private void doWeather(ConnectedPlayer client, string weatherID, string value) { ushort weather = Convert.ToUInt16(weatherID); if (client != null) { client.queuePacket(BasePacket.createPacket(SetWeatherPacket.buildPacket(client.actorID, weather, Convert.ToUInt16(value)), true, false)); } /* * WIP: Change weather serverside, currently only clientside * * uint currentZoneID; * if (client != null) * { * currentZoneID = client.getActor().zoneId; * * foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, ConnectedPlayer> entry in mConnectedPlayerList) * { * // Change the weather for everyone in the same zone * if (currentZoneID == entry.Value.getActor().zoneId) * { * BasePacket weatherPacket = BasePacket.createPacket(SetWeatherPacket.buildPacket(entry.Value.actorID, weather), true, false); * entry.Value.queuePacket(weatherPacket); * } * } * } */ }
public void doMusic(ConnectedPlayer client, string music) { ushort musicId; if (music.ToLower().StartsWith("0x")) { musicId = Convert.ToUInt16(music, 16); } else { musicId = Convert.ToUInt16(music); } if (client != null) { client.queuePacket(BasePacket.createPacket(SetMusicPacket.buildPacket(client.actorID, musicId, 1), true, false)); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, ConnectedPlayer> entry in mConnectedPlayerList) { BasePacket musicPacket = BasePacket.createPacket(SetMusicPacket.buildPacket(entry.Value.actorID, musicId, 1), true, false); entry.Value.queuePacket(musicPacket); } } }
public void doWarp(ConnectedPlayer client, uint zoneId, string privateArea, byte spawnType, float x, float y, float z, float r) { WorldManager worldManager = Server.GetWorldManager(); if (worldManager.GetZone(zoneId) == null) { if (client != null) { client.queuePacket(BasePacket.createPacket(SendMessagePacket.buildPacket(client.actorID, client.actorID, SendMessagePacket.MESSAGE_TYPE_GENERAL_INFO, "", "Zone does not exist or setting isn't valid."), true, false)); } Log.error("Zone does not exist or setting isn't valid."); } if (client != null) { worldManager.DoZoneChange(client.getActor(), zoneId, privateArea, spawnType, x, y, z, r); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, ConnectedPlayer> entry in mConnectedPlayerList) { worldManager.DoZoneChange(entry.Value.getActor(), zoneId, privateArea, spawnType, x, y, z, r); } } }
public void printPos(ConnectedPlayer client) { if (client != null) { Player p = client.getActor(); client.queuePacket(BasePacket.createPacket(SendMessagePacket.buildPacket(client.actorID, client.actorID, SendMessagePacket.MESSAGE_TYPE_GENERAL_INFO, "", String.Format("{0}\'s position: ZoneID: {1}, X: {2}, Y: {3}, Z: {4}, Rotation: {5}", p.customDisplayName, p.zoneId, p.positionX, p.positionY, p.positionZ, p.rotation)), true, false)); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, ConnectedPlayer> entry in mConnectedPlayerList) { Player p = entry.Value.getActor();"{0}\'s position: ZoneID: {1}, X: {2}, Y: {3}, Z: {4}, Rotation: {5}", p.customDisplayName, p.zoneId, p.positionX, p.positionY, p.positionZ, p.rotation)); } } }
public void sendPacket(ConnectedPlayer client, string path) { BasePacket packet = new BasePacket(path); if (client != null) { packet.replaceActorID(client.actorID); client.queuePacket(packet); } else { foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, ConnectedPlayer> entry in mConnectedPlayerList) { packet.replaceActorID(entry.Value.actorID); entry.Value.queuePacket(packet); } } }
public void sendZoneInPackets(WorldManager world, ushort spawnType) { queuePacket(SetActorIsZoningPacket.buildPacket(actorId, actorId, false)); queuePacket(_0x10Packet.buildPacket(actorId, 0xFF)); queuePacket(SetMusicPacket.buildPacket(actorId, zone.bgmDay, 0x01)); queuePacket(SetWeatherPacket.buildPacket(actorId, SetWeatherPacket.WEATHER_CLEAR, 1)); queuePacket(SetMapPacket.buildPacket(actorId, zone.regionId, zone.actorId)); queuePacket(getSpawnPackets(actorId, spawnType)); getSpawnPackets(actorId, spawnType).debugPrintPacket(); #region grouptest //Retainers List <ListEntry> retainerListEntries = new List <ListEntry>(); retainerListEntries.Add(new ListEntry(actorId, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x139E, false, true, customDisplayName)); retainerListEntries.Add(new ListEntry(0x23, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF, false, false, "TEST1")); retainerListEntries.Add(new ListEntry(0x24, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF, false, false, "TEST2")); retainerListEntries.Add(new ListEntry(0x25, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF, false, false, "TEST3")); BasePacket retainerListPacket = BasePacket.createPacket(ListUtils.createRetainerList(actorId, 0xF4, 1, 