コード例 #1
        private Rect GetFaceRoi(Mat mask, Rect roi, int size, out double faceRatio)
            var maxI = -1;
            var maxJ = -1;
            var max  = 0.0;

            for (var i = roi.Y; i < roi.Y + roi.Height - size; i += 4)
                for (var j = roi.X; j < roi.X + roi.Width - size; j += 4)
                    var newIm = new Mat(mask, new Rect(j, i, size, size));
                    var count = Cv2.CountNonZero(newIm);
                    var ratio = count * 1.0 / (size * size);

                    if (ratio > max)
                        max  = ratio;
                        maxI = i;
                        maxJ = j;

            faceRatio = max;

            if (maxI == -1)

            return(new Rect(maxJ, maxI, size, size));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect the eye state of the face on camera.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">The detected facial landmark points.</param>
        /// <returns>The surface area of both eyes.</returns>
        private bool AreEyesOpen(FullObjectDetection shape)
            // get all landmark points of the left eye
            var leftEye = from i in Enumerable.Range(36, 6)
                          let p = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                  select new OpenCvSharp.Point(p.X, p.Y);

            // get all landmark points of the right eye
            var rightEye = from i in Enumerable.Range(42, 6)
                           let p = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                   select new OpenCvSharp.Point(p.X, p.Y);

            // create a mask of the eye areas
            using (var mask = new Mat(new OpenCvSharp.Size(640, 480), MatType.CV_8UC1))
                Cv2.FillConvexPoly(mask, leftEye, Scalar.White);
                Cv2.FillConvexPoly(mask, rightEye, Scalar.White);

                // count the number of pixels in the eye area
                var pixels = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);

                // the maximum possible area is 40% of the surface area of both eyeballs
                int    r1             = (shape.GetPart(39).X - shape.GetPart(36).X) / 2;
                int    r2             = (shape.GetPart(45).X - shape.GetPart(42).X) / 2;
                double normalizedArea = 0.4 * Math.PI * r1 * r1 + 0.4 * Math.PI * r2 * r2;

                // calculate fractional area and normalize on a 0-100 scale
                var value    = (int)(100 * pixels / normalizedArea - 20);
                var eyeState = value >= 0 && value <= 100 ? value : 0;

                // return result
                return(eyeState > 30);
コード例 #3
        private void surfrecog(int thre, double deltaz)
            MotorControler mc     = MotorControler.GetInstance(parameterManager);
            Camera         camera = Camera.GetInstance();

            bool flag = true;

            while (flag)
                mc.MoveDistance(deltaz, VectorId.Z);

                byte[] b   = camera.ArrayImage;
                Mat    src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
                Mat    mat = src.Clone();

                Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
                Mat gau = mat.Clone();
                Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(17, 17), -1);
                Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
                Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 10, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
                int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);

                if (brightness > thre)
                    flag = false;
コード例 #4
        static public int HitPixCount(byte[] b, int width, int height, int kernel, int thre = 10)
            Mat mat0 = new Mat(height, width, MatType.CV_8U, b);
            Mat mat  = mat0.Clone();

            Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, thre, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
            int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// この関数を実行すると,カメラから画像を取得し,グリッドマークを検出しその座標を返します.
        /// 実行時のレンズはx50対物であることを前提とします.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>グリッドマークを検出したピクセル座標。検出できなかった時は(-1,-1)が返される</returns>
        public Vector2 SearchGridMarkx50()
            // レンズが50倍に設定されていない場合は例外を返すようにしたいがやり方が分からん(20140724)
            //if (parameterManager.Magnification != ParameterManager.) {
            //    throw new LensTypeException(ParameterManager.LensMagnificationOfGridMarkSearch);
            Camera c = Camera.GetInstance();

            byte[] b   = c.ArrayImage;
            Mat    mat = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);

            //mat.ImWrite(String.Format(@"c:\img\{0}_g.bmp", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff")));
            Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(5, 5), -1);
            Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 60, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
            //mat.ImWrite(String.Format(@"c:\img\{0}_t.bmp", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff")));

            Moments mom = new Moments(mat);

            if (mom.M00 < 1000 * 255)
                return(new Vector2(-1.0, -1.0));

            double cx       = mom.M10 / mom.M00;
            double cy       = mom.M01 / mom.M00;
            Mat    innercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);

            Cv2.Circle(innercir, new Point(cx, cy), 30, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
            int innerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);

            Cv2.BitwiseAnd(innercir, mat, innercir);
            int innersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);

            Mat outercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);

            Cv2.Circle(outercir, new Point(cx, cy), 200, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
            int outerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);

            Cv2.BitwiseAnd(outercir, mat, outercir);
            int outersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);

            double innerratio = innersum * 1.0 / innerpath * 1.0;
            double outerratio = outersum * 1.0 / outerpath * 1.0;

            if (innerratio < 0.8)
                return(new Vector2(-1.0, -1.0));
            if (outerratio > 0.2)
                return(new Vector2(-1.0, -1.0));

            return(new Vector2(cx, cy));
コード例 #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\Laptop\Desktop\asd2");
            Window   show  = new Window("", WindowMode.FreeRatio);
            Window   show2 = new Window("asds", WindowMode.FreeRatio);

            Mat[] splitMat  = new Mat[3];
            Mat   image     = new Mat();
            Mat   imageTrue = new Mat();

            foreach (var file in files)
                image = Cv2.ImRead(file);
                Cv2.CvtColor(image, image, ColorConversion.RgbToHsv);
                Cv2.Split(image, out splitMat);
                //Cv2.CvtColor(splitMat[1], image, ColorConversion.RgbToGray);

                Cv2.BitwiseNot(splitMat[1], image);
                Cv2.Threshold(image, image, 210, 255, ThresholdType.Binary);

                int    total        = image.Cols * image.Rows;
                int    black        = Cv2.CountNonZero(image);
                float  debesuotumas = (float)black / (float)total;
                string oroSalygos   = "";
                if (debesuotumas != 0 && debesuotumas < 0.01)
                    oroSalygos = "Giedra su mazais debesimis";
                else if (0.01 < debesuotumas && debesuotumas < 0.45)
                    oroSalygos = "Lengvas Debesuotumas";
                else if (0.45 < debesuotumas && debesuotumas < 0.8)
                    oroSalygos = "Debesuota";
                else if (0.8 < debesuotumas)
                    oroSalygos = "Labai Debesuota";
                    oroSalygos = "Giedra";

                Point vieta = new Point(100, 100);
                Cv2.PutText(imageTrue, oroSalygos, vieta, FontFace.Italic, 3, Scalar.Red, 5);
                show.Image  = image;
                show2.Image = imageTrue;
コード例 #7
        public void MorphologyExDilate()
            using Mat src = new Mat(100, 100, MatType.CV_8UC1, 255);
            using Mat dst = new Mat();
            Cv2.Rectangle(src, new Rect(30, 30, 40, 40), Scalar.Black, 1);
            Cv2.MorphologyEx(src, dst, MorphTypes.Dilate, null);

            ShowImagesWhenDebugMode(src, dst);

            Assert.Equal(src.Rows * src.Cols, Cv2.CountNonZero(dst));
コード例 #8
        public void MorphologyExErode()
            using Mat src = Mat.Zeros(100, 100, MatType.CV_8UC1);
            using Mat dst = new Mat();
            Cv2.Rectangle(src, new Rect(30, 30, 40, 40), Scalar.White, 1);
            Cv2.MorphologyEx(src, dst, MorphTypes.Erode, null);

            ShowImagesWhenDebugMode(src, dst);

            Assert.Equal(0, Cv2.CountNonZero(dst));
コード例 #9
        public static int SearchImagePercentage(Bitmap source, Tuple <double, double, double> lower, Tuple <double, double, double> upper)
            var sourceMat   = BitmapConverter.ToMat(source);
            var colorMat    = sourceMat.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.RGB2HSV);
            var thresholded = new Mat();

                        new Scalar(lower.Item3, lower.Item1, lower.Item2),
                        new Scalar(upper.Item3, upper.Item1, upper.Item2),

            return(Cv2.CountNonZero(thresholded) / (source.Width * source.Height));
コード例 #10
        private List <Mat> getIndividualBoxes(Mat unwarped)
            int        pixelnum = 3;
            List <Mat> boxes    = new List <Mat>();

            Point[][]        contours;
            HierarchyIndex[] hierarchyIndex;
            int inc = unwarped.Rows / 9;

            for (int x = 0; x < 9; x += 1)
                for (int y = 0; y < 9; y += 1)
                    int xind = x * inc;
                    int yind = y * inc;
                    var num  = unwarped.SubMat(xind + pixelnum, xind - pixelnum + inc, yind + pixelnum, yind - pixelnum + inc);
                    if (Cv2.CountNonZero(num) < 100)
                        num.FindContours(out contours, out hierarchyIndex, RetrievalModes.External, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);

                        Point[] LargestContour = new Point[1];
                        double  maxArea        = 0;
                        foreach (var c in contours)
                            double tempArea = Cv2.ContourArea(c);
                            if (tempArea > maxArea)
                                maxArea        = tempArea;
                                LargestContour = c;
                        int  w      = 25;
                        Rect rec    = Cv2.BoundingRect(LargestContour);
                        Mat  numbox = new Mat(w, w, MatType.CV_8UC1);

                        var dest = new Point2f[] { new Point2f(0, 0), new Point2f(0, w), new Point2f(w, w), new Point2f(w, 0) };

                        var transform = Cv2.GetPerspectiveTransform(rect2Contour(rec), dest);
                        Cv2.WarpPerspective(num, numbox, transform, new Size(w, w));

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 現在撮影している画像をDiffence of Gaussianm→二値化し、hitピクセルの数を数えます。
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>hitピクセルの数</returns>
        public int CountHitPixels()
            Camera camera = Camera.GetInstance();

            byte[] b    = camera.ArrayImage;
            Mat    mat0 = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
            Mat    mat  = mat0.Clone();

            Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);

            Mat gau = mat.Clone();

            Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(31, 31), -1);
            Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
            Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, BinarizeThreshold, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
            brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);

