コード例 #1
    public HandleVector <int> .Handle Allocate(ConduitType conduit_type, int conduit_idx, HandleVector <int> .Handle conduit_structure_temperature_handle, ref ConduitFlow.ConduitContents contents)
        StructureTemperaturePayload payload = GameComps.StructureTemperatures.GetPayload(conduit_structure_temperature_handle);
        Element     element = payload.primaryElement.Element;
        BuildingDef def     = payload.building.Def;
        float       conduit_heat_capacity        = def.MassForTemperatureModification * element.specificHeatCapacity;
        float       conduit_thermal_conductivity = element.thermalConductivity * def.ThermalConductivity;
        int         num = ConduitTemperatureManager_Add(contents.temperature, contents.mass, (int)contents.element, payload.simHandleCopy, conduit_heat_capacity, conduit_thermal_conductivity, def.ThermalConductivity < 1f);

        HandleVector <int> .Handle result = default(HandleVector <int> .Handle);
        result.index = num;
        int handleIndex = Sim.GetHandleIndex(num);

        if (handleIndex + 1 > temperatures.Length)
            Array.Resize(ref temperatures, (handleIndex + 1) * 2);
            Array.Resize(ref conduitInfo, (handleIndex + 1) * 2);
        temperatures[handleIndex] = contents.temperature;
        conduitInfo[handleIndex]  = new ConduitInfo
            type = conduit_type,
            idx  = conduit_idx
コード例 #2
        private void UpdateSegmentEndIndex(ConduitInfo oldConduitInfo, ConduitInfo newConduitInfo)
            if (oldConduitInfo != null)
                // Remove all old references
                foreach (var segment in oldConduitInfo.Segments)

            // Add new references
            foreach (var segment in newConduitInfo.Segments)
                if (!_conduitSegmentEndsByPointOfInterestId.ContainsKey(segment.FromRouteNodeId))
                    _conduitSegmentEndsByPointOfInterestId[segment.FromRouteNodeId] = new List <ISegment>();


                if (!_conduitSegmentEndsByPointOfInterestId.ContainsKey(segment.ToRouteNodeId))
                    _conduitSegmentEndsByPointOfInterestId[segment.ToRouteNodeId] = new List <ISegment>();

コード例 #3
    public unsafe void Sim200ms(float dt)
        IntPtr value = ConduitTemperatureManager_Update(dt, (IntPtr)(void *)Game.Instance.simData.buildingTemperatures);
        ConduitTemperatureUpdateData *ptr = (ConduitTemperatureUpdateData *)(void *)value;
        int numEntries = ptr->numEntries;

        if (numEntries > 0)
            Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)(void *)ptr->temperatures, temperatures, 0, numEntries);
        for (int i = 0; i < ptr->numFrozenHandles; i++)
            int         h           = ptr->frozenHandles[i];
            int         handleIndex = Sim.GetHandleIndex(h);
            ConduitInfo conduitInfo = this.conduitInfo[handleIndex];
            ConduitFlow flowManager = Conduit.GetFlowManager(conduitInfo.type);
        for (int j = 0; j < ptr->numMeltedHandles; j++)
            int         h2           = ptr->meltedHandles[j];
            int         handleIndex2 = Sim.GetHandleIndex(h2);
            ConduitInfo conduitInfo2 = this.conduitInfo[handleIndex2];
            ConduitFlow flowManager2 = Conduit.GetFlowManager(conduitInfo2.type);
コード例 #4
        internal int AddInnerConduit(ConduitColorEnum color, int outerDiameter, int innerDiameter, IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkQueryService)
            var multiConduitInfo = conduitNetworkQueryService.GetMultiConduitInfo(Id);

            int seqNo = 1;

            if (multiConduitInfo.Children != null && multiConduitInfo.Children.Count > 0)
                var lastInnerConduitSeqNo = multiConduitInfo.Children.OfType <ConduitInfo>().Max(c => c.SequenceNumber);
                seqNo = lastInnerConduitSeqNo + 1;

            var innerConduitInfo = new ConduitInfo()
                Id            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name          = "Subrør " + seqNo,
                Color         = color,
                Kind          = ConduitKindEnum.InnerConduit,
                InnerDiameter = innerDiameter,
                OuterDiameter = outerDiameter,
                Shape         = ConduitShapeKindEnum.Round,
                ColorMarking  = ConduitColorEnum.None

            var innerConduitAddedEvent = new MultiConduitInnerConduitAdded()
                MultiConduitId    = Id,
                MultiConduitIndex = seqNo,
                ConduitInfo       = innerConduitInfo


