private static void Pipe(ControllerState state) { if (state != ControllerState.Quit) { Pipe(_controller.DoUserInteraction(state)); } }
void changeState(ControllerState state) { Event_TouchUp(new Vector3()); isFirstTick = true; timeHold = 0; inputBeofreNum = 0; inputBefore = new Vector3(); myState = state; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the Controller class /// </summary> public Controller() { += com_SerialDataEvent; sendInstructions = new Timer(TimerPeriod); sendInstructions.Elapsed+=sendInstructions_Elapsed; sendInstructions.Start(); _receivingBuffer = new StringBuilder(); _replyStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); state = ControllerState.Idle; }
public override void changeState(ControllerState newState) { if (ground != null) { Locator.getComponentManager().removeEntity(ground); } if (marker != null) { Locator.getComponentManager().removeEntity(marker); } base.changeState(newState); }
void Update() { var animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); var newState = animator.GetCurrentState(0); bool changed = newState!=PrevState; PrevState = CurrentState; CurrentState = newState; if(changed) { OnStateChanged(this); } HandleOneShot(); }
public void Awake() { HandleCollisions = true; State = new ControllerState(); _transform = transform; _localScale = transform.localScale; _boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>(); var colliderWidth = _boxCollider.size.x * Mathf.Abs(transform.localScale.x)-(2 * SkinWidth); _horizontalDistanceBetweenRays = colliderWidth / (TotVerticalRays - 1); var colliderHeight = _boxCollider.size.y * Mathf.Abs(transform.localScale.y) - (2 * SkinWidth); _verticalDistanceBetweenRays = colliderHeight / (TotHorizontalRays - 1); }
public BipedControllerComponent(Actor owner) : base(owner) { DesiredMovementActions = MovementActions.Neutral; OrientationChange = Quaternion.Identity; HorizontalMovement = Vector2.Zero; Controller = null; MaxTurnAnglePerTick = MathHelper.Pi / 8.0f; mAnimationStateMachine = null; mState = ControllerState.Neutral; mBooster = null; AimCheck = delegate() { return false; }; mAttentionLock = new Object(); IsAttentionAvailable = true; Owner.ActorInitialized += ActorInitializedHandler; WorldAim = null; }
protected override void ProcessController() { ControllerState newState = new ControllerState(); JoystickState joyState = new JoystickState(); if (this.padsList == null || !this.padsList.Any()) { this.padsList = this.GetGamePads(); if (!this.padsList.Any()) return; } if (this.device == null) { this.device = this.padsList[0]; } if (this.pad == null) { this.Acquire(); } if (this.pad == null || this.pad.Poll().IsFailure || this.pad.GetCurrentState(ref joyState).IsFailure) { newState.Active = false; } else { //var objs = pad.GetObjects(); newState.Active = true; newState.X = (joyState.X / 5000d); newState.Y = (joyState.Y / 5000d); newState.Buttons = joyState.GetButtons(); } if (!newState.Equals(this.State)) { this.State = newState; if (this.OnUpdate != null) { this.OnUpdate.Invoke(this.State); } } }
public void forceState(ControllerState newState) { state = newState; }
public override void OnHoverExit(Vector2 position, ControllerState controllerState) { image.color = normalColor; }
public static extern uint XInputGetState(uint controllerIndex, out ControllerState state);
public void StartTCL() { TCLState = Controller.ControllerState.RUNNING; Thread.Sleep(2000); Thread mainThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mainLoop)); ui.UpdateUIState(TCLState); mainThread.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Parks the laser on a resonance. Uses ScanMaster to scan the laser and fit to the spectrum in order /// to locate the resonance. Then adjusts the laser frequency to park the laser on the resonance. /// Note that this method parks but doesn't lock the laser /// </summary> public void Park() { double[] fitresult; ui.AddToTextBox("Attempting to park..." + Environment.NewLine); status = ControllerState.busy; try { scanMaster.AcquireAndWait(ui.ScansPerPark); Scan scan = scanMaster.DataStore.AverageScan; if (scan.Points.Count != 0) { fitresult = FitSpectrum(scan); double centreVoltage = fitresult[2]; double scanStart = (double)scanMaster.GetOutputSetting("start"); double scanEnd = (double)scanMaster.GetOutputSetting("end"); if (centreVoltage > scanStart && centreVoltage < scanEnd) { if (!Environs.Debug) { RampToVoltage(centreVoltage); ui.AddToTextBox("Parked at " + centreVoltage + " volts." + Environment.NewLine); ui.SetControlVoltageNumericEditorValue(centreVoltage); } else ui.AddToTextBox("Ramping to " + centreVoltage + " volts. \n"); } else ui.AddToTextBox("Failed - Unable to locate the resonance." + Environment.NewLine); } else ui.AddToTextBox("Failed - Nothing to fit." + Environment.NewLine); } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { ui.AddToTextBox("The connection to ScanMaster was refused. Make sure that ScanMaster is running." + Environment.NewLine); } status =; }
public void StopRamp() { State = ControllerState.STOPPED; ui.updateUIState(State); }
public void getPreviousState(ControllerState state) { pState.CopyTo(state); }
public void getCurrentState(ControllerState state) { cState.CopyTo(state); }
public void getExposedState(EAll4StateExposed expState, ControllerState state) { cState.CopyTo(state); //expState.Accel = accel; //expState.Gyro = gyro; }
public void Finally(ControllerState inState) { }
public void Boot(ControllerState ioState) { ExecSetVarSetting(ioState); }
public static void RaiseEvent(ControllerState state) { switch (state) { case ControllerState.None: break; case ControllerState.Up: //if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down || pointer == ControllerPointerState.Enter){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnUp(); //} break; case ControllerState.Down: //if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down || pointer == ControllerPointerState.Enter){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnDown(); // } break; case ControllerState.Left: // if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down || pointer == ControllerPointerState.Enter){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnLeft(); // } break; case ControllerState.Right: // if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down || pointer == ControllerPointerState.Enter){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnRight(); // } break; case ControllerState.Select: // if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnSelect(); // } break; case ControllerState.Start: // if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnStart(); // } break; case ControllerState.A: // if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down || pointer == ControllerPointerState.Enter){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnA(); // } break; case ControllerState.B: // if(pointer == ControllerPointerState.Down || pointer == ControllerPointerState.Enter){ RaiseOnClick(); RaiseOnB(); // } break; } }