コード例 #12
ファイル: grabcut.cs プロジェクト: fel88/SOBA
        private void PictureBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)
            ldrag = false;
            if (_mask != null)
                _tmp = _mask & (byte)GrabCutClasses.FGD;
                var c = Cv2.CountNonZero(_tmp);

                if (c > 0)
                    Cv2.GrabCut(_src, _gcut, new Rect(), _bgd, _fgd, 1, GrabCutModes.InitWithMask);
コード例 #13
        protected static void ImageEquals(Mat img1, Mat img2)
            if (img1 == null && img2 == null)
#pragma warning disable CS8602
#pragma warning disable CA1062
            Assert.Equal(img1.Type(), img2.Type());
#pragma warning restore CS8602
#pragma warning restore CA1062

            using (var comparison = new Mat())
                Cv2.Compare(img1, img2, comparison, CmpTypes.NE);
                if (img1.Channels() == 1)
                    Assert.Equal(0, Cv2.CountNonZero(comparison));
                    var channels = Cv2.Split(comparison);
                        foreach (var channel in channels)
                            Assert.Equal(0, Cv2.CountNonZero(channel));
                        foreach (var channel in channels)
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect the eye state from the landmark points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">The current video frame.</param>
        /// <param name="shape">The current landmark points.</param>
        private void DetectEyeState(System.Drawing.Bitmap frame, FullObjectDetection shape)
            // get all landmark points of the left eye
            var leftEye = from i in Enumerable.Range(36, 6)
                          let p = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                  select new OpenCvSharp.Point(p.X, p.Y);

            // get all landmark points of the right eye
            var rightEye = from i in Enumerable.Range(42, 6)
                           let p = shape.GetPart((uint)i)
                                   select new OpenCvSharp.Point(p.X, p.Y);

            // draw the eye areas into a new image
            using (var mask = new Mat(new Size(frame.Width, frame.Height), MatType.CV_8UC1))
                Cv2.FillConvexPoly(mask, leftEye, Scalar.White);
                Cv2.FillConvexPoly(mask, rightEye, Scalar.White);

                // calculate surface area of both eyes
                int area = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);

                // the maximum possible area is 40% of the surface area of both eyeballs
                int    r1             = (shape.GetPart(39).X - shape.GetPart(36).X) / 2;
                int    r2             = (shape.GetPart(45).X - shape.GetPart(42).X) / 2;
                double normalizedArea = 0.4 * Math.PI * r1 * r1 + 0.4 * Math.PI * r2 * r2;

                // calculate fractional area and normalize on a 0-100 scale
                var value = (int)(100 * area / normalizedArea - 20);
                eyeStateValue = value >= 0 && value <= 100 ? value : 0;

                // calculate bounding box around eyes
                var rect = Cv2.BoundingRect(Enumerable.Union(leftEye, rightEye));
                rect.Inflate(30, 30);

                // copy the eye image to the picturebox
                var maskImg = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap(mask.Clone(rect));
                eyeBox.Image = maskImg;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 霍夫变换,再反复迭代找出合适的线。效果hin差
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input_img"></param>
        private void H_ough(Mat input_img)
            int dianshu_threshold = Cv2.CountNonZero(input_img) / 100;                                     //以白色点数为锚确定霍夫变换threshold

            LineSegmentPoint[] lineSegmentPoint;                                                           //创建接收数组
            while (true)                                                                                   //循环找出合适的阈值
                lineSegmentPoint = Cv2.HoughLinesP(input_img, 1.0, Cv2.PI / 180, dianshu_threshold, 0, 0); //进行霍夫变换直线检测

                //int line_number = lineSegmentPoint.Length;
                if (lineSegmentPoint.Length < 4)
                    dianshu_threshold -= 2;
                else if (lineSegmentPoint.Length > 8)
                    dianshu_threshold += 1;
            using (Mat SeeLines = new Mat("D:/XD/1-dis/pic/1.jpg", ImreadModes.Color))
                Cv2.Resize(SeeLines, SeeLines, new OpenCvSharp.Size(SeeLines.Width * 0.25, SeeLines.Height * 0.25));

                for (int i = 0; i < lineSegmentPoint.Length; i++)
                    Cv2.Line(SeeLines, lineSegmentPoint[i].P1, lineSegmentPoint[i].P2, Scalar.RandomColor(), 3);
                using (new Window("lines", SeeLines)) { Cv2.WaitKey(0); }
コード例 #16
ファイル: TestBase.cs プロジェクト: tianliang0314/opencvsharp
        protected void ImageEquals(Mat img1, Mat img2)
            if (img1 == null && img2 == null)
            Assert.AreEqual(img1.Type(), img2.Type());

            using (var comparison = new Mat())
                Cv2.Compare(img1, img2, comparison, CmpTypes.NE);
                if (img1.Channels() == 1)
                    var channels = Cv2.Split(comparison);
                        foreach (var channel in channels)
                        foreach (var channel in channels)
コード例 #17
        public void GetDiffFrame(int width, int height, out double[] buf)
            buf = new double[width * height];
            var frame       = new Mat();
            var diff        = new Mat();
            var rotatedrect = new RotatedRect();

            if (capture.Read(frame))
                frame = frame.Resize(new Size(width, height));
                Cv2.CvtColor(frame, frame, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);
                if (PrevFrame != null)
                    Cv2.Absdiff(frame, PrevFrame, diff);
                    double weight = 1;
                    Mat[]  contours;
                    for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
                        Cv2.Threshold(diff, diff, byte.MaxValue / 8, byte.MaxValue, ThresholdTypes.Otsu);

                        var nonzerocnt = Cv2.CountNonZero(diff);
                        weight = (0.25 - ((double)nonzerocnt) / (width * height)) / (0.25);
                        weight = weight < 0 ? 0 : weight;

                        if (weight > 0.5)
                            Mat h = new Mat();
                            Cv2.FindContours(diff, out contours, new Mat(), RetrievalModes.External, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxTC89KCOS);

                            diff = new Mat(new Size(width, height), MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                            if (contours.Length > 0)
                                var areaave = contours.Average(x => Cv2.ContourArea(x));
                                for (int i = 0; i < contours.Length; i++)
                                    if (Cv2.ContourArea(contours[i]) > areaave)
                                        Cv2.DrawContours(diff, contours, i, new Scalar(byte.MaxValue), -1);
                            diff = new Mat(new Size(width, height), MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                    Point[][]        contourspoint;
                    HierarchyIndex[] hierarchyIndexes;
                    Cv2.FindContours(diff.Clone(), out contourspoint, out hierarchyIndexes, RetrievalModes.External, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxTC89KCOS);
                    if (contourspoint.Length > 0)
                        var points = new List <Point>();
                        for (int idx_cnt = 0; idx_cnt < contourspoint.GetLength(0); ++idx_cnt)
                            if (hierarchyIndexes[idx_cnt].Parent != -1)
                        if (points.Count > 5)
                            diff        = new Mat(new Size(width, height), MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                            rotatedrect = Cv2.FitEllipse(points);
                            float rho = 0.25f;
                            rotatedrect.Angle       = (rho * rotatedrect.Angle + (1 - rho) * PrevRect.Angle);
                            rotatedrect.Size.Width  = (rho * rotatedrect.Size.Width + (1 - rho) * PrevRect.Size.Width);
                            rotatedrect.Size.Height = (rho * rotatedrect.Size.Height + (1 - rho) * PrevRect.Size.Height);
                            Cv2.Ellipse(diff, rotatedrect, new Scalar(byte.MaxValue), -1);

                    double w = 0.8;
                    Cv2.AddWeighted(PrevDiffFrame, w, diff, 1 - w, 0, diff);

                    Mat result = diff.Clone();
                    //Cv2.Threshold(diff, result, byte.MaxValue / 8, byte.MaxValue, ThresholdTypes.Binary);

                    Cv2.Dilate(result, result, new Mat(), new Point(-1, -1), 8);

                    //frame.CopyTo(result, result);

                        byte *rslt = (byte *)result.Data;
                        byte *f    = (byte *)frame.Data;
                        for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
                            double r = (double)rslt[i] / byte.MaxValue;
                            if (r > 0.25)
                                buf[i] = ((double)f[i] / byte.MaxValue) + 0.25;
                if (PrevFrame == null)
                    PrevFrame     = frame.Clone();
                    PrevDiffFrame = new Mat(PrevFrame.Size(), PrevFrame.Type(), new Scalar(0));
                    PrevRect      = new RotatedRect();
                    double weight = 0.5;
                    Cv2.AddWeighted(PrevFrame, weight, frame, 1 - weight, 0, PrevFrame);
                    PrevDiffFrame = diff.Clone();
                    PrevRect      = rotatedrect;
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img"></param>
        /// <param name="rho"></param>
        /// <param name="theta"></param>
        /// <param name="threshold"></param>
        /// <param name="minLineLength"></param>
        /// <param name="maxLineGap"></param>
        /// <param name="thetaMin"></param>
        /// <param name="thetaMax"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LineSegmentPoint[] HoughLinesProbabilisticEx(this Mat img, double rho, double theta, int threshold, double minLineLength, double maxLineGap,
                                                                   double thetaMin = 0, double thetaMax = Math.PI)
            if (img == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(img));
            if (img.Type() != MatType.CV_8UC1)
                throw new ArgumentException("The source matrix must be 8-bit, single-channel image.");
            if (rho <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rho));
            if (theta <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(theta));
            if (threshold <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(threshold));
            if (minLineLength <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minLineLength));
            if (thetaMax < thetaMin)
                throw new ArgumentException("thetaMax < thetaMin");
            if (thetaMax > Math.PI)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(thetaMax), "thetaMax <= pi");
            if (thetaMin < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(thetaMin), "thetaMin >= 0");

                // 画像パラメータの収集
                byte *data   = (byte *)img.DataStart;
                int   width  = img.Cols;
                int   height = img.Rows;
                int   step   = (int)img.Step();

                // sin, cosのLUTを作っておく
                double   numAngleAll = Math.PI / theta;
                int      angleMin    = (int)Math.Round(numAngleAll * (thetaMin / Math.PI)); //(int)Math.Round(thetaMin * 180 / Cv.PI);
                int      angleMax    = (int)Math.Round(numAngleAll * (thetaMax / Math.PI));
                int      numAngle    = angleMax - angleMin;
                int      numRho      = (int)Math.Round(((width + height) * 2 + 1) / rho);
                double[] sin         = new double[angleMax]; // 大きめに作成。angleMinより手前の要素は使わない
                double[] cos         = new double[angleMax];
                    double rad  = thetaMin;
                    double irho = 1 / rho;
                    for (int t = angleMin; t < angleMax; t++, rad += theta)
                        sin[t] = Math.Sin(rad * irho);
                        cos[t] = Math.Cos(rad * irho);

