public async Task SetBirthdayrole(string role = null) { var guildAccount = ServerAccounts.GetServerAccount(Context.Guild); if (role != null) { var list = Context.Guild.Roles.SingleOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Name, role, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (list != null) { guildAccount.BirthdayRoleId = list.Id; ServerAccounts.SaveServerAccounts(); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Birthday role set! ({list.Name})"); } else { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "No such role found"); return; } } if (role == null) { var change = await Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync($"🍰", new GuildPermissions(), Color.Gold, true, RequestOptions.Default); await change.ModifyAsync(p => p.Position = 2); guildAccount.BirthdayRoleId = change.Id; ServerAccounts.SaveServerAccounts(); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"We have creatyed and set Birthday role! ({change.Name})"); } }
public async Task Perfectus() { if (Context.User.Id == 129658526460149760) { const string url = ""; var color1 = new Random(); var color2 = new Random(); var color3 = new Random(); var color1Index = color1.Next(256); var color2Index = color2.Next(256); var color3Index = color3.Next(256); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(color1Index, color2Index, color3Index); embed.WithImageUrl("" + url); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); } else { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithImageUrl(""); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); } }
public async Task WriteFuckt(IGuildUser user, [Remainder] string message) { try { var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount((SocketUser)user, Context.Guild.Id); if (account == null) { return; } account.Fuckt += message + "|"; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(Context.Guild.Id); var id = Context.Message.Id; var msg = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(id); await msg.DeleteAsync(); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"We wrote down this fact about {user.Mention}!"); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **fact [user_ping(or user ID)] [message]**(write down a fact about user!)\n" + // "Alias: факт, write, fact, write down"); } }
public async Task JsonDel(int index) { var mylorikGlobal = Global.Client.GetUser(181514288278536193); var mylorik = UserAccounts.GetAccount(mylorikGlobal, 0); var keyName = mylorik.KeyPullName.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var keykey = mylorik.KeyPullKey.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); mylorik.KeyPullName = null; mylorik.KeyPullKey = null; for (var i = 0; i < keyName.Length; i++) { if (i != index) { mylorik.KeyPullName += $"{keyName[i]}|"; mylorik.KeyPullKey += $"{keykey[i]}|"; } } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"ключ **{keyName[index]} {keykey[index]}** был удалён"); UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(0); }
public async Task TopByOctoPoints(int page = 1) { try { if (page < 1) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! Try different page <_<"); return; } var currentGuildUsersId = Context.Guild.Users.Select(user => user.Id); var accounts = UserAccounts.GetFilteredAccounts(acc => currentGuildUsersId.Contains(acc.Id), Context.Guild.Id); const int usersPerPage = 9; var lastPage = 1 + accounts.Count / (usersPerPage + 1); if (page > lastPage) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Boole. Last Page is {lastPage}"); return; } var ordered = accounts.OrderByDescending(acc => acc.Points).ToList(); var embB = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Top By Octo Points:") .WithFooter( $"Page {page}/{lastPage} ● Say \"topp 2\" to see second page (you can edit previous message)"); page--; for (var j = 0; j < ordered.Count; j++) { if (ordered[j].Id == Context.User.Id) { embB.WithDescription( $"**#{j + usersPerPage * page + 1} {Context.User.Username} {ordered[j].Points} OctoPoints**\n**______**"); } } for (var i = 1; i <= usersPerPage && i + usersPerPage * page <= ordered.Count; i++) { var account = ordered[i - 1 + usersPerPage * page]; var user = Global.Client.GetUser(account.Id); embB.AddField($"#{i + usersPerPage * page} {user.Username}", $"{account.Points} OctoPoints", true); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embB); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **topp [page_number]**(Top By Activity)\nAlias: topo"); } }
public async Task HelpPass() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.AddField("Система допусков(пассов)", "Пропуски дают больше привилегий у осьминожек!\n" + "**пасс** или **pass** Чтобы купить пропуск (бот у вас переспросит, так что он не сразу снимает поинты)\n" + " \n" + "**Доступ #1**\n" + "**octo [индекс]** показать осьминожку под индексом\n**GiftPoints [username] [points]** Передать свои поинты другому с 10% комиссией\n" + " \n" + "**Доступ #2**\n" + "**ВсеФакты** покажет ваши все факты\n**УдалитьФакт [индекс]** Удалит определенный факт\n" + " \n" + "**Доступ #3**\n" + "**факт [имя] [индекс]** Показать факт о юзере под индексом\n" + " \n" + "**Доступ #4**\n" + "**ВсеФакты [имя]** покажет все факты юзера\n**stats [имя]** Статистика юзверя и все его варны, кики, баны и другие засгули\n" + " \n" + "**Доступ #100**\n" + $"**осьминожка** {new Emoji("🐙")}"); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); embed.WithColor(Color.LightOrange); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); }
