コード例 #1
ファイル: Camera.cs プロジェクト: Corom/MathBot
        public FaceInfo[] GetFaceInfo(IEnumerable <Face> DetectedFaces, IEnumerable <Emotion> DetectedEmotion, IEnumerable <IdentifyResult> IdentifiedPersons)
            List <FaceInfo> faceInfoList = new List <FaceInfo>();

            if (DetectedFaces != null)
                foreach (var detectedFace in DetectedFaces)
                    FaceInfo faceInfo = new FaceInfo();

                    // Check if we have age/gender for this face.
                    if (detectedFace?.FaceAttributes != null)
                        faceInfo.Attributes = detectedFace.FaceAttributes;

                    // Check if we identified this face. If so send the name along.
                    if (IdentifiedPersons != null)
                        var    matchingPerson = IdentifiedPersons.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FaceId == detectedFace.FaceId);
                        string name;
                        if (matchingPerson != null && matchingPerson.Candidates.Length > 0 && personMap.TryGetValue(matchingPerson.Candidates[0].PersonId, out name))
                            faceInfo.Name = name;

                    // Check if we have emotion for this face. If so send it along.
                    if (DetectedEmotion != null)
                        Emotion matchingEmotion = CoreUtil.FindFaceClosestToRegion(DetectedEmotion, detectedFace.FaceRectangle);
                        if (matchingEmotion != null)
                            faceInfo.Emotion = matchingEmotion.Scores;

                    //// Check if we have an unique Id for this face. If so send it along.
                    //if (SimilarFaceMatches != null)
                    //    var matchingPerson = SimilarFaceMatches.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Face.FaceId == detectedFace.FaceId);
                    //    if (matchingPerson != null)
                    //    {
                    //        faceInfo.UniqueId = matchingPerson.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId.ToString("N").Substring(0, 4);
                    //    }

            else if (DetectedEmotion != null)
                // If we are here we only have emotion. No age/gender or id.
                faceInfoList.AddRange(DetectedEmotion.Select(emotion => new FaceInfo {
                    Emotion = emotion.Scores

コード例 #2
        public Face GetLastFaceAttributesForFace(BitmapBounds faceBox)
            if (this.lastDetectedFaceSample == null || !this.lastDetectedFaceSample.Any())

            return(CoreUtil.FindFaceClosestToRegion(this.lastDetectedFaceSample, faceBox));
コード例 #3
        public static async Task <ImageInsights> ProcessImageAsync(Func <Task <Stream> > imageStream, string imageId)
            ImageAnalyzer analyzer = new ImageAnalyzer(imageStream);

            analyzer.ShowDialogOnFaceApiErrors = true;

            // trigger vision, face and emotion requests
            await Task.WhenAll(analyzer.AnalyzeImageAsync(detectCelebrities: false, visualFeatures: DefaultVisualFeatureTypes), analyzer.DetectFacesAsync(detectFaceAttributes: true));

            // trigger face match against previously seen faces
            await analyzer.FindSimilarPersistedFacesAsync();

            ImageInsights result = new ImageInsights {
                ImageId = imageId

            // assign computer vision results
            result.VisionInsights = new VisionInsights
                Caption = analyzer.AnalysisResult.Description?.Captions[0].Text,
                Tags    = analyzer.AnalysisResult.Tags != null?analyzer.AnalysisResult.Tags.Select(t => t.Name).ToArray() : new string[0]

            // assign face api and emotion api results
            List <FaceInsights> faceInsightsList = new List <FaceInsights>();

            foreach (var face in analyzer.DetectedFaces)
                FaceInsights faceInsights = new FaceInsights
                    FaceRectangle = face.FaceRectangle,
                    Age           = face.FaceAttributes.Age,
                    Gender        = face.FaceAttributes.Gender

                SimilarFaceMatch similarFaceMatch = analyzer.SimilarFaceMatches.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Face.FaceId == face.FaceId);
                if (similarFaceMatch != null)
                    faceInsights.UniqueFaceId = similarFaceMatch.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId;

                Emotion faceEmotion = CoreUtil.FindFaceClosestToRegion(analyzer.DetectedEmotion, face.FaceRectangle);
                if (faceEmotion != null)
                    faceInsights.TopEmotion = faceEmotion.Scores.ToRankedList().First().Key;


            result.FaceInsights = faceInsightsList.ToArray();

コード例 #4
        public static async Task <ImageInsights> ProcessImageAsync(Func <Task <Stream> > imageStreamCallback, string imageId)
            ImageInsights result = new ImageInsights {
                ImageId = imageId

            // trigger computer vision, face and emotion analysis
            List <Emotion> emotionResult = new List <Emotion>();
            await Task.WhenAll(AnalyzeImageFeaturesAsync(imageStreamCallback, result), AnalyzeFacesAsync(imageStreamCallback, result), AnalyzeEmotionAsync(imageStreamCallback, emotionResult));