                // 1. 非0の点を収集
                Point[] points = new Point[Cv2.CountNonZero(img)];
                bool[]  mask   = new bool[width * height];
                int     i      = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    byte *p      = data + y * step;
                    int   offset = y * width;
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        if (p[x] != 0)
                            mask[offset + x] = true;
                            points[i++]      = new Point(x, y);
                            mask[offset + x] = false;

                // ランダムな順に並び変え

                // 2. 画素をランダムに選択し処理
                var accum  = new int[numAngle * numRho];
                var result = new List <LineSegmentPoint>();
                for (int count = 0; count < points.Length; count++)
                    Point pt = points[count];

                    // 画素データが更新されているのは除外
                    if (!mask[pt.Y * width + pt.X])

                    // 2.1 [θ,ρ]空間で投票し、投票値が最大値となるθを求める
                    int maxR = threshold - 1;
                    int maxT = 0;
                    fixed(int *paccum = accum)
                        int *adata = paccum;

                        for (int t = angleMin; t < angleMax; t++, adata += numRho)
                            int r = (int)Math.Round(pt.X * cos[t] + pt.Y * sin[t]);
                            r += (numRho - 1) / 2;
                            int val = ++adata[r];
                            if (maxR < val)
                                maxR = val;
                                maxT = t;

                    if (maxR < threshold)

                    // 2.2 追尾用の増分値 (dx0,dy0) の設定
                    double    a = -sin[maxT];
                    double    b = cos[maxT];
                    int       x0 = pt.X;
                    int       y0 = pt.Y;
                    int       dx0, dy0;
                    bool      xflag;
                    const int shift = 16;
                    if (Math.Abs(a) > Math.Abs(b))
                        xflag = true;
                        dx0   = a > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                        dy0   = (int)Math.Round(b * (1 << shift) / Math.Abs(a));
                        y0    = (y0 << shift) + (1 << (shift - 1));
                        xflag = false;
                        dy0   = b > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                        dx0   = (int)Math.Round(a * (1 << shift) / Math.Abs(b));
                        x0    = (x0 << shift) + (1 << (shift - 1));

                    // 2.3 線分画素を両端方向に追尾し、線分を抽出
                    Point[] lineEnd = { new Point(), new Point() };
                    for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                        int gap = 0;
                        int x = x0, y = y0, dx = dx0, dy = dy0;

                        if (k > 0)
                            dx = -dx;
                            dy = -dy;

                        // walk along the line using fixed-point arithmetics,
                        // stop at the image border or in case of too big gap
                        for (; ; x += dx, y += dy)
                            int x1, y1;

                            if (xflag)
                                x1 = x;
                                y1 = y >> shift;
                                x1 = x >> shift;
                                y1 = y;

                            if (x1 < 0 || x1 >= width || y1 < 0 || y1 >= height)

                            // for each non-zero point:
                            //    update line end,
                            //    clear the mask element
                            //    reset the gap
                            if (mask[y1 * width + x1])
                                gap          = 0;
                                lineEnd[k].X = x1;
                                lineEnd[k].Y = y1;
                            else if (++gap > maxLineGap)

                    // lineLengthより長いものを線分候補とする
                    bool goodLine = Math.Abs(lineEnd[1].X - lineEnd[0].X) >= minLineLength ||
                                    Math.Abs(lineEnd[1].Y - lineEnd[0].Y) >= minLineLength;

                    // 2.4 追尾した画素を削除し、次回以降は処理されないようにする
                    //if (processOnce)
                        for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                            int x = x0, y = y0, dx = dx0, dy = dy0;

                            if (k > 0)
                                dx = -dx;
                                dy = -dy;

                            // walk along the line using fixed-point arithmetics,
                            // stop at the image border or in case of too big gap
                            for (; ; x += dx, y += dy)
                                int x1, y1;

                                if (xflag)
                                    x1 = x;
                                    y1 = y >> shift;
                                    x1 = x >> shift;
                                    y1 = y;

                                // for each non-zero point:
                                //    update line end,
                                //    clear the mask element
                                //    reset the gap
                                if (mask[y1 * width + x1])
                                    if (goodLine)
                                        fixed(int *paccum = accum)
                                            int *adata = paccum;

                                            for (int t = angleMin; t < angleMax; t++, adata += numRho)
                                                int r = (int)Math.Round(x1 * cos[t] + y1 * sin[t]);
                                                r += (numRho - 1) / 2;
                                    mask[y1 * width + x1] = false;

                                if (y1 == lineEnd[k].Y && x1 == lineEnd[k].X)

                    if (goodLine)
                        result.Add(new LineSegmentPoint(lineEnd[0], lineEnd[1]));

コード例 #19
        private void task()
            MotorControler mc     = MotorControler.GetInstance(parameterManager);
            Surface        sur    = Surface.GetInstance(parameterManager);
            Camera         camera = Camera.GetInstance();
            Led            led    = Led.GetInstance();
            CoordManager   cm     = new CoordManager(parameterManager);

            Vector3 InitPoint = mc.GetPoint();

            List <Vector2> list_grid_pred  = new List <Vector2>();
            List <Vector2> list_grid_meas  = new List <Vector2>();
            List <Vector2> list_grid_part  = new List <Vector2>();
            List <Vector2> list_grid_meas2 = new List <Vector2>();

             * list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2( 0.0, 0.0));
             * list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(30.0, 0.0));
             * list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2( 0.0, 30.0));
             * list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(30.0, 30.0));
             * list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(60.0, 0.0));
             * list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(0.0, 60.0));
             * list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(60.0, 60.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(0.0, 10.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(10.0, 0.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(10.0, 10.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(20.0, 0.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(0.0, 20.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(20.0, 20.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(20.0, 10.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(30.0, 0.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(30.0, 10.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(10.0, 20.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(30.0, 20.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(10.0, 30.0));
             * //list_grid_pred.Add(new Vector2(20.0, 30.0));
             * camera.Start();
             * Affine ap = new Affine(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
             * for (int i = 0; i < list_grid_pred.Count; i++) {
             *  Vector2 predpoint = ap.Trance(list_grid_pred[i]);
             *  //mc.MovePoint(predpoint.X, predpoint.Y, InitPoint.Z + 0.030);
             *  mc.MoveTo(new Vector3(predpoint.X, predpoint.Y, InitPoint.Z + 0.030), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
             *  mc.Join();
             *  led.AdjustLight(parameterManager);
             *  bool flag = true;
             *  while (flag) {
             *      mc.MoveDistance(-0.003, VectorId.Z);
             *      mc.Join();
             *      byte[] b = camera.ArrayImage;
             *      Mat src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
             *      Mat mat = src.Clone();
             *      Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
             *      Mat gau = mat.Clone();
             *      Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(7, 7), -1);
             *      Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
             *      Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 4, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
             *      int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);
             *      if (brightness > 5000 ) flag = false;
             *  }
             *  Thread.Sleep(100);
             *  mc.SetSpiralCenterPoint();
             *  flag = true;
             *  int counter = 0;
             *  while (flag) {
             *      if(counter!=0){
             *         mc.MoveInSpiral(true);
             *         mc.Join();
             *      }
             *      counter++;
             *      Camera c = Camera.GetInstance();
             *      byte[] b = c.ArrayImage;
             *      Mat mat = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
             *      Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(7, 7), -1);
             *      Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 60, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
             *      Moments mom = new Moments(mat);
             *      if (mom.M00 < 1000 * 255) continue;
             *      double cx = mom.M10 / mom.M00;
             *      double cy = mom.M01 / mom.M00;
             *      Mat innercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);
             *      Cv2.Circle(innercir, new Point(cx, cy), 10, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
             *      int innerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);
             *      Cv2.BitwiseAnd(innercir, mat, innercir);
             *      int innersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);
             *      Mat outercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);
             *      Cv2.Circle(outercir, new Point(cx, cy), 100, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
             *      int outerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);
             *      Cv2.BitwiseAnd(outercir, mat, outercir);
             *      int outersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);
             *      double innerratio = innersum * 1.0 / innerpath * 1.0;
             *      double outerratio = outersum * 1.0 / outerpath * 1.0;
             *      if (innerratio < 0.8) continue;
             *      if (outerratio > 0.2) continue;
             *      flag = false;
             *      //
             *      Vector2 grid_meas = cm.TransToEmulsionCoord((int)(cx), (int)(cy));
             *      Vector3 to = new Vector3(grid_meas.X, grid_meas.Y, mc.GetPoint().Z);
             *      mc.MoveTo(to, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
             *      mc.Join();
             *      b = c.ArrayImage;
             *      mat = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
             *      Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(7, 7), -1);
             *      Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 60, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);
             *      mom = new Moments(mat);
             *      if (mom.M00 < 1000 * 255) continue;
             *      cx = mom.M10 / mom.M00;
             *      cy = mom.M01 / mom.M00;
             *      innercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);
             *      Cv2.Circle(innercir, new Point(cx, cy), 10, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
             *      innerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);
             *      Cv2.BitwiseAnd(innercir, mat, innercir);
             *      innersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);
             *      outercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);
             *      Cv2.Circle(outercir, new Point(cx, cy), 100, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
             *      outerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);
             *      Cv2.BitwiseAnd(outercir, mat, outercir);
             *      outersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);
             *      innerratio = innersum * 1.0 / innerpath * 1.0;
             *      outerratio = outersum * 1.0 / outerpath * 1.0;
             *      if (innerratio < 0.8) continue;
             *      if (outerratio > 0.2) continue;
             *      grid_meas = cm.TransToEmulsionCoord((int)(cx), (int)(cy));
             *      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("gridmark {0} {1}", grid_meas.X, grid_meas.Y));
             *      list_grid_meas.Add(grid_meas);
             *      list_grid_part.Add(list_grid_pred[i]);
             *      if (i >= 3) {
             *          ap = Affine.CreateAffineBy(list_grid_part, list_grid_meas);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }//for(int i = 0; i < list_grid_pred.Count; i++)

            Affine ap = new Affine(1.00055550, -0.00152264, 0.00174182, 1.00096792, 12.7498, -62.5798);

            string       txtfileName = string.Format(@"c:\img\grid_g.txt");
            StreamWriter twriter     = File.CreateText(txtfileName);

            for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 6; y++)
                    //if (x == 0 && y == 5) continue;
                    //if (x == 1 && y == 5) continue;

                    Vector2 predpoint = ap.Trance(new Vector2(x * 10, y * 10));
                    mc.MoveTo(new Vector3(predpoint.X, predpoint.Y, InitPoint.Z + 0.030));


                    bool flag = true;
                    while (flag)
                        mc.MoveDistance(-0.003, VectorId.Z);