public async Task Restart(string cmd) { if (Context.User.Id != 181514288278536193 || Context.User.Id != 238337696316129280) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "no."); return; } var escapedArgs = cmd.Replace("\"", "\\\""); var process = new Process() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "/bin/bash", Arguments = $"-c \"{escapedArgs}\"", RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, } }; process.Start(); string result = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process.WaitForExit(); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"{result}"); }
public async Task TeninzRole(SocketUser user, string role) { var check = Context.User as IGuildUser; var comander = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); if (check != null && (comander.OctoPass >= 100 || comander.IsModerator >= 1 || check.GuildPermissions.ManageRoles || check.GuildPermissions.ManageMessages)) { var guildUser = Global.Client.GetGuild(Context.Guild.Id).GetUser(user.Id); var roleToGive = Global.Client.GetGuild(Context.Guild.Id).Roles .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToString() == role); var roleList = guildUser.Roles.ToArray(); if (roleList.Any(t => t.Name == role)) { await guildUser.RemoveRoleAsync(roleToGive); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Буль!"); return; } await guildUser.AddRoleAsync(roleToGive); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Буль?"); } }
public async Task BanUser(IGuildUser user, string reason = null) { try { if (reason == null) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! You need to specify reason!"); return; } await user.Guild.AddBanAsync(user, 0, reason); var time = DateTime.Now.ToString(""); var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount((SocketUser) user, Context.Guild.Id); account.Warnings += $"{time} {Context.User}: [ban]" + reason + "|"; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(Context.Guild.Id); var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(Color.DarkRed) .AddField("💥 **ban** used", $"By {Context.User.Mention} in {Context.Channel}\n" + $"**Content:**\n" + $"{user.Mention} - {reason}") .WithThumbnailUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()) .WithTimestamp(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); var guild = ServerAccounts.GetServerAccount(Context.Guild); await Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.LogChannelId).SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **ban [user_ping(or user ID)] [reason_mesasge]**\n" + // "Alias: бан"); } }
public async Task JsonTask([Remainder] string mess) { try { var mylorikGlobal = Global.Client.GetUser(181514288278536193); var mylorik = UserAccounts.GetAccount(mylorikGlobal, 0); var gameAndKey = mess.Split(new[] { "&&" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (gameAndKey.Length < 2 || gameAndKey.Length >= 3) { return; } mylorik.KeyPullName += gameAndKey[0] + "|"; mylorik.KeyPullKey += gameAndKey[1] + "|"; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(0); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boooole~ We got the key!"); ConsoleLogger.Log($" [ADD KEY] ({Context.User.Username}) - {mess}", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boooo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **AddKey Gamename && key (platform)**\n"); } }
public async Task SetMyPrefix([Remainder] string prefix = null) { var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); if (prefix == null) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Your prefix: **{account.MyPrefix}**"); return; } if (prefix.Length < 100) { account.MyPrefix = prefix; if (prefix.Contains("everyone") || prefix.Contains("here")) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Boooooo! no `here` or `everyone` prefix!"); return; } UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(Context.Guild.Id); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Booole~, your own prefix is now **{prefix}**"); } else { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Booooo! Prefix have to be less than 100 characters"); } }
public async Task SetMyBirthday([Remainder] string stringdate) { if (!DateTime.TryParse(stringdate, out var myDate)) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Date input is not correct, you can try this `yyyy-mm-dd`"); return; } var now = DateTime.UtcNow; myDate = DateTime.Parse(stringdate); if (now.Year - myDate.Year < 13) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "You must be over 13 years old to use Discord."); return; } var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); account.Birthday = myDate; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(Context.Guild.Id); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"**Done!** You have born on {myDate.Year}-{myDate.Month}-{myDate.Day}\n\n" + $"Please say `MyCity city` to set TimeZone (default UTC)\n" + $"Btw, uyou may use **your language** to say the city"); }