0x800000000004e639, retainerListEntries), true, false); playerSession.queuePacket(retainerListPacket); //Party List <ListEntry> partyListEntries = new List <ListEntry>(); partyListEntries.Add(new ListEntry(actorId, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, false, true, customDisplayName)); partyListEntries.Add(new ListEntry(0x029B27D3, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x195, false, true, "Valentine Bluefeather")); BasePacket partyListPacket = BasePacket.createPacket(ListUtils.createPartyList(actorId, 0xF4, 1, 0x8000000000696df2, partyListEntries), true, false); playerSession.queuePacket(partyListPacket); #endregion #region Inventory & Equipment queuePacket(InventoryBeginChangePacket.buildPacket(actorId)); inventories[Inventory.NORMAL].sendFullInventory(); inventories[Inventory.CURRENCY].sendFullInventory(); inventories[Inventory.KEYITEMS].sendFullInventory(); inventories[Inventory.BAZAAR].sendFullInventory(); inventories[Inventory.MELDREQUEST].sendFullInventory(); inventories[Inventory.LOOT].sendFullInventory(); equipment.SendFullEquipment(false); playerSession.queuePacket(InventoryEndChangePacket.buildPacket(actorId), true, false); #endregion playerSession.queuePacket(getInitPackets(actorId)); BasePacket areaMasterSpawn = zone.getSpawnPackets(actorId); BasePacket debugSpawn = world.GetDebugActor().getSpawnPackets(actorId); BasePacket worldMasterSpawn = world.GetActor().getSpawnPackets(actorId); BasePacket weatherDirectorSpawn = new WeatherDirector(this, 8003).getSpawnPackets(actorId); BasePacket directorSpawn = null; if (currentDirector != null) { directorSpawn = currentDirector.getSpawnPackets(actorId); } playerSession.queuePacket(areaMasterSpawn); playerSession.queuePacket(debugSpawn); if (directorSpawn != null) { //directorSpawn.debugPrintPacket(); // currentDirector.getInitPackets(actorId).debugPrintPacket(); queuePacket(directorSpawn); queuePacket(currentDirector.getInitPackets(actorId)); //queuePacket(currentDirector.getSetEventStatusPackets(actorId)); } playerSession.queuePacket(worldMasterSpawn); if (zone.isInn) { SetCutsceneBookPacket cutsceneBookPacket = new SetCutsceneBookPacket(); for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { cutsceneBookPacket.cutsceneFlags[i] = true; } SubPacket packet = cutsceneBookPacket.buildPacket(actorId, "<Path Companion>", 11, 1, 1); packet.debugPrintSubPacket(); queuePacket(packet); } playerSession.queuePacket(weatherDirectorSpawn); /* #region hardcode * BasePacket reply10 = new BasePacket("./packets/login/login10.bin"); //Item Storage, Inn Door created * BasePacket reply11 = new BasePacket("./packets/login/login11.bin"); //NPC Create ??? Final init * reply10.replaceActorID(actorId); * reply11.replaceActorID(actorId); * //playerSession.queuePacket(reply10); * // playerSession.queuePacket(reply11); #endregion */ }
internal bool doCommand(string input, ConnectedPlayer client) { input.Trim(); if (input.StartsWith("!")) { input = input.Substring(1); } String[] split = input.Split(' '); split = split.Select(temp => temp.ToLower()).ToArray(); // Ignore case on commands split = split.Where(temp => temp != "").ToArray(); // strips extra whitespace from commands // Debug //sendMessage(client, string.Join(",", split)); if (split.Length >= 1) { #region !help if (split[0].Equals("help")) { if (split.Length == 1) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPhelp); } if (split.Length == 2) { if (split[1].Equals("mypos")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPmypos); } else if (split[1].Equals("music")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPmusic); } else if (split[1].Equals("warp")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPwarp); } else if (split[1].Equals("givecurrency")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPgivecurrency); } else if (split[1].Equals("giveitem")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPgiveitem); } else if (split[1].Equals("givekeyitem")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPgivekeyitem); } else if (split[1].Equals("removecurrency")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPremovecurrency); } else if (split[1].Equals("removeitem")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPremoveitem); } else if (split[1].Equals("removekeyitem")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPremovekeyitem); } else if (split[1].Equals("reloaditems")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPreloaditems); } else if (split[1].Equals("reloadzones")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPreloadzones); } /* * else if (split[1].Equals("property")) * sendMessage(client, Resources.CPproperty); * else if (split[1].Equals("property2")) * sendMessage(client, Resources.CPproperty2); * else