/// <summary> /// 处理状态装换 /// </summary> private void HandleState(ref ControllerState _currentControllerState, ref float3 _movementum, bool _isGrounded) { var up = math.up(); var _isRising = IsRisingOrFalling(_movementum) && GetDotProduct(_movementum, up) > 0f; var _isSliding = false; var newState = _currentControllerState; var newMovementum = _movementum; switch (_currentControllerState) { case ControllerState.Grounded: if (_isRising) { newState = ControllerState.Rising; //地面->上升 //当离开地面,重置移动惯性为只有竖直方向 OnGroundConcactLost(ref _movementum); break; } if (!_isGrounded) { newState = ControllerState.Falling; //地面到->下落 //当离开地面,重置移动惯性为只有竖直方向 OnGroundConcactLost(ref _movementum); break; } if (_isSliding) { newState = ControllerState.Sliding; //地面->滑动 break; } break; case ControllerState.Sliding: break; case ControllerState.Falling: if (_isRising) { newState = ControllerState.Rising; break; } if (_isGrounded) { newState = ControllerState.Grounded; //重新回到地面 OnGroundContactRegained(_movementum); } if (_isSliding) { newState = ControllerState.Sliding; //重新回到地面 OnGroundContactRegained(_movementum); } break; case ControllerState.Rising: if (!_isRising) { if (_isGrounded && !_isSliding) { newState = ControllerState.Grounded; OnGroundContactRegained(_movementum); break; } if (_isSliding) { newState = ControllerState.Sliding; OnGroundContactRegained(_movementum); break; } if (_isGrounded) { newState = ControllerState.Falling; break; } } break; case ControllerState.Jumping: //这儿直接转成Rising状态,所以Jumping状态只持续一帧 newState = ControllerState.Rising; break; default: break; } _currentControllerState = newState; _movementum = newMovementum; }
// public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state) // { // base.OnStart(state); // // fiSelRes = Type.GetType("Kethane.KethaneController").GetField("SelectedResource"); // } public override void OnFixedUpdate() { // base.OnFixedUpdate(); if (HighLogic.LoadedScene != GameScenes.FLIGHT || KethaneData.Current == null) { return; } if (lastBody != vessel.orbit.referenceBody) { // thanks to The_Duck, Technogeeky and ian for helping me fix the orbit calculation lastBody = vessel.orbit.referenceBody; // Debug.Log("GravParameter " + lastBody.gravParameter); Orbits = new List<float>(); int y = 1; var u3 = Math.Pow(lastBody.gravParameter, 1.0 / 3.0); while (y > 0) { var oP = lastBody.rotationPeriod * (y / 80f); var alt = u3 * Math.Pow(oP / (2 * Math.PI), 2.0 / 3.0) - lastBody.Radius; var msg = string.Format("Orbit {0} is at {1:F1} km", y, alt / 1000f); if (y % 2 != 0 && y % 5 != 0 && alt > 0 && alt < lastBody.sphereOfInfluence && (lastBody.atmosphere ? alt > lastBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude() : true)) { msg += " added"; Orbits.Add((float)alt / 1000f); // Debug.Log(msg); } y++; if (alt >= lastBody.sphereOfInfluence) { break; } } Orbits.Sort(); string str = ""; foreach (var o in Orbits) { str += o.ToString("#.0") + " km\n"; } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "\\KethaneScanOrbits_" + + ".txt", str); } // var scans = KethaneData.Current.Scans[(string)fiSelRes.GetValue(null)][]; var scans = KethaneData.Current.Scans[MapOverlay.SelectedResource][]; Coverage = (float)Math.Floor(ordered.Count(c => scans[c]) / (float)ordered.Length * 100f * 100f) / 100f; var cell = GetLowestUnscanned(scans); if (Coverage == 100 && Active) { print( + " completely scanned at " + vesselState.time); TimeWarp.SetRate(0, false); Active = false; } maxInc = CellToLonLat(cell).y; if (Active) { var curInc = Math.Abs(maxInc); var myInc = Math.Abs(vesselState.orbitInclination); var diff = Math.Abs(myInc - curInc); switch (Status) { case ControllerState.Inactive: Status = ControllerState.Idle; break; case ControllerState.Idle: if (diff > IncChangeStep && curInc >= IncChangeLimit && vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count == 0) { var planner = core.GetComputerModule<MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner>(); double newInc; if (ChangeByStep) { newInc = vesselState.orbitInclination - (IncChangeStep * (vesselState.orbitInclination < 0 ? -1 : 1)); } else { newInc = (curInc * (vesselState.orbitInclination < 0 ? -1 : 1)); } newInc = Math.Round(newInc, 2); var result = planner.PlanNode(MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner.Operation.INCLINATION, MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner.TimeReference.EQ_ASCENDING, 0, 0, 0, newInc, 0, 0, 0, false); if (result.Success && core.node != null) { core.node.ExecuteOneNode(this); } else { Active = false; Status = ControllerState.Inactive; print("KSC node planning error: " + result.Error + "\ntime error: " + result.TimeError); } warp = TimeWarp.CurrentRateIndex; TimeWarp.SetRate(0, true); Status = ControllerState.Waiting; } break; case ControllerState.Waiting: if (vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Count == 0 && vessel.ctrlState.mainThrottle == 0) { TimeWarp.SetRate(warp, false); Status = ControllerState.Idle; // if (myInc - IncChangeStep < IncChangeLimit) { Active = false; } } break; } // if (!core.node.users.Contains(this)) { core.node.users.Add(this); } } else //if(!Active) { if (Status != ControllerState.Disabled && Status != ControllerState.Inactive) { Status = ControllerState.Inactive; } // if (core.node.users.Contains(this)) { core.node.users.Remove(this); } } }
void reader_ControllerStateChanged(IControllerReader reader, ControllerState newState) { newState = _blinkFilter.Process(newState); foreach (var button in _buttonsWithImages) { if (!newState.Buttons.ContainsKey(button.Item1.Name)) { continue; } button.Item2.Visibility = newState.Buttons [button.Item1.Name] ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; } foreach (var button in _rangeButtonsWithImages) { if (!newState.Analogs.ContainsKey(button.Item1.Name)) { continue; } var value = newState.Analogs [button.Item1.Name]; var visible = button.Item1.From <= value && value <= button.Item1.To; button.Item2.Visibility = visible ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; } foreach (var stick in _sticksWithImages) { var skin = stick.Item1; var image = stick.Item2; float xrange = (skin.XReverse ? -1 : 1) * skin.XRange; float yrange = (skin.YReverse ? 1 : -1) * skin.YRange; var x = newState.Analogs.ContainsKey(skin.XName) ? skin.Config.X + xrange * newState.Analogs [skin.XName] : skin.Config.X; var y = newState.Analogs.ContainsKey(skin.YName) ? skin.Config.Y + yrange * newState.Analogs [skin.YName] : skin.Config.Y; image.Margin = new Thickness(x, y, 0, 0); } foreach (var trigger in _triggersWithGridImages) { var skin = trigger.Item1; var grid = trigger.Item2; if (!newState.Analogs.ContainsKey(skin.Name)) { continue; } var val = newState.Analogs [skin.Name]; if (skin.UseNegative) { val *= -1; } if (skin.IsReversed) { val = 1 - val; } if (val < 0) { val = 0; } switch (skin.Direction) { case Skin.AnalogTrigger.DirectionValue.Right: grid.Width = skin.Config.Width * val; break; case Skin.AnalogTrigger.DirectionValue.Left: var width = skin.Config.Width * val; var offx = skin.Config.Width - width; grid.Margin = new Thickness(skin.Config.X + offx, skin.Config.Y, 0, 0); grid.Width = width; break; case Skin.AnalogTrigger.DirectionValue.Down: grid.Height = skin.Config.Height * val; break; case Skin.AnalogTrigger.DirectionValue.Up: var height = skin.Config.Height * val; var offy = skin.Config.Height - height; grid.Margin = new Thickness(skin.Config.X, skin.Config.Y + offy, 0, 0); grid.Height = height; break; } } }