public async Task Pick([Remainder] string message) { try { var option = message.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var rand = new Random(); var selection = option[rand.Next(0, option.Length)]; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("I chose instead " + Context.User.Username); embed.WithDescription(selection); embed.WithColor(new Color(255, 0, 94)); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(""); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **pick option1|option2|option3**(output random option (can be as many as you want))\n"); } }
public async Task HelpFull() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.AddField("Extra Commands:", "**roll number** random from 0 to number" + "**roll number x** random from 0 to number **x** times\n" + "**pick option1 | option2** Chooses for you. Example `pick go to sleep now| in an hour | do not go to sleep`\n" + "**pass** You may buy next lvl Octo pass (say HelpPass more more info)\n" + "**fact @user any_text** write down the fact about the user\n" + "**fact @user** Will show a random fact about the user\n" + "**guess amount**Roulette. The bot says how many slots you have to choose, choose one by writing the second message after the bot, example: `5`\n" + "**AllOcto** still working on...\n" + "**---------------------------------------------**\n" + "_______ \n"); embed.AddField("_____________", "**GiftPoints User number** transfer number of points to another user, 10% tax\n" + "**OctoPoint User number** Give Octo Points(admin)\n" + "**OctoRep User number** Give Octo Reputation (admin)"); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); embed.WithColor(Color.LightOrange); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); // embed.AddField("цитата [имя] [текст...] ", "Фейковая цитата от @юзера (*скриншот* с цветом, аватаркой, и текст)"); //font is NOT INCLUDET // command CARE // embed.AddField("капча [текст...]", "Фейковая капча\n" + }
public async Task UpTime() { var proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); var mem = proc.WorkingSet64 / 1000000; var threads = proc.Threads; var time = DateTime.Now - proc.StartTime; var cpu = proc.TotalProcessorTime.TotalMilliseconds / proc.PrivilegedProcessorTime.TotalMilliseconds; var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var msg = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("check").ConfigureAwait(false); sw.Stop(); await HelperFunctions.DeleteMessOverTime(msg, 0); var wtf = Global.CommandList; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(SecureRandomStatic.Random(254), SecureRandomStatic.Random(254), SecureRandomStatic.Random(254)); embed.AddField("Bot Statistics:", $"Your ping: {(int) sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms\n" + $"Runtime: {time.Hours}h:{time.Minutes}m\n" + //$"CPU usage: {cpu:n0} (not right)\n" + $"Memory: {mem:n0}Mb\n" + $"Threads using: {threads.Count}\n" + $"Commands in cache(100 max): {wtf.Count}\n" + $"Servers in: {Global.Client.Guilds.Count}\n"); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); }
public async Task HelpRemaind() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.AddField("Remind", "**Remind** any_text **in time** - create the reminder, example: `remind pull point in 20h`\n" + "**RemindTo User_ID** any_text **in Time** - Will remind the user. (user will see, WHO made this reminder.)\n" + "**Re time_in_min any_text** - Abbreviated form. Example: `Re 180 Boole, I love boole!`\n" + "**_____**\n" + "**IN** is the key word. It has to be between the message and time\n" + "_______\n"); embed.AddField("Time", "Rule: **day > hour > min > sec**\n" + "Any part may be dismissed, but others have to be in the order you see above\n" + "You may say **1h30m** or with spaces **1d 3h 15m 30s** , **15m 44s**.\n" + "Max values: `23h` `59m` `59s` (you may say 24h instead of 1d)\n" + "**_______**\n"); embed.AddField("Extra:", "Bot will always give you feedback, good or bad.\n" + "Bot will send you the DM with the reminder on time.\n" + "Reminders will be saved even if bot crashed\n" + "**_____**\n" + "**List** - shows all your reminders\n" + "**delete index** = will delete the reminder under the index\n" + "**date** - date now by UTC\n" + "**you may create reminder using direct DM to the bot**\n" + "**_______**\n"); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); embed.WithColor(Color.LightOrange); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); }
