public void dbTest1() { var datasetNames = new string[] { "Yellow_C13_068_30Mar10_Griffin_10-01-28", "Yellow_C13_064_30Mar10_Griffin_10-03-01", "Yellow_C13_063_30Mar10_Griffin_10-01-13" }; var utilities = new DatasetUtilities(); var path = utilities.GetDatasetPath(datasetNames[0]); Console.WriteLine(path); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args == null || args.Length == 0) { ReportSyntax(); } string targetFile = GetTargetFile(args); if (args.Length == 2 || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFile)) { string parameterFile = args[1]; string fileContainingDatasetNames = args[0]; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileContainingDatasetNames)) { int datasetCounter = 0; while (reader.Peek() != -1) { datasetCounter++; string datsetName = reader.ReadLine(); bool datasetNameContainsPath = datsetName.Contains("\\"); string currentDatasetPath = datsetName; if (datasetNameContainsPath) { currentDatasetPath = datsetName; } else { var datasetutil = new DatasetUtilities(); currentDatasetPath = Path.Combine(datasetutil.GetDatasetPath(datsetName), datsetName + ".raw"); if (currentDatasetPath.ToLower().Contains("purged")) { string tempPathWhileArchiveIsDown = @"\\protoapps\UserData\Slysz\Data\Yellowstone\RawData"; currentDatasetPath = Path.Combine(tempPathWhileArchiveIsDown, datsetName + ".raw"); //currentDatasetPath = Path.Combine(datasetutil.GetDatasetPathArchived(datsetName), datsetName + ".raw"); } } if (!File.Exists(currentDatasetPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Dataset not found! Dataset path = " + currentDatasetPath); } ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); //processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; processStartInfo.FileName = @"IQConsole.exe"; var argString = new StringBuilder(); argString.Append("\"" + currentDatasetPath + "\""); argString.Append(" "); argString.Append("\"" + parameterFile + "\""); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFile)) { argString.Append(" "); argString.Append(targetFile); } processStartInfo.Arguments = argString.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Argument line= " + argString); try { Console.WriteLine("Working on dataset " + datasetCounter + "\t" + currentDatasetPath); Process p = Process.Start(processStartInfo); p.WaitForExit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!! Dataset FAILED. See log file for details. Error:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } } else { ReportSyntax(); } }
static int Main(string[] args) { var options = new IqConsoleOptions(); var datasetList = new List <string>(); if (!CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { return(-1); } var inputFile = options.InputFile; var inputFileIsAListOfDatasets = inputFile.ToLower().EndsWith(".txt"); if (inputFileIsAListOfDatasets) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(inputFile)) { while (reader.Peek() != -1) { var datsetName = reader.ReadLine(); datasetList.Add(datsetName); } } } else { datasetList.Add(options.InputFile); } var numDatasets = datasetList.Count; var datasetCounter = 0; foreach (var dataset in datasetList) { datasetCounter++; var datasetNameContainsPath = dataset.Contains(@"\"); string currentDatasetPath; if (datasetNameContainsPath) { currentDatasetPath = dataset; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.TemporaryWorkingFolder)) { IqLogger.Log.Fatal("Trying to grab .raw file from DMS, but no temporary working folder was declared. Use option -f. "); break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFolder)) { options.OutputFolder = options.TemporaryWorkingFolder; } var datasetutil = new DatasetUtilities(); //TODO: figure out how to do this while supporting other file types currentDatasetPath = Path.Combine(datasetutil.GetDatasetPath(dataset), dataset + ".raw"); if (currentDatasetPath.ToLower().Contains("purged")) { currentDatasetPath = Path.Combine(datasetutil.GetDatasetPathArchived(dataset), dataset + ".raw"); } } if (!File.Exists(currentDatasetPath)) { IqLogger.Log.Fatal("!!!!!!!!! Dataset not found! Dataset path = " + currentDatasetPath); return(-2); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFolder)) { options.OutputFolder = RunUtilities.GetDatasetParentFolder(currentDatasetPath); } var executorParameters = GetExecutorParameters(options); IqLogger.Log.Info("IQ analyzing dataset " + datasetCounter + " of " + numDatasets + ". Dataset = " + dataset); if (options.UseOldIq) { TargetedWorkflowExecutor executor = new BasicTargetedWorkflowExecutor(executorParameters, currentDatasetPath); //executor.Targets.TargetList = executor.Targets.TargetList.Take(10).ToList(); executor.MsgfFdrScoreCutoff = 0.1; executor.Execute(); } else { var run = new RunFactory().CreateRun(currentDatasetPath); var executor = new IqExecutor(executorParameters, run); executor.LoadAndInitializeTargets(executorParameters.TargetsFilePath); executor.SetupMassAndNetAlignment(); executor.DoAlignment(); foreach (var iqTarget in executor.Targets) { TargetedWorkflowParameters workflowParameters = new O16O18WorkflowParameters(); if (iqTarget.ElutionTimeTheor > 0.7 || iqTarget.ElutionTimeTheor < 0.15) { //TODO: remove the hard-coded value workflowParameters.ChromNETTolerance = 0.1; } else { //TODO: remove the hard-coded value workflowParameters.ChromNETTolerance = 0.025; } if (run.MassAlignmentInfo != null && run.MassAlignmentInfo.StdevPpmShiftData > 0) { workflowParameters.ChromGenTolerance = run.MassAlignmentInfo.StdevPpmShiftData * 3; } //define workflows for parentTarget and childTargets // Note: this is currently hard-coded to user O16O18IqWorkflow var parentWorkflow = new ChromPeakDeciderIqWorkflow(run, workflowParameters); var childWorkflow = new O16O18IqWorkflow(run, workflowParameters); var workflowAssigner = new IqWorkflowAssigner(); workflowAssigner.AssignWorkflowToParent(parentWorkflow, iqTarget); workflowAssigner.AssignWorkflowToChildren(childWorkflow, iqTarget); } executor.Execute(); run.Dispose(); } } return(0); }