public virtual void Update(TimeSpan dt, List <Direction> limiters, ControllerState controller) { Limiters = limiters; C = controller; bool canMoveDown = !limiters.Contains(Direction.Down); bool canMoveUp = !limiters.Contains(Direction.Up); bool canMoveLeft = !limiters.Contains(Direction.Right); bool canMoveRight = !limiters.Contains(Direction.Left); bool cs1 = false; bool cs2 = false; bool cs3 = false; bool cs4 = false; if (Confused) { cs1 = Extensions.RandomBool(); cs2 = Extensions.RandomBool(); cs3 = Extensions.RandomBool(); cs4 = Extensions.RandomBool(); } _currentMovement = Movement.Idle; HealthBar.Value = Health; #region Vibrating Health if (_vibratingHealth) { if (Extensions.GetMS() - _lastVibrateTime > Health + 200) { _lastVibrateTime = Extensions.GetMS(); _lastVibrateStarted = Extensions.GetMS(); controller.StartVibrate(0.7f, 0.7f); } if (Extensions.GetMS() - _lastVibrateStarted > 100) { controller.StopVibrate(); } } #endregion #region Satus Updates if (Stunned && Extensions.GetMS() - _lastStunTime > _stunDuration) { Stunned = false; } if (Confused && Extensions.GetMS() - _lastConfuseTime > _confuseDuration) { Confused = false; } if (Extensions.GetMS() - _lastManaGain > _manaGainDelay) { if (Mana < 5) { Mana += 1; } } #endregion #region Physics if (canMoveDown && !Flying && !Dead) { Position.Y += (int)_gravityAcceleration; if (Program.Game.InsideWall(this) != null) { Position.Y -= (int)_gravityAcceleration; _gravityAcceleration = Program.Game.Gravity * 5; Jumping = false; } _gravityAcceleration += Program.Game.Gravity; _currentMovement = _gravityAcceleration > JumpStrength ? Movement.Fall : Movement.Jump; } else { _gravityAcceleration = 0; Jumping = false; } #endregion #region Controller Input if (controller.IsButtonDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Buttons.LeftShoulder)) { Health -= 10; if (Health < 0) { Health = 0; } } else { if (Health > MaxHealth) { Health = MaxHealth; } } if (!ActionLocked) { if ((controller.WasButtonPressed(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Buttons.A)) && !Stunned && !Dead) { if (!Jumping) { Jumping = true; } } if (Jumping && !Flying && !Dead) { if (canMoveUp) { Position.Y -= JumpStrength; if (Program.Game.InsideWall(this) != null) { Position.Y += JumpStrength; Jumping = false; } } else { Jumping = false; } } if (($"{C.LeftThumbstickDirection}".Contains("Right") || cs1) && canMoveRight && !Stunned && !Dead) { Position.X += Speed; FacingDirection = Direction.Right; if (!FlipLocked) { FlipHorizontally = false; } if (!canMoveDown) { _currentMovement = Movement.Walk; } } if (($"{C.LeftThumbstickDirection}".Contains("Left") || cs2) && canMoveLeft && !Stunned && !Dead) { Position.X -= Speed; FacingDirection = Direction.Left; if (!FlipLocked) { FlipHorizontally = true; } if (!canMoveDown) { _currentMovement = Movement.Walk; } } if (Flying) { if ($"{C.LeftThumbstickDirection}".Contains("Up") && canMoveUp && !Stunned && !Dead) { Position.Y -= Speed; } if ($"{C.LeftThumbstickDirection}".Contains("Down") && canMoveDown && !Stunned && !Dead) { Position.Y += Speed; } } if (controller.WasButtonPressed(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Buttons.B) && !Stunned && !Dead && Mana >= Ability1Cost) { Mana -= Ability1Cost; Ability1(); } if (controller.WasButtonPressed(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Buttons.X) && !Stunned && !Dead && Mana >= Ability2Cost) { Mana -= Ability2Cost; Ability2(); } if (controller.WasButtonPressed(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Buttons.Y) && !Stunned && !Dead && Mana >= Ability3Cost) { Mana -= Ability3Cost; Ability3(); } if (controller.IsButtonDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Buttons.LeftShoulder) && controller.IsButtonDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Buttons.RightShoulder) && UltimatePercent == 1.0 && !Stunned && !Dead) { UltimatePercent = 1.0; Ultimate(); } if (controller.RightTriggerPower > 0 && !Stunned && !Dead) { var tms = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; if (tms - _lastShotTime > ShotInterval) { Shoot(); _lastShotTime = tms; } } } #endregion #region Movement Animation if (MovementAnimated) { if (_lastMovement != _currentMovement) { //switch to current movement animation switch (_currentMovement) { case Movement.Idle: HardSetAnimation(IdleAnimation); break; case Movement.Fall: HardSetAnimation(FallAnimation); break; case Movement.Jump: HardSetAnimation(JumpAnimation); break; case Movement.Walk: HardSetAnimation(WalkAnimation); break; } } } #endregion _previousPosition = Position; _lastMovement = _currentMovement; }
/// <summary> /// The main loop. Scans the cavity, looks at photodiodes, corrects the cavity scan range for the next /// scan and locks the laser. /// It does a first scan of the data before starting. /// It then enters a loop where the next scan is prepared. The preparation varies depending on /// the ControllerState. Once all the preparation is done, the next scan is started. And so on. /// </summary> private void rampLoop() { readParametersFromUI(); ScanParameters sp = createInitialScanParameters(); initializeHardware(); CavityScanData scanData = scan(sp); double[] masterDataFit; double[] slaveDataFit; System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\cavityData.txt"); while (State != ControllerState.STOPPED) { displayData(sp, scanData); masterDataFit = CavityScanFitHelper.FitLorenzianToMasterData(scanData, sp.Low, sp.High); saveFitData(file, masterDataFit[1]); displayMasterFit(sp, masterDataFit); slaveDataFit = CavityScanFitHelper.FitLorenzianToSlaveData(scanData, sp.Low, sp.High); saveFitData(file, slaveDataFit[1]); displaySlaveFit(sp, slaveDataFit); switch (State) { case ControllerState.FREERUNNING: releaseLaser(); break; case ControllerState.CAVITYSTABILIZED: ScanOffset = calculateNewScanCentre(sp, masterDataFit); sp.High = ScanOffset + scanWidth; sp.Low = ScanOffset - scanWidth; setToLaserEngaged(); break; case ControllerState.LASERLOCKING: ScanOffset = calculateNewScanCentre(sp, masterDataFit); sp.High = ScanOffset + scanWidth; sp.Low = ScanOffset - scanWidth; LaserSetPoint = CalculateLaserSetPoint(masterDataFit, slaveDataFit); State = ControllerState.LASERLOCKED; ui.updateUIState(State); break; case ControllerState.LASERLOCKED: ScanOffset = calculateNewScanCentre(sp, masterDataFit); sp.High = ScanOffset + scanWidth; sp.Low = ScanOffset - scanWidth; LaserSetPoint = tweakSetPoint(LaserSetPoint); //does nothing if not tweaked /*Console.WriteLine("width=" + slaveDataFit[0].ToString() + ", centre =" + slaveDataFit[1].ToString() + ", amp=" + slaveDataFit[2].ToString() + ", offset=" + slaveDataFit[3].ToString());*/ double shift = calculateDeviationFromSetPoint(LaserSetPoint, masterDataFit, slaveDataFit); VoltageToLaser = calculateNewVoltageToLaser(VoltageToLaser, shift); break; } if (lState == LaserState.BUSY) { tcl.SetLaserVoltage(VoltageToLaser); } scanData = scan(sp); } file.Close(); finalizeRamping(); }
private void AddWatchData(Controller ctrlr, bool connected, ControllerState state, bool doorstate, bool relaystate) { string cardNo = null; if (state != null) { cardNo = state.cardOrNoNumber; var card = _cards.Find(m => m.CARD_WG_NO == state.cardOrNoNumber); if (card != null) { cardNo = card.CARD_NO; } else { Maticsoft.BLL.SMT_CARD_INFO cardBll = new Maticsoft.BLL.SMT_CARD_INFO(); var c = cardBll.GetModelList("CARD_WG_NO='" + state.cardOrNoNumber + "'"); if (c.Count > 0) { _cards.Add(c[0]); cardNo = c[0].CARD_NO; } } } string staffname = "未知"; string orgname = "未知"; Maticsoft.Model.SMT_STAFF_INFO sinfo = null; if (cardNo != null) { try { Maticsoft.BLL.SMT_STAFF_INFO siBll = new Maticsoft.BLL.SMT_STAFF_INFO(); var ds = siBll.GetListByCardNum(cardNo); var list = siBll.DataTableToListWithDept(ds.Tables[0]); if (list.Count > 0) { staffname = list[0].REAL_NAME; orgname = list[0].ORG_NAME; sinfo = list[0]; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("读取职员异常:", ex); } } this.Invoke(new Action(() => { foreach (ListViewItem item in _lastDetectDoorItems) { Maticsoft.Model.SMT_DOOR_INFO door = (Maticsoft.Model.SMT_DOOR_INFO)item.Tag; if (door.IS_ENABLE && door.CTRL_ID != null && door.CTRL_DOOR_INDEX != null) { if ( != (decimal)door.CTRL_ID) { continue; } int doorIndex = (int)door.CTRL_DOOR_INDEX; bool doorLock = false; if (state != null) { //更新状态 switch (doorIndex) { case 1: doorLock = state.isOpenDoorOfLock1; break; case 2: doorLock = state.isOpenDoorOfLock2; break; case 3: doorLock = state.isOpenDoorOfLock3; break; case 4: doorLock = state.isOpenDoorOfLock4; break; default: break; } //更新状态 item.ImageIndex = doorLock ? 