаа гарлаа" + ex.Message; return(res); } finally { if (res.ResultNo == 0) { con.Commit(); } else { con.Rollback(); } } return(res); }
private Result Analyze(DbConnections db, int reportpriv) {//Done. 2011/07/06 Result r = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { string rid = string.Format("R{0}", reportpriv); #region Create Instance of WorkBook IWorkbook book = OpenWorkBook(reportpriv); if (book == null) { r = new Result(9, string.Format("Report file is not openned! Report id = {0}", rid)); return(r); } #endregion #region Declare Bind Arrays List <string> rids = new List <string>(); List <int> rows = new List <int>(); List <int> cols = new List <int>(); List <int> types = new List <int>(); List <string> vals = new List <string>(); List <string> dtypes = new List <string>(); List <int> dvalues = new List <int>(); List <string> branches = new List <string>(); List <string> curs = new List <string>(); List <string> tocurs = new List <string>(); List <int> rounds = new List <int>(); List <string> rids1 = new List <string>(); List <string> rids2 = new List <string>(); List <DateTime> chgd = new List <DateTime>(); #endregion #region Loop for each cell Hashtable nodes = new Hashtable(); // include report names of depending sub reports for (int row = 1; row <= book.Worksheets[1].UsedRange.Rows.Count; row++) { for (int col = 1; col <= book.Worksheets[1].UsedRange.Columns.Count; col++) { #region Keep cell parameters string commFormula = ""; string commTermType = ""; string commTermValue = ""; string commBranch = ""; string commFromCur = ""; string commToCur = ""; string commRound = ""; IComment comment = book.Worksheets[1].UsedRange[row, col].Comment; if (comment != null) { Hashtable ht = GetCommentHashTable(comment.Text); commFormula = GetCommentValue(ht, "Formula", "N"); commTermType = GetCommentValue(ht, "TermType", "M"); commTermValue = GetCommentValue(ht, "TermValue", "0"); commBranch = GetCommentValue(ht, "Branch", ""); commFromCur = GetCommentValue(ht, "FromCurrency", "MNT"); commToCur = GetCommentValue(ht, "ToCurrency", "MNT"); commRound = GetCommentValue(ht, "Round", "1"); } if (commFormula == "Y" || commFormula == "y") { string cellvalue = Convert.ToString(book.Worksheets[1].UsedRange[row, col].Value); //Match match = Regex.Match(cellvalue, "(^|[-+%*/ ])([YQMD][ODCB][EY][0-9]+)($?)"); //if (match.Success) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellvalue)) { rids.Add(rid); rows.Add(book.Worksheets[1].UsedRange.Row + row - 1); cols.Add(book.Worksheets[1].UsedRange.Column + col - 1); types.Add(1); vals.Add(cellvalue); dtypes.Add(commTermType); dvalues.Add(ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(commTermValue)); branches.Add(commBranch); curs.Add(commFromCur); tocurs.Add(commToCur); rounds.Add(ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(commRound)); } #region Keep sub reports Regex re = new Regex(@"([A-Z0-9]+)![A-Z]+\d+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); MatchCollection mc = re.Matches(cellvalue, 0); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; foreach (Match m in mc) { if (!nodes.ContainsKey(m.Groups[1].Value)) { nodes.Add(m.Groups[1].Value, null); rids1.Add(rid); rids2.Add(m.Groups[1].Value); chgd.Add(now); } } #endregion } #endregion } } #endregion #region Save formula cells into db #region Begin Db transaction conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "Chart Report Update"); #endregion #region Delete old records r = Main.DB107102(db, rid); if (r == null || r.ResultNo != 0) { return(r); } #endregion #region Insert Cell values if (rids.Count > 0) { r = Main.DB107101(db , rids.ToArray() , rows.ToArray() , cols.ToArray() , types.ToArray() , vals.ToArray() , dtypes.ToArray() , dvalues.ToArray() , branches.ToArray() , curs.ToArray() , tocurs.ToArray() , rounds.ToArray() ); } #endregion #endregion #region Save sub reports into db #region Begin Db transaction conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "Chart Report Update"); #endregion #region Delete old records r = Main.DB107105(db, rid); if (r == null || r.ResultNo != 0) { return(r); } #endregion #region Insert sub report names if (rids1.Count > 0) { r = Main.DB107104(db , rids1.ToArray() , rids2.ToArray() , chgd.ToArray() ); } #endregion #endregion r.Data = null; r.Param = null; } catch (Exception ex) { r = new Result(9, ex.ToString()); } finally { if (conn != null) { if (r != null && r.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } } return(r); }
public Result FN108303(ClientInfo ci, RequestInfo ri, DbConnections db, ref Log lg) { Result r = null; DbConnection conn = null; try { #region Param int pTypeCode = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[0]); ulong pTypeId = ISM.Lib.Static.ToULong(ri.ReceivedParam[1]); int pStepId = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[2]); int pStepItemId = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[3]); int pOwner = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[4]); decimal pPerformance = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(ri.ReceivedParam[5]); DateTime pStarted = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDateTime(ri.ReceivedParam[6]); DateTime pFinished = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDateTime(ri.ReceivedParam[7]); int pStatus = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[8]); DateTime pSysDate = DateTime.Now; //ISM.Lib.Static.ToDateTime(ri.ReceivedParam[9]); decimal pProgress = ISM.Lib.Static.ToDecimal(ri.ReceivedParam[10]); string pComment = ISM.Lib.Static.ToStr(ri.ReceivedParam[11]); int pNewOwner = ISM.Lib.Static.ToInt(ri.ReceivedParam[12]); #endregion int owner = pNewOwner != 0 ? pNewOwner : pOwner; if (pPerformance == 0) { owner = 0; pStarted = DateTime.MinValue; pFinished = DateTime.MinValue; pStatus = 0; } conn = db.BeginTransaction("core", "FN108303"); r = Main.DB108303(db, pTypeCode, pTypeId, pStepId, pStepItemId, owner, pPerformance, pStarted, pFinished, pStatus); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } if (pProgress != 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pComment) || pNewOwner != 0) { ulong txnid = EServ.Interface.Sequence.NextByVal("StepTxnId"); r = Main.DB108403(db, txnid, pTypeCode, pTypeId, pStepItemId, owner, pStarted, ri.UserNo, pSysDate, pProgress, pPerformance, pComment); if (r.ResultNo != 0) { goto OnExit; } } //r = Main.DB108303(db, pTypeCode, pTypeId, pStepId, pStepItemId, owner, 0, pStarted, DateTime.MinValue, 0); //if (r.ResultNo != 0) goto OnExit; } catch (Exception ex) { r = new Result(9, ex.ToString()); } OnExit: if (r != null && conn != null) { if (r.ResultNo == 0) { conn.Commit(); } else { conn.Rollback(); } } return(r); }