コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a target for one custom build rule.
        /// </summary>
        private void createCustomBuildRuleTarget(ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configuration, CustomBuildRuleInfo_CPP ruleInfo)
            // The rule might be built by one of the other projects in this solution.
            // If so, we need to change the folder name to the adjusted output folder
            // name we generate. (This means that we need to know if the project that
            // generates it is a C++ or C# project.)
            string executablePath = Path.Combine(configuration.ParentProjectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, ruleInfo.RelativePathToExecutable);

            ProjectInfo.ProjectTypeEnum projectType = m_projectInfo.ParentSolution.isOutputObject(executablePath);

            string folderPrefix = "";

            switch (projectType)
            case ProjectInfo.ProjectTypeEnum.CPP_EXECUTABLE:
                folderPrefix = m_projectConfig.CPPFolderPrefix;

            case ProjectInfo.ProjectTypeEnum.CSHARP_EXECUTABLE:
                folderPrefix = m_projectConfig.CSharpFolderPrefix;

            // We add the target to the makefile...
            m_file.WriteLine("# Custom build rule for " + ruleInfo.RelativePathToFile);
            string targetName = getCustomRuleTargetName(configuration, ruleInfo);

            m_file.WriteLine(".PHONY: " + targetName);
            m_file.WriteLine(targetName + ":");
            m_file.WriteLine("\t" + ruleInfo.getCommandLine(folderPrefix));

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the target name for the configuration and rule passed in.
        /// </summary>
        private string getCustomRuleTargetName(ProjectConfigurationInfo_CPP configurationInfo, CustomBuildRuleInfo_CPP ruleInfo)
            // The target-name has this form:
            //     [configuration]_CustomBuildRule_[rule-name]_[file-name]
            // For example:
            //     Release_CustomBuildRule_Splitter_TextUtils.code
            string fileName = Path.GetFileName(ruleInfo.RelativePathToFile);

            return(String.Format("{0}_CustomBuildRule_{1}_{2}", configurationInfo.Name, ruleInfo.RuleName, fileName));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses one configuration for a custom build rule.
        /// </summary>
        private void parseCustomBuildRule_Configuration(VCFileConfiguration configuration, string relativePath)
            // We find the custom build rule for this configuration (if there is one)...
            VCCustomBuildRule rule = Utils.call(() => (configuration.Tool as VCCustomBuildRule));

            if (rule == null)

            // We will store info about this rule in a CustomBuildRuleInfo_CPP object...
            CustomBuildRuleInfo_CPP ruleInfo = new CustomBuildRuleInfo_CPP();

            ruleInfo.RelativePathToFile = relativePath;

            // There is a custom build rule, so we parse it...
            ruleInfo.RuleName = Utils.call(() => (rule.Name));
            string commandLine         = Utils.call(() => (rule.CommandLine));
            string expandedCommandLine = Utils.call(() => (configuration.Evaluate(commandLine)));

            // We find the collection of output files generated by the rule...
            string outputs         = Utils.call(() => (rule.Outputs));
            string expandedOutputs = Utils.call(() => (configuration.Evaluate(outputs)));

            // The command-line may contain references to custom properties for
            // the rule. These will be in square brackets,like [property]. We find
            // these and replace the property markers in the command-line...
            Dictionary <string, string> properties = getCustomBuildRuleProperties(rule);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> property in properties)
                // We replace values in the command line, and in the output files...
                string tokenToReplace = "[" + property.Key + "]";
                expandedCommandLine = expandedCommandLine.Replace(tokenToReplace, property.Value);
                expandedOutputs     = expandedOutputs.Replace(tokenToReplace, property.Value);

            // We split the command-line to find the executable and the parameters...
            List <string> splitCommandLine = Utils.split(expandedCommandLine, ' ');

            // The executable...
            if (splitCommandLine.Count >= 1)
                string ruleExecutable           = splitCommandLine[0];
                string relativePathToExecutable = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, ruleExecutable);
                ruleInfo.RelativePathToExecutable = relativePathToExecutable;

            // The parameters...
            for (int j = 1; j < splitCommandLine.Count; ++j)
                string parameter = splitCommandLine[j];

                // Many parameters will be path names. We cnvert these
                // to be relative to the project root (and in Linux format).
                // Non-path parameters should be unaffected...
                parameter = Utils.makeRelativePath(m_projectInfo.RootFolderAbsolute, parameter);

            // We store the info in the configuration...
            m_projectInfo.addCustomBuildRuleInfo(ruleInfo, configuration.Name);