if (split[1].Equals("sendpacket")) * sendMessage(client, Resources.CPsendpacket); * else if (split[1].Equals("setgraphic")) * sendMessage(client, Resources.CPsetgraphic); */ } if (split.Length == 3) { if (split[1].Equals("test")) { if (split[2].Equals("weather")) { sendMessage(client, Resources.CPtestweather); } } } return(true); } #endregion #region !test else if (split[0].Equals("test")) { if (split.Length == 1) { // catch invalid commands sendMessage(client, Resources.CPhelp); } else if (split.Length >= 2) { #region !test weather if (split[1].Equals("weather")) { try { doWeather(client, split[2], split[3]); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not change weather: " + e); } } #endregion } } #endregion #region !mypos else if (split[0].Equals("mypos")) { try { printPos(client); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not load packet: " + e); } } #endregion #region !reloadzones else if (split[0].Equals("reloadzones")) { if (client != null) {"Got request to reset zone: {0}", client.getActor().zoneId)); client.getActor().zone.clear(); client.getActor().zone.addActorToZone(client.getActor()); client.getActor().sendInstanceUpdate(); client.queuePacket(BasePacket.createPacket(SendMessagePacket.buildPacket(client.actorID, client.actorID, SendMessagePacket.MESSAGE_TYPE_GENERAL_INFO, "", String.Format("Reseting zone {0}...", client.getActor().zoneId)), true, false)); } Server.GetWorldManager().reloadZone(client.getActor().zoneId); return(true); } #endregion #region !reloaditems else if (split[0].Equals("reloaditems")) {"Got request to reload item gamedata")); sendMessage(client, "Reloading Item Gamedata..."); gamedataItems.Clear(); gamedataItems = Database.getItemGamedata();"Loaded {0} items.", gamedataItems.Count)); sendMessage(client, String.Format("Loaded {0} items.", gamedataItems.Count)); return(true); } #endregion #region !sendpacket else if (split[0].Equals("sendpacket")) { if (split.Length < 2) { return(false); } try { sendPacket(client, "./packets/" + split[1]); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not load packet: " + e); } } #endregion #region !graphic else if (split[0].Equals("graphic")) { try { if (split.Length == 6) { setGraphic(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), UInt32.Parse(split[2]), UInt32.Parse(split[3]), UInt32.Parse(split[4]), UInt32.Parse(split[5])); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not give item."); } } #endregion #region !giveitem else if (split[0].Equals("giveitem")) { try { if (split.Length == 2) { giveItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), 1); } else if (split.Length == 3) { giveItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), Int32.Parse(split[2])); } else if (split.Length == 4) { giveItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), Int32.Parse(split[2]), UInt16.Parse(split[3])); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not give item."); } } #endregion #region !removeitem else if (split[0].Equals("removeitem")) { if (split.Length < 2) { return(false); } try { if (split.Length == 2) { removeItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), 1); } else if (split.Length == 3) { removeItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), Int32.Parse(split[2])); } else if (split.Length == 4) { removeItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), Int32.Parse(split[2]), UInt16.Parse(split[3])); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not remove item."); } } #endregion #region !givekeyitem else if (split[0].Equals("givekeyitem")) { try { if (split.Length == 2) { giveKeyItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1])); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not give keyitem."); } } #endregion #region !removekeyitem else if (split[0].Equals("removekeyitem")) { if (split.Length < 2) { return(false); } try { if (split.Length == 2) { removeKeyItem(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1])); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not remove keyitem."); } } #endregion #region !givecurrency else if (split[0].Equals("givecurrency")) { try { if (split.Length == 2) { giveCurrency(client, ITEM_GIL, Int32.Parse(split[1])); } else if (split.Length == 3) { giveCurrency(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), Int32.Parse(split[2])); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not give currency."); } } #endregion #region !removecurrency else if (split[0].Equals("removecurrency")) { if (split.Length < 2) { return(false); } try { if (split.Length == 2) { removeCurrency(client, ITEM_GIL, Int32.Parse(split[1])); } else if (split.Length == 