1 : 0; door.OPEN_STATE = doorLock ? 1 : 0; DoorDataHelper.UpdateDoorSync(door); } if ((!connected || state == null) && !doorstate) { door.OPEN_STATE = 2; DoorDataHelper.UpdateDoorSync(door); item.ImageIndex = connected ? 0 : 2; /*DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); * row.Tag = ctrlr; * row.CreateCells(dgvRealLog, DateTime.Now, door.DOOR_NAME, string.Format("控制器:IP={0},SN={1} {2}!", ctrlr.ip,, connected ? "连接成功" : "无法连接")); * row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Yellow; * dgvRealLog.Rows.Insert(0, row);*/ } else if ((byte)door.CTRL_DOOR_INDEX == state.doorNum) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.Tag = state; if (relaystate) { // row.CreateCells(dgvRealLog, state.recordTime, door.DOOR_NAME, string.Format("门禁:{0},卡号:{1},继电器状态改变!", door.DOOR_NAME, cardNo)); //dgvRealLog.Rows.Insert(0, row); } else { string actionname = AccessHelper.GetRecordReasonString(state.reasonNo); if (!doorLock) { actionname += ",锁状态:关"; } else { actionname += ",锁状态:开"; } if (doorstate) { row.CreateCells(dgvRealLog, state.recordTime, door.DOOR_NAME + (state.isEnterDoor ? "-进门" : "-出门"), string.Format("人员:{0},部门:{1},门禁:{2},卡号:{3},动作:{4}", staffname, orgname, door.DOOR_NAME, cardNo, actionname)); dgvRealLog.Rows.Insert(0, row); row.Tag = new object[] { sinfo, state }; ShowStaffInfo(row, row.Tag as object[]); while (dgvRealLog.Rows.Count > 2000) { dgvRealLog.Rows.RemoveAt(dgvRealLog.Rows.Count - 1); } } //else //{ // row.CreateCells(dgvRealLog, state.recordTime, door.DOOR_NAME + (state.isEnterDoor ? "-进门" : "-出门"), string.Format("人员:{0},部门:{1},门禁:{2},卡号:{3},动作:当前状态=>{4}", staffname, orgname, door.DOOR_NAME, cardNo, actionname)); // } } } } } foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dgvRealLog.SelectedRows) { item.Selected = false; } if (dgvRealLog.Rows.Count > 0) { dgvRealLog.Rows[0].Selected = true; } })); }
public ControllerStateRuleAttribute(string id, Type controllerType, string normalCriteria, string emptyCriteria, ControllerState state) : base(id, normalCriteria, emptyCriteria) { ControllerType = controllerType; ControllerState = state; }
private void ShowStaffInfo(DataGridViewRow row, object[] infos) { if (infos == null) { return; } if (infos.Length >= 3) { ShowFaceStaffInfo((Maticsoft.Model.SMT_FACERECG_DEVICE)infos[0], (Maticsoft.Model.BST.staff_log)infos[1], (DateTime)infos[2]); return; } try { if (picBox.Image != null) { picBox.Image.Dispose(); picBox.Image = null; } if (picBox2.Image != null) { picBox2.Image.Dispose(); picBox2.Image = null; } Maticsoft.Model.SMT_STAFF_INFO sinfo = infos[0] as Maticsoft.Model.SMT_STAFF_INFO; ControllerState state = infos[1] as ControllerState; if (sinfo.PHOTO != null && sinfo.PHOTO.Length > 0) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(sinfo.PHOTO); Image bitmap = Image.FromStream(ms); picBox.Image = bitmap; } if (sinfo != null) { lbStaffName.Text = sinfo.REAL_NAME; lbDeptName.Text = sinfo.ORG_NAME; } else { lbStaffName.Text = "----"; lbDeptName.Text = "----"; } if (state != null) { lbTime.Text = state.recordTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ddd"); if (row.Cells[1].Value != null) { lbDoorName.Text = (string)row.Cells[1].Value; } else { lbDoorName.Text = "----"; } lbAction.Text = AccessHelper.GetRecordReasonString(state.reasonNo).Replace(":", "\r\n"); } else { lbTime.Text = ((DateTime)row.Cells[0].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ddd"); lbDoorName.Text = "----"; lbAction.Text = "----"; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("显示信息异常:", ex); } }
public void Initialize(OpenTK.GameWindow window) { game = window; int numKeys = (int)OpenTK.Input.Key.LastKey; int numMouseButtons = (int)OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.LastButton; prevKeysDown = new bool[numKeys]; curKeysDown = new bool[numKeys]; for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; ++i) { prevKeysDown[i] = curKeysDown[i] = false; } prevMouseDown = new bool[numMouseButtons]; curMouseDown = new bool[numMouseButtons]; for (int i = 0; i < numMouseButtons; ++i) { prevMouseDown[i] = curMouseDown[i] = false; } numJoysticks = game.Joysticks.Count; joyMapping = new ControllerMapping[numJoysticks]; prevJoyDown = new ControllerState[numJoysticks]; curJoyDown = new ControllerState[numJoysticks]; joyDeadZone = new float[numJoysticks]; for (int i = 0; i < numJoysticks; ++i) { joyMapping[i] = new ControllerMapping(); prevJoyDown[i] = new ControllerState(); curJoyDown[i] = new ControllerState(); joyDeadZone[i] = 0.25f; } isInitialized = true; }
private void biDetectCtrlr_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dgvRealLog.ClearSelection(); List <Maticsoft.Model.SMT_DOOR_INFO> doors = GetSelectDoors(); List <ListViewItem> items = new List <ListViewItem>(); foreach (ListViewItem item in listDoors.SelectedItems) { items.Add(item); } if (doors.Count == 0) { WinInfoHelper.ShowInfoWindow(this, "请选择门禁!"); return; } List <decimal> ctrIds = GetSelectCtrlIDs(doors); CtrlWaiting waiting = new CtrlWaiting(() => { var models = GetSelectCtrls(ctrIds); if (models.Count == 0) { WinInfoHelper.ShowInfoWindow(this, "未找到控制器!"); return; } List <ManualResetEvent> events = new List <ManualResetEvent>(); foreach (var item in models) { ManualResetEvent evt = new ManualResetEvent(false); events.Add(evt); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((o) => { Maticsoft.Model.SMT_CONTROLLER_INFO cinfo = item; Controller c = ControllerHelper.ToController(item); bool isconnect = false; ControllerState state = null; try { IAccessCore acc = new Li.Access.Core.WGAccesses.WGAccess(); state = acc.GetControllerState(c); if (state == null) { throw new Exception("通信不上"); } isconnect = true; } catch (Exception ex) { isconnect = false; } finally { lock (items) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { foreach (var it in items) { Maticsoft.Model.SMT_DOOR_INFO door = (Maticsoft.Model.SMT_DOOR_INFO)it.Tag; if (door.CTRL_ID == null || !door.IS_ENABLE) { continue; } if (door.CTRL_ID == { if (state == null || !isconnect) { it.ImageIndex = 2; } else { it.ImageIndex = state.relayState[(int)door.CTRL_DOOR_INDEX - 1] ? 1 : 0; } DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells(dgvRealLog, dt, door.DOOR_NAME, string.Format("控制器通信{0}:IP={1},SN={2}", isconnect ? "正常" : "不上", cinfo.IP, cinfo.SN_NO)); dgvRealLog.Rows.Insert(0, row); row.Selected = true; } } })); } evt.Set(); } })); } foreach (var item in events) { item.WaitOne(15000); } }); waiting.Show(this); }
public bool DpadHeld(int controllerIndex, DPadDir dir) { ControllerState state = _controllerStates[controllerIndex]; return(DPadState.Held == state.DPadStates.ElementAt((int)dir)); }
