コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when GUI is to be rendered.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnGUI()
            bool buildAssetBundles = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_BuildAssetBundles");

            // rebuild all
            GUIContent rebuildAll = new GUIContent("Rebuild All", "Rebuilds all delight content (views, assets, etc).");

            if (GUILayout.Button(rebuildAll))

            var newBuildAssetBundles = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Build Asset Bundles", EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_BuildAssetBundles"));

            if (newBuildAssetBundles != buildAssetBundles)
                EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_BuildAssetBundles", newBuildAssetBundles);

            bool disableAutoGenerateViews    = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateViews");
            var  newDisableAutoGenerateViews = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Disable view autogen", disableAutoGenerateViews);

            if (newDisableAutoGenerateViews != disableAutoGenerateViews)
                EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateViews", newDisableAutoGenerateViews);

            bool disableAutoGenerateHandlers    = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateHandlers");
            var  newDisableAutoGenerateHandlers = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Disable handler autogen", disableAutoGenerateHandlers);

            if (newDisableAutoGenerateHandlers != disableAutoGenerateHandlers)
                EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateHandlers", newDisableAutoGenerateHandlers);

            // open designer
            //GUIContent openDesigner = new GUIContent("Open Designer", "Opens delight designer.");
            //if (GUILayout.Button(openDesigner))
            //    EditorSceneManager.OpenScene("Assets/Delight/Scenes/DelightDesigner.unity");

            // TODO cleanup
            //GUIContent test = new GUIContent("Test", "");
            //if (GUILayout.Button(test))
            //    //var config = MasterConfig.GetInstance();
            //    //config.SaveConfig();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes XML assets that are added/changed and generates code-behind.
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssets)
            if (EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DisableAutoContentParser") && !ForceProcessing)

            // check if any views have been added or changed
            var config = MasterConfig.GetInstance();

            config.UpdateExtensionContentFolders(); // update extension content folders in case new extension content is added

            // xml content
            var addedOrUpdatedXmlAssets = new List <string>();

            // assets
            var addedOrUpdatedAssetObjects = new List <string>();
            var deletedAssetObjects        = new List <string>();
            var movedAssetObjects          = new List <string>();
            var movedFromAssetObjects      = new List <string>();

            // data schemas
            var addedOrUpdatedSchemaObjects = new List <string>();
            var deletedSchemaObjects        = new List <string>();
            var movedSchemaObjects          = new List <string>();
            var movedFromSchemaObjects      = new List <string>();

            bool rebuildConfig = false;
            bool rebuildViews  = false;

            // process imported assets
            foreach (var path in importedAssets)
                // is the asset in a content folder?
                var contentFolder = config.ContentFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => path.IIndexOf(x) >= 0);
                if (contentFolder == null)
                    continue; // no.
                // is it an cs file?
                if (path.IIndexOf(".cs") >= 0)
                    continue; // yes. ignore

                // is the asset in the assets folder?
                if (IsInAssetsFolder(path, contentFolder))

                // is the asset in the models folder?
                if (IsInContentTypeFolder(path, contentFolder, ContentParser.ModelsFolder))
                    if (!path.IContains("Schema"))


                // is the asset a config file?
                if (path.IContains(".txt") && path.IContains("Config"))
                    // rebuild config
                    rebuildConfig = true;

                // is the asset in a styles folder?
                if (IsInStylesFolder(path, contentFolder))
                    // yes. rebuild all views
                    rebuildViews = true;

                // is it an xml asset?
                if (path.IIndexOf(".xml") >= 0)

            // process deleted assets
            foreach (var path in deletedAssets)
                // is the asset in a content folder?
                var contentFolder = config.ContentFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => path.IIndexOf(x) >= 0);
                if (contentFolder == null)
                    continue; // no.
                // is it an cs file?
                if (path.IIndexOf(".cs") >= 0)
                    continue; // yes. ignore

                // is the asset in the assets folder?
                if (IsInAssetsFolder(path, contentFolder))

                // is the asset in the models folder?
                if (IsInContentTypeFolder(path, contentFolder, ContentParser.ModelsFolder))
                    if (!path.IContains("Schema"))


                // is the asset a config file?
                if (path.IContains(".txt") && path.IContains("Config"))
                    // rebuild config
                    rebuildConfig = true;

                // is it an xml asset?
                if (path.IIndexOf(".xml") >= 0)
                    rebuildViews = true;

            // process moved assets
            for (int i = 0; i < movedAssets.Length; ++i)
                var movedToPath   = movedAssets[i];
                var movedFromPath = movedFromAssets[i];

                // is it an cs file?
                if (movedToPath.IIndexOf(".cs") >= 0)
                    continue; // yes. ignore

                // is the asset moved to or from a content folder?
                var toContentFolder   = config.ContentFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => movedToPath.IIndexOf(x) >= 0);
                var fromContentFolder = config.ContentFolders.FirstOrDefault(x => movedFromPath.IIndexOf(x) >= 0);
                if (toContentFolder == null && fromContentFolder == null)
                    continue; // no.
                // is the asset in the assets folder?
                bool movedFromAssetFolder = IsInAssetsFolder(movedFromPath, fromContentFolder);
                if (IsInAssetsFolder(movedToPath, toContentFolder) || movedFromAssetFolder)
                    if (movedFromAssetFolder)

                // is the asset in the models folder?
                if (IsInContentTypeFolder(movedToPath, toContentFolder, ContentParser.ModelsFolder))
                    if (!movedToPath.IContains("Schema"))

                    if (IsInContentTypeFolder(movedFromPath, fromContentFolder, ContentParser.ModelsFolder))

                // is the asset a config file?
                if (movedToPath.IContains(".txt") && movedToPath.IContains("Config"))
                    // rebuild config
                    rebuildConfig = true;