3) { removeCurrency(client, UInt32.Parse(split[1]), Int32.Parse(split[2])); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not remove currency."); } } #endregion #region !music else if (split[0].Equals("music")) { if (split.Length < 2) { return(false); } try { doMusic(client, split[1]); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Could not change music: " + e); } } #endregion #region !warp else if (split[0].Equals("warp")) { parseWarp(client, split); return(true); } #endregion #region !property else if (split[0].Equals("property")) { if (split.Length == 4) { changeProperty(Utils.MurmurHash2(split[1], 0), Convert.ToUInt32(split[2], 16), split[3]); } return(true); } #endregion #region !property2 else if (split[0].Equals("property2")) { if (split.Length == 4) { changeProperty(Convert.ToUInt32(split[1], 16), Convert.ToUInt32(split[2], 16), split[3]); } return(true); } #endregion } return(false); }
public void tick() { if (gameState == GameState.INGAME && players.Count == 0) { Close(); } foreach (var pp in this.potentialPlayers) { if (pp.shouldDelete || pp.hasError || !pp.socket.Connected) { continue; } if (!pp.isConnected) //new player, handle them. { if (gameState != GameState.LOBBY) { pp.rejectJoin((int)REJECTJOIN.STARTED); pp.shouldDelete = true; } pp.isConnected = true; if (players.Count + 1 >= gameMap.MapNumPlayers) { RemoveFakeHost(); } byte pid = GetNextPID(); byte sid = GetOpenSlotID(); if (sid == 0xff || pid == 0xff) //open slot not found, open pid not found { pp.rejectJoin((int)REJECTJOIN.FULL); return; } slots[sid].computer = 0; slots[sid].color = GetUnusedColor(); slots[sid].pid = pid; slots[sid].slotStatus = (byte)SlotStatus.OCCUPIED; UpdateSlots(); var pl = new ConnectedPlayer(pp, pid,; players.Add(pl); //SENDING SLOTINFOJOIN x04SLOTINFOJOIN p = new x04SLOTINFOJOIN(); p.slots = this.slots; p.port = 0; //(ushort)((IPEndPoint) pp.socket.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port; //could also do pp.joinreq.port and pp.joinreq.ip p.ip = 0; //(uint)((IPEndPoint) pp.socket.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Address.Address; //this gives warning no matter what apparently. = pid; p.playerSlots = (byte)gameMap.MapNumPlayers; p.layoutStyle = gameMap.GetMapLayoutStyle(); p.randomseed = randomseed; //This handles what race you spawn as pp.player = pl; pl.queuePacket(p); //SENDING MAPCHECK x3dMAPCHECK MCp = new x3dMAPCHECK(); MCp.mapPath = this.gameMap.MapPath; MCp.mapCRC = this.gameMap.MapCRC; MCp.mapInfo = this.gameMap.MapInfo; MCp.mapSHA1 = this.gameMap.MapSha; MCp.mapSize = this.gameMap.MapSize; pl.queuePacket(MCp); //SENDING FAKEHOST INFO (IF EXISTS) if (fakeHostPID != 255) { pl.queuePacket(GetPlayerInfo(fakeHostPID)); } var plinfo = GetPlayerInfo(pl); //SENDING OTHER PLAYERS foreach (var otherplayer in players) { if (otherplayer == pl) { continue; } pl.queuePacket(GetPlayerInfo(otherplayer)); otherplayer.queuePacket(plinfo); } //quickly throw a ping at em to get shit rollin. //PING Algorithm explained in Player.cs->OnPingPacket(); x01PINGFROMHOST pingpkt = new x01PINGFROMHOST(); pingpkt.nonce = (int)(GetTimeMS() % 1000000); pl.queuePacket(pingpkt); } } //TODO fakehost is lobby only if (gameState == GameState.LOBBY && fakeHostPID == 255 && players.Count < gameMap.MapNumPlayers) { CreateFakeHost(); } foreach (ConnectedPlayer p in this.players) { if (p.pp.shouldDelete || p.pp.hasError || !p.pp.socket.Connected) { continue; } p.tick(); } ConnectedPlayer[] badplayers = players.Where(p => p.pp.shouldDelete || p.pp.hasError || !p.pp.socket.Connected).ToArray(); for (var x = 0; x < badplayers.Length; x++) { RemovePlayer(badplayers[x], null); Console.WriteLine("*** Attempting to remove " + badplayers[x].name); if (this.potentialPlayers.TryTake(out badplayers[x].pp) && this.players.TryTake(out badplayers[x])) { badplayers[x] = null; Console.WriteLine("Removed player because either error,left,or dc."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not remove player " + badplayers[x].name + "!"); } } if (needToUpdateSlots && gameState == GameState.LOBBY) { //TODO(LATER) //implement mechanism so that download % is only constantly updated on the person downloading, and once per second on everyone else. // in theory could be simple as long as i make another flag "slotDLStatusUpdate" and set it to true if there's a download change needToUpdateSlots = false; Console.WriteLine("Sending updated slot info as requested"); CleanSlots(); //make sure they are following the rules x09SLOTINFO sinfo = new x09SLOTINFO(); sinfo.slots = slots; sinfo.playerSlots = (byte)gameMap.MapNumPlayers; sinfo.layoutStyle = gameMap.GetMapLayoutStyle(); sinfo.randomseed = randomseed; SendAll(sinfo); } if (gameState == GameState.INGAME) { ProcessGameActions(); } }