public void CanAddItemsToAnEmptySet(Common.DataStructures.ISet<string> set) { Assert.IsTrue(set.Add("apple")); Assert.IsFalse(set.Add("apple")); Assert.IsTrue(set.Contains("apple")); Assert.IsFalse(set.Contains("banana")); }
public override void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Replace<ShowerOutdoor, ShowerOutdoor.TakeShower.Definition>(ShowerOutdoor.TakeShower.Singleton); // The other interactions are added by ShowerWoohoo itself interactions.Add<IShowerable>(ShowerWoohoo.SafeSingleton); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); Common.Start(5); communication cm = new communication(); cm.Connect(string.Empty); Common.Add(ref cm); DispCom.ViewChanged += MainPage_PageChange; DispCom.CurrentView = new StartPage(); }
public TextsWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Static2D = new CARCEditor("Static2D.carc"); for (var i = 0; i < CARCLanguages.Length; i++) { var main2d = new CARCEditor(FormatLanguageFile("Main2D", "carc", i)); Main2D.Add(main2d); var common = new BMG(main2d.ReadFile("common.bmg")); Common.Add(common); var mbchild = new BMG(Static2D.ReadFile(FormatLanguageFile("MBChild", "bmg", i))); MBChild.Add(mbchild); var chksel = new CARCEditor(FormatLanguageFile("CharacterKartSelect", "carc", i)); CharacterKartSelect.Add(chksel); var kartsel = new BMG(chksel.ReadFile("kart_select.bmg")); KartSelect.Add(kartsel); var wlmenu = new CARCEditor(FormatLanguageFile("WLMenu", "carc", i)); WLMenu.Add(wlmenu); var banner = new BMG(wlmenu.ReadFile("banner.bmg")); Banner.Add(banner); var menu = new CARCEditor(FormatLanguageFile("Menu", "carc", i)); Menu.Add(menu); var menu_bmg = new BMG(menu.ReadFile("menu.bmg")); MenuBMG.Add(menu_bmg); var mission = new BMG(menu.ReadFile("mission.bmg")); Mission.Add(mission); var rule = new BMG(menu.ReadFile("rule.bmg")); Rule.Add(rule); } Load(); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<TrainingDummy>(Singleton); }
/// <summary> /// 保存图片 保存按钮 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Convert.ToInt32(this._qx) == 1) { //管理员 string name = txtStation_S_Name.Text.Trim(); string GG = txtGG.Text.Trim(); string changjia = txtChangjia.Text.Trim(); string PH = txtPH.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(PH) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(GG) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(changjia) || pictureBox1.Image == null) { MessageBox.Show("请完善信息!"); } else { //往服务器上传图片 string fil = openFileDialog1.FileName; if (Convert.ToInt32(isChange.Text) == 0) { fil = "111"; } if (this.uploadFileByHttp(Common.GetAppSetingServerIp() + "/Upload.aspx", fil)) { //往数据库添加数据 ImgInfo m = new ImgInfo(); = name; m.beizhu = ""; m.guige = GG; m.changjia = changjia; m.pihao = PH; m.url = strImgs; if (Convert.ToInt32(labId.Text) > 0) { //编辑 = Convert.ToInt32(labId.Text); m.createtime = DateTime.Now; if (imgInfobll.Update(m)) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); Common.Add("角色:" + _qx, ",修改图片成功" + DateTime.Now); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("修改失败!"); } } else { if (imgInfobll.Add(m)) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); Common.Add("角色:" + _qx, ",图片添加成功" + DateTime.Now); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("添加失败!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("网络异常,图片上传失败!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("普通用户无权操作!"); } }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<CraftersConsignment>(BuyFoodSingleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<PingPongTable>(Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<AncientPortal>(Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<UberToilet>(PrivacyInteraction.Singleton); interactions.Replace<UberToilet, UberToilet.UseToilet.Definition>(Singleton); }
/// <summary> /// 保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = txtname.Text.Trim(); string pwd1 = txtpwd1.Text.Trim(); string pwd2 = txtpwd2.Text.Trim(); string qx = comboBox1.SelectedIndex.ToString(); //0 普通用户 1管理员 string userId = labuserid.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwd1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwd2)) { MessageBox.Show("请完善信息"); } else { if (pwd1.Length != 6) { MessageBox.Show("密码必须是6位"); txtpwd1.Text = ""; txtpwd2.Text = ""; } else { if (pwd1 != pwd2) { MessageBox.Show("两次密码不一致"); txtpwd1.Text = ""; txtpwd2.Text = ""; } else { if (userInfobll.Exists(name) && Convert.ToInt32(userId) <= 0) { //已存在 MessageBox.Show("该用户已存在"); } else { UserInfo m = new UserInfo(); m.createtime = DateTime.Now; m.username = name; m.userpwd = Common.GetMD532(pwd1, ""); m.qx = qx; if (Convert.ToInt32(userId) > 0) { = Convert.ToInt32(userId); m.createtime = DateTime.Now; string oldpwd = Common.GetMD532(txtoldpwd.Text, ""); if (oldpwd != label6.Text) { MessageBox.Show("和原来密码不一致"); return; } //编辑 if (userInfobll.Update(m)) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功"); Common.Add("登陆用户:" + _userId, ",用户信息修改成功" + DateTime.Now); } else { MessageBox.Show("修改失败"); } this.Close(); } else { //新增 if (userInfobll.Add(m)) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功"); Common.Add("登陆用户:" + _userId, ",新用户添加成功" + DateTime.Now); } else { MessageBox.Show("添加失败"); } this.Close(); } } } } } }