                // is it an xml asset?
                if (movedToPath.IIndexOf(".xml") >= 0)
                    rebuildViews = true;

            bool viewsChanged      = addedOrUpdatedXmlAssets.Count() > 0;
            bool assetsChanged     = addedOrUpdatedAssetObjects.Count() > 0 || deletedAssetObjects.Count() > 0 || movedAssetObjects.Count() > 0;
            bool schemasChanged    = addedOrUpdatedSchemaObjects.Count() > 0 || deletedSchemaObjects.Count() > 0 || movedSchemaObjects.Count() > 0;
            bool contentChanged    = assetsChanged || rebuildViews || viewsChanged || schemasChanged || rebuildConfig;
            bool logComplete       = contentChanged;
            bool refreshScripts    = false;
            bool generateXsdSchema = false;

            // if editor is playing queue assets to be processed after exiting play mode
            if (Application.isPlaying && !ForceProcessing)
                if (contentChanged)
                    Debug.Log("#Delight# Content (View, Assets, etc) changed while editor is playing. Content will be processed after editor exits play mode.");
                    EditorEventListener.AddPostProcessBatch(importedAssets, deletedAssets, movedAssets, movedFromAssets);

            var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); // TODO for tracking processing time

            // check if model file is new, then rebuild all content
            var contentObjectModel = ContentObjectModel.GetInstance();

            if (contentObjectModel.NeedRebuild)
                ContentParser.RebuildAll(true, true, true, true);

            // any config changed?
            if (rebuildConfig)
                var result = ContentParser.ParseAllConfigFiles();
                if (result.HasFlag(ConfigParseResult.RebuildAll))
                    ContentParser.RebuildAll(true, true, false, false);
                    if (result.HasFlag(ConfigParseResult.RebuildSchemas))
                        schemasChanged = false;

                    if (result.HasFlag(ConfigParseResult.RebuildBundles))
                        assetsChanged     = false;
                        generateXsdSchema = true;

                refreshScripts = true;

            // any asset objects added, moved or deleted?
            if (assetsChanged)
                ContentParser.ParseAssetFiles(addedOrUpdatedAssetObjects, deletedAssetObjects, movedAssetObjects, movedFromAssetObjects);
                refreshScripts    = true;
                generateXsdSchema = true;

            // any schema files added, moved or deleted?
            if (schemasChanged)
                ContentParser.ParseSchemaFiles(addedOrUpdatedSchemaObjects, deletedSchemaObjects, movedSchemaObjects, movedFromSchemaObjects);
                refreshScripts    = true;
                generateXsdSchema = true;

            // any xml content moved or deleted?
            if (rebuildViews)
                // yes. rebuild all views
                refreshScripts    = false;
                generateXsdSchema = false;
            else if (viewsChanged)
                // parse new content and generate code
                refreshScripts    = true;
                generateXsdSchema = true;

            if (refreshScripts)
                // refresh generated scripts

            if (generateXsdSchema)

            if (contentChanged)
                ConsoleLogger.Log(String.Format("#Delight# Content processed. {0}", DateTime.Now));
                //Debug.Log(String.Format("Total content processing time: {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when GUI is to be rendered.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnGUI()
            bool buildAssetBundles = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_BuildAssetBundles");
            bool deployBuild       = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DeployBuild");

            // rebuild all
            GUIContent rebuildAll = new GUIContent("Rebuild All", "Rebuilds all delight content (views, assets, etc).");

            if (GUILayout.Button(rebuildAll))
                ContentParser.RebuildAll(buildAssetBundles || deployBuild);

            var newBuildAssetBundles = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Build Asset Bundles", EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_BuildAssetBundles"));

            if (newBuildAssetBundles != buildAssetBundles)
                EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_BuildAssetBundles", newBuildAssetBundles);

            //var newDeployBuild = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Rivality Deploy Build", EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DeployBuild"));
            //if (newDeployBuild != deployBuild)
            //    EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_DeployBuild", newDeployBuild);

            bool disableAutoGenerateViews    = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateViews");
            var  newDisableAutoGenerateViews = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Disable view autogen", disableAutoGenerateViews);

            if (newDisableAutoGenerateViews != disableAutoGenerateViews)
                EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateViews", newDisableAutoGenerateViews);

            bool disableAutoGenerateHandlers    = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateHandlers");
            var  newDisableAutoGenerateHandlers = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Disable handler autogen", disableAutoGenerateHandlers);

            if (newDisableAutoGenerateHandlers != disableAutoGenerateHandlers)
                EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_DisableAutoGenerateHandlers", newDisableAutoGenerateHandlers);

            bool disableContentParser    = EditorPrefs.GetBool("Delight_DisableAutoContentParser");
            var  newDisableContentParser = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Disable content parser", disableContentParser);

            if (newDisableContentParser != disableContentParser)
                EditorPrefs.SetBool("Delight_DisableAutoContentParser", newDisableContentParser);

            // open designer
            GUIContent openDesigner = new GUIContent("Open Designer", "Opens delight designer.");

            if (GUILayout.Button(openDesigner))
                // check if designer is activated
                var config = MasterConfig.GetInstance();
                if (!config.Modules.Contains("TextMeshPro"))
                    // open window explaining designer need to be activated
                    string message = "The designer need to be activated by enabling TextMeshPro in the project. https://delight-dev.github.io/Tutorials/Designer.html#enabling-the-designer";
                    EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Enabling the designer", message, "Ok");
                    EditorApplication.isPlaying = true;

            // button for testing
            //GUIContent test = new GUIContent("Assets Refresh", "");
            //if (GUILayout.Button(test))
            //    AssetDatabase.Refresh();