public async Task MuteCommand(SocketGuildUser user, uint minute, [Remainder] string warningMess = null) { try { if (warningMess == null) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! You need to specify reason!"); return; } var check = Context.User as IGuildUser; var commandre = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); if (check != null && (commandre.OctoPass >= 100 || commandre.IsModerator > 0 || check.GuildPermissions.MuteMembers)) { var hour = 0; var timeFormat = $"{minute}m"; if (minute >= 60) for (var i = 0; minute >= 59; i++) { minute = minute - 59; hour++; timeFormat = $"{hour}h {minute}m"; } var timeString = timeFormat; //// MAde t ominutes var timeDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.ParseExact(timeString, ReminderFormat.Formats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); var roleToGive = Context.Guild.Roles .SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToString() == "Muted"); await user.ModifyAsync(u => { u.Mute = true; }); await user.AddRoleAsync(roleToGive); var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(user, 0); account.MuteTimer = timeDateTime; var time = DateTime.Now.ToString(""); account.Warnings += $"{time} {Context.User}: [mute]" + warningMess + "|"; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(0); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"{user.Mention} бу!"); } } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **mute [user] [time_in_minutes] [Any_text]**\n"); } }
public async Task OctopusPictureSelector(int selection) { try { var passCheck = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); if (passCheck.OctoPass >= 1) { var index = _secureRandom.Random(0, 254); if (index == 68 || index == 228 || index == 18) { var lll = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("boole"); HelperFunctions.DeleteMessOverTime(lll, 6); } else { if (OctoPicPull.OctoPics.Length - 1 < selection) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"Boole. The maximum available index is {OctoPicPull.OctoPics.Length - 1}"); return; } var octoToPost = OctoPicPull.OctoPics[selection]; var color1Index = _secureRandom.Random(0, 254); var color2Index = _secureRandom.Random(0, 254); var color3Index = _secureRandom.Random(0, 254); var randomIndex = _secureRandom.Random(0, OctoNamePull.OctoNameRu.Length); var randomOcto = OctoNamePull.OctoNameRu[randomIndex]; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(color1Index, color2Index, color3Index); embed.WithDescription($"{randomOcto} found:"); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); embed.WithAuthor(Context.User); embed.WithImageUrl("" + octoToPost); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); } } else { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! You do not have a tolerance of this level!"); } } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **Octo [Octo_index]**\n"); } }
public async Task Sub(SocketUser user) { try { if (user.Id == 423593006436712458) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Нельзя подписываться на осьминожку!"); return; } if (user.IsBot) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Нельзя подписываться на бота."); return; } var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); var el = UserAccounts.GetAccount(user, Context.Guild.Id); if (account.SubToPeople != null) { var accountSubs = account.SubToPeople.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (accountSubs.Any(t => t == user.Id.ToString())) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Ты уже подписан на {user.Username}."); return; } } account.SubToPeople += user.Id + "|"; el.SubedToYou += Context.User.Id + "|"; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(Context.Guild.Id); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Ты подписался на {user.Username}!\nЕсли хочешь отписаться введи команду ***unsub [user]**"); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **Sub [user_ping (or user ID)**(follow someone's blog)\n" + // "Alias: follow"); } }
public async Task SetServerActivivtyLogOff() { var guild = ServerAccounts.GetServerAccount(Context.Guild); guild.LogChannelId = 0; guild.ServerActivityLog = 0; ServerAccounts.SaveServerAccounts(); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Boole."); }
public async Task Commandment() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithImageUrl( ""); embed.WithTitle("10 заповедей бога лола"); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); }
public async Task BuildExistingServer() { var guild = Global.Client.Guilds.ToList(); foreach (var t in guild) { ServerAccounts.GetServerAccount(t); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Севера бобавлены, бууууль!"); }
public async Task TopByRoles(int page = 1) { try { if (page < 1) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! Try different page <_<"); return; } var rolesList = Context.Guild.Roles.ToList(); const int usersPerPage = 8; var lastPage = 1 + rolesList.Count / (usersPerPage + 1); if (page > lastPage) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Boole. Last Page is {lastPage}"); return; } var orderedRolesList = rolesList.OrderByDescending(acc => acc.Members.Count()).ToList(); var embB = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Top By Roles:") .WithFooter( $"Page {page}/{lastPage} ● Say \"topRoles 2\" to see second page (you can edit previous message)"); page--; for (var i = 1; i <= usersPerPage && i + usersPerPage * page <= orderedRolesList.Count; i++) { var num = i + usersPerPage * page - 1; embB.AddField($"#{i + usersPerPage * page} {orderedRolesList[num].Name}", $"**Members:** {orderedRolesList[num].Members.Count()}\n" + $"**Color:** {orderedRolesList[num].Color}\n" + $"**Created:** {orderedRolesList[num].CreatedAt.DateTime}\n" + $"**Is Mentionable:** {orderedRolesList[num].IsMentionable}\n" + $"**Position:** {orderedRolesList[num].Position}\n" + $"**ID:** {orderedRolesList[num].Id}\n\n**_____**", true); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embB); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **top [page_number]**(Top By Activity)\nAlias: topl"); } }
