static void Main(string[] args) { Countdown Counter = new Countdown(); Alo alo = new Alo(); Counter.Mes += alo.Message; Counter.Count(5); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { time += Time.deltaTime; PlayAudio(Welcome_F, 0); /* * if (usedManual) //read manual * { * whiteboardText.text = "Welcome to Lab! \nツ \n Objectives:\n - Find the gloves\n - Find the goggles\n - Find the lab coat\n"; * //add code this scenario * //print("manual used"); * StopParticle(manualParticle); * * PlayAudio(checklist_F, 1); * * if (!gloveParticle.isPlaying && !glassesParticle.isPlaying && !coatParticle.isPlaying) //&&!ischecklist) * { * StartParticle(gloveParticle); * StartParticle(glassesParticle); * StartParticle(coatParticle); * * //ischecklist = true; * } * if(equipGlasses && equipGloves && equipCoat)//checks if collected all safety equipment * { * //add code this scenario * PlayAudio(experiments, 2); * if (!showerBool) * { * enableObj(shower, showerPos); * showerBool = true; * } * StartParticle(showerParticle); * whiteboardText.text = "\nOBJECTIVES:\nCheck the Shower's functionality"; * if(usedShower)//checks if used shower * { * if (!tongBool) * { * enableObj(tong, tongPos); * tongBool = true; * } * if (!bunsenBool) * { * enableObj(burner, burnerPos); * bunsenBool = true; * } * if (!scaleBool) * { * enableObj(balance, scalePos); * scaleBool = true; * } * * StopParticle(showerParticle); * StartParticle(bunsenParticle); * StartParticle(tongsParticle); * StartParticle(scaleParticle); * * whiteboardText.text = "\nOBJECTIVES: \n-PICK UP THE TONGS\n-PLACE A BEAKER ON THE BURNER WITH \n THE TONGS AND BOIL WATER\n-FIND OUT WHICH METAL IS POTASSIUM"; * if (interactBurner) * { * StopParticle(bunsenParticle); * PlayAudio(Warning_F, 3); * * } * if (interactScale) * { * StopParticle(scaleParticle); * PlayAudio(Metal_Exp_F, 4); * enableObj(PotExp, potExpPos); * StartParticle(popOutParticle); * if (readScalePop) * { * StopParticle(popOutParticle); * } * } * * if(exp1&&usedBurner&&equipTongs) * { * StopParticle(popOutParticle); * whiteboardText.text = "\nOBJECTIVES:\n-Use the Litmus paper to figure out \nwhich vial is Acidic and Basic.\n-Interact with the acid spill using the \nbasic vial."; * if(!litBool && !spillBool) * { * enableObj(acidSpill, spillPos); * enableObj(litmusScene, scencePos); * litBool = true; * spillBool = true; * } * StartParticle(litmusParticle); * //print("DADADADAA"); * PlayAudio(shatter, 5); * PlayAudio(Acid_F, 6); * } * * } * } * * } */ currentTime = Time.time; if (currentTime >= timeStamp && isBurning) { BurnHands(); } if (isBurning) { if (!islit) { audio.PlayOneShot(Fire_F); islit = true; } countdown.Count(); //countdown.CD.text = countdown.timeTilDeath.ToString(); } else { countdown.timeTilDeath = 20f; } }