                        byte[] b   = camera.ArrayImage;
                        Mat    src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
                        Mat    mat = src.Clone();

                        Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
                        Mat gau = mat.Clone();
                        Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(7, 7), -1);
                        Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
                        Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 4, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
                        int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);

                        if (brightness > 5000)
                            flag = false;


                    byte[] b2       = camera.ArrayImage;
                    Mat    src2     = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b2);
                    Mat    mat2     = src2.Clone();
                    string FileName = string.Format(@"C:\img\x{0}_y{1}.bmp", x, y);
                    Cv2.ImWrite(FileName, mat2);

                    Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat2, mat2, Cv.Size(7, 7), -1);

                    Cv2.Threshold(mat2, mat2, 60, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv);

                    Moments mom2 = new Moments(mat2);

                    double cx2 = mom2.M10 / mom2.M00;
                    double cy2 = mom2.M01 / mom2.M00;

                    /*       Mat innercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);
                     *       Cv2.Circle(innercir, new Point(cx2, cy2), 10, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
                     *       int innerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);
                     *       Cv2.BitwiseAnd(innercir, mat2, innercir);
                     *       int innersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);
                     *       Mat outercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);
                     *       Cv2.Circle(outercir, new Point(cx2, cy2), 100, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
                     *       int outerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);
                     *       Cv2.BitwiseAnd(outercir, mat2, outercir);
                     *       int outersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);
                     *       double innerratio = innersum * 1.0 / innerpath * 1.0;
                     *       double outerratio = outersum * 1.0 / outerpath * 1.0;

                    Vector2 grid_meas2 = cm.TransToEmulsionCoord((int)(cx2), (int)(cy2));

                    FileName = string.Format(@"C:\img\after_x{0}_y{1}.bmp", x, y);
                    Cv2.ImWrite(FileName, mat2);

                    string stlog = "";
                    stlog += String.Format("{0} {1} {2:f4} {3:f4} {4:f4} {5:f4}\n",
                                           x * 10,
                                           y * 10,
                } //for y
            }     //for x

コード例 #20
        public Mat Run(Mat img1, Mat img2)
            Mat img3 = new Mat(Math.Max(img1.Height, img2.Height), img2.Width + img1.Width, MatType.CV_8UC3).SetTo(0);

            using (var descriptors1 = new Mat())
                using (var descriptors2 = new Mat())
                    using (var matcher = new BFMatcher(NormTypes.L2SQR))
                        using (var kaze = KAZE.Create())
                            kaze.DetectAndCompute(img1, null, out keypoints1, descriptors1);
                            kaze.DetectAndCompute(img2, null, out keypoints2, descriptors2);

                            if (descriptors1.Width > 0 && descriptors2.Width > 0)
                                DMatch[][] matches = matcher.KnnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, 2);
                                using (Mat mask = new Mat(matches.Length, 1, MatType.CV_8U))
                                    int nonZero = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);
                                    VoteForUniqueness(matches, mask);
                                    nonZero = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);
                                    nonZero = VoteForSizeAndOrientation(keypoints2, keypoints1, matches, mask, 1.5f, 10);

                                    List <Point2f> obj             = new List <Point2f>();
                                    List <Point2f> scene           = new List <Point2f>();
                                    List <DMatch>  goodMatchesList = new List <DMatch>();
                                    //iterate through the mask only pulling out nonzero items because they're matches
                                    MatIndexer <byte> maskIndexer = mask.GetGenericIndexer <byte>();
                                    for (int i = 0; i < mask.Rows; i++)
                                        if (maskIndexer[i] > 0)

                                    List <Point2d> objPts   = obj.ConvertAll(Point2fToPoint2d);
                                    List <Point2d> scenePts = scene.ConvertAll(Point2fToPoint2d);
                                    if (nonZero >= 4)
                                        Mat homography = Cv2.FindHomography(objPts, scenePts, HomographyMethods.Ransac, 1.5, mask);
                                        nonZero = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);

                                        if (homography != null && homography.Width > 0)
                                            Point2f[] objCorners = { new Point2f(0,                 0),
                                                                     new Point2f(img1.Cols,         0),
                                                                     new Point2f(img1.Cols, img1.Rows),
                                                                     new Point2f(0,         img1.Rows) };

                                            Point2d[] sceneCorners = MyPerspectiveTransform3(objCorners, homography);

                                            //This is a good concat horizontal
                                            using (Mat left = new Mat(img3, new Rect(0, 0, img1.Width, img1.Height)))
                                                using (Mat right = new Mat(img3, new Rect(img1.Width, 0, img2.Width, img2.Height)))

                                                    byte[] maskBytes = new byte[mask.Rows * mask.Cols];
                                                    mask.GetArray(out maskBytes);
                                                    Cv2.DrawMatches(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, goodMatchesList, img3, Scalar.All(-1), Scalar.All(-1), maskBytes, DrawMatchesFlags.NotDrawSinglePoints);

                                                    List <List <Point> > listOfListOfPoint2D = new List <List <Point> >();
                                                    List <Point>         listOfPoint2D       = new List <Point>();
                                                    listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[0].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[0].Y));
                                                    listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[1].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[1].Y));
                                                    listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[2].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[2].Y));
                                                    listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[3].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[3].Y));
                                                    img3.Polylines(listOfListOfPoint2D, true, Scalar.LimeGreen, 2);

                                                    //This works too
                                                    //Cv2.Line(img3, scene_corners[0] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), scene_corners[1] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), Scalar.LimeGreen);
                                                    //Cv2.Line(img3, scene_corners[1] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), scene_corners[2] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), Scalar.LimeGreen);
                                                    //Cv2.Line(img3, scene_corners[2] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), scene_corners[3] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), Scalar.LimeGreen);
                                                    //Cv2.Line(img3, scene_corners[3] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), scene_corners[0] + new Point2d(img1.Cols, 0), Scalar.LimeGreen);
コード例 #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (!Directory.Exists(Settings.Images.Output))

            if (!Directory.Exists(Settings.Images.Dump))

            var listOfImages = Directory.GetFiles(Settings.Images.Source, "*.jpg").ToList();

            //!Uncomment next line for select images by freq
            listOfImages = listOfImages.Where(x => x.Contains("940")).ToList();

            //! Comment from this to dump loading for dump load, lol
            //? get list of all filenames without .jpg and generate cntr PalmsList
            listOfImages.ForEach(x => {
                x         = x.Remove(0, x.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1).Replace(".jpg", "");
                var owner = x.Substring(0, x.Length - 3);

                PalmsList.Add(new PalmModel()
                    Id        = x.Substring(x.Length - 2),
                    Owner     = owner,
                    FileName  = x,
                    Directory = $@"{Settings.Images.Output}{owner}"

            //? get names and create name collection
            //? create dirs for saving data
            var userNames = PalmsList.DistinctBy(x => x.Owner);

            userNames.ForEach(x => {
                UsersList.Add(new UserModel()
                    Name      = x.Owner,
                    Patterns  = new List <Mat> (),
                    Directory = x.Directory

                if (Directory.Exists(x.Directory) && Directory.GetFiles(x.Directory).Length > 0)
                    Directory.Delete(x.Directory, true);  // recursive


            Console.WriteLine($"Total users: {UsersList.Count}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Total palm collection: {PalmsList.Count}");

            var totalROIExtractionTime = new Stopwatch();


            //! ROI extraction
            Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] ROI extraction");
            var ROITask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                PalmsList.ForEach(x => {
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                        var path      = $@"{Settings.Images.Source}\{x.FileName}.jpg";
                        x.SourceImage = Cv2.ImRead(path, ImreadModes.Color);

                        x.Height = x.SourceImage.Size().Height;
                        x.Width  = x.SourceImage.Size().Width;

                        //! apply threshold
                        Cv2.CvtColor(x.SourceImage, x.SourceImage, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

                        //                                          0, 255
                        x.ThresholdImage = x.SourceImage.Threshold(5, 255, ThresholdTypes.Otsu);

                        // save for debug
                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\binary_{x.Id}.jpg", x.ThresholdImage);

                        //! ROI extraction

                        var i1 = x.Height - 50;
                        var i2 = x.Width - 50;

                        var radius = 50;
                        int pX     = 0;
                        int pY     = 0;

                        for (int i = 50; i != i1; i++)
                            for (int j = 50; j != i2; j++)
                                if (x.ThresholdImage.Get <byte> (i, j) == Settings.COLOR_WHITE)
                                    int a = 0;
                                    for (a = 1; a < 360; a++)
                                        var y1 = Convert.ToInt16(j + radius * Math.Cos(a * Math.PI / 180));
                                        var x1 = Convert.ToInt16(i - radius * Math.Sin(a * Math.PI / 180));

                                        if (x1 < 1 || x1 > i1 || y1 < 1 || y1 > i2 || x.ThresholdImage.Get <byte> (x1, y1) == Settings.COLOR_BLACK)

                                    if (a == 360)
                                        radius += 10;
                                        pX      = i;
                                        pY      = j;

                        radius -= 10;

                        var x0    = Convert.ToInt16(pY - Math.Sqrt(2) * radius / 2);
                        var y0    = Convert.ToInt16(pX - Math.Sqrt(2) * radius / 2);
                        var wsize = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(2) * radius);

                        var rect = new Rect(x0, y0, wsize, wsize);

                        // for visual debug
                        Mat drawROIImage = new Mat();
                        drawROIImage.Rectangle(rect, Scalar.White);

                        x.ROI = new Mat(x.SourceImage, rect)
                                .Resize(new Size(216, 216));

                        Cv2.Rotate(x.ROI, x.ROI, RotateFlags.Rotate90Counterclockwise);

                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\ROIOnSource_{x.Id}.jpg", drawROIImage);
                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\ROI_{x.Id}.jpg", x.ROI);
                    }, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent | TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);

            Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] Total ROI extracton time: {totalROIExtractionTime.Elapsed}");

            //! Create dump
            Dump.ROI.Create(Settings.Images.Dump, PalmsList);

            //! Uncomment next block for loading images from dump and comment all lines before this
            // PalmsList = Dump.ROI.Load(Settings.Images.Dump, listOfImages);
            // var countFrom = 0;
            // var countTo = PalmsList.Count;
            // ------------------------------

            //! Apply filters

            Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] Apply filters to ROI image");

            var filtersTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                PalmsList.ForEach(x => {
                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                        //! Reduce noise
                        Cv2.MedianBlur(x.ROI, x.ROI, 5);