void DrawPath() { if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1")) { //We have let go, return to idle state state = ControllerState.idle; //All moves used? if (drawPathStack.Count - 1 == selectedUnit.GetMoveSpeed()) { //Is this a valid path that leads to a destination tile? Node finalNode = drawPathStack.Peek(); if (map.tiles[finalNode.pos.x, finalNode.pos.y].IsAvailable()) { //Feed our unit this path Debug.Log("sending drawn path to unit"); List <Node> path = new List <Node>(drawPathStack); path.Reverse(); selectedUnit.SetPath(path); } } else { map.ResetTileDrawPath(); } ClearDrawPath(); return; } Node currentNode = drawPathStack.Peek(); RaycastHit hit; //Check if we are hovering over tile if (MouseCast(out hit)) { if (hit.transform.tag == "Tile") { ClickableTile tempTile = hit.transform.GetComponent <ClickableTile>(); Node tempNode = map.nodes[tempTile.pos.x, tempTile.pos.y]; //Is the tile a walkable neighbor tile? if (NodeIsNeighbour(currentNode, tempNode) && map.UnitCanEnterTile(tempNode.pos, selectedUnit)) { //Is it the previous path node? if (drawPathStack.Contains(tempNode)) { //pop current position Node popped = drawPathStack.Pop(); ClickableTile tile = map.tiles[popped.pos.x, popped.pos.y].GetComponent <ClickableTile>(); Debug.Log(tile.GetValue()); tile.DrawHighlight(false, .01f); tile.SetValueText(tile.GetValue()); audioSource.volume = .4f; audioSource.pitch = 1.9f; audioSource.clip = sndClickUp; audioSource.Play(); //adjust available tiles var coordOptions = selectedUnit.GetAvailableTileOptions(tempNode, selectedUnit.GetMoveSpeed() - drawPathStack.Count + 1); map.ResetTileAvailability(); List <Map.Coord> coordList = new List <Map.Coord>(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedUnit.coordOptions.Length; i++) { if (coordOptions.Contains(selectedUnit.coordOptions[i])) { coordList.Add(selectedUnit.coordOptions[i]); } } map.MakeTilesAvailable(coordList.ToArray()); } //If not, we can push this neighbor is we have remianing moves, one step closer to destination else if (drawPathStack.Count - 1 < selectedUnit.GetMoveSpeed()) { { //adjust available tiles var coordOptions = selectedUnit.GetAvailableTileOptions(tempNode, selectedUnit.GetMoveSpeed() - drawPathStack.Count); map.ResetTileAvailability(); List <Map.Coord> coordList = new List <Map.Coord>(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedUnit.coordOptions.Length; i++) { if (coordOptions.Contains(selectedUnit.coordOptions[i])) { coordList.Add(selectedUnit.coordOptions[i]); } } map.MakeTilesAvailable(coordList.ToArray()); drawPathStack.Push(tempNode); //highlight tempTile? show its part of path tempTile.DrawHighlight(true, .02f); tempTile.SetValueText(tempTile.GetValue() + drawPathStack.Count - 1); audioSource.volume = .95f; audioSource.pitch = (((float)drawPathStack.Count - 1f) / (float)selectedUnit.GetMoveSpeed()) * .1f + .9f; audioSource.clip = sndClickDown; audioSource.Play(); } } } } //end MouseCast } }
public override void OnHoverEnter(Vector2 position, ControllerState controllerState) { image.color = hoverColor; }
//Listen I know this is stupid, it's just I don't use my gamepad much and I really want to get slimdx out of the main program NOW. public void MainLoop() { if (player1Controller.IsConnected) { Gamepad x360State = player1Controller.GetState().Gamepad; ControllerState newPlayer1; newPlayer1.A = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.A) != 0); newPlayer1.B = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.B) != 0); newPlayer1.X = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.X) != 0); newPlayer1.Y = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Y) != 0); newPlayer1.Up = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbY > 15000); newPlayer1.Down = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbY < -15000); newPlayer1.Left = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbX < -15000); newPlayer1.Right = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbX > 15000); newPlayer1.Start = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Start) != 0); newPlayer1.Back = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Back) != 0); newPlayer1.LBumper = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder) != 0); newPlayer1.RBumper = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder) != 0); newPlayer1.LTrigger = (x360State.LeftTrigger > 100); newPlayer1.RTrigger = (x360State.RightTrigger > 100); if (newPlayer1.A != currentPlayer1.A) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy1, newPlayer1.A); } if (newPlayer1.B != currentPlayer1.B) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy2, newPlayer1.B); } if (newPlayer1.X != currentPlayer1.X) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy3, newPlayer1.X); } if (newPlayer1.Y != currentPlayer1.Y) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy4, newPlayer1.Y); } if (newPlayer1.Up != currentPlayer1.Up) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.JoyUp, newPlayer1.Up); } if (newPlayer1.Down != currentPlayer1.Down) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.JoyDown, newPlayer1.Down); } if (newPlayer1.Left != currentPlayer1.Left) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.JoyLeft, newPlayer1.Left); } if (newPlayer1.Right != currentPlayer1.Right) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.JoyRight, newPlayer1.Right); } if (newPlayer1.Start != currentPlayer1.Start) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy5, newPlayer1.Start); } if (newPlayer1.Back != currentPlayer1.Back) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy6, newPlayer1.Back); } if (newPlayer1.LBumper != currentPlayer1.LBumper) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy7, newPlayer1.LBumper); } if (newPlayer1.RBumper != currentPlayer1.RBumper) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy8, newPlayer1.RBumper); } if (newPlayer1.LTrigger != currentPlayer1.LTrigger) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy9, newPlayer1.LTrigger); } if (newPlayer1.RTrigger != currentPlayer1.RTrigger) { InputEvent(EmuKeys.Joy10, newPlayer1.RTrigger); } currentPlayer1 = newPlayer1; } /* if (player2Controller.IsConnected) { Gamepad x360State = player2Controller.GetState().Gamepad; ControllerState newPlayer2; newPlayer2.A = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.A) != 0); newPlayer2.B = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.B) != 0); newPlayer2.X = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.X) != 0); newPlayer2.Y = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Y) != 0); newPlayer2.Up = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbY > 15000); newPlayer2.Down = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbY < -15000); newPlayer2.Left = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbX < -15000); newPlayer2.Right = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight) != 0) || (x360State.LeftThumbX > 15000); newPlayer2.Start = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Start) != 0); newPlayer2.Back = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Back) != 0); newPlayer2.LBumper = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder) != 0); newPlayer2.RBumper = ((x360State.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder) != 0); newPlayer2.LTrigger = (x360State.LeftTrigger > 100); newPlayer2.RTrigger = (x360State.RightTrigger > 100); if (newPlayer2.A != currentPlayer2.A) { if (newPlayer2.A) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad1); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad1); } if (newPlayer2.B != currentPlayer2.B) { if (newPlayer2.B) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad3); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad3); } if (newPlayer2.X != currentPlayer2.X) { if (newPlayer2.X) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.Home); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.Home); } if (newPlayer2.Y != currentPlayer2.Y) { if (newPlayer2.Y) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.End); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.End); } if (newPlayer2.Up != currentPlayer2.Up) { if (newPlayer2.Up) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad8); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad8); } if (newPlayer2.Down != currentPlayer2.Down) { if (newPlayer2.Down) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad5); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad5); } if (newPlayer2.Left != currentPlayer2.Left) { if (newPlayer2.Left) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad4); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad4); } if (newPlayer2.Right != currentPlayer2.Right) { if (newPlayer2.Right) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad6); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad6); } if (newPlayer2.Start != currentPlayer2.Start) { if (newPlayer2.Start) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad7); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad7); } if (newPlayer2.Back != currentPlayer2.Back) { if (newPlayer2.Back) KeyDownEvent(this, Keys.NumPad9); else KeyUpEvent(this, Keys.NumPad9); } currentPlayer2 = newPlayer2; }*/ }
