コード例 #1
        public static void Main()
            Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("api_key", "YOUR_API_KEY");

            var cryptoApi = new CryptoApi();
            var timeframe = "h1";         // string | The time interval for the prices.
            var pair      = "btcusd";     // string | Return prices for the given Crypto Currency Pair. (optional)
            var exchange  = "gemini";     // string | Return prices for a Crypto Currency on the given Crypto Exchange. (optional)
            var currency  = "BTC";        // string | Return prices for the given Crypto Currency. (optional)
            var timezone  = "UTC";        // string | Return price date/times in this timezone, also interpret start/end date/time parameters in this timezone. (optional)  (default to UTC)
            var startDate = "2018-01-01"; // string | Return Crypto Prices on or after this date. (optional)
            var startTime = "14:20:00";   // string | Return Crypto Prices at or after this time (24-hour). (optional)
            var endDate   = "2019-01-01"; // string | Return Crypto Prices on or before this date. (optional)
            var endTime   = "21:01:21";   // string | Return Crypto Prices at or before this time (24-hour). (optional)
            var pageSize  = 100;          // int? | An integer greater than or equal to 1 for specifying the number of results on each page. (optional)  (default to 100)

                ApiResponseCryptoPrices result          = cryptoApi.GetCryptoPrices(timeframe, pair, exchange, currency, timezone, startDate, startTime, endDate, endTime, pageSize);
                List <CryptoPrice>      prices          = result.Prices;
                CryptoPairSummary       crypto_pair     = result.Pair;
                CryptoExchangeSummary   crypto_exchange = result.Exchange;

                Console.WriteLine(prices.Count + " prices found for " + crypto_pair.Name + " on " + crypto_exchange.Name + "!");

                prices.ForEach(delegate(CryptoPrice price)
                    Console.WriteLine("Time:   " + price.Time);
                    Console.WriteLine("Open:   " + price.Open);
                    Console.WriteLine("High:   " + price.High);
                    Console.WriteLine("Low:    " + price.Low);
                    Console.WriteLine("Close:  " + price.Close);
                    Console.WriteLine("Volume: " + price.Volume);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling CryptoApi.GetCryptoPrices: " + e.Message);