                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\ROI_Median_{x.Id}.jpg", x.ROI);

                        // Cv2.CvtColor(x.ROI, x.ROI, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);
                        Cv2.FastNlMeansDenoising(x.ROI, x.ROI);
                        Cv2.CvtColor(x.ROI, x.ROI, ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR);

                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\reduce_noise_{x.Id}.jpg", x.ROI);

                        //! Equalize hist
                        var element = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Cross, Settings.ElementSize);  // new Mat(7, 7, MatType.CV_8U);
                        Cv2.MorphologyEx(x.ROI, x.ROI, MorphTypes.Open, element);
                        Cv2.CvtColor(x.ROI, x.ROI, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2YUV);

                        // Cv2.EqualizeHist(x.ROI, x.ROI);
                        var RGB = Cv2.Split(x.ROI);

                        RGB[0] = RGB[0].EqualizeHist();
                        RGB[1] = RGB[1].EqualizeHist();
                        RGB[2] = RGB[2].EqualizeHist();

                        Cv2.Merge(RGB, x.ROI);
                        Cv2.CvtColor(x.ROI, x.ROI, ColorConversionCodes.YUV2BGR);

                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\equalized_hist_{x.Id}.jpg", x.ROI);

                        //! Invert image
                        Cv2.BitwiseNot(x.ROI, x.ROI);

                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\inverted_{x.Id}.jpg", x.ROI);

                        //! Erode image
                        Cv2.CvtColor(x.ROI, x.ROI, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);
                        Cv2.Erode(x.ROI, x.ROI, element);

                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\eroded_{x.Id}.jpg", x.ROI);

                        //! Skeletonize
                        var skel   = new Mat(x.ROI.Size(), MatType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
                        var temp   = new Mat();
                        var eroded = new Mat();

                            Cv2.MorphologyEx(x.ROI, eroded, MorphTypes.Erode, element);
                            Cv2.MorphologyEx(eroded, temp, MorphTypes.Dilate, element);
                            Cv2.Subtract(x.ROI, temp, temp);
                            Cv2.BitwiseOr(skel, temp, skel);
                        } while (Cv2.CountNonZero(x.ROI) != 0);

                        //! Threshold skeletonized image
                        var thr = skel.Threshold(0, 255, ThresholdTypes.Binary);

                        //! Remove contours
                        thr.Line(new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, thr.Height), Scalar.Black, 2);                  // rm left contour
                        thr.Line(new Point(0, 0), new Point(thr.Width, 0), Scalar.Black, 2);                   // rm top contour

                        thr.Line(new Point(thr.Width, thr.Height), new Point(thr.Width, 0), Scalar.Black, 2);  // rm right contour
                        thr.Line(new Point(thr.Width, thr.Height), new Point(0, thr.Height), Scalar.Black, 2); // rm bot contour

                        //! Normalize contours
                        element = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Ellipse, new Size(6, 6));

                        Cv2.Dilate(thr, thr, element);
                        Cv2.Erode(thr, thr, element);

                        Cv2.MorphologyEx(thr, thr, MorphTypes.Gradient, element);

                        Cv2.ImWrite($@"{x.Directory}\{x.Id}.jpg", thr);

                        var owner = UsersList.Find(u => u.Name == x.Owner);
                        owner.Patterns.Add(thr);  // add thresholded image to user patterns
                    }, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent | TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);

            Console.WriteLine($"[{DateTime.Now}] Total apply filters time: {totalROIExtractionTime.Elapsed}");

            //! Create dump with users and they patterns
            Dump.Patterns.Create(Settings.Images.Dump, UsersList);

            //! Create CSV file
            Dump.CSV.Create(Settings.Images.CSV, PalmsList);
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// 识别棋子坐标&颜色
        /// </summary>
        public List <Tuple <int, int, int> > GetChessCoorinate(Bitmap wzqBoardImage)
            Mat boardMat = BitmapConverter.ToMat(wzqBoardImage);

            Mat blurBoardMat = new Mat();

            Cv2.MedianBlur(boardMat, blurBoardMat, 9);

            Mat grayBoardMat = new Mat();

            Cv2.CvtColor(blurBoardMat, grayBoardMat, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            CircleSegment[] circleSegments = Cv2.HoughCircles(
                chessStep * 0.4, 70, 30,
                (int)(chessStep * 0.3),
                (int)(chessStep * 0.5));

            List <Tuple <int, int, int> > chessPointList = new List <Tuple <int, int, int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    Point2f point = new Point2f(j * chessStep + 0.5f * chessStep, i * chessStep + 0.5f * chessStep);
                    foreach (var circleSegment in circleSegments)
                        if (circleSegment.Center.DistanceTo(point) < 0.5 * chessStep)
                            //r^2 = a^2 + a^2
                            //--> a= ((r^2)/2)^-2

                            double len       = Math.Sqrt(circleSegment.Radius * circleSegment.Radius / 2);
                            Rect   rect      = new Rect((int)(circleSegment.Center.X - len), (int)(circleSegment.Center.Y - len), (int)(len * 2), (int)(len * 2));
                            Mat    squareMat = new Mat(grayBoardMat, rect);

                            Mat calculatedMat = new Mat();
                            Cv2.InRange(squareMat, scalarLower, scalarUpper, calculatedMat);
                            float result = 100f * Cv2.CountNonZero(calculatedMat) / (calculatedMat.Width * calculatedMat.Height);

                            chessPointList.Add(new Tuple <int, int, int>(i + 1, j + 1, result < 50 ? 1 : 2));

コード例 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// グリッドマークを入力中の映像から探し出し,その座標を返します.
        /// <para>発見に失敗した場合はGridMakrNotFoundExceptionが投げられます.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>グリッドマークの座標</returns>
        /// <exception cref="LensTypeException">レンズが10倍に設定されていない場合</exception>
        /// <exception cref="GridMarkNotFoundException">グリッドマークの探索に失敗した場合</exception>
        public Vector2 SearchGridMark()
            int status = 0;

            // レンズが10倍に設定されていない場合は例外を返す
            if (parameterManager.Magnification != ParameterManager.LensMagnificationOfGridMarkSearch)
                throw new LensTypeException(ParameterManager.LensMagnificationOfGridMarkSearch);

            Camera c = Camera.GetInstance();

            byte[] b    = c.ArrayImage;
            Mat    mat0 = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
            Mat    mat  = mat0.Clone();

            Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(121, 121), -1);

            Mat gau = mat.Clone();

            Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(231, 231), -1);
            Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);

            Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 22, 255, ThresholdType.Binary);

            Moments mom = new Moments(mat);

            if (mom.M00 == 0)
            if (mom.M00 > 4000 * 255)
                status++;                    //面積分布のヒストグラムから設定。面積4000pix以内。2015Dec
            if (status != 0)
                throw new GridMarkNotFoundException();

            double cx       = mom.M10 / mom.M00;
            double cy       = mom.M01 / mom.M00;
            Mat    innercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);

            Cv2.Circle(innercir, new Point(cx, cy), 10, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
            int innerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);

            Cv2.BitwiseAnd(innercir, mat, innercir);
            int innersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(innercir);
            //Cv2.ImShow("inner", innercir);

            Mat outercir = Mat.Zeros(440, 512, MatType.CV_8UC1);

            Cv2.Circle(outercir, new Point(cx, cy), 40, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), 3);
            int outerpath = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);

            Cv2.BitwiseAnd(outercir, mat, outercir);
            int outersum = Cv2.CountNonZero(outercir);
            //Cv2.ImShow("outer", outercir);

            double innerratio = innersum * 1.0 / innerpath * 1.0;
            double outerratio = outersum * 1.0 / outerpath * 1.0;

            if (innerratio < 0.7)
            if (outerratio > 0.2)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", innerratio, outerratio, mom.M00));

            if (status != 0)
                throw new GridMarkNotFoundException();
            return(new Vector2(cx, cy));

//#if !NoHardware
//            int gridMarkSize = (int)parameterManager.GridMarkSize;
//            int status = new CameraUtil().MarkCenter(ref x, ref y, gridMarkSize);
//            if (status != 0) {
//                throw new GridMarkNotFoundException();
//            }
コード例 #24
        private void Holes1(Mat cropped_image)
                Holecount = 0;
                Mat hole_crop = new Mat();
                OpenCvSharp.Point[][] contour;
                HierarchyIndex[]      hier;
                OpenCvSharp.Rect      rect1  = new OpenCvSharp.Rect();
                OpenCvSharp.Size      ksize  = new OpenCvSharp.Size(3, 3);
                OpenCvSharp.Size      kksize = new OpenCvSharp.Size(5, 5);
                Mat element  = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Cross, ksize);
                Mat element1 = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Cross, kksize);
                if (hole_crop.Channels() == 1)
                    Cv2.CvtColor(hole_crop, hole_crop, ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR);

                OpenCvSharp.Rect roi1 = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(47, 320, 180, 236); //47,340,180,220  47, 338, 180, 220
                Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, roi1, Scalar.Green, 3);                 //3
                OpenCvSharp.Point pnt1 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(roi1.X, roi1.Y);
                Cv2.PutText(hole_crop, 1.ToString(), pnt1, HersheyFonts.HersheyPlain, 8, Scalar.Red, 5);

                OpenCvSharp.Rect roi2 = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(430, 27, 200, 215); //370,25,200,200    //430,30,200,210
                Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, roi2, Scalar.Green, 3);                 //3
                OpenCvSharp.Point pnt2 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(roi2.X - 80, roi2.Y + 80);
                Cv2.PutText(hole_crop, 2.ToString(), pnt2, HersheyFonts.HersheyPlain, 8, Scalar.Red, 5);

                OpenCvSharp.Rect roi3 = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(881, 320, 202, 250); //870,320,200,250    877, 320, 200, 250
                Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, roi3, Scalar.Green, 3);                  //3
                OpenCvSharp.Point pnt3 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(roi3.X, roi3.Y);
                Cv2.PutText(hole_crop, 3.ToString(), pnt3, HersheyFonts.HersheyPlain, 8, Scalar.Red, 5);

