コード例 #1
        public static void Main()
            Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("api_key", "YOUR_API_KEY");

            var cryptoApi = new CryptoApi();
            var pair      = "btcusd"; // string | Return the snapshot for the given Crypto Currency Pair. (optional)
            var exchange  = "gemini"; // string | Return the snapshot for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. (optional)
            var currency  = "BTC";    // string | Return the snapshot for the given Crypto Currency. (optional)

                ApiResponseCryptoSnapshot result          = cryptoApi.GetCryptoSnapshot(pair, exchange, currency);
                CryptoPairSummary         crypto_pair     = result.Pair;
                CryptoExchangeSummary     crypto_exchange = result.Exchange;
                CryptoSnapshot            snapshot        = result.Snapshot;

                Console.WriteLine("Snapshot for " + crypto_pair.Name + " on " + crypto_exchange.Name + "!");
                Console.WriteLine("Last updated:     " + snapshot.LastUpdated);
                Console.WriteLine("Bid:              " + snapshot.Bid);
                Console.WriteLine("Bid size:         " + snapshot.BidSize);
                Console.WriteLine("Ask:              " + snapshot.Ask);
                Console.WriteLine("Ask size:         " + snapshot.AskSize);
                Console.WriteLine("Change:           " + snapshot.Change);
                Console.WriteLine("Change percent:   " + snapshot.ChangePercent);
                Console.WriteLine("Volume:           " + snapshot.Volume);
                Console.WriteLine("Open:             " + snapshot.Open);
                Console.WriteLine("High:             " + snapshot.High);
                Console.WriteLine("Low:              " + snapshot.Low);
                Console.WriteLine("Last trade side:  " + snapshot.LastTradeSide);
                Console.WriteLine("Last trade time:  " + snapshot.LastTradeTime);
                Console.WriteLine("Last trade price: " + snapshot.LastTradePrice);
                Console.WriteLine("Last trade size:  " + snapshot.LastTradeSize);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CryptoApi.GetCryptoSnapshot: " + e.Message);