public MSTSNotch(float v, int s, string type, STFReader stf) { Value = v; Smooth = s == 0 ? false : true; Type = ControllerState.Dummy; // Default to a dummy controller state if no valid alternative state used string lower = type.ToLower(); if (lower.StartsWith("trainbrakescontroller")) { lower = lower.Substring(21); } if (lower.StartsWith("enginebrakescontroller")) { lower = lower.Substring(22); } if (lower.StartsWith("brakemanbrakescontroller")) { lower = lower.Substring(24); } switch (lower) { case "dummy": break; case ")": break; case "releasestart": Type = ControllerState.Release; break; case "fullquickreleasestart": Type = ControllerState.FullQuickRelease; break; case "runningstart": Type = ControllerState.Running; break; case "selflapstart": Type = ControllerState.SelfLap; break; case "holdstart": Type = ControllerState.Hold; break; case "holdlappedstart": Type = ControllerState.Lap; break; case "neutralhandleoffstart": Type = ControllerState.Neutral; break; case "graduatedselflaplimitedstart": Type = ControllerState.GSelfLap; break; case "graduatedselflaplimitedholdingstart": Type = ControllerState.GSelfLapH; break; case "applystart": Type = ControllerState.Apply; break; case "continuousservicestart": Type = ControllerState.ContServ; break; case "suppressionstart": Type = ControllerState.Suppression; break; case "fullservicestart": Type = ControllerState.FullServ; break; case "emergencystart": Type = ControllerState.Emergency; break; case "minimalreductionstart": Type = ControllerState.MinimalReduction; break; case "epapplystart": Type = ControllerState.EPApply; break; case "eponlystart": Type = ControllerState.EPOnly; break; case "epfullservicestart": Type = ControllerState.EPFullServ; break; case "epholdstart": Type = ControllerState.SelfLap; break; case "vacuumcontinuousservicestart": Type = ControllerState.VacContServ; break; case "vacuumapplycontinuousservicestart": Type = ControllerState.VacApplyContServ; break; case "manualbrakingstart": Type = ControllerState.ManualBraking; break; case "brakenotchstart": Type = ControllerState.BrakeNotch; break; case "overchargestart": Type = ControllerState.Overcharge; break; case "slowservicestart": Type = ControllerState.SlowService; break; default: STFException.TraceInformation(stf, "Skipped unknown notch type " + type); break; } }
public MSTSNotch(BinaryReader inf) { Value = inf.ReadSingle(); Smooth = inf.ReadBoolean(); Type = (ControllerState)inf.ReadInt32(); }
public ControlManager(Point screen) { windows = new List<Window>(); Locator.getMessageBoard().register(onPost); state = new Selector(); screen_ = screen; }
public void Start() { ui = new MainForm(); ui.controller = this; State = ControllerState.STOPPED; initializeControllerValues(); Application.Run(ui); }
public void Start() { ui = new MainForm(config.Name); ui.controller = this; Dictionary<string, string> analogs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach(string key in config.Lasers.Keys) { analogs.Add(key, config.Lasers[key]); } analogs.Add("master", config.MasterLaser); analogs.Add("cavity", config.Cavity); initializeSlaveLaserControl(config.Lasers.Keys); initializeAIs(analogs.Values); TCLState = ControllerState.STOPPED; Application.Run(ui); }
public void Respawn(Vector3 position) { transform.position = position; _currentState = new SpawnState(this); }
public void EngageLock() { State = ControllerState.LASERLOCKING; ui.updateUIState(State); }
public MSTSNotch(MSTSNotch other) { Value = other.Value; Smooth = other.Smooth; Type = other.Type; }
public void DisengageLock() { State = ControllerState.FREERUNNING; ui.updateUIState(State); }
unsafe public void OnHidEvent(object aSender, SharpLib.Hid.Event aHidEvent) { if (aHidEvent.IsStray) { //Stray event just ignore it return; } // Oculus Rift S Touch Controller report starts with 0x67 if (aHidEvent.InputReport[0] != 0x67) { return; //Console.WriteLine(aHidEvent.InputReportString()); } var size = aHidEvent.InputReport.Length; if (size < 62) { return; } iMutex.WaitOne(); // Parse our raw input report into our controller report class. Utils.ParseControllerInputReport(aHidEvent.InputReport, iCtrlReport); // Check if we have a valid device ID if (iCtrlReport.device_id != 0) { // Check if we already meat this device ControllerState state; int position = Console.WindowTop + iControllers.Count * 20; if (!iControllers.TryGetValue(iCtrlReport.device_id, out state)) { // That's a new device, create a state object for it then and add it to our collection state = new ControllerState(); state.device_id = iCtrlReport.device_id; iControllers.Add(iCtrlReport.device_id, state); //Console.WriteLine("Found new device: 0x" + report.device_id.ToString("X")); iPosition.Add(iCtrlReport.device_id, position); } // Now that we have our state object for this device, we need to update it with the incoming input report Utils.UpdateControllerState(ref state, iCtrlReport); } // Do not update our prints too often to avoid lags bool updatePrints = iStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 100; foreach (var ctrl in iControllers.Values) { // Quick and dirty mapping to keyboard input for MWO if (ctrl.device_id == 0xCE156735BF2F1676) // // Right controller { var position = iPosition[ctrl.device_id]; if (updatePrints) { // Print our controller states in our console Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowLeft, position); //Console.Clear(); string blank = " "; Console.WriteLine(ctrl.Dump()); if (isDownForward) { Console.WriteLine("Up"); } else { Console.WriteLine(blank); } if (isDownBackward) { Console.WriteLine("Down"); } else { Console.WriteLine(blank); } if (isDownLeft) { Console.WriteLine("Left"); } else { Console.WriteLine(blank); } if (isDownRight) { Console.WriteLine("Right"); } else { Console.WriteLine(blank); } iStopWatch.Restart(); } // Throttle if (ctrl.joystick_y > 10000) { // Moving forward if (!isDownForward) { isDownForward = true; isDownBackward = false; // iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(iUp); iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iDown); } } else if (ctrl.joystick_y < -10000) { // Moving backward if (!isDownBackward) { isDownForward = false; isDownBackward = true; // iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(iDown); iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iUp); } } else { if (isDownForward || isDownBackward) { isDownForward = false; isDownBackward = false; // iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iDown); iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iUp); } } // Rotation if (ctrl.joystick_x > 15000) { // Moving right if (!isDownRight) { isDownLeft = false; isDownRight = true; // iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(iRight); iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iLeft); } } else if (ctrl.joystick_x < -15000) { // Moving left if (!isDownLeft) { // We used those to measure our input lag by