public async Task GivePullPoints(SocketGuildUser user, int pullPoints) { var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(user, 0); account.DailyPullPoints += pullPoints; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(0); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Color.DarkMagenta); embed.AddField("буууль~", $"Мы добавили {pullPoints} пулл Поинтов {user.Mention}. Теперь у него {account.DailyPullPoints} поинтов, буль!"); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); }
// [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.Administrator)] public async Task WarnUser(IGuildUser user, [Remainder] string message = null) { try { if (message == null) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! You need to specify reason!"); return; } var check = Context.User as IGuildUser; var comander = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); if (check != null && (comander.OctoPass >= 100 || comander.IsModerator >= 1 || check.GuildPermissions.ManageRoles || check.GuildPermissions.ManageMessages)) { var time = DateTime.Now.ToString(""); var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount((SocketUser) user, Context.Guild.Id); account.Warnings += $"{time} {Context.User}: [warn]" + message + "|"; UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(Context.Guild.Id); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, user.Mention + " Was Forewarned"); var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(Color.DarkRed) .AddField("📉 **WARN** used", $"By {Context.User.Mention} in {Context.Channel}\n" + $"**Content:**\n" + $"{user.Mention} - {message}") .WithThumbnailUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()) .WithTimestamp(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); var guild = ServerAccounts.GetServerAccount(Context.Guild); await Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.LogChannelId).SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } else { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! You do not have a tolerance of this level!"); } } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **warn [user_ping(or user ID)] [reason_mesasge]**\n" + // "Alias: варн, warning, предупреждение"); } }
public async Task ColorApd() { try { /* * var peaceKeepo = Emote.Parse("<:PeaceKeepo:438257037667729408>"); * var praise = Emote.Parse("<:praise:445274481917952001>"); * var rem = Emote.Parse("<:rem:445275743719522304>"); * var steampunk = Emote.Parse("<:Steampunk:445276776676196353>"); * var mumu = Emote.Parse("<:mumu:445277916872310785>"); * var monkaS = Emote.Parse("<:monkaS:398183436613058570>"); */ var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithAuthor(Global.Client.GetUser(326736083847086081)); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); embed.WithColor(Color.Green); embed.AddField("Роль для цвета", $"Чтобы **получить** или **снять** роль нажмите определенную эмоцию, или пропишите соответствующую команду в <#374914059679694848>\n" + $"**_______**\n"); embed.AddField("Тыки на эмоцию", $"{new Emoji("<:rem:445275743719522304>")} <@&374900834946908160> - последователи анимэ (!weeb)\n{new Emoji("🦊")} <@&375079829642412034>- могущественные лисы и лисицы! (!fox)\n" + $"{new Emoji("<:PeaceKeepo:438257037667729408>")} <@&374900824880447489> - Авэ Мария! (!deus)\n" + $"{new Emoji("<:Steampunk:445276776676196353>")} <@&374900827632041986> - нет того, чего нельзя изобрести на паровом движке (!steampunk)\n" + $"{new Emoji("<:praise:445274481917952001>")} <@&440420047005941761> - Praise The Sun (!praise)\n{new Emoji("<:monkaS:398183436613058570>")} <@&374900838096961546> - последователи великого Пепе (!meme)\n" + $"{new Emoji("🐲")} <@&374900821382529025> - лазурные драконы! (!dragon)\n{new Emoji("🐼")} <@&374980985281970206> - злобные существа - Панды (!panda)\n" + $"{new Emoji("🦎")} <@&425736884870840322> - ящеры хвостатые (!lizard)\n{new Emoji("🌑")} <@&375197931793285130> - тени сервера (!shadow)\n" + $"{new Emoji("<:mumu:445277916872310785>")} <@&374981082707394569> - добрые, в отличие от Панд, Мыфы (!nazrin)\n{new Emoji("🐱")} <@&375376861594910720> - кисики сервера (!cat)\n"); if (await Global.Client.GetGuild(338355570669256705) .GetTextChannel(374627268162617344) .GetMessageAsync(445501974608216064) is IUserMessage message) { await message.ModifyAsync(mess => { mess.Embed = embed.Build(); // This somehow can't be empty or it won't update the // embed propperly sometimes... I don't know why // message.Content = Constants.InvisibleString; }); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Бульк. Мы заапдейтили сообщение для цветов!"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: '{0}'", e); } }