            // Combine emotion and face results based on face rectangle location/size similarity
            foreach (var faceInsights in result.FaceInsights)
                Emotion faceEmotion = CoreUtil.FindFaceClosestToRegion(emotionResult, faceInsights.FaceRectangle);
                if (faceEmotion != null)
                    faceInsights.TopEmotion = faceEmotion.Scores.ToRankedList().First().Key;

コード例 #5
        private async Task ProcessPeopleInsightsAsync(ImageAnalyzer analyzer, int frameNumber)
            foreach (var item in analyzer.SimilarFaceMatches)
                bool    demographicsChanged = false;
                Visitor personInVideo;
                if (this.peopleInVideo.TryGetValue(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId, out personInVideo))

                    if (this.pendingIdentificationAttemptCount.ContainsKey(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId))
                        // This is a face we haven't identified yet. See how many times we have tried it, if we need to do it again or stop trying
                        if (this.pendingIdentificationAttemptCount[item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId] <= 5)
                            string personName = GetDisplayTextForPersonAsync(analyzer, item);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName))
                                // Increment the times we have tried and failed to identify this person
                                // Bingo! Let's remove it from the list of pending identifications

                                VideoTrack existingTrack = (VideoTrack)this.peopleListView.Children.FirstOrDefault(f => (Guid)((FrameworkElement)f).Tag == item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId);
                                if (existingTrack != null)
                                    existingTrack.DisplayText = string.Format("{0}, {1}", personName, Math.Floor(item.Face.FaceAttributes.Age));
                            // Give up
                    // New person... let's catalog it.

                    // Crop the face, enlarging the rectangle so we frame it better
                    double    heightScaleFactor = 1.8;
                    double    widthScaleFactor  = 1.8;
                    Rectangle biggerRectangle   = new Rectangle
                        Height = Math.Min((int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Height * heightScaleFactor), FrameRelayVideoEffect.LatestSoftwareBitmap.PixelHeight),
                        Width  = Math.Min((int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Width * widthScaleFactor), FrameRelayVideoEffect.LatestSoftwareBitmap.PixelWidth)
                    biggerRectangle.Left = Math.Max(0, item.Face.FaceRectangle.Left - (int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Width * ((widthScaleFactor - 1) / 2)));
                    biggerRectangle.Top  = Math.Max(0, item.Face.FaceRectangle.Top - (int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Height * ((heightScaleFactor - 1) / 1.4)));

                    var croppedImage = await Util.GetCroppedBitmapAsync(analyzer.GetImageStreamCallback, biggerRectangle);

                    if (croppedImage == null || biggerRectangle.Height == 0 && biggerRectangle.Width == 0)
                        // Couldn't get a shot of this person

                    demographicsChanged = true;

                    string personName = GetDisplayTextForPersonAsync(analyzer, item);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName))
                        personName = item.Face.FaceAttributes.Gender;

                        // Add the person to the list of pending identifications so we can try again on some future frames
                        this.pendingIdentificationAttemptCount.Add(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId, 1);

                    personInVideo = new Visitor {
                        UniqueId = item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId
                    this.peopleInVideo.Add(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId, personInVideo);

                    // Update the demographics stats.

                    VideoTrack videoTrack = new VideoTrack
                        Tag         = item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId,
                        CroppedFace = croppedImage,
                        DisplayText = string.Format("{0}, {1}", personName, Math.Floor(item.Face.FaceAttributes.Age)),
                        Duration    = (int)this.videoPlayer.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds,

                    videoTrack.Tapped += this.TimelineTapped;

                    this.peopleListView.Children.Insert(0, videoTrack);

                // Update the timeline for this person
                VideoTrack track = (VideoTrack)this.peopleListView.Children.FirstOrDefault(f => (Guid)((FrameworkElement)f).Tag == item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId);
                if (track != null)
                    Emotion matchingEmotion = CoreUtil.FindFaceClosestToRegion(analyzer.DetectedEmotion, item.Face.FaceRectangle);
                    if (matchingEmotion == null)
                        matchingEmotion = new Emotion {
                            Scores = new EmotionScores {
                                Neutral = 1

                    track.SetVideoFrameState(frameNumber, matchingEmotion.Scores);

                    uint childIndex = (uint)this.peopleListView.Children.IndexOf(track);
                    if (childIndex > 5)
                        // Bring to towards the top so it becomes visible
                        this.peopleListView.Children.Move(childIndex, 5);

                if (demographicsChanged)

        private async Task ProcessCurrentVideoFrame()
            int frameNumber = (int)this.videoPlayer.Position.TotalSeconds;

            if (this.processedFrames.Contains(frameNumber))