                OpenCvSharp.Rect roi4 = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(550, 780, 185, 220); //580,800,200,200   550, 790, 170, 210   550, 800, 170, 200
                Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, roi4, Scalar.Green, 3);                  //3
                OpenCvSharp.Point pnt4 = new OpenCvSharp.Point(roi4.X, roi4.Y);
                Cv2.PutText(hole_crop, 4.ToString(), pnt4, HersheyFonts.HersheyPlain, 8, Scalar.Red, 5);

                if (crop1.Channels() > 1)
                    Cv2.CvtColor(crop1, crop1, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);
                for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++)
                    if (a == 0)
                        Mat tempcrop = new Mat(crop1, roi1);
                        Cv2.Threshold(tempcrop, tempcrop, 90, 255, ThresholdTypes.Otsu); //110
                        Cv2.Dilate(tempcrop, tempcrop, element1, null, 1);               //1
                        Cv2.Erode(tempcrop, tempcrop, element, null, 4);                 //6
                        Cv2.FindContours(tempcrop, out contour, out hier, RetrievalModes.Tree, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);

                        for (int b = 0; b < contour.Length; b++)
                            rect1 = Cv2.BoundingRect(contour[b]);
                            if (Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) > 800 && Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) < 3000)//300,4000
                                rect1 = Cv2.BoundingRect(contour[b]);
                                Mat    spot_img    = new Mat(tempcrop, rect1);
                                int    white_pix   = Cv2.CountNonZero(spot_img);
                                int    black_pix   = spot_img.Width * spot_img.Height - white_pix;
                                double aspectratio = Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Width) / Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Height);
                                if (aspectratio > 0.83 && aspectratio < 1.65 && black_pix > white_pix)  // 0.83,1.80
                                    //if (rect1.Height > 25 && rect1.Height < 250 & rect1.Width > 30  && rect1.Width < 200)//10,200,200,10//25,250,30,200
                                    OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(rect1.X + roi1.X, rect1.Y + roi1.Y, rect1.Width, rect1.Height);
                                    Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.LimeGreen, 5);
                                    Cv2.DrawContours(tempcrop, contour, b, Scalar.Blue, 3);
                                    Hole_absent = true;
                        if (!Hole_absent == true)
                            OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(47, 320, 180, 236);
                            Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.Red, 5);
                        Hole_absent = false;
                        //Cv2.NamedWindow("color", WindowFlags.Normal);
                        //Cv2.ImShow("color", tempcrop);

                    if (a == 1)
                        Mat tempcrop1 = new Mat(crop1, roi2);
                        Cv2.AdaptiveThreshold(tempcrop1, tempcrop1, 255, AdaptiveThresholdTypes.MeanC, ThresholdTypes.Binary, 89, 58); //89,58
                        Cv2.Erode(tempcrop1, tempcrop1, element1, null, 4);                                                            //6
                        Cv2.FindContours(tempcrop1, out contour, out hier, RetrievalModes.Tree, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);

                        for (int b = 0; b < contour.Length; b++)
                            if (Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) > 500 && Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) < 4000)//  //600,12000
                                rect1 = Cv2.BoundingRect(contour[b]);
                                Mat spot_img = new Mat(tempcrop1, rect1);
                                //Cv2.NamedWindow("con", WindowFlags.Normal);
                                //Cv2.ImShow("con", spot_img);
                                //Cv2.ImWrite("con1.bmp", spot_img);
                                int    white_pix   = Cv2.CountNonZero(spot_img);
                                int    black_pix   = spot_img.Width * spot_img.Height - white_pix + 10;
                                double aspectratio = Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Width) / Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Height);
                                if (aspectratio < 1.55 && aspectratio > 0.80 /*&& black_pix > white_pix*/)             //1.38 0.80  1.45,0.80
                                    if (rect1.Height > 25 && rect1.Height < 80 & rect1.Width < 80 && rect1.Width > 25) //22,80,80,25
                                        OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(rect1.X + roi2.X, rect1.Y + roi2.Y, rect1.Width, rect1.Height);
                                        Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.LimeGreen, 5);
                                        Cv2.DrawContours(tempcrop1, contour, b, Scalar.Blue, 3);
                                        Hole_absent = true;
                        if (!Hole_absent == true)
                            OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(430, 27, 200, 215);
                            Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.Red, 5);
                        Hole_absent = false;
                        //Cv2.NamedWindow("color1", WindowFlags.Normal);
                        //Cv2.ImShow("color1", tempcrop1);
                    if (a == 2)
                        Mat tempcrop = new Mat(crop1, roi3);

                        Cv2.AdaptiveThreshold(tempcrop, tempcrop, 255, AdaptiveThresholdTypes.MeanC, ThresholdTypes.Binary, 71, 19);
                        Cv2.MorphologyEx(tempcrop, tempcrop, MorphTypes.Close, element);
                        Cv2.FindContours(tempcrop, out contour, out hier, RetrievalModes.Tree, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);

                        for (int b = 0; b < contour.Length; b++)
                            if (Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) > 500 && Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) < 10000)//300,4000  300,6000
                                rect1 = Cv2.BoundingRect(contour[b]);
                                Mat    spot_img    = new Mat(tempcrop, rect1);
                                int    white_pix   = Cv2.CountNonZero(spot_img);
                                int    black_pix   = spot_img.Width * spot_img.Height - white_pix;
                                double aspectratio = Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Width) / Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Height);
                                if (aspectratio < 1.55 && aspectratio > 0.75 && black_pix > white_pix /*|| white_pix < 2000 || black_pix > 500*/)//1.43 0.75
                                    //if (rect1.Height > 28 && rect1.Height < 200 & rect1.Width < 300 && rect1.Width > 30)//30,200,300,30
                                    OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(rect1.X + roi3.X, rect1.Y + roi3.Y, rect1.Width, rect1.Height);
                                    Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.LimeGreen, 5);
                                    Cv2.DrawContours(tempcrop, contour, b, Scalar.Blue, 3);
                                    Hole_absent = true;
                        if (!Hole_absent == true)
                            OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(881, 320, 202, 250);
                            Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.Red, 5);
                        Hole_absent = false;
                        //Cv2.NamedWindow("color2", WindowFlags.Normal);
                        //Cv2.ImShow("color2", tempcrop);
                    if (a == 3)
                        Mat tempcrop = new Mat(crop1, roi4);
                        Cv2.Threshold(tempcrop, tempcrop, 90, 255, ThresholdTypes.Otsu);                                              //60//98
                        Cv2.Dilate(tempcrop, tempcrop, element1, null, 1);                                                            //1
                        Cv2.AdaptiveThreshold(tempcrop, tempcrop, 255, AdaptiveThresholdTypes.MeanC, ThresholdTypes.Binary, 75, 171); //71,171
                        Cv2.Erode(tempcrop, tempcrop, element1, null, 3);                                                             //4
                        Cv2.FindContours(tempcrop, out contour, out hier, RetrievalModes.Tree, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);
                        for (int b = 0; b < contour.Length; b++)
                            rect1 = Cv2.BoundingRect(contour[b]);
                            if (Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) > 1000 && Cv2.ContourArea(contour[b]) < 4000)//1000,4000
                                rect1 = Cv2.BoundingRect(contour[b]);
                                Mat spot_img = new Mat(tempcrop, rect1);

                                int    white_pix   = Cv2.CountNonZero(spot_img);
                                int    black_pix   = spot_img.Width * spot_img.Height - white_pix;
                                double aspectratio = Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Width) / Convert.ToDouble(rect1.Height);
                                if (aspectratio > 0.40 && aspectratio < 1.50 && black_pix > white_pix)//1.10 0.80 0.40,1.40
                                    //if (rect1.Height > 30 && rect1.Height < 300 && rect1.Width >20 && rect1.Width < 200)//30,90,90,30  30,300,20,200
                                    OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(rect1.X + roi4.X, rect1.Y + roi4.Y, rect1.Width, rect1.Height);
                                    Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.LimeGreen, 5);
                                    Cv2.DrawContours(tempcrop, contour, b, Scalar.Blue, 3);
                                    Hole_absent = true;
                        if (!Hole_absent == true)
                            OpenCvSharp.Rect hole_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(550, 780, 185, 220);
                            Cv2.Rectangle(hole_crop, hole_rect, Scalar.Red, 5);
                        Hole_absent = false;
                        //Cv2.NamedWindow("color3", WindowFlags.Normal);
                        //Cv2.ImShow("color3", tempcrop);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                log.Error("Error Message: " + Ex.Message.ToString(), Ex);
コード例 #25
        private void task()
            MotorControler mc     = MotorControler.GetInstance(parameterManager);
            Surface        sur    = Surface.GetInstance(parameterManager);
            Camera         camera = Camera.GetInstance();
            Led            led    = Led.GetInstance();

            Vector3 InitPoint = mc.GetPoint();
            Vector3 p         = new Vector3();

            double emthickness = sur.UpTop - sur.UpBottom;
            int    nshot       = (int)(emthickness / 0.003);

            int blockXCounter = 0;
            int blockYCounter = 0;

            while (blockYCounter < nyView)
                while (blockXCounter < nxView)
                    string txtfileName = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.txt"
                                                       , direcotryPath
                                                       , System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_ffff")
                    StreamWriter twriter = File.CreateText(txtfileName);

                    //Vector3 InitPointofThisBlock = new Vector3(
                    //    InitPoint.X + blockXCounter * 4.350,
                    //    InitPoint.Y + blockYCounter * 4.390,
                    //    InitPoint.Z
                    //    );

                    //Vector3 SurfPointofThisBlock = new Vector3(
                    //    InitPointofThisBlock.X + 2.200,
                    //    InitPointofThisBlock.Y + 2.200,
                    //    InitPoint.Z
                    //    );

                    Vector3 InitPointofThisBlock = new Vector3(
                        InitPoint.X + (double)(blockXCounter) * ((0.210 - 0.01) * 10 - 0.030), //if x40 -> 2.150,
                        InitPoint.Y - (double)(blockYCounter) * ((0.180 - 0.01) * 10 - 0.030), //if x40 -> 2.170,

                    Vector3 SurfPointofThisBlock = new Vector3(
                        InitPointofThisBlock.X + 1.000,
                        InitPointofThisBlock.Y - 1.000,

                    //go to surface measurement
                    mc.MovePoint(SurfPointofThisBlock.X, SurfPointofThisBlock.Y, sur.UpTop + 0.050);//above 50micron

                    //surface landing
                    bool flag         = true;
                    int  layercounter = 0;
                    while (flag)
                        mc.MoveDistance(-0.003, VectorId.Z);
                        byte[] b   = camera.ArrayImage;
                        Mat    src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
                        Mat    mat = src.Clone();

                        Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
                        Mat gau = mat.Clone();
                        Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(31, 31), -1);
                        Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
                        Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 10, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
                        int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);

                        if (brightness > 10000 || layercounter > 30)
                            flag = false;

                    double surfacetopz    = mc.GetPoint().Z;
                    double surfacebottomz = surfacetopz - emthickness;