public async Task AllKeys() { try { var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, 0); var keyName = account.KeyPullName.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var keyKey = account.KeyPullKey.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var keys = ""; var keysExtra = ""; var keysExtra2 = ""; for (var i = 0; i < keyName.Length; i++) { if (keys.Length <= 800) { keys += $"index: {i} | {keyName[i]} {keyKey[i]}\n"; } else if (keys.Length <= 1600) { keysExtra += $"index: {i} | {keyName[i]} {keyKey[i]} \n"; } else { keysExtra2 += $"index: {i} | {keyName[i]} {keyKey[i]} \n"; } } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithAuthor(Context.User); embed.AddField("Ключи:", $"{keys}\n**KeyDel [index]** Чтобы удалить "); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); if (keysExtra.Length > 10) { embed.AddField("Ключи(cont):", $"{keysExtra}\n**KeyDel [index]** Чтобы удалить "); } if (keysExtra2.Length > 10) { embed.AddField("Ключи(cont):", $"{keysExtra2}\n**KeyDel [index]** Чтобы удалить "); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **Keys** (show all **YOUR** keys)\n"); } }
public async Task AvailableAllKeys() { try { var mylorikGlobal = Global.Client.GetUser(181514288278536193); var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(mylorikGlobal, 0); var keyName = account.KeyPullName.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var keys = ""; var keysExtra = ""; var keysExtra2 = ""; for (var i = 0; i < keyName.Length; i++) { if (keys.Length <= 800) { keys += $"{i + 1}) {keyName[i]}\n"; } else if (keys.Length <= 1600) { keysExtra += $"{i + 1}) {keyName[i]}\n"; } else { keysExtra2 += $"{i + 1}) {keyName[i]}\n"; } } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithAuthor(Context.User); embed.AddField("Keys:", $"{keys}\n"); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); if (keysExtra.Length > 10) { embed.AddField("Keys(cont):", $"{keysExtra}\n"); } if (keysExtra2.Length > 10) { embed.AddField("Keys(cont):", $"{keysExtra2} "); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); } catch { // await ReplyAsync( // "boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **Keys** (show all **YOUR** keys)\n"); } }
public async Task LeaveGuild(int page = 1) { if (page < 1) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! Try different page <_<"); return; } var accounts = Global.Client.Guilds.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.MemberCount).ToList(); const int usersPerPage = 9; var lastPage = 1 + accounts.Count / (usersPerPage + 1); if (page > lastPage) { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, $"Boole. Last Page is {lastPage}"); return; } var ordered = accounts; var embB = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Top By Guilds:") .WithFooter( $"Page {page}/{lastPage} ● Say \"topGuild 2\" to see second page (you can edit previous message)"); page--; for (var j = 0; j < ordered.Count; j++) { if (ordered[j].Id == Context.Guild.Id) { embB.WithDescription( $"**#{j + usersPerPage * page + 1} {Context.Guild.Name} ({Context.Guild.Id}) {ordered[j].MemberCount} Members**\n**______**"); } } for (var i = 1; i <= usersPerPage && i + usersPerPage * page <= ordered.Count; i++) { var account = ordered[i - 1 + usersPerPage * page]; //var guildAccount = embB.AddField($"#{i + usersPerPage * page} {account.Name} ({account.Id})", $"{account.MemberCount} Members", true); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embB); }
public async Task ShowUserReminders(SocketUser user) { try { var commander = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); if (commander.OctoPass >= 10) { var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount(user, 0); if (account.ReminderList.Count == 0) { var bigmess = "Booole... You have no reminders! You can create one by using the command `Remind [text] in [time]`\n" + "(Time can be different, but follow the rules! **day-hour-minute-second**. You can skip any of those parts, but they have to be in the same order. One space or without it between each of the parts\n" + "I'm a loving order octopus!"; await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, bigmess); return; } var reminders = account.ReminderList; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Your Reminders:"); embed.WithDescription($"**Your current time by UTC: {DateTime.UtcNow}**\n" + "To delete one of them, type the command `*del [index]`"); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); for (var i = 0; i < reminders.Count; i++) { embed.AddField($"[{i + 1}] {reminders[i].DateToPost:f}", reminders[i].ReminderMessage, true); } await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Boole! You do not have a tolerance of this level!"); } } catch { var botMess = await ReplyAsync( "boo... An error just appear >_< \n" + "Say `HelpRemind`"); HelperFunctions.DeleteMessOverTime(botMess, 5); } }