comparing the time the event is sent here and the time it is received in HidDemo //Console.WriteLine("\nLeft down: " + aHidEvent.Time.ToString("HH:mm:ss:fff")); isDownLeft = true; isDownRight = false; // iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(iLeft); iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iRight); } } else { if (isDownRight) { // Use that to debug input lag //Console.WriteLine("Right up: " + aHidEvent.Time.ToString("HH:mm:ss:fff")); isDownRight = false; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iRight); } if (isDownLeft) { // Use that to debug input lag //Console.WriteLine("Left up: " + aHidEvent.Time.ToString("HH:mm:ss:fff")); isDownLeft = false; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(iLeft); } } //Target if (ctrl.trigger < 3072) { if (!isDownTrigger) { isDownTrigger = true; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.VK_R); } } else if (isDownTrigger) { isDownTrigger = false; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.VK_R); } // Push-to-talk if (ctrl.grip < 512) { if (!isDownGrip) { //Console.WriteLine("down "); isDownGrip = true; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.CAPITAL); } } else if (isDownGrip) { //Console.WriteLine("up "); isDownGrip = false; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.CAPITAL); } // Third weapon if (ctrl.ButtonStick()) { if (!isDownButtonStick) { //Console.WriteLine("down "); isDownButtonStick = true; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.VK_3); } } else if (isDownButtonStick) { //Console.WriteLine("up "); isDownButtonStick = false; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.VK_3); } // Battlegrid if (ctrl.ButtonMenu()) { if (!isDownButtonMenu) { //Console.WriteLine("down "); isDownButtonMenu = true; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyDown(VirtualKeyCode.VK_B); } } else if (isDownButtonMenu) { //Console.WriteLine("up "); isDownButtonMenu = false; iInputSim.Keyboard.KeyUp(VirtualKeyCode.VK_B); } } } iMutex.ReleaseMutex(); }
public void StabilizeCavity() { State = ControllerState.CAVITYSTABILIZED; ui.updateUIState(State); }
public void ChangeState(ControllerState newState) { currentControllerState = newState; //Debug.Log("State Changed"); }
public void StartRamp() { State = Controller.ControllerState.FREERUNNING; Thread.Sleep(2000); Thread rampThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(rampLoop)); ui.updateUIState(State); rampThread.Start(); }
//Handle state transitions; //Determine current controller state based on current momentum and whether the controller is grounded (or not); void HandleState() { //Check if vertical momentum is pointing upwards; bool _isRising = IsRisingOrFalling() && (VectorMath.GetDotProduct(GetMomentum(), trans.up) > 0f); //Check if controller is sliding; bool _isSliding = mover.IsGrounded() && (Vector3.Angle(mover.GetGroundNormal(), trans.up) > slopeLimit); switch (currentControllerState) { case ControllerState.Grounded: if (_isRising) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Rising; OnGroundContactLost(); break; } if (!mover.IsGrounded()) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Falling; OnGroundContactLost(); break; } if (_isSliding) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Sliding; break; } break; case ControllerState.Falling: if (_isRising) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Rising; break; } if (mover.IsGrounded() && !_isSliding) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Grounded; OnGroundContactRegained(momentum); break; } if (_isSliding) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Sliding; OnGroundContactRegained(momentum); break; } break; case ControllerState.Sliding: if (_isRising) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Rising; OnGroundContactLost(); break; } if (!mover.IsGrounded()) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Falling; break; } if (mover.IsGrounded() && !_isSliding) { OnGroundContactRegained(momentum); currentControllerState = ControllerState.Grounded; break; } break; case ControllerState.Rising: if (!_isRising) { if (mover.IsGrounded() && !_isSliding) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Grounded; OnGroundContactRegained(momentum); break; } if (_isSliding) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Sliding; break; } if (!mover.IsGrounded()) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Falling; break; } } break; case ControllerState.Jumping: //Check for jump timeout; if ((Time.time - currentJumpStartTime) > jumpDuration) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Rising; } //Check if jump key was let go; if (jumpKeyWasLetGo) { currentControllerState = ControllerState.Rising; } break; } }
public void UnlockCavity() { State = ControllerState.FREERUNNING; ui.updateUIState(State); }
public Daemon(TcpClient handler, ControllerState curstate) { Client = handler; state = curstate; }
/// <summary> /// Locks the laser to a reference cavity. This method runs continuously until the laser is unlocked. /// When this method is called, the reference cavity is read in order to establish the lock point. /// The reference cavity is then read continuously and adjustments fed-back to the laser. /// </summary> public void Lock() { double singleValue; double singlerefValue; double averageValue = 0; int reads = 0; bool firstTime = true; DateTime oldCavityStamp = new DateTime(); DateTime newCavityStamp = new DateTime(); newCavityStamp = DateTime.Now; status = ControllerState.busy; ui.ControlVoltageEditorEnabledState(false); hardwareControl.LaserLocked = true; hardwareControl.SetAnalogOutputBlockedStatus("laser", true); while (status == ControllerState.busy) { if (!Environs.Debug) { oldCavityStamp = newCavityStamp; // read the cavity if (hardwareControl.AnalogInputsAvailable)//scanmaster not running { singleValue = 0; inputTask.Start(); latestData = cavityReader.ReadMultiSample(SAMPLES_PER_READ); inputTask.Stop(); singlerefValue = 0; inputrefTask.Start(); latestrefData = cavityrefReader.ReadMultiSample(SAMPLES_PER_READ); inputrefTask.Stop(); foreach (double d in latestData) singleValue += d; foreach (double e in latestrefData) singlerefValue += e; singleValue = singleValue / SAMPLES_PER_READ; singlerefValue = singlerefValue / SAMPLES_PER_READ; if (singleValue > 4.7) { hardwareControl.diodeSaturationError(); } else { hardwareControl.diodeSaturation(); } singleValue = singleValue / singlerefValue; newCavityStamp = DateTime.Now; hardwareControl.UpdateLockCavityData(singleValue); //hardwareControl.UpdateLockCavityData(singleValue / singlerefValue); } else { singleValue = hardwareControl.LastCavityData; newCavityStamp = hardwareControl.LastCavityTimeStamp; } // provided the last cavity read is recent, do something with it if (hardwareControl.TimeSinceLastCavityRead < LATENCY && newCavityStamp.CompareTo(oldCavityStamp) != 0) { // if this is the first read since throwing the lock, the result defines the set-point if (firstTime) { integratedDeviation = 0; // make sure we don't have a value that's out of range if (singleValue > UPPER_SETPOINT_LIMIT) singleValue = UPPER_SETPOINT_LIMIT; if (singleValue < LOWER_SETPOINT_LIMIT) singleValue = LOWER_SETPOINT_LIMIT; setPoint = singleValue; ui.SetSetPointNumericEditorValue(setPoint); firstTime = false; } // otherwise, use the last read to update the running average else { averageValue += singleValue; reads++; deviation = averageValue / reads - setPoint; integratedDeviation = integratedDeviation + deviation * hardwareControl.TimeSinceLastCavityRead; } // is it time to feed-back to the laser if (reads != 0 && (reads >= READS_PER_FEEDBACK || ui.SpeedSwitchState)) { averageValue = averageValue / reads; deviation = averageValue - setPoint; LaserVoltage = LaserVoltage + SignOfFeedback * proportionalGain * deviation + integralGain * integratedDeviation; //other terms to go here // update the deviation plot ui.DeviationPlotXYAppend(deviation); // reset the variables averageValue = 0; reads = 0; } } } else { // Debug mode ui.DeviationPlotXYAppend(hardwareControl.LaserFrequencyControlVoltage - setPoint); } Thread.Sleep(SLEEPING_TIME); } // we're out of the while loop - revert to the unlocked state status =; hardwareControl.LaserLocked = false; ui.ControlVoltageEditorEnabledState(true); hardwareControl.SetAnalogOutputBlockedStatus("laser", false); }
private void MaintaintHostConnection(Object Params) { TcpClient Connection = Params as TcpClient; try { Connection.Connect(Master); if (state != ControllerState.Suspending) { state = ControllerState.Suspending; } UpdateData("Соединение с мастером установлено"); Connection.ReceiveBufferSize = 10000; Connection.ReceiveTimeout = 100; NetworkStream Stream = Connection.GetStream(); bool DataCollected; UInt32 oldHttpCount = 0; UInt32 oldUdpCount = 0; UInt32 newHttpCount; UInt32 newUdpCount; while (Connection.Connected) { DataCollected = false; if (Connection.Available >= 1) { int code = Stream.ReadByte(); switch (code) { case 0: while (Connection.Connected && !DataCollected) { if (Connection.Available >= 2) { byte[] buuf = new byte[2]; Stream.Read(buuf, 0, 2); //df to add length in sendservicemsg UInt16 len = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buuf, 0); while (Connection.Connected && !DataCollected) { if (Connection.Available >= len) { byte[] buffer = new byte[len]; Stream.Read(buffer, 0, len); InitParams(AttackParams.parseFromArray(buffer)); state = ControllerState.Suspending; DataCollected = true; UpdateData("Получены настройки от мастера"); } } } } break; case 1: AttackIsAllowed = true; Start(); break; case 2: AttackIsAllowed = false; Stop(); break; case 3: List <byte> msgs = new List <byte>(); msgs.Add(3); newHttpCount = Core.HttpCounter; newUdpCount = Core.UdpCounter; msgs.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(newHttpCount - oldHttpCount)); msgs.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(newUdpCount - oldUdpCount)); oldHttpCount = newHttpCount; oldUdpCount = newUdpCount; Stream.Write(msgs.ToArray(), 0, msgs.Count); //stats break; } } } UpdateData("Соединение с мастером разорвано"); } catch (SocketException err) { UpdateData("Невозможно подключиться к мастеру"); //1060 exception state = ControllerState.Error; } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { return; } }
private void WorkerThread(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs) { while(Device.IsConnected && !Device.IsTimedOut) { try { SendOutputReport(); var handler = Updated; var data = new byte[Device.Capabilities.InputReportByteLength]; if(Device.ReadFile(data) != HidDevice.ReadStatus.Success) continue; Device.FlushQueue(); if(handler != null) handler(this, new Ds4UpdateEventArgs(_lastState = new ControllerState(data, _isUsb))); CheckQuickDisconnect(); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } }
public TData GetData(ControllerState state) { return(ControllerStatesDataTemplate <TData> .GetData(this, state)); }
public void Start() { ui = new MainForm(); ui.controller = this; string[] lockableLasers = (string[])Environs.Hardware.GetInfo("TCLLockableLasers"); photodiodes = (string[])Environs.Hardware.GetInfo("TCLPhotodiodes"); if ((double)Environs.Hardware.GetInfo("TCL_Default_VoltageToLaser") != null) { default_ScanPoints = (int)Environs.Hardware.GetInfo("TCL_Default_ScanPoints"); } initializeSlaveLaserControl(lockableLasers); initializeAIs(photodiodes); makeLaserToAILookupTable(); TCLState = ControllerState.STOPPED; Application.Run(ui); }
public TData GetData(ControllerState state) { return(GetData(this, state)); }
/// <summary> /// This will make the program exit the while loop in ramploop. /// Note: this will call /// </summary> public void StopTCL() { TCLState = ControllerState.STOPPED; ui.UpdateUIState(TCLState); }
public EvalReturn Execute(string function, ref ControllerState cs) { // verify cog exists if (!functions.ContainsKey(function)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(function, String.Format(cs.Config.strings["FunNotFound"], function)); } IFunctionCog cog = functions[function]; if (cog.NumArgs > 0) //Don't bother checking count & type of args if you take none. { // check number of arguments if (cs.stack.Count < cog.NumArgs) { return(new EvalReturn(Response.Error, String.Format(cs.Config.strings["FunArgNumErr"], cog.FunctionName[0], cog.NumArgs), typeof(FunctionInstance))); } // Check the types of arguments Type[] argTypes = new Type[cog.NumArgs]; int topStack = cs.stack.Count; // Get all the types for (int i = 0; i < cog.NumArgs; i++) { argTypes[i] = cs.stack.ElementAt(topStack - (topStack - i)).GetType(); } bool allowed = false; foreach (Type[] t in cog.AllowedTypes) { if (t.SequenceEqual(argTypes) || t.Contains(typeof(AnyType))) { allowed = true; break; } } if (!allowed) { string argListString = "("; foreach (Type t in argTypes) { argListString += t.ToString() + " "; } argListString += ")"; return(new EvalReturn(Response.Error, String.Format(cs.Config.strings["UnsupportedTypes"], argListString), typeof(FunctionInstance))); } } // call cog Execute ICalculonType retVal = cog.Execute(ref cs); if (retVal.GetType() == typeof(ErrorType)) { return(new EvalReturn(Response.Error, retVal.Display, typeof(ErrorType))); } if (retVal.GetType() != typeof(EmptyType)) { cs.stack.Push(retVal); } return(new EvalReturn(Response.Ok, retVal.Display, retVal.GetType())); }
public virtual void changeState(ControllerState newState) { manager_.forceState(newState); }
protected virtual void FixedUpdate() { // check collisions // check the active collisions // ? if (m_activeStackedState != null) { InputManager.Instance.IgnoreInput = m_activeStackedState.ConsumesInputAndEffects; } foreach (ControllerState state in m_activeState.FutureStates) { bool entered = state.EnterOnCondition(/*m_activeState*/); if (entered) { m_activeState.Abort(); state.LogicalEnter(); if (m_activeStackedState == null || !m_activeStackedState.ConsumesInputAndEffects) { state.EffectualEnter(); } //m_lastState = m_activeState; m_stateStartedFrame = GameManager.Instance.Frame; Debug.Log("New active: " + state); m_activeState = state; break; } } if (m_activeStackedState != null) { foreach (ControllerState state in m_activeStackedState.StackedStates) { if (state.EnterOnCondition()) { m_activeStackedState?.Abort(); state.LogicalEnter(); state.EffectualEnter(); m_stateStartedStackedFrame = GameManager.Instance.Frame; m_activeStackedState = state; break; } } } else { //DUNNO; Should the active state be able to still trigger stacked states? //DUNNO; Should I be able to add non stacked states to a stacked state foreach (ControllerState state in m_activeState.StackedStates) { if (state.EnterOnCondition()) { m_activeStackedState?.Abort(); state.LogicalEnter(); state.EffectualEnter(); m_stateStartedStackedFrame = GameManager.Instance.Frame; m_activeStackedState = state; break; } } } m_activeState.HandleFixedUpdate(); if (m_activeStackedState != null) { bool keep = m_activeStackedState.HandleFixedUpdate(); if (!keep) { m_activeStackedState.Abort(); m_activeStackedState = null; m_activeState.EffectualEnter(); } } //TODO; For hold effects in special states; that won't work now //T** Therefore I should define better when stuff is blocked (maybe only in m_activeStates) InputManager.Instance.IgnoreInput = false; Move(); }