                    //data taking
                    int rowcounter = 0;
                    int colcounter = 0;
                    //while (rowcounter < 24) {
                    //    while (colcounter < 20) {
                    while (rowcounter < 12)
                        while (colcounter < 10)
                            string    stlog  = "";
                            byte[]    bb     = new byte[440 * 512 * nshot];
                            double    startZ = 0.0;
                            PlusMinus plusminus;

                            if (colcounter % 2 == 0)
                                startZ    = surfacetopz + 0.012;
                                plusminus = PlusMinus.Minus;
                                startZ    = surfacebottomz - 0.009;
                                plusminus = PlusMinus.Plus;

                            double prev_z = startZ;

                                InitPointofThisBlock.X + (0.210 - 0.01) * colcounter, //x40, 0.230-0.01 //parameterManager.SpiralShiftX
                                InitPointofThisBlock.Y - (0.180 - 0.01) * rowcounter, //x40, 0.195-0.01 //parameterManager.SpiralShiftY

                            p = mc.GetPoint();
                            DateTime starttime   = System.DateTime.Now;
                            string   datfileName = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}_x{2}_y{3}_xi{4}_yi{5}.dat",
                                                                 (int)(p.X * 1000),
                                                                 (int)(p.Y * 1000),
                            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(datfileName, FileMode.Create));

                            mc.Inch(plusminus, 0.15, VectorId.Z);

                            int viewcounter = 0;
                            while (viewcounter < nshot + 3)
                                byte[] b = Ipt.CaptureMain();
                                p = mc.GetPoint();
                                TimeSpan ts = System.DateTime.Now - starttime;
                                stlog += String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}\n",
                                                       colcounter % 2,
                                                       (p.X * 1000).ToString("0.0"),
                                                       (p.Y * 1000).ToString("0.0"),
                                                       (p.Z * 1000).ToString("0.0"),
                                                       (prev_z * 1000 - p.Z * 1000).ToString("0.0"),
                                prev_z = p.Z;

                                if (viewcounter >= 3)
                                    b.CopyTo(bb, 440 * 512 * (viewcounter - 3));
                            viewcounter = 0;


                        colcounter = 0;
                    rowcounter = 0;
                blockXCounter = 0;
            blockYCounter = 0;
        }//end of task()
コード例 #26
        private void thread(Mat inimg)
                threadcount = 0;
                Mat thread      = new Mat();
                Mat thread_copy = new Mat();
                OpenCvSharp.Point[][] contour1;
                HierarchyIndex[]      hier1;
                OpenCvSharp.Rect      rect3  = new OpenCvSharp.Rect();
                OpenCvSharp.Size      kksize = new OpenCvSharp.Size(1, 1);
                Mat element = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Cross, kksize);

                if (crop.Channels() > 1)
                    Cv2.CvtColor(crop, crop, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);
                OpenCvSharp.Rect rectan = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(205, 200, 700, 700);
                //Cv2.Rectangle(crop, rectan, Scalar.White, 2);

                Mat thread_crop = new Mat(crop, rectan);
                Cv2.NamedWindow("tempcrop", WindowFlags.Normal);
                Cv2.ImShow("tempcrop", thread_crop);
                template_matching(crop, temp_match);
                //template_matching(thread_crop, temp_match);
                //Cv2.NamedWindow("templete", WindowFlags.Normal);
                //Cv2.ImShow("templete", resizeimg);
                if (thread.Channels() > 1)
                    Cv2.CvtColor(thread, thread, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

                OpenCvSharp.Rect thread_roi1 = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(50, 90, 33, 23); //48, 84, 33, 23
                Cv2.Rectangle(thread, thread_roi1, Scalar.Black, -1);
                OpenCvSharp.Rect final_rect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect(20, 23, 105, 80); //20,23,105,80
                Cv2.Rectangle(thread, final_rect, Scalar.Green, 1);
                thread = new Mat(thread, final_rect);
                //Cv2.NamedWindow("mask", WindowFlags.Normal);
                //Cv2.ImShow("mask", thread);
                Cv2.Sobel(thread, thread, MatType.CV_8UC1, 0, 1, 1);
                Cv2.Threshold(thread, thread, 120, 255, ThresholdTypes.Otsu);

                //Cv2.NamedWindow("inrange", WindowFlags.Normal);
                //Cv2.ImShow("inrange", thread);
                pixelcount = Cv2.CountNonZero(thread);

                Cv2.FindContours(thread, out contour1, out hier1, RetrievalModes.Tree, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);
                if (thread_copy.Channels() == 1)
                    Cv2.CvtColor(thread_copy, thread_copy, ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR);
                for (int i = 0; i < contour1.Length; i++)
                    rect3 = Cv2.BoundingRect(contour1[i]);
                    if (Cv2.ContourArea(contour1[i]) > 15 && Cv2.ContourArea(contour1[i]) < 1000)         //60,500 20,1000
                        if (rect3.Width > 2 && rect3.Width < 90 && rect3.Height < 26 && rect3.Height > 1) //20,90,26,3
                            Cv2.DrawContours(thread_copy, contour1, i, Scalar.LimeGreen, 2);

                //Cv2.NamedWindow("templete1", WindowFlags.Normal);
                //Cv2.ImShow("templete1", thread_copy);
                Cv2.ImWrite("thread" + ".bmp", resizeimg);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                log.Error("Error Message: " + Ex.Message.ToString(), Ex);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Preview.cs プロジェクト: zymcloud/picture_stitch
        private void dealimage(String path, String savepath)
            Mat    result = Cv2.ImRead(path);
            Scalar color  = new Scalar(0, 0, 0);

            Cv2.CopyMakeBorder(result, result, 10, 10, 10, 10, BorderTypes.Constant, color);

            Mat outp = new Mat();

            Cv2.CvtColor(result, outp, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            Mat thresh = new Mat();

            Cv2.Threshold(outp, thresh, 0, 255, ThresholdTypes.Binary);

            /* Cv2.ImShow("2", thresh);
             * Cv2.WaitKey(-1);*/
            OpenCvSharp.Point[][] counts;
            HierarchyIndex[]      hierarchyIndices;
            Cv2.FindContours(thresh.Clone(), out counts, out hierarchyIndices, RetrievalModes.External, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);
            double max = 0;

            OpenCvSharp.Point[] point = null;
            foreach (var count in counts)
                if (max < Cv2.ContourArea(count))
                    point = count;
                    max   = Cv2.ContourArea(count);
            /*int** mask = new int[][];*/
            Rect rect = Cv2.BoundingRect(point);
            Mat  mat  = Mat.Zeros(thresh.Rows, thresh.Cols, thresh.Type());

            Cv2.Rectangle(mat, rect.TopLeft, rect.BottomRight, 255, -1);
            Mat minRect = mat.Clone();
            Mat sub     = mat.Clone();

            while (Cv2.CountNonZero(sub) > 0)
                Cv2.Erode(minRect, minRect, null);
                Cv2.Subtract(minRect, thresh, sub);
            Cv2.FindContours(minRect.Clone(), out counts, out hierarchyIndices, RetrievalModes.External, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxSimple);
            max = 0;
            foreach (var count in counts)
                if (max < Cv2.ContourArea(count))
                    point = count;
                    max   = Cv2.ContourArea(count);
            rect     = Cv2.BoundingRect(point);
            result   = new Mat(result, rect);
            savepath = savepath + "/" + "result.jpg";
            Cv2.ImWrite(savepath, result);
                pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(savepath);
            catch (Exception e)
コード例 #28
        static void Main1(string[] args)
            Process[] processes  = Process.GetProcesses();
            Process   wzqProcess = null;

            foreach (var item in processes)
                if (item.MainWindowTitle == "五子棋")
                    wzqProcess = item;
            Bitmap bitmap = CaptureImage.Captuer(wzqProcess);

            if (bitmap == null)

            //Process.Start("mspaint", "a.bmp");
            //227 129
            //721 621
            int width  = 721 - 227;
            int height = 621 - 129;
            int step   = width * 15 / 14 / 15;

            Bitmap   wzqBoardImage = new Bitmap(width * 15 / 14, height * 15 / 14);
            Graphics g             = Graphics.FromImage(wzqBoardImage);

            // 摘要:
            //     在指定位置并且按指定大小绘制指定的 System.Drawing.Image 的指定部分。
            // 参数:
            //   image:
            //     要绘制的 System.Drawing.Image。
            //   destRect:
            //     System.Drawing.Rectangle 结构,它指定所绘制图像的位置和大小。 将图像进行缩放以适合该矩形。
            //   srcRect:
            //     System.Drawing.Rectangle 结构,它指定 image 对象中要绘制的部分。
            //   srcUnit:
            //     System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit 枚举的成员,它指定 srcRect 参数所用的度量单位。
                        new Rectangle(0, 0, wzqBoardImage.Width, wzqBoardImage.Height),
                        new Rectangle(227 - step / 2, 129 - step / 2, wzqBoardImage.Width, wzqBoardImage.Height),

            Mat boardMat = BitmapConverter.ToMat(wzqBoardImage);

            Mat blurBoardMat = new Mat();

            Cv2.MedianBlur(boardMat, blurBoardMat, 9);

            Mat grayBoardMat = new Mat();

            Cv2.CvtColor(blurBoardMat, grayBoardMat, ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY);

            CircleSegment[] circleSegments = Cv2.HoughCircles(grayBoardMat, HoughMethods.Gradient, 1, step * 0.4, 70, 30, (int)(step * 0.3), (int)(step * 0.5));

            foreach (var circleSegment in circleSegments)
                Cv2.Circle(boardMat, (int)circleSegment.Center.X, (int)circleSegment.Center.Y, (int)circleSegment.Radius, Scalar.Red, 1, LineTypes.AntiAlias);

            int rows = 15;
            List <Tuple <int, int, int> > chessPointList = new List <Tuple <int, int, int> >();
            Scalar scalarLower = new Scalar(128, 128, 128);
            Scalar scalarUpper = new Scalar(255, 255, 255);

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    Point2f point = new Point2f(j * step + 0.5f * step, i * step + 0.5f * step);
                    foreach (var circleSegment in circleSegments)
                        if (circleSegment.Center.DistanceTo(point) < 0.5 * step)
                            //r^2 = a^2 + a^2
                            //--> a= ((r^2)/2)^-2