static async void ReadLineDO(string s) { if (s.EndsWith(".bsvcmd")) { Console.WriteLine("{0} => BIDS_Server Command preset file", s); try { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s)) { string[] sa = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (sa?.Length > 0) { for (int pi = 0; pi < sa.Length; pi++) { Console.WriteLine("do {0}[{1}] : {2}", s, pi, sa[pi]); ReadLineDO(sa[pi]); } } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} : There is no command in the file.", s); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Program.ReadLineDO : the file \"{0}\" is not found.", s); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Program.ReadLineDO : the directory is not found. (file path:\"{0}\")", s); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Program.ReadLineDO : an exception has occured (file path:\"{0}\")\n{1}", s, e); } return; } if (s.EndsWith(".btsetting")) { Console.WriteLine("{0} => Button assignment setting file to keep the compatibility with GIPI", s); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s)) { GIPI.LoadFromStream(sr); } return; } string[] cmd_orig = s?.Split(' '); string[] cmd = cmd_orig?.Select((str) => str.ToLower()).ToArray(); switch (cmd[0]) { case "man": if (cmd.Length >= 2) { switch (cmd[1]) { case "auto": Console.WriteLine("auto sending process turn on command : auto send will start when this command is entered."); Console.WriteLine(" Option : bve5, common, const, handle, obve, panel, sound"); break; case "autodel": Console.WriteLine("auto sending process turn off command : auto send will stop when this command is entered."); Console.WriteLine(" Option : bve5, common, const, handle, obve, panel, sound"); break; case "exit": Console.WriteLine("exit command : Used when user want to close this program. This command has no arguments."); break; case "ls": Console.WriteLine("connection listing command : Print the list of the Name of alive connection. This command has no arguments."); break; case "lsmods": Console.WriteLine("mods listing command : Print the list of the Name of mods you can use. This command has no arguments."); break; case "close": Console.WriteLine("close connection command : Used when user want to close the connection. User must set the Connection Name to be closed."); break; case "delay": Console.WriteLine("insert pause command : Insert Pause function. You can set 0 ~ Int.Max[ms]"); break; default: IBIDSsv ibsv = LoadMod(FindMod(cmd[1])); if (ibsv != null) { ibsv.WriteHelp(string.Empty); ibsv.Dispose(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Mod not found."); } break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("BIDS Server Application"); Console.WriteLine("ver : " + VerNumStr + "\n"); Console.WriteLine("auto : Set the Auto Sending Function"); Console.WriteLine("close: Close the connection."); Console.WriteLine("delay : insert delay function."); Console.WriteLine("exit : close this program."); Console.WriteLine("ls : Print the list of the Name of alive connection."); Console.WriteLine("lsmods : Print the list of the Name of mods you can use."); Console.WriteLine("man : Print the mannual of command."); Console.WriteLine(" If you want to check the manual of each mod, please check the mod name and type \"man + (mod name)\""); } break; case "ls": Console.Write(Common.PrintList()); break; case "lsmods": try { string[] fs = LSMod(); if (fs == null || fs.Length <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("There are no modules in the mods folder."); } else { for (int i = 0; i < fs.Length; i++) { string[] cn = fs[i].Split('.'); Console.WriteLine(" {0} : {1}", cn[cn.Length - 2], fs[i]); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } break; case "auto": foreach (string str in cmd) { if (str == null || str == string.Empty) { continue; } if (str.StartsWith("/") || str.StartsWith("-")) { switch (str.Remove(0, 1).Substring(0, 3)) { case "com": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicCommonAS = true; Console.WriteLine("Common Data Autosend Enabled"); break; case "bve": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicBVE5AS = true; Console.WriteLine("BVE5 Data Autosend Enabled"); break; case "obv": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicOBVEAS = true; Console.WriteLine("OBVE Data Autosend Enabled"); break; case "pan": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicPanelAS = true; Console.WriteLine("Panel Data Autosend Enabled"); break; case "sou": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicPanelAS = true; Console.WriteLine("Sound Data Autosend Enabled"); break; case "con": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicConstAS = true; Console.WriteLine("Const Data Autosend Enabled"); break; case "han": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicHandleAS = true; Console.WriteLine("Handle Data Autosend Enabled"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Option Not Found : {0}", str); break; } } } break; case "autodel": foreach (string str in cmd) { if (str == null || str == string.Empty) { continue; } if (str.StartsWith("/") || str.StartsWith("-")) { switch (str.Remove(0, 1).Substring(0, 3)) { case "com": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicCommonAS = false; Console.WriteLine("Common Data Autosend Disabled"); break; case "bve": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicBVE5AS = false; Console.WriteLine("BVE5 Data Autosend Disabled"); break; case "obv": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicOBVEAS = false; Console.WriteLine("OBVE Data Autosend Disabled"); break; case "pan": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicPanelAS = false; Console.WriteLine("Panel Data Autosend Disabled"); break; case "sou": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicPanelAS = false; Console.WriteLine("Sound Data Autosend Disabled"); break; case "con": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicConstAS = false; Console.WriteLine("Const Data Autosend Disabled"); break; case "han": Common.AutoSendSetting.BasicHandleAS = false; Console.WriteLine("Handle Data Autosend Disabled"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Option Not Found : {0}", str); break; } } } break; case "exit": Common.Remove(); IsLooping = false; break; case "close": if (cmd.Length >= 2) { Common.Remove(cmd_orig[1]); } else { Common.Remove(); } break; case "debug": if (cmd.Length >= 2) { Common.DebugDo(cmd_orig[1]); } else { Common.DebugDo(); } break; case "print": if (cmd.Length >= 3) { for (int i = 2; i < cmd.Length; i++) { if (Common.Print(cmd_orig[1], cmd_orig[i]) != true) { break; } } } break; case "delay": await Task.Delay(int.Parse(cmd[1])); break; default: string modn = FindMod(cmd[0]); if (modn != null && modn != string.Empty) { IBIDSsv ibsv = LoadMod(modn); if (ibsv != null) { try { if (ibsv.Connect(s)) { Common.Add(ref ibsv); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); ibsv.Dispose(); Common.Remove(ibsv); } } else { Console.WriteLine("The specified dll file does not implement the IBIDSsv interface."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Command({0}) Not Found", cmd[0]); } break; } }
public void ShouldAddTwoNumbers() { Assert.AreEqual(Common.Add(3, 2), 5); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<Sim>(Chat.Singleton); }
private async void bCount_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Dv = new Divided(); Cm = new Common(); PbWork.Value = 0; var unit = Convert.ToInt32(LNumberOfProc.Content); var alpha = Convert.ToInt32(LAlpha.Content); PbWork.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (RbDv.IsChecked != null && (bool)RbDv.IsChecked) switch ((string)LType.Content) { case "Transposition": DoPbDv(); print_Matrix(await Dv.Transpose(_matrixA, unit), TbMxRes); break; case "Addition": DoPbDv(); print_Matrix(await Dv.Add(_matrixA, _matrixB, unit), TbMxRes); break; case "Multiplication": DoPbDv(); print_Matrix(await Dv.Multiplicate(_matrixA, _matrixB, unit, alpha), TbMxRes); break; } else switch ((string)LType.Content) { case "Transposition": DoPbCm(); print_Matrix(await Cm.Transpose(_matrixA, unit), TbMxRes); break; case "Addition": DoPbCm(); print_Matrix(await Cm.Add(_matrixA, _matrixB, unit), TbMxRes); break; case "Multiplication": DoPbCm(); print_Matrix(await Cm.Multiplicate(_matrixA, _matrixB, unit, alpha), TbMxRes); break; } LTime.Content = (Dv.Time > Cm.Time) ? Dv.Time.ToString() : Cm.Time.ToString(); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<Computer>(Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<Sim>(AskToJoinSkinnyDipping.Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<Computer>(Singleton); interactions.AddNoDupTest<Computer>(RandomSingleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<TimeMachine>(Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<SchoolRabbitHole>(Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<ShowVenue>(Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<RoutineMachine>(PrivacyInteraction.Singleton); interactions.Replace<RoutineMachine, RoutineMachine.TeleportToCommunityLot.Definition>(Singleton); }
public void AddInteraction(Common.InteractionInjectorList interactions) { interactions.Add<AthleticGameObject>(Singleton); }