コード例 #5
        private void UpdateRouteSegmentPassByIndex(ConduitInfo oldConduitInfo, ConduitInfo newConduitInfo)
            var conduitWalkOfInterest = routeNetworkQueryService.GetWalkOfInterestInfo(newConduitInfo.GetRootConduit().WalkOfInterestId);

            if (oldConduitInfo != null)
                // Remove old references
                foreach (var segment in oldConduitInfo.Segments.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>())
                    var passThroughRouteSegments = GetPassThroughRouteSegments(segment, conduitWalkOfInterest);

                    foreach (var passThroughRouteSegment in passThroughRouteSegments)

            // Add new references
            foreach (var segment in newConduitInfo.Segments.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>())
                var passThroughRouteSegments = GetPassThroughRouteSegments(segment, conduitWalkOfInterest);

                foreach (var passThroughRouteSegment in passThroughRouteSegments)
                    if (!_conduitSegmentPassByRouteSegmenttId.ContainsKey(passThroughRouteSegment))
                        _conduitSegmentPassByRouteSegmenttId[passThroughRouteSegment] = new List <ISegment>();

コード例 #6
        public bool CheckIfConduitIsCut(Guid conduitId, Guid pointOfInterestId)
            ConduitInfo conduitToCheck = null;

            if (_singleConduitInfos.ContainsKey(conduitId))
                conduitToCheck = _singleConduitInfos[conduitId];
            else if (_multiConduitInfos.ContainsKey(conduitId))
                conduitToCheck = _multiConduitInfos[conduitId];
                throw new KeyNotFoundException("Cannot find any conduit with id: " + conduitId);

            // Check if conduit is cut
            if (conduitToCheck.Segments.Exists(s => s.FromRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId || s.ToRouteNodeId == pointOfInterestId))
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to find related segment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conduitId"></param>
        /// <param name="pointOfInterestId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <RelatedSingleConduitSegmentInfo> FindRelatedSegmentInfo(ConduitInfo conduit, Guid pointOfInterestId, ConduitEndKindEnum?conduitEndKind = null)
            List <RelatedSingleConduitSegmentInfo> result = new List <RelatedSingleConduitSegmentInfo>();

            var walkOfInterest = routeNetworkQueryService.GetWalkOfInterestInfo(conduit.GetRootConduit().WalkOfInterestId);

            foreach (var existingSegment in conduit.Segments.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>())
                var segmentWalk = walkOfInterest.SubWalk2(existingSegment.FromRouteNodeId, existingSegment.ToRouteNodeId);

                if (segmentWalk.StartNodeId == pointOfInterestId)
                    if (conduitEndKind == null || conduitEndKind.Value == ConduitEndKindEnum.Outgoing)
                            new RelatedSingleConduitSegmentInfo()
                            Segment      = existingSegment,
                            RelationType = ConduitRelationTypeEnum.Outgoing

                if (segmentWalk.EndNodeId == pointOfInterestId)
                    if (conduitEndKind == null || conduitEndKind.Value == ConduitEndKindEnum.Incomming)
                            new RelatedSingleConduitSegmentInfo()
                            Segment      = existingSegment,
                            RelationType = ConduitRelationTypeEnum.Incomming

                if (result.Count == 0 && segmentWalk.AllNodeIds.Contains(pointOfInterestId))
                    if (conduitEndKind == null || conduitEndKind.Value == ConduitEndKindEnum.Incomming)
                            new RelatedSingleConduitSegmentInfo()
                            Segment      = existingSegment,
                            RelationType = ConduitRelationTypeEnum.PassThrough

コード例 #8
 public void Free(HandleVector <int> .Handle handle)
     if (handle.IsValid())
         int handleIndex = Sim.GetHandleIndex(handle.index);
         temperatures[handleIndex] = -1f;
         conduitInfo[handleIndex]  = new ConduitInfo
             type = ConduitType.None,
             idx  = -1
コード例 #9
        private void ConnectTerminals(ConduitClosureInfo conduitClosure, ConduitInfo singleConduit, Guid pointOfInterestId, Guid junctionId, ConduitEndKindEnum endKind)
            var relatedSegments = FindRelatedSegmentInfo(singleConduit, pointOfInterestId, endKind);

            if (relatedSegments.Count == 1)
                var segment = relatedSegments[0].Segment;