                            double len       = Math.Sqrt(circleSegment.Radius * circleSegment.Radius / 2);
                            Rect   rect      = new Rect((int)(circleSegment.Center.X - len), (int)(circleSegment.Center.Y - len), (int)(len * 2), (int)(len * 2));
                            Mat    squareMat = new Mat(grayBoardMat, rect);

                            Mat calculatedMat = new Mat();
                            Cv2.InRange(squareMat, scalarLower, scalarUpper, calculatedMat);
                            float result = 100f * Cv2.CountNonZero(calculatedMat) / (calculatedMat.Width * calculatedMat.Height);

                            chessPointList.Add(new Tuple <int, int, int>(i + 1, j + 1, result < 50 ? 0 : 1));

            foreach (var item in chessPointList)
            Cv2.ImShow("boardMat", boardMat);
コード例 #29
        private void task()
             * MotorControler mc = MotorControler.GetInstance(parameterManager);
             * mc.SetMotorSpeed(MotorSpeed.Speed4);
             * Camera camera = Camera.GetInstance();
             * Vector3 InitPoint = mc.GetPoint();
             * Vector3 p = new Vector3();
             * int viewcounter = 0;
             * int rowcounter = 0;
             * int colcounter = 0;
             * while (rowcounter < 2) {
             *      while (colcounter < 2) {
             *              mc.MovePoint(
             *                      InitPoint.X + (parameterManager.ImageLengthX - 0.01) * colcounter,
             *                      InitPoint.Y + (parameterManager.ImageLengthY - 0.01) * rowcounter,
             *                      InitPoint.Z + 0.01);
             *              mc.Join();
             *              p = mc.GetPoint();
             *              bool flag = true;
             *              while (flag) {
             *                      mc.MoveDistance(-0.003, VectorId.Z);
             *                      mc.Join();
             *                      byte[] b = camera.ArrayImage;
             *                      Mat src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
             *                      Mat mat = src.Clone();
             *                      Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
             *                      Mat gau = mat.Clone();
             *                      Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(31, 31), -1);
             *                      Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
             *                      Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 10, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
             *                      int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);
             *                      viewcounter++;
             *                      if (brightness > 10000 || viewcounter > 30) flag = false;
             *              }
             *              p = mc.GetPoint();
             *              byte[] bb = camera.ArrayImage;
             *              Mat mat2 = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, bb);
             *              mat2.ImWrite(String.Format(@"c:\img\{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.bmp",
             *                      System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff"),
             *                      (int)(p.X * 1000),
             *                      (int)(p.Y * 1000),
             *                      (int)(p.Z * 1000)));
             *              string datfileName = string.Format(@"c:\img\{0}_{1}_{2}.dat",
             *                      System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff"),
             *                      (int)(p.X * 1000),
             *                      (int)(p.Y * 1000));
             *              BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(datfileName, FileMode.Create));
             *              flag = true;
             *              while (flag) {
             *                      byte[] b = camera.ArrayImage;
             *                      Mat src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
             *                      writer.Write(b);
             *                      Mat mat = src.Clone();
             *                      Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
             *                      Mat gau = mat.Clone();
             *                      Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(31, 31), -1);
             *                      Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
             *                      Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 10, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
             *                      int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);
             *                      viewcounter++;
             *                      if (brightness < 3000) flag = false;
             *                      mc.MoveDistance(-0.004, VectorId.Z);
             *                      mc.Join();
             *              }
             *              writer.Close();
             *              viewcounter = 0;
             *              colcounter++;
             *      }
             *      colcounter = 0;
             *      rowcounter++;
             * }
             * MotorControler mc = MotorControler.GetInstance(parameterManager);
             * Camera camera = Camera.GetInstance();
             * Vector3 InitPoint = mc.GetPoint();
             * Vector3 p = new Vector3();
             * int viewcounter = 0;
             * int rowcounter = 0;
             * int colcounter = 0;
             * while (rowcounter < 45) {
             *      while (colcounter < 40) {
             *              mc.MovePoint(
             *                      InitPoint.X + (parameterManager.ImageLengthX - 0.01) * colcounter,
             *                      InitPoint.Y + (parameterManager.ImageLengthY - 0.01) * rowcounter,
             *                      InitPoint.Z + 0.01);
             *              mc.Join();
             *              p = mc.GetPoint();
             *              bool flag = true;
             *              while (flag) {
             *                      mc.MoveDistance(-0.003, VectorId.Z);
             *                      mc.Join();
             *                      byte[] b = camera.ArrayImage;
             *                      Mat src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
             *                      Mat mat = src.Clone();
             *                      Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
             *                      Mat gau = mat.Clone();
             *                      Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(31, 31), -1);
             *                      Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
             *                      Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 10, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
             *                      int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);
             *                      viewcounter++;
             *                      if (brightness > 10000 || viewcounter > 30) flag = false;
             *              }
             *              p = mc.GetPoint();
             *              byte[] bb = camera.ArrayImage;
             *              Mat mat2 = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, bb);
             *              mat2.ImWrite(String.Format(@"c:\img\{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.bmp", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff"),
             *                      (int)(p.X * 1000),
             *                      (int)(p.Y * 1000),
             *                      (int)(p.Z * 1000)));
             *              viewcounter = 0;
             *              colcounter++;
             *      }
             *      colcounter = 0;
             *      rowcounter++;
             * }

            MotorControler mc          = MotorControler.GetInstance(parameterManager);
            Camera         camera      = Camera.GetInstance();
            int            viewcounter = 0;

            bool flag = true;

            while (flag)
                mc.MoveDistance(-0.003, VectorId.Z);
                byte[] b   = camera.ArrayImage;
                Mat    src = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, b);
                Mat    mat = src.Clone();

                Cv2.GaussianBlur(mat, mat, Cv.Size(3, 3), -1);
                Mat gau = mat.Clone();
                Cv2.GaussianBlur(gau, gau, Cv.Size(31, 31), -1);
                Cv2.Subtract(gau, mat, mat);
                Cv2.Threshold(mat, mat, 10, 1, ThresholdType.Binary);
                int brightness = Cv2.CountNonZero(mat);


                if (brightness > 10000 || viewcounter > 30)
                    flag = false;
            byte[]  bb   = camera.ArrayImage;
            Mat     mat2 = new Mat(440, 512, MatType.CV_8U, bb);
            Vector3 p    = new Vector3();

            mat2.ImWrite(String.Format(@"c:\img\{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.bmp", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_fff"),
                                       (int)(p.X * 1000),
                                       (int)(p.Y * 1000),
                                       (int)(p.Z * 1000)));
コード例 #30
        //img1:test image; img2:ref img
        public float MatchTemplate(Mat img1, Mat img2, bool ishowImageMatchTemplate, string s = "Match")
            float matchRate = 0.0f;

            using (var descriptors1 = new Mat())
                using (var descriptors2 = new Mat())
                    using (var matcher = new BFMatcher(NormTypes.L2SQR))
                        using (var kaze = KAZE.Create())
                            KeyPoint[] keypoints1, keypoints2;
                            kaze.DetectAndCompute(img1, null, out keypoints1, descriptors1);
                            kaze.DetectAndCompute(img2, null, out keypoints2, descriptors2);

                            DMatch[][] matches = matcher.KnnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, 2);
                            using (Mat mask = new Mat(matches.Length, 1, MatType.CV_8U))
                                mask.SetTo(new Scalar(255));
                                int nonZero = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);
                                VoteForUniqueness(matches, mask);
                                nonZero = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);
                                nonZero = VoteForSizeAndOrientation(keypoints2, keypoints1, matches, mask, 1.5f, 20);

                                List <Point2f> obj             = new List <Point2f>();
                                List <Point2f> scene           = new List <Point2f>();
                                List <DMatch>  goodMatchesList = new List <DMatch>();
                                //iterate through the mask only pulling out nonzero items because they're matches
                                for (int i = 0; i < mask.Rows; i++)
                                    MatIndexer <byte> maskIndexer = mask.GetGenericIndexer <byte>();
                                    if (maskIndexer[i] > 0)

                                List <Point2d> objPts   = obj.ConvertAll(Point2fToPoint2d);
                                List <Point2d> scenePts = scene.ConvertAll(Point2fToPoint2d);
                                if (nonZero >= 4)
                                    Mat homography = Cv2.FindHomography(objPts, scenePts, HomographyMethods.Ransac, 1.5, mask);
                                    nonZero = Cv2.CountNonZero(mask);

                                    //calculate match rate by how many match points exist
                                    //matchRate = (float)nonZero / keypoints2.Count();
                                    matchRate = 1 - (float)(keypoints2.Count() - nonZero) / (keypoints2.Count() + nonZero);

                                    if (homography != null && ishowImageMatchTemplate == true)
                                        Point2f[] objCorners = { new Point2f(0,                 0),
                                                                 new Point2f(img1.Cols,         0),
                                                                 new Point2f(img1.Cols, img1.Rows),
                                                                 new Point2f(0,         img1.Rows) };

                                        Point2d[] sceneCorners = MyPerspectiveTransform3(objCorners, homography);

                                        //This is a good concat horizontal
                                        using (Mat img3 = new Mat(Math.Max(img1.Height, img2.Height), img2.Width + img1.Width, MatType.CV_8UC3))
                                            using (Mat left = new Mat(img3, new Rect(0, 0, img1.Width, img1.Height)))
                                                using (Mat right = new Mat(img3, new Rect(img1.Width, 0, img2.Width, img2.Height)))

                                                    byte[] maskBytes = new byte[mask.Rows * mask.Cols];
                                                    mask.GetArray(0, 0, maskBytes);
                                                    Cv2.DrawMatches(img1, keypoints1, img2, keypoints2, goodMatchesList, img3, Scalar.All(-1), Scalar.All(-1), maskBytes, DrawMatchesFlags.NotDrawSinglePoints);

                                                    //List<List<Point>> listOfListOfPoint2D = new List<List<Point>>();
                                                    //List<Point> listOfPoint2D = new List<Point>();
                                                    //listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[0].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[0].Y));
                                                    //listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[1].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[1].Y));
                                                    //listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[2].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[2].Y));
                                                    //listOfPoint2D.Add(new Point(sceneCorners[3].X + img1.Cols, sceneCorners[3].Y));
                                                    //img3.Polylines(listOfListOfPoint2D, true, Scalar.LimeGreen, 2);

                                                    Cv2.ImShow(s, img3.Resize(new Size(img3.Rows / 2, img3.Cols / 2)));

                                                    //Window.ShowImages(img3.Resize(new Size(img3.Rows / 2, img3.Cols / 2)));