            Guid videoIdBeforeProcessing = this.currentVideoId;

            var analyzer = new ImageAnalyzer(await Util.GetPixelBytesFromSoftwareBitmapAsync(FrameRelayVideoEffect.LatestSoftwareBitmap));

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            // Compute Emotion, Age and Gender
            await Task.WhenAll(analyzer.DetectEmotionAsync(), analyzer.DetectFacesAsync(detectFaceAttributes: true));

            // Compute Face Identification and Unique Face Ids
            await Task.WhenAll(analyzer.IdentifyFacesAsync(), analyzer.FindSimilarPersistedFacesAsync());

            foreach (var item in analyzer.SimilarFaceMatches)
                if (videoIdBeforeProcessing != this.currentVideoId)
                    // Media source changed while we were processing. Make sure we are in a clear state again.
                    await this.ResetStateAsync();


                bool    demographicsChanged = false;
                Visitor personInVideo;
                if (this.peopleInVideo.TryGetValue(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId, out personInVideo))

                    if (this.pendingIdentificationAttemptCount.ContainsKey(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId))
                        // This is a face we haven't identified yet. See how many times we have tried it, if we need to do it again or stop trying
                        if (this.pendingIdentificationAttemptCount[item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId] <= 5)
                            string personName = await GetDisplayTextForPersonAsync(analyzer, item);

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName))
                                // Increment the times we have tried and failed to identify this person
                                // Bingo! Let's remove it from the list of pending identifications

                                VideoTrack existingTrack = (VideoTrack)this.peopleListView.Children.FirstOrDefault(f => (Guid)((FrameworkElement)f).Tag == item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId);
                                if (existingTrack != null)
                                    existingTrack.DisplayText = string.Format("{0}, {1}", personName, Math.Floor(item.Face.FaceAttributes.Age));
                            // Give up
                    // New person... let's catalog it.

                    // Crop the face, enlarging the rectangle so we frame it better
                    double    heightScaleFactor = 1.8;
                    double    widthScaleFactor  = 1.8;
                    Rectangle biggerRectangle   = new Rectangle
                        Height = Math.Min((int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Height * heightScaleFactor), FrameRelayVideoEffect.LatestSoftwareBitmap.PixelHeight),
                        Width  = Math.Min((int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Width * widthScaleFactor), FrameRelayVideoEffect.LatestSoftwareBitmap.PixelWidth)
                    biggerRectangle.Left = Math.Max(0, item.Face.FaceRectangle.Left - (int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Width * ((widthScaleFactor - 1) / 2)));
                    biggerRectangle.Top  = Math.Max(0, item.Face.FaceRectangle.Top - (int)(item.Face.FaceRectangle.Height * ((heightScaleFactor - 1) / 1.4)));

                    var croppedImage = await Util.GetCroppedBitmapAsync(analyzer.GetImageStreamCallback, biggerRectangle);

                    if (croppedImage == null || biggerRectangle.Height == 0 && biggerRectangle.Width == 0)
                        // Couldn't get a shot of this person

                    demographicsChanged = true;

                    string personName = await GetDisplayTextForPersonAsync(analyzer, item);

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personName))
                        personName = item.Face.FaceAttributes.Gender;

                        // Add the person to the list of pending identifications so we can try again on some future frames
                        this.pendingIdentificationAttemptCount.Add(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId, 1);

                    personInVideo = new Visitor {
                        UniqueId = item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId
                    this.peopleInVideo.Add(item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId, personInVideo);

                    // Update the demographics stats.

                    VideoTrack videoTrack = new VideoTrack
                        Tag         = item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId,
                        CroppedFace = croppedImage,
                        DisplayText = string.Format("{0}, {1}", personName, Math.Floor(item.Face.FaceAttributes.Age)),
                        Duration    = (int)this.videoPlayer.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalSeconds,

                    videoTrack.Tapped += this.TimelineTapped;


                // Update the timeline for this person
                VideoTrack track = (VideoTrack)this.peopleListView.Children.FirstOrDefault(f => (Guid)((FrameworkElement)f).Tag == item.SimilarPersistedFace.PersistedFaceId);
                if (track != null)
                    Emotion matchingEmotion = CoreUtil.FindFaceClosestToRegion(analyzer.DetectedEmotion, item.Face.FaceRectangle);
                    if (matchingEmotion == null)
                        matchingEmotion = new Emotion {
                            Scores = new Scores {
                                Neutral = 1

                    track.SetVideoFrameState(frameNumber, matchingEmotion.Scores);

                if (demographicsChanged)


            debugText.Text = string.Format("Latency: {0:0}ms", (DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds);