                // Check if terminal with such segment exists
                if (conduitClosure.Sides.Exists(s => s.Ports.Exists(p => p.Terminals.Exists(t => t.LineSegmentId == segment.Id))))
                    var side     = conduitClosure.Sides.Find(s => s.Ports.Exists(p => p.Terminals.Exists(t => t.LineSegmentId == segment.Id)));
                    var port     = side.Ports.Find(p => p.Terminals.Exists(t => t.LineSegmentId == segment.Id));
                    var terminal = port.Terminals.Find(t => t.LineSegmentId == segment.Id);

                    ConduitSegmentInfo connectedSegment = null;

                    // Get the segment on the other side of the junction
                    if (segment.FromNodeId == junctionId && segment.FromNode.NeighborElements.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>().Any(n => n != segment))
                        connectedSegment = segment.FromNode.NeighborElements.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>().First(n => n != segment);
                    else if (segment.ToNodeId == junctionId && segment.ToNode.NeighborElements.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>().Any(n => n != segment))
                        connectedSegment = segment.ToNode.NeighborElements.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>().First(n => n != segment);

                    // Check if terminal with related segment exisits
                    if (connectedSegment != null && conduitClosure.Sides.Exists(s => s.Ports.Exists(p => p.Terminals.Exists(t => t.LineSegmentId == connectedSegment.Id))))
                        var connectedSide     = conduitClosure.Sides.Find(s => s.Ports.Exists(p => p.Terminals.Exists(t => t.LineSegmentId == connectedSegment.Id)));
                        var connectedPort     = connectedSide.Ports.Find(p => p.Terminals.Exists(t => t.LineSegmentId == connectedSegment.Id));
                        var connectedTerminal = connectedPort.Terminals.Find(t => t.LineSegmentId == connectedSegment.Id);

                        // Okay, we're safe to connect the two terminals together
                        terminal.ConnectionKind      = ConduitClosureInternalConnectionKindEnum.Connected;
                        terminal.ConnectedToSide     = connectedSide.Position;
                        terminal.ConnectedToPort     = connectedPort.Position;
                        terminal.ConnectedToTerminal = connectedTerminal.Position;

                        connectedTerminal.ConnectionKind      = ConduitClosureInternalConnectionKindEnum.Connected;
                        connectedTerminal.ConnectedToSide     = side.Position;
                        connectedTerminal.ConnectedToPort     = port.Position;
                        connectedTerminal.ConnectedToTerminal = terminal.Position;
コード例 #10
        public static SingleConduitPlaced CreateSingleConduitPlacedEvent(Guid conduitId, Guid walkOfInteresId, string demoDataSpec)
            string[] specSplit   = demoDataSpec.Split('-');
            var      conduitType = specSplit[0];

            int outerConduitDiameter = 12;
            int innerConduitDiameter = 8;

            var conduitShape = ConduitShapeKindEnum.Round;

            // Default orange color
            var conduitColor = ConduitColorEnum.Orange;

            // Marking color
            var markingColor = ConduitColorEnum.None;

            var assetInfo = new AssetInfo();

            assetInfo.Manufacturer = new ManufacturerInfo()
                Name = "GM Plast"
            assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                Name = "Ø12"

            var conduitInfo = new ConduitInfo()
                Id            = conduitId,
                Name          = "R" + Numbers.GetNextConduitNumber(),
                Shape         = conduitShape,
                Color         = conduitColor,
                ColorMarking  = markingColor,
                OuterDiameter = outerConduitDiameter,
                InnerDiameter = innerConduitDiameter

            return(new SingleConduitPlaced()
                WalkOfInterestId = walkOfInteresId,
                SingleConduitId = conduitId,
                ConduitInfo = conduitInfo,
                AssetInfo = assetInfo
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to find related segment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="multiConduitId"></param>
        /// <param name="pointOfInterestId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RelatedMultiConduitSegmentInfo FindRelatedSegmentInfo(ConduitInfo conduit, Guid pointOfInterestId)
            var walkOfInterest = routeNetworkQueryService.GetWalkOfInterestInfo(conduit.GetRootConduit().WalkOfInterestId);

            foreach (var existingSegment in conduit.Segments.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>())
                var segmentWalk = walkOfInterest.SubWalk2(existingSegment.FromRouteNodeId, existingSegment.ToRouteNodeId);

                if (segmentWalk.StartNodeId == pointOfInterestId)
                    return(new RelatedMultiConduitSegmentInfo()
                        Segment = existingSegment,
                        RelationType = ConduitRelationTypeEnum.Outgoing
                else if (segmentWalk.EndNodeId == pointOfInterestId)
                    return(new RelatedMultiConduitSegmentInfo()
                        Segment = existingSegment,
                        RelationType = ConduitRelationTypeEnum.Incomming
                else if (segmentWalk.AllNodeIds.Contains(pointOfInterestId))
                    return(new RelatedMultiConduitSegmentInfo()
                        Segment = existingSegment,
                        RelationType = ConduitRelationTypeEnum.PassThrough

コード例 #12
        public static List <MultiConduitInnerConduitAdded> CreateInnerConduitAddedEvents(MultiConduitPlaced multiConduitPlacedEvent, string demoDataSpec)
            List <MultiConduitInnerConduitAdded> result = new List <MultiConduitInnerConduitAdded>();

            string[] specSplit   = demoDataSpec.Split('-');
            var      conduitType = specSplit[0];

            int nInnerConduits = Convert.ToInt32(conduitType.Replace("G", "").Replace("E", "").Replace("R", "").Replace("F", ""));

            for (int i = 0; i < nInnerConduits; i++)
                int parentIndex = i + 1;

                var conduitInfo = new ConduitInfo()
                    Id            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Name          = "Subrør " + parentIndex,
                    Color         = (ConduitColorEnum)parentIndex,
                    InnerDiameter = 8,
                    OuterDiameter = 12,
                    Shape         = ConduitShapeKindEnum.Round,
                    ColorMarking  = ConduitColorEnum.None

                var innerConduitAddedEvent = new MultiConduitInnerConduitAdded()
                    MultiConduitId    = multiConduitPlacedEvent.ConduitInfo.Id,
                    MultiConduitIndex = parentIndex,
                    ConduitInfo       = conduitInfo


コード例 #13
        public static void CutConduit(ConduitInfo conduitInfo, WalkOfInterestInfo walkOfInterest, RouteNodeInfo nodeWhereToCut)
            ConduitSegmentInfo newSegment = null;

            List <ISegment> newSegmentList = new List <ISegment>();

            int newSequenceNumber = 1;

            var fromNodeId = conduitInfo.Segments[0].FromRouteNodeId;

            foreach (var existingSegment in conduitInfo.Segments)
                List <Guid> segmentWalk = walkOfInterest.SubWalk(existingSegment.FromRouteNodeId, existingSegment.ToRouteNodeId);

                existingSegment.SequenceNumber  = newSequenceNumber;
                existingSegment.FromRouteNodeId = fromNodeId;

                // If the segment is cut by point of interest, divide it
                if (segmentWalk.Contains(nodeWhereToCut.Id))
                    // Create the segment

                    if (conduitInfo.Kind != ConduitKindEnum.MultiConduit)
                        newSegment = new SingleConduitSegmentInfo();
                        newSegment = new MultiConduitSegmentInfo();

                    newSegment.Id              = Guid.NewGuid();
                    newSegment.ConduitId       = ((ConduitSegmentInfo)existingSegment).ConduitId;
                    newSegment.SequenceNumber  = newSequenceNumber;
                    newSegment.FromRouteNodeId = nodeWhereToCut.Id;
                    newSegment.ToRouteNodeId   = existingSegment.ToRouteNodeId; // we need copy to side info
                    newSegment.ToNodeId        = existingSegment.ToNodeId;      // we need copy to side info
                    newSegment.ToNode          = existingSegment.ToNode;        // we need copy to side info

                    // Update the existing segment
                    existingSegment.ToRouteNodeId = nodeWhereToCut.Id;
                    existingSegment.ToNodeId      = Guid.Empty; // cannot possible have to junction anymore if it had so (transfered to new segment)
                    existingSegment.ToNode        = null;       // cannot possible have to junction anymore if it had so (transfered to new segment)

                    // Set from node on next segment to from node on inserted segment
                    fromNodeId = newSegment.ToRouteNodeId;

                    // set from node to this one to node
                    fromNodeId = existingSegment.ToRouteNodeId;


            conduitInfo.Segments = newSegmentList;

            // Needed to wake up Marten
            conduitInfo.Name = conduitInfo.Name;
コード例 #14
        private void ResolveReferences(ConduitInfo condutiInfo)
            var woi = routeNetworkQueryService.GetWalkOfInterestInfo(condutiInfo.GetRootConduit().WalkOfInterestId);

            // Resolve from node
            if (condutiInfo.FromRouteNode == null)
                condutiInfo.FromRouteNode = routeNetworkQueryService.GetRouteNodeInfo(woi.StartNodeId);

            // Resolve to node
            if (condutiInfo.ToRouteNode == null)
                condutiInfo.ToRouteNode = routeNetworkQueryService.GetRouteNodeInfo(woi.EndNodeId);

            // Resolve references inside segment
            foreach (var segment in condutiInfo.Segments.OfType <ConduitSegmentInfo>())
                // Resolve conduit reference
                segment.Conduit = condutiInfo;

                // Resolve conduit segment parent/child relationship
                if (segment.Conduit.Kind == ConduitKindEnum.InnerConduit)
                    // Create parents list if null
                    if (segment.Parents == null)
                        segment.Parents = new List <ISegment>();

                    var innerConduitSegmentWalkOfInterest = woi.SubWalk2(segment.FromRouteNodeId, segment.ToRouteNodeId);

                    var multiConduit = segment.Conduit.Parent;

                    // Go through each segment of the multi conduit to find if someone intersects with the inner conduit segment
                    foreach (var multiConduitSegment in multiConduit.Segments)
                        // Create childre list if null
                        if (multiConduitSegment.Children == null)
                            multiConduitSegment.Children = new List <ISegment>();

                        var multiConduitSegmentWalkOfInterest = woi.SubWalk2(multiConduitSegment.FromRouteNodeId, multiConduitSegment.ToRouteNodeId);

                        // Create hash set for quick lookup
                        HashSet <Guid> multiConduitSegmentWalkOfInterestSegmetns = new HashSet <Guid>();
                        foreach (var segmentId in multiConduitSegmentWalkOfInterest.AllSegmentIds)

                        // check if overlap from segments of the inner conduit to the the multi conduit segment
                        foreach (var innerConduitSegmentId in innerConduitSegmentWalkOfInterest.AllSegmentIds)
                            if (multiConduitSegmentWalkOfInterestSegmetns.Contains(innerConduitSegmentId))
                                if (!multiConduitSegment.Children.Contains(segment))

                                if (!segment.Parents.Contains(multiConduitSegment))

                // From Junction
                if (segment.FromNodeId != Guid.Empty)
                    if (!_singleConduitJuncionInfos.ContainsKey(segment.FromNodeId))
                        var newJunction = new SingleConduitSegmentJunctionInfo()
                            Id = segment.FromNodeId
                        _singleConduitJuncionInfos.Add(newJunction.Id, newJunction);
                        segment.FromNode = newJunction;
                        var existingJunction = _singleConduitJuncionInfos[segment.FromNodeId];
                        //existingJunction.ToConduitSegments = segment;
                        segment.FromNode = existingJunction;

                // To Junction
                if (segment.ToNodeId != Guid.Empty)
                    if (!_singleConduitJuncionInfos.ContainsKey(segment.ToNodeId))
                        var newJunction = new SingleConduitSegmentJunctionInfo()
                            Id = segment.ToNodeId
                        _singleConduitJuncionInfos.Add(newJunction.Id, newJunction);
                        segment.ToNode = newJunction;
                        var existingJunction = _singleConduitJuncionInfos[segment.ToNodeId];
                        segment.ToNode = existingJunction;
コード例 #15
        public MultiConduit(Guid conduitId, Guid walkOfInterestId, Guid conduitSpecificationId, string name, ConduitColorEnum markingColor, string markingText, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkQueryService, IConduitSpecificationRepository conduitSpecificationRepository, string demoDataSpec = null) : this()
            // Conduit Id check
            if (conduitId == null || conduitId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Id cannot be null or empty");

            // Walk of interest id check
            if (walkOfInterestId == null || walkOfInterestId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("WalkOfInterestId cannot be null or empty");

            // Check that not already exists
            if (conduitNetworkQueryService.CheckIfMultiConduitIdExists(conduitId))
                throw new ArgumentException("A multi conduit id: " + conduitId + " already exists");

            // Create the multi conduit itself
            if (demoDataSpec != null && demoDataSpec != "")
                var multiConduitPlaced = ConduitEventBuilder.CreateMultiConduitPlacedEvent(conduitId, walkOfInterestId, demoDataSpec);

                // Create all the inner conduits (if the multi conduit has such - the demo data builder will know)
                if (!demoDataSpec.StartsWith("FLEX"))
                    var innerConduitAddedEvents = ConduitEventBuilder.CreateInnerConduitAddedEvents(multiConduitPlaced, demoDataSpec);

                    foreach (var innerConduitAddedEvent in innerConduitAddedEvents)
                var conduitSpec = conduitSpecificationRepository.GetConduitSpecification(conduitSpecificationId);

                var assetInfo = new AssetInfo();
                assetInfo.Model        = conduitSpec.ProductModels[0];
                assetInfo.Manufacturer = conduitSpec.ProductModels[0].Manufacturer;

                var conduitInfo = new ConduitInfo()
                    Id            = conduitId,
                    Name          = name,
                    Shape         = conduitSpec.Shape,
                    Color         = conduitSpec.Color,
                    ColorMarking  = markingColor,
                    TextMarking   = markingText,
                    OuterDiameter = conduitSpec.OuterDiameter,
                    InnerDiameter = conduitSpec.InnerDiameter

                var multiConduitEvent = new MultiConduitPlaced()
                    WalkOfInterestId = walkOfInterestId,
                    MultiConduitId   = conduitId,
                    ConduitInfo      = conduitInfo,
                    AssetInfo        = assetInfo


                // Create all the inner conduit
                foreach (var innerConduitSpec in conduitSpec.ChildSpecifications)
                    var innerConduitInfo = new ConduitInfo()
                        Id            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Name          = "Subrør " + innerConduitSpec.SequenceNumber,
                        Color         = innerConduitSpec.Color,
                        InnerDiameter = innerConduitSpec.InnerDiameter,
                        OuterDiameter = innerConduitSpec.OuterDiameter,
                        Shape         = innerConduitSpec.Shape,
                        ColorMarking  = ConduitColorEnum.None

                    var innerConduitAddedEvent = new MultiConduitInnerConduitAdded()
                        MultiConduitId    = conduitId,
                        MultiConduitIndex = innerConduitSpec.SequenceNumber,
                        ConduitInfo       = innerConduitInfo

コード例 #16
 // Apply conduit placement event
 private void Apply(SingleConduitPlaced @event)
     Id = @event.ConduitInfo.Id;
     _outerConduitInfo = @event.ConduitInfo;
     _assetInfo        = @event.AssetInfo;
コード例 #17
        public SingleConduit(Guid conduitId, Guid walkOfInterestId, Guid conduitSpecificationId, string name, ConduitColorEnum markingColor, string markingText, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkQueryService, IConduitSpecificationRepository conduitSpecificationRepository, string demoDataSpec = null) : this()
            // NOTICE:
            // This constructor is currently a hack that just uses the demo data builder.
            // Must be refactored to use a conduit catalog system.

            // Conduit Id check
            if (conduitId == null || conduitId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Id cannot be null or empty");

            // Walk of interest id check
            if (walkOfInterestId == null || walkOfInterestId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("WalkOfInterestId cannot be null or empty");

            // Check that not already exists
            if (conduitNetworkQueryService.CheckIfSingleConduitIdExists(conduitId))
                throw new ArgumentException("A singe conduit id: " + conduitId + " already exists");

            // Create the conduit
            if (demoDataSpec != null && demoDataSpec != "")
                var singleConduitPlaced = ConduitEventBuilder.CreateSingleConduitPlacedEvent(conduitId, walkOfInterestId, demoDataSpec);
                var conduitSpec = conduitSpecificationRepository.GetConduitSpecification(conduitSpecificationId);

                var assetInfo = new AssetInfo();
                if (conduitSpec.ProductModels != null && conduitSpec.ProductModels.Count > 0)
                    assetInfo.Model = conduitSpec.ProductModels[0];

                    if (conduitSpec.ProductModels[0].Manufacturer != null)
                        assetInfo.Manufacturer = conduitSpec.ProductModels[0].Manufacturer;

                var conduitInfo = new ConduitInfo()
                    Id            = conduitId,
                    Name          = name,
                    Shape         = conduitSpec.Shape,
                    Color         = conduitSpec.Color,
                    ColorMarking  = markingColor,
                    OuterDiameter = conduitSpec.OuterDiameter,
                    InnerDiameter = conduitSpec.InnerDiameter

                var singleConduitPlaccedEvent = new SingleConduitPlaced()
                    WalkOfInterestId = walkOfInterestId,
                    SingleConduitId  = conduitId,
                    ConduitInfo      = conduitInfo,
                    AssetInfo        = assetInfo

コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create MultiConduitPlaced event with detailed conduit information
        /// </summary>
        public static MultiConduitPlaced CreateMultiConduitPlacedEvent(Guid conduitId, Guid walkOfInteresId, string demoDataSpec)
            string[] specSplit     = demoDataSpec.Split('-');
            var      conduitType   = specSplit[0];
            var      conduitNumber = specSplit[1];

            string conduitMarkingColor = null;

            if (specSplit.Length > 2)
                conduitMarkingColor = specSplit[2];

            int outerConduitDiameter = 0;
            int innerConduitDiameter = 0;

            // Default round shape
            var conduitShape = ConduitShapeKindEnum.Round;

            // Default orange color
            var conduitColor = ConduitColorEnum.Orange;

            // If flatliner
            if (conduitType.EndsWith("F"))
                conduitShape = ConduitShapeKindEnum.Flat;
                conduitColor = ConduitColorEnum.Clear;

            // Marking color
            var markingColor = ConduitColorEnum.None;

            if (conduitMarkingColor != null)
                markingColor = ColorCodeConverter.GetConduitColorFromCode(conduitMarkingColor);

            var assetInfo = new AssetInfo();

            // Handle common GM Plast conduit types
            if (conduitType.StartsWith("G"))
                assetInfo.Manufacturer = new ManufacturerInfo()
                    Name = "GM Plast"

                if (conduitType == "G12F")
                    assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                        Name = "Flatliner 12x12/8"
                else if (conduitType == "G10F")
                    assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                        Name = "Flatliner 10x12/8"
                else if (conduitType == "G6F")
                    assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                        Name = "Flatliner 6x12/8"
                    throw new ArgumentException("Don't know how to handle GM Plast conduit type: " + conduitType);

            // Handle common Emetelle conduit types
            else if (conduitType.StartsWith("E"))
                assetInfo.Manufacturer = new ManufacturerInfo()
                    Name = "Emetelle"

                if (conduitType == "E10R")
                    assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                        Name = "Ø50 10x12/8"

                    outerConduitDiameter = 50;
                else if (conduitType == "E7R")
                    assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                        Name = "Ø40 7x12/8"

                    outerConduitDiameter = 40;
                else if (conduitType == "E5R")
                    assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                        Name = "Ø35 5x12/8"

                    outerConduitDiameter = 35;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Don't know how to handle Emetelle conduit type: " + conduitType);
            // Handle flex conduit
            else if (conduitType.StartsWith("FLEX"))
                assetInfo.Manufacturer = new ManufacturerInfo()
                    Name = "GM Plast"

                assetInfo.Model = new ProductModelInfo()
                    Name = "Ø40 Flex"

                outerConduitDiameter = 40;
                conduitColor         = ConduitColorEnum.Red;
                throw new Exception("Don't know how to handle conduit spec: " + conduitType);

            var conduitInfo = new ConduitInfo()
                Id            = conduitId,
                Name          = "R" + Numbers.GetNextConduitNumber(),
                Shape         = conduitShape,
                Color         = conduitColor,
                ColorMarking  = markingColor,
                OuterDiameter = outerConduitDiameter,
                InnerDiameter = innerConduitDiameter

            return(new MultiConduitPlaced()
                WalkOfInterestId = walkOfInteresId,
                MultiConduitId = conduitId,
                ConduitInfo = conduitInfo,
                AssetInfo = assetInfo
コード例 #19
 public void Update(ConduitInfo oldConduitInfo, ConduitInfo newConduitInfo)
     UpdateSegmentEndIndex(oldConduitInfo, newConduitInfo);
     UpdateSegmentPassByIndex(oldConduitInfo, newConduitInfo);
     UpdateRouteSegmentPassByIndex(oldConduitInfo, newConduitInfo);