void Start () { game = GameObject.Find ("Gui").GetComponent<GameHandler> (); boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider2D> (); character = GetComponent<MeshRenderer> (); controller = GetComponent<Controller2D> (); anim = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation> (); skeleton = anim.skeleton; arm = skeleton.FindBone ("RShoulder"); backArm = skeleton.FindBone ("LShoulder"); weap = skeleton.FindBone ("Weapon"); skelRend = GetComponent<SkeletonRenderer> (); skeleton.FindSlot ("WeaponImage").Attachment = null; anim.state.ClearTrack(1); controller.CatchPlayer (this); crouchTap = new TapInfo (.6f, int.MaxValue); dashTap = new TapInfo (.6f, int.MaxValue); //Initiate the width of the HP bar, this may need to be placed in the Update portion if window scaling is changed. width = healthbar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width; startMaxXPos = healthbar.GetComponent<RectTransform>().offsetMax.